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The Freedom Call Center Ministry


Page 1: Thanksgiving
Page 2: Thanksgiving

Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc.

Very often, people of purpose and destiny fail to leave an ineradicable mark on either society or mankind, only to retreat

to the heavens without maximizing their God-given and intended potential. Dr. Mark T. Jones, Sr. is not only maximizing

what God has deposited in him, but he is also empowering the people of God to fulfill their purpose on the earth. In this

season, he is a voice for the voiceless. His messages compel the attention of those who seek to discover their purpose in

life and launch their destiny.

Pastor Mark Jones

As we approach the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Holy

Spirit is moving in the body of Christ in unprecedented and unimaginable


This explains the reformation of thought that is currently transpiring in the

minds of those who are diligent in God's work. The old ways are being

abandoned, and old cisterns which can hold no water are being broken,

thankfully beyond repair. New wine is being poured into new wine skins,

that are stretchable and adaptive in nature.

As the mind of the Spirit is being realized in our forms of worship, and be-

ing actualized in our operational plans, with great approval, affirmation, and

assistance, God is manifesting His will in the lives of His chosen people.

We must open our hearts to the Holy Spirit to move in unimaginable ways.

We must allow Him to define our expectation, and refine our hearts in

preparation for the most effective move of the Spirit of God on planet earth,

in our generation.

I am convinced, that there are no limits, no ceilings, no borders, and no

boundaries that can contain the overwhelming, inundating glory that is

about to motivate and mobilize God's people to the greater works that Christ

our Lord promised.

Unprecedented & Unimaginable

Page 3: Thanksgiving

I am thankful to share that on October 4-9 thirty-three ladies sailed the seas on the Carnival Inspira-

tion. During our time together we had the opportunity to share and embrace some memorable moments. Why

am I thankful? well one reason is that we broke the bands of a very binding stereotype about women "too

many women together in one place only leads to drama" or "when you get a whole bunch of us (women) to-

gether you know what happens" we came out laughing at the lies of the enemy. The ages of the ladies in the

group ranged from 29-67 look at God the older women in positions to impart. The other thing I am thankful

for was that we returned back with a wealth of impartation from the morning devotion this is a brief over view

of one of the messages we experienced.

While we were on the Mexican waters, I remember an event that took place in Indonesia in 2006. It

destroyed and killed many people: (Hint! Hint!) Since I never heard of the word, I got out the dictionary and

it read ―tsunami: a huge wave caused by an underlying earthquake or volcano. Ok? What’s an earthquake: a

series of vibrations in the earth surface and volcano: an opening from where steam and lava comes from. Now

my spiritual sisters, this is definitely a parable to our spiritual lives and how we carry ourselves from day to

day. The word of God tells us from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh ( Matt 12:34). Therefore,

there is nothing that takes place that did not have warnings of vibrations and visible steam (uh oh she’s going

to blow!). So what you really trying to say? Ok, for those of you who are not walking in the spirit, a tsunami

woman can be a woman of destruction or triumph. There are many women in the Bible who were penned as

both types of women. The book of proverbs is full of women of destruction as described by David when edu-

cating his son Solomon about the women he had encountered. But there are many memorable women like

Ruth, Mary, Esther and even Rahab the whore who became tsunami women of triumph and victory. So the

question remains tsunami woman: which one are you? If CFM decided to write a book of tsunami women of

triumph, would you be inside the book to bring to the outside a wave of refreshing?

A penny for your thoughts: be thankful for being a tsunami woman of triumph

we also learned how not to be among the "SILLY WOMEN" Sis Sandra Barr and

"BABY GIRL LIVE" Wendy Boles. Join us next year to be a part of another life changing

Women's Fellowship Cruise.


Lady Lisa Jones

Page 4: Thanksgiving

In Puerto Rico Thanksgiving is known as

―Dia de Accion de Gracias‖ which means the day

of the action of thanks. On Thanksgiving every-

one meets up at Grandma's house, she is as impor-

tant to Thanksgiving as having a turkey on the

table. On Thanksgiving Grandma takes her best

dishes out for the entire family to use, and we all

get to use them! Grandma prepares all the dishes

over night, she wants everything to be perfect and

plenty of every thing, just in time for lunch on

Thanksgiving Day. She makes potato salad, green

salad, white rice, gandules with bollitos, which is

shredded green banana inside the pigeon peas,

roast pork, ham, boiled yam, green and yellow

plantain, and of course the star of the meal stewed

turkey. For dessert we eat rice pudding, temblece,

cake, and flan. Everyone comes over to eat lunch.

