tbac vendor exhibition & trade sho plan 2016... · each active goal-initiative is tracked...

Page 1 of 7 Procurement Department Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Rev. 12-7-16 Issued: March 1, 2013 Revision 1: March 31, 2014 Revision 2: July 1, 2015 Revision 3: July 31, 2016 Revision 4: December 7, 2016 TBAC Ven

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Page 1: TBAC Vendor Exhibition & Trade Sho Plan 2016... · each active Goal-Initiative is tracked utilizing an Excel spreadsheet format and reviewed on a quarterly basis with Procurement

Page 1 of 7 Procurement Department Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Rev. 12-7-16

Issued: March 1, 2013 Revision 1: March 31, 2014

Revision 2: July 1, 2015

Revision 3: July 31, 2016

Revision 4: December 7, 2016

TBAC Vendor Exhibition & Trade Show

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Purpose Mission Statement Vision Statement Values Procurement Role and Responsibilities Administrative and Support Capital & Non-Capital Procurement Projects Control Materials Management Strategic Plan Update Appendix A – Procurement Department - Strategic Objectives

Appendix B – Authority Strategic Objectives Appendix C – Procurement Department - SWOT Analysis Results

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Page 3 of 7 Procurement Department Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Rev. 12-7-16

Purpose The purpose of the Procurement Department Strategic Plan (Plan) is to layout the specific strategic initiatives for a five year period that support the Procurement Department (Procurement) Mission, Vision and list of Values. As a services department for all other departments within the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (Authority), Procurement’s vision is to attain the highest level of customer service possible by providing quality services and solutions for both our internal as well as external customers and stakeholders. This Plan contains three high department level Strategic Objectives:

(1) Deploy forward thinking integrated technologies and processes to capitalize on cost savings/revenue opportunities and improve customer service;

(2) Incorporate industry best practices in Procurement Department processes; and (3) Demonstrate the Authority Procurement Department is best in class through: achievement

of agency and individual professional procurement industry certification and accreditation, completion of procurement related educational opportunities, and participation in professional procurement organizations.

Each Strategic Objective has various associated Goals-Initiatives and supporting measurable outcomes. Each Goal-Initiative is assigned to one or more Procurement staff member. The status of each active Goal-Initiative is tracked utilizing an Excel spreadsheet format and reviewed on a quarterly basis with Procurement management staff. Adjustments are made to the Strategic Objectives to insure that the Strategic Plan accurately reflects Procurement‘s efforts. The spreadsheet is attached as Appendix A, Procurement Department Strategic Objectives. The Authority annually adopts a Flight Plan which outlines its Strategic Objectives and individual department strategic goals, action plans, measurable outcomes, responsible parties and associated due dates for the fiscal year. Procurement Strategic Goals are developed to directly associate with the Authority overriding five Strategic Objectives:

(1) Customer Service Excellence; (2) Employee and Community Engagement; (3) Safety and Security; (4) Growth and Financial Strength; and (5) Innovation and Process Improvement.

In addition, Procurement employees include supporting targets in their annual individual Line-of-Sight Goals along with performance measurement criteria defining success which supports these overriding initiatives. The Authority Strategic Objectives and supporting goals are outlined in Appendix B, Authority Strategic Objectives. Procurement underwent a formal analysis of departmental strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as part of the initial development of this Plan. A listing of the SWOT results is outlined in Appendix C, Procurement Department SWOT Analysis Results.

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The Authority mission and vision focuses on contributing to the economic success of the Tampa Bay Region through its continuing efforts to attract major air carriers and increase current air carrier destinations. This focus has and will continue to result in increased local employment and tourism. Additionally, with more direct access to national and international cities the Authority is contributing to making the Tampa Bay Region a primary vacation destination, a major player in attracting national and international businesses, sporting events and entertainment, and a preferred location for residential relocation. A primary factor in attracting carriers is the commitment to providing extraordinary customer experiences through contact with staff and in the appearance and use of the facilities. This dedication to the community provides an economic opportunity for our stakeholders. The Director of Procurement participates in the development and implementation of the Authority Strategic Plan to ensure that Procurement’s purchasing and materials management functions are integrated into the overall strategic objectives and goals. Additionally, the Director of Procurement is responsible for developing, monitoring, evaluating effectiveness, and revising this Plan, as necessary, to remain in accordance with the Authority Strategic Plan. The Authority mission and vision statements are as follows:


Mission Statement

The mission of the Authority is to be a major driver in the economic growth of the Tampa Bay Region. We will be leading edge innovators to create global access and extraordinary customer experiences through our people and facilities to build prosperity for our stakeholders and the region.

Vision Statement

The vision of the Authority is to be a vibrant aviation gateway for Tampa Bay, providing access and economic opportunity for our stakeholders.

Procurement mission, vision, and values are in support of the Authority through its focus on the identification and usage of creative and cost efficient methods to timely procure goods and services at the best value or at the highest revenue to the Authority. This innovative focus provides economic opportunities for firms and individuals wishing to do business with the Authority. Additionally, this creates value to the Authority and the Tampa Bay Region by maintaining lower purchasing costs and increasing revenue to the Authority which ultimately contributes to lower facility charges to air carriers and reasonable goods and services costs to the traveling public while maintaining its facilities in first class condition which makes the Airport a very attractive place to do business and utilize. In an effort to stay current on industry trends and practices, Procurement staff participate in an on-going professional development program. In addition, Procurement annually evaluates its processes and procedures to ensure compliance with industry best practice guidelines, to identify potential areas for innovation and improvement and to ensure that its service to internal and external customers is credible, transparent and professional.

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Procurement mission and vision statements and list of values are as follows:


Mission Statement

The mission of the Procurement Department is to create value for the Authority and the Tampa Bay Region with timely procurement and efficient management of goods and services in a professional and transparent manner.

Vision Statement

The vision of the Procurement Department is to attain the highest level of accreditation, achievement, and recognition in public procurement for innovation, excellence, and customer service.


• Professional. We conduct ourselves in a professional manner, consistent with the highest standards of conduct.

• Partner. We operate by the principle that “none of us is as good as all of us”1.

• Transparent. We operate in a transparent way that promotes accountability and fiscal responsibility.

• Credible. We operate with honesty and integrity that instills confidence that we will do what we say we will do.

• Efficient. We develop and execute innovative and creative measures that enhance productivity, improve operations and utilize our resources effectively.

• Customer Focused. We provide outstanding customer service by listening to our customers and acting upon their needs.

*1 (Ray Kroc, McDonalds Founder)

Procurement Roles and Responsibilities Procurement’s roles and responsibilities within the Authority is to provide value and contribute to the overall fiscal success by:

1. Identifying creative and cost efficient purchasing methods and inventory management processes.

2. Providing internal customers with timely, efficient, innovative, and professional purchasing and inventory management services.

3. Providing external customers with a fair, open and transparent purchasing process that creates economic opportunity through maximum competition and trust.

Procurement’s organizational structure is shown below and includes administrative, capital and non-capital procurement, and materials management functions.

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A. Director of Procurement 1. Oversees all centralized Procurement activities. 2. Participates in the development of the Authority’s Strategic Plan. 3. Ensures the Plan is updated annually and coordinated with the Authority’s annual

Strategic Plan update. 4. Ensures compliance with all federal, state and local procurement requirements. 5. Negotiates contracts and formulates policies and standard procedures. 6. Resolves supplier grievances and claims against suppliers.

B. Administration and Support Provides administrative and clerical support to Procurement which encompasses the following activities: 1. Purchasing card (PCard) program administration. 2. Board approval process. 3. Online supplier registration. 4. Contract close-out process including bonds and insurance. 5. Small dollar contracts and Informal quotations. 6. Record archiving.

C. Capital & Non-Capital Procurement

Procurement activities are assigned to the procurement agents and managers. The procurement function includes the following activities: 1. Development and approval of purchase orders. 2. Direct purchases. 3. Solicitation project planning and scheduling. 4. Market research and analysis. 5. Development and issuance of solicitations. 6. Evaluation of solicitation responses. 7. Contract negotiations. 8. Development of documents for Board selection and/or award process. 9. Execution and issuance of all required contractual documentation.

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10. Customer training. 11. Benchmarking. 12. Assessment for compliance with industry best practices.

D. Materials Management

The materials management function includes the following inventory management and surplus property disposition activities:

1. Inventory management of the Central Airside E Storeroom (ASE) and Central Warehouse

(WR1) operations includes: a. Analyze and forecast inventory usage. b. Manage inventory and storage space. c. Automated distribution. d. Order stock. e. Receive, inspect, issue and deliver inventory and project related items. f. Receive, track and transfer asset tagged items and project attic stock. g. Stock inventory. h. Perform daily cycle counts and annual physical inventory. i. Pick up and deliver special orders. j. Transport hazardous materials. k. Manage the fuel system. l. Ensure the security and physical control of inventory.

2. Disposal of surplus property: a. Receive and transfer assets to and from departments. b. Prepare and process surplus property to be:

1) Sold through public auction. 2) Recycled by a certified recycling company. 3) Donated to approved entities.

c. Determine and recommend disposition of inventory, asset tagged items and project related attic stock.

Strategic Plan Update The Plan, including Appendixes A and B, are updated annually as part of the Authority Flight Plan update usually during or following the budget preparation cycle. In addition, the Plan is revised whenever there is a change or update to the Authority overriding Strategic Objectives. The Director of Procurement will ensure alignment of Procurement’s Plan with the Authority Strategic Plan.

