the concord herald · the concord herald volume 9 issue 7 august, 2016 choir notes: choir practices...

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016 Concord United Methodist Church 70 Concord Church Rd., Roxboro, N C 27574 336.599.6262 Rev. Karl Neuschaefer, Senior Minister Curtis Hammock, Children and Youth Pastor Mrs. Rena Morton, Music Director Kimberly Stone, Minister of Services Our Mission To worship, witness, follow, and serve Jesus Christ as Lord. Our Vision Christ in us; God’s glory manifested! August Ushers: Curtis Hammock Carroll Royster Zeke Smith Pam Smith Greeters: Jeff Bulla Acolyte: Alexandria Winstead September Ushers: Sidney Thompson Angela Thompson Rodney Crumpton Kyle Crumpton Greeters: Lennita Graves & Faye Howard Acolyte: Riley Carver The Pastor’s Corner It has long been a dream of mine to see our church significantly engaged in mission and ministry beyond our local community. We have numerous local ministries reaching out to our community, schools and service organizations; actually, too many to mention. And Concord Church has engaged in mission to the world in the past, but this year has been a milestone in the extent to which our church has ventured out into the world. Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) What is commonly called “The Great Commission” should always be integrated into the ministries of our Church. Jesus has called us to GO! We are particularly blessed in having sent teams to both Zimbabwe, Africa, and to the region of Appalachia in Tennessee. Just as exciting, both teams included participation by both adults and youth. Sending teams out into the world is a huge commitment on the part of the Church and requires significant financial support to make these trips possible, but you can ask any of the participants and they will tell you it was well worth it! When we venture out beyond our sphere of comfort to engage the world in the name of Christ, it can be both frightening and intimidating. But when we obediently submit to the call, it is always life altering. It’s like Peter’s call to step out of the boat; terrifying yet exhilarating! After all, he is the only human recorded to have walked on water. If you’ve felt the yearning to serve in this way, I urge you to talk with those who have just been to discuss their experience. Additionally, the team that recently returned from Zimbabwe would like to share their experience with the church and is tentatively planning a presentation on Sunday, August 21 st . Please plan on attending this event and learning more about the ministry of ZOE which is doing miraculous things for the orphans in that region of the world. Seeing the breadth and depth of God’s love extended across the globe is transformative. Praise be to God! See you in worship! Karl

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The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Concord United Methodist Church

70 Concord Church Rd., Roxboro, N C 27574

336.599.6262 Rev. Karl Neuschaefer, Senior Minister

Curtis Hammock, Children and Youth Pastor

Mrs. Rena Morton, Music Director

Kimberly Stone, Minister of Services

Our Mission

To worship, witness, follow, and serve

Jesus Christ as Lord.

Our Vision

Christ in us; God’s glory manifested!

August Ushers: Curtis Hammock

Carroll Royster

Zeke Smith

Pam Smith

Greeters: Jeff Bulla

Acolyte: Alexandria Winstead

September Ushers: Sidney Thompson

Angela Thompson

Rodney Crumpton

Kyle Crumpton

Greeters: Lennita Graves & Faye Howard Acolyte: Riley Carver

The Pastor’s Corner It has long been a dream of mine to

see our church significantly engaged in

mission and ministry beyond our local

community. We have numerous local ministries reaching

out to our community, schools and service organizations;

actually, too many to mention. And Concord Church has

engaged in mission to the world in the past, but this year

has been a milestone in the extent to which our church

has ventured out into the world. Jesus said, “Therefore go

and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded

you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of

the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) What is commonly called

“The Great Commission” should always be integrated

into the ministries of our Church. Jesus has called us to


We are particularly blessed in having sent teams

to both Zimbabwe, Africa, and to the region of

Appalachia in Tennessee. Just as exciting, both teams

included participation by both adults and youth. Sending

teams out into the world is a huge commitment on the

part of the Church and requires significant financial

support to make these trips possible, but you can ask any

of the participants and they will tell you it was well

worth it! When we venture out beyond our sphere of

comfort to engage the world in the name of Christ, it can

be both frightening and intimidating. But when we

obediently submit to the call, it is always life altering. It’s

like Peter’s call to step out of the boat; terrifying yet

exhilarating! After all, he is the only human recorded to

have walked on water.