Grandma blesses the food, then the eating and

talking begins. Everybody talks at the same time,

many conversations take place all at once. After

everyone is done eating they spread around to con-

tinue socializing and the children get to play with

one another, running around. When they are tired

they go outside to sleep on the hammock until din-

ner time where the proceed to eat again.

When its time to go home, grandma makes sure

every one takes food for the next day.

Stewed Turkey

Ingredients: Turkey (cut in pc)

2 big spoon of Olive oil

1 bottle of red cooking wine

8-10 potatoes

1 big onion

3-4 chives

6-7 garlic cloves

2-3 tomatoes

1 green pepper

1 red pepper

Hand full of cilantro

1 small sp of oregano

2 envelop of Season Accent with achote

Salt & black pepper

Instruction: Cook turkey in a pot until it’s tender continue boil

on med-high. Put 2 big spoons of olive oil in a

frying pan, stir-fry the chopped onions, chives,

garlic, tomatoes, & green/red peppers for 2-3 min-

utes and place in the pot with turkey. Peel potatoes

and cut them in big pieces, and put them inside

the pot with the turkey, add salt and black pepper

as desired. Pour the wine in the pot of turkey while

it’s boiling. Add oregano, chopped cilantro and the

season with achote (for color). Place the lid on the

pot and allow to cook for 20-25 minutes.

Yesmin Negron

Page 5: Thanksgiving

Tending to the things of God

Harvesting the fruits of the Spirit

Altering our mind set towards our fellow men

Never to forget the needs of others

Kindliness is not an option

Sharing God's love near and far

Getting together on one accord

Inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit

Vindicate the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Interceding for the retreat and healing of lost and wounded souls

Nothing are we without the love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ

Giving of ourselves without selfish motives.

Thanks Giving is our daily bread

For by the word, prayer, and supplication we are fed

Thanks be to God

Have you ever needed your car fixed or your home air conditioning

unit serviced? Have you ever needed to speak to a lawyer or see a doctor? Are

you an accountant, computer technician, or landscaper?

"It's in the House" ministry can connect you to someone who provides

these services. What makes "It's in the House" ministry so amazing is that the

providers of these services are a group of Christian people. These individuals

are willing to server with honesty and integrity.

"It's in the House" is asking CFM family to be part of this great ministry. How? If you are an accountant,

lawyer, technician, mechanic, or have a trade, please sign up at the welcome center or drop your business card in

the glass jar. We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to share your skills and services with others. Garth O. Gordon (813)263-7455 [email protected]


Page 6: Thanksgiving

My family and I came from Long Is-

land, N.Y. to Tampa, in 2004 and joined the

Center for Manifestation. Tavis Myrick and

Mattie Cole were the first two individuals to

serve in the phone ministry in response to call-

ers calling based on the airing of our television

broadcast (for about 6 months). As call volume

increased, Tavis grew the team to about 6-8

members; myself, Myra Young and Gabriella

Bryant being the second of the first fruits if

you will.

Tavis asked me to take the reins of the

department, I believe it was in 2007, and I

humbly accepted. Having worked in call cen-

ter environments in various capacities in the

past, I sensed that the challenge would be a

good one and it has (as the best is yet to come).

I have been serving in this capacity for

three years and would like to take the opportu-

nity to thank all current and past members for

their faithful support. Special thanks go out to

Myra Young and Gabriella Bryant who as pre-

viously mentioned has been with the call cen-

ter from its inception. They are two of the most

faithful, consistent, and unwavering ladies in

our ministry. Myra is quiet, yet powerful and

extremely resourceful, always willing to be of

assistance. Gabriella is the type of woman that

can make you laugh and cry at the same time.

Gabriella loves God and her church family.

Regina Faison (one of our former team

members) actually named the ministry. To

whom I am grateful, I believe the name is

―quite‖ fitting.

Freedom Call Center answers prayer

requests that come in from all over this coun-

try. We also take any product order requests

that come as a result of our Sunday broadcast

via CTN Ministries based out of Clearwater,

FL. The team processes financial requests such

as tithe payments, offerings and donations as

callers are led to support our ministry nation-


If anyone would like to be a part of this

ministry, please contact Debra Chappelle at

813-406-7293 or email me at freedomcallcen-

[email protected].