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Strategic Objective 1:

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Transition suppliers in the supplier directory

(BSRD) to Oracle iSupplier Close out BSRD by January 2016 Fisher Complete

Update inventory min/max levels Reduce the number of existing items in inventory by 5% Shoby Complete

Automate inventory min/max ordering

Increase the number of commodities in the automated

min/max to a total of 6 Shoby Complete

Develop and implement a process for tracking

cost containment or cost savings

Tracking cost savings in repairing parts in lieu of ordering

new and local suppliers delivering items, in liew of using

the department vehicle to obtain parts Shoby Pending

Increase number of electronic invoices

On board 10 suppliers to submit invoices through

iSupplier Fisher Complete

Improve Administrative Support services

Update and implement archiving administration support

process and copy machine process. Fernandez Complete

Expand the MRO vending program Increase usage of machines by 10% Shoby Complete

Improve Inventory Management

Identify inventory usage and adjust stock to appropriate

levels Shoby Pending

Issue the 2016 external customer service survey

Evaluate the results of the 2013, 14 and 15 external

customer surveys, revise survey questions to ensure

relevancy of questions and issue the survey Fisher Complete

Issue the 2016 internal customer service survey

Evaluate the results of the 2013, 14 and 15 internal

customer surveys, revise survey questions to ensure

relevancy of questions and issue the survey Fisher Complete

Implement an automated registration process to

track parties interested in downloading current

solicitation projects

Work with ITS to begin development of the process

Mundzak PendingAutomate contract development and


Research, identify and test potential software programs

for a contract management system Mundzak Pending

Transition to electronic payment processes for

non-capital suppliers

1. Increase suppliers utilizing ePayables and ACH

programs by 10%

2. Increase department PCard spend by 25% Fisher Pending

Transition to electronic payment processes for

capital program suppliers Develop process and implement with one supplier Hanney Complete

Establish an Owner Direct Purchasing Program Integrate program into all capital projects Thalheimer Complete

Appendix A

Procurement Department - Strategic Objectives

Deployment of forward thinking integrated technologies and processes to capitalize on cost savings/revenue opportunities and improve

customer service.

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Strategic Objective 1 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Research Job Order Contracting and provide


Completed research, submit report to management,

P&D and Maintenance staff (training), receive

authorization from Board to issue purchase orders under

NJPA Benjamin Complete

Ensure compliance of the PCard Program

Perform a quarterly audit of the PCard program and

review PCard holder record information for accuracy Fisher Pending

Provide alternative procurement methods for

capital and maintenance projects

Research Job Order Contracting opportunities and

present recommendations Benjamin Complete

Establish BI Analytics Established BI reporting list Fisher Pending

Refine and streamline the copier process

Developed and implemented a revised copier checklist

for copier ordering, delivery and setup Fernandez Pending

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Automate inventory min/max ordering

Increase the number of inventory commodities in the

automated min/max to 8 Shoby Planned

Automate FS117 form and process

Modify the FS117 form and process and complete

automation Shoby Planned

Improve Inventory Management

Identify inventory usage and adjust stock to appropriate

levels Shoby Planned

Increase number of electronic invoices

On board 20 suppliers to submit invoices through

iSupplier Fisher Planned

Provide supplier's electronic notification of

solicitations through iSupplier

Implement electronic notification of solicitations to

suppliers utilizing Oracle iSupplier module Fisher Planned

Process non-capital informal solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of 100% of non-

capital informal solicitations through Oracle Sourcing Fisher / Hamilton Planned

Process capital informal quotes through Oracle

Sourcing Issue 30% capital ITQs through Oracle Sourcing Hanney Planned

Research possibility of issuing capital invitations

to bid through Oracle Sourcing Provide recommendation to management Hanney Planned

Issue the 2017 external survey and evaluate the

results against 2016 results

Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2016 external

customer surveys and benchmark the results against

2017 Fisher Planned

Issue the 2017 internal survey and evaluate the

results against 2016 results Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2016 internal customer

surveys, and benchmark the results against 2017 Fisher Planned

Implement an automated registration process to

track parties interested in downloading current

solicitation projects

Implement the process

Mundzak Planned

Automate contract development and


Implement contract development and management

software system Mundzak Planned

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Strategic Objective 1 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Reengineer department electronic filing system

Develop and implement a naming convention; and

rename the existing documents based on the revised

naming convention in 10% of Procurement electronic

folders Mundzak / Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

non-capital suppliers

1. Increase suppliers utilizing ePayables and ACH

programs by 10%

2. Increase department PCard spend by 20% Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

suppliers for capital projects

Increase suppliers utilizing electronic payment process

by 5% Hanney Planned

Develop a Supplier Portal and Sourcing training

for external customers

Develop and implement an in-person and on-line

training; train 25 suppliers with a 90% post training

approval rating Fisher Planned

Establish BI Analytics

Identify reports and Procurement's customized

dashboards for the ability to drill down and obtain data

more easily, understand spending and perform cost

saving/spend analysis, identify purchases that could

result in better pricing if procured under contract versus

off contract, and improve processes. Fisher Planned

Expand Owner Direct Purchasing Program

Include owner direct purchases in all applicable capital

projects Thalheimer Planned

Develop a contract administration process

Process developed, approved and ready for

implementation Thalheimer Planned

Ensure capital program team is cross trained to

perform ITBs and RFQs Complete cross training on Capital RFQ process Thalheimer Pending

Expand Job Order Contracting Issue at least one JOC purchase order Benjamin Planned

Increase competition on capital ITBs

Research methods to increase competition and provide

report to management Thalheimer Planned

Manage and monitor department budget

Maintain costs within the budget and identify potential

department and Authority cost savings Fernandez Planned

Reduce the usage cost of Authority copy

machines and materials

Identify cost reduction measures and educate Authority

employees on cost savings habits reducing overall

expenditures 5% Fernandez Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Automate inventory min/max ordering

Increase the number of inventory items in the

automated min/max by 40% Shoby Planned

Improve Inventory Management

Identify inventory usage and adjust stock to appropriate

levels Shoby Planned

Implement a Value Analysis process

Develop and implement a value analysis process on all

applicable procurements Flack Planned

Increase number of electronic invoices

On board 20 suppliers to submit invoices through

iSupplier Fisher Planned

Implement acceptance of electronic formal

competitive sealed proposals

Implement issuance and acceptance of one request for

proposal solicitations through Oracle Sourcing Mundzak Planned

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Strategic Objective 1 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Establish BI Analytics

Identify BI Procurement reports that will drill down and

obtain data to help Procurement team more easily

understand spending and perform cost saving/spend

analysis, identify purchases that could result in better

pricing if procured under contract versus off contract

and improve processes. Fisher Planned

Issue non-capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of 50% of non-

capital invitation to bid solicitations through Oracle

Sourcing Cordova / Fisher Planned

Issue capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of one capital

invitation to bid solicitation through Oracle Sourcing Hanney Planned

Issue the 2018 external survey and evaluate the


Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2017 external

customer surveys and benchmark the results against

2018 Fisher Planned

Issue the 2018 internal survey and evaluate the

results Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2017 internal customer

surveys, and benchmark the results against 2018 Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

non-capital suppliers

1. Increase suppliers utilizing ePayables and ACH

programs by 10%

2. Increase department PCard spend by 20% Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

capital program suppliers

Increase suppliers utilizing electronic payment process

by 5% Thalheimer Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Automate inventory min/max ordering

Increase the number of inventory items in the

automated min/max by 60% Shoby Planned

Improve Inventory Management

Identify inventory usage and adjust stock to appropriate

levels Shoby Planned

Increase number of electronic invoices

On board 20 suppliers to submit invoices through

iSupplier Fisher Planned

Implement acceptance of electronic formal

competitive sealed proposals

Implement issuance and acceptance of one request for

proposal solicitations through Oracle Sourcing Mundzak Planned

Establish BI Analytics

Identify BI Procurement reports that will drill down and

obtain data to help Procurement team more easily

understand spending and perform cost saving/spend

analysis, identify purchases that could result in better

pricing if procured under contract versus off contract

and improve processes. Fisher Planned

Issue non-capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of 75% of non-

capital invitation to bid solicitations through Oracle

Sourcing Cordova / Fisher Planned

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Strategic Objective 1 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Issue capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of two capital

invitation to bid solicitation through Oracle Sourcing Hanney Planned

Issue the 2019 external survey and evaluate the


Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2018 external

customer surveys and benchmark the results against

2019 Fisher Planned

Issue the 2019 internal survey and evaluate the

resultsEvaluate the results of the 2013 - 2018 internal customer

surveys, and benchmark the results against 2019 Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

non-capital suppliers

1. Increase suppliers utilizing ePayables and ACH

programs by 20%

2. Increase department PCard spend by 25% Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

capital program suppliers

Increase suppliers utilizing electronic payment process

by 10% Hanney Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Issue non-capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of 75% of non-

capital invitation to bid solicitations through Oracle

Sourcing Cordova / Fisher Planned

Issue capital invitation to bid solicitations

through Oracle Sourcing

Implement issuance and acceptance of two capital

invitation to bid solicitation through Oracle Sourcing Hanney Planned

Issue the 2020 external survey and evaluate the


Evaluate the results of the 2013 - 2019 external

customer surveys and benchmark the results against

2020 Fisher Planned

Issue the 2020 internal survey and evaluate the

resultsEvaluate the results of the 2013 - 2019 internal customer

surveys, and benchmark the results against 2020 Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

non-capital suppliers

1. Increase suppliers utilizing ePayables and ACH

programs by 20%

2. Increase department PCard spend by 25% Fisher Planned

Transition to electronic payment processes for

capital program suppliers

Increase suppliers utilizing electronic payment process

by 10% Hanney Planned

Automate inventory min/max ordering

Increase the number of inventory items in the

automated min/max by 60% Shoby Planned

Improve Inventory Management

Identify inventory usage and adjust stock to appropriate

levels Shoby Planned

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Strategic Objective 1 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Strategic Objective 2

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Develop an environmental or green procurement


Plan completed and posted on Procurement Intranet

webpage Mundzak Pending

Develop tracking and reporting for environmental or

green procurements Tracking process established and implemented Fisher Pending

Develop method for tracking cost containment or cost

savings Process completed and method successfully applied Shoby Pending

Update the Procurement department new employee

orientation program Updated program and implement program with new hire Flack Complete

Complete physical inventory

Perform physical inventory of all inventory storage

locations with no less than a 5% discrepancy Shoby Complete

Develop environmentally favorable purchasing


Identify purchasing practices and create standard

language for solicitations relative to environmentally

favorable purchasing practices Shoby Pending

Develop the automated inventory re-order system Created three commodities and 150 items Shoby Pending

Expand the MRO vending program Increase usage of machines by 5% Clendening Pending

Update inventory min/max levels Reduce the number of existing items in inventory by 5% Clendening Pending

Organize and Automate inventory

Consolidate inventory items and record items not used

for the past three years Clendening Pending

Develop a fuel inventory management process

Develop a written manual outlining the fuel inventory

management process Hunt Pending

Develop a supplier suspension and debarment policy Policy approved by the Board Thalheimer Complete

Incorporate industry best practices in Procurement Department processes.