If you’ve felt the yearning to serve in this way, I

urge you to talk with those who have just been to discuss

their experience. Additionally, the team that recently

returned from Zimbabwe would like to share their

experience with the church and is tentatively planning a

presentation on Sunday, August 21st. Please plan on

attending this event and learning more about the ministry

of ZOE which is doing miraculous things for the orphans

in that region of the world. Seeing the breadth and depth

of God’s love extended across the globe is

transformative. Praise be to God!

See you in worship! Karl

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Birthdays August

1– Kenzie Sherow 16 – Judy Baker

5 - Sandy Treacey 17 – Tyler Henderson

6 – Jessica Munday 18 – Mike Lawson

6 – Joy Winstead 20 – Lynn Brown

7 – Elizabeth Bell 25 – Avary Briggs

7 – Jewel Hamlett 28 – Ashley Pierson-Suddreth

11 – Lyman Johnson 29 – Jo Lawrence

12 – C.C. Vaughan 31 – Vicky Crumpton

13 – Linda Wood 31 – Jerry Treacey

September 2 – Kermit Mathis 19 – Larry Poole

4 – Amy Henderson 20 – Sandra Boone

4 – Roger Wood 20 – Becky Lawrence

9 – Mikayla Price 23 – Chris Raines

9 – Brianna Walker 24 – Nicholas Morton

11 – Julie Thompson 27 – Ethan Bowman

12 – Atticus Hester 28 – Kylie Barker

14 – Elizabeth St. John 29 – Brad Ferguson

17 - Delaney Anderson 30 – Danny Crumpton

17 - Karen Mathis

Prayer Shawl

Ministry The prayer shawl knitters will

NOT MEET the month of

August. If you have any

questions, please contact

Ernie Carver.

UMM August Meeting The United Methodist Men will

hold their monthly supper meeting

on Monday, August 9th at 6:30 p.m. All men are

invited to attend. No reservations are required.

Anniversaries August

4 – Danny & Joan Crumpton

7 – Nate & Saralynn Hester

11 – Ken & Phyllis Walker

11 – Bob & Shannon Zippay

14 – Darren & Leslie Anderson

16 – Mike & Barbara Lawson

18 – Roger & Linda Wood

23 – David & Lynn Brown

24 – Tim & June Taylor

27 – Jerry & Sandy Treacy


1 – Andy & Lisa Elliott

9 – Don & Melissa Nowell

11 – Carroll & Paula Royster

23 – Jeff & Reba Bulla

29 – Mark & Ashley Hamlett


For the Altar


7 - Jan Holtsclaw

14 – Ernie Carver

21 – Kevin & Loraine Pool

28 – Kermit & Karen Mathis

September 4 – Faye Stephens

11 – Carroll & Paula Royster

18 – Rena Morton

25 – Andrew & Lisa Elliott

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

It’s not too late to come to

Vacation Bible School!! Now thorough Thursday, August 4th.

Dinner is served at 5:30 and the VBS

program is from 6-8 p.m. Ages 2-18! The

theme for this year’s VBS is Surf Shack;

Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love!

If you have any questions please contact

either Renee Barker or Dori Hammock.

August Calendar

July 31 – Aug 4 – Vacation Bible School

2 – P.U.M.P. meeting at New Brook UMC at 7 p.m.

8 – United Methodist Women’s meeting at 6:30 p.m.

w/ a light meal

9 – United Methodist Men’s supper meeting at

6:30 p.m.

18 – Dedication of the Thomas Holtsclaw Woodshed

at the CHC at 1 p.m.