Thank you and God Bless,

Debra Chappelle

Freedom Call Center


Mayra Young

Gabriella Bryant

Page 7: Thanksgiving

In today’s society, many believers have been guilty of going to and fro with itchy ears seeking a

prophecy from anyone claiming to have a word from the Lord. Unfortunately, the believer is so eager to hear a

quick remedy for a particular need or desire that prayer and intimacy with the Father has gone lacking. On the

other hand, some believers simply resort to the lazy and/or immature way of hearing from God. They rely on a

prominent figurehead in Christiandom to tickle their fancy by appealing to their fleshly desires (e.g. telling

them exactly what they want to hear). Where are the true prophets who will come forth and speak God’s truth

with holy boldness?

Why have the prophetic gift and the office been prostituted in exchange for filthy lucre and notoriety?

Why have the people of God become so captivated by this gift/office? Why has the prophetic been so misused

and abused? How could the learned as well as the unlearned, the gullible and the skeptic, the faithful and the

faithless become casualties? The answers will vary however, we must understand that it’s not merely time for

damage control, but time for those who are truly called to the prophetic to rise up and speak solely as the

mouthpiece of God – without compromise!

Many believers have suffered spiritual devastation from these inaccuracies and fled the church. Cli-

chés have surfaced and received well by many such as God’s going to take you to the nations. These words

have been prophesied or rather propha-lied to plant illusions of grandeur. What happened to speaking God’s

basic truths?

Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God.

(Leviticus 20:7)

. . . come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord . . . (2 Corinthians 6:17)

Nowadays, some prophets are more concerned about giving a favorable word like a blessing so that

people will become dependent upon them. We need prophetic vessels that have fully surrendered themselves to

the will of the Father and have decided like Jesus said, in John 4:34, ―. . . My meat is to do the will of him that

sent me, and to finish his work.‖ We need more prophets like Samuel who was able to hear the voice of God

and posture himself as a servant. As prophets, we must speak the uncompromising truth in love. In 2 Samuel

Chapter 12, after David had committed adultery and had Uriah killed, God sent Nathan the prophet unto David

to show him of his sin. Nathan the prophet delivered the message to the king. Although it was a difficult task,

God gave him the wisdom to do it. The servant’s heart of a prophet must remain pure – and always sensitive

and obedient to the voice of God.

The Servant’s Heart of a Prophet

Prophet Jason Edwards

Page 8: Thanksgiving

Feature Series for this Month:


Don't allow the trials of life to take your breath

away! It's time to position yourself so that you

can receive new life in the area of your finances,


Page 9: Thanksgiving

Hello, my name is

Carla Crumb. I am

43 years old and sin-

gle. I reside in St.

Petersburg, Florida.

I have been a part-

ner at the Center

for Manifestation

for a little over two years. The word is so

powerful that I do not mind driving from

St. Pete to Tampa everyday if I had to. I am

an active part of Emerge, where I volunteer

to assist with the 3-6 year old children. I am

also a member of the Singles with Purpose,

Women's Ministry, Reviving the Stone, and

Adorned in His Glory School of Interces-

sion and World Missions; in which I have a

great compassion for taking the Gospel to

the ends of the earth. World Missions is im-

portant because I have served my country

in third world countries before while serv-

ing in the Air Force. What irritates me is

that the need for help is great, but what

Apostle Mark has imparted in me is that

the things that annoy me are the things that

I am anointed to change. Those people are

living in poor conditions, needing medical

attention, food and clothing while we have

the abundance; however, we take it for

granted and not help them as much as we


Apostle Mark and Lady Lisa, has

both made great impacts on my life by

teaching me how to live and operate in a

Kingdom mindset and Godly character.

Apostle Mark and Lady Lisa’s lives emu-

late God, while mine must come in align-

ment as I follow them, and they follow

Christ. Apostle Mark's message that first

impacted a change in my life was "The

Bishopric" and Lady Lisa's message

"Healing for the Father Wound”. These

messages have led me to deliverance, a

fresh new anointing and dimensions in my

life, taking me from glory to glory.

Through CFM, I have been delivered from

fighting, robbing, lying, manipulating, con-

trolling, fornicating, having bitterness, be-

ing unforgiving, and self preservation. God

has replaced those things with love, peace,

joy, longsuffering, kindness, faithfulness

and temperance. However, I am still work-

ing on gentleness and trying to say things

gracefully and tactful, which is sometimes a

challenge when I think I have a point. I am

constantly learning that dead men don't

react, so I have to die to myself daily.

