tempo times - squarespace · tempo times headmaster’s message ... meeting for parents to meet...

In This Issue Headmaster Message Christmas Charity Drive Spelling Bee of Canada Volunteers Needed Parking at Tempo Tempo School Newsletter December 2016 TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message Mr. Ray Battochio, Headmaster While it has been a busy fall at Tempo, it seems there is no time to rest before the holidays. We are diligently working on two January events that we would like to bring to your attention. On January 11, 2017 we will be hosting an evening at the University of Alberta Faculty Club for Grade 9 students and their parents. We have dubbed the evening: ‘Why You Should Choose Tempo for High School’. We will be providing students, parents, and Tempo staff with a buffet dinner that will include soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Following dinner a variety of speakers will present compelling reasons why grade 9 students should choose Tempo for their high school. Speakers will include Tempo staff, former students, and other guests. Parents and students have already been invited to the event. Tempo will require an RSVP from parents by December 21, 2016 in order to make final meal arrangements with the Faculty Club. Parents may RSVP Ms. Mykytiuk at [email protected] to confirm attendance. On January 19, 2017 our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. If you have issues that you would like to have discussed in the forum, please email them to PAC members. The email address is [email protected]. The principal focus of the meeting will be to consider how the digital world is affecting Tempo students. Whether it is increasing screen time, cyber bullying, or the impact of social media, there is little doubt that students today are very connected to digital devices. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a light dinner and a viewing of the documentary movie ‘Screenagers’ to help us focus on the topic. At 7:00 p.m. we will convene the Town Hall Meeting. We will discuss the main theme indicated above as well as other issues Tempo parents have passed along to members of our school’s Parent Advisory Council. Parent Advisory Council presents... Town Hall Meeting (Childcare Provided) Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:00 p.m. Dinner and Movie ‘Screenagers’ http://www.screenagersmovie.com/ RSVP [email protected]. 7:00 p.m. Main Theme: Challenges of Growing Up in the Screen Time Era End time 8:30 p.m. Christmas Charity Drive December 1– 8 Please donate: Non-perishable food items Gently used winter clothing Unwrapped toys

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Page 1: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

In This Issue

Headmaster Message

Christmas Charity Drive

Spelling Bee of Canada

Volunteers Needed

Parking at Tempo

Tempo School Newsletter December 2016

TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message Mr. Ray Battochio, Headmaster

While it has been a busy fall at Tempo, it seems there is no time to rest before the

holidays. We are diligently working on two January events that we would like to bring to

your attention.

On January 11, 2017 we will be hosting an evening at the University of Alberta Faculty

Club for Grade 9 students and their parents. We have dubbed the evening: ‘Why You

Should Choose Tempo for High School’. We will be providing students, parents, and

Tempo staff with a buffet dinner that will include soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Following

dinner a variety of speakers will present compelling reasons why grade 9 students

should choose Tempo for their high school. Speakers will include Tempo staff, former

students, and other guests. Parents and students have already been invited to the event.

Tempo will require an RSVP from parents by December 21, 2016 in order to make final

meal arrangements with the Faculty Club. Parents may RSVP Ms. Mykytiuk at

[email protected] to confirm attendance.

On January 19, 2017 our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be hosting a Town Hall

Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. If you have issues that you

would like to have discussed in the forum, please email them to PAC members. The

email address is [email protected]. The principal focus of the meeting will be to

consider how the digital world is affecting Tempo students. Whether it is increasing screen

time, cyber bullying, or the impact of social media, there is little doubt that students today

are very connected to digital devices. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a light dinner and a

viewing of the documentary movie ‘Screenagers’ to help us focus on the topic. At 7:00

p.m. we will convene the Town Hall Meeting. We will discuss the main theme indicated

above as well as other issues Tempo parents have passed along to members of our

school’s Parent Advisory Council.

Parent Advisory Council


Town Hall


(Childcare Provided)


January 19, 2017

6:00 p.m.

Dinner and Movie

‘Screenagers’ http://www.screenagersmovie.com/


[email protected].

7:00 p.m.

Main Theme:

Challenges of Growing

Up in the Screen Time


End time 8:30 p.m. Christmas Charity Drive

December 1– 8

Please donate:

Non-perishable food items

Gently used winter clothing

Unwrapped toys

Page 2: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

Alberta Regional



Tempo School


April 8, 2017

Spelling Bee of Canada Coming to Tempo Tempo School has been invited to host the Spelling Bee of Canada Regional Spelling Bee Competition on April 8, 2017. Since all age

eligible students are invited to participate in the tournament, Tempo will be starting spelling bee clubs for students ages 6 to 8, 9

to 11, and 12 to 14 at the beginning of February. Students may choose to compete in either French or English.

