the columbian news and gossip of montana...

The Columbian Colombia F alls, Montana PUBLI8HED EVERY THÜR8DAY The senate placed Ita approval on 8. B. 84, Stewart, chanring the law rela tive to the advertisement of constltu- of the state, which la daccueil to elim inate duplication of such advertisement by- which, the aothor says, the state will save about. $22,000 annually. After being vigorously supported and as vigorously opposed, house measure 34, by Ruffcorn a n d others, which makes taxes on personal property a lien ahead of all ether claims, was sanctioned by the senate. the house to ngnln place a tax on theater admissions up to and Including' 50 cent admissions has brought vigor ous protest from theater managers as as well aa the public all over the state. The bill by Oliver and 11 other sena tors to do away with primary elec tion methods of nominating public offi cials, and restore the old convention system, which was killed, revised and sont back to the committee on privil eges and elections, has reappeared somewhat amended In the senate, with a report from that committee that It be passed. WE SERVE GOOD MEALS At Reasonable Prices ^ Among the new bills before the legis lature Is a measure which would create the county of Maginnle out of Fergus, with a small portion of Musselshell. Its author Is Moulton, of Fergus, who I" named as sheriff In the bill. Choice of Hoy, Grass Range arid Foreet Grove Is offered as county seM. DeWITT’S TONIC PILLS A very valuable preparation in case of mal-nutri-j tion, loss of weight, nervousness, failing appetite, lack of energy, and run-down condition. Prepar ed of highest,grade materials under the DeWitt standard of purity. 100 PILLS, $1.00 Wold, of Yellowstone, chairman of the appropriations committee, Intro, dneed a hill In the house socking to centralise the state accounting sys tem. The tneasnre would authorise the governor to appoint a commission to \ make a study of the state system of bookkeeping, report it* findings to the governor, the governor to make tils re commendation« to the next legislature. FRANK SHEERAN, Prop. The budget measure, S. B 2„ In troduced by Senator Leuthold at the opening of the session was killed by an adverse committee report from t h e commrttee on finance and claims which Immediately Introdrired a substitute measure for It, whlclt uses the Leu- thold measure as a basis, but le said to be In a ranch more workable form. rxepair NOW OPEN Monday w n the last day for.Intro-' ductlon of hills In the senate and the total amonnted to 182, as compariti to *46 tn the hoime. Among the last to come were a new plan for teachers’ pensions, by Pauline; a MU to elimin ate duplication of state Inspections, by Green; a referendum on repayment to the school fund of the nearly $ 2, 000,- 000 with Interest used by the state Innd department, by Oliver; creation of a state Investment commutes, by Stew art : on rord A SPECIALTY Among the measures passed by the senate the past week was the local op tion pari-mutuel bill, which, It Is hoped by Its sponsor*, will not meet the fate of the state-wide part-rautuel bill killed recently by the bouse. Anderson- WE CARRY FRIEDMAN SHELBY All-Leather Shoes For All the Family S. B. No. 77, which would authorize a $26,000 bond lasue to construct a vault for the state treasurer. It also approved H. B No. 808. which would repeal the metropolitan police law. LAUTS Women trill not be able to all on Montana hides during the next two: years. By striking the enacting clause of the AlnR\£prtli bill, H. B. No 80. the house killed a bill which It was. wild was sponsored by 10,000 dub wo men of the state. WE DONT MEET PRICES-WE BEAT THEM By a vote of 70 to 10 tbi killed Larsen’s bank deposit Sherman & Miller Funeral Directors No extra charge made for out-of- town calls; we are as close as your telephone. DRA.K. WEARNE Dentist DR. L E. DANIELS^ J DB. A. HOWE, EYE SPECIALIST Graduate ot American College ol ' _ Opthamology, ol Chicago Glasses Adjusted for Errors of Refrac tion, Loss of Accommodation and for Muscular Defects. Rms. 15-26 Buffalo Blk. \ Phone 101 Lenses Ground In Our Own 8bop DR. F. H. KELLER Specialist In Fitting Glasses. Opto metrist—Optician 209 Main St. Kallspell, Mont. COLOMBIA FALLS, the Comm*city ol north ™ Montana, la located tn the mo»t fertile pan ol the Flathead valley. The town le altuatcd right In the Rocky Mountain« and the acenery and the climate are unaurpanaed. Columbia Falla la on Ike main ling t ___ 3real Northern railroad and a branch line gltea the county aeat oonneclloni with Columbia Fait! and tbe outalde world. It le bm a tlon ol a short time before ColumblaJ'aiU will bare another tranaoontlnantal road. Our principal ludnitriea are lumbering, Iruit raising and farming. Beroral largo lumber con come are located In and around Columbia Falla shlchemploy many men tbe year round. Frnlt ot all kind« and larm prodneta grow here to t moet tropical proportion«. Our itreama arc lull ot Sah and ourloreeu ar Mecca for Iho hunter of big game. 11 you are looking for a growing iown; town with a future; a beautiful place to lire; aeat thy climate and pure water, come to Co tFalt*, Montana, and you will fli these thing! and more. BAHROAD TIME TABLE MAIN UNE East Bound No. 2 arrives........................ 