the christmas party

The Christmas Party

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Post on 22-Oct-2021




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The Christmas Party

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Brian was anxious as he got ready for work.He hadn’t seen Natalie since Friday’sNetworking Event at the brewery and he’dspent the weekend seesawing between beingturned on and shuddering with embarrassmentas he replayed the night’s events in his head.

He had received a text from Natalie on Fridaynight after he got home.

“You get home ok… no Uber damage I hope?”

“Yep home safe and think we got away withit!” Brian replied.

But he was unsure how Natalie would feelonce she had slept and sobered and felt sick atthe idea that he’d peed himself in front of her.

Brian was no idiot. He’d developed a pee2

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fetish at a very young age and he knew hisbladder well. Throughout his life he had beenlucky enough to find many partners whowould accommodate his fetish and would peethemselves for him, but there was always alittle sense that it was HIS thing and not theirsand the act’s were often obligatory andprepared for. However he’d never let his guarddown to pee HIMSELF in front of any ofthem. For some reason he saw that assomething that may push them too far.

So he was kicking himself over Friday. Hiswas no accident when he replayed it in hishead. He knew he could have and should haveused the brewery bathroom’s before he left.He also could have used a tree. But hisintoxicated state and excitement of Natalie’sdesperation seemed to have driven thesituation and as embarrassed as he was now,he knew that he subconsciously, or perhapsconsciously, wanted to put himself in that


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He shuddered again playing it through hishead and headed out to work, anxiouslywondering what the mood would be like.

“Morning,” Natalie said as she came into theoffice.

Brian attempted to analyse the tone beforeasking how her weekend was.

“Good,” Natalie said.

His throat tightened a little, her tone seemedshort, perhaps cold even as she sat down anddove directly into her emails. He wasn’t surewhat he was expecting. They’d both vowed tokeep Friday’s events a secret and the officewas full of people, but there was certainlynothing reassuring about the vibe he wasgetting this morning from Natalie.


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Perhaps she was embarrassed, maybe she wasshuddering at what had happened. Hell, maybeshe’d not even remembered anything given theamount of drink they’d both had that day.

No, surely not. She wasn’t that drunk and shewould have awoken to the mess of wet clothesin the hamper as a stark reminder.

“How was Friday guys?” asked a youngstaffer as she did the rounds of the roomoffering coffee.

Before he could speak, Natalie jumped in,“Not too bad… we met a few potential clients,but there were plenty of desperate peoplethere.” she threw a subtle glance at Brian andhe blushed and smiled immediately.


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It was coming towards the end of the year andNatalie and Brian were confronted withorganising the staff Christmas party. It hadbeen a big year for the business and the teamhad worked their arse off on a few bigprojects, so Natalie wanted to do somethingspecial for the Christmas party.

She called Brian to her desk and he sat downbeside her to look at her screen where she’dbeen looking at options.

“We could rent a big house on Moke island fora couple of nights,” she said while pointing toher screen. “Use the first day as a teamplanning day and the rest of the time we canrelax, drink and do meals out?” she continued.

Brian agreed it was a great idea, the housecould fit them all between the rooms and thepull-outs in the living rooms – it sounded likea perfect summer getaway for the team.


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By the time the Christmas party dates hadrolled around, it had been around a month andhalf since the brewery event and there hadbeen no mention of what happened.

As he sat so close to Natalie in the office, hewould occasionally catch her trademarkrocking or leg bouncing and would try to findsome reason to look in her direction casuallyand occasionally she’d have a small laugh orsmile or make a throwaway comment like“can you go to the toilet for me.”

But other than that it seemed like the breweryevent was forgotten and their workingrelationship was as it always had been. Thathowever didn’t stop Brian from thinking aboutit on an almost-daily basis.


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The weekend of the Christmas party arrivedand the whole team made their way to theMoke Island ferry mid morning on a Friday.They would spend two nights on the islandand the Queensland weather was said to besunny and hot for the entire weekend.

Brian was as much looking forward to thebreak as he was looking forward to seeingNatalie frolicking on the beach in a bikini, butwith the team there, he knew he had to keep aprofessional head on as best he could for theweekend.

