
“Dedicated to Excellence” Vol. 13, Issue 150 September 2012 Templeton Chair Hockey Sept 13, 2012

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Newsletter for Templeton stroke recovery Stroke Recoverers Review


“Dedicated to Excellence” Vol. 13, Issue 150 September 2012

Templeton Chair Hockey Sept 13, 2012


Inside this issue:

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September 2012 Volume 13, Issue 150

Page 2

RECIPE: Egg sandwich (microwave)

1. Don’t let yourself be

controlled by these

three things: Your past,

people or money.

2. You don’t need to

attend every argument

you are invited to.

3. Actions speak louder than

words. We can apologize over

and over but if our actions

don’t change, the words

become meaningless.

4. Running away from your

problems is a race you’ll never


5. If you want to soar in life, you

must first learn TO F.L.Y. (First

Love yourself).

LIFE is an echo…

What you send out — comes back

What your sow — you reap

What you give — you get

What you see in others — exists

in you

Remember, life is an echo

It always gets back to you

So, give goodness.

—submitted by Loy Lai

Templeton Stroke Recovery

“A lot of problems would never be

a problem,

if we could learn to talk TO

each other

instead of ABOUT each other.”



1 .............. Egg

1 tbsp ...... Milk

2 slices .... White bread

Salt and pepper to taste (optional)

1 slice ...... Cheese


1. Crack the egg into a micro-

wave-safe cereal bowl and

whisk in the milk. Season with

salt and pepper. Cook in the

microwave on 100% power for

1 to 2 minutes, or until cooked


2. While the egg is cooking, toast

the bread. Use a spoon to

remove the cooked egg from

the bowl and set it on one

piece of toast. Top with a slice

of cheese and the other piece

of toast. Cook in the micro-

wave until cheese is melted,

about 15 seconds.

Eggs are considered as the best

nutritious breakfast item. Eggs are

available throughout the year and are

essential ingredient of various deli-

cious meals (baked good and sauces).

“There’s life after stroke”

Templeton Newsletter

Mailing Address:

204– 2929 Nootka Street,

Vancouver, BC V5M 4K4 Canada

Published every month, if possible. Contributions are always welcome. The articles should be in, not later than day 25th day of every month.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in Stroke Recoverer’s Review newsletter: articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Templeton Stroke Recovery or the editor of Stroke Recoverer’s Review. Editor reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems necessary. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints mostly from stroke


September 2012 Contributors:

Loy Lai, Ollie Stogrin

Jim Walmsley

Werner Stephan Jose Suganob

Production of SRR:

Jose Suganob

Email: [email protected]

Printing Pick-up Person:

Ollie Stogrin

Recipe...Egg Sandwich using



Encouragements 2

Last Month’s Happening 3

Jose’s Notes, Jim Internet Joke 4

30 Gold Coins, Diabetes 5

North to Alaska 6

Here it is almost

Halloween? I’m still

wondering where

summer went to? Some

of our members are

still on vacation, like

Gabriel. He did say that he was

going away for two months. The

rest of our members are all back.

We spent September getting

re-organized and it usually takes

that long to get in together as a


We did have a bus trip to Harrison

Hot Spring on Sept. 27th, only

another group had a river

planned and we couldn’t enough

members to fill our bus so we

cancelled that. Wrong time of

year. To many things going after

summer vacation for a lot of

people. Unfortunately, we could

not go on a city harbor cruise as

HandyDart was not available to

take us to foot of Denman Street

where the boats for the harbor

cruise are docked and another

problem was the Sept. 30, there

are no more city harbor tours at

all, end of summer season!

It was the same with Burnaby’s

Heritage Village Park, they are

also closed after Sept. 30. So,

we lucked for those outings.

We are taking our members

Bowling (Oct. 4) which they

enjoyed earlier this year and it

was suggested that we go every

two (2) months; which we should

try doing after Xmas.

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September 2012 Volume 13, Issue 150

Page 3

LAST MONTH’S HAPPENING —by Ollie Stogrin, Templeton Stroke Recovery

As it seems, during the summer

season there’s so many activities

our members are involved in

plus having vacationing relatives

Just like I had this summer while

we were off. I still feel like I need

a vacation after the vacation.

Our Jose’ broke is record of never

having missed a Templeton group

meetings! Which is very remark-

able indeed! He ended in the

hospital. That’s the only reason he

missed a meeting. (Actually, I didn’t

missed a Templeton meeting, because

Burnaby Hospital discharged me on

Wednesday (Sept. 5) so that I could go to

Templeton meeting the next day—Jose’)

I’m happy to report that he has

recovered and back at our

program on Thursdays. He’s such

a dependable member. I don’t

think a lot of people that are

diabetics realize about serious

diabetes can be which is why

Jose’ landed in the hospital. Diet is

very important. Make sure the

gaps between your meals are

short. I know it’s difficult to keep

on a diet, unfortunately, so many


Key and Helen missed this last

Thursday (Sept. 27) as both

came down with cold and didn’t

want to ‘share it’ with us. Which

I’m happy that they didn’t share

the cold with us. Olga is helping

out in the kitchen. We need a

supervisor! Ahh, anyway, she

loves to help out!