6:06p.m. No. 4 arrives ........................7:65 a.m. No. *4 arrlvoe .................... 8:40 D.m. No. 28 a r r i v e s .....................8:30 West Bound No. *3 arrivos ......................7;65 a.m No. 3 a r r i v e s ....................... 11:03 a.m. No. 1 arrives ...................... 10:50 ptm. No. 27 arrives ...................12:36 p. home so long. We earnestly hope and believe there will be another newspaper start In Columbia Falls within a few month*, and when It does we want to make a few suggestions to the business men of the town. Give it loyal support; It will bring vou substautlai returns. Don’t try to see how little advertising you can do;, but see how much you cun do. Let Uncle Sam’s printing office get along1 , without your support and stay by your home printer. When you want some advertising, don’t get a pencil and some give the job to your printer. When some out-of-town salesman along offering products from big t Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public. Agent for Surely Bonds of tbs American Surety Co. OF NKW TORE COLOMBIA FALLS. - MONTANA A. L JORDAN Representing FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSCR- AN'CK—lA>mlon and Lancashire, Oriental Insurant Co., Fireman’s Fund Company, and Phoenix Hartford. LIFE INSURANCE—Central Life Assurance Association of Des Moines, Mutai Benefit Health and Accident, arid the United States Building and Loan of Butte, WRITE OR PHONE COLUMBIA FALLS. - - J CLUB Barber Shop We specialize in Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cut ting. We also give Scalp Treatments for Dandruff and Falling Hair. Hot Oil and Glover’s Mange Shampoo. We have had a special large size Elec tric Hair Dryer installed for Ladies' Shampooing. Also mud pack and fa cial treatments. F. E. BRADLEY. - Prop. THE COLUMBIAN'S “OBITUARY' Aqcoriliug to data at hand, The Columbian was bom 33 years ago, aud with this Issue it passes out of existence. Jack Paco, an ambitious young newspaper man from Helena started Tlio Columbian. A few years later a man by the name- of | Hendrickson took possession, __ after a few years he sold the plant to H. Laeuger: The next was H. L. Gloyd. He later form ed a partnership with a Ross Har grave, but this paiftnorshlp loetori: only a few months, when Hargrave vocauiu me sole Owner. within two years he sold the paper to the present owner. During the fifteen and a half years we havo published' The ¿Co lumbian we have attempted to give the town of Columbia Falls and our readers the very best of which we were capable. K>. doubt we have made mistakes In many ways; we have pleased some and disappoint ed others, hut our conscience j.s ir in the knowledge that hare tried to do our beat. Th^same faith In a bigger and ■re prosperous community, which has served to keep the fires of hope burning, Is still with us. and we are confident that some day will see Co lumbia Falls one of the leading cities of Western Montana. It has all the natural advantages to Justify such hopes, and It Is only a ques tion of time when the town will tako on the growth and develop- prosperous common wealth. Tu thut little hand of consistent and faithful workers, who are al- iwriys willing to put lorth their beet efforts for any and every movement Intended to udvauce the community, we extend encouragement and best wishes. To the advertisers, subscribers and friends who have given us their support In making possible the publication of The Co lumbian, we ure sincerely thankful. We want you «11 to know that leaving the community we do with keen regrets and with nothing of malice or bitterness in our heart. The opportunities offered In a larg er field is the only reason for mov ing away. We had hoped U alble to sell The' Columbian to publlehcr aud thus continue the publication, but In this we have utterly failed. It hae been said that folks who move away always return. This may prove true In our case, and it would be strange if It did not. Com ing bore in 1909. we have announc- news columns