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Strategic Objective 2 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Develop a property control specialist training program

Develop a written manual outlining the day-to-day

responsibilities of the property control specialist position Roney Pending

Develop an MRO supplier trade show Implement an MRO supplier trade show Webb CompleteEnsure accuracy of internal and external customer

Oracle payment information

All Oracle payment information reflects 100% accurate

data Millward Pending

Ensure accuracy of CPA data in Oracle

All CPA's reflect 90% accurate data to include contract

documents, associated procurement agent, correct dollar

spend and any additional documentation required. Flack Pending

Develop a technology plan

Plan to determine technology enhancement and

improvement opportunities completed and approved by

IT Mundzak Pending

Provide Oracle requisition training to all requisitioners

and requisition approvers

Develop and implement a mandatory in person new

requisitioner training with a 90% post training approval

rating Flack Complete

Provide basic Procurement training during the

Authority new employee orientation

Develop and implement a basic Procurement training for

new Authority employees Fisher CompleteProvide Authority staff with an general understanding

of procurement processes and methods

Implement a mandatory training program with a 90% post

training approval rating Mundzak Pending

Provide on-line reference materials for Pcardholders,

expense report approvers and administrative staff

Develop quick reference guides for Pcard purchase and

reconcilation tasks Fisher Complete

Provide online reference materials for Oracle

requisitioners and approvers Develop five quick reference guides Flack Complete

Develop a process to track processing of surplus and

recycled equipment Create and implement the tracking process Shoby Pending

Standardize CPA creation and documentation 90% of CPAs reflect correct documentation Benjamin Pending

Complete organization of airside stored inventory Daily min/max counts are completed with 80% accuracy Molinet Complete

Standardize capital ITB solicitation documents Update standard documents as approved by Legal Affairs Hanney CompleteDevelop internal document review process for non-

Board items Create process and implement Flack Complete

Standardize insurance and bonds approval process Develop and implement a standard approval process Fernandez Complete

Establish a departmental budget monitoring and

review process Establish and implement process Fernandez Complete

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Strategic Objective 2 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Improve management of purchasing performance

Establish an airport benchmarking consortium to compare

performance management-focused service areas and

develop improvement plans and identify and define

benchmarks Flack PendingDevelop a contract administration procedure and

process Procedure completed and approved by CEO Thalheimer Planned

Provide supplier training regarding utilizing iSupplier

for invoice submittal

Develop and implement the training with a 90%

satisfaction rating Fisher Pending

Implement training/outreach program for suppliers

Provide training/outreach to suppliers with a 90% post

training approval rating Webb Complete

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status

2017Ensure capital program team is cross trained to

perform ITBs and RFQs Complete cross training on Capital RFQ process. Thalheimer Planned

Develop a purchase order threshold

Develop a process where items costing less than the

threshold point must be purchased using a PCard. Fisher Planned

Develop a process to track processing of surplus and

recycled equipment

Develop a process to streamline the process and

enhanced accountability Shoby Planned

Develop a fuel inventory management process

Revise the manual outlining the fuel inventory

management process to include adding of vehicles and

employees to list Hunt Planned

Ensure accuracy of CPA data in Oracle

All CPA's reflect 90% accurate data to include contract

documents, associated procurement agent, correct dollar

spend and any additional documentation required. Flack Planned

Develop a procedure for standardization of products Procedure completed and approved by CEO Flack PlannedEnsure accuracy of internal and external customer

Oracle payment information

All Oracle payment information reflects 100% accurate

data Millward Pending

Improve Administrative Support services

Continue to streamline supplier registration process and

eliminate unnecessary steps Millward Planned

Develop a contract administration process

Process developed, approved and ready for

implementation Thalheimer Planned

Implement a formal contracts administration process

Process developed, approved and ready for

implementation Mundzak Planned

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Strategic Objective 2 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Implement best practice recommendations from NIGP


At least three of the best practice recommendations from

the NIGP Consultant Fisher Planned

Improve management of purchasing performance

Airport Benchmarking Consortium group established

benchmarks and benchmark terms definitions and issues

first survey Fisher Planned

Complete physical inventory

Perform physical inventory of all inventory storage

locations with no less than a 5% discrepancy Shoby Planned

Maximize inventory storage

Identify and dispose of surplus inventory and attic stock

items no longer needed Shoby Pending

Improve Inventory Management

Research, test and purchase handheld bar code scanners

with scanners compatible with Oracle Shoby Planned

Implement training/outreach program for suppliers

Provide training/outreach to suppliers with a 90% post

training approval rating Mundzak Planned

Develop and implement a supplier reverse trade show

Oversee the development and implementation of a

supplier reverse trade show with a 90% post event Mundzak Planned

Implement an environmental or green procurement Replace 20% current copy paper with recycled paper Shoby Planned

Provide internal customer online procurement related

training programs

Develop and implement online internal customer training

for Procurement 101/102, requisition development and

processing and PCard program with a 90% post training

approval rating from testers

Mundzak / Flack /

Fisher Planned

Provide external customer online procurement related

training programs

Develop and implement online iSupplier registration

training that is posted on the Procurement webpage Millward Planned

Automate Board Agenda process

Complete training in BoardDocs software and training

Procurement team Fernandez Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status

2018Implement procedure for suspending or debarring


Train at least three user departments on process &

procedure Thalheimer Planned

Implement a training program for product

standardization Train the maintenance department staff Flack Planned

Implement a training program for contract

administration process Train 50% of the departments Mundzak PlannedEnsure accuracy of internal and external customer

Oracle payment information

All Oracle payment information reflects 100% accurate

data Millward Planned

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Strategic Objective 2 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Ensure accuracy of CPA data in Oracle

All CPA's reflect 90% accurate data to include contract

documents, associated procurement agent, correct dollar

spend and any additional documentation required. Flack Planned

Provide online Oracle requisition training program to

Authority staff creating and approving requisitions

Develop, test and implement an online Oracle refresher

requisition training with a 90% post training approval

rating Flack Planned

Provide online procurement processes and methods

training program for staff creating and approving

requisitions and PCardholders

Develop, test and implement Procurement 102 online

training with a 90% post training approval rating Mundzak Planned

Provide online PCard training for all Pcardholders,

expense report approvers and admin staff

Develop, test and implement an online Pcard refresher

training with a 90% post training approval rating Fisher PlannedImplement best practice recommendations from NIGP


At least three of the best practice recommendations from

the NIGP Consultant Fisher Planned

Expand the MRO supplier trade show

Expand the type of participating MRO suppliers and

Authority attendees Mundzak Planned

Implement an environmental or green procurement Implement 100% recycled copy paper Shoby Planned

Complete physical inventory

Perform physical inventory of all inventory storage

locations with no less than a 5% discrepancy Shoby Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


Expand the MRO supplier trade show

Expand the type of participating MRO suppliers and

Authority attendees Flack Planned

Ensure accuracy of CPA data in Oracle

All CPA's reflect 90% accurate data to include contract

documents, associated procurement agent, correct dollar

spend and any additional documentation required. Flack Planned

Provide a training program for contract administration


Develop, test and implement an online contracts

administration training with a 90% post training approval

rating Thalheimer Planned

Complete physical inventory

Perform physical inventory of all inventory storage

locations with no less than a 5% discrepancy Shoby Planned

Ensure accuracy of internal and external customer

Oracle payment information

All Oracle payment information reflects 100% accurate

data Millward Pending

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome Team Leader Status


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Strategic Objective 2 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Ensure accuracy of CPA data in Oracle

All CPA's reflect 90% accurate data to include contract

documents, associated procurement agent, correct dollar

spend and any additional documentation required. Flack Planned

Complete physical inventory

Perform physical inventory of all inventory storage

locations with no less than a 5% discrepancy Shoby Complete

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Strategic Objective 3:

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome

Team Leader / Affected

Team Member(s) Status


Complete all Pareto Award application questions Application submitted Fisher Complete

Obtain the Excellence in Achievement UPPCC

Certification Receive agency certification Fisher Received

Obtain the Sterling Award from UPPCC Receive award Fisher Received

Apply for the AEP award Receive award Fisher Received

Apply for the FAPPO award Receive award Mundzak Received

Apply for FAPPO Best Practices Award (Innovation in

the Purchasing Process) Receive award Haines Received

Obtain either NIGP CPPO or CPPB certification Obtain certification - CPPB Fisher / Roney Pending

Obtain recertification for NIGP CPPO or CPPB

certification Obtain recertification Haines Pending

Obtain recertification for CPSM Obtain recertification Hanney Pending

Develop negotiation skills

Complete Negotiation

Strategies and Techniques Cordova Complete

Host NIGP courses

Host 5 courses with

participation by PAs Thalheimer CompleteComplete requirements for graduate certificate

program in Public Procurement and Contract

Management Complete the program Hanney Complete

Improve customer service to internal and external


Complete Authority Customer

Service Training Program or

applicable courses

Benjamin / Cordova /

Hamilton / Hoover Pending

Improve knowledge of Authority procurement

methods and processes

Complete the Procurement

101 and Requisition training


Millward / Hamilton /

Hoover Complete

Improve knowledge of Authority Board Agenda


Complete Board Agenda

process training with

Procurement Process Manager Fernandez Pending

Demonstrate that the Authority Procurement Department is best in class through achievement of agency and individual professional

procurement industry certification and accreditation, completion of procurement related educational opportunities, and

participation in professional procurement organizations.