Carla Crumb

Page 10: Thanksgiving

Student Impact Speakers 9:30am

November 7, 2010 CFM Impartation

November 14, 2010 Leadership Impact

November 21, 2010

Teresa White

November 28, 2010 Cameron Waldon

Fredericka Mccauley—4th

Brandon Jackson—5th

Equina Philyor—6th

Sarome Stabler—9th

Thomas McCauley—14th

Tikera Daniel—15th

Si Jackson—16th

Aszia Freeman—20th

Kesheanna Sutton—20th

Vincent Mc Elroy—21st

Desha George—21st

Greetings to the CFM family and ESO students! I

am overwhelmed with faith and excitement to see

what God is planning to do in our student ministry

during this transi-

tion. For the past

month I have been

asking God ―Why

are our students

not getting it?‖

After some time

and prayer He re-

vealed to me that

some of them sim-

ply understand the

religion not the

relationship. They

have become be-

lievers in ―The

God of their Fa-

thers.‖ However,

they are yet to re-

alize that this same God is the one that they are to

serve whole-heartedly and obey His word in order

to receive their own kingdom inheritance. This

revelation birthed this month’s series: ―The BIG

Picture.‖ We are going to go back to the basics of

our faith to help insure that our students under-

stand the reason why we sing, pray, believe, and

etc. It’s time for our students to come to a place

where they are not attending services religiously,

week after week, without understanding the rela-

tionship aspects of serving Christ. To have rela-

tionship you have to know the facts, myths, and

truths of our faith. My prayer is that this series

will help our spiritually dwarfed students to fi-

nally obtain a growth spurt and help our babes in

Christ to get off the bottle and able to intake solid

foods. We are not the future; we’re the Now. It’s

time to MANIFEST! - Emjay

Page 11: Thanksgiving

Seven and a half years ago I came to CFM

and was intent on just sitting and playing mu-

sic. Then from left field God came and caught

me up. He asked me to step into what I

thought I could not do and didn't want to do.

I became a Youth Pastor! A few months later

Emerge student Oasis was born.

I fell in love with my destiny and fell in love

with my students. I learned that I already

knew how to do the Job because I was born

for it.

So after 7 years, the job I didn't want I don’t

want to give up. God, works that way He

wants us to do what He wants not what we

want. As difficult as it is I will do what He

wants because He obviously knows what He

is doing.

So after 6 years of being the Youth Pastor

here at CFM God has said ―Al its time to let

go and let me do a new thing.‖ and in as much

as I love being the youth pastor I love being

obedient to God more.

God has given me the awesome pleasure of

seeing so many things happen. So many stu-

dents grow up and grow strong in their faith. I

must thank the parents for allowing me to be

their partner for so long, the students

for letting me be a father to them, and

church for supporting the ministry. My

staff is the greatest staff on the planet

and they will take off where I left off

and I have confidence that God will use

them mightily. ESO Leaders thanks for

letting God use you and allowing me to

lead you for so long.

Emjay aka Mark Jones Jr aka lil Mark

aka fashionista, I know you will allow

God to inspire your every step. Lisa

Jones thanks for believing in me. P.

Michelle for encouraging me, Sis. Le-

ola for mothering me, and all others for

showing me love.

Dr. Jones you will be the greatest one I will

miss, you were my father when no one else

was. I prayed for a Pastor like you and only

pray that what ever God holds for me will be

a testament (of) how you matured me as a


Family, I love you! Cameron my son you

make me proud, Victoria my daughter you

inspire me.

Is this the last you will hear from me? No.

Mutant Ministries has begun. Be a witness to

history watch what God will do through me

because of all of you. (Check facebook for a

fan page ―mutants r us‖ and a website) (Sorry

small plug, lol).

Me and my wife thank you all for everything

you have done and all of your prayers.

Aloha Ke Akua (God is Love)

Shalom– Pastor Al, Yvette & Julia

Page 12: Thanksgiving

This is the season to


Marlesia Dr. Jones, Lady Lisa, Mark Jr.,

Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 ―Where there is no vision the people perish.

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of kingdom life, and to communicate deep,

spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a refreshing force to the body of

Christ. While the central theme and essence of this ministry is to prepare the way for the second com-

ing of the Lord Jesus Christ, in part this purpose is accomplished by retraining the saints as to what

their God given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this ministry to

bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered from moving into position for the lat-

ter rains.

This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

3102 E. Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33610, Ph: 813-241-6919, Fax: 813-217-5460

The Voice of Manifestation Newsletter

would like to extend a warm welcome to

our new team member “Kayla Vickers”