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The Cold War Begins

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Page 1: The Cold War - and 10.05.pdfAll sides agreed to divide Germany and Austria into occupation zones and to dismantle most

The Cold War Begins

Page 2: The Cold War - and 10.05.pdfAll sides agreed to divide Germany and Austria into occupation zones and to dismantle most

The United Nations Chartered in April 1945

Replaced the League of Nations as a mediator for international disputes

50 nations joined initially (today, UN has 192 members)

In the General Assembly, which decides general UN policies, each nation gets 1 vote (so all are equal)

UN Security Council: US, Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, & China reserved the power to veto any action by the UN

For the UN to take any military action requires a unanimous vote of the Security Council

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The Potsdam Conference

Jul. 16 – Aug. 2 1945

Stalin, Clement Atlee (who had replaced Churchill as British Prime Minister), and Truman met to decide the fate of Germany and other occupied territories in Europe

All sides agreed to divide Germany and Austria into occupation zones and to dismantle most German industry, but disagreed over making Germany pay war reparations to the Soviets

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Germany divided

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The Soviets Split from the Allies

Stalin wanted to keep territory which the Soviets had conquered in Eastern Europe, in order to protect his nation from future invasions

Allies insisted on free elections in Soviet-occupied Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, & Hungary

Stalin refused and by 1948 all of these states had communist governments (Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia became part of the Soviet Union itself)

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The Iron Curtain “From Stettin in the Baltic to

Trieste in the Adriatic an "iron curtain" has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe … and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.” - Winston Churchill, 1946

Term “iron curtain” was meant to describe the ideological division that had risen between Communist Eastern Europe and Democratic Western Europe

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Containment Policy US had little choice but to

accept communism in Eastern Europe or enter into an unpopular war with the Soviets

US instead focused on preventing communism from spreading into new areas and pledged to “contain” communism to the areas where it already existed

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George Kennan 1904 – 2005

U.S. diplomat who is credited with devising the US policy of containment and who argued that Soviet communism was inherently flawed and weak in his “Long Telegram”

Meant containment to be through political coercion rather than through military force, was ultimately disappointed with how the US responded to the Soviets

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First Test of Containment

Stalin supported communist rebels in Greece and Turkey in their efforts to overthrow US-backed governments

The devastation of WWII had left these governments in a seriously weakened state and they were in serious danger of falling without US intervention

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The Truman Doctrine Mar. 12, 1947: Truman

declared that US foreign policy would be to “support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”

Truman essentially declared war on the spread of communism, launching a “Cold War” that would last into the 1990s

After Truman’s speech, Congress approved $400 million in economic aid to Greece and Turkey, enough to defeat the communist threat in that region

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The Marshall Plan In support of the Truman

Doctrine, Sec. of State George Marshall developed a plan to provide US financial aid to war-torn Europe, to help with rebuilding both physically and economically

The economic prosperity in Western Europe that followed minimized the potential for any further spread of communism in that region

The US would send $25 billion in aid to Europe in the 6 years following the end of WWII

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Stalin rejects the Marshall Plan

The US even offered economic assistance to countries behind the “iron curtain,” including the Soviet Union, but Stalin would not allow any communist state to accept US assistance, believing it would weaken his control

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The Berlin Blockade June 1948 – May 1949

Frustrated with US efforts to restore a unified Germany, Stalin tried to push the US and its allies out of West Berlin by blocking all overland access to the city through East Germany

All road and rail lines were cut and no supplies could be brought into the western half of the city

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The Berlin Airlift Allies decided to fly supplies

into Berlin instead

Soviets were unwilling to be the aggressor by shooting down Allied aircraft

1500 flights a day delivered 5000 tons of supplies a day – everything from food to coal to gasoline to cloth to machinery

After nearly a year, the Soviets lifted the unsuccessful blockade

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Founded April 4, 1949

Mutual defense treaty against the Soviets

US, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, & Iceland were the original members

France left in 1966

Today, includes most of Europe + US & Canada

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The Warsaw Pact May 14, 1955: Soviets

responded to NATO by creating an alliance of communist states

Unlike NATO, which was an alliance of free nations, Warsaw Pact members had no choice but to join, since their communist governments were indirectly controlled by the Soviet Union

Officially disbanded July 1, 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet power

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Russians Develop Atomic Bombs

August 29, 1949: Soviets tested their first atomic bomb (technology they had largely stolen from the US through espionage)

By 1961, Soviets were capable of detonating 100 megaton bombs (equal to about 20 times all of the explosives used in WWII combined!)