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Strategic Objective 3 Revised: Dec 5, 2016

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Improve knowledge of Authority supplier relations


Complete iSupplier registration

process Fisher Complete

Cross train Procurement team members

Complete training team

member on all administrative

duties Lopez PendingObtain Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Public


Complete courses to obtain

degree Fernandez Pending

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome

Team Leader / Affected

Team Member(s) Status


Obtain the Excellence in Achievement UPPCC

Certification Receive agency certification Fisher Planned

Apply for the AEP award Receive award Fisher Planned

Apply for the FAPPO award Receive award Fisher Planned

Apply for the NIGP OA4 accreditation Receive award Mundzak Planned

Obtain either NIGP CPPO or CPPB certification Obtain certification - CPPO Hamilton / Hanney Planned

Obtain recertification for NIGP CPPO or CPPB

certification Obtain recertification

Flack / Hanney / Mundzak

/ Thalheimer Planned

Obtain FCCM certification Complete certification Cordova / Hanney Planned

Obtain FCCN certification Complete certification

Cordova / Haines /

Thalheimer Planned

Improve customer service to internal and external


Complete the Authority

Customer Service Training


Cordova / Hamilton /

Hoover Planned

Improve knowledge of Authority Board Agenda


Complete document

execution, insurance and

bonds process training with Fernandez Planned

Cross train Procurement team members

Complete training team

member on all administrative

duties Lopez Planned

Obtain AA degree

Complete all required classes

to receive AA degree Millward Planned

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Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome

Team Leader / Affected

Team Member(s) Status


Obtain the Excellence in Achievement UPPCC

Certification Receive agency certification Fisher Planned

Apply for the AEP award Receive award Fisher Planned

Apply for the FAPPO award Receive award Fisher Planned

Obtain recertification for NIGP CPPO or CPPB

certification Obtain recertification Cordova / Shoby Planned

Obtain recertification for NAPCP CPCP recertification Obtain recertification Fisher Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome

Team Leader / Affected

Team Member(s) Status


Obtain the Excellence in Achievement UPPCC

Certification Receive agency certification Fisher Planned

Apply for the AEP award Receive award Fisher Planned

Apply for the FAPPO award Receive award Fisher Planned

Goals-Initiatives Measurable Outcome

Team Leader / Affected

Team Member(s) Status


Obtain the Excellence in Achievement UPPCC

Certification Receive agency certification Fisher Planned

Apply for the AEP award Receive award Fisher Planned

Apply for the FAPPO award Receive award Fisher Planned

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Implementation of Air Service Plan

� Deliver comprehensive business proposals to targeted airlines to support new or expanded service

Airline HDQ visits, host airline delegations in Tampa Bay and attend ASD conferences

Pilot: Kenneth Strickland Crew: Illana Goldenberg, Maria Cook


ASIP Program Review

� Review ASIP program, make adjustments and re-deploy new version to cover 2016-2021

Board Approval of new ASIP Program

Pilot: Chris Minner Co-Pilots: Kari Goetz and Beth Zurenko


Monitor Industry trends and benchmark best practices

� Participation in Air Service Development functions

Successful participation at ASD functions

Pilot: Kenneth Strickland Co-pilot: Greg Forrest


Support new and emerging routes

� Engaging communication with airlines' commercial teams and TPA's partners to help keep "alignment of efforts" as markets mature

Performance monitoring and coordination of internal and external support efforts

Pilot: Kenneth Strickland Co-Pilots: Kari Goetz and Beth Zurenko


� Play "quarter back" role in ensuring successful performance of new markets


Employee and Community Engagement

Update Economic Impact Study for Tampa

� Update Economic Impact Study for TPA

Updated Economic Impact Study delivered in support of new ASD Strategic Plan

Pilot: Chris Minner Co-Pilot: Kenneth Strickland


Air Service Development Flight Plan FY-2017

Air Service Development Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Continue Facilitating internal transition to multiple operator Concessions model

� Coordinate with all internal departments based on individual impacts. Continue coordination of use of CRDC including incorporation of bonded product . Example: Collaborate with Marketing and Communications on Grand Opening events and Diversity, Ethics and Compliance for ACDBE reporting and achievement of goals.

Maintain budget in all operating areas related to Concessions Services. Collaborate with other departments to establish procedures for compliance, ACDBE monitoring, and other areas.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilot: All Departments


Safety and Security

Develop procedures for ConRAC operations.

� Collaborate with other departments to establish procedures related to maintenance, safety and service within the ConRAC.

Concessionaire handbook written for RAC operators including jockey training, maintenance work order requests, tenant improvement process.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilot: Police, Maintenance, Operations Department


Growth and Financial Strength

Deliver on the business milestones to keep the ConRAC design and construction on time and on budget.

� Ensure timely implementation of 3rd party operator including space allocation, fit out, and other aspects of preparation. Coordinate with RACs and P&D to ensure RAC tenant improvements stay on time and in line with Authority design.

3rd party operator oriented to project and RAC's ready to open October 2017.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilot: P&D


Airport Concessions Flight Plan FY-2017

Airport Concessions Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Maintain Concessions revenue and customer service standards throughout ACRP implementation

� Work closely with construction to ensure timely closures and openings of concessions locations. Evaluate temporary provision needs and implement as necessary. Partner with Concessions operators to ensure high levels of service. Continue to improve upon holistic compliance program for new Concessions locations.

Opening of Phase 2 & 3 locations. Achieve budgeted revenue through transition of closures and openings and temporary provisions. Maintain strong ASQ service scores throughout the transition. Successful opening from all aspects including ACDBE compliance, operational services, etc. Achieve budgeted revenue through timely procurement of expiring contracts and review of advertising Master Plan.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilots: Operations, Finance, Maintenance, Marketing, Diversity, Ethics and Compliance P&D


Achieve budgeted revenue for rental cars, parking, and ground transportation

� Establish a strategy and plan for AVI system and per-trip fee implementation. Coordinate with RACS through relocation and commencement of operation of ConRAC. Actively monitor all pricing, transactions and other trend indicators for RAC's. Evaluate existing opportunities to drive revenue in parking including implementation.

Coordinate with external stakeholders on new AVI billing system. Amend Contracts as required and coordinate with operations as necessary on policy and procedure updates. Continue identifying Off Parking operators and bring them on Contract. Implement additional services at Valet.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilots: Operations , Finance, and Legal, P&D


Airport Concessions Flight Plan FY-2017

Airport Concessions Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Develop Parking Revenue Enhancement Plan

� Award parking revenue consultant contract. Collaborate with Consultant and Marketing on research and benchmarking for Parking Revenue Enhancement Plan. Develop strategy to mitigate impact of improved access to Economy Garage from APM.

In coordination with Marketing manage Parking Consultant and bring forward updates to Executive Team.

Pilot: Concessions Co-Pilots: Operations , Finance, and Legal, P&D


Airport Concessions Flight Plan FY-2017

Airport Concessions Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Innovation and Process Improvement

Successfully pass peer review

� Prepare for peer review and provide peer reviewers with information exhibiting our compliance with applicable auditing standards.

Receive a peer review letter from ALGA providing assurance that our Department is following its established policies and procedures and applicable auditing standards.

Pilot: Audit Manager; Co-pilots: IA Department staff

November 30, 2016

Increase continuous auditing efforts through the use of data analytics

� Create and launch IDEA scripts to run on a quarterly basis to assist with risk assessment and the identification of potential fraud areas.

Successfully run scripts and report on the results.

Pilot: Director of IA; Co-pilots: IA Department staff

March 31, 2017

Improve efficiency and knowledge related to construction auditing.

� Work with contracted company to learn more about common overcharges and how to identify them more quickly

Increase output of construction audit reports. (possible recoveries of overcharges)

Pilot: Director of IA; Co-pilots: Audit staff working on construction auditing

September 30, 2017

Employee and Community Engagement

Increase understanding of Internal Controls and Fraud Awareness throughout the Authority

� Provide training to various Authority Departments to emphasize the importance and need for Internal Controls and Fraud Awareness. Provide information on the fraud triangle and examples of common frauds.

Provide at least 6 training sessions.

Pilot: Director of IA; Co-pilots: IA Department staff (potential for coordination with Finance and Procurement Departments)

September 30, 2017

Audit Flight Plan FY-2017

Audit Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Continue to reduce the number of Invoice and Pay Application deficiencies

� Reduce deficiencies from FY2016 levels, by working closely with consultants and contractors. This will speed up processing time, reduce Authority time and increase customer satisfaction

Reduction of 10% Pilot: D. Johnson Flight Attendants: DPS/Finance & P&D


Growth and Financial Strength

Submit PFC Application #11

� Successfully submit PFC Application #11 which will blend PFC Application #10; achieve a $4.50 ruling from FAA and support the Financing Plan for Phases 2 & 3 of the revised Master Plan

File Application by end of calendar year 2017

Pilot: D. Johnson Flight Attendants: Finance/ P&D/ Operations/Marketing


Innovation and Process Improvement

Automate CIP Master Schedule

� Investigate and implement best tool which will allow the elimination of numerous manual excel spreadsheets to manage the CIP schedule milestones, provide greater visibility for managers and provide a manpower scheduling tool around CIP projects

Implement a workable solution

Pilot: D. Johnson Flight Attendants: Finance, P&D and Jacobs


Development Program Services Flight Plan FY-2017

Development Program Services Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Employee and Community Engagement

Compliance with ACDBE goals and regulations by Food and Beverage, Retail and Spa operators

� Continue to implement ACDBE compliance plan for concession operators, including site inspection program

ACDBE goal achievement and compliance with FAA Joint Venture Guidance and regulations

Pilot: Business Diversity Co-Pilot: Concessions


Increase compliance with ACDBE goals by the car rental companies (RACs)

� Monitor ACDBE reporting and collaborate with RACs to establish a plan of action to increase ACDBE participation

Increased ACDBE participation in RAC purchases of goods and services

Pilot: Business Diversity Co-Pilot: Concessions


Support Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation on Authority contracting opportunities

� Collaborate with the Procurement department to implement the SBE component of the DBE and WMBE policy and program

Implemented SBE program

Pilot: Business Diversity Co-Pilot: Procurement


Increase awareness by veteran- and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses of Authority contracting opportunities

� Conduct outreach to veteran- and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses

Increased supplier portal registration by veteran and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses

Pilot: Business Diversity Co-Pilot: Procurement


Innovation and Process Improvement

Analyze and assess electronic records management

� Evaluate existing electronic records management system and processes and establish a strategy and plan to manage and increase records generated and retained electronically.

