the daily· iowa

THE DAILY · IOWA rOLu)1E XU[ MEN WORK NOW WITH ElECTRIC liGHTS )IJGHT¥ 1'IUW. \IUTIONS GOJNG ON IN . "ID\\''\ \' 01\)11' TO TIIW.\HT PJ,/\NS PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS 0 THJIl TATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA y' IOW.-\ CI'I'l", IOW. \, TIH'USD.n- :mJ HXfXO, OC'TO J) I'm us , 101 ;;. I'l of'essol' W(' lI el' to SIICllk ilL J)llvcn- pOI1; HUJI(lll Y, IIIHl ' l'uesllay Professor C. IT. Weller will lean' Sa turday evening for Davenport to DEBATING BUllETIN IS COMPREHfNSIVE 1< ; ((;H'I'''' .\XN AT, ANNOl:N E- .,,"::X'I' 01< ' JOWA II GH SC HOOL J) .. WILL BE E'T T lOW ('HII\'cntlon to Be Helll lit. Tillie of lit' Big fiollll'(·IIml llg-I.; (]itol·s to H<'cepUon Dates for tile se mi-annual cODl'en- tlon oC the southern Iowa editorial CHICAGO MASS MEETING COMES Off TONIGHT SJ<JN U 0 1.'1 .' WILb BE Gl \ 'EN TK\M .\ T NI\TUH, \l J SCIENOE ,U ' I>ITOHIOI TO·N IG RT )<'01'11'/11'11 Be li mred to be atl end the annual meeting of the a s- Point" Out 'Iuny Fllct!iJ as soc iation 11a\(> been set for NovE'm- I ,h'e Sl'eet'llos Will be <ll\'en-'J'ellnl \\,OJ'k--Ques- bel' J 3 and J 4. Will be The l·e--:\III<;h .... l>)' the lllWd WOll k I'oi ll t hy socia ted ad ('llIb or Iowa, to be held 1011'1& ." en " 'ill Go Into (111m 111 1 th r Sundu)', ;\fonday, und Com'el'nill!;' Dehute t Ion 'I'hl!. Yea)' Is Oil The dltors will be entertained at -Yell l ,Cltdels Will '. ead Clood Co n(]jUon, and in which he \I iii figure prolllill- cn til'. Tho meeting will be opened on tt'l'collcgiute ]) bntel's Last YeIlJ', the s cond annual homecoming of --- I the university of Io wa which takes On e of the most ttl'lICtiC(' of the place (It the time of the convention. "Pu ll Cor Iowa." Following the Three hour s of strenuous practice slogan of the freshmen de nt s tlle wa s tbe dose prescribed yE¥lterday by Sanday morning with lay sermons in new bu lletins CJt the s tate unlversltY I The editors will be guests of the I i I, I h ' Hawk ye club bas made big pI' llar- tho se sterling doctors of playing de- a I tb ch urch es of the city. PI'ofes- s tue e g th annual announcement university at a huge reception to be feet s, Ilawley, Eby anil Adams, to sor Weller will speak at the Calvary of the Iowa high school debating I held Friday e vening November 14 in atiollS tor th big ma8S meetin g this get the varsity In tit sha pe to battle Baptitlt churCh on tbis occasion, his leag ue, whi ch has just been is sued . the unll' ersity armory . There will ev The mee ting will s tart at. subject being. " An Honest Advertls- The s tyle of printing, arrangement, be speakers r epresenting the Iowa deven o'c lo ck in the natural scienc., Chicago Saturday. But one more night of practice remains before the el·." At following sessions he will and the whole publication Is got up state college at Ames the university auditorium. At the last mass me et- Hawkeye gridiron warriors, coaClhes respond to the welcome of major, au in as conveni en t form as possible. of Iowa, and the editorial assocla.! in g the place was crowded but not and trainers hie themse lves to the the part of the advertising men, and Especial emphasis is laid on the tl on. enUI'ely filled. The Hawkeye club ls Windy City to demonstrate to the in- r ead a pap er before the associatIon fact that . high school debat es fur- On Saturday mornin g, November very desirous of having every se at In habitants of the western metropolis concel'lling his hobby, "Adv rtislng nlsh uuu sual opportunities tor train- 15, there will be a soocer football the big room occupied at the start-: AS Courses in College." Ing in public speaking. Unde r this game on Iowa field , probably b etween Ing hour thi s even ing . a superior brand , of football. .t>. The meeting thiS' year promi ses to head, the fact that thought is more l Grinn ell and' the university, and on hinted, practice yesterdaY eve ning Thi s will perhaps be tbe a fft ria l send-off to the team tor the hicago was kept up without a br ea k until be attended by adverti sing men from , Important than delivery, in all se-, Saturday afternoon there will be the the pall of night was falling swiftly all dYer over the oountry Daven- rious public address is st rongly great football game between Iowa game. The team will leavE' some on Iowa fie ld . and the veteran Jimmie port has made elaborate prepara- had \'islons of a co ld supper await- tlons to receive the visitors and has iog him . already an elab or ate sign 60x60 feet, brought out, and much is made of and Ames for the state the desirability ot t ra ining In de bate ' lshIP. A speCial Ilecti on In Aside from Infor mation ooncern- will be r ese rved for th e In g the Iowa blgh school debating Iowa editoria l associat ion . champion- time Friday morning probably about the stands ten o'clock. The band has promi sed southern to come p ut thi s evening and gi ve Tha edl- the musical number!:!. Pete Fi she,' Hawl ey ' and his assistants are de- displaying, elect rically, the trutb ' em- termlned to sen d the men against blem of the Assoc ia ted Clubs of Am- l eag ue, the pamphl et contains a dis- tors wiII also be the guests of honor and assistants have agreed to l ea d Cbicago In the best playing trim pos- erlca. Students of advertising, or cussion of the question, pre- at a reception to be given that even- the vocal number s. The committ ee sible of attai nm ent in the short time those interested in the work are cor- pared by Profes or Glenn Ing by the Triangl e club. Is trying to get some man closely !I!;- It the team fails it wl11 not I dlally invited by- the- as sc:x: iation to :\ Ierry, together with ",rlefs of both Th local committee, S. E. Carre ll, socia ted with athletics and til uni- "be the fauIt of the coa ches but will attend the sessions. affi rm ative an d negative arguments, l ot the Iowa City Daily Press ; Elmer 1 versity to preside at the meetlng. be because of a lack of app lication of tbe prin Ci ples of play by the men . The phYSical weltare of the athletes I adopted from the briefs used by the l E. John ton, of the Iowa City Cit!