22 – Church Council meeting at 7 p.m.

24 – Concord serves lunch at the Christian Help Center

28 – Back to School Event

Worship on Sunday’s at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Children’s choir practice each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Yahweh Yoga each Monday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m.

and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.

Emmaus Reunion Group meeting each Wednesday at

6 p.m.

Choir practice each Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Youth Fellowship each Sunday evening from 5-6:30 p.m.

Praising God for Growth in Backpack Pals Ministry By: Pam Smith

Thanks to everyone for their generous support of the Backpack Pals program. Because of your outstanding

support of the program and the increasing need, we are able to increase the

number of students we will be serving this year. This is such a blessing!

After school starts, I will give you an update as to the exact number of needy

children we will be serving!

Mark your calendars for our annual pancake breakfast,

directed by our master chef, Bob Zippay! The date

is September 11th. Let's make it our best yet!

We couldn't serve these children without your continued support. We have a

few very dedicated and faithful workers who help us each week. But we

could use additional help in conducting this worthy program.

Please call Pam Smith at 336-234-9909 or email at

[email protected] if you would like to help with this endeavor.

Praising God as we serve him!

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Choir Notes:

Choir Practices to Resume By: Rena Morton

After having most of the summer off; Adult Choir Practice will

resume on Wednesday, August 17th at 7:00 p.m. We would love

to see some new faces join us; as well as some “old” members that

have been on a sabbatical from choir. We will be preparing for

Sunday worship, a 5th Sunday sing in October, and it

won’t be long before we begin working on Advent and

Christmas music. Please join us on the 17th. We will

have choir and some homemade ice cream!

Our Young People’s choir meets each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. We meet in the choir room. If your

child is interested in being in choir, please join us on the 21st of August. I will be away on the 14th.

Graduate Recognition

Colin Winstead, the son of Amy and Tommy Winstead and a member of Concord

Church, was recognized as Concord’s only 2016 high school graduate on Sunday, July

31st. Colin graduated from Roxboro Community School. He is set to attend the United

States Merchant Marine Academy in the fall and then on to WestPoint Academy. We

wish Colin much luck and send him many prayers as he embarks on his new endeavors.

We are proud of you Colin!

Alex Leonard Attends Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama Alex Leonard, son of William and Heather Leonard attended Space Camp at the US Space & Rocket Center in

Huntsville, AL; July 17-22, 2016. Alex, was part of a 14 member team, team Space X, ages 9-11. Their first day at

camp they completed a survey and questionnaire that was used to assign each team member a specific role for the week.

Alex was chosen as the Flight Director; he was in charge of Mission Control and the Shuttle Orbiter. Throughout the

week, they completed 2 simulated space missions, one to the International Space Station (ISS) and one to the Moon. The

crew were given challenges and scenarios as part of the simulations.

While there he participated in a model rocket build and 2 successful launches. He learned the basics about rockets,

their engines, their design, and their evolution to today's rockets. His team designed a Mars base and a mission patch for

team Space X. He got to try out the following motion simulators: 5 Degrees of Freedom chair (simulates 5 of the 6

degrees of motion), Multi-Axis Trainer, his favorite (simulates re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere), 1/6 chair (simulates

gravity on the moon, which is 1/6 of what it is on Earth), G Force

Accelerator (simulates up to 4G's), and the Space Shot (simulates take off

and weightlessness). They also worked in cross sections of the following

space craft: Space Shuttle Enterprise & Discovery, the ISS, and the Orion

Capsule (future Mars missions).

Graduation on Friday was held under the Pathfinder Space Shuttle,

with guest speaker Capt. Robert L "Hoot" Gibson & former astronaut.

Each trainee received his graduation packet including their certificate and

flight wings.

It was an amazing opportunity and wonderful experience for Alex.