of the Co lumbian the birth of your babies. have watched them work thru school, attended their *radtK*tii them start < their life’s journey. We havo se< of them prow from childhood to manhood and womanhood, seen them lyarrled and now have child ren of their own. Wo \hav;e shared their Joys and soiVows, triumphs: and failures. We have written hun dreds of birth notices and chron icled the passing of your dear ones. there Is a tug at our away Hern printing office that can under-sell your home printer a few cents, pass Then we advise the people of the community to stand by those mer chants who support and make poss ible the publishing of the newspa per. Whenever this policy Is adopt ed, there wjli be no difficulty In se curing some publisher in Columbia Falls. In going to Whiteflsh to start a. new paper, we ure entering a field not entirely new to us, as we wrire in the printing business there taro yours before coming here. There la. much consolation to us In know ing that we are not leaving the Flathead, but will be ln-close touch with old frlunds. Until auch til as another newspaper stafts here, we want to servo Columbia Falls every possible way in The location. Besides the long years of residence ami maiiy friends, wie.still retain ownership of property here and will always hold a certain In in the town's growth and wel fare. In closing let us say that latch-«tring in WhiteflBh will wjays be on the' outside for Colum bia FallB folks, and we hope you will call anil see us In our new home. Goodby, and good luck to every- from tris place which has been our CITIZENS' TRAINING CAMP Instructions have been received by Colonel T. M. Anderson, com mending the 10*th (Frontier) di vision, organised reserves, Salt Lake City, Utah, to open the campaign secure enrollments fo^ the citi zens military training camp.. The area to be covored (by this army headquarters consists of five states, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho and Utah. The male camp will be held at iFort Douglas. Utah. .Inn® i v-jni» 1925. The quota of the num- to be trained has been tenta tively set at 720 candidates until more Information concerning the ap propriation ot funds Is received. A secondary camp -will be held at Fort A. Russell, Wyoming, for stu dents In the advanced cources of field artillery and cavalry. It Is expected that 140 candidates will apply for this training. In that better facilities exist at this post, the War department contemplates better and more Interesting instruc tion for this class of students having, this separate camp rather than combining It with the curricu lum at Fort Douglas. Utah. It will be held at the same time aa the lo cal camp. Colonel Anderson believe the quotas will be rapidly filled. Last year the young men of the In- lermountain territory displayed so much enthusiasm for this period of outdoor life and training that caus ed this section of the country stand ahead of all others in sup porting the C. M. T. C. Idea. The same enthusiasm la expected iar. The old custom of considering applicants in the same order their application blanks are receiv ed will prevail. This lndloatea that any young man who expeots to at tend this year's camp should sub mit his formal application without delay to receive first consideration. Any further information will be furnished u'por. request iby head quarters 104th (Frontier) division, 605-611 Commercial building, Salt Lake City, Utah. NEWS AND GOSSIP OF MONTANA LEGISLATURE MASONIC LODGE Stated communications of Colum bia Falls lodge No. 89, A. F. & A. M. are held in Masonic nail on. the first and third Wednesday« or eaoh month, commencing at 7:20 p. m. Mem bers of sister lodges and sojourning brethern are cordially Invited to at tend. Dr. J. N. Reynolds, worshipful master; C. A. Rpbtnson, HcrsUry. Every Word Is True When we, as a Bunking Institution, state that a Savings Account is the firet stepjtoward success, we are simplyjeipphasizing a facf that has been proved by thousands of men thousands optima. With such overwhelming evidence to influence you, why qot start an account today for yourself- and family? Bank of Columbia Falls, Inc. tell you I won’t have this j that Jest because I’m from the coun- protested the old lady to the try—" tes measure, H R 2. Those who voted j^n boy who was conducting her. I Profoundly disgusted, the bor cu for tbe bill were Beadle Berryman, ain.t goin. t0 pay m, good 1 her short “Get in, mum, get In. itabart^Lareon Merrita ^MnihrtlZ^L money for 3 pl8'sty wlth a measly ; This ain’t your room. This is the - ob~ 1 l? ™ - "* — t- MoUK>iJ*od’ UtUe foldin’ bed in 1L If you think j elevator.”- * * .

