the definitive guide to water with barry carter

The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter For more updates and a free gift, please visit ! 1 Renegade Water Secrets: The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water - Interview with Barry Carter Kevin: Hey everyone. This is Kevin Gianni from and the creator of the Definitive Guide to Water. In this program you’ll get your most pressing questions answered about clean, pure water; questions about health benefits, elements and much, much more. So thanks for listening in. If you’re listening to this because a friend passed it along to you, that’s awesome. Just be sure to visit to get your own copy and just a quick note — the information in this program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Kevin Gianni and the experts interviewed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. So, you ready to go? Great, let’s get moving. Today’s expert on the program is going to talk about elements in water that you may never have heard about and how they can help things grow and improve our connection with everything else. Barry Carter is a leading authority on the substance called ormus, also known as white powder gold. Barry has been working ormus elements since 1989. He travels around the world giving presentations on the historic context, biological implications, increasing scientific documentation and practical engineering applications of these extraordinary substances. So, let’s listen in. This is going to be a pretty interesting call. Well, Barry, I want to welcome you to this call. I’m really excited to have you. Barry: Thank you, Kevin. Kevin: Great. Why don’t we just start with talking a little about yourself and how you got into the subject of water and some of the elements in water. Barry: Well, back in about 1989 a friend of mine, a guy named Jim, accidentally got his hands on some gold mine waste water that had been treated with ozone and this particular ozone was not usual ozone. It was particularly powerful and this water, though he only touched it briefly for a matter of seconds, when he opened it shocked him. It shocked him from just having his hand on one side and the other side of the coupler pipe, the plastic coupler. That shouldn’t have shocked him from that short of distance. He was standing on an overturned plastic bucket which made a ground or anything like that and when he opened his hands up, fibers of gold came out the back of his hand. Kevin: Really?

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Renegade Water Secrets: The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water - Interview with Barry Carter

Kevin: Hey everyone. This is Kevin Gianni from and the creator of the Definitive Guide to Water. In this program you’ll get your most pressing questions answered about clean, pure water; questions about health benefits, elements and much, much more. So thanks for listening in. If you’re listening to this because a friend passed it along to you, that’s awesome. Just be sure to visit to get your own copy and just a quick note — the information in this program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Kevin Gianni and the experts interviewed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. So, you ready to go? Great, let’s get moving.

Today’s expert on the program is going to talk about elements in water that you may

never have heard about and how they can help things grow and improve our connection with everything else. Barry Carter is a leading authority on the substance called ormus, also known as white powder gold. Barry has been working ormus elements since 1989. He travels around the world giving presentations on the historic context, biological implications, increasing scientific documentation and practical engineering applications of these extraordinary substances. So, let’s listen in. This is going to be a pretty interesting call.

Well, Barry, I want to welcome you to this call. I’m really excited to have you.

Barry: Thank you, Kevin. Kevin: Great. Why don’t we just start with talking a little about yourself and how you got into

the subject of water and some of the elements in water. Barry: Well, back in about 1989 a friend of mine, a guy named Jim, accidentally got his hands

on some gold mine waste water that had been treated with ozone and this particular ozone was not usual ozone. It was particularly powerful and this water, though he only touched it briefly for a matter of seconds, when he opened it shocked him. It shocked him from just having his hand on one side and the other side of the coupler pipe, the plastic coupler. That shouldn’t have shocked him from that short of distance. He was standing on an overturned plastic bucket which made a ground or anything like that and when he opened his hands up, fibers of gold came out the back of his hand.

Kevin: Really?

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Barry: And this raised the question of how did that gold get in his hand and what was really going on here? This was pretty strange. From that single exposure he got really quite sick and the doctors diagnosed him as having lead and arsenic poisoning. So lead and arsenic must have gotten inside of him in a similar way. What we think is they got in him as ormus and due to the high energy in the materials they converted to metal and that’s what made him toxic.

A lot of other unusual things happened around this time to Jim and I was working with

Jim at the time on various projects including an ozone generator and Jim kind of recorded a lot of really, really strange things happening. For example, at one point he recorded that a puddle of water that formed under one of his devices he was using to purify water. A puddle of water would move across the floor toward the nearest person. Right there and then I knew this was a little bit strange.

