temple family news

North Country Reform Temple ~ Ner Tamid December/January/February 2012/2013 kislev/tevet/shevat/adar 5773 Rabbi Dr. Janet B. Liss Student Cantor Faryn Kates Phone: (516) 671-4760 • Fax: (516) 676-9180 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web: www.ncrt.org

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NCRT Temple Family News


Page 1: Temple Family News

North Country Reform Temple ~ Ner Tamid

December/January/February 2012/2013 kislev/tevet/shevat/adar 5773

Rabbi Dr. Janet B. Liss

Student Cantor Faryn Kates

Phone: (516) 671-4760 • Fax: (516) 676-9180 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web: www.ncrt.org

Page 2: Temple Family News

After Hebrew School on Sunday following our Hanukah program, I

went back to do some work in my office. A van pulled up with what I

thought was someone being dropped off for Bnei Mitzvah lessons. I went to

the door because the cantor was not here Sunday. A Chassidic man was

walking toward the building.

Upon opening the door, I met Rabbi Herschel Reisz, who along with

his family were displaced from the south shore and were living temporarily

in the Glen Cove Mansion. Imagine my surprise when this Orthodox Rabbi

was coming to me a Reform Rabbi looking for a set of tefilin so he could

pray. Over the years, families have given me tefilin being discarded once

used by deceased relatives. So Rabbi Reisz went through all of my tefilin, searching to find the prayer that was

the most kosher. Two of his young sons accompanied him in my office. I ascertained that they did not have a

menorah, candles, or dreydels to celebrate Chanukah. I lent him the Chanukiah that I use every year that

belonged to Julius Herschfeld, a Sea Cliff resident who became homeless and lived on the streets in Sea Cliff.

The family that was looking after him gave me his menorah after I did his funeral.

As Rabbi Reisz was going out of my office to go into the sanctuary to prayer, he spotted the Orthodox

prayer book that I used regularly when I was a visiting graduate student at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and

went to a neighborhood Orthodox synagogue. He asked if we have a Tallit and then he proceeded to check all of

our Tallitot to see which one was the most kosher of them and then he put one on and went into the sanctuary to

pray. While this was happening I met his wife who was with their 18 month old, learned about their daughter who

is 16, has cancer and was in Florida on an organized trip by the Chai Foundation with other sick Orthodox

children. One of their sons pressed the panic button and the Glen Cove Police were here in an instant to make

sure we were okay.

The Reisz family left the temple with a Chanukiah, candles, gelt, dreydels, two Orthodox prayer books, a

tallit and tefilin. We have spoken during the week when Rabbi Reisz called to apologize for his son setting off the

alarm and to thank me for my kindness in welcoming them so respectfully into our synagogue and helping him with

his Jewish needs. I was very appreciative of how respectful he was of me as a Reform Rabbi, he addressed me by

Rabbi, he even shook my hand twice. We spoke about the Jewish responsibility to take care of each other as

written in the Talmud. It does not say, only if your fellow Jew shares your beliefs. This was a truly amazing

experience for both of us and hopefully for his children as well.

During Hurricane Sandy many of us had experiences that we do not normally have. Families spent quality

time with each other. In fulfillment of the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming guests, many people opened

their homes to family and friends needing shelter. Many of us have beautiful stories or heard beautiful stories of

the generosity of friends, families and strangers. The kindness shown by so many during the storm outweighed

the gas lines, the darkness and the cold experience by many. This was the silver lining in the darkest of clouds.

Grace and I spent three weeks living with the Nadels following the storm and we have been living with the

Kolberts since the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. We have been blessed by the generosity of our congregation

and the numerous offers we have received about housing us as the repairs continue in our home. The good news is

our house is almost ready for us to move back in and we are looking forward to being home again.

We are forming a committee to come up with a more coordinated effort by the Temple during future

weather challenges. If you would like to join the committee and have some expertise that you could share, please

contact me.

Please join us at any of the upcoming events at the Temple.


Rabbi Janet B. Liss

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Our President...Peggy FitzGerald As we enter this season of giving we reflect on what it means to give. At Thanksgiving, we “give thanks” for the blessings in our lives-family, health, happiness, etc. At Chanukah, we turn our thoughts to giving gifts to our friends and families. Following a natural disaster like Sandy, we consider those who have suffered great losses and give what we can. Our tradition of giving in Judaism is based on Tzedakah. While giving Tzedakah may fulfill some of the definitions of charity, it is much more than charity in the classic sense of the word. Charity, according to Merriam-Webster.com, is benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity or a generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering.

Tzedakah has a three letter root,צדק. The essence of the root צדק is all about justice and righteousness. Therefore, we can say that when we engage in ְצָדָקה we create more justice in the world. Most importantly for Jews, giving Tzedakah is a Mitzvah. It is a one of our sacred obligations, and it has helped define us as a people for generations. Torah teaches us that although it is an obligation, we should only give what we can, and we should begin at home and work outwards from there. At NCRT, there are so many ways to give. I ask that you consider giving your time to volunteer for a committee or a specific event and participate by attending services, classes, programs, and events. Our holiday programs are very popular and well attended. But we have ongoing programming and events for our members to have the opportunity to socialize with friends and grow and learn as Jews. The Tzedakah page on our website, www.ncrt.org, lists the variety of funds we have that allow our members to give to a specific area that has special meaning or interest. We also have Yahrzeit plaques to memorialize our loved ones and our Sefer Torah board and Tree of Life to honor or commemorate special people or events. Giving in any realm is always rewarded. Deuteronomy 15:10 states “Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” God rewards us for giving Tzedakah and doing Mitzvot. We are also rewarded within ourselves, knowing we’re doing something to help people and bring justice and righteousness to the world. Begin at home, in your Temple and in your community. Don’t miss the rewards coming to you and give what you can. I look forward to seeing you at Temple! Peggy FitzGerald