- Just whom this will be was uncertain AS IT WILL BI': university intercollegiate debate ze n; and David Brant of the Iowa la st evening but will be decided this IS SHOWN IN OHAWING teams in the contests la st December . City Republican will announce a de- morning . A list of enthusiastic I Is being car ef ully looked a' fter by --- the veteran Jack Watson and I PI'Ondfoot, I1h'(l, and RltW!iJOJl Plans or u. Few Yeal's Short bibliographies of the question talled program I within the next two s peakers hav e promi sed to come and on1lnued on page 3) TO ao TO AMANt \. Next Friday, Professor Paul S. Show are also given and 1 nformation as to weeks. to tell s tories both f unny other- wise. These taTks will be made by the means of getti ng the use of Hence I books from the university library. In fifty years the campus of the The question which will be debat- university of Iowa would be ed this year is the one used last win- I recognized by a r et urning st ude nt of . ----- ----- the presen t generatlon except for the I (Continued on page 3) (n ,EF.- ('T ,UB SElJEOJ'ED Coach Hawley, Coach Eby, tProtessol" FOR OOMrNG YEAR'S WQRK Shamba ugh , Captain McGinnis and others. Places LEAVES ARE PULVERIZED Peirce will go to the . Amana colonies front group of buildings In the main campus at the present time. A few ilOWA UNION COl\Jl\IITTEE with a party of students. Any per- O,'el' One Hundred Try fOr With Organization This Year MANY FEET ON OAl\O'US WORKING ON PROBLEM: 1 PI t 'I F'i d R ,. \'i 80ns wishin g to take this trip at l ath er of the newer buildings wiJI 0.1- , AfLer a week and a halt of try- (' ure "en n Cltu)' ewE'rS this time, should communicate with , so be there, but they wlll be mixed I outs for the univer s ity glee club, and Almost As Sales Professor Peirce not later than in with newer ones yet to come which I\leo ROlle to Start ThIngs RunnlnlC tbere have been selected out of the I for Univel·slt)· l'lcture Thureday afternoon, In order that ar- , have alreadY been 'doped out. BeGoJtel)' In the NellI' one bundred or more candidates the rangements may be made for the ac- The president is In recei pt at a I Future sixteen men who will oompose Iowa's Small pieces about 0[18 s ixt ee nth commodation ,or aiL drawing from Proudfoot, Bird , and glee club. The club was especially an Inch in diameter , according to t'OVNC1L IEETS 1 Rowson, of Des 1\1oln es which shows Plan s are rapidly being formed for fortunate thiS . year In having so I the mathematics department, were .f , the campu ps it' at some the much talked or .. Iowa Union." many old memtWts J school and the condition of Irave1j c around future period when all ..t he additions At a meeting of several parties & these combined with the new mater- one tree on the campus this arter- On Tuesday evening the Iowa City I now planned and which will tew nights ago a committee was ap- lal will form the club for the com- Inoon. This tree was ' the on e on Charities Council held the first meet- be made In the futur e will have been pointed arrange lor a mass meet- ing year. \ which Hebert and Shower s placed I ing of the year , at which the follow· put on the campus, which wlIl be Ing to be eld next Tuesday evening. The first rehearsal will be held the blackboards holding the univer- log oftlcers "'ere elec-ted: vastly greater in extent. I This mass meeting will be open to this evening at seven o 'c lock. . slty views. On the main campus wfll be th e the men of the university and any Following is the list of thc mem- line sbape President- Paul S. Peirce. V!ce-presldent---Mrs. Arthur Cox. I llberal arts hall, the natural sc ience man present will be given a chance bel'S as se lected by Professor J£nox, body was Secretary- Mrs. Charles Baker . building, the physics building and to express his opinion. the new dire ctor: picture. The views came out III and the entire s tudent anxious to see Itself In a Treasurer- Miss Nora Donahue. I the old capitol &S at the pre se nt time A publicity committee has also First tenor- Shirley May, H. E. while a new structure, presumably been appointed. This committee wlll 'DeRues, F. Hehorst , and Jack Ad- HOCKEY CfJASS STA1l.TS the new library hulldlng whi ch Is to confer with the mass meeting com- ams. Crowds s tayed ardund the pi c ture till the darkness prevented further In spection. It Is #s Umated that Tbe girls hockey classes have I be added In a few years, w1ll be mlttee to render as s istance and to Bariton e-C. H. Brueckner , Ed- about five hundred pictures were or- started. Th ere are good pro s pects errected in a position to correspond get the subject before the men at win Yoder, F. A. Rlchard e, and F. dered during the afternoon . A n ew for a team from each of the classes . to the phy sics hall. The hall of dent - the university. B. Brokaw. kind of HIm used by the photograph- The big game this year w1ll probably istry and the old physics buildin g Second tenor- Lester AIlison, C. e l' s brings out the details of the plc- be between the juniors and seniors. will be torn down . Between th e GmLS ATHLETICS Brann, Joseph Bellamy, and J. ture even to the leav es ' on the trees Teams will prol]ably all be selected liberal arts hall and the hall of nato] Th e Wome n's Athletic association Brush. 'I, and almost to the wrinkles In the by Novembel' 1 and the big games ural science will be a me morial will meet Th ursda y; I Close hall at Second bass- Ingall s Swisher, L. I foreheads of those who we re looking will be s(·heduled about Thanksglv- 7 p. m. All members are urged to I Parsons, W. C. Schnecloth, and W. toward the sun. Ever yo ne pronounc- Ing. (Co!1tlllUed all page 4,) be pr ese nt. A. New port. ed th work a success. Monster Mass Meeting . , 1n N. S. kudi tori urn 1:0·0

