teaching profession s.muthia.s

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  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    elcome to...  The Teaching


    Professionari Muthia Silalahi


  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Profession Teachers as Artist

    •  Teachers have been liene! to artists " #$illia% 1&91

    in his boo Talks to Teachers in Psychology)• Art %eans : 'i!ely use! %eta(hor

      this %eta(hor of teaching being an art relate! tothe indeterminate skills that are usually

    associate! 'ith the (rocess of teaching"  but there is no clari)cation as to 'hat in! of artist

    the teacher is"

    • 'ho believe that teaching is an art also believe that(eo(le are *born+ teachers"


  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    If not artists, workers orprofessionals?OECD, 199 (resente! an analysis 'hy teachers

    'ere %ore co%%only i!enti)e! as workers :1"Si,e

    2" -!ucational .uali)cation levels

    /" e%ini,ation

    !o"le #199$% (resents analysis of teaching base!on )ve criteria use! to !e)ne a *profession+ :

    1" social function


    /" (ractitioner autono%y

    4" collective autono%y

    " (rofessional values,

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    • 3ol%es rou( 19&56 7arling83a%%on!


    Most (eo(le agree that the (rofessionali,ation of

    teachers is (rere.uisite to the successful

    i%(rove%ent of the .uality of e!ucation

      an! begin to acce(t teaching as a (rofession

    an! conse.uently the transfor%ation fro%

    teacher&trainin' to  teacher professional


  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    a n o pro ess ona sClinicians, researchers,ed)cators ?  Calderhead, 199$

      teachers as *clinicians+, is regar!e! as a(rocess of (roble%8solving an! !ecision8%aingsi%ilar to the (rocesses follo'e! by (hysicians"

      %eans : ho' teachers %ae u!ge%ents an!!ecisions about (articular cases an! !i;cult

    situations an! also on their ty(ical classroo%(ractices"


  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    What do teachers need toknow?rosso de -eon, #1%/ #0e"nolds,

    199%  1" eneral (e!agogical no'le!ge

    2" Subect8%atter no'le!ge

    /" A re(ertoire of %eta(hors# theory an!(ractise

    4" ->ternal evaluation of learning"

    " ?linical training"

    5" @no'le!ge of strategies techni.ues an!tools

    " @no'le!ge an! attitu!es that su((ort(olitical an! social ustice"

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    !ow do teachers learn to 2eteachers?Calderhead and 3horrock #1994%

    teachers ha(e followin' orientations for(re(aration

    aThe aca!e%ic orientation

    bThe (ractical orientation

    c The technical orientation!The (ersonal orientation

    eThe critical in.uiry orientation

    5re&ser(ice ed)cation

    6en&5eret7, #199$% : Pre8service teachere!ucation varies !ra%atically aroun! the'orl! in such as(ects as instit)tionalconte8t content areas, time allocationand forms of practical e8periences for

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Models of pre-serviceeducation

    Calderhead and 3horrock #1994%

    Present the follo'ing three %o!els :

    1" The enculturation or sociali,ation into the(rofessional culture

    2" The technical or no'le!ge an! sills

    /" The teaching as a %oral en!eavour

    onk #199$%

     conclu!es that there are t'o %o!els:

    1" teacher (rofessionalis%

    is base! on the (rinci(les of %astering theaca!e%ic or subect no'le!ge an! (rofesionalco%(etence"

    2" the (ersonal gro'th %o!el"

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Where does pre&ser(ice ed)cation take place?

    ?olleges or universities an! in s(ecial institutions

    Content of initial teacher&preparationpro'rammes

     In general #Ben8Peret, 1996 ?obb 1999 inclu!e :

    o ?ourses an! e>(eriences

    o  That a!!ress subect %atter

    o  The foun!ation of e!ucation courses

    o Professional stu!ies #such as (e!agogy an! %etho!courses chil! !evelo(%ent an! (racticu%"

    :inancin' of initial teacher&ed)cationpro'rammes

     The )nancial su((ort fro% :

    the govern%ent

      entire cost of e!ucation

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Who are the teacher candidates?

      teachers have fe' years of for%al e!ucationan! 'ea aca!e%ic bacgroun!s"

    Challen'es and limitations of initialteacher&preparation pro'rammes

    ille'as&0eimers #199;%

    (resents a list of (roble%s A%ong these

    (roble%s :•  the less8than8i!eal characteristics of %ostcan!i!ates 'ho enter the (rofession6

    •  curricula of (oor .uality6

    •  too %uch e%(hasis on theory an! little ornone on (ractice6 (rogra%%es that are tooshort6

    •  a 'ea relationshi( bet'een (rogra%%es an!school (ractices6

    •  the (oor (re(aration of teacher e!ucators6

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  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    • Ind)ction pro'rammes as in&ser(ice ed)cation

    A stu!y in inlan! #arvinen an! @ohonen199 an in!uction (rogra%%e thatinclu!e! :

    1" 'orsho(s

    2" ho%e'or assign%ents

    /" ournal 'ritings

    4" !i!actic se%inars

    " school e>(eriences such as observing an!

    giving lessons5" (roect 'or an! assigning e>(erience!"

    Ch ll d li it ti f i

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Challen'es and limitations of in&ser(ice pro'rammes


    • e!ucators in charge of in8service courses are(oorly (re(are! #?astro19916

    •  courses are theory8oriente! an! !o nota!!ress (ractical concerns #Subirats an!Cogales 19&96

    • courses are oDere! in locations !i;cult toreach #Tovar 19&96

    -imitations Eon #199 :

    •there is a lac of clarity on the (art of the(artici(ants6

    •  %any in8service activities !o not target6

    •  there is a Flac of insight into the (rocesses ofteachers+ (rofessional !evelo(%ent an! ofteachers+ (rofessional learning

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.


    Where does in-service education take place?

    • in8service (rogra%%es can be oDere! at very!iDerent levels :

    • university levels

    •  e!ucational !e(art%ents teachers+ colleges6

    • institutions controlle! by the state or the

    autono%ous govern%ents6• institutions controlle! by the local


    • teacher8base!

    • (rivate institutions"

  • 8/19/2019 Teaching Profession S.muthia.S.



    to teach them how to use their

    minds and where to go to acquire

    facts when their curiosity is


    ~Elanor oosevelt   Guestion :  the !ivi!ing line bet'een

    (rofessional!evelo(%ent an! in8service training is )nclear

    'hat !o you thin aboutthisH