After a ferry ride and short mini bus transfer,they arrived at their digs for the weekend – alarge three-storey house overlooking the oceanand set back on a hill.

The staff all paired off and threw bags intorooms which all had two singles beds in them.Brian was one of three guys who worked at


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the firm, the two others were young and hadonly recently started there, so they naturallypaired off and into a shared room. The girls alldid the same.

As Brian made his way around the house, herealised there was only the one room left onthe top floor of the house and it seemedNatalie’s bags were already sitting on top ofone of the beds.

Brian figured it probably wasn’t a good look,and a tad presumptuous to share the room withNatalie and put his stuff down on the fold outin the adjoining living room.

The top floor was a self sufficient loft with alarge balcony, pool table in the living room,kitchenette and ensuite. Brian went to placehis toiletries in the ensuite and noted that itonly had a shower and basin… no toilet. Thatwas down on the first floor and there was


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another toilet in an ensuite on the second.

By now, Natalie had made her way up to theloft with another bag.

“Don’t you have a bed?” she asked.

“I’ll be fine out here,” Brian replied.

“Don’t be silly, there’s another in here… it’sfine,” Natalie continued.

Brian got up and moved his stuff into theadjoining room where there sat two singlebeds, roughly a metre apart from each other.

“Not looking forward to having to go up anddown those stairs to use the bathroom,”Natalie said with rolled eyes.

“Yeah, going to be tough doing that trek in thedark without breaking your neck,” laughed


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“Might just have to do one of your famousholds,” he added cheekily, to which Nataliereturned him her signature eyebrow raise.

The team decided that before they got stuckinto their planning session, a swim was inorder. They’d been sweating all morning onthe ferry in the sweltering 35º heat and a cooloff was definitely in order. With the housethey were given access to a golf cart, analmost bus-like one with eight seats andstorage in the back. If they all squished in,they could all fit to make the journey downand up the hill to the beach and restaurants.

They piled in and Brian drove everyone down.

As soon as they pulled up, the younger staffall stripped straight off to their bathers andbolted for the water. Brian watched


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self-consciously as the two younger guysstrode down with their chiseled and hairlessabs on display. He shot Natalie a glance andshe seemed slightly hesitant to shed her ownclothes while the girls frolicked around in theirbikinis without a shred of care.

“Eyes that way,” she yelled out to Brian as shepulled her dress off.

Underneath she wore a white floral-patternedbikini. She was more shapely than the othergirls on the team, not overweight by anymeans, but her breasts were fuller, she had realhips that gave way to a glorious butt andthighs. Natalie was naturally tanned and withher South American lineage, was round in allthe right places.

As she walked towards the water she halfcovered herself.


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“God, who’s idea was this again? Goingswimming with a bunch of models…” Nataliesaid sarcastically.

“You kidding?” Brian replied. “They’re theones who should be jealous,” he continued andshe shot him a quick smile and blushed a little.

The swim was quick and they all headed backto the house where they dove into three hoursof strategic planning and brainstorming.

Half way through, Brian had cooked up aquick BBQ lunch and stocked up an esky withbeers, ciders and plenty of ice.The drinks were passed around immediatelyand aided the team in their brainstormingafternoon.

After a few drinks each, they ended thesession and decided on another swim to cooloff before coming back to get ready to go out


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to dinner. They piled into the cart and madethe journey down to the beach and again allran down into the water.

Natalie made her way in slowly, as she alwaysdid. Although the water was a balmy 24º,Natalie still got in it like it was an ice bath.Brian took the opportunity to kick the lappingwater at her playfully.

“Arrrrgggg, you’re dead,” she shrieked andran after him while he dove into the water.

They bobbed around for a little, chatting aboutthe day’s progress and who from the team hadreally stood out. Brian could make out thegoosebumps on her arms and breasts as sheswayed in motion with the water.

“If you feel anything warm, that’s just mepeeing,” Natalie suddenly laughed loudly.


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Brian felt a little twinge in his crotch and helaughed back, but did not move an inch,staying within an arm’s distance from her.

