task 4 - your body will thank you edited

Your Body Will Thank You January is a time for resolutions and new beginnings, so I would like to introduce you to Veganuary; reducing the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January. By taking part in Veganuary, you don’t need to give up chocolate, alcohol or promise yourself that the gym will become your second home; you can make it a lot easier. Veganuary provides you with all the information that you need to try veganism for a month; the benefits are just so good, you may welcome this lifestyle as a permanent change. This isn’t a diet; this is a new, clean, energized and pure way of life. By trying the vegan lifestyle for a month, you will be more likely to lose weight and look and feel better. 1 Nuts and vitamins give you stronger healthier skin, hair and nails. You don’t need to spend your life in the gym; on the rowing machine next to that guy you like. You will discover how to enjoy food with significantly less saturated fats and artificial sugars. 2 As well as how simple things such as green and ginger tea boost your digestion. So with the right knowledge of knowing where your food comes from and opting for organic foods instead, it’s not as tough or expensive as suggested. 1 http://www.vegancoach.com/vegan-weight-loss-1.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-freston/vegan-weight-loss_b_944889.html 2 http://www.naturalnews.com/023085_sugar_fat_fats.html

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Post on 27-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Task 4 - Your body will thank you edited

Your Body Will Thank YouJanuary is a time for resolutions and new beginnings, so I would like to introduce you to Veganuary; reducing the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January. By taking part in Veganuary, you don’t need to give up chocolate, alcohol or promise yourself that the gym will become your second home; you can make it a lot easier. Veganuary provides you with all the information that you need to try veganism for a month; the benefits are just so good, you may welcome this lifestyle as a permanent change.

This isn’t a diet; this is a new, clean, energized and pure way of life. By trying the vegan lifestyle for a month, you will be more likely to lose weight and look and feel better.1 Nuts and vitamins give you stronger healthier skin, hair and nails. You don’t need to spend your life in the gym; on the rowing machine next to that guy you like. You will discover how to enjoy food with significantly less saturated fats and artificial sugars.2 As well as how simple things such as green and ginger tea boost your digestion. So with the right knowledge of knowing where your food comes from and opting for organic foods instead, it’s not as tough or expensive as suggested.

Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up3, anyone can produce body odour, as this is when the apocrine sweat glands develop, which produce the sweat that bacteria can quickly break down.

By cutting red meat, you produce fewer bacteria, making you smell like a Victoria’s Secret model.

Premenstrual syndrome (experienced by some women in the days immediately before menstruation) is exhausting 1 http://www.vegancoach.com/vegan-weight-loss-1.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-freston/vegan-weight-loss_b_944889.html2 http://www.naturalnews.com/023085_sugar_fat_fats.html 3 http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/body-odour/pages/introduction.aspx

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and you can find yourself both mentally and physically tired. But an animal product free lifestyle can reduce the pain and distress, making your life a bit more stress free.4

PMS is a hormonal imbalance that can be eased with prescription medication, but why cure your body with unnatural sources when the solution is right in front of you? Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can reduce the intensity of PMS and in some cases, make the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and stomach cramps become non-existent.

One of the biggest reasons to cut meat out of your diet completely is that with meat comes disease, drugs, hormones, bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, parasites, fat and cholesterol.5 A lifestyle cutting out meat can lower high blood pressure, meaning you’re less likely to have heart problems and stokes.6 Your vision improves as well as boosting kidney health. Also, when comparing animal eaters to those who don’t consume animal produce, cancer is less likely to develop.7

Live happy, young and forever (almost). People following this urban lifestyle have been proven to live longer; this is one step closer to immortality than animal consumers.

4 http://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/an-anti-inflammatory-diet-check-list-that-can-transform-your-life/ 5 http://dldewey.com/columns/parasf.htm http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/07/12/are-there-deadly-superbugs-in-your-

pork.aspx# 6 http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/BloodPressureandyou/Yourlifestyle/Eatingwell/Salt 7 http://www.pcrm.org/health/cancer-resources/diet-cancer/facts/meat-consumption-and-cancer-risk