I really wanted to know more about it, but Jim didn’t want to have anything to do with

it, because it was too scary. This was something that basically almost killed him. Fortunately, after about eighteen months of being really, really sick, which was more like going through a detox than going through dying, he got better and better over time, but he was sleeping all the time and couldn’t get much work done. I suggested that he might try hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide elated or precipitated the toxic metal out of his body. He finally went to the doctor to the doctor, but this was like in 1989 and at that time nobody had ever heard of David Hudson. In 1995, a gentleman sent me a tape and said, “Barry, you’ve got to listen to this.” I was doing environmental work at the time and I thought it was a tape related to Ayurvedic medicine. The friend that sent it was into that and so I just put it on a shelf and a few weeks later he called me and said, “Well, what did you think of the tape?” And I was like, Oh, I haven’t listened to it yet. I’m sorry, I’ll listen to it.” I moved it over on the shelf by my stereo and a week later he called me again and said, “Barry, what did you think of the tape?”

“Oh, I’ll listen to it someday. I’m a little busy now,” and he says “It’s about what

happened to Jim.” And I said “Really? I’ll listen to it right now.” So I listened to it and it was about David Hudson, the guy who discovered that if there were these materials, that if you dried them out in the sunlight, they disappeared in a flash of light. And I said, “That’s the same thing that happened to Jim.” And if you dry them out in the dark, well – he didn’t dry them out in the dark. He heated and cooled them, heated and cooled them in inert gases a bunch of times and they’d float away from your hand. But Jim, when he just dried this stuff out in the dark, it would levitate away from your hand. This was too much of a coincidence to be just a coincidence. These things have to be related somehow. And so I told Jim about it and made an arrangement to go to David Hudson’s lecture in Portland and Jim didn’t have any money at the time and I paid his way to the lecture. We heard David Hudson talk about this stuff and you know, “By golly, this is amazing stuff. We’ve got to look into this a bit.” And so we did.

Kevin: So let’s get to the basics for people who’ve never even heard what ormus is. Can you

give I guess a beginner’s introduction to it?

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Barry: Sure, imagine that there’s a bunch of nutrients like vitamin C or B vitamins or calcium or magnesium, nutrients that like that nobody ever knew about up until now. Or let’s say science didn’t know about. Maybe ancient people knew about them, but modern people don’t know anything about them. And these nutrients, because of their nature – the way they work physically, as physical substances -- they’re very, very difficult to identify using modern spectroscopic analysis and so on. And these nutrients are essential nutrients. You need them in your body and in fact, they’re even in the air and all water and everything that we eat, but we’re doing a lot of things to them that we really don’t know that we’re doing to them. We’re doing things like, oh, using cell phones and that destroys them; or using microwave ovens and that destroys them; or cooking on electric burners, that dries them off. All of the things that we do with these nutrients to damage them or drive them away depletes them in our body, so we don’t get as many of these nutrients. So when we start getting them all kinds of wonderful things happen.

Now, the interesting thing about these nutrients is that they’re very unexpected source.

They’re like gold and silver and platinum and other precious metal elements have this kind of ormus form where they literally take on a different atomic form and they’re no longer functional as metal. They no longer even behave like metal. In fact, if you have the ormus form of gold or silver, it looks like a white powder; or if you look like an oil, and in this other form, their very beneficial, whereas as metal, they may be toxic. So doing anything that would convert them from the ormus form to the metallic form probably isn’t a good thing. People have actually done that. They’ve actually converted these from metal and then back from metal – from metal to ormus and then back from ormus to metal – and the processes they used were things like heating them on an electric burner to convert the metal, or putting them in a microwave oven and microwave it to convert the metal. So, we have a pretty good idea what they are and what happens to them under certain circumstances that people are doing all the time.

Now, what we’re finding is that these elements in their ormus form, are very, very

beneficial to plants, animals and people. We’ve got studies of a quarter of a million chickens that were fed ormus that was made from sea water. Sea water specifically, and all these chickens experienced improved health, improved growth and reduced conditions like chickens when they grow too fast, often their legs will – the bones in their legs will get rubbery. It’s what they call rubber legs. They literally will not support the body. Well, these chickens grew fast and didn’t have rubber legs or things like that have happened and have been measured.