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Page 1: The Columbian NEWS AND GOSSIP OF MONTANA · 2015. 10. 21. · Let Uncle Sam’s printing office get along1, without

T h e C o l u m b i a nColombia F alls , M ontana

PUBLI8HED EVERY THÜR8DA YThe senate placed Ita approval on 8.

B. 84, Stewart, chanring the law rela­tive to the advertisement of constltu-

of the state, which la daccueil to elim­inate duplication of such advertisement by- which, the aothor says, the state will save about. $22,000 annually.

After being vigorously supported and as vigorously opposed, house measure 34, by Ruffcorn a n d others, which makes taxes on personal property a lien ahead of all ether claims, was sanctioned by the senate.

the house to ngnln place a tax on theater admissions up to and Including' 50 cent admissions has brought vigor­ous protest from theater managers as as well aa the public all over the state.

The bill by Oliver and 11 other sena­tors to do away with primary elec­tion methods of nominating public offi­cials, and restore the old convention system, which was killed, revised and sont back to the committee on privil­eges and elections, has reappeared somewhat amended In the senate, with a report from that committee that It be passed.

WE SERVE GOOD MEALSAt Reasonable Prices ^

Among the new bills before the legis­lature Is a measure which would create the county of Maginnle out of Fergus, with a small portion of Musselshell. Its author Is Moulton, of Fergus, who I" named as sheriff In the bill. Choice of Hoy, Grass Range arid Foreet Grove Is offered as county seM.


A very valuable preparation in case of mal-nutri-j tion, loss of weight, nervousness, failing appetite, lack of energy, and run-down condition. Prepar­ed of highest,grade materials under the DeWitt standard of purity.

100 PILLS, $1.00Wold, of Yellowstone, chairman of the appropriations committee, Intro, dneed a hill In the house socking to centralise the state accounting sys­tem. The tneasnre would authorise the governor to appoint a commission to \ make a study of the state system of bookkeeping, report it* findings to the governor, the governor to make tils re­commendation« to the next legislature.

FRANK SHEERAN, Prop.The budget measure, S. B 2„ In­

troduced by Senator Leuthold at the opening of the session was killed by an adverse committee report from t h e commrttee on finance and claims which Immediately Introdrired a substitute measure for It, whlclt uses the Leu- thold measure as a basis, but le said to be In a ranch more workable form. rxepair

NOW OPENMonday w n the last day for.Intro-' ductlon of hills In the senate and the total amonnted to 182, as compariti to *46 tn the hoime. Among the last to come were a new plan for teachers’ pensions, by Pauline; a MU to elimin­ate duplication of state Inspections, by Green; a referendum on repayment to the school fund of the nearly $2,000,- 000 with Interest used by the state Innd department, by Oliver; creation of a state Investment commutes, by Stew­a rt

: on rordA SPEC IA LTY

Among the measures passed by the senate the past week was the local op­tion pari-mutuel bill, which, It Is hoped by Its sponsor*, will not meet the fate of the state-wide part-rautuel bill killed recently by the bouse.

Anderson-W E CARRY


For All the Family

S. B. No. 77, which would authorize a $26,000 bond lasue to construct a vault for the state treasurer. It also approved H. B No. 808. which would repeal the metropolitan police law.


Women trill not be able to all on Montana hides during the next two: years. By striking the enacting clause of the AlnR\£prtli bill, H. B. No 80. the house killed a bill which It was. wild was sponsored by 10,000 dub wo­men of the state.


By a vote of 70 to 10 tbi killed Larsen’s bank deposit

Sherman & MillerFuneral Directors

No extra charge made for out-of- town calls; we are as close as your telephone.

D R A . K . W E A R N E



DB. A. HOWE, EYE SPECIALISTGraduate ot American College ol

' _ Opthamology, ol Chicago

Glasses Adjusted for Errors of Refrac­tion, Loss of Accommodation and

for Muscular Defects.Rms. 15-26 Buffalo Blk.

\ Phone 101

Lenses Ground In Our Own 8bop

DR. F. H. KELLER Specialist In Fitting Glasses. Opto­


209 Main St. Kallspell, Mont.

COLOMBIA FALLS, the Comm*city ol north ™ Montana, la located tn the mo»t fertile pan

ol the Flathead valley. The town le altuatcd right In the Rocky Mountain« and the acenery and the climate are unaurpanaed.