After a while they all got out and headed backto the house for some more drinks and to getready to go out for dinner.

They each took turns having showers and thenmade their way into the main living room forsnack and drinks. Brian headed up to the loftto unpack his bag and Natalie was now in theroom having just showered, and with only atowel wrapped around her.

“Sorry,” Brian said. “I’ll come back in a bit.”

He left the room and went and got himself abeer and came back. Natalie was dressed nowand sitting on the end of her bed drying off herhair. She wore a short, thigh-length blackdress. Not tight, but loose fitting and flowy.


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Her tanned legs glowed under the light andBrian had to forcibly try to stop himself fromstaring. He grabbed his clothes and headed fora shower.

In the shower he could feel a slight buzz fromthe afternoon’s drinks. He knew himself well.Once he had a couple of drinks in him, he wascheekier, flirtier, and more touchy. He knewhe’d have to be more aware of it tonight andprevent himself from saying or doing anythingstupid.

He got ready, went down stairs to meet the restof the team where he saw Natalie lining upshot glasses on the table.

“Shit.” Brian mumbled to himself.

As the team crowded around the table, Nataliefilled each shot glass with tequila and thenmade a quick speech to thank everyone for


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their hard work throughout the year and fortheir contributions in the earlier planningsession. They cheersed and threw back theirshots, and then headed out.

They left the cart behind as no one was soberenough to drive it and Natalie passed Brian abeer.

“One for the road,” she said jokingly as sheopened it for him, not giving him an option todecline.

After the dinner, half the team made the trekback to the house to call it a night and Brianand Natalie joined the others at the pub whereNatalie promptly ordered a round of shots.

“Shit,” Brian mumbled to himself again. Hewas already feeling buzzed and was worriedabout how he’d behave after a few more. Atthis point Natalie was pretty tipsy and she


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dragged Brian to the bar to take his shot.

They pulled up some stools at a high bar tablenearby and settled in with another round ofbeers while they listened to the two-piece bandthat was playing in the corner. As Natalieclimbed onto the stool next to him, Briancaught a very quick glimpse of the pinkpanties she was wearing and felt anothertwinge in his crotch as he suddenly flashedback to the night of the brewery event.

She straightened her dress and he couldn’thelp but stare at her legs, taking in every inchof them through his eyes as though he washypnotized by her skin.

The conversation at the table broke for asecond and he snapped back to reality. As helooked up, he saw Natalie glance at him.“Shit,” he thought to himself. Had she caughthim staring at her? Natalie didn’t seem


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perturbed and she nudged him to catch up withhis drink.

“One more before we get going?” Natalieasked the table.

A few declined as they were still working onthe drinks still in front them. Brian also shookhis head and gestured to the half beer left infront of him and she threw him back a playfulscowl.

As she disappeared to the bar, Brian began toevaluate whether or not he should dash to thebathrooms. This had become a subconsciouspattern when he drank as he knew how muchholding turned him on, but unlike mostdrinking sessions, he wouldn’t be going hometo do anything “fun” about it. So he headed tothe bathrooms to relieve himself.

As he began to let go, that familiar feeling of19

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release took over him and thought back to thebrewery night. There was no way he would lethimself get into that predicament with all thestaff there. But he also didn’t want to feelempty, in his drunken state, he wanted to feelsomething, so he cut himself off mid-streamand headed back out.

As he walked back through the pub, Nataliewas coming back from the bar and she sawhim coming from the bathrooms.

“Ohhh kaaay,” she laughed at him playfullyand gave him a playful, almost flirtingsideways bump.

“What?” Brian questioned innocently.

“Taking the easy road out this time,” shelaughed as she put the tray of drinks down onthe table.


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He was confused, this was the first time she’deven hinted to the events of that night butmaybe he had misheard or his twisted deviatemind had interpreted her comments the wrongway.

Natalie handed around the drinks and passedBrian a beer.He gave her a defiant look and she gesturedfor him to take it. Then from the tray shepulled two tequila shots, placed one in front ofher, and one in front of Brian.

“You’re off the clock now,” she said to him ina more empathetic tone.