There will be no charge for students interested in participating in the spelling bee clubs or in the Spelling Bee of Canada Regional

Competition on April 8, 2017.

As you well know, spelling is an important English language skill and one on which Tempo places a high degree of emphasis.

Whether your son or daughter is an excellent speller, participation in the Spelling Bee program could prove to be both engaging and

supportive in your child’s learning.

If your child is interested in registering for a Spelling Bee of Canada after-school club, please complete a registration form as soon as

possible. Registration forms are available from Ms. Mykytiuk at the office. Since registration for the Spelling Bee of Canada Regional

Competition must be completed by December 31, 2016, we ask that students complete their registration with Tempo by December 16,


Lunch and Learn Career Exploration Volunteers Needed

Lunch and Learn is a parent volunteer program that supports students with career exploration and development.

Here is how Lunch and Learn works. You volunteer your time to talk about your career for 20 minutes between

11:50 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. on any day of the week between mid January and the end of May. Your conversation

with students can be ‘live’ in our library, or virtually through Skype. We provide you with these questions to guide

your conversation: Could you tell us a little about professional life? Why did you choose your field of study/career

pathway and how is this connected to your passion or purpose in life? Could you describe your typical work day?

What are the best parts of your work? What challenges have you found in your work that you weren’t sure of, or

necessarily prepared for, when you started?

Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) sponsors the event by providing students with a pizza and a drink for lunch, so

it makes it very easy for students to attend. All we need is you.

If you would like to volunteer please contact Mr. Battochio via email at [email protected].

Page 3: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

Tempo Fall Dances had some ‘spooktacular’ costumes.

Are these really students in Lower School?

Princesses and super heroes enjoyed the dance and game rooms. Middle School Mysee Masche Masqquerading.

These Tempo students and friends got caught in the volunteer web.

These students were all dressed up for the Family Dance.

Upper School students looked great at their Halloween dance.

Page 4: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

Tempo students, parents and staff enjoy a spectacular performance of the Strathcona Mounted Troop Musical Ride.

Students were thrilled to meet members of the Strathcona Mounted Troop and their horses following the musical ride.

Upper School News We are very pleased to report that Tempo

School has hosted several universities

this fall including the University of

Alberta, University of British Columbia,

and McGill University. We are very proud

to announce that 100% of our grade 12

students have applied to one or more

institutions for post-secondary education.

The examination schedule for our

Upper School students has been

prepared and is available to our students.

We would like to remind parents that

regular classes will be held when stu-

dents are not writing exams this January.

Our Student Council has been busy this

fall organizing bi-weekly events including

a very successful Halloween Dance. They

also volunteered on Friday, December 2

to decorate the school for the holiday

season. This event included decorating

the school and enjoying a pizza dinner.

The event ended with a mug of hot

chocolate and a movie.

Tempo School will be hosting grade nine

students and their parents to an even-

ing at the University of Alberta Faculty

Club. We shall outline ten reasons why

Tempo is their best choice for continuing

their high school education. All grade nine

students and their parents are encour-

aged to attend. We ask that you RSVP

before Christmas break to Ms. Mykytiuk.

She can be reached at

[email protected].

Finally, Tempo School will once again

purchase, prepare, and serve a meal for

the Mustard Seed located in Edmonton's

city center. The cost to the school is

$1000 and it is our intention to have a

TOONIE TUESDAY in the New Year to

fund this meal. We will also be looking for

12 volunteers from our upper school to

prepare and serve the meal. An update

will be provided in the New Year.

Tempo grade 2 students learned about the Lord Strathcona Mounted Troop.

Page 5: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

Student Drop off and Pick up Routines at Tempo On most days when you drive your child to Tempo, you probably notice

a parent volunteer and Mr. Battochio out in the parking lot. We are very

fortunate to have wonderful parking patrol volunteers who are able to

help out for about 20 minutes between 8:00 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. These

people do an amazing job keeping our students safe and facilitating

the flow of traffic through the passenger drop-off lanes. Since we need

volunteers for each day of the school year, it is quite helpful to be able

to draw from a large pool of people. Greg Berghuys is our parking

patrol volunteer coordinator, and he is looking for people to volunteer a

few days per week or even a week sometime during the year. As with

any volunteer activity, many hands make light work. We ask that you

e-mail Greg at [email protected], if you are

able to help out.

Our drop-off area has painted arrows, stop lines, a safety zone, and

signs to remind drivers to pull forward and to stop where required.

