technology question 3

What have you learnt About technologies from The process of constructing This product?

Upload: emma-steer123

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Technology question 3

What have you learnt About technologies from

The process of constructingThis product?

Page 2: Technology question 3

Software Hardware

1.Photoshop2.Microsoft PowerPoint3.Microsoft Word4.Blogger5.Slideshare6.Dafont7.Surveymonkey

Computer programmes1.Camera 2.Memory

RESEARCH PLANNINGPRODUCTION EVALUATION1.Microsoft PowerPoint2. Blogger3.Dafont4.Memory stick

1.Photoshop2.Blogger3.Dafont4. Memory stick5. Computer6. phone

1.Microsoft PowerPoint2.Blogger3.Dafont4.Surveymonkey5.Camera 6.Computer

1.Microsoft PowerPoint2.Blogger3. Memory stick

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WHAT I HAVE LEARNTPhotoshop I was inexperienced with the programme Photoshop and had never

seen the layout of it. Straight away I was confused with all the tools and layers but gradually learnt what each one did and the function of it.

I learnt about the lasso magnetic tool which allowed me to cut my models head out and paste it again to be in front of the title, this made the magazine look more professional and advanced.

I learnt how to insert text and features to make the magazine look more stylish. This tool I came to terms with relatively easy.

I learnt how to edit my pictures enhancing the brightness and quality of it by going to image and adjustments. Then I cropped the image to allow more detail in a smaller section.

It was tricky to come to terms with each component making up the page being on a separate layer. However, after practice I began to realise if a mistake had been made and clicking on a layer when wanting to move or adapt the component.

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WHAT I HAVE LEARNTBlogger After not even knowing what blogger was, I found after a few weeks I understood each

component and updated frequently producing a well layed out and ordered blog for many people to see my research, planning, producing and evaluating process.

I began by setting up an account and gradually learning how to blog by uploading pictures and text to display my process and updates through the last few weeks.

After logging in I came to this page which gave relevant information of how may posts had been made, latest post, number of page views, and where to view the blog.

I learnt this button allowed me to rearrange my posts in a different order if I wanted to so the sequence made more sense or even delete or add posts.

These are a few of my posts including texts and images from the photography week . Using blogger allowed me to order the stages and follow each post . I learnt how to easily organise and keep my work together and access it easily on my phone or computer at any location, this is am advantage of blogger.

Detailed information such as what time the blog has been posted and what date. This helped distinguish what order my posts were in.

I learnt to upload my work by clicking on this button and browsing in my documents for saved work.

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Again I had never used the hardware programme slide share. After logging in and uploading a PowerPoint it produced a slide share. This created a slide show that is easily flicked through and understood. It is a good way of presenting slides easily and neatly. I began to see more people slideshows on different topics when on the website and it educated me to present my work in a more professional way. After creating a slide show this show can be embedded into a blog or another website which I wasn't aware of till I found out from my friend.

This tool allowed the slide to become the full screen of the computer and be more clear and visible.

These arrows allow the next page of the slide to be presented in order.

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After hearing about Survey monkey I researched it to find it is an online website that allows people to construct specific questionnaires for their projects. It allows a large number of questions to be asked with either simple answers (yes/no) or detailed ones. E-mailing or broadcasting the link to people will allow a direct access to the survey for people to answer. The process of using this website I learnt quickly through explanations of the teacher and research of the internet.

For my survey I received 12 responses this allowed me to understand who my target audience is likely to be and what people want within a magazine. I Also, learnt this way of market research was alot cheaper and time consuming than other ways of conducting it.

Then going to this page allows the data to be constructed and displayed to be some sort of graphs. E.g.. Bar graph or pie chart. This allows the data to be compared and see the best results and then my magazine will hopefully follow the results and meet the demand of the audience requirements.

After, my results were constructed to graphs I could then analyse my results.

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