Columbia Falla la on Ike main ling t ___3real Northern railroad and a branch line gltea the county aeat oonneclloni with Columbia Fait! and tbe outalde world. It le bm a tlon ol a short time before ColumblaJ'aiU will bare another tranaoontlnantal road.

Our principal ludnitriea are lumbering, Iruit raising and farming. Beroral largo lumber con come are located In and around Columbia Falla shlchemploy many men tbe year round. Frnlt ot all kind« and larm prodneta grow here to t moet tropical proportion«.

Our itreama arc lull ot Sah and ourloreeu ar Mecca for Iho hunter of big game.11 you are looking for a growing iown;

town with a future; a beautiful place to lire;aeat thy climate and pure water, come to Co

tFalt*, Montana, and you will fli these thing! and more.


MAIN UNE East Bound

No. 2 arrives........................6:06p.m.No. 4 a rr iv e s ........................7:65 a.m.No. *4 arrlvoe .................... 8 :40 D.m.No. 28 a r r iv e s .....................8:30

West BoundNo. *3 a rr iv o s ......................7;65 a .mNo. 3 a rriv e s ....................... 11:03 a.m.No. 1 a rr iv e s ......................10:50 ptm.No. 27 arrives ...................12:36 p.

home so long.We earnestly hope and believe

there will be another newspaper start In Columbia Falls within a few month*, and when It does we want to make a few suggestions to the business men of the town. Give it loyal support; It will bring vou substautlai returns. Don’t try to see how little advertising you can do;, but see how much you cun do. Let Uncle Sam’s printing office get along1, without your support and stay by your home printer. When you want some advertising, don’t get a pencil and some give the job to your printer. When some out-of-town salesman along offering products from big t

Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public. Agent for Surely

Bonds of tbs

American Surety Co.OF NKW TORE


A. L JORDANRepresenting

FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSCR- AN'CK— lA>mlon and Lancashire, Oriental In su ra n t Co., Fireman’s Fund Company, and Phoenix Hartford.

LIFE INSURANCE—Central Life Assurance Association of Des Moines, Mutai Benefit Health and Accident, arid the United States Building and Loan of Butte,


CL U BBarber Shop

We specialize in Ladies’ and Children’s Hair Cut­ting. We also give Scalp Treatments for Dandruff and Falling Hair. Hot Oil and Glover’s Mange Shampoo. We have had a special large size Elec­tric Hair Dryer installed for Ladies' Shampooing. Also mud pack and fa­cial treatments.

F. E. BRA D LEY . - Prop.


Aqcoriliug to data at hand, The Columbian was bom 33 years ago, aud with this Issue it passes out of existence. Jack Paco, an ambitious young newspaper man from Helena started Tlio Columbian. A few years later a man by the name- of |Hendrickson took possession, __after a few years he sold the plant to H. Laeuger: The next was H. L. Gloyd. He later form­ed a partnership with a Ross Har­grave, but this paiftnorshlp loetori: only a few months, when Hargrave vocauiu me sole Owner. w ithin two years he sold the paper to the present owner.

During the fifteen and a half years we havo published' The ¿Co­lumbian we have attempted to give the town of Columbia Falls and our readers the very best of which we were capable. K>. doubt we have made mistakes In many ways; we have pleased some and disappoint­ed others, hut our conscience j.s

ir in the knowledge that hare tried to do our beat.

T h^sam e faith In a bigger and ■re prosperous community, which

has served to keep the fires of hope burning, Is still with us. and we are confident that some day will see Co­lumbia Falls one of the leading cities of Western Montana. It has all the natural advantages to Justify such hopes, and It Is only a ques­tion of time when the town will tako on the growth and develop-

prosperous common­wealth.

Tu thut little hand of consistent and faithful workers, who are al- iwriys willing to put lorth their beet efforts for any and every movement Intended to udvauce the community, we extend encouragement and best wishes. To the advertisers, subscribers and friends who have given us their support In making possible the publication of The Co­lumbian, we ure sincerely thankful. We want you «11 to know that leaving the community we do with keen regrets and with nothing of malice or bitterness in our heart. The opportunities offered In a larg­er field is the only reason for mov­ing away. We had hoped U alble to sell The' Columbian to

publlehcr aud thus continue the publication, but In this we have utterly failed.