We’ve also got evidence that it’s incredibly beneficial for plants and the incredible plant

benefits include – I’ve got pictures on my website of walnuts that were grown. Two sets of walnuts – one that was grown on a tree that was given ormus and the other set that was grown on a tree that wasn’t given ormus. Trees that were planted in the same place at the same time, from the same seed stock and after about four years of growth, the ormus tree (the tree that was given the ormus) had walnuts on it that were four and a half times the size of the tree that didn’t have it.

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Kevin: Wow. Barry: And this was in an area that probably shouldn’t have been growing these walnuts in the

first place. And admittedly, the original walnut – the walnut that didn’t get ormus – wasn’t very big, but the walnuts that were given ormus, they were the size of a tennis ball. Huge walnuts. We’ve seen the same thing with oranges and virtually every other plant that we’ve ever heard of.

Kevin: And so, how are you getting the ormus? How does someone get ormus and then how

are you applying it? Barry: Oh, it’s really, really quite easy. If you have access to sea water or even Celtic sea salt or

Dead Sea salt, as long as the salt is crude, unrefined salt. Celtic salt will be kind of damp and gray-colored. That kind of raw salt, you mix it with water or you just put your sea water in a container and if you’re going to consume it, you want to boil it before you do anything else. But if you’re just going to put it on plants, you just add sodium hydroxide, which is the same thing as lye and raise the pH, the alkalinity of the water, up to 10.78 and no higher, and you’ll get a white precipitate. And this precipitate will drop out, will fall down to the bottom of your container and you take the clear liquid off the top and there will be very little, if anything, wax equivalent at the top in terms of the ormus and the white precipitate that’s left at the bottom will be about thirty percent ormus and seventy percent other elements like magnesium, calcium and so on. The precipitate, you want to wash it several times before you consume it because you’re just washing the salt out. It isn’t particularly healthful. It a very easy process, though it is dangerous to work with lye.

Kevin: Sure. Barry: Your grandmother probably made soap using lye. That was a typical thing for people to

do back in the old days. People still make lye soap. You can still buy lye from soap makers probably as easy as just about anything.

Kevin: In the extraction process what’s happening? Barry: Well, as the pH changes, certain portions of the stuff in there are no longer become

insoluble in water. It precipitates out and this insolubleness, this precipitation, allows us to see it and separate it. There are other very, very easy ways to separate it. One of the easiest ways is just get some grape seed oil --crude, unrefined grape seed oil – and some of the Celtic sea salt (gray, Celtic sea salt) and mix it about half and half with grape seed oil and sea salt. Shake it up good and let it sit. The ormus seems to go into the grape seed oil -- the oil portion of the ormus seems to go into the grape seed oil). And that’s really good. People have used it for skin care and for consumption for a while.

Kevin: Okay, so there is an oil characteristic to it as well?

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Barry: Yeah. We’re not sure exactly what it is, but there seems to be that the ormus likes to hide out inside of water molecules. It doesn’t make a chemical bond with those water molecules, it just hangs out inside the molecules and acts as a resonator to change the shape of those water molecules. We think it also does that with oil, with air, with various chemical compounds. It will hang out inside a molecular structure and change the characteristics of that molecular structure and what I think we’re doing is we’re seeing in the terms of the oil or the white powder, we’re seeing the structure that’s around it, rather than the ormus itself. We’re seeing the chemical “box” that it’s in. Imagine you have a really, really slippery bowling ball with no finger holes in it and you want to pick it up. How do you do it? Wow, it’s grease. You can’t pick it up. So what you do is you roll it into a box and pick up the box. That’s what I think we’re doing. We’re manipulating the container that the ormus hangs out in. So when we concentrate it this way by precipitating it and put it on plants and give it to animals, then the benefits of that nutrient are available.

There’s an interesting thing here and that is that if you imagine that this ormus element

hanging out inside the molecule can literally change the shape of the molecule, sort of like sand vibrating on a plate, you change the frequency of the vibration and the pattern changes in the sand. Have you ever seen that?

Kevin: Yes. Barry: Well, that changing pattern, we think that the ormus might be hanging out inside every

water molecule or many water molecules and that when we change the frequency of the vibration of that ormus element, it then puts a different frequency out around it and that changes the shape of the water molecule and different shaped water molecules work in different ways in the body.