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Student Cantor Faryn Kates

On the morning of Simchat Torah this year, I attended services at Town and Village

Synagogue in Manhattan. Town and Village frequently offers American Sign Language interpreted

services on Shabbat and festivals, and I chose to go to this particular service because I wanted to

experience tefilah the way a person with a hearing disability does. I wanted to experience tefilah

with my eyes, rather than my ears. This was particularly challenging for me as the music during the

service was uplifting, but I was moved by beauty and artistry of the prayers in sign language, and

was moved by the focus and participation of the hearing disabled community members. About half way through the service, a

woman named Beth approached me to say hello and welcome me to the synagogue. Beth is hearing disabled and does not have

much spoken language skill, and I do not know sign language. Our brief 2-minute conversation was strained, though we both

continued to smile throughout our awkward interaction. Although I appreciated Beth’s efforts to welcome me into the synagogue,

I felt terrible that she and I could not fully communicate. I imagine that Beth’s life is like this all the time and I tried to imagine

what my life would be like if I could not communicate with people.

Communication is directly associated with how we relate to one another. Frederich Schreiber, former executive director of

the National Association of the Deaf said:

Deaf people live in a world that differs vastly from any other because the common medium that binds most

people together is communication. Our world is an auditory one, and the inability to learn by auditory methods

imposes a heavy burden on the individual which, so far, has proven barely tolerable. Helen Keller once noted that

if she had to do it all over again she would devote her time to working with the deaf because “blindness cuts you

off from things, while deafness cuts you off from people.”

In this age of technology, we can reach out to the members of our community who are hearing disabled and offer them

multi-sensory ways to communicate and offer them ways to be involved in the Jewish community. No longer do Jews with hearing

disabilities need to stand on the periphery; Jewish law no longer dictates that a person with a hearing disability should be treated

differently and our society is advanced enough that we should be able to communicate

through more than just the spoken word. We have come a long way in opening the doors of

communication and welcoming in those who have hearing disabilities, but we have a long

way to go. It is my hope that the Jewish community will continue to work hard to find new

and innovative ways to be inclusive of those with hearing disabilities.

Student Cantor Faryn Kates

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Partners in Caring

Welcoming Partners in Caring to North Country Reform Temple

Under the auspices of Partners in Caring, a UJA funded program bringing together F∙E∙G∙S Long Island (the region’s Jewish

human services agency) and synagogues, we have a F∙E∙G∙S social worker Hillary Lagnado, LCSW-R as part of our North

Country Reform Temple staff on a part-time basis.

This partnership strengthens our connection to both F∙E∙G∙S and the Long Island community. Partners in Caring will bring

educational programs and workshops, volunteer opportunities and projects, and free and confidential short-term individual

counseling and referral services to our synagogue. For more information or to speak to a social worker, please contact

Hillary Lagnado, LCSW-R 516-496-7550 ext 267 [email protected]

Shemot- What’s in a name? Do you have a Hebrew Name? Do your children have Hebrew

names? On Friday January 4th, during our 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Services,

Rabbi Liss will be naming anyone who would like to be included. Why

that Shabbat? Because on that Shabbat we begin reading the Book of

Exodus which is entitled Shemot, names. The portion begins with a

listing of names. To be included, please contact Rabbi Liss to

discuss your Hebrew name during the week of December 17-21.

SNOW INFORMATION: In case of inclement weather, we follow the lead taken by our surrounding schools on Tuesdays. If classes are cancelled, there will be no Hebrew School. If it starts snowing during the day and night activities are cancelled, we will also cancel. If the weather is bad on a weekend, we will let you know if there is

no school by a phone call or email. You can call the Temple and the recording will also let you know if school is cancelled. If the electricity is out, there will be no school. You can always email Rabbi Liss at [email protected] or call her at 671-4760 if you have any questions.

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NCRT Hebrew School Calendar 2012/2013

Sunday, December 23rd No Hebrew School

Tuesday, December 25th No Hebrew School

Sunday, December 30th No Hebrew School

Tuesday, January 1st No Hebrew School

Sunday, January 6th Hebrew School 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

7th Grade Mishpacha

Tuesday, January 8th Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Post Con 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Friday, January 11th 6th Grade Service & Dinner 6:15 p.m.

Preschool Mishpacha 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 13th Hebrew School 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 15th Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Sunday, January 20th Health Day No Hebrew School

Tuesday, January 22nd Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Sunday, January 27th Hebrew School 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 29th Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

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NCRT Hebrew School Calendar 2012/2013

Sunday, February 3rd Hebrew School 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

4th Grade Mishpacha

Tuesday, February 5th Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Post Con 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Friday, February 8th 2nd /3rd Grade Service and Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 10th Hebrew School 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Tallit Workshop

Tuesday, February 12th Hebrew School 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 17th No Hebrew School

Tuesday, February 19th No Hebrew School

Saturday, February 23rd Purim Program 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 24th No Hebrew School

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Thank You to Our Members and Their Families Who Performed Yom Kippur Services at Nursing Homes in Glen Cove