It was nice to see Diane back

again! As she had a bad fall. So,

we are happy she has mended

again. George was away being

involved in a research but been

back again this week. It was the

same with our John Boynton. We

don’t see him often as he also

gets involved in research to do

with health and his time is spent


Again, we have a new volunteer.

Her name is Rita and she comes

from South Vancouver on her

bike. That’s quite an early morning

exercise! Welcome, Rita.

Trevor is back...also. He has

been busy working during summer

but back again helping us out.

He’s just the best ‘all around’

volunteer that Templeton has

had! He has many talents. If any-

one needs a handyman, Trevor

is your man! I’m sure there’s

member out there that need a

handyman around the yard or


We hope everyone has a great

Thanksgiving. Only thanksgiving

will be almost over by the time

this news is out in print. Have to

get more on the ‘Net. It’s also

good for brain exercise.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

See you all next month!

— by Ollie Stogrin

Templeton Stroke Recovery

“There’s life after stroke”

Community Pharmacy Outreach

Program (CPOP) is partnered

with the Canadian Diabetes Asso-

ciation is committed to provide

you support & advice. Pharmacy

staff who are knowledgeable

about diabetes and can give you

support and advice for managing

your diabetes.

Healthy tips for DIABETICS

Simple natural tips which can be

followed easily

1. Eat food at fixed hours.

2. Do not eat immediately after

a workout.

3. Do not over eat.

4. If you are on insulin, make

sure you have three proper

meals with light snacks in


5. Do not eat fast; masticate

and munch your food well

before you swallow.

6. Drink a lot of water that will

help flush the toxins off your


7. Make sure the gaps between

your meals are short.

8. Avoid fried foods and sweet-


9. Include fresh vegetable salad

in every meal.

10. Do, at least, 1 hour exercise


11. Add wheat bran to your wheat

flour or bread (50% bread +

50% wheat bran).

—by Jose Suganob

Templeton Stroke Recovery


In a criminal justice

system based on 12

individuals not smart

enough to get out of

jury duty, here is a jury to be

proud of:

A defendant was on trial for

murder. There was strong

evidence indicating guilt, but

there was no corpse. In the

defense’s closing statement, the

lawyer, knowing that his client

would probably be convicted,

resorted to a trick.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the

jury, I have a surprise for you all,”

the lawyer said as he looked at

his watch.

“Within one minute, the person

presumed dead in this case will

walk in to this courtroom.” He

looked toward the courtroom


The jurors, somewhat stunned,

all looked on eagerly.

A minute passed. Nothing


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September 2012 Volume 13, Issue 150

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“There’s life after stroke”

Finally, the lawyer said, “Actually,

I made up the previous statement

But, you all looked on with

anticipation. I, therefore, put it to

you that you have a reasonable

doubt in this case as to whether

anyone was killed, and I insist

that you return a verdict of not


The jury retired to deliberate.

A few minutes later, the jury

returned and pronounced a

verdict of guilty.

“But how?” inquired the lawyer.

“You must have had some doubt;

I saw all of you stare at the door.”

The jury foreman replied, “Yes,

we did look, BUT your client


—joke submitted by Jim Walmsley

Delta Stroke Recovery



1. Who HELP you in your difficult


2. Who LEFT you in your diffi-

cult times.

3. Who PUT you in your difficult






Easter BLAST 2013 Mar 29 - Apr 1, 2013

Early bird deadline

Dec. 15, 2012. Registration will begin after Labor Day

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September 2012 Volume 13, Issue 150

Page 5

Morning walk reduces the risk

of heart attack and stroke.

It improves the circulation of

blood. Walk raises the HDL

levels which is good cholesterol

and lower the levels of LDL bad

cholesterol) plus it strengthen

the heart muscles and dilates

the blood vessels.

Diabetes can lead to serious

complications and premature


80% of Canadians with

diabetes die from a heart

attack or a stroke.

42% of new kidney dialysis

patients in 2004 had


Diabetes is the single

leading cause of blindness

in Canada.

7 to 10 non-traumatic limb

amputations are the result of

diabetes complications.

25% of people with diabetes

suffer from depression.

The life expectancy for

people with type 1 may be

shortened by as much as 15


The life expectancy for

people with type 2 diabetes

may be shortened by 5 to 10



“There’s life after stroke”


Once upon a time, there was a

selfish man. He liked everything

to be his own. He could not share

his belongings with anyone, not

even his friends or the poor.