He took the shot, they clinked glasses anddowned them before chasing them with theirbeers. Natalie put hers down, and began towalk off to the bathroom and Brian couldn’thelp but feel disappointed. She reammergedand sat back down next to him.


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Brian quipped, “Ohhhh Kaaaay,” and shelaughed out loud and blushed a little,squeezing his arm.

As they wrapped up their last drinks, Brianwas momentarily transfixed by Natalie’s legsagain. Sat on the stool and legs crossedsomewhat tightly, but dress sitting highenough to reveal most of her thigh and he wasa little breathless just looking at them. Henoticed them occasionally moving from sideto side, the same way she’d done many timeswhen she was desperate in the past, butassumed it was just her moving to the music.She had just been to the bathroom after all.

The six sat at the table started to make a moveto leave. One of the younger girls, Gwen waspretty drunk at this stage and was very chatty.They walked out of the pub and out onto thefootpath and two boys set course for the walk


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home. The walk wasn’t far, maybe akilometre, but it was all uphill.

They all walked as a group until they reachedthe bottom of the hill, and the boys set a quickpace as they walked up it leaving Brian,Natalie, Gwen and Lisa to walk at their ownpace. Lisa took her phone out and began towalk ahead while she made her call.

Since they’d left the pub, Gwen had chattedNatalie’s ear off about every topic imaginable.At certain points of the walk, she had latchedonto Natalie’s arm and held her for balance inher heels.

Brian slowed up a little as the conversationturned to what Gwen’s favourite TikTokvideos were, and began to walk at the back ofthe group by himself.


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Natalie occasionally turned to see he was stillthere and would gesture for him to come upand walk with them, but he would just smileand continue at his own pace. He was usingthis opportunity to admire Natalie’s butt andlegs as she walked. It was then he noticed shewas wearing the same heels she wore to thebrewery event. He would never forget thoseshoes and the image he had burned into hismemory of her pouring her piss out of them asshe said goodbye.

There was another flutter in his crotch again ashe thought about it. He was glad he didn’tfully release back in the pub as he now felt thepressure of his bladder again and he began towonder if there was a way he could still enjoyhimself despite everyone being around in thehouse, but concluded there wasn’t. If he wasto piss himself in the shower, there was no realway he could hide the wet clothing fromNatalie as it would have to hang dry on the


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loft's balcony.

He shook his head and continued to stare atNatalie’s arse again as she walked. His eyesrefocused as Natalie and Gwen walkedbeneath a street light. He squinted slightly.

“What is that,” he thought to himself. He spedup a touch and through the glow of the light,he swore he could see a thin wet line snakeddown the back of Natalie’s calf. His heartbegan to beat and he reasoned with himselfthat it was more than likely she she may haveearlier spilled a drink, or that when theywalked across some freshly watered grassearlier, her heel must have flicked it up.

She looked back and he felt her catch himstaring at her again and he quickly looked inanother direction. The hill was at its steepestnow and even Gwen had quietened down asthey strode up it’s slope.


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Natalie gestured for Gwen to walk in front ofher and offered to give her a little push as shewalked. Gwen obliged and seemed grateful forthe help. Brian playfully placed his hands onNatalie’s back and gave them both a smallpush.

“Ah, now THIS is teamwork,” Natalielaughed, while Brian continued to push.

He walked a little hunched over as he pushed,chin on his chest and face to the ground. Itwasn’t all bad he thought as he could helppush the girls along while being able to stareat Natalie’s arse covertly.

Another single droplet rolled down her leg. Hefollowed it’s trail from the bottom of her dressand it glistened clearly in the street light. Thenanother snaked its way down faster than theone before it. Just then a trickle, which had


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gripped the inside of Natalie’s thigh, ran downand around the back of her knee.

“Holy shit,” Brian murmured, perhaps tooloudly. He gave her back a little squeeze.Seconds later several streams began to rolldown the backs of both of Natalie’s legs andonto the road beneath them. He was rock hardnow, his throbbing cock pressed hard into hisjeans. They were approaching the house now.