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ON IN ."ID\\''\ \' 01\)11' TO



y' IOW.-\ CI'I'l", IOW.\, TIH'USD.n - :mJ HXfXO, OC'TO J) I'm us, 101 ;;.

I'l of'essol' W('lIel' to SIICllk ilL J)llvcn­

pOI1; HUJI(lllY, ~ 1<1Il(III Y IIIHl


Professor C. IT. Weller will lean'

Saturday evening for Davenport to


1<; ((;H'I'''' .\XN AT, ANNOl:N E -

.,,"::X'I' 01<' JOWA IIGH SCHOOL

J) .. m.\1'IX(~ I JI"-;A(ln~


('HII\'cntlon to Be Helll lit. Tillie of

lit' Big fiollll'(·IIml llg-I.;(]itol·s

to H<'cepUon

Dates for tile semi-annual cODl'en­

tlon oC the southern Iowa editorial





)<'01'11'/11'11 PIL~~ Be limred to be HIl\\'ke~'e atlend the annual meeting of the as- Point" Out 'Iuny I n tel·(';.tin~ Fllct!iJ association 11a\(> been set for NovE'm- I,h'e Sl'eet'llos Will be <ll\'en-'J'ellnl \\,OJ'k--Ques- bel' J 3 and J 4. Will be Thel·e--:\III<;h .... l>)' the lllWd WOll k I'oi ll t hy Chicll~o CII!I('he~- socia ted ad ('llIb or Iowa, to be held

1011'1& ." en " 'ill Go Into (111m 111 1 th r Sundu)', ;\fonday, und 'rll~sday,

Com'el'nill!;' Dehute

t Ion 'I'hl!. Yea)' Is Oil The dltors will be entertained at -Yell l ,Cltdels Will ' .ead ~b

Clood Con(]jUon, and in which he \I iii figure prolllill­

cn til'.

Tho meeting will be opened on

tt'l'collcgiute ]) bntel's Last YeIlJ', the s cond annual homecoming of

--- I the university of Io wa which takes

One of th e most ttl'lICtiC(' of the place (It the time of the convention. "Pu ll Cor Iowa." Following the Three hours of strenuous practice

slogan of the freshmen dents tlle was tbe dose prescribed yE¥lterday by Sanday morning with lay sermons in new bulletins CJt the s tate unlversltY IThe editors will be guests of the

I i I, I h ' Hawk ye club bas made big pI' llar-those sterling doctors of playing de- a I tb ch urches of the city. PI'ofes- s tue e g th annual announcement university at a huge reception to be

feets, Ilawley, Eby anil Adams, to so r Weller will speak at the Calvary of the Iowa high schoo l debating I held Friday evening November 14 in atiollS tor th big ma8S meeting this

get the varsity In tit shape to battle Baptitlt churCh on tbis occasion, his league, whi ch has just been issued . the unll'ersity armory. There will ev nin~ . The meeting will start at.

subject being. " An Honest Advertls- The style of printing, arrangement, be speakers representing the Iowa deven o'c lock in the natural scienc., Chicago Saturday. But one more

night of practice remains before the el·." At following sessions he will and the whole publication Is got up state college at Ames the university auditorium. At the last mass meet­

Hawkeye gridiron warriors, coaClhes respond to the welcome of major, au in as convenien t form as possible. of Iowa, and the editorial assocla.! ing the place was crowded but not

and trainers hie themselves to the the part of the advertising men, and Especial emphasis is laid on the tl on. enUI'ely filled. The Hawkeye club ls

Windy City to demonstrate to the in- read a paper before the associatIon fact that . high school debates fur- On Saturday morning, November very desirous of having every seat In

habitants of the western metropolis concel'lling his hobby, "Adv rtislng nlsh uuusual opportunities tor train- 15, there will be a soocer football the big room occupied at the start-:

AS Courses in College. " Ing in public speaking. Under this game on Iowa field , probably between Ing hour this even ing. a superior brand ,of football. .t>.

The meeting thiS' year promises to head, the fact that thought is more l Grinnell and' the university, and on hinted, practice yesterdaY evening This will perhaps be tbe a fft rial

send-off to the team tor the hicago was kept up without a break until be attended by advertisi ng men from , Important than delivery, in all se- , Saturday afternoon there will be the

the pall of night was falling swiftly all dYer over the oountry Daven- rious public address is strongly great football game between Iowa game. The team will leavE' some

on Iowa fie ld .and the veteran Jimmie port has made elaborate prepara­

had \' islons of a co ld supper await- tlons to receive the visitors and has iog him . already an elaborate sign 60x60 feet,

brought out, and much is made of and Ames for the state

the desirability ot t ra ining In debate' l shIP. A speCial Ilection In

Aside from Infor mation ooncern- will be reserved for the

In g th e Iowa blgh schoo l debating Iowa editorial association .

champion- time Friday morning probably about

the stands ten o'clock . The band has promised

southern to come put this evenin g and gi ve

Tha edl- the musical number!:!. Pete Fi she,' Hawley 'and his assistants are de- displaying, e lectrically, the trutb ' em-

termlned to sen d the men against blem of the Associated Clubs of Am- league, t he pamphlet contains a dis- tors wiII also be the guests of honor and assistants have ag reed to lead

Cbicago In the best playing trim pos- erlca. Students of advertising, or cussion of the question, pre- at a reception to be given that even- the voca l numbers. The committee

sible of attainment in the short time those interested in the work are cor- pa red by Profes or Glenn Ing by the Triangle club. Is trying to get some man close ly !I!;-

~ert. It the team fails it wl11 not I dlally invited by- the- assc:x: iation to :\Ierry, together with ",rlefs of bot h Th local committee, S. E . Carrell, sociated with athletics and til uni-

"be the fauIt of the coaches but will attend the sessions. affi rmative an d negative arguments, l ot the Iowa City Daily Press ; Elmer 1versity to preside at the meetlng.

be because of a lack of application

of tbe prin Ci ples of play by the men.

The phYSical weltare of the athletes I

adopted from the bri efs used by t he l E. John ton, of the Iowa City Cit!- Just whom this will be was uncertain

'A~Il'LTS AS IT WILL BI': university intercollegiate debate zen ; and David Brant of the Iowa last evening but will be decided thi s

IS SHOWN IN OHAWING teams in t he contests last December. City Republican will announce a de- morning. A list of enthusiastic I

Is being carefully looked a'fter by ---the veteran tnln~r Jack Watson and I PI'Ondfoot, I1h'(l, and RltW!iJOJl

Plans or u. Few Yeal's

Short bibliographies of the question talled program I

within the next two speakers have promised to come and

on1lnued on page 3)

TO ao TO AMANt\.

Next Friday, Professor Paul S.

Show are also given and 1nformation as to weeks. to t ell stories both funny a~d other­

wise. These taTks will be made by th e means of getting the use of

Hence I books from the university library.