Strategic plan for future electronic records management

Pilot: Central Records Co-Pilot: IT


Effective retention of Master Plan project records

� Engage consultant to begin migration of Master Plan records into P8 from Sharepoint

Consultant selected and plan for migration determined

Pilot: Central Records Co-Pilots: IT and Planning and Development


Ethics, Diversity, & Administration Flight Plan FY-2017

Ethics, Diversity, & Administration Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Innovation and Process Improvement

OCIP will be used for second phase of Master Plan projects

� Work with the OCIP broker and the Planning and Development and Legal departments to analyze OCIP for next phase(s) of the Master Plan

Recommendation to senior management on utilizing an OCIP for the next phase(s) of the Master Plan

Pilot: Risk Management Co-Pilots: Planning and Development and Legal Affairs


Improve usability of Propworks to track insurance certificates

� Update Propworks software, if necessary, and implement process improvements for tracking insurance certificates

Ability to generate reports and improved insurance certificate tracking

Pilot: Risk Management Co-Pilots: IT and Procurement


Safety and Security

Grow a culture of employee safety

� Expand the “stretch and flex” program of daily stretching exercises to warm up muscles and help prevent soft-tissue injuries

Increased employees participating in the “stretch and flex” program

Pilot: Risk Management Co-Pilots: Maintenance and other department(s)


Ethics, Diversity, & Administration Flight Plan FY-2017

Ethics, Diversity, & Administration Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Refund 2006A and 2006B Bonds

� Draw on the SunTrust Note to refund the 2006 bonds. Coordinate all documents with bond counsel, financial advisor and trustee.

Realize more than $2 million in present value savings

Ann Davis, JoAnn Wieckowicz, Holland & Knight, SunTrust Bank, PFM, BONY

October 2016

Employee and Community Engagement

Enhance Finance Employee Engagement

� Employee cross training /employee driven business process improvements

Completion of training and implementation of viable business process improvements

Jason Watkins and other staff as appropriate

September 2017

Increase understanding of Finance's initiatives and role in the organization

� Provide outreach to various departments by periodically attending various departments staff or other meetings

Attend departments staff meetings

Jason Watkins, Tony Conza, Ann Davis and other Finance staff as appropriate

September 2017

Innovation and Process Improvement

Define and implement EIS reports for payroll data

� Identify, modify and incorporate EIS reports to meet the payroll data needs for the financial planning section

Self-sustained and generated payroll reports

JoAnn Wieckowicz, Kim Viamonte, Alka Khanna, ITS (as needed)

January 2017

Create a flexible and more efficient budgeting and forecasting process

� Evaluate Hyperion and commence implementation of budgeting software solution

Departments use in submitting their future budgets

Ann Davis, JoAnn Wieckowicz, Tony Conza, Jason Watkins, Antonio Hardeman, ITS, IT Consultant

Summer 2017

Provide departments ability to self generate financial reports

� Deploy GL/Eis Connect to various user departments

Department use of reporting tools

Tony Conza, Jason Watkins, Liang Wu

May 2017

Growth and Financial Strength/Customer Service Excellence

Introduce CC/E-Check Payment Option

� Introduce Credit Card & E-Check payment options for tenant invoice payments; incorporate the payment portal to the TPA Airport Website

Public facing payment portal available by year-end

Tony Conza, Ginny Brewer, ITS, Admin

September 2017

Finance Flight Plan FY-2017

Finance Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Achieve 28,000 hours of volunteer service through TPA's Volunteer Ambassador Program

� Continue to manage staff and budget to deliver motivated volunteers to maintain staffing at the four Visitor Information Centers and one Center in the FIS

Log 28,000 hours or more with a base of 153 active volunteers

Brenda Geoghagan and Scott Ericson


Grow the number of volunteers and create a new volunteer schedule to staff the new Visitor Information Center at ConRac, opening Nov 2017

� Create a new schedule, train volunteers about new ground transportation procedures and provide orientation for volunteers with on -site wayfinding for the new ConRac facility

Define ConRac operational hours, create a volunteer schedule for coverage, train volunteers for wayfinding and research new ground transportation procedures

Brenda Geoghagan and Scott Ericson


Maintain and continue to manage the Airport shuttle car operations during MTAC construction with a trained temporary staff of customer service representatives

� Continue to hire and train a temporary customer service team. Maintain daily shifts and schedules for CSRs. Approve time sheets and maintain budget. Coordinate with Planning & Development for MTAC impacts on customers

A successful daily schedule of customer service representatives who actively monitor and manage the shuttle car operations during peak travel times. Maintain approved budget. Additionally, CSRs will assist with wayfinding during all customer impacts

Brenda Geoghagan, Vince Torres-Roa and Synovia Blakley


Guest Services Flight Plan FY-2017

Guest Services Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Provide a great customer service experience for National College Football Championship Week fans at TPA in January 2017.

� Continue to meet regularly with the CFP planning committee in cooperation with the Tampa Bay Sports Commission. Coordinate with Ground Transportation, Concessions and Guest Services staff including Volunteer Ambassadors to provide information, merchandise and wayfinding during the event week

A successful coordination of activities for fans, community partners and airport stakeholders showing TPA as a great destination and host airport

Brenda Geoghagan, Vince Torres-Roa, Synovia Blakley and Scott Ericson


Continue to collaborate with US Customs and Border Protection, Operations, ITS and Marketing to enhance the international arrival experience for passengers as they transition through the FIS

� Reactivate the FIS working group with all partners and shareholders to explore and improve efficiency for international arriving passengers (pax). 1)Improve signage, wayfinding and queuing for pax to enhance the process and create standards for waiting times and customer service 2) continue to monitor Automatic Passport Control (APC) for pax usage and improve performance with educational campaign, graphics and video 3) continue to monitor Mobil Passport Control (MPC) for pax usage and improve performance with educational campaign, graphics and video

Improved customer experience while arriving internationally in the airport’s FIS facilities

Brenda Geoghagan, Vince Torres-Roa, Synovia Blakley and Scott Ericson


Guest Services Flight Plan FY-2017

Guest Services Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Employee and Community Engagement

Grow our culture of Leadership and Customer service Excellence. Actively engage in and complete all training programs. Continue to improve employee engagement

� Continue with customer service training for all Guest Services staff and Volunteer Ambassadors including temporary customer service representatives. Continue to send managers to Leadership training for employee/career development. Work with HR to create a leadership training program for Senior GSRs who are not supervisors. We've identified this group as needing more training to help the department and Sr. GSRs to become more independent and more confident

Actively engage in and complete all training programs. Continue to improve employee engagement

Brenda Geoghagan, Vince Torres-Roa, Synovia Blakley and Scott Ericson


Innovation and Process Improvement

As a team, create and implement exceptional customer care during MTAC construction and provide customer assistance with all available technology

� Continue to expose the Guest Services staff to new technology and demonstrate how technology can improve the customer service experience. Continue with new roving GSR positions and provide the necessary tools to assist customers using portable technology and pre-prepared wayfinding information. Coordinate daily/weekly with P & D to be ready for customer impacts

Improved customer experience while traveling through TPA's facilities during construction. Maintain strong ASQ scores/monitor Compliments & Complaints for escalating issues/concerns. Continue to exceed customer's expectations through excellent customer service

Brenda Geoghagan, Vince Torres-Roa, Synovia Blakley and Scott Ericson


Guest Services Flight Plan FY-2017

Guest Services Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Look to continuously improve customer satisfaction

� Provide exceptional customer service to all employees, with a focus on helping managers hire the best talent and improve their leadership skills

Survey of Managers for second year to compare to baseline

Dominic Macrone, Kenneth Strickland, Wanda Dunnigan, Audra Cona


Employee and Community Engagement

Be a "best place to work" in the eyes of our employees and community

� Improve employee engagement and development; pursuing best practices including frequent employee communications, employee recognition programs, merit based rewards, competitive salaries and above market benefits, diversity in the workforce, and positive relations with unions

"Best Place to Work" survey for second year

Dominic Macrone, Ron Klimley, Shannon Seifer, Lynn Davis, Wanda Dunnigan


Safety and Security

Create a culture of safety

� Enhance employee safety training and have a presence at Safety Committee

Continue to have a presence at Safety Meetings and facilitate Safety Training

Dominic Macrone, Ron Klimley


Growth and Financial Strength

Re-energize wellness strategy

� Promote weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, and educate employees on financial and physical well being

New offerings along with existing Wellness activities

Dominic Macrone, Shannon Seifer, Lynn Davis, Melissa Solberg


Innovation and Process Improvement

Create a culture of innovation and accountability

� Implementation of the remaining Oracle E-Business Suite of Global Human Capital Management for Benefits. Continue to train and acclimate employees on already implemented modules of; HRMS, Employee and Manager Self-Service, Learning Management, Performance Management, and Applicant Tracking

Remaining module implemented, training materials created, and training offered

Dominic Macrone, Wanda Dunnigan, Shannon Seifer, Lynn Davis, Audra Cona, Shari Kopp, Ron Klimley, Linda Jimenez


Human Resources Flight Plan FY-2017

Human Resources Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Safety and Security

Implement additional modules in the Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS)

� Enable additional functionality in the TraCS application

Implement a proof of concept for the testing of the modules Trespass Warnings and Field Interview Reports for future use

Managers, ITS Staff and Police


Ensure the Highest levels of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

� Successfully maintain PCI (Payment Card Industry compliance)

Successfully comply with PCI audit requirements

Managers and ITS staff


Customer Service Excellence

Provide tele-communications to new concessionaires

� Implement telecommunications in new public facing and back office concessions

Provide telephone and internet to new concessionaires requesting the services

Managers and ITS staff


Innovation and process improvement

Technology modernization for all Conference Rooms

� Standardize each conference room to have the same technology throughout.