Now there’s some scientists, there’s quite a few scientists right now that believe that

something called quantum coherence exists in biological systems; people and plants and animals. And quantum coherence means that there’s an instantaneous communication system going on. One ormus researcher in Australia used to be a rocket scientist. He was the guy that designed the feedback system on the rocket so that the rockets could hit a wind gust at the top and it wouldn’t knock them over. They had to instantly respond by moving the rocket this way or that to respond to those changes in atmospheric condition and his job was to calculate how fast the response had to be. Well, he calculated how fast our response would have to be in order to play table tennis. Table tennis is a pretty fast activity and he figured out that nerve impulses couldn’t possibly, weren’t even close to being fast enough to play ping pong, let alone be the thought processes that are necessary for ordinary life. So, you figure there has to be some much, much, much, much faster communication system in bodies than nerve impulse and other scientists have basically said the same thing. Some of them have said it looks like the DNA isn’t even the pattern for the body. All it is an antenna that connects us to the pattern. Dr. Peter Gariaev from Russia has demonstrated

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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experimentally this may be the case. The DNA just connects to the non-physical spirit template of the body. So, if this ormus is involved with this communication – cellular communication – even inside of every water molecule and is part of this communication system that allows instantaneous communication between all of the cells, then that would account for all of the amazing results that we’ve seen with plants and animals and people in terms of improvement in their growth and their health and all of the other things. It’s improving our connection with everything else.

Kevin: Hmm. So how much of this does – do you put on plants, how much of this do you take

as a person or give to animals? It’s such a – it’s still unusual to me to hear all this but I’ve read up on it so I know a little bit about it, but I’m still amazed by it.

Barry: Well, typically if you’re using sea water ormus you put about one to three gallons of

ormus per acre of the sea water precipitate per acre. That’s not much. If you’re putting ordinary minerals in like a calcium supplement or magnesium supplement, you’d put on about a ton of this stuff per acre. With this stuff, you put on about 30 pounds per acre.

Kevin: Wow. Barry: So it’s a very, very small portion of what one would put on of ordinary minerals, but that

just shows you how important it is, these materials are. For animals, it was fed to these chickens – a quarter of a million chickens, two hundred and fifty thousand chickens at the rate of .02 milliliters per kilo of body weight; a very, very small dose. For people, people often take a teaspoon a day and this would be fairly comparable to .02 per kilo of body weight per day.

Kevin: And that’s a teaspoon of the ormus water or a teaspoon -- Barry: Sea water precipitate. Kevin: Okay, okay. What are some of the, I guess, implications or benefits in terms of

agriculture with something like this? Barry: Well, there’s a number of benefits that have been observed. It seems to increase

cellular respiration in experiments. Plants are most phototropic. They follow the sun better. I’ve got some sage plants out in front of my house and we’ve had a really cold winter this year and lots of snow, a foot of snow still out there, and these sage plants are still growing and still following the sun. Just whenever they’re above the top of the snow and it’s been like, you know, ten below zero here.

Kevin: Hmm. Barry: So, I’ve done some time lapse photos of the top leaves tilting toward the sun and

following it at ten above or fifteen degrees above. It’s just amazing. So, they’re definitely more phototropic. It increases photosynthesis, so there is more conversion of sunlight into nutrients. It increases the carbohydrate content in a cell that’s measured

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by something called a Brix refractometer and basically it reduces the sugar content of a pound, something like thirty percent or more on the first year. It also increases soil micro-flora, the things that grow in the soil, the bacteria and the fungi that grow in the soil. Now, bacteria are nitrogen fixing. They fix the nitrogen off of it that’s available to the plant, so that’s very beneficial that you can decrease the amount of nitrogen fertilizer that you put on plants. Micronizing fungi are literally form extensions on the roots of plants. They extend the roots so that they can double, triple or quadruple the surface area, the collecting area of the root of a plant and they also do something else. Have you ever seen moss growing on a stone?