In fifty years the campus of the The question which will be debat-

university of Iowa would ~ot be ed this year is the one used last win­I

recognized by a returning stud ent of . ----------

the presen t generatlon except for the I (Continued on page 3)

~IEN'S (n,EF.- ('T,UB SElJEOJ'ED Coach Hawley, Coach Eby, tProtessol"

FOR OOMrNG YEAR'S WQRK Shambaugh , Captain McGinnis and

others. Places


Peirce will go to the . Amana colonies front group of buildings In the main campus at the present time. A few i lOWA UNION COl\Jl\IITTEE

with a party of students. Any per-

O,'el' One Hundred Try fOr

With Organization This


WORKING ON PROBLEM: 1 PI t 'I F'i d R ,. \ ' i 80ns wishing to take this trip at l ather of the newer buildings wiJI 0.1- , AfLer a week and a halt of try- (' ure "en n Cltu)' ewE'rS

this time, should communicate with , so be there, but they wlll be mixed I outs for the university glee club, and Almost As R~d)' Sales

Professor Peirce not later than in with newer ones yet to come which I\leo ROlle to Start ThIngs RunnlnlC tbere have been selected out of the I for Univel·slt)· l'lcture

Thureday afternoon, In order that ar- , have alreadY been 'doped out. BeGoJtel)' In the NellI' one bundred or more candidates the

rangements may be made for the ac- The president is In receipt at a I Future sixteen men who will oompose Iowa's Small pieces about 0[18 sixteenth

commodation ,or aiL drawing from Proudfoot, Bird, and glee club. The club was especially ~ of an Inch in diameter, according to


1 Rowson, of Des 1\1olnes which shows Plans are rapidly being formed for fortunate thiS . year In having so I the mathematics department, were

.f , the campu ps it 'Y~ 1I' at some the much talked or .. Iowa Union." many old memtWts J ~n school and the condition of t~e Irave1jc around

future period when all ..the additions At a meeting of several parties & these combined with the new mater- one tree on the campus this arter-

On Tuesday evening the Iowa City I now planned and ~hose which will tew nights ago a committee was ap- lal will form the club for the com- I noon. This tree was ' the one on

Charities Council held the first meet- be made In the future will have been pointed arrange lor a mass meet- ing year. \ which Hebert and Showers placed I

ing of the year, at which the follow· put on the campus, which wlIl be Ing to be eld next Tuesday evening. The first rehearsal will be held the blackboards holding the univer-log oftlcers " 'ere elec-ted: vastly greater in extent. I This mass meeting will be open to this evening at seven o'clock. . slty views.

On the main campus wfll be the the men of the university and any Following is the list of thc mem- line sbape President- Paul S. Peirce.

V!ce-presldent---Mrs. Arthur Cox. Illberal arts hall, the natural science man present will be given a chance bel'S as selected by Professor J£nox, body was

Secretary- Mrs. Charles Baker. building, the physics building and to express his opinion. the new director: picture.

The views came out III

and the entire student

anxious to see Itse lf In a

Treasurer- Miss Nora Donahue. I the old capitol &S at the present time A publicity committee has also First tenor- Shirley May, H. E.

while a new structure, presumably been appointed. This committee wlll 'DeRues, F. Hehorst, and Jack Ad-

HOCKEY CfJASS STA1l.TS the new library hulldlng which Is to confer with the mass meeting com- ams.

Crowds stayed ardund the picture

till the darkness prevented further

In spection. It Is #sUmated that

Tbe girls hockey classes have I be added In a few years, w1ll be mlttee to render assistance and to Baritone-C. H. Brueckner, Ed- about five hundred pictures were or-

started. There are good prospects errected in a position to correspond get the subject before th e men at win Yoder, F . A. Rlcharde, and F. dered during the afternoon. A new

for a team from each of the classes. to the physics hall. The hall of dent- the university. B. Brokaw. kind of HIm used by the photograph-

The big game this year w1ll probably istry and the old physics building Second tenor- Lester AIlison, C. e l's brings out the details of the plc-

be between the juniors and seniors. will be torn down. Between the GmLS ATHLETICS Brann, Joseph Bellamy, and J. ture even to the leaves ' on the trees

Teams will prol]ably all be selected liberal arts hall and the hall of nato] The Women's Athletic association Brush. 'I, and almost to the wrinkles In the

by Novembel' 1 and the big games ural science will be a memorial will meet Th ursday; I Close hall at Second bass- Ingalls Swisher, L. I foreheads of those who were looking

will be s(·hedul ed about Thanksglv- 7 p. m. All members are urged to IParsons, W. C. Schnecloth, and W . toward the sun . Everyo ne pronounc-

Ing. (Co!1tlllUed all page 4,) be present. A. Newport. ed th work a success.

Monster Mass Meeting . ,

1n N. S. kudi tori urn 1:0·0

I THE DAILY IOWAN de Igoed to catch the po.cket books I slightly IndIca ti ve of th goou Qo:O:·Qo:-o·X>:O:O:-o(O:O:O:-o·:-CXO:O()·:O:-CXO:-o·:O:O:O:oQ·:·Qo:oO~ I P ublished 9\'ery morn log )lcept or r ader~. Th ('on(' rt. were not l WhiCh would grow out of the cO-OP- § THE BEN GREET ~

Saturday and ~londay. In ended to b mone) ulakers and era tion between the medica l college Q '. ~

tn tered at the Post Office at Iowa the pric paid ror th b s t ta len t Ob- ' and the epileptic colony. F or exam- Q I Cl t v as second class matter . b , pie, groups of senior stud ents In the la PLAYERS ' taln a Ie dlspos s of (his I)OssibiJ itr. \ •

Coil ge of Dentistry, under a demon- Q Offi ce and editorial rooms 23 E l> clatly Is this true. "hen th rough t t 1'1 h I I Q"

s ra or . w, s or y undertake th e ARE COMING SOON Eaat ~ aahlngton . Phon 29. I uoranc of the tru value, or ne- task of ca ring tor the teeth of Q :J

RALPH G. aRAS FIELD gl ct of thp opportu nity an Insuf- patients In the state insane asylum 9 Edltor-in-Ch le f. H nce num bll r ot tick (s are sold for and In the penitentiaries. Th good ·:o:O'..o.:·o-:O:O:-CX·O:-CXO:O:·O-:O:oC»()CoO!OXXoC»QoX»C»