Provide this solution to TPA conference rooms with a capacity of 8 or more seats

Managers and ITS staff


Windows 10 and Office 2016 deployment

� Install Windows 10 and Office 2016 on new PC/laptop deployments

Windows 10 and Office 2016 deployed to 50 new PC's/laptops

Managers and ITS staff


Customer Service Excellence

Educate Authority mobile device users

� Improve productivity and security when using mobile devices domestically and internationally

Create and publish Training Tips and Tricks for iPhones and iPads

Managers and ITS staff


Information Technology Flight Plan FY-2017

Information Technology Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Lunch and Learn Seminars

� Develop and implement periodic (i.e. quarterly) Lunch and Learn Seminars on various topics of interest for our department clients

Hold first Lunch and Learn Seminar

Legal Affairs, Department Clients, Outside Counsel/ Speakers

Sept. 2017

Employee and Community Engagement

ACI and ABA Legal Committees

� Become actively involved in ACI and ABA Legal Committees

Membership, Active Participation

Legal Affairs Sept. 2017

Growth and Financial Strength

Oversee ongoing Litigation Matters

� Monitor information related to ongoing litigation matters: Taxiway B; Joe Robinson matter; PFC case; Estate of Chad Wolfe; and other general matters; and continue to explore ways to reduce legal related expenses. Work with outside counsel as needed

Cases continue to move forward

Legal Affairs, Government Affairs, Maintenance, Planning and Development, Finance, Ethics, Diversity and Administration

Sept. 2017

Innovation and Process Improvement

BoardDocs � Transition HCAA employees to the new BoardDocs program

Begin using the BoardDocs program for agenda preparation (Authority wide)

Legal Affairs, Executive Team, all Authority departments

Sept. 2017

Legal Affairs Flight Plan FY-2017

Legal Affairs Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Safety and Security

Improved employee wellness

� Expand pilot program for flex and stretch initiative developed with Risk Management.

Expand Stretch and Flex program to all Maintenance Sections. Provide results at end of year. Compare previous year injuries to current year after implementation of program

Mike Garcia, Ray Hurley, Bruce Sather, Keith Flynn


Improved Customer Safety and Security

� Continue leadership role on APM Safety and Security Committee

Ensure committee engagement in the development of the new APM system assist DBOM contractor with development of combined SSPP

Paul Ridgeway, Mike Garcia, Sam Ensell


Ensure Airport Operations maintains all regulatory standards.

� Achieve Part 139 inspection with no major discrepancies

Work with Operations on a monthly basis to discuss and prepare all airfield Part 139 related items. Pass Part 139 Inspection with no major discrepancies related to airfield maintenance items.

Mike Garcia, Bruce Sather, Nick D'Jimas


Customer Service Excellence

Improved customer service

� Minimize operational impacts from the in-line baggage screening system replacement project.

Development operational contingencies and establish tenant coordination meetings.

Ray Hurley, Sam Ensell and P&D Project Manager


Continue to grow our culture of customer service excellence

� Complete all maintenance contract actions required to support the opening of all master plan projects

Identify maintenance contract needs, develop timeline for each new initiative, and implement new or revised contracts.

Contract Managers 09/30/17

Maintenance Flight Plan FY-2017

Maintenance Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Reduced O&M expenses

� Continue reducing life cycle costs in Master Plan construction program

Participate in Master Plan design and construction with emphasis on energy efficiency and maintainability.

Paul Ridgeway, Maintenance Managers


Innovation and Process Improvement

Improved efficiencies

� Establish a new process to formalize and centralize all maintenance personnel trades training

Perform a comprehensive review of all processes pertaining to personnel trades training. Standardize and centralize all trades training records.

Maintenance Managers


Enhance Airport Development Processes

� Publish new edition of tenant work permit handbook

Complete all revisions for tenant work permit procedures and publish to the website

Kerry Duris 12/31/16

Maintenance Flight Plan FY-2017

Maintenance Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Innovation and Process Improvement

Enhance Airport Development Processes

� Deveop a new Maintenance quality assurance program that ensures consistently high quality appearance and cleanliness of the terminal facilities.

Institute a comprehensive inspection program to identify deficiencies. Evaluate staffing schedules and revise to provide adequate resources to ensure timely resolution of maintenance issues in restrooms and public seating areas during the off-hours. Develop schedule of restroom facility capital improvement projects. Assure Maintenance contractor performance meets or exceeds contract requirements.

Maintenance Managers


Maintenance Flight Plan FY-2017

Maintenance Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Maintain and Further Develop Research and Evaluation

� Continue Development of New Demographic and Psychographic Passenger Data

Semi-Annual Presentations of Both Datasets

Pilot: Kenneth Strickland Co-Pilot: Greg Forrest Flight Attendant: Ilana Goldenberg


� Maintain and Further Develop ASQ Reports

Distribute Quarterly ASQ Reports


� Manage WI-FI surveys as needed

Complete Analysis and Prepare Reports


� Monitor Construction Impacts on Passengers

Satisfaction Surveys ongoing

Employee and Community Engagement

Actively Produce and Promote Variety of Events

� Continue Friday Flight Entertainment Series, Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Topping Ceremony, 5K, Air Service Events. Seek Other Outreach Opportunities

Events Conducted Pilot: Kari Goetz Co-Pilot: Maria Cook, Kelly Figley Flight Attendant: Debbie Stokes, Trudy Brandvold Design Studio


Manage Community Event & Speaking Engagements

� Quantitative Results (# of Engagements, Reach, Impact) Through New CMS System

Pilot: Kari Goetz/Aileen Rodriguez Co-Pilot: Danny Cooper


Deliver Public Art for the Master Plan Projects

� Manage production & delivery of new Public Art

Installation of new Public Art

Pilot: Chris Minner Co-Pilot: Kelly Figley


Build a Comprehensive Exhibit Schedule For Gallery Spaces

� Rotation of New Exhibits Installation of new Exhibits

Pilot: Kelly Figley bi-annually

Growth and Financial Strength

Master Plan Marketing Strategy

� Collateral Develop and Deliver New Master Plan Materials as Needed with Progress

Pilot: Kari Goetz Flight Attendants: Marketing


� Master Plan Gallery Update Gallery as Needed with Progress

Pilot: Justin Edwards and Kari Goetz


Marketing Flight Plan FY-2017

Marketing Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Commercial Real Estate

� Collaborate on Marketing Assistance for New Real Estate Efforts

New Marketing Materials for Perimeter Parcels and Potential

Pilot: Kari Goetz and Beth Zurenko

as needed

Air Service Development

� Collaborate on Air Service Development Efforts

Gate Events: Launch Parties; Collateral Design Support

Pilot: Kari Goetz Co-Pilot: Maria Cook Crew: Ilana Goldenberg

as needed

Innovation and Process Improvement

Further Develop Airport's Construction Barricade Program

� Lead and Collaborate on Efforts of Multidisciplinary Team to Further Develop New Graphics

Define Deliverables for Design, Content and Production Teams for Each Subsequent Phase

Pilot: Justin Edwards Co-Pilot Rob Connelly, Angelo Mottola


� Update Brand Identity Collateral as Needed

Build Process for Brand Updates


� Develop Brand Ambassador Program

Quarterly Meetings Pilot: Kari Goetz Co-Pilot: Danny Cooper


Marketing Flight Plan FY-2017

Marketing Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Engage customers in airport activities

� Use social media and website to encourage customer interaction

Social media and website analytics

Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


Employee and community engagement

Implement communications strategy that advances airport key messages

� Proactively place stories and items that support the airport's strategic vision in local media and through airport communications channels

Number of stories placed and website, social media and newsletter analytics

Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


� Target placement of stories in national and industry publications

Number of stories placed

Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


� Provide engaging and current content on airport website and social media channels

Weekly updates Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


Employee and Community engagement

Position TPA as a change agent for the region on transportation and economic development

� Participate in regional discussion of transportation and related issues

Meetings attended Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


� Support efforts to improve regional transportation

Meetings attended Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


� Promote the airport's capital projects and the airport's economic impact on the region

Messages delivered through communications channels

Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilots: Emily Nipps, Christine Osborn, Danny Valentine


Media and Government Relations Flight Plan FY-2017

Media and Government Relations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Implement government relations strategies to advance legislative and funding initiatives that will benefit the Aviation Authority

� Advocate for modernization of PFC

Meetings attended Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilot: Gina Evans


� Advocate for FDOT funding of Master Plan Phase 3

Meetings attended and briefings delivered

Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilot: Gina Evans


� Lobby for/against other legislation that impacts the Aviation Authority

Legislation passed Pilot: Janet Zink Co-Pilot: Gina Evans


Media and Government Relations Flight Plan FY-2017

Media and Government Relations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service Excellence

Continue to grow our culture of customer service excellence

� Terminal Operations to continue monitoring for acceptable passenger service. Reactivate Airside Management Program. Build relationships with airlines, TSA, and concessionaires. Monitor and report cleanliness issues for customer service, especially with restrooms and gate hold areas

Continuous improvement in survey scores and guest experience

Danny Glennon, Brian Washburn SPT: AOM's, AOS's, Concessions


Implement Remote Check-in and bag drop at ConRAC facility

� Continue to work with Real Estate to gain airline support for the program. Partner with Procurement to secure vendor for operation of remote bag check.

Successful implementation of program by ConRAC opening day.

Daniel Glennon, Procurement, Real Estate, Operations.