It hae been said tha t folks who move away always return. This may prove true In our case, and it would be strange if It did not. Com­ing bore in 1909. we have announc-

news columns of the Co­lumbian the birth of your babies.

have watched them work thru school, attended their *radtK*tii

them start < their life’s journey. We havo se<

of them prow from childhood to manhood and womanhood, seen them lyarrled and now have child­ren of their own. Wo \hav;e shared their Joys and soiVows, triumphs: and failures. We have written hun­dreds of birth notices and chron­icled the passing of your dear ones.

there Is a tug at our away

Hern printing office that can under-sell your home printer a few cents, pass

Then we advise the people of the community to stand by those mer­chants who support and make poss­ible the publishing of the newspa­per. Whenever this policy Is adopt­ed, there wjli be no difficulty In se­curing some publisher in Columbia Falls.

In going to Whiteflsh to start a. new paper, we ure entering a field not entirely new to us, as we wrire in the printing business there taro yours before coming here. There la. much consolation to us In know­ing that we are not leaving the Flathead, but will be ln-close touch with old frlunds. Until auch til as another newspaper stafts here, we want to servo Columbia Falls

every possible way in The location. Besides the long years of residence ami maiiy friends, wie.still retain ownership of property here and will always hold a certain In­

in the town's growth and wel­fare.

In closing let us say that latch-«tring in WhiteflBh will wjays be on the' outside for Colum­bia FallB folks, and we hope you will call anil see us In our new home.

Goodby, and good luck to every-

from tris place which has been our


Instructions have been received by Colonel T. M. Anderson, com mending the 10*th (Frontier) di­vision, organised reserves, Salt Lake City, Utah, to open the campaign

secure enrollments fo^ the citi­zens military training camp.. The area to be covored (by this army headquarters consists of five states, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho and Utah.

The male camp will be held at iFort Douglas. Utah. .Inn® i v-jni»

1925. The quota of the num- to be trained has been tenta­

tively set at 720 candidates until more Information concerning the ap­

propriation ot funds Is received. A secondary camp -will be held a t Fort

A. Russell, Wyoming, for stu­dents In the advanced cources of field artillery and cavalry. It Is expected that 140 candidates will apply for this training. In that better facilities exist at this post, the War department contemplates better and more Interesting instruc­tion for this class of students having, this separate camp rather than combining It with the curricu­lum a t Fort Douglas. Utah. It will be held a t the same time aa the lo­cal camp.

Colonel Anderson believe the quotas will be rapidly filled. Last year the young men of the In- lermountain territory displayed so much enthusiasm for this period of outdoor life and training that caus­ed this section of the country stand ahead of all others in sup­porting the C. M. T. C. Idea. The same enthusiasm la expected

iar.The old custom of considering

applicants in the same order their application blanks are receiv­ed will prevail. This lndloatea that any young man who expeots to at­tend this year's camp should sub­mit his formal application without delay to receive first consideration.

Any further information will be furnished u'por. request iby head­quarters 104th (Frontier) division, 605-611 Commercial building, Salt Lake City, Utah.


MASONIC LODGE Stated communications of Colum­

bia Falls lodge No. 89, A. F. & A. M. are held in Masonic nail on. the first and third Wednesday« o r eaoh month, commencing at 7:20 p. m. Mem­bers of sister lodges and sojourning brethern are cordially Invited to at­tend. Dr. J. N. Reynolds, worshipful master; C. A. Rpbtnson, HcrsUry.

Every W ord Is T rueWhen we, as a Bunking Institution, state th a t a Savings Account is the firet stepjtoward success, we are simplyjeipphasizing a facf tha t has been proved by thousands of men thousands optim a. W ith such overwhelming evidence to influence you, why qot start an account today for yourself- and family?

Bank of Columbia Falls, Inc.

tell you I won’t have this j tha t Jest because I’m from the coun- protested the old lady to the try—"

tes measure, H R 2. Those who voted j^ n boy who was conducting her. I Profoundly disgusted, the bor cu for tbe bill were Beadle Berryman, ain.t goin. t0 pay m, good 1 her sh o rt “Get in, mum, get In.itabart^Lareon Merrita ^MnihrtlZ^L money for 3 pl8' sty wlth a measly ; This ain’t your room. This is the - ob~ 1 l ? ™ - " * — t- MoUK>iJ*od’ UtUe foldin’ bed in 1L If you think j elevator.”- * * .