“We did it!” Natalie celebrated and offeredhigh fives. Brian tried his best to hide hishardon from both girls, then Natalie pulledboth Gwen and Brian in for a group hug. Briantried to maneuver in a way that his cock wouldnot press into anyone, but Natalie dancedaround a little and pulled him in closer until hestumbled a little while trying to hold his crotchaway from her embrace. He could feel it nowpress directly into her and he instinctivelywent to pull away. She pulled him tighter


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against her momentarily before letting him goand the three went quietly inside so as not towake everyone up.

Gwen made a beeline for the toilet. The girlsin the room with the ensuite were alreadyasleep. Brian needed to pee now but figuredhe’d just go in the shower.

Natalie waited in the kitchen for Gwen andBrian made his way upstairs to the loft. Hewas confused. Should he say something toher? Was it an accident? Surely not?He reached the room and sat up on the bed.

Natalie made her way upstairs and sat on herbed to remove her shoes. As she did her legssat wide apart, wider and less conscious thanhe’d ever seen from Natalie before. Shealways seemed like an expert in dress and skirtmanoeuvring but right now he could see herpink panties, clearly wet and she seemed


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unphased at her position. She glanced up, sawBrian quickly look away and laughed softly.

“See I didn’t take the easy road afterall,” shesaid softly.

“I noticed… what happened there,” Brianasked.

“Bathrooms were pretty gross,” she replied.

“I thought you were the boss of holding,thought you would have been able to make ithome?” Brian continued.

“I’m sure I could have, but figured you’vealready seen me pee my pants once, so whyhurt myself holding,” she laughed.

“Good point,” Brian responded with his heartin his throat.


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“Want the first shower?” she asked.

“No you go, sounds like you need it,” Briangestured.

Natalie giggled a little as she unzipped theback of her dress. She held it to her as shesquatted down to pick out a change of clothesand a towel, then walked off to the ensuite.

Brian sat there pondering what had justhappened and replayed the past five years inhis head. All the times she sat desperate nextto him in the office and in the car and his mindsnowballed into all kinds of theories andwanted to ask her so many questions.

Suddenly, she reappeared in the doorway. Shewas wearing a satin night dress now and nobra. He’d never seen her without a bra and thesight of her full breasts cupped softly by suchthin fabric instantly made him hard again. She


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wore a towel on her head as she slowly dried itsitting on the end of the bed.

“Can I ask you a question?” Brian askedalmost without thinking.

“Sure,” Natalie replied.

“You never seem too phased when you need togo and you don’t seem too phased about thenetworking thing or tonight,”

“Is that a question?” she said sarcastically.

“Umm, why I guess?” Brian replied.

“You saying I should be embarrassed?” Sheasked, and Brian couldn’t tell if she wasjoking or not.

“Well no, you shouldn’t be…” he said.


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“Because you like it…” she said casuallywhile looking down, still drying her hair.

“What?” was all Brian could muster. Now itwas him on the backfoot and feelingembarrassed.

“Well… do you?” she continued.

He was speechless.

“It’s ok,” she said. I’ve known about yourlittle thing for watersports for a while.

“How?” he asked red-faced.

“We’ve spent the best part of a decade sittingnext to each other and you seem to perk upevery time I need to pee,” she laughed.

“Maybe I’m just being empathetic, maybeYOU have a pee fetish,” he said accusingly.


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“You’re the one who just wet yourself on thewalk back,” he continued defensively.

“True, but you were the one with a raginghardon when I did,” Natalie replied.

Brian felt embarrassed.

“It’s fine Brian…” Natalie continued. “It’snice.”

“What do you mean?” Brian asked.

“I was never phasd about the bathrooms,because I had a pretty good idea you were intoit and if anything happened, well there wouldbe no need to be embarrassed, and… well, it’snice to be looked at like that, '' Natalieexplained.

She stopped drying her hair and walkedtowards where Brian was sitting on the end of


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his bed. She dropped the towel to the floor andput her hands on his shoulders in a reassuringkind of way.