There were trainees there from around the US and the world. They slept in

simulated habitats similar to what would be used on other planets and ate

meals with different international themes. He is looking forward to going again.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Youth Return Safely From

Mission Experience in Tennessee By: Curtis Hammock

1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you

are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in

conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

This scripture was the focus for our

Appalachian mission team as we

went to serve our "less fortunate"

Appalachian brothers and sisters. 17

youth and 4 adult chaperones made

up our team that set out on the

projected six-hour journey. Of course

when the church bus broke down in

Greensboro on Sunday, it made our

commute eleven hours. We painted a

home on Monday for a widow in

McCaysville Georgia officially

initiating the work for the week. On

Tuesday morning, we gathered at the

senior center in Ducktown,

Tennessee. We sang, danced and had

fellowship with some of our more

seasoned brothers and sisters in

Appalachia. Tuesday afternoon and

all day Wednesday we constructed a

room for our friend named Sam. Sam

is a 41 year old who suffers from

scoliosis and other physical ailments

and lives on a rustic Appalachian

family compound. Prior to end of our

journey, Sam had never had his own

bedroom, he shared a room and bed

with his mother.

To say that God worked in numerous ways on this mission would be an understatement. It was evident on Tuesday

afternoon that most of our youth had never swung a hammer, much less operated a circular saw. I'm proud to say they're

all regular old carpenters now (well at least beginning carpenters) as the pictures show. Not only did the youth pick up

carpentry and painting knowledge but we also bonded in tremendous ways as a group. It would of taken months or years

of usual UMYF meetings to equate to the amount of time we spent together this week. Lastly and most importantly, we

served! We worshipped, witnessed, followed and served Jesus in a mighty way, representing Concord UMC and making

our church proud.

Lastly, these trips aren't possible without generous and sacrificial volunteer leaders who make time to chaperon our

youth. Mary Jane Bowman, Renee and Cecil Barker, words can't express how thankful I am to have had you all along for

the journey! I pray you all feel led to chaperon many, many more!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

UMW to “visit” Romania By: Karen Mathis

UMW did not meet in July,

but we continue to be active

with missions being planned

using the Mother’s day and

Father’s day offerings. One of those missions is the sponsorship of

a Romanian child named Malina. We became aware of this

through World Vision when

several of our members and

friends traveled to Charlotte to

the Women of Faith conference

a couple years ago. Our August

meeting is being planned to

“visit” with Malina and find out about her village in Romania. Please join us

at the church Monday August 8th, 6:30 p.m. for a light meal and then a visit

with Malina.

Our September 12th meeting will be our annual cookout – this year at the

home of Diane Brent. After all the wonderful burgers and fixings, we will

be sewing, stuffing and blessing pillows for breast cancer patients. The

pillows are already cut out (thank you Joni) and will be given out in August

to sew. We will stuff them at the September meeting and bless them for the

Halifax Cancer Society in South Boston, VA. There is something for

everyone to do so plan on being there September 12th.

As always, we invite ALL women of the church to be a part of UMW as

we strive to live out our VISION – “turning faith, hope and love into action

on behalf of women, children and youth around the world”. We continue to grow in our faith and love the

Christian fellowship. Please join us.

Still Time to Support Relay For Life

Relay for Life in Person County is off to a great start and Concord is proud to be a

part of the fundraising to "Paint the Town Purple" and fight cancer. The main event is

scheduled for September 30th at the Person High School track from 6 p.m. until

midnight and we need your help to make it a success! Please consider becoming a

member of the team. The suggested cost to join is a $12 donation to Relay for Life

and includes a t-shirt. Please see Elizabeth Bell (919-695-6400 or [email protected])

or Jim Priest for more details and to sign up.