H. E . WEB B (h s a on. Music lovers oan not at- feeling which now exists between - - - --"'-'.""'J'.'. C.'J"\.'J"\.. • .r. •• .r... • .r. .• .r. .•• "'-'J"' '.r ... ,r,. • .r. •. "'-.-"".. • .J"\.... "'-.,r,. • .r... • .r... .. "-'J'V.fVJV. fo rd to m IRS hea rin g singers of ac- . ...r. V"'.-v. .'V'."V'.-V ."V'.-v-."V'. V".-v .. -VO •• V".-v .. .....,..-v-.-v-•• o...r.-v-."V'."VV'VVVV'J'<VY

Buslnes3 Manaber. I the two boards just named should I ~ I 1(' pted ra nk of . \V . ' la rk. Madame I find its complete expression In the I '

DESK EDlTORS Monday .... . .. . . . .. Ivai McPeak Franc s AIda. and hrlstlne Mlll er 'l locatlon of the epileptic colony near .. .

Tue day . . ... . ... . .. . Oval Quist or musica l artists of th e high talent the College of Medicine at the Uni- Q. Luscombe's Art Shop Saturday . . .... Leslie Hildebrand versity. x_ Wednesday . .. . Henry McClintock of a rl Flesch. a nd I bose Who think I Q I

th y do not enjoy so-ca lled classica , b SPORTS EDITOR (5 FOR PHOTOGRAPHS lUll Ic wo uld be sl~ rp rlsed at th e sa t- ====:::;:= = ===== == Hamilton Johnson ~

H. F . Mottet, Assistant Isfac tion d rl " d from an \'ening WA~TEO- military unl fol'lll l;:> I . ppnt und r th e cha rm of the lead- I medium sized. Inquire ] 4 W . Bur- "

A We 11I1\'e given 24 yeaJ's ot satisfacto,'Y work t() the DEPARTMENT EDITORS ra of t il musica l wor ld . or are I IIngton. ~

D ntal .. .. . . . ..... W. R. KIn zer I Q students of "OLD IO\"A " Engineering .. .... . Lloyd Darling y the prices proh/blth'e ; they are bar- --- X '. . I Graduate . ... Raymond Durbora.w !!'aln-p ri ces c()mpared to wha t you Rent your typewriters and obtain X Medlcln ....... . R. L . Stockman X Mflft C 11 "11. tl wou ld have to pay for hear ing the your supplies for same at Irish Busi- A ary . . . . .. . . . . arro lU r n ..., Music . . .......... Harry Gerha rt same p(>ople In any city of the Unl t- ness College, 114 1-2 Washington O-:O:-CX·C·!O:o().:oQ<-CXO:o()o:·O:O:O:-cx-o';-CX-CXO()O;'O:oQ(oQ(o()o;'~ Socl t y .•.. . ..... W . B. Hurlburt ed States or E urop . Get a season street. t f \

REPORTERS tl t·ket: yo u will der ive muc h benefit - --_ ______ ___ _

Lola Bullard A. W. Brown therfrom. Everyone considers that Fon HE~T-L8rge t"ont I'oom. Edna Novak Mary Klnn avey Well lighted, close in. Heasonable P . C. Beezley great benefi t Is deri ved from a n ath -

Monday. November 24- Second leUc ticket and tllls Is true. but wlth- price, 422 JOWI\ Ave. tf.

quart er begins. out discounting athletics or athletic

Wednesday, November 26 Thanks- tick ets. as much or more lasting ben- _ ___________ _

g\v\ng 'Vacai\on 'neg\ns at noon . ei\t \s experi enced from tues musi-'

cals. Thu rsday M orning, Oct. ] 6, 1913.


12 1·2 . Dulmque St. Phone 1183

DR. W. H. DONOVA.N Physician and Surgeon

SpeCial attention given to Eye, Ear. This evenin g the a thle tic associa- tion has thrown a new element Into Nose and Throat.

Office : Johnson County Savings lIoJ) expects every student In t he unl- the contest over the state for the 10- Bank Building. Rooms 315-320.

verslty to be present at the mass cation of the epileptic colony. The I Phone 201 J. St t B d r t I I ked by Residence Cor. College and Sum-

meeting. Some things are gOing to a e oar 0 on ro s AS mit. Phone 201 M. the Board of Education to locate l.--______ _

be said and done which will Interest

W the .colony near the College ot Medi-

very Individual. e belleve that

I h I I I cine and brJefiy tor the following

every student n t e un vel'S ty oan

spare an hour from his or her books,

or any other attraction and get out

and sbow the true Iowa spJrlL


reasons :

First- In the treatment of. epllep-

sy the first step is to eliminate from

the patient every cause of irritation

to the nervous system. For exam-

Through a mistake in Information pIe, any disturbance In the bowels, or

the Iowan announced that the latest In the nose or the ear has a tend­

(hamatlc reports were being posted ency to increase the frequency of the

on the bulletin board on the outslde \ePlleptlC attacks. ' It otten happens

of the library . This Is a mistake. that when such irritations are re-

DR. J. WARD Dentist

Johnson County Savings Bank Bidg. Telephone 327.

DR. FRED F. BALLARD Dental Surgeon

312-313 Johnson Oounty Bank Bldg. Phone No. ] 95-R.


Teacher of Singing

Stuclfo 21 N. Dubuque st.


Homeopathic PhySician Tbey ate \losted on the hulletin moved tbe attacks cease to recur al-I Omce over Golden Eagle board on the inside at the rlgfrt ot together.

the main entrance.


I The highly speclalfzed clfnlcs in

the College of Medicine would en-

able the great majority ot the epi-Already Manager Kellogg has dls- ' leptic patlen ts to be cared for under

posed of about seventy-five tickets to the best of conditions with little or

t .. e ChJcago game. This means that I no cost to themselves. •


114 1·2 Washington St.


Doroth)" L. DeFrance


Suite 8, Paul Helen Bldg. Phone

673. there are seventy-live men and wom- Second-The College of Medicine

en In the university making the et- I ls not merely an Information store­

fort to get behind the team through I house where students gradually ab- ::::::==========::;, thick and thin . We personally know sorb enough knowledge for the prac- Iowa M-n of several who are going to attend tice of medicine. It is an institution ""

the game when they cannot alford for research in mediCine as well as And Women: It. W know ot some who are going for th~ I teach~ilg ~(medlclne. The to economize for a few weeks In 01'-

study of medical problems In the dar that they may Bee that game. We

laboratories serves to Inspire stu­alllO know of a whole class making

dents to an ideal of practice which arrangements to get Into Chicago

teaching alone could not accomplish. some way. This Is the thing that Is

I The epileptic colony in this connec­going to prove a factor In the wln-

Uon would be of tremendous service Ding of that game.

to the College and theretore directly

GOOD MUSIC to the state.