While the focus of these features is student safety, we are trying to

help facilitate the flow of traffic by having vehicles move all the way

forward to the front of the passenger drop-off zone. Each drop-lane is

designed to hold three vehicles. We would like to encourage

people to move forward in order to make the drop-off and pick-up

more efficient.

Being out in the parking lot allows us to observe the morning traffic

patterns. It is no surprise that the line of vehicles outside becomes

longer as we get closer to the time that school starts. Another

observation is that the line-up is longer and occurs later when there

has been snowy, cloudy, or foggy weather.

Homeroom attendance begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 8:20 a.m. You

should plan to arrive so that your children are not late. As a school, we

believe that punctuality and attendance are essential life skills for stu-

dents. Students who are late three times in a two- week period are

considered to be persistently late. May we suggest that when weather

and driving conditions change, you leave a little earlier so that your

children are not late for school. Thank you for your support.

Parking Patrol

Volunteers Needed

Please Contact

Greg Berghuys

[email protected]

Drivers should pull forward all the way in the passenger drop-off lanes. Please do not stop your vehicle until you have reached the STOP sign. As you can see in this picture, ideally, we would like to fit three vehicles in each drop-off lane to ensure the flow of traffic.

Stopping at the large yellow line creates enough room so that three vehicles can stop in the drop-off lane. As you can see, there is likely a long line of cars behind you. If your children need parental assistance to get out of the vehicle, you should park in the parking lot instead of spending a couple of minutes in the drop-off lanes.

Grade 9 Students and Parents

‘Why You Should Choose Tempo for High School’

University of Alberta Faculty Club

Cocktails (ho-host bar) at 5:00 p.m.

January 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

Program to Follow

RSVP to [email protected] by December 21, 2016

Page 6: TEMPO TIMES - Squarespace · TEMPO TIMES Headmaster’s Message ... Meeting for parents to meet with school administration. ... What are the best parts of your work?

Contact Tempo

We would appreciate hearing from you!

Tempo School 5603 148 St. Edmonton, AB T6H 4T7 (780) 434-1190 [email protected]

Parent Advisory Council

(PAC) The Tempo School Parent Advisory Council would like to wel-come you to another school year. PAC is a liaison among the parents, the school administration and the Board of Governors, and it provides support to parents who need information about our school. PAC always welcomes your thoughts, ideas and questions.

Special thanks to people who have already signed up to volunteer for parking patrol and photo day.

Below is a list of the events PAC supports and coordinates: Parking Patrol every school morning (8:00a.m. - 8:20a.m.)

Christmas Charity Drive – December 1– December 8

January Town Hall

Ski Club - select Fridays in December, January, February, and March

Doughnut Day – 4 times throughout the year

Lower School (Grades K-6) Sports Day – May 19

Upper School (Grades 7-12) Sports Day – June 9

In order for these events to run, volunteers are needed. We en-courage you to become involved and to participate. Please contact us for more information.

Parent Advisory Council (P.A.C.)

Email: [email protected]

Radhika Bhargava (President) Csilla Fee Lise Warmington

Speech and Debate News Tempo students are off to a great start in Speech and

Debate this season. Under the coaching of Sirisha

Valupadas, our students have done extremely well in two

early season tournaments.

During the last weekend of October more than 60 teams

competed at the Westminster Junior High School Tourna-

ment. Tempo School students achieved these results in the

Open category:

Adnan Black and Saima Sami First Place

Irshad Sayed and Hannah Dean Second Place

Adnan Black First Place Individual


Hannah Dean Second Place

Individual Speaker

During the last weekend of November teams competed at the

Sir Winston Churchill High School Debate and Speech


Tempo achieved these results:

Garrett Hildebrandt earned First Place in the Speech catego-

ry and advanced to the final round at McKay Avenue School

where he took Second Place on December 2. Garrett

received a $200 cash prize from the Churchill Society of

Edmonton for his performance in the finals. Harveen Brar

received the overall award for the Best Novice Speaker in the

Speech category. Simran Grewal and Gurbir Sandha

received the award for Best Tempo Team in the Debate


Finally, on Wednesday, November 30 at the Speech

Tournament at Old Scona, Tempo achieved these results:

Simranjit Grewal First Place in the Original Oratory category

Rafay Osmani Third Place in the Prose category

Important Ski Club Reminder to Parents

You, or your approved guardian

over the age of 18, must sign out

and pick up your child at Snow

Valley following your child’s

release from the ski club lesson at

4:30 p.m.

A Tempo Ski Club Official will be in

the chalet for this purpose.