task 2 a

Research Audience Research Age The audience for my promotional video will be aimed at future college students to between the ages 16-17 year olds as I’m promoting Photography as a course in Cheadle and Marple Six Form College and the age you will be starting college. If I was to have the age aimed at children aged 4, the things that would feature in the promotional video they wouldn’t understand. The promotional video isn’t created for the purpose of being entertained, it’s to educate and inform you so the age group for this video can’t be too young. I suppose if there were adults watching the video it wouldn’t make a difference as an adult can go back to college to get qualifications as well as being appropriate to adults as the parents of the students will need to understand as much as them as they are responsible for them at that age. Gender The gender for my promotional video won’t be aimed at a certain gender as the promotional video I’m creating isn’t applied specifically for a type of gender. Photography as a course is seen to be aimed at women and men. If I was doing a course in college such a PE or English Language I would start to aim that course at a certain gender. I feel that the

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Audience Research


The audience for my promotional video will be aimed at future college students to between the ages 16-17 year olds as I’m promoting Photography as a course in Cheadle and Marple Six Form College and the age you will be starting college. If I was to have the age aimed at children aged 4, the things that would feature in the promotional video they wouldn’t understand. The promotional video isn’t created for the purpose of being entertained, it’s to educate and inform you so the age group for this video can’t be too young. I suppose if there were adults watching the video it wouldn’t make a difference as an adult can go back to college to get qualifications as well as being appropriate to adults as the parents of the students will need to understand as much as them as they are responsible for them at that age.


The gender for my promotional video won’t be aimed at a certain gender as the promotional video I’m creating isn’t applied specifically for a type of gender. Photography as a course is seen to be aimed at women and men. If I was doing a course in college such a PE or English Language I would start to aim that course at a certain gender. I feel that the subject English Language is a subject based for Females as more Females take the course than guys and I see PE as a subject which is a male’s subject as more men take that subject than girls. I would say Photography is a subject both genders enjoy and both see as an equal subject for both 2 genders.

Socio-economic grouping (SES)

Socio-economic grouping is when an individual's or group's position within a range of items in a social structure. Socioeconomic status always depends as it needs a combination of variables. The variables are to do with all different subject matters including occupation, education, income, wealth, and place of

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residence. Sociologists use the power of socioeconomic status as it helps to predict the usual behaviour.

This is a table showing social class and how socio-economic grouping works. In relation to my promotional video I am having my target audience be aimed at future college students so I don’t expect to have an employment as their main focus should be going on their coursework and exams in higher education not jobs so early on within the stage as they should focus on getting good qualifications so they can get to different social classes of so they can survive.

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Hobbies and interests

The one thing that I have to consider is the lifestyle of the promotional video. The people who would be interested in the course would be someone who has the hobby


For my promotional video I will need to take in consideration where exactly I want to film my video. Seen a so my promotional video is aimed at my college I would want the location to be involved within the video. The reason why I think it’ll be a good idea to have college is that having it filmed in the location allows people who haven’t been at the college before to have their first experience and opinion on how the college looks. As well by having the promotional video being filmed in college is very relevant. There would be no point or purpose if you had your promotional video for Photography course in Disneyland Paris as it has no involvement within what the video is trying to teach you. Therefore I believe by having the background being the college relates to the promotional video as well as allowing people to have their first opinions and imagination to how the college looks. Not only that it is just professional to do that and will look slick and attractive.

Audience FiguresBroadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB)

BARB first started up in the year 1981 in order to help provide the industry standard television audience measurement service for broadcasters and the advertising industry.

BARB is owned by many different companies which are BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky and the IPA. BARB isn’t for Profit Company limited by guarantee.

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BARB commission’s contractors have the job to help give research services among other things such as the viewing figures of a certain television show. This is an advantage as it helps tell the company how well their company is doing. The audience measurement contracts are held by the following companies: RSMB, Ipsos MORI and Kantar Media.BARB has the responsibility for giving estimates of the number of people who watch television. This is done for numerous of things for example it includes what channels and programmes are being watched which provides the TV programmes name, the time it’s being watched at, and the type of people who are watching at any one time e.g. Gender, age etc.

BARB does this service by providing television audience data on a minute-by-minute basis for every channel received within the UK. This data which is been given from the BARB gives us knowledge of the data is available for reporting nationally for terrestrial, satellite and cable reception for both analogue and digital platforms and at ITV and BBC regional level.

Here’s an example on the BARB website showing the list of Channels showing the weekly reach and the every week views and the percentage of the sharing figures. This shows the weekly viewing summary showing which channel is the most popular. This shows BBC 1 is the most popular and the least popular is Channel 5 +1.

Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd (RAJAR)

RAJAR was first developed in 1992 to control a single audience measurement system in order to produce data for the radio industry for examples companies such as BBC and UK licensed commercial stations.The company is owned by the Radio Centre which is a company which represents the Commercial Radio stations in the UK. They are known for other similar names which are Commercial Radio Companies Association and by the British Broadcasting Corporation. RAJAR is made up as a ‘deadlocked’ company,

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RAJAR has learnt to do long testing period of electronic gadgets that helps to capture listening. This is done by two ways, one by picking up encoded signals within station transmissions or by matching captured audio against a database of all transmissions. This way helps to measure and capture both conscious and unconscious listening. These things which the RAJAR theoretically help finish listeners joining to the wrong station.

They still believe it’s not as good as it could be and RAJAR are still adding to their methods and they do main survey’s and a new two-year contract using diaries was awarded to Ipsos MORI in May 2006, to begin in 2007.

This is an example from RAJAR’s website of the viewing figures and the general popularity of Radio channels. These shows the most popular radio stations are mostly BBC radio channels