You can g~t the best new vis­ible typewriter in the world and the National Course In Quick Easy Touch Typewrit­Ing and have them In JC)ur own room this very evenin«. and on your simple request.

There Is absolutely no sense In your renting an old worn-out, second-hand, good-for-nothing rattletrap of IE typewriter. You can get a new visible ma­chine-the typewriter all the world's speed and accuracy records are won on-and have it and the National Course In your own room, and on your own request.

§ Every Good Time § Is a Good Time to

~ KODAK ~ Add to the pleasure of your outings by taking, ~ pictures of the places and people that in- I § terest you.

§ Bring us your films, our Finishing Deparbfient \ ~ is absolutely up to date and we will guar· i ~ antee the very best results obtainable. I ~ Everything for Photography at the


! Heriry Louis 124 E. College St


r l

Are You Going to Chicago Saturday? , Gridiron, Field and Floor

There is lots of talk about ) that Chicago game I

Stllgg's Men \\'Qrk I victory to his credit this Stagg's preparations for th game. I ril, is one of the most interesting ('1l0SS COUNTRY SQUAD

______________ year, the one in which indiana bowed Closed practice has been the rule all I contests of the year. Aside from the TRAVELS O\'ER COURSE

it is believed that the team will take to the s upr macy of the l\Iid\\ayit s this week at University of hicago intercollegiate and intersoclety de-

tbe Held in fit shape to withstand a by a score of 20 to 7, the evcr re- field . The devotees of Stagg foot- bates, tbey occupy the most import- (""oun(1 (letters al'e Rapidl)" ROWld-gruelling battle. Last year poor sourceful Midway instructor ,vlll ball have followed a ghostlike spher- ant position, and are always well

physical condition had llluc.h to do leave no stone unturned to add an- iod through its gyrations long after attended . The high school men are

'11th the defeat administered to the other victory to his belt. To lose darkness has setted upon the field thus given an opportunity to meet

Ing Into Shlll){l for Con­

ference Title

tired Hawkeyes by the Maroons. At Saturday would eliminate Stagg's and arc lights spread their beams the university men who are Interest- C tal SId th ap n umner e e cross the present time it is not believed In proteges from the cbamplonshlp race o'er the men in moleskins. Stagg is ed in forensics. while the literary d th f I I th f th country squa e u I eng a e th local camp that the Hawkeye and for a hlcago team to be put of the impression that work will society men are able to become aOo-

course yesterday evening. The speed I'epre entatives will wilt before tbe out of the running at this stage prove the salvation of his eleven. Qualnted with some of their possible is being Increased dally to prepare fie rce onslaughts of even such an ag- would be an entirely new experience The forward pass and Its Intrlcaties members at this time. for the try-outs Saturday. Although gregation of stars composing the for the Cottage Grove Avenue boys. has been the subject of attention by

back field led by the foxy Stagg. Stagg wil l bring every possible re- the Chicago coaches. They have a I CHICA(lU I~ Nl!IXT. many or the men showed some stllf-

ness last night a few of them were However it mnst l>e admitted that source at his command to prevent well defined hunch that the Iowans

the battling Hawkeyes are going up such a disasterous result. an he 1 are weak on this important reature

against a tough proposition. Alonzo prevent It·! Maybe and then again of team pay. Is the Iowa team weak

A. Stagg, the veteran of many years maybe not. Far be it from anyone successful coaching has a nationwide

to cast any aspertlons upon the wiz­reputation for turning alit winning I

'teams. and that he has a starry ag- ardl~ke power of Mr. Stagg. We

gregatlon with which to work this shall see.

on this point? They really won't

say Mr. Stagg, maybe and then again

maybe not.

Nt'w Debating Bunetln

the best of form. Scanlon was in

Floy Graham Smith the best of running trim with Jane

Teacber of Piano. Ear TraillinQ and Mak as close seconds. An over aDd Harmony

abundant supply of pep and ambl-l'Ul)iI of Victor Heinze, Ohlcago; tlon was the cause of the stiffness

I Howlud Well, Berlin; Theodore In the majority of the men, but con­

Leschetlzky, Vienna. sistent practice and careful training

Studio 224 J-2 E. Oollege St., over will eradicate this inequallty. The year cannot be gainsaid. With one I "Ghost ball" practice has featured ______________ 1 the 'Vater ompany office. coolness of the air yesterday was an

---.- -:-=:-_=-=_--_=-=_-0-===:=.:-::_=--,_=--==--=_:------.;.()(tQ(oQo:-o·:O:O:O:-o·X>X»Oo)(Xo()(t(XOX) «>X»Oo>~O «>:0:-0

~ Is Your Typewriter Out of Order? ~ ~ Ex~ert Typewriter Repairing is our New Department ~

l!:UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITER CO 24~ S. Dubuque St. Q • Phone 1491R 3 ~':Ox)(OX)'X>X»<»O_:~«»<»<»<>«>«»O<OO«»O



Ice Cream, Candy, Hot Chocolate and Bouillon 16 SOUTH OLINTON


(Continued from page 1)

tel' by the intercollegiate debaters of

tbe university, " Resolved that all

corporations engaged In Interstate

commerce should be required to take

out federal charters, It being conced­

ed that such a requirement would

be constitutional, and that federal

lioense shall not be available as an

alternative plan."

The records of the high school

teams contesting for the ' champion­

ship last year are given, with pic­

tures of the four teams which won

in their respective districts.

Competition Is expected to be

• keener than ever this yep-r, because

of the cup which is nOw otnlred by

the university to the winning team.

A picture of the trophy is printed

in the bulletin, as are pictures of


Either Gloss or Domestic Finish

WORK' o •

called for and delivered

e.J.Toms Proprietor


225 Iowa A venue

added sUmuus to zealous work .

As steady consistent work always

wins Captain Sumner emphasizes the

necessity of every man turning out

each night. The try-outs will be

held on the three consecuUTe Satur­

days beginning October 18th.