Also, you may still purchase luminaries. For a minimum donation of $10, your luminary will shine all

night at the 2016 Relay For Life In Honor Of, In Memory Of, or In Prayer Of someone close to you. Forms

are located on the table in the fellowship hall. Please make checks payable to the Concord UMC RFL

Luminary. Return the form and your donation to Elizabeth Bell.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Exciting Events Planned For JOY Club By: Joni Dawson

J.O.Y. (just older youth) is planning an incredible Christmas show trip to

Myrtle Beach and Charleston, SC this year. The trip is planned to leave

Concord UMC on Monday, December 5th through the Friday, December 9th. The price of $505.00 per person

double occupancy and includes 4 nights of lodging, 8 meals, four amazing shows , tour of Charleston and

Brookgreen Gardens,

free time at Broadway at

the Beach , and historic

Charleston market place.

This trip should fill up

quickly, so if interested

please let us know soon,

you can reserve your seat

by sending in deposit of

$75.00 per person

payable to Concord

UMC and mail or deliver

to Joni Dawson 1255

Fontaine Rd., Roxboro,

NC 27574 on or before

August 12th. If you have

any specific questions

please give Joni a call at

336-597-2063 or e-mail

her at

[email protected].

Get prepared for

September Hoe Down

scheduled for Friday,

September 23rd at 11:00

– 1:00. Lots of fun and

surprises to be revealed,

you won’t want to miss.

Mark your calendars

now! Get out your jeans

and plaid shirts and get

in the spirit of the

J.O.Y.’s fall hoe down.

Friday, October 21st will be our annual tail-

gate party. Bring your favorite tail-gate food and wear your favorite school colors. More details to follow.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Fellowship Opportunity: Breadbreakers;

Sign up Now By: Carolyn Johnson

The New Testament tells of early Christians “breaking bread together” in one another’s

homes. Jesus invited himself into homes no matter how humble or grand. Offering and accepting hospitality is a

powerful way of forging bonds. That’s what Breadbreakers is all about – an opportunity to really get to know the people

we see at concord UMC! These may be new comers, old timers, weekenders, etc.

Breakbreakers is a social time. Meals are shared and stories are told typically in home settings surrounded by family

photos and items reflecting the interest of the hosts. Even though Breadbreakers is about fellowship, the bonds formed

have enhanced the worship, study groups, prayer, and work of the church for many participants. Please Become One!

Seven to eight adults who serve as the four hosts make up each Breadbreakers Group. A “host” is a couple, a single

person, two friends, or two relatives who invite the others into their home or place of choice. They provide the main

course, and beverage. The others bring the rest of the meal. It’s that EASY! This way, everyone shares something each

time! The host can get out that dinner china which is rarely used, or have paper plate picnics, soup suppers, brunch

– whatever! One group had appetizers and cut straight to desserts.

New groups will be meeting September through January. Each group determines their own times and places to

meet. Groups ideally meet once a month until each host has had a turn, Then it’s over – except for memories of the FUN

and the many friendships that have resulted through Breadbreakers since it first started in 2003.

Join NOW through August 7th so groups can be formed and ready to meet in September. Look for sign-up sheets in

early service, bulletin inserts, or simply contact Carolyn Johnson at 336-503-8770 or [email protected] for

more information or to sign up immediately by providing your name or names, address, phone number and email


Stephen Ministries: This devotion by Rick Warren sums

up the Stephen Ministries program nicely.

Your Friends Need You to Share Your Pain By: Rick Warren

“Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down” Romans

12:15 MSG

The interesting thing about pain and joy is that whenever you share a joy, it gets doubled. But it’s the

opposite with pain. When you share a pain, it’s halved. When your friends are going through a crisis, they need you to

help carry the load and lessen the pain.

When I’m talking about sharing the pain with your friends, I’m not talking about sympathy. Sympathy, says, “I’m

sorry you’re hurt.” People don’t need your sympathy. They need your empathy. Empathy says, “I hurt with you.”

Sympathy stands at a distance. Empathy draws close.

The ultimate form of love is compassion. Compassion says, “I’ll do anything I can to stop your hurt.” When you

read the Bible, you’ll find that Jesus was repeatedly moved with compassion. He was willing to do whatever he could to

stop other’s hurt, including going to the cross. He was willing to die to stop your hurt. That’s compassion.