“You might not realise it, but when I see youtrying to catch a peek up my skirt or down mytop, I don’t know… it feels nice to havesomeone look at me that way. Then wheneverI’ve needed to pee, like in the office, andyou’d pretend to block my path or casuallyfind reasons to look over at me while I wasswaying, it just felt great to feel attractive,”Natalie continued.

“After a while I started to wonder how you’dreact if I actually had an accident. I nearly dida few times,” she laughed.

“But that afternoon at the networking thing,seeing your face and the physical reaction youhad. It made me feel so hot and I liked it.” shefinished.


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Brian looked up, she was close now and hetook her in slowly with his eyes as he lifted hishead. Her nipples were hardened under hernight dress which clung to her body perfectly.

“I won’t lie…” Natalie started again. “Ithought it might feel weird, or gross, but it…kind of felt nice to not care and just let go,”she added.

“And it’s WAY more convenient sometimesthan holding or trying to find a bathroom,” shelaughed in an attempt to lighten up the room.

Brian finally spoke up.

“Guess my golden shower jokes made it kindof obvious,” he managed a small laugh.

“Hahaha yes well that did add to my inklingthat you were into that kind of stuff,” she


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“I better go have a shower and get changed,”Brian said.

“One last thing,” Natalie said as Brian went tostand up and she pushed him back down.

“Rules,” she added.

“Huh?” Brian asked.

“We’re already crossing lines here with workand we’ve come too far to risk it, so let’s justagree that sex is the one thing not on the cards.It could ruin everything,” Natalie saidseriously.

“Of course,” Brian said.

With that, Natalie came in for a hug, bent overand leaning towards Brian as she did. She


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gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered inhis ear “I”m busting.”

“You didn’t just go in the shower?” Brianasked.

“Forgot to,” Natalie giggled. “I guess tequilamakes me forgetful,” she continued.

“Shame the bathroom is all the way downthere,” Brian replied.

Natalie glanced down at the front of Brian’sjeans and saw the bulge of his hardon. Shereached down and squeezed in with one hand.

She laughed and sat herself down on Brian’slap, her arms wrapped loosely around hisneck. With her legs straddled either side ofhim, he could now see she was wearing navyblue silky panties. She rocked a little.


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“So I assume it’s ok if I go?” she asked.

She had a cheeky smile and his cock flinchedat her words.

“Saves me a trip down the stairs,” she added.

Suddenly Brian could feel a warmth spreadacross the front of his pants. He looked up andNatalie, who now had her eyes closed and shemoaned quietly.

He attempted to look down at her crotch towatch and she leant back a little and hiked herdress up slightly for him. A flood of piss nowpoured through her panties and the front of hersatin night dress was soaked. She rockedforward again and ground herself into Brian’scock. He thought now that she was finished,but another flood of piss ran over the top ofhis jeans, down the hanging bed sheets andonto the towel she’d left on the floor.


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Brian’s own bladder was now aching with hersitting on top of him. He felt a puddle formingunderneath him before it poured onto the floor.Natalie opened her eyes and surveyed theroom.

“We might need to get some new towels uphere,” she laughed.

She pulled her dress up one more time so shecould inspect the damage. Her navy bluepanties were now sopping wet and she touchedthem softly with her hand before doing thesame to the front of Brian’s jeans with agiggle.

She stood up, and picked out another changeof clothes before heading towards thebathroom to shower.


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“I’ll give you some alone time,” she laughedand walked out.

As she did, Brian stood up to survey the bedand floor. He took the wet-cornered bedspread and hung it out on the balcony. He wassoaking wet now figured he may as well let gohimself. Standing casually on the balcony, heclosed his eyes and let go completely. Pissflooding down both legs and onto the groundbeneath him. As he finished, he turned to findNatalie wrapped in a towel in the doorway.She was holding her wet clothes.

“Guess I wasn’t the only one, hey?” she saidcasually as she moved past him to hang herclothes up.

“Thought we were in this together Brian!” shelaughed and gave him a final pat on the frontof his pants.


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Brian headed off for a shower and when hereturned, Natalie was fast asleep. He crawledinto bed and tried to contemplate what had justhappened before dozing off.