The Hawkeye team Is assured of "

loyal support on Marshall field next

When You Feel Like Eating § new sclenoo hall, and the auditorium, :£~~~2!~2!2:2~~~~~

Saturday seventy-five tickets having

already been sold. This Is by far the

greatest sale of seats to out-ot-tOYM

games In recent years and Is only

one of the many ways in which

Hawkeye pep Is being displayed this

year. Lotteries have been held in

several colleges to send a represen­

tation of class spirit to Chicago Sat­

urday. Many more are being plan­



Johnson County Cafe Take the Elevator



where the debaters are lleld .

The first district debates in the

league may not be held before

Thanksgiving, and the last must be

over by the last of February. The

contest between . the district cnam­

pions which Is held at .thhe state

university during March or Ap-


Today I THURSDAY, OCT. 16 Today! '

FLORENCE LAWRENCE "Queen of the Movies"


Appearing for the first time since her return from Europe, in the Picture llpreme

"Tbe Closed Door" IN TWO PARTS

l!'jol'ence Lawrence has come back. Not only has he come back, but stronger and better than when she deserted the creeu. Her year', rest from work shows in the openillg scenes. Here is the old . time enthu iam, 'the nap and go which we now see have in the past placed Miss Lawrence- in a clas by herself. Tl1ere' no one just like her. If you personally like yonr Women sedate, dign i fi('d, you will fall in love with her near tom-boyish way just the arne. The long ti ('t·e n favorite is fortunate iI'ldeed in the story in the interpretation of which .. lle make her l'e-entrance to the hearts of pic­ture lovers. Throughout the two reels the pi turo holds. The first one interests and en­tertains, and at times amuses, but the second grips.

You owe it to yourself and family to See This Picture I->QPULAR SONGS BY WILLIAl[ OooNAN


Yours lor Shaving Comlort For a


AU the physical examinations or

freshmen girls will be finished this

month. By this time It will be de-

Clean, Cool. clded what kind of physical work

Smooth., Satis- each girl will be given.

iying Shave we

ask you to try our .W. HUGHES . KIlN KUfttR . Haa All

3uuior , ONE DOLLAR

Safety Razor The Outfit consists of Steel, FuU Nickel

Plated Handle and Seven Sh~ Ready to Shave B I ad e s, all packed 1Q a neat plush lined hinged case.

This Razor is fu 11 y guar­anteed, aDd if you find one not entirely as represented, we'd rather re­turn your money than keep it.

Extra Bladel, FI,e lor &

-Smith &. Paden 121 E. College Street •

The Up-to-the-Minute 8tqe Hits

Including the best from tliese new 01Jera8: .. Lad)' of the SUpper"

"1918 FolJJ." "The Doll Girl"


All played by RJchard Ooole And HattJe Wllllams

"The Firefly"

"Tik-Tok Man of Oz" "BoDe1 MOOD Ex-press"

Come In and Hear the New-

Turkey Trots Tangos One-Steps Two-Steps Bostons

fEn-;~Th:7r~=~ I PRICES - 5 Acts of Vaudevllle t


' OCj 20c and 30c 2 Reels or Pictures ~ This Week Matinee and one Show at Night ~

8.15 .s , ,> «>OOtO+O+OtOOO+o.ooooo+oootO+~ototOta.OfOO()+ J


MILITARY DRILL IS ' OOO«)«>oooo..;.oo.oc.oo)()o:~()Oo(Xo(»O«»O«»O«»~ 1m liar structure. The tll~ee blocks

PROGRESSING FINELY II ASTON ISHIN G CHAlUNGt SAL t VAL UtS ~ E:::'~'~';;; :~:,::::;I:~:'~~~;:: ___ 9. THIS WEEK ~, buildings 1\'111 remain much the same.

Dovalis Confectionery

for ~ filled with up-to- ••• FnESH)JE~ UUUXL G ~OT 1'0 b Q

STEI~ ().' SOPHO)IOItE.' ,1'\ X +++++++++++++++++++ X ALE VALI'ES In Milliner", Y 16 J ••

,x.· Ready-to-Wear Apparel. Gloves. Neckwear, Dress Goods, tlks. 9."... TEXT BOOKS Y Hosiery. nd rw Ill', '01' ets, Etc. Y

' ... ",,' ""~SQ,u", >1.,-on ... I, 'Ie- § u.:>:~ . .,-. is and SUPPLIES

/I EEl,S

IlIg (lh'en to )1 n-I<'ew O.Hl /2 Come... -::t~~.~~9 8, FOR ALL OLLEGES lIuncl l ' nifO,·m., .\lJowe<l-. ' On 9. L..r 8 ('Om s N' ot Yet A 11110 i n t d. .:-O:-O:oQ.:-o> 0<-0:-0:-0:-0 .:-0:-0:-0 ·:-0:-0:-0:-0:·0:· oX>X>:· 0:-0-:-0:· O!P!-o

Work In military drill Is progress-

are coming on rapidly. Th

size or the co mpanl s mak s

the 1\1. C. 1.111ey '0. I at th armory I ther will b a lagoon join d to the

this week and Is m a. uring the men I Iowa river and flnish d oft' in an

for their uniforms. The uniforms ornamental mann r. On each side will b completed and delivered some

I\. trifle difficult to handle at IIrst, but time In next month. of the lagoon, tbe one facing Wash­

The plan was

tbp nt'w captains arc Instructing th Ir tri d last )ear and proved very suc­

Illen III tbe slmpl I' squad move- ('essful. and Is conK qu ntly being

mpnts with xlI.ctlless In spite of this used again this year. By baving the

Ington street and th other facing

west Mar~et will be the boys' gym-

naslum anO tile girls' gymnasium

University BOOKSTORE




entral Entrance

Fountain Pens

Posters lIud Netting for

Room Decoration

l1andi(·ap. J~acb company numbers men m asured by an xp rlenC'ed tal- which will b long rather narrow I oun I'RJCES ALWAYS RIGHT

ab lit el1;bt Bllua<!!;. or allproxlnllHt- t I)Ossibl(' flt Is obtained, buildings \'u~ning east and west In-. +++++++++++++++++++ Iy 70 men this y ar and as many and a considerable flaviug on th stead at north and soutb as the preK-

mor' than two th}rds of them ar price of lhe suits Is effect d. Very ent armory sets. Tbe Interurban

freshmen, th task of th" officers In few se and hand uniforms have been road has be n g ntly swept aside