Soviets had become a much more serious threat in the eyes of the US

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The US and Israel US backed the United

Nations plan to establish a Jewish homeland in Israel in 1948, turning many Arab nations against the US, because the Israelis forcibly displaced the Palestinians already living in the area

As a result, many Arab states turned to the Soviets for military and financial support

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Organization of American States (OAS)

Founded in 1948

Agreement between Western Hemisphere nations to work together to combat communism in the Americas and to protect human rights

Today, all nations in the Americas are members

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US and Chinese Communism

China had been involved in a civil war between Nationalists and Communists since before WWII began

Communists gained control of mainland China in 1949, driving the Nationalists to flee to the island of Taiwan

The US refused to acknowledge the Communists as the legitimate Chinese government, instead insisting on recognizing the Nationalists on Taiwan as the “true” China, while the Soviets took just the opposite stance

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The Korean War June 1950 – July 1953

After WWII, Korea had been divided much as Germany had into a Communist-held north and a US-backed south

North Korea, backed by China & the Soviets attacked South Korea, backed by the UN (using mostly US soldiers)

Dispute was eventually settled by returning to essentially pre-war boundaries, but no formal peace was ever declared

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Gen. Douglas MacArthur

During the Korean War, MacArthur began to be heavily critical of how Truman wanted the war conducted and began to advocate for use of atomic weapons against China as a sure way to win absolute victory

Truman was forced to fire the popular MacArthur because Truman wanted to limit the war as much as possible while still containing communism

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Dwight Eisenhower 1890 – 1969 (life)

1953 – 1961 (President)

Nicknamed “Ike”

Highly popular due to his efficient military leadership during WWII

Staunchly anti-communist, but also dedicated to scaling back military spending

Chose to focus on a build up of nuclear weapons as a cheaper way to deter communist aggression

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The H-Bomb Nov. 1952: The US

tested its newest weapon the Hydrogen Bomb, a weapon 1000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Within a year, however, the Soviets also had H-bombs

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Nuclear Arms Race Soviets and Americans

rapidly built enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world many times over

“MAD” (Mutually Assured Destruction) was the theory that the more nuclear weapons both sides had, the safer the world was because it made a nuclear war unwinnable for both sides

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Domino Theory Eisenhower believed

strongly in the idea that if you let even a single nation fall to communism, then you would set off a chain reaction where its neighbors would also fall to communism (like dominos)

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Brinksmanship Term originally coined by

Eisenhower’s Sec. of State John Foster Dulles

Brinksmanship is the practice of escalating international tensions to the brink of war, with the hope that the other side will back down at the last minute and thereby give you an advantage in future negotiations

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Eisenhower Doctrine In 1957, Eisenhower

pledged US assistance to any nation in the Middle East which found itself threatened by communism

Almost immediately, US forces were sent to Lebanon to help that government combat communist rebels

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Nikita Khrushchev 1894 – 1971 (life)

1953 – 64 (Soviet leader)

Named head of the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in 1953

More liberal than Stalin in Soviet domestic issues, but more confrontational in foreign policy, pushing the Soviet Union to the brink of war with the US on several occasions

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The U-2 Incident 1960

Just weeks before a major peace summit, the Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane over their airspace and captured the pilot, Francis Gary Powers

Marked a turning point in US-Soviet relations, as the peace summit was cancelled and the American pilot was tried as a spy and sentenced to prison (the Soviets later traded him back to the US for one of their own spies)

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Communism in Cuba Many US business held large

investments in Cuba during the 1950s, but those investments were jeopardized when Cuba’s government was overthrown by communist rebels under the leadership of Fidel Castro

US leadership were equally alarmed by the seizure of over $1 billion worth of property in Cuba owned by Americans as they were by suddenly having a communist state 90 miles off the US coast

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John F. Kennedy 1917 – 1963 (life)

1961 – 1963 (Pres.)

Became determined not to be seen as weak by the Soviets, President Kennedy pressed for a continued buildup of nuclear weapons and for US intervention in Cuba

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The Berlin Wall

West Berlin, deep inside of communist East Germany, became a way for many Germans to flee communist oppression

In 1961, the Soviets ordered the construction of a wall around West Berlin to isolate it and prevent future defections

The Berlin Wall became the physical symbol of the Cold War

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The Bay of Pigs Invasion

Under the approval of then-President Eisenhower, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) began training Cuban exiles for an invasion of Cuba with the purpose of overthrowing Castro’s communist gov’t.

In April 1961, the exiles landed at The Bay of Pigs in Cuba, but were quickly defeated by Cuban military forces when the US failed to provide any further invention on their behalf

Major international embarrassment for the US

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The Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba in Fall 1962

US demanded their removal and enacted a naval blockade of Cuba to stop Soviet ships from bringing more missiles

Many thought that WWIII would result as the US and USSR faced off over a tense 13-day period, each threatening the other with nuclear force

Soviets eventually backed down and removed the missiles, thanks to the US publicly promising not to invade Cuba and secretly agreeing to remove American missiles from Turkey

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Alliance for Progress Founded in 1961 to

encourage economic cooperation between the nations of North and South America

US provided economic aid to Latin America to encourage the growth of democratic governments and a more even distribution of wealth and to discourage dictatorships and communism

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Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

Founded in 1954

Mutual defense organization created to counter the spread of communism in Southeast Asia

Members included the US, France, Britain, the Philippines, Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, and Pakistan

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The Vietnam War 1959 – 1975

US backed South Vietnam against Soviet-backed communist North Vietnam

As tensions between the two Vietnams increased, the US began sending military advisors, then soldiers to train South Vietnamese troops and, eventually, hundreds of thousands of US combat troops