The Bible says in Romans 12:15, “Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re

down” (MSG). That means cry with them. Weep with those who weep.

What do friends do? They show up. They share the pain, and they shut up. They don’t give pious platitudes. They

don’t give advice. They don’t try to talk a friend out of his pain. They don’t say, “It’s going to be OK.” They just say,

We’re going to sit here with you. We’re going to be here for you. We’re going to hurt with you.”

If you are interested in learning more about our Stephen Ministry program,

contact Karl Neushaefer or Shannon Zippay.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Therefore Go: Mission Teams Share Christ’s Love On July 12 through July 21, four members of Concord traveled to Zimbabwe, Africa to participate in the

ministry of ZOE. Just three days later on Sunday July 24, twenty-one individuals headed to the Appalachian

region of Tennessee to work on local mission projects in that area. Most of the twenty-one were youth, some

of which were from Oak Grove UMC. The team that went to Zimbabwe will be sharing their experience and

will be providing information about the ZOE Empowerment Program on Sunday, August 21. Look for details

in the bulletin and the weekly electronic announcements about the time and location.

Wedding Bells Rang for Susan

Wiley and Joel Powell

On Sunday May 22nd Joel Powell and Susan

Wiley officially joined Concord Church by

transferring their membership from their home

churches. Joel and Susan have enjoyed a long

relationship with one another and on Saturday,

July 9 they made

covenant with one

another in a

wedding ceremony

in our sanctuary,

followed by a

reception at their

Hyco Lake home.

We celebrate their

wedding and wish

them all the best in

their life together.

Birth Announcement:

Ellanore Doris Nowell

It is with much excitement that we welcome

Ellanore Doris Nowell into the Concord family.

Ellanore was born July 1st 2016, at Duke Regional

Hospital in Durham. She was weighing 9 pounds

8.9 ounces and she was 21 inches long. The proud

parents are Chris and Brooke Nowell. Proud

grandparents are Don and Melissa Nowell, Winfred

and Paula Wagner, and Jennifer Overman Wagner.


has a big brother,



and a big





The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

“Sarah’s Sisters”

Walk into 8th Year By: Rena Morton

The 14th Annual Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian

Cancer Walk & 5k Run will be held on Saturday,

September 17th, 2016 at Sanderson High School in

Raleigh, NC. I am inviting you to participate. There are

many ways to be a part of this: join my team (Sarah's

Sisters & Morton's Men) to walk, run, do both; become a

ghost walker (if you can't be present), make a donation,

and pray for our team and the event. The event begins at

8:30 with Registration and Refreshments (donuts &

coffee) followed at 9:30 with the 5k Run. Also at 9:30

there is an educational forum "It Whispers...So Listen"

given by Dr. Andrew Berchuck, director of GYN

Oncology at Duke Medical Center. The walk begins at

10:30 followed

by lunch,




awards and


presentation to

the Duke Cancer



Cancer is the

leading cause of

death in


cancers! It is a

silent killer. It is

hard to

diagnose. Women and girls of all ages can be touched by

this dreaded cancer. Monies raised will go to the Duke

Cancer Institute to research ways to diagnose, find a cure,

or find ways to treat the disease as well as prevent it.

Please consider being a part of this event in some way.

Sarah Elizabeth created the first "Sarah's Sistas and

Morton's Men" in 2009. When she died in 2010, some of

us have carried the torch for her. This will be the 8th year

for our team (Sarah's Sisters and Morton's Men). Let's

continue the fight in her memory and for those that are

battling the disease now and in the future and for those

that have fought the battle and are in a better place than

here on earth.

Early Service Gains in


On June 5, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. our church ventured

into new territory as we started a second worship

service in a more contemporary style. This service

was conducted in the fellowship hall because of the

use of visuals and a different music style.