*Patti Belasco *Grace Blank *Jeff Blinkoff *Eva Jones *Michael Kotkin *Al & Lynn Leslie *Marilyn Levine *James Markay *Glory Mayreis *Jesse Mayreis *Maxine Mayreis *Felicia Pomerantz

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Thank You to All of Our Sukkah Volunteers! Patti Belasco Steve Kolbert Ed Wigutoff Jonah Biblowitz Noah Kolbert Sharon Wigutoff Jacob Abramowitz Larry Ostroff Marty Fogel

Mitch Abramowitz Eric Bailey David Woska Dean Mayreis Alan Rosen Amorita Snow Pam Loher Chris Koenig Ben Snow Sara Loher Joe Gleicher Alex Snow Wayne Smith Paula Frome Scott Kessler Steve Bruckman Ilana Frome Dakota Kessler Ana Kolbert Felix Espino Cole Kessler

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Congratulations to Jeffrey & Amorita Snow, Dean & Maxine Mayreis, Peggy Fitzgerald & Carol Davidson and David & Kerry Fierstein for hosting a Sukkah dinner and being part of the Double Chai Club.

Do a Mitzvah! Remember a loved one by ordering a memorial plaque ($360)

Order a leaf for our beautiful Tree of Life, a wonderful tribute to your family and friends or in honor of a special event in your life ($360)

Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat (min. $36)

Donate to One of Our Many Funds: Choir Fund

Prayer Book Fund Garden Fund Adult Ed Fund

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Hebrew School Scholarship Fund

And Many More

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Thank You For Your Generous Kol Nidre Pledges

Manuel & Charlotte Abelson Benjamin & Miriam Epstein

Mitchell & Regina Abramowitz Ralph Epstein & Mary George

Robert & Robin Appel Louis & Sherri Federico

Laurence Balfus Stephen & Candyce Felder

Allen & Susan Bauman Arthur & Rhoda Finer

Patti Belasco Marty & Irene Fogel

Sari Berkowitz Henry & Michelle Foster

Carol Berkowitz Edward & Lynn Fox

Stanley & Barbara Berkowitz Roberta Fox

Herman Berliner & Annette Schrader Ruth Friedman

Amy Bettan Steven & Paula Frome

Robert & Vicki Bialer Alan Geiss

Richard & Nili Biondi Alan Geller & Melisa Mindich

Douglas Bobley & Amy Marion Michael & Judy Glass

Dennis & Jeanine Briefel Kevin & Terry Glassman

Donald & Jadzia Brown Mark & Connie Glowatz

Stephen Bruckman James & Janice Greenberg

Joseph & Susan Budd Dennis & Joan Gross

Edward & Donna Chernoff Jason & Freda Harris

Caryn Coville Robert & Julie Hert Jean Dankman David & Judy Herzog Carol Davidson & Margaret FitzGerald Michael & Michele Israel Deborah Davidson Mitchell & Kathy Jacobson Tom & Ellen Deutsch Eva Jones

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Thank You For Your Generous Kol Nidre Pledges

Alan & Susan Kadison Robert & Victoria Minowitz Alfred & Lane Todrys

Stephen & Brigitte Kahn James & Alison Neisloss Jeremy & Elaine Weinstein

Geoffrey & Marcy Kaiser Lawrence & Marlene Ostroff Burton & Sheila Yagoda

Scott & Karen Kessler Brandon & Tairyn Palanker Leonard & Myra Zaremba

Robert & Dari Kleinwaks Anne Partridge Ruth Zipkin

Lisa Koenig Sandy & Felicia Pomerantz

Steven & Ana Kolbert Paul & Helen Rappaport

Marcia Kotkin Barbara Richer

Ernest & Rhonda Kovacs Matthew & Kara Rosencrans

Robert & Maxyne Lang Jack & Robin Ross

Charles & Ronnie Lavine Joseph & Roberta Rotberg

Rabbi Janet Liss & Grace Blank Joseph & Leslie Saxl

Skip & Beth LeBlang Michael & Ilana Schenck

Alvin & Lynn Leslie Linda Sibell

Maurice Levin Wendy Silas

David & Marilyn Levine Jeffrey & Amorita Snow

Pamela Loher James & Eloise Spector

Scott & Marisa Macnow Paul & Kathleen

Barbara Marder Alan & Ruth Stearn

James Markay Catherine Stern

David Marx Walter & Donata Stern

Dean & Maxine Mayreis Gabriel & Dorothy Sunshine

Andrew & Julie Menzin Leonard & Nada Tannen

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Tashlich 2012 at Crescent Beach

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Lunch and Learning with Rabbi Liss Tuesdays 12:00-1:30 p.m.

Join Rabbi Liss for Jewish learning for the soul. Bring

with you nourishment for your body. We will provide

drinks and dessert.

Whatever the context in which it is worn, our clothing is often our most powerful form of communication. As in any great literature, the language of

putting on and taking off clothing in the Bible--especially the narratives that turn on the symbolic use of clothes--can provide us with a sense of the overarching worldview of the biblical writers. Yet, by immersing ourselves

in the symbolic language and stories of the Bible, we can also gain insight into ourselves and our own lives. In this engaging look at interpretations of

clothing in the Bible, renowned Torah scholar and midrashist Norman Cohen presents ten paradigmatic Bible stories that involve clothing in an essential way, as a means of learning about the text, its characters and

their interactions. But he also shows us how these stories help us confront our own life dramas, our own stories. In doing so, he presents Torah as a

mirror, reflecting back to us our own personalities, ambivalences, struggles and potential for growth. By helping us uncover the "garments of Torah," Cohen shows us how to shed our own

layers of insulation to reveal our authentic selves.