;-barge Is esp clally hard. The rap passed. as It Is the deslr of the de- and runs down south In West Iowa

of rooid s s ems a most willing one, partment to have the regiment ap- City, crossing the river at ourt

and most at the r crults are taklng l pear the very best possible. Second street. On the east of the athletic

hold at the work with conslderablol hand unltorms. unless unusually I field concret bleachers bave been

interest. l,gOOd, spall the appearance of the put up along the entire length and

The squad and simple company C'adets Individually, and henoo hurt ' a dreSSing 1'0111, 8howel', and train- '

mOTements will be continued this I the appearance at the regiment as a Ing Quarters will grace the field In

week and probably next, and by that , whole. Those men who have not the vicinity of the starting point [oJ'

time the recruits should be ready tor yet been measured for their unUorms the 220 yard dash. This will be

the quite close to tbe lagoon at the foot

Weaell famoua

Sweetest of the Sweet

Sour krout Candy It's the latest- Try it

Plenty of home-made candy and all the popular

box candies

lOc Hershey's 3 for 2Sc 5c Hershey's 6 for 2Sc ,

I III S. Dubuque St.

I You will receive 'double ser· vice from your shoes when you

I have them mended by UB. Don't I say you cannot get flnt clau I work until you have seen the

1I0me of the more complex forma- are advised to make a date with

tlollS. The appointments of the non- tailor a ' oncll I

of th avenu and the shell for the

much talked of rowing course will I

also be housed in this building.

Famous for their surety of re­sult. Ansco users here In town are producing most beautiful pictures. Come in and let us show you some fine samples. ANSCO CAMERAS-Amateur cam· eras of professional quality . Superbly made and easy to operate. Priced from • $2.00 up.

kind of work we do. to commissioned olTlcers have not yet

b en made, and until the men who ' utUN' of '( nh'et'Sity In are to fill the positions of sergeants Th plaq 41so shows tbe englneer- PRICES • and corporals in the various compan- (Continued from page 1) Ing building completed, the front ex-

i~s are cbosen, little preolslon can be fountain of some sort with a clrcu- tending south two blocks to Burling-I i\ien's halt sales, nailed ........ 1IOe r lAdies' half soles, nailed .. . .... 401


obtained In any but the simple tor- lar walk around It. The ground be­

matlons. Tb appolntm nts Will i hind the old capitol will be terraced

probably be made this week, or early down and the el ctrlcal plant and

next week. At present alJ the men carpenter shops which are in the

eligible to these positions are being old electrical building will be torn

tried out and their fitness ascertaln- down. A fancy series of steps and

ton street. a wing running west to

match the new one now being used.

More shop a1 e to be situated at the

back of the Burlington street wing,

the building to correspond somewhat I to tbe heating plant. At the Inter-

ANSCO f1LM-A1waJl uniform. Full Chromatic balance. color value. sbadow detail and freedom from halation.

, )feO's haJl sales, aewed ...•.... 1IIe r,lIdles' half soles, seWed ••.••.. IIOI ' 0 Rubber heels .. ... ........... 1IIe H

ANSCO CHEMlCAU-SpedaIIJ pre­pared to be used with Ansco Film and Cyko Paper. We a1wa,s have a frelb supply. CYlCO PAPER-The prize winner which lives rlch. 50ft prints that never fad~-perfect reproductioas 01 th, II!bltct,

Sample Shoes, $ •. 00 a.nd $5,1»

Values from $2.50 to $3.50

d, so that the best men will be se- ornamental columns will lead down section of Coll ege and Madison the I Morrison's Pharmacy

117 College St

BOSTON SHOE -REPAIRING CO. cured. the h!l1 from the rear of the capitol street will have a parking In tbe

Tbe unlfonn tailor rjepresentlng and where we'st Iowa' avenue now Is center of the corner with ornamen-, 126 South Dubuque

•• <»O«)OO«»OOOOO~()O()t()tOtO+OOOtOO>~oo.oto

§ You have TYPEWRITING to be Done ~ ~ We do Careru' Work- Price. Rea.oaable. § ~ ~:~: NU~Tf:S University Typewriter c~o + a4 '~ S. D.ltuq •• SI. 'lto.e 1491 R ~~+O+OOOOO«>O<>+O«>«>OO+O~~.



White, Blue, Red; Green § Nell Rose and Plaids ~



~ The Woman's Shop ~ ~ i I HA;~::;n :ot~;;CH i ~ . Q ~ 040t0+otO+C>OO+C»OtOtO+OfoOoOoO+O

tal statuary to set It off. ..._-In the block just north of tbe court

house and the blook west of that will i -

be situated fo ur dormitories for men. I The Pure Details In regard to tbe construction

Emporiun ..

Ceo. D. Barth Grocer

• _d 8 So. Dubuque Street.

FRUIT The b~st the Inarktt

can supply A necessary part of

every'studtnt's diet A Wireless to You

will also be made. North at Currier

hall acrose the alley there will be

constructed another women's dormi­

tory similar to the one just flnishel.

West of tbe present building there

will be another short addition bring­

Ing tbe west face practically to Cap­

ftol street. In each at tbe two

blocks directly south there will be

other dormitories tor women, one

In each block, willie In the two

two bloc·kB west of these will be

two more, all tour alike and arrang­

ed taclng each other and Capitol

street. At the head of Capitol street

there will be another lagoon con­

structed and around this a sort at

park or "Battery" which will occupy

the low ground along the river as

far Harth a8 tbe city park bridge,

taking In that back at the presi­

dent's house. C' We want to flash to the public tlt Ig ar S, superiority in our dry-cl .... iIII ,r0-

T b cess. We have progreaaed with I)'

il 0 acco.. times, and have installed the ,err , latest tacilltles for dolDI the work-rd' Send your suits, ,owns, wallts, etc..

~an Ie S to a reliable cleaner anel JOU lit aSRured of tt.e best of results.

A building will also be constructed

to match the present law building

and another to correspond to tbe old

scIence hall. East of the law bUild- I

Ing will be a str.ucture running north j C and south. faolng Clinton street, I oe orso wblch will be an entire block In

I All kinds of alterations and DIe,," Ing at reasonable price •.

Central Cleaning House length, while back of the old science 107 W h' t S hall and facing Madison will be a as tog on t. 1 J" ~. Dubuque

Pbo .. _

• "


