techo-bloc installation guide - .net framework

Excavating: Before digging, call 811 (it's the law) to ensure that the area is clear of underground cables or utilities. As you shovel, achieve a slope in increments of 1.5% (3/16" per foot) to allow the proper drainage. Foundation: Rake the excavated area. If soil is clay-like, replace with limestone/crushed stone. If soil is granule or sandy, compact until level. Cover with a geotextile fabric. Lay 0-3/4" of crushed stone. Wet base and compact. The Setting Bed: Grade concrete sand with a straight edge. Check slope to ensure drainage is away from house. One more compaction to prep the base. Installation of Paving Stones: Install paving stones at a 90 degree angle. Start with a 3' horizontal line, then lay a 4' line that is perpendicular to the first line, lastly connect the lines with a 5' straight line forming a triangle. Once the paving stones are in, you can install curbstone on the granular base. Filling in Joints: Spread out polymer stabilizer sand on the paving stones and sweep in between joints. Compact the pavers to allow the sand to settle. Sweep one more to remove excess sand. Enjoy!!! Techo-Bloc pavers Shovel/power equipment(depending on size of project) Rake Compactor/tamper Straight edge/level Broom Limestone/crushed stone Geotextile fabric Concrete sand Polymer stabilizer sand Have you started planning your dream yard yet? Expand your outdoor living space with GE Landscape Supply's Techo-Bloc pavers! Each Techo-Bloc style is designed uniquely in shape, finish, and color to match your taste and style. Your friends at GE Landscape Supply are here to assist you with all your landscaping needs. Whether it is estimating quantities of materials or determining which material best suits your project. Our goal is to help you Dream it. Design it. Build it. Use this Installation Guide and Recommended Tools & Materials List to help you consider factors like time, materials, tools, and costs that may be associated with your project. 1 2 3 4 5 Photo Credit: Techo-Bloc Photo Credit: C.E. Pontz Sons Inc. Photo Credit: Better Homes & Gardens Photo Credit: DIY Networks Photo Credit: The Home Depot Photo Credit: Techo-Bloc For more Techo-Bloc installation guides, please visit

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Page 1: Techo-Bloc Installation Guide - .NET Framework

GE Landscape Supply "How To" Series Installing Techo-Bloc Pavers

6 7 0 1 C o r n h u s k e r Hw y . L i n c o l n , N E 6 8 5 0 7   • 4 0 2 - 4 6 7 - 1 6 2 7   • www . g e l a n d s c a p e s u p p l y . c om

Excavating:Before digging, call 811 (it's thelaw) to ensure that the area isclear of underground cables orutilities.As you shovel, achieve a slope inincrements of 1.5% (3/16" perfoot) to allow the properdrainage.

Foundation: Rake the excavated area. If soilis clay-like, replace withlimestone/crushed stone. If soilis granule or sandy, compactuntil level.Cover with a geotextile fabric.Lay 0-3/4" of crushed stone.Wet base and compact.

The Setting Bed:Grade concrete sand with astraight edge.Check slope to ensure drainageis away from house.One more compaction to prepthe base.

Installation of Paving Stones:Install paving stones at a 90degree angle. Start with a 3'horizontal line, then lay a 4' linethat is perpendicular to the firstline, lastly connect the lines with a5' straight line forming a triangle.Once the paving stones are in,you can install curbstone on thegranular base.

Filling in Joints:Spread out polymer stabilizersand on the paving stones andsweep in between joints.Compact the pavers to allowthe sand to settle.Sweep one more to removeexcess sand.Enjoy!!!

Techo-Bloc paversShovel/powerequipment(depending on sizeof project)RakeCompactor/tamperStraight edge/levelBroomLimestone/crushed stoneGeotextile fabricConcrete sandPolymer stabilizer sand

Have you started planning your dream yard yet? Expandyour outdoor living space with GE Landscape Supply'sTecho-Bloc pavers! Each Techo-Bloc style is designeduniquely in shape, finish, and color to match your taste andstyle. Your friends at GE Landscape Supply are here to assist youwith all your landscaping needs. Whether it is estimatingquantities of materials or determining which material bestsuits your project. Our goal is to help you Dream it. Designit. Build it. Use this Installation Guide and Recommended Tools &Materials List to help you consider factors like time,materials, tools, and costs that may be associated with yourproject.


Tools & Materials

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Photo Credit: Techo-BlocPhoto Credit: C.E. Pontz Sons Inc.

Photo Credit: Better Homes & GardensPhoto Credit: DIY NetworksPhoto Credit: The Home Depot

Photo Credit: Techo-Bloc

For more Techo-Bloc installation guides,please visit