the culture for cheating

The Culture for Cheating By Muhlisin

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The Culture for Cheating. By Muhlisin. My Identity. Name: MUHLISIN Office: IAIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA Adrees: jl.a.yani 117 Surabaya Job: academik administrator staff Number phone: 081553871934. The Culture for Cheating. Introduction: Definition Bayground - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Culture for Cheating

The Culture for CheatingBy Muhlisin

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My Identity Name: MUHLISIN Office: IAIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA Adrees : jl.a.yani 117 Surabaya Job : academik administrator

staff Number phone: 081553871934

Page 3: The Culture for Cheating

The Culture for Cheating Introduction: Definition Bayground Various forms of

cheating Characters that are

caused cheating The solution is the

need for Character Education

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Introduction: Education in this country is still complicated. Honours students are still struggling in a row the

numbers listed on the paper. Students are always assessed based on the

results of the test. This is continues to apply for the job. When he

handed a job application letter, he is asked a letter paper diplomas but not his skills.

The high numbers they are considered among the most well

Our students vying for the highest score in any way. One form has been a culture in academia is cheating

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Definition of cheating Cheating is an activity imitate or

quoting other people's work as the original .

Cheating is a dishonest act and bad habitt. It is done consciously to create profits that ignores principles of fairness, sportsmanship and a form of academic criminanalism.

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Bayground Why did culture increase in our student? It’s caused :

1. The child has lost the confidence and optimism. They are usually served by their aides and full life of hedonism at home him.

2. eventually such an attitude they bring also in school. especially in doing the tests they are not confident with the abilities and potential of its own.

3. This is why they take a shortcut by way of cheating.

4. So out side foctor, Loose supervision of the children is also a factor why the cheating culture growing. Cause, Several supervisor work, just sit and busy themselves at the exam. a few supervisors to be apathetic that important their salaries are paid.. Just that they are doing

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Various forms of cheating Various forms of cheating when the

exam is quite diverse. Starting from the most classical to the latest technology .

The methode classics such as: notes written material on paper and folded so small. Another way is to glance at the work of friends, including notes on any limb, get answers from the outside, ask someone else to do it and other classic ways.


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The Modern way Along with the development of

technology , the ways of cheating are also experiencing growth. Gadgets such as handphone ,a ipad with a larger screen size allows students to use it .

Matter file was moved to form soft ipad and do not need to learn all night long. It is most often done by students , and especially students who are not prohibited from using such gadget handphone or in the classroom

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For example the fraud occurs when the features

of advanced technology entrance examination exam college a few years ago. There examinees wearing the white shirt that has a special place for storing electronic devices such as : Hand phon already removed the keypad and earphones in the shoulder the right. Sophisticated is not playing great !

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Due To CheatingIf this phenomenon continues

to be entrenched habits and character will shape cheater generation . This character can be a threat to the development of the quality of education in this country .

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Character cheating cause things such as : Culture of cheating can ruin creativity thinking.

Students are not able to process words with his own thoughts.

The character of cheating can cause laziness. Students take a shortcut by taking photos then saving in handphon.

Students others won’t need to learn hardly. In Psychological, if the cheater still get good grades, directly affect mental learning other comrades.

Some of them learned their hard but he is get lower than cheater. They will go down want to learn. There jealousy is the rational case. Certainly not fair that students aren't to study gets high marks than those who diligently study

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The solution is the need for Character Education Cheating synonymous with dishonesty. In practice, this

dishonesty can became factor is cause the country of corruption . Character education to inculcate moral values need to be done .

The concept of the education curriculum must emphasizes aspects of the character . Depraved morals of today's young generation is already supposed to be more concern for the perpetrators of value -oriented education rather than just on paper alone . .

Role of parents are concerned they would be if his son gets his lie than to a low value . They must are instill the value of honesty from an early age . In the implementation of all elements of character education should synergize and continuous . Formation of character not only do students / student alone but all those involved in the educational sphere.

Ranging from security guards to staff the school principal or rector . They should model good behavior . If the character is good, then the student will automatically be honest . Thus the culture of cheating can be eroded step by step

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Summary Cheating is a bad habbit. It is

done consciously to create profits that ignores principles of fairness, sportsmanship and a form of academic criminanalism

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conclusioneveryone should have a sense

of responsibility to prevent the growth habit of cheating on our youth

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Good luck Thank yoo suwonnn brooo