ABC’s of Judaism Join Rabbi Liss Mondays at 7:00 p.m.

This class is for anyone interested in

learning more about Judaism, for the newly

forming B'nei Mitzvah Class and anyone considering converting

to Judaism. It is open to the entire Congregation. There is a $25

material fee for this class.

Adult Hebrew Lessons Classes will be held on Sundays 9:30-10:30 a.m. or Mondays

8:00-9:00 p.m. Taught by Nili Biondi & Paula Frome.

Please contact Amorita Snow if you are interested in

attending at [email protected].

There is a $25 material fee for this class.

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Host Student Cantor Faryn Kates!

Please volunteer to host our wonderful

student Cantor Faryn Kates during weekends or

holiday services by providing transportation

accommodations (her own room) and meals as

needed. Transportation is from/to the Glen Street train

station. Go to the link below to view the calendar and select the

date(s): click on "pick this day”, answer questions, then click


In addition, there are some non-sleepover days where

transportation only is needed on Fridays from the Glen Street

train station (1:45 pickup, dropoff after services in

Manhasset) and Sundays at the Manhasset station (8am pickup,

3pm dropoff). Please bookmark this site and visit it often for

future dates as we are counting on many members to make this

work. This is a great way to spend some quality time so Faryn

can get to know us and vice versa! Go to this link to sign up:


NCRT Job Connection

Looking for work? Have open positions

available at your company? Let us know! Send your submissions to Morgan at [email protected] each Friday.

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Page 13 North Country Reform Temple March/April 2012

Women of Reform Judaism

It's been a busy few months. Thankfully we all seem to be recovering from the effects of Superstorm Sandy. To help with recovery, we collected coats, cold weather items, linens, clothing, and toiletries. These items were distributed to Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the INN, and Freeport and Long Beach. Special thanks to all those who contributed and sorted. We collected over 2,000 POUNDS of clothing and items to help, including over 60 COATS! WOMEN'S HEALTH DAY was postponed due to the storm, but has been rescheduled for Sunday, JANUARY 20 from 10am-4pm. Since we have extra time, we have worked to make the day even more incredible! Remember, this day is for women and those who love them. Registration forms are being mailed out to all member families and are available in the office and online. It is open to the public so bring your family and friends. In the middle of the storm, the WRJ Northeast District Convention took place. I was lucky enough to attend. We were presented with our charter and you will be able to see it hanging in the temple shortly. Lots of new contacts were made with other sisterhoods and several of them are planning to join us for our Women's Health Day. We are working on creating a new edition of the NCRT YELLOW PAGES. Look for the form to participate in the bulletin. It will also be available in the office. Let your fellow congregants know what you do and let's support each other. Every member family will receive a copy. As a special look ahead, we will be hosting a CHOCOLATE SEDER on Saturday, MARCH 9. We will have a light dinner and a fun, family-friendly evening with a tongue-and-cheek approach to the holiday. This event promises to be very popular so be sure to sign up early to reserve your seat and your chocolate Seder plate. From my family to yours and on behalf of my amazing board, I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. I hope to see you at the Chanukah Synaplex. And if you have not already, come to a meeting and check us out. Remember, without you, we are one member short. JANUARY MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, time TBA B'Shalom and Chag Sameach, Alissa

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Women's Health: Wise and Wonderful

Sponsored by the WRJ-Sisterhood of North Country Reform Temple in Glen Cove, NY

Sunday, January 20th, 10am-4pm. $36 includes lunch (some classes extra).

at NCRT 86 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. 516-671-4760

Come join us for a great day of learning about how to lead healthy lives.

Part of being healthy is also enjoying life so there will be fun to be had as well.

Name_________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________



Are you a member of any of the following?

___No ____NCRT & Sisterhood Member ____NCRT Member

____Other WRJ/Sisterhood Member, specify________________

Do you have any dietary restrictions?

____None ____Kosher ____Vegetarian ____Food Allergy, specify___________________

Which classes are you interested in taking?

What is your age, if we may ask? (To help us better customize the classes)

___25 or under ___26-35 ___36-45 ___46-55 ___56-65 ___66-75 ___76 and over

Would you be willing to donate a pint of blood? The Bloodmobile will be there.

____Yes ____No

Please make checks out to: NCRT Sisterhood and return forms to:

NCRT Sisterhood Health Fair, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542

Take a class and learn a little something. Take a Zumba class.

Have a tasty, healthy lunch with some great ladies. Get a massage.

Learn more about some local providers. Make some new friends.

Get certified in CPR or AED Take care of yourself.

____First Aid ____Nutrition ____Fall Prevention

____Signs & Symptoms of

Heart Disease

____Wellness Lecture &

Benefits of Weight



____Skin Care ____Crafting ____Yoga Class ($5)

____Pilates Class ($5) ____Zumba Class ($5)

____AED & CPR Certification (3 hour class, $55)

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November/December Yahrzeits 2012: 5773