Continue to grow our culture of customer service excellence

� Maintain operational functions and implement new operating procedures for the Ground Transportation Operation related to TNC's, and upcoming Commercial Curbside operation at ConRAC.

Implementation of temporary and new permanent procedures for the Ground Transportation Operation

Karl Martin SPT: GT Managers, HR


Continue to grow our culture of customer service excellence

� Develop and implement a 2017 survey for tenants and FBO operators to measure customer service excellence.

Completed survey with results compared to the 2015-2016 baseline

Brett Fay SPT: Marketing, IT


Employee and Community Engagement

Develop College Internship Program

� Apply for internship program funding through FAC.

Completion of student internship program

Lloyd Tillmann, Aimee Pidgeon, Finance, HR


Operations Flight Plan FY-2017

Operations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Employee and Community Engagement

Enhance Community Noise Consortium

� Implement a Community Noise Advisory Group

Engage existing residents which are part of the Community Noise Consortium (CNC) as well as elected leaders - soliciting input and guidance on the transformation of the CNC; Draft bylaws and gather best practices from other airports with similarly formed advisory groups

Lloyd Tillmann, Brian Washburn, Adam Bouchard


Community engagement on Metroplex initiatives to ensure the highest participation by communities possible by the FAA during the public comment period

� Ongoing outreach meetings held at the Airport and in the community. Facilitate FAA engagement with the community.

Conduct 4-6 Metroplex meetings

Lloyd Tillmann, Brian Washburn, Adam Bouchard


Enhance Employee Engagement

� Sustain quarterly "VP Brown Bag" lunch.

Continued employee engagement

Brett Fay SPT: John Tiliacos, Lloyd Tillmann, Marilyn Gauthier


Enhance GA Tenant Relations

� Engage GA Airport Tenants to increase business viability.

Tenant functions and increased relationships with tenants and future businesses

Brett Fay SPT: GA Manager, Real Estate, Marketing, Fixed Based Operators


Growth and Financial Strength

Identify cost reduction and revenue enhancement opportunities in the Badging Office

� Research alternative consumables, such as badge sleeves, clips, lanyards, etc. Evaluate fee structure.

Recommend modified fee structure if warranted. Implement cost saving opportunities in consumables.

Daniel Glennon, Vivian Pullara


Operations Flight Plan FY-2017

Operations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Move the General Aviation airports towards financial sustainability and enhance airports marketability.

� Complete the General Aviation Master Plan. Build upon the completed Business and Master Plan, develop an advertising brand for the General Aviation Airports.

Evaluate Master Plan recommendations for implementation

Brett Fay SPT: PMP Team, Finance, Planning & Development, Commercial Real Estate, Marketing, Communication, ITS


Innovation and Process Improvement

Improve employee knowledge by hosting the ASOS Basic Training course

� Work with AAAE representatives to host an ASOS training conference.

Successful coordination of training and reception event planning

Lloyd Tillmann, Aimee Pidgeon


Successful implementation of automated gate and counter management system

� Implement Resource Management System (RMS) Program, with Airport Operations Database (AODB) implementation.

Full integration of automated gate and ticket counter scheduling. Easier management of resources during off schedule events.

Daniel Glennon, Chris Giokas, AOM's, AOS's


Implement Phases 1, 2 & 3 of Parking Revenue Control System (PARCS)

� Engage and participate in the PARCS system installation process.

Successful implementation of PARCS

Karl Martin SPT: PK/GT Dept, P&D, IT, Communications, ABM, Finance, Maintenance


Assist in the development and implementation of TNC's strategy and process

� Engage and participate in the TNC's implementation process. Develop new operational procedures.

Successful integration of the TNC program

Karl Martin SPT: PK/GT Dept, P&D, IT, Communications, Finance,


Maintain the process of moving the General Aviation Airport toward financial sustainability

� Begin the implementation of Minimum Standards for General Aviation.

Integration of Business Plan recommendations and department recommendations

Brett Fay SPT: Lloyd Tillmann, Real Estate


Operations Flight Plan FY-2017

Operations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Safety and Security

Planning and implementation of the CFP Championship Activities

� Hold regular Aviation sub-committee planning meetings in cooperation with the Tampa Sports Authority.

Successful coordination of activities relative to the CFP Championship

Lloyd Tillmann SPT: Real Estate, Marketing, Communications, Operations, General Aviation, Ground Transportation


Purchase and staff ARFF Advanced Life Support vehicle

� Develop vehicle standards. Work with Procurement to purchase vehicle. Plan and hire 6 additional Paramedics (2 per shift) 4Q17.

Activate use of vehicle with additional staff

Lloyd Tillmann, Aimee Pidgeon, Procurement, Danny Olegario


Enhance Emergency Management knowledge

� Provide Operations team with emergency management training sponsored by emergency response community partner.

Conduct annual training

Lloyd Tillmann, Brian Washburn, AOM's, AOS's


Enhance airport operations safety

� Engage with airlines to develop best FOD/ramp safety practices. Operations staff to attend airline hosted safety related training.

Conduct 4 airside FOD walk downs

Lloyd Tillmann, Brian Washburn, AOM's, AOS's


Ensure airport operations maintains all regulatory standards

� Achieve Part 139 inspection with no major discrepancies.

Pass Part 139 Inspection with no major discrepancies

Lloyd Tillmann, Brian Washburn, Jordan Biegler SPT: Scott Loper, AOM's


Successfully pass annual TSA Part 1542 Inspection with no findings

� Comply with TSA directives and maintain proper records, reports and inspections throughout the year.

Pass TSA Comprehensive Inspection with no LOIs

Daniel Glennon, Eleanor Robichaud, Vivian Pullara


Operations Flight Plan FY-2017

Operations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Safety and Security

Remain engaged in the design process of the Security Master Plan

� Work Closely with Project Manager and Airport Consultant firm on researching latest industry trends in security. Anticipate future needs to include possible biometrics, perimeter intrusion, and CCTV search. Attend Industry trade events to gain knowledge.

Evaluate other airports best practices. Review vendor products and capabilities. Impress upon consultant to seek out industry leaders and anticipate future needs.

Daniel Glennon, Eleanor Robichaud, P&D


Implement process for responding to APM outages and emergencies

� Work with Systems and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on developing response to temporary outage of SkyConnect. Evacuation protocols, alternate transportation and response timelines. Develop quick reference emergency response checklists.

Test and drill response times as developed. Maintain other normal operations throughout campus during event

Daniel Glennon, Brian Washburn, Scott Loper, AOM's, GTS, and Systems


Ensure Airport Operations maintains all regulatory standards

� Develop and implement SMS plan and conduct GAP analysis.

Submit Implementation plan to FAA. Maintain regulatory compliance.

Scott Loper Sep-17

Ensure GA maintains FDOT standards

� Maintain the FDOT Airport License.

Obtain annual license renewal

Brett Fay SPT: GA Manager, GA Maintenance Trades Superintendent, Planning & Development, Maintenance


Enhance General Aviation Emergency Response

� Update the General Aviation Airport Emergency Plans (AEP) to reflect new initiatives to enhance the emergency response.

Updated AEP and Familiarization Training for each GA Airport

Brett Fay SPT: Marilyn Gauthier, City of Tampa Fire Rescue, HCFR, PCFR


Operations Flight Plan FY-2017

Operations Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Facilitate the reclaiming of levels 1 and 2 of the long term parking garage to increase parking capacity

� Complete the Part 1 design for decommissioning the existing RAC facilities and fueling systems in the long term parking garage and reclaiming of levels 1 and 2 for use as customer parking

Issue 90% plans S. Nesbitt, M. Marble, R. Coudurier


Facilitate financial growth by completing the final phase of the PARCS program

� Complete PARCS construction

Issue substantial completion to Manhattan

J. Nicholson, M. Marble, J. Mallory


Facilitate financial growth by completing the Rental Car Center and SkyConnect

� Complete ConRAC/APM construction

Issue substantial completion to Austin

D. Seely, B. Rumble, J. Mallory


Facilitate the concessions redevelopment program

� Complete Concessions "white box" construction

Issue substantial completion to Skanska

C. Cowan, S Bush, P Lopez, J. Mallory


Innovation and Process Improvement

Enhance the health of our environment

� Complete level 1 of the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program for TPA consisting of carbon mapping

Carbon footprint report

M. Solberg, R. Coudurier


Facilitate the development of GIS

� Hire Manager and develop a GIS master plan

Onboarding of GIS Manager and complete the GIS master plan

R. Coudurier, T. Mantegna


Planning and Development Flight Plan FY-2017

Planning and Development Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Improve management of purchasing performance

� Guide the airport Benchmarking Consortium through the process of identifying benchmarks and definitions and issue first survey

Airport Benchmarking Consortium group established benchmarks and benchmark terms definitions and issues first survey

Fisher, Flack, Haines, Mundzak, Thalheimer


Engage Job Ordering Contracting opportunities

� Obtain Job Order Contract (JOC) quotes to get lower pricing on CIP projects

Present JOC quotes and enter into contract if acceptable

Hanney, Benjamin, Thalheimer


Customer Service Excellence

Provide internal customer online procurement related training programs

� Complete the online training programs for Navigating the Procurement Process, Requisition Creation and Processing, and Purchasing Card Program

Trainings available online for internal customers

Fisher, Flack, Mundzak


Innovation and Process Improvement

Transition suppliers to electronic payment

� Train term contract suppliers to utilize iSupplier for invoice submittal and transition term suppliers to ePayables, PCard or ACH payment method

1. 15% of term contract suppliers are submitting invoices in iSupplier 2. 30% of term contract suppliers are paid via an electronic payment method

Fisher, Flack, Mundzak, Millward


Provide increased opportunity for sales tax savings on infrastructure projects

� Expand Owner Direct Purchasing Program to include non-master plan CIP solicitations

Owner Direct Purchase Program included in non-master plan capital solicitations and ODP Purchase Orders issued

Hanney, Benjamin, Thalheimer


Process non-capital informal solicitations through Oracle Sourcing

� Implement issuance and acceptance of non-capital informal solicitations through Oracle Sourcing

50% of non-capital informal solicitations are processed through Oracle Sourcing

Cordova, Fisher, Flack, Hamilton, Hoover, Mundzak


Procurement Flight Plan FY-2017

Procurement Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Innovation and Process Improvement

Provide a central database for Authority contract documents and tracking of critical dates

� Implement contract management test system

Complete implementation and testing of process that supports Procurement, Real estate and Legal

Haines, Mundzak, Thalheimer, ITS, Legal Affairs, Real Estate


Procurement Flight Plan FY-2017

Procurement Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service

Continue to Grow Our Culture of Customer Service Excellence

� Customer Service Training for all new Public Safety and Security Personnel

Schedule employees for core classes, attendance records. Customer complaints and compliments

Sergeant Durkin 4Q17

Employee and Community Engagement

Develop and sustain community partnerships

� Provide Safety and Crime Prevention Education programs for airport community

Education programs for Airport Community completed with lesson plans and attendance sheets

Sergeant Durkin 4Q17

Safety and Security

Develop and Enhance Airport Safety, Security and Compliance Procedures

� Achieve TSA K9 re-Certification for all Four K9 Teams. Achieve recertification of Narcotics K9 Team.

