teach me differently ronna williams

Teach Me Differently Ronna Williams’ Presentation based on Holli M. Levy’s “Meeting the Needs of All Students through Differentiated Instruction: Helping Every Child Reach and Exceed Standards”

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Post on 18-Jun-2015




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Presentation about Learning Styles


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Teach Me Differently

Ronna Williams’ Presentation based on

Holli M. Levy’s “Meeting the Needs of All Students through Differentiated

Instruction: Helping Every Child Reach and Exceed Standards”

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Some students only pay attention to what

the teacher says.

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Some students do not listen to anything that the teacher says, but

absorb the material

written on the board or

presented in a power point.

Visual Learners

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Some students can’t learn until they can do

something with the material.

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Many students need to discuss the material in order to really learn it.

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The Life of King Henry VIII as you’ve never heard it


Click the link to see the video presentation.

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As Described in Holli M. Levy’s Journal Article.

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After a lesson on D-Day, these students put together a puzzle of the Beach at Normandy. They had to learn the code

names for each part of the beach and the outcome of the landings for the allies.

The boy in the photo is Kyle.

He is ADHD, but always eager to

learn. The girl with her

back turned is Stephanie. She is gifted, advanced artistically and already had two

of her own books published.

These students are

doing something with

information. This is a

formative assessment

adapted to the

learning style of these


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After studying WWII, the Cold War & Vietnam, Staley wrote a song based on what she learned. Staley is really smart and always finished before anyone else. The song was a way to enrich the learning experience. She wrote it in class using

garage band.


Staley’s song is notCopyright ready, so It would be unethicalFor me to save it here.Please watch herMyspace for her songs,Coming SOON. CLICK!

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Formative Assessment With A Group of Students Each student was put on the spot to

tell something from the lesson.

Later, each student had to perfect the answer by using

text across their part of the video. The group decided which jobs they wanted to do. Some

wanted to select music, some chose to edit, and all had to tie the lesson to our own headlines.


ClickThe linkTo see

The presentation

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In this project, students were asked to give me a summary of the lesson.

Each group member had a job based on learning style.

One student wrote the

script.Another was

the editor.One student

was in charge of photos.

All the students proofed and

made corrections.


ClickThe linkTo watch

The presentation

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Summative Assessment~Is not always as

fun as Formative


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How Do We Help Each Child Reach the Set


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The article explains how tiered lesson planning is a good way to help students

succeed at Summative Assessments.

Success means having the student reach his full potential.

Tiered Lessons require more work for the teacher.

Example: Audio recording of thetest questions with the ability forthe student to pause and answer

the question and restart.

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Another example of Tiered Assessment isA test with modifications.

A Modified Test Question might have pronunciation for key words.

•Ho Chi Minh (Hoe Chee Men) was the leader of which army?•NVA•Vietminh (Vee ette men)•Vietcong (Vee ette kong)•All of the above


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Tiered AssessmentIf students learned facts during Formative Assessment using music, teachers could provide access to the instrumental version. The student should be given the ability to pause, think and write.

44 Presidents

Test Version is instrumental only

Click the link to hear the song


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Click the Link to Find Other Learning Songs In Your

Content Area.http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001AQMEZ2/ref=dm_sp_adp?ie=UTF8&qid=1231443365&sr=1-9

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What about the senses of smell & taste??

Can they be used for assessment?Some teachers believe it!

Try it! During Formative Assessments, offer the students the same kind of candy each day. Example: soft peppermint candy stickOn test day, pass out a soft peppermint candy stick with each test.Research indicates that the taste and smell helps students to recall information gained during Formative Assessment.

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If only the advanced students succeed in a

teacher’s class, this may not be evidence of a dynamic

teacher. The gifted students could

probably do great with any teacher.

Helping all students do their best makes a great


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After reading this article, I feel like I have one more tool in my “I want to be a great teacher” toolbox.

Holli M Levy (2008). Meeting the Needs of All Students through Differentiated Instruction: Helping Every Child Reach and Exceed Standards. The Clearing

House, 81(4), 161-164.  Retrieved January 17, 2009, from ProQuest Education Journals database. (Document ID: 1453633641).

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Activity Instructions& Set Up

We have just completed a week long study of the role of women in American History.

After viewing the film clip, you will discuss your views.

Your Statements must be backed up by valid reasons.

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Selected Scenes From Mona Lisa Smiles

I edited several clips, but I have provided links which are similar to my own creation in case you are unable

to view my video. Click the link.


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Let the Discussion Begin!