November 2

Myra Abramson

Julie Berler

Tina Shapiro Cohen

Claire Gross

Clara Jeshrun

Elyse Kaplan

Milton Liberman

Albert Lippert

Kate Lippert

Harry Lutwin

Marianne Maier

Sondra Mansfield

Myrna Silver

Shelley Uva

Rhea Wallace

Nathan Wedner

November 9

Henry Berke

Charles Biondi

Ena Brunn

Gertrude Davis

Ann Baron Gordon

Harry Gruner

Sam Israel

Marjorie Kramberg

Sylvia Lowenstern

Barbara Newberger

Gina Marie Popper

Lazar Rabinowitz

Mildred Saslow

Emanuel Shapiro

Emanuel Stern

Sylvia Stoller

November 16

Eleanor Aaron

Tzafi Avraham

Louis Blousman

Betty Chasin

Eleanor Cohen

Henry Einstein

Florence Getz

Milt Goldstein

Selma Goodman

Sylvia Landsman

Irving Lercher

Herbert Lutwin

Gussie Lutwin

Lawrence Merlis

William Offenberg

Minnie Pressburger

Ann Rabinowitz

Sylvia Rosen

George Rothenberg

David Rothstein

Ann Rubinstein

Jacob Slutzah

Martin Solomon

Howard Springarn

Rosalie Strauss

Sam Sunshine

Alan Weisman

November 23

Evelyn Abelson

Charles Berg

Max Cohen

Kenneth Feldman

Frances Fresco

Eva Gedzelman

Nettie Gleicher

Rae Golberg

Samuel Goldstein

Wallace Green

Bella Israel

Yehuda Issaharoff

David Jacobs

Carl Kertesz

Hortense Kolker

Elynor Lerner

Harriet Lipman

Bert Mansfield

William Rosencrans

Mildred Saks

Milton Schubach

Harry Sherman

Helen Siegel

Joseph Ungar

Gertrude Yorsaner

November 30

Marvin Buchner

Ida Chorna

Henry Cutler

Annette Kasindorf

Donald Kern

Anna Klein

Gerald Kleppel

Fay Krawchick

Leon Levine

Phillip Lieberman

Terry Macklin

Sophie Macy

Abraham Moglinksy

Betty Naroff

Irma Gertz Neisloss

Bertha Portillo

Leonard Rosenberg

Sherman Saxl

Isaac Siegel

Sadie Steinman

Moses Weinstein

Mimi Winetsky

December 7

Gerald Altschuler

Belle Appel

Louis Aranoff

Sylvia Barth

Dolly Birnbaum

Albert Borish

Rosalind Bruckman

Michael Falk

Irving Garfinkel

Rose Grossman

James Hammerling

Betty Lee Hellman

Samuel Homer

Rabbi Samuel Kaplan

Hattie Koss

Margarete Markow

Meye Mester

Frank Morton

Bernard Press

Solomon Rosenberg

Wrenna Rothstein

Florence Slater

December 14

Devera Brown

David Brunn

Lawrence Charno

Norman Frome

Ida Fromm

Samuel Hirschenfang

Solomon Hoffman

Gita Kahne

Murray Levrant

Leib Melamed

Celia Miller

Herbert Miller

Norman Tabor

Isidore Tanenzaf

Celia Tranen

Charles Tranen

Ruth Sargent Weil

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December/January Yahrzeits 2012/2013: 5773

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December 21

Rose Abramson

Shirley Blackman

David Bleiberg

Anthony Colao

Anna Drath

Samuel Dubner

Frances Frimel

Hannah Goldman

Samuel Hoffner

Benjamin Kushell

Dana Launer

Leah LeBlang

Fannie Levenstein

Bobby Loughran

Alan Macnow

Abraham Metelka

Leonard Nadel

Jesse Newberger

Henry Palkowitz

Pauline Schillin

Bess Schneiderman

Cecelia Solomon

Sarah Steinberg

Fannie Werther

December 28

Gertrude Bender

Johanna Berkman

Benjamin Bigman

Sylvan Bloomfield

Norma Dicker

Sylvia Emsig

Sarah Kaplan Feidler

Marion Firestone

Leonard Forman

Anne Giblen

Pauline Homowitz

Sophie Jacobson

Irene Kronsky

Jerome Lebowitz

Joel Lefkowitz

Jack Miller

Lee Miller

Mae Perlmutter

Lillian Rosenberg

Ephraim Sachs

Bessie Silverberg

Bernetta Spector

Sidney Stein

George Steinman

Paul Trause

Gloria Vort

Henrietta Warhaftig

Paul Weisenfeld

Mabel Weiss

Selma Winter

January 4

Elinore Barth

Samuel Birnbaum

Estelle Davis

Regina Flusser Fink

Frieda Goldberg

Stephen Kovacs

Helene Kunze

Steven Lamstein

Samuel Meltzer

Bronia Myer

Jerome Pedolsky

Myllicent Press

Sylvia Rome

Dorris Schapiro

Sidney Schertzer

Anna Shapiro

Itzhak Behr Shneyder

Elsa Moss Siegel

Stanford Stanley

Erna Stern

Sidney Trencher

Harry Troeger

Olga Westrich

Morris Wiener

January 11

Anna Baer

Beatrice Berler

Lena Cohen

Janet Diamond

Hyman Drath

Rebecca Garber-


Mary Goldowitz

Aida Kaplan

Charles Kronenberg

Richard Lewis

Rose Meltzer

William Remmlinger

Jechiel Schachner

Louis Schwartz

Miriam Schwimmer

Lena Sunshine

Olga Ungar

Samuel Westrich

Frances Wilpon

Bernice Wiseman

January 18

Michael Bakst

Bertram Berger

Harry Binder

Charles Fromm

Rachel Gormezano

Edward Katz

Nathan Kleiner

Sylvia Kovacs

Sadye Lewin

Blanche Lowenstern

Harry Lubin

Herman Saxl

Joyce Schlosberg

Sol Schoor

Barbara Silverstein

Benjamin Steinberg

Goulda Szulman

Barbara Tabor

Betty Wasserman

January 25

Adele Balfus

Harry Barth

Joshua Biblowitz

Gloria Cappel

Theodore Fischel

Yehudah Goldman

Mildred Hochman

Lydia Khouri

Harry Kuper

Penina Maier

Jack Markow

Herman Meltzer

Max Obel

Dorothy Rosen

Samuel Rosen

Alvin Rothstein

Tillie Russakoff

Todd Saslow

Rebecca Schiff-


Philip Schwartz

Harriet Sloane

Sid Stoller

Benjamin Weir

Anna Weitzman

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February Yahrzeits 2013: 5773

