teach your child english and english will teach him every thing - mohamed elkhemissi elkahlaoui

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  • 7/28/2019 Teach your child English and English will teach him every thing - Mohamed ElKhemissi Elkahlaoui


    Teach your children English and English wil l teach them everything. This is not a joke but areality that I inferred from my teaching experience. A positive too early experience with foreignlanguages can help our children develop self esteem and very positive attitudes to Englishlanguage learning .Motivating young learners to master the acquisitions of foreign language isthe responsibility of the education ministry, the teachers and the parents. Very young learnersexposed to the English language learning are equipped with greater confidence at old ages andcan bring high order thinking and cognitive skil ls to the formal and the abstract learning that theyexperience later in their lives.

    The key to the success of our young children in the studies of foreign languages mainlyEnglish is the motivation factor. And the first step in this process of getting the child involved inthe learning in general is the responsibility of the parents. Some people would argue that it is notfruitful for preschool children to be taught a second language other than their first one. And that itwould be futile to introduce children to a new second or foreign language . However, recentstudies proved that the first three to four years of life is the best time for a child to learn a anotherlanguage. According to Jeanette Vos Ed,D, there are some important reasons forexposing children to early second language learning. For Jeanette Vos Ed.D , when peopleimmerse themselves in a language like children, through play and exploration, they can learn a

    language quickly and easily. So, if parents grow their children in a well -rounded environment,they would learn to speak at least 2000 words by the time they are four years old. We would likeparents to observe how their babies learn to talk proves that their children are natural learners, Ababy brain will then discard the ability to speak in language he or she does not hear, (Kotulak,1996).

    Our message for parents that preschool years are vital years. Ronald Kotulak, authorofInside the Brain, said that during this period and especially the first three years of life, thefoundation of thinking, vision, language, attitudes, aptitudes, and other characteristics are laiddown. Most parents are aware that it would be mad to let the childs natural ability to learnforeign languages go with the wind during her/his most vital years.Simply because during the firstfew years of life, young learners form their main learning pathway in the brain (Bloom, 1964).

    There are six main pathways to the brain. They include learning by sight, sound, taste ,touch, anddoing ( Dryden and Vos,1997) Later in life, all individuals learnings will grow from theinformation gained during these years. I would like to tell our parents the famous story of theMother-cat who took her kittens for a walk on a sunny day and suddenly a huge dog appeared infront of them and started barking. The kittens were frightened and started meowing in panic.Mother -cat, however, picked up her courage and started barking at the dog who wasastonished and disappeared. The cat said to her kittens: You see children how important it is tospeak foreign languages!

    I think we all agree that the roles of foreign languages teachers are crucial and substantial.Most people think that language learning is an enriching experience for all ages, but children

    have the most to gain from this wonderful adventure provided that best teachers are the oneswho must instruct and scaffold the English language learning at the very beginning. A studyconducted by researchers from UCLA and the University of Honk Kong however, shows thatyoung learners with significant exposure to language in early childhood can end up speaking likea native. It is up to teachers of foreign languages to raise their students awareness andexpectations about the English language learning. From my experience with teaching Englishand French to very young learners I concluded that introducing children to languages when theyare young helps them accept the fact that bilingualism and multilingualism are normal in ourworld. My students got to the tradition of speaking more than one language before puberty. Forthem it is an element of belonging to the global society. In other words , all foreign languagesteachers should be aware that exposing their children to other languages and cultures at very

    young age through books ,videos, songs and objects, will have the opportunity to feelcomfortable growing up in a world where languages and cultures intertwines on a daily basis.Teachers should be aware to select books for their students that are about their favorite storiesand songs. The selection when done appropriately will make a learner more eager to learn toread the books himself. According to a recent study done by a foreign language teacher on

  • 7/28/2019 Teach your child English and English will teach him every thing - Mohamed ElKhemissi Elkahlaoui


    classroom management for young learners , Noamen Amara opines that to maintain order andkeep the group on task and moving ahead , not to stop and punish their students who aremisbehaving , best teachers should anticipate when misbehaviors are likely to occur andintervene early to prevent them. The study also stated that language teachers should establishand discuss classroom rules with their students to set up the scene for a comfortable learningsetting for young learners. Noamen also opines that one of the successful ways in motivation iswhen the teacher is resourceful and skillful enough in using pair work and group workappropriately.

    I recommend my colleagues to vary techniques when teaching foreign languages to veryyoung learners using role plays this is a technique ,says Noamen to vary the pace of thelesson and to respond to the fundamental notions of variety in teaching. Teachers are advised touse the role play actively in order to motivate their students and to help the less motivatedlearners take part in the lesson.

    Parents and teachers substantial roles in motivating students to learn foreign languagesshould be enhanced and boosted by the educational authorities and curriculum specialistsefforts and measures. Assuming that an early start to learning English is automatically better,makes the ministry of education work on providing kindergarten and primary schools with skilledlanguage teachers and appropriate resources. The provision of well selective language materials

    for each grade level and the availability of teaching school tools and equipments is at the core ofhigh motivation and engagement for our very young learners. From my experience, the resultsare bewitching with students being instructed through a white interactive board and internetconnectivity. A classroom well equipped with what a foreign language learner needs, is a key tomotivation of children acquiring the foreign languages. I know it would be very costly for theministry to provide these tools to every school, but the implementation of these tools should bedone gradually and step by step. In a decade the ministry will have provided most of the schoolswith the above mentioned school equipments. The ongoing expansion of English languageteaching for young learners has been a notable feature of ELT in recent years and up tocurriculum specialists in our country to consider implementing the latest approaches andstrategies for motivation and updating school teachers for rewarding results.

    Finally, I would like to refer parents, teachers and education authorities to the Swedishexperience with teaching foreign languages to very young learners. In Swedish schools you willfind three-year olds speaking three different languages fluently (Dryden and Vos, 1997). Here inour country we can turn this dream into reality following the Swedish model and other countrieswith successful results in motivation and engagement.


    Noamen Amara :http://teachingenglish-alexenoamen.blogspot.com/John Dryden: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_

    Dryden Kotulak,1996.Bloom s taxonomy