One day, the man lost thirty gold

coins. He went to his friend’s

house and told him how he lost

his gold coins. He friend was a

kind man.

As his friend’s daughter was

coming from an errand, she

found thirty gold coins, when she

arrived home she told her father

what she had found. The girl’s

father told her that the gold coins

belong to his friend and he sent

for him. When the selfish man

arrived, he told him how his

daughter had found his thirty gold

coins and handed them to him.

After counting the gold coins , the

selfish said that ten of them was

missing and had been taken by

the girl as he had forty gold coins.

He further commented that he

will recover the remaining

amount from him. But the girl’s

father refused.

The selfish man left the gold

coins and to the court and

informed the judge there about

what had taken place between

him and the girl’s father.

The judge sent for the girl and

her father, and when they

arrived, the judge asked the girl

how many gold did she find. She

replied thirty gold coins. The

judge then asked the selfish man

how many gold coins did he lose

and he answered forty gold


The judge then told the selfish

man that the gold coins did not

belong to him because the girl

found thirty and not forty as he

claimed to have lost and then

told the girl to take the gold coins

and that if anybody is looking for

them he will send for the girl.

The judge told the selfish man

that if anybody reports that they

have found forty gold coins, he

will send for him. It was then that

the selfish man confessed that

he lied and that he lost thirty gold

coins but the judge did not listen

to him.

This story teaches us to be

always honest as dishonest

never pays.


A cruise ship passes a small

desert island. Everyone watches

as a ratty-looking bearded man

runs out on the beach and starts

shouting and waving his hands.

“Who’s that?” asks one of the


“I have no idea,” replies the

captain. “But every year we sail

past, and he goes nuts.”

—joke only

Some people are like clouds,

when they disappear,

it’s a brighter day.


NORTH TO ALASKA —Werner Stephan, North Shore Stroke Recovery Center - West Vancouver Group

I know, it is tough,

but somebody has to

do it. Once (maybe

more often) a year,

we are supposed to

have our time of rest, if we are

retired. We have to break free

from a relaxing sleep and

although doing nothing to enjoy

ourselves and have holidays.

Please, don’t feel sorry for us

retirees. Life is hard enough for


This year, my wife and I decided

to travel to Alaska. I had

experienced the North more

than 40 years ago and

wondered how much it had

changed. We flew to White-

horse in Yukon Territory, then

by motor coach to Dawson City,

and by river boat and bus to Tok

and Fairbanks then through the

Denali Park to Anchorage and

back to Vancouver by cruise

ship. I had forgotten the stark

beauty of the landscape and

I was not prepared for all the

changes which I was trying to

absorb. Beauty? Who cares,

where is my sleep?

Whitehorse is now a lively city

with traffic lights almost unrecog-

nizable from what it was in the

‘old days.’ And, Dawson City?

Forty years ago, I thought it was

on its way to being a ghost town.

Now, it is a tourist destination.

And, Fairbanks, Denali and

Anchorage? New buildings,

whole new streets, economi-

cally alive! What is the reason?

Tourism? High commodity

prices? I don’t know! But, gone

are the ‘good old days’ where the

North consisted of ‘drinking holes’

and little else. Do I sound like an


I had remembered all the wildlife

one is supposed to see in

Alaska. We only saw 5 bears and

2 moose. Of course, I forgot,

it was hunting season and

I forgot that I always sus-

pected that the animals had

somehow learned to read the

hunting rules, too. How the

North has changed! It is

not anymore a place for

old-t imers. Back to sleep!

—by Werner Stephan,

West Vancouver Group North Shore Stroke Recovery Center

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September 2012 Volume 13, Issue 50

Page 6


Impact on a stroke survivor’s life...

A change in normal walking

pattern affects a stroke person’s

ability to safely and independently

his/her way around the house

and community. Foot Drop can

result in slower walking, fatigue

at short distances, higher energy

use, pain and a lot of falls.

A person with Foot Drop may

choose to walk less often and

require more assistance to do so


All these challenges affect the

person’s quality of life and ability

to be an active member of the

community. When asked to

explain how Foot Drop has

affected his life. “Foot drop has

made the ability to walk and be

functional a challenge. I hesitated

to go anywhere because

I was so unstable and I was so

slow in my walking. I was

constantly left behind in a crowd.”

Foot Drop is one of the most

common walking challenges

caused by stroke. A survivor with

Foot Drop cannot raise the front

part of the foot because of the

weakness or paralysis of the

muscle(s) that normally lift the

foot when walking. Depending on

the cause and extent of the

muscle weakness, Foot Drop can

be temporary or permanent.

“There’s life after stroke”

FOOT DROP Impact on a stroke survivor’s life