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February 1

Esther Abelson

Guido Cabib

Robert Cappel

Jacob Chaiken

David CohenPaul


Monroe Fink

Sol Flick

David Fried

Ben Friedman

Edwin Friedman

Isidore Giblen

Beatrice Gittler

Eli Gormezano

Leo Grossman

Erica Heilweil

Laura Heiman

William James

Jack Langsam

Bernard Marx

Jane Noonan

Gary Notice

Mac Schoenfeld

Sam Schuman

Morris Seltzer

Sonia Sisskind

Essie Slavin

Albert Sperber

Sylvia Sternbach

Max Weisberg

Bathan Weiss

February 8

Morris Abramson

June Behar

Jack Belsky

Adrianne Blinkoff

Barry Bloom

Suzanne Edelstein

Nathan Evenstein

Mary Goldstein

Benjamin Hecht

Ralph Kasindorf

Bertha Kronenberg

Maureen Lebowitz

Paul Levin

Samuel Levine

Abraham Lichtenstein

Ruth Meyers

Mack Pomerantz

Mae Richer

Anita Ross

Beulah Rothstein

Matthew Saltzman

Robert Schnall

David Shapiro

Werner Silberschmid

Steve Tanenbaum

Sarah Tanenzaf

Ilse Werner

Beverly Yaffee

Max Yagoda

February 15

Pearl Ackerman

Celia Berkowitz

Martin Bettan

Barnet Cohen

Harry Davis

Frederick de Beer Jr.

Diana Green

Ruth Kantrowitz

Morris Kleiner

Anthony LaMarca

Pauline Levey

Julius Lurie

Selma Marx

Louis Miller

Judith Pinsley

Martin Price

Mary Rothstein

Sarah Schertzer

Aaron Vernon

Rose Weir

David Weitzman

February 22

Kenneth Cort

Sara Epstein

Melvin Gillman

Alfred Gittler

Regina Glass

Henry Green

Isadore Kaufman

Freide Kopel

Shirley Lavender

Beverly Lerner

Winifred Levine

Elliott Marion

Benjamin Molin

Hannah Popper

Albert Rawiszer

Aaron Schachter

Irwin Schwartz

Theodore Siegel

Frieda Sturm

Sherman Tankel

Abraham Winters

Barbara Witkin Wood

Jacob Zimer

Page 24: Temple Family News

November 1 Rebecca Brunn 1 Zoe Brunn 1 Matthew Rosencrans 2 Tracy Zelenetz 3 Jeffrey Snow 4 Lawrence Ostroff 4 Robert Wallach 5 Scott Kessler 5 Joshua Minowitz 5 Mia Stein 6 Noah Kolbert 6 Sydney Lerner 7 Falyn Juettner 8 Lee Launer 8 Alan Rosen 9 Katherine Schwartz 9 Eric Siegel 11 Roberta Rotberg 12 Samuel Israel 12 Allison Ross 13 Sheila Yagoda 14 Jack Levin 14 Bryana Ostroff 15 Candyce Felder 15 Kathy Jacobson 16 Tanner Korponay 16 Jerry Lewin 17 Judy Herzog 17 Lori Kotkin 19 Joel Sunshine 20 Bernard Flaton 20 Harrison Israel 21 Gregory Bader 21 Joseph Saxl 22 Hannah FitzGerald 22 William FitzGerald 24 Barbara Berkowitz 24 Stephan Felder 25 Donald Brown

25 Burton Yagoda 27 Denny Kupferman 27 Thomas Yacovone 28 Andrew Fierstein 28 Emily Gibbs 28 Elizabeth Loher 28 Mitchell Lynn 30 Travis Bobley


1 Raquel Minowitz 2 Molly Feinstein 2 Simantov Gormezano 3 Lisa Koenig 4 Samantha Bader 4 Skye Schenck 5 Leah Bobley 5 Dillon Kupferman 5 Cynthia Rosen 6 Bennett Mansfield 8 Philip Schiff 9 Patti Belasco 9 Carol Feinstein 9 Samantha Geller 10 Susan Gross 11 Carol Davidson 12 Kara Rosencrans 13 Lisa Brunn 14 Tayler Bradford 14 Alan Geller 14 Walter Stern 15 Marcy Kaiser 15 David Schwartz 16 Katherine Nadel 17 Melisa Mindich 17 Arielle Schwartz 18 Benjamin Rosen 19 Jadwiga Brown 20 Richard Feinstein

22 Derick Korponay 24 Bart Marksohn 25 Robert Berke 25 Carol Siegel 27 Donald Bloomfield 27 Dorothy Sunshine 29 Phyllis Edelstein 29 David Saltzman 30 Laura Berke 30 Ilana Scheck 31 Miriam DeLuca 31 Daniel Grinberg 31 Laurie Grinberg 31 Andrew Menzin