Meet or Surpass 90% Performance Standard

Captain Walters 4Q17

Successful Onsite Inspection by Commission for Florida Accreditation (CFA) Assessors

� Monthly reviews of standards progress and mock assessments

Monthly progress reports to the Command Staff by Laura Rozansky

Captain Walters 1Q17

Continuous Insider Threat Mitigation Operations in Partnership With TSA and DHS/Customs

� Proactive Law Enforcement Investigations

Weekly Coordination Meetings and Operational Playbook Plans, Schedule inspections and after action hours

Captain Pawloski Sergeant Barry


Continue to harden the Airport as a potential target for an Active Shooter

� Active Shooter Training and live exercise.

Lesson Plans and Training Sessions. Deployment and work schedules of law enforcement

Sergeant Durkin Investigator Diaz Investigator Shughart


Public Safety and Security Flight Plan FY-2017

Public Safety and Security Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Safety and Security

Parkway Vehicle Safety, Roadway

� Continuous Modification of the Traffic Mitigation Plan to Meet Construction and Roadway Routing

Attendance at the Weekly Construction Meetings. Monitoring of the roadway system and updating of the Traffic Mitigation Plan

Captain Walters 4Q17

APM Safety Plan � Continue Working with the APM Safety Team to Develop a Plan and Manual to Respond to the APM Safety Incidents

APM Safety Manual Chief Sireci 4Q17

Secure Airport for the safe travel of teams and passengers during the National Football Championship Week

� Develop/implement security plan with authority team and outside partners

Determine police deployment level. Work with local law enforcement, TSA, and the NFC staff

Captain Pawloski 2Q17

Growth and Financial Strength

Maintain Operating Expenses Within the Approved Budget

� Effective Utilization and Tracking of Cost/Overtime (within budget), Excluding Extraordinary Events and project driven costs.

Monthly Review of Overtime Expenditures with Management Team

Deputy Chief Anthony Manager Kennedy


Innovation and Process Improvement

ELVIS- Electronic License and Vehicle Information System

� Implementation of ELVIS System. Training for all users of the system

Schedule users for training, attendance records

Captain Walters Manager Boos


Evaluate Guardian and Mutualink technology for implementation

� Meet with company representatives for design and implementation plans

Identify implementation schedule and potential funding sources.

Captain Walters 1Q17

Public Safety and Security Flight Plan FY-2017

Public Safety and Security Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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Page 55: TBAC Vendor Exhibition & Trade Sho Plan 2016... · each active Goal-Initiative is tracked utilizing an Excel spreadsheet format and reviewed on a quarterly basis with Procurement


(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Growth and Financial Strength

Determine strategy re-commendation for hotels at TPA.

� Analyze existing market opportunity and recommend forward plan.

Established forward plan for hotels at TPA

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: R. Forister Flight Attendant: Nancy Rubin, Finance, P&D


Determine development model for new office space for HCAA

� Verify exact placement of HCAA office space and recommend optimal delivery method to fund and construct

Established forward plan for new HCAA offices

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: R. Forister Air Traffic Control: N. Rubin


Refine Commercial Development Plan

� Continue to pursue acquisition of remaining Drew Park Parcels. Engage consultant to update Eastside development plan

Enter into contracts, close transactions, and initiate relocations.

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: R. Forister Flight Attendant: N. Rubin


GA Self Sustainability

� Determine whether non-aviation revenue potential exists, and implement GA Master Plan real estate elements as appropriate

Determine specific sites for revenue producing activity, begin action with sites as appropriate

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: R. Forister Flight Attendant: N. Rubin


Present Master Plan Phases II & III to signatory airlines

� Work with Exec Team, P&D, and HNTB to facilitate meetings

Successful meetings Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: Exec Team, P&D, HNTB Air Traffic: J. Smith


Present Agreement Options to Airlines in conjunction with MP Meetings

� Work with Exec Team, Finance, Legal to structure discussions

MII for Phase III or determination to wait until 2020.

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: Exec Team, Finance, Legal Air Traffic: J. Smith


Customer Service

Actively engage internally and with airline partners to mitigate impacts of Master Plan construction

� Work with P&D, Communications, and airlines to determine acceptable strategies

Minimal disruptions Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: P&D, Communications, Concessions, Marketing Air Traffic: J. Smith


Real Estate Flight Plan FY-2017

Real Estate Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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Page 56: TBAC Vendor Exhibition & Trade Sho Plan 2016... · each active Goal-Initiative is tracked utilizing an Excel spreadsheet format and reviewed on a quarterly basis with Procurement


(Strategic Objectives)DESTINATION (Strategic Goals)

ROUTE (Initiatives or Action Plan)

DISTANCE TRAVELED (Measurable Outcomes)

FLIGHT CREW (Responsible Parties)


Customer Service

Actively produce and conduct quality and meaningful Airline and Tenant Meetings

� AAAC and Tenant Manager Meetings

AAAC 4X in 2017, Tenant Manager 4X in 2017

Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: Exec Team, P&D, Finance, Concessions Flight Attendant: M. Danielson, J. Runnels Air Traffic: J. Smith


Employee and Community Engagement

Identify a strategy for succession planning and a complete training strategy for new positions

� Prepare for new employees and future retirement

Identify Strategy Pilot: B. Zurenko Co-Pilot: R. Forister, M. Danielson


Real Estate Flight Plan FY-2017

Real Estate Department Flight Plan FY-2017

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Page 57: TBAC Vendor Exhibition & Trade Sho Plan 2016... · each active Goal-Initiative is tracked utilizing an Excel spreadsheet format and reviewed on a quarterly basis with Procurement

           Page 1 of 1                                                                            Procurement Department Strategic Plan 2015‐2019                                                               Revised: July 31, 2016                                                                                                 Appendix C, Procurement Department – SWOT Analysis Result 


Appendix C Procurement Department ‐ SWOT Analysis Results 


1  Proactive leadership (departmental)  1 Recently formed department 2  Knowledgeable, experienced, veteran staff  2 Lots of change happening 3  Open to change / flexible  3 Department staffing shortage 4  Standardized processes & procedures  4 Upcoming staff retirements (DROP)5  Positive, motivated, committed staff  5 Lack of understanding of procurement process – user 

departments 6  Recently formed department  6 Dependence on other departments

7  Resourceful and professional staff  7 Lengthy processes (Yellow/Blue Sheets, PC statements)

8  Cohesive values and ethics of staff  8 Insufficient cross‐training 9  Recently revised and approved Polices/Procedures 9 Limited use of available technology (On‐line response 

acceptance & selling plans/specs) 10  Staff project management skills  10 Internal communications with customers

11  Customer service skills of staff  11 Limited involvement in pre‐planning phase12  Training skills of staff & willingness to mentor 12 Lack of internal / external (supplier) training program13  Availability of technology resources  13 Standardization / Uniformity / Consistency14  Departmental structure/standards to obtain AEP 

Certification, OA4 Accreditation 14 Workload / time constraints (availability to spend sufficient 

time on each project) 15  Process improvements (Oracle Upgrade, IExpense) 15 Approval of revisions to policies & procedures16  Financial Resources (ability to fill vacancies with personnel 

already certified) 16 Incomplete Instructions / Processes (e.g., Procurement 

Manual) 17  Already started working on obtaining OA4 accreditation 17 Too many reports18    18 Unstable workload19    19 Not all staff are certified (CPPB/CPPO, etc)20    20 Lack of participation in local & national NIGP, FAPPO   OPPORTUNITIES  THREATS

1  Change in Leadership / new Executive Team 1 New Leadership / Executive Team 2  New technology (Oracle, iProcurement, on‐line ordering 

(warehouse), punch‐outs, iExpense, PayPal, Pcard ePayables) 

2 Changing technology 

3  Growing and developing suppliers / iSourcing opportunities 

3 Media & Supplier mis‐perceptions 

4  Marketing our services / skills internally and to suppliers 4 Users not following procurement policies5  Attaining accreditation  5 Threat of a bid protests 6  Benchmarking and innovation  6 Workload from clients 7  Greater utilization of website and Intranet  7 Timely approval of documents / templates

8  Outside training for staff  8 Timely decisions by Leadership / Executive Team9  Cooperative procurements  9 Board Approval Amount (>$50 or $100K)10  Department obtaining certification  10 Lack of procurement knowledge by internal staff11  Department obtaining accreditation  11 Staff turnover / drop 12  Benchmarking within local/national NIGP  12 Local/State preference 13  Benchmarking within FAPPO  13 Process requirements, state registration14  Invitation to train HCAA leadership on procurement 14 Customer procrastination 15    15 Ability to do BAFO16    16 Have limited control over schedule17    17 Low procurement thresholds 18    18 Changing certification/accreditation requirements

19    19 Customer / supplier trust level 20    20 Universal support for Oracle implementation‐changes