On that first Sunday we had forty-six in

attendance and the service began to gain in

popularity. It was particularly popular with

individuals and families residing at the lake, which

was the logic that led us to begin this early service.

While some adjustments in the service format and

seating of the service have been made, it is generally

the same worship format that we began with on that

first Sunday.

The popularity has continued to grow and on

Sunday, July 24 we once again set a new record with

one hundred and twenty-one in attendance. It seems

each Sunday we are having to add additional chairs

to accommodate the added attendance, and we

continue to welcome new visitors weekly.

We praise God for this growth and count it as

fruitfulness to our having been obedient to the

Spirit’s leading. We are excited that we are able to

offer both worship services in varied worship styles

and that we continue to welcome new visitors in

both of our services.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

Our Known Immediate Prayer Concerns Ethel Aiken

Carl Anderson

Judy Baker and her daughters

Charlene and Donica

Sandy Boone and her son Griffin

Brenda Callahan

Donnie Carr

Bo Carver

Ernie Carver

Sarah Clinard

Glenn Cruise

Danny Crumpton’s sister Katie

Joe Daniel

Joni Dawson’s parents

Gina Drastal

John Featherston

Lori Hicks Featherston

Brad Ferguson and family

Philippe Forton

Reade Foushee

Roger and Susan Gardner

Christopher Gattis

Brain Hager

Keith Hall

Harper Hartung

Sandy and Dick Hatch

Marge Hetzel’s sister Ellie Koerner

Jan Holtsclaw

Faye Howard

Mike Hurdle

Debbie Kelly

Don Knight

Jerry Lawson

Don Legun

Mary Edith Massey

Elizabeth Pierson

Deborah Sanford and family

Pam Smith’s mother, Lillian

June Taylor

Angela Thompson & her mother

Sandy and Jerry Treacy

Sonja Vaughan

Sarah Vaughan

Jennifer Villeda

Chad Wagstaff

Jennie Wagstaff

Evelyn Mangum White

Donald and Becky Wilson

Kay Winstead and her grandson James

Mary Winstead

Prayers for those serving in Our Military Troie Barker, Zachary Bell, Daylon Brann, Donovan Heist,

Christian Kirby, Danny Lawrence, Marv Morris, Erik Peterson,

Jason Sabat, Eddie Schemper, Donald C. Teague, Kyle Treacy,

and Robert Wolak NOTE: The globed candle to the left of the chancel area in the sanctuary is lit in honor of all those who serve;

police, firefighters, and our military, a tradition which began on 9/11/01. We also proudly recognize those in active

service who are affiliated with Concord UMC. May we continue to uphold them with our prayers and our love.

In case you miss church and would like to hear Pastor Karl’s sermon, our website now has a link you may use.

Please log on to and check out all the wonderful, powerful information

concerning Concord Church. Thanks to Keith Hall and Ken Walker for managing this site and keeping us all

up to date. You can even view the newsletter from previous months. Please contact

[email protected] to contribute to the newsletter or to be added to the distribution list.

The Concord Herald Volume 9 Issue 7 August, 2016

UMM Serves



of Person County By: Kimberly Stone

July 11th was such a blessing as the United

Methodist Men cooked a delicious meal for

First Responders!! We fed over 60 people from

the Roxboro City Police, Person County Sheriff

Office, NC State Highway Patrol, EMS,

Roxboro City Fire Department, Central

Communications-Telecommunicators, and

Person County Detention Officers.

It is such a joy to watch the relationship

between Concord UMC and our First

Responders grow deeper wiry each meal. Jesus

taught us by example the importance of sharing

a meal with others, which allows for

conversation to take place that might not

otherwise occur.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for

your continued support of these servants!!

Please keep all First Responders and especially

Law Enforcement Officers in your prayers.

Be in prayer for all of our

teachers, students,

community, and school

systems as our children

prepare to head back to