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January 1 Michael Bader 4 Robert Appel 5 Sarah Deutsch 6 Lily Mansfield 6 Glory Mayreis 6 Jesse Mayreis 7 Sierra Werz 8 Carly Kleinwaks 9 Glenn Bradford 10 Steven Bailey 10 Jagger Gillman 12 Adira Schiff 14 Marissa Frank 14 Skip LeBlang 14 Maurice Levin 15 Julie Mendik 17 Hannah Geller 18 Jesse Marksohn 19 Ernest Kovacs 20 Candi Blau 20 Kerry Fierstein 20 Mika Ikawa 21 Cole Korponay 21 Gregg Lerman 22 Manuel Abelson 22 Sabrina Briefel 22 Sara Demarino 23 Erika Koeppel 23 Audra Roth 24 Natalie Macnow 24 Jeremy Schiff 24 Emma Wallach 25 Susan Bloomfield 25 Harris Fox 27 Evan Fierstein 28 Eric Bailey 28 Rhoda Finer 28 Hannah Mitzner 28 Nada Tannen

29 Jonah Biblowitz 29 Neil Caplan 29 Kaitlyn LeBlang 30 Isabel Berliner 30 Justin Pedolsky 31 Ron Hoyt

February 1 Ruby Lerman 1 David Marx 2 Evan Siegel 3 Michele Israel 5 Jacqueline Leon 5 William Rosencrans 6 Jeffrey Briefel 6 Jill Gleicher 7 Lewis Biblowitz 7 Jade Kessler 8 Terry Glassman 8 Marlene Ostroff 10 Jeffrey Blinkoff 10 Ethan Bradford 10 Ralph Epstein 10 Catherine Stern 11 Judith Mitzner 12 Nicollette Appel 12 Matthew Grinberg 12 Sophie Rosen 13 Dakota Kessler 14 Miriam Berg 16 Steven Ross 17 Paula Frome 17 Saul Katz 18 Andrei Barasch 18 Bennett Felder 18 Lisa Lerner 19 Isabel Wallach 20 Deborah Davidson 20 Paul Smith

21 Barbara Richer 22 Elaine Greenberg Yacovone 22 Noah Peretz 23 Caryn Coville 23 Celia Stark 24 Jed Kaiser 25 Leonard Tannen 27 Jake Bleiweiss 28 Hannah Arnholt 28 Andrew Kahn 28 Russell Launer



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Yahrzeit Fund Cathy Stern in memory of Else Stern; Barbara Marder in memory of Rose Palkowitz and Saul

Kleinwaks; Jean Dankman in memory of Daniel Dankman & Isidore Dankman; Edward Chernoff

in memory of Nadine Apfelbaum, Mark David Chernoff & Rachel Chernoff; Marcia Kotkin in

memory of Howard Kotkin, Meyer Kotkin, and Mary Grossman; Ronnie & Chuck Lavine in

memory of Phyllis Newberger; Florence & Bernard Flaton in memory of Selma Goodman;

Myra & Len Zaremba in memory of Ann Rubinstein; Sherri Federico in memory of Minnie

Pressburger; Susan & Allen Bauman in memory of Anna Klein; Jeremy & Elaine Weinstein in

memory of Moses Weinstein; Marcia Kotkin in memory of Rose Grossman.

Hebrew School Scholarship Fund Myra & Len Zaremba in memory of Lawrence Sherr; Fran Rossi in honor of Barbara Marder’s

Birthday; Maxine & Dean Mayreis in memory of Lawrence Sherr; Sari Berkowitz & Gloria

Mathey with thanks to Rabbi Liss for Zachary’s Bar Mitzvah; Barbara Marder in memory of

Lawrence Sherr and Sylvia Berger, in memory of Henry Palkowitz and in honor of the December birthdays of Eugene & Rose Gorlick.

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Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Sari Berkowitz in memory of Lawrence Sherr; Jack Rudnick in honor of Rabbi Liss; Yvonne

Gelbord with thanks to Rabbi Liss; Anne Partridge in memory of Albert Borish. Bob & Vicki

Bialer in honor of Rabbi Liss; Cheryl Sherman & Jonathan Sherman with thanks to Rabbi Liss

for her spiritual support during this difficult time.

Other Funds

General Fund: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wigglesworth with thanks to Rabbi Liss for officiating

at Lavinia Weissman’s funeral.

Prayer Book Fund: NCRT in memory of Lawrence Sherr; NCRT in memory of

Yetta Sherman.

Adult Ed Fund: Paul & Brenda Wolf in honor of Maxine Mayreis’s Birthday; Marty & Irene

Fogel in memory of Mildred Fogel; Irene & Gene Nadel in honor of Leslie & Joseph Saxl.

Garden Fund: Marcia Kotkin in honor of Kathy Nadel with thanks for her hospitality.

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Tu B’Shevat “The New Year of the Trees” Saturday, January 26, 2013

The name Tu B’Shevat is derived from the Hebrew date of the holiday, which occurs on the

fifteenth day of Shevat. “Tu” stands for the Hebrew letters Tet and Vav, which together have the

numerical value of 9 and 6, adding up to 15. This is the season in which the earliest blooming trees in Israel

begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. We mark Tu B’Shevat by eating these fruits including grapes, figs, olives,

pomegranates, and dates.

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Easy to Make Hamantashen


4 eggs 1/2 cup oil 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. baking powder pinch of salt 3 cups flour assorted fruit fillings (cherry, raspberry, poppy, prune or apricot)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together in electric mixer. until dough forms

2. Roll dough to about 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into circles using a round cutter or the top of a


3. Place 1 1/2 teaspoons filling in the center of each circle of dough.

4. Pull up sides and pinch three corners together to form a triangular cookie with filling showing.

5. Bake on greased cookie sheets for approximately 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

This recipe makes approximately 36 hamantashen.

Please Join Us For Our Purim Program:

Saturday, February 23 at 5:30 p.m. at NCRT

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NCRT COMMITTEES Adult Education Amorita Snow This committee works with the Rabbi to develop classes and discussion groups on special topics. The committee also assists the Rabbi on Friday night programming and Interfaith programs.

Banquet Wayne Smith

This committee oversees the rental of the Temple facilities, the panel of caterers, and the maintenance

of equipment and supplies.

Budget Myra Zaremba

This committee works with the financial Secretary, Executive Committee and Trustees to develop the budget for the forthcoming

fiscal year, and in proposing new ways to generate revenue. It is also involved in planning for new program needs of the

Congregation, and evaluating the financial needs of these programs before presenting recommendations for Congregation’s consideration

at an Annual Meeting.

Building and Grounds

Dean Mayreis This committee is concerned with the care, maintenance, and improvement of our Temple building and property.

Caring Committee Ruth Zipkin

This committee provides support for Temple members in their time of need and general outreach toTemple members.


Barbara Marder This committee prepares and implements vital fundraising activities in the Temple.

Membership James Greenberg

This committee is involved with identifying and attracting new members to the Temple, and seeing that they are welcomed and integrated into the Temple family.

Public Relations Walter Stern

This committee works with the local media to disseminate Temple news. and works with the Rabbi and the Board on all school matters.

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Hebrew School Board Judy Herzog & James Greenberg This committee helps set policies and requirements for the Hebrew School. The committee assists in registration of students and works with the Rabbi

and the Board on all school matters.

Mitzvah Team

This committee works to better our community by actively doing Mitzvot and is always seeking volunteers with hearts of kindness and compassion.

Ritual Committee Jadwiga Brown

This committee works with the Rabbi and the Cantor, in developing ritual and programs for creative services, special services, and holiday celebrations. It distributes, honors, and encourages participation in all religious activities at the


Synaplex Paula Frome

This committee organizes our Synaplex Shabbat programs for adults and students to enhance our Shabbat experience.

Youth Group Valerie Lynn

This committee helps develop Junior and Senior Youth Group programs and works with youngsters while making appropriate arrangements for these activities, and developing congregational support

for the Youth Group.

Men’s Club This club is made up of men whose goal it is to listen and learn from all temple members and plan events of interest for everyone. With regularly scheduled meetings, the club members have a chance to meet, socialize and get to know their

fellow congregants.

Women of Reform Judaism

Alissa Woska This club is made up of women who meet, socialize, and work at fostering camaraderie among Temple members. They

plan events of interest that contribute to the well being of the congregation.

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Mazel Tov to NCRT’s B’ne i Mitzvah

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CARLY TYLER KLEINWAKS Daughter of Robert & Dari Marder Kleinwaks became a Bat Mitzvah on Sunday, November 11, 2012. Carly is a seventh grade student at the Portledge School in Locust Valley. She is an Honor Roll student and excels in sports. She won Most Valuable Player in soccer at Portledge and plays travel soccer as well. Her favorite activities are taking care of her many pets (4 cats and 3 dogs) and she enjoys experimenting with cooking and baking. She makes a mean matzo ball soup. For her Mitzvah Project, she will raise funds and awareness for the Glen Cove Animal Shelter. Carly is an avid viewer of all the animal themed shows on television and she would like to become a vet. Her family supports both of her interests and wishes her success in her endeavors.

DIANA MILLER Daughter of Robert & Suzan, Sister of Jessie Miller became a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, November 3, 2012. Diana is an excellent 8th grade student at North Shore

Middle School. She is an accomplished flutist and art-

ist. She loves science, astronomy, creative writing and

fashion. She has developed an interest in a talent for

jewelry making, and spent the last summer creating

pieces out of silver and handmade glass beads. Her

Mitzvah Project was done in conjunction with her

friend Haley Lerner, who became a Bat Mitzvah on

October 20th . They created and sold handmade

jewelry to raise funds for art supplies for children in

need. A portion of the funds will be donated to the

Ascent School for Autism, located here on Long Island,

while a portion will be donated to a school in

Israel. Diana also volunteered at the Mansion Ride, a

cycling fundraiser for the Ascent School.

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Mazel Tov to NCRT’s B’ne i Mitzvah

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SAM ISRAEL Son of Michele & Michael Israel became a Bar Mitzvah on November 17, 2012. Sam is an eighth grade honor student at Finley Middle School in Glen Cove. Sam takes great pride in his school endeavors and accomplishments. He often takes on activities which assume leadership. He was Treasurer and Student Council President in elementary school and was just elected Treasurer of the National Junior Honor Society at Finley. He is involved in many extra-curricular activities such as concert band, school play, and the Finley Middle School Baseball Team. In his spare time Sam enjoys playing baseball, soccer and chess. Sam is an avid dog lover and hopes to raise money through the Israel Guide Dog Foundation for his Mitzvah Project.

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Glen Cove, NY 11542

Phone: 516.671.4760 Fax: 516.676.9180 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our website at www.ncrt.org

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