Kevin: Yes. Barry: It somehow is getting it’s nutrients from that rock. It is literally dissolving the rock. This

is a problem with soil. There’s plenty of minerals maybe left in the soil, but there’s no water-soluble minerals any more. So, if you can increase the amount of fungi in the soil that can dissolve the mineral, you’ve increased the mineral content that’s available to plants. And if, at the same time you can increase the mineral gathering capability by extending the roots of that plant, you’ve really increased the minerals available to that plant. Everything a plant takes in has to be soluble in water or in air, everything. Therefore, everything that we eat and every animal eat has to be soluble in water or the air. All of the nutrients have to be water soluble and here are these microbial fungi and bacteria in the soil that are solubalizing the basically insoluble mineral in the soil and making them available for the plant and we think that that’s the biggest benefit of the ormus because it feeds these microbial fungi. Microbial fungi will double in a given amount of soil in a month if you put ormus on it, so it also improves soil till and aeration because the bacteria and microizal fungi and other organic solids in the soil are eaten by earthworms and the earthworms aerate and till the soil, literally. So, it makes plants healthier, more disease and insect resistant. Typically, insects won’t even attack these plants if there’s any other choice. It’s, therefore, lessened the need for insecticide. It makes plants more drought-tolerant because the soils can hold more water and store more water. Water isn’t just running off or going right down into the soil, it’s actually being absorbed. In northern Idaho, someone did a study and they found rotting logs store something like half of the late-season water in the soil.

Rotting logs. They’re just big, soggy rotting log, that’s what keeps the soil moisturized in

late seasons, late summer, when it’s basically drought conditions, very dry. And all organics in the soil will tend to do that if they’re not completely desiccated, dried out, if moisture can get to them in the winter time. So, that preserves a great deal of the moisture in the soil. Also, plants tend to respond better when they’re transplanted. Fruit of trees or the vegetables on a plant, become larger sometimes after a couple years, maybe twice as big after four years, maybe four times as big and not like ordinary – you see giant this and giant that, and it tastes like cardboard, right?

Kevin: Yeah.

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Barry: Yeah, well this stuff is better tasting. It tastes like it used to taste, like the best red delicious apple you’ve ever had, instead of like cardboard. Also, these fruits and vegetables keep longer on the shelf. Depending on the plant, it could be a week or two or three or four or a month, you know. And they’re also quite often ready for sale before anything happens or before anything happens with ordinary plants. These guys are completely full grown and ready to be shipped.

Kevin: Any studies on the mineral content of them? Barry: Mineral and vitamin content is increased in every case. Kevin: Really? Barry: Every single thing that’s been measured, mineral and vitamin content is increased. Kevin: So now, it’s not only larger, but there’s more minerals in it per unit of volume, I imagine. Barry: Yes. Total crop yield first year increases thirty-five percent. Over time, it maybe be as

much as three hundred, four hundred. Kevin: Wow. Barry: Application is really easy. All you’re talking about is applying with whatever else you

apply or however you apply other things; applying in the same way three gallons of this stuff per acre. So you’re obviously going to have to mix it with water to even apply it.

Kevin: Right, because it’s in the precipitate-type form. Barry: Right. Kevin: So, three gallons of precipitate or three gallons of three gallons of water. Barry: Three gallons of precipitate per acre. Kevin: Okay, gotcha. And is that a one-time application? Barry: Once per year. Kevin: Okay. That’s not so bad at all. Barry: It would be better to apply it in the autumn when there’s still some underground

activity in the fungi and the bacteria. That way they get a head start bringing in the nutrients for plants for the spring.

Kevin: What about for home garden application or even sprouting application?

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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Barry: Works great in both of those. Kevin: Yeah. Barry: Sprouts are quicker ready – ready quicker and last longer on the shelf. Kevin: Really? Barry: Yeah. Kevin: They don’t last long on the shelf. Barry: These do. These last quite a bit longer. Kevin: Hmm. And how much, break down the equation of three gallons for an acre, what are

we talking about for sprouts? Barry: Oh, you put a drop in. Kevin: Yeah. Barry: It’s hard to get less than a drop. Kevin: Yeah. Now what’s available for someone who doesn’t want to play around with lye? Barry: Well, there’s a couple of products. There’s a product called Sea-Crop. www.sea- Kevin: Yeah. Barry: And their product has been certified as organic and they’ve even been certified for use

for animals as mineral supplements for animals and it is definitely non-toxic. So, that’s – they’re the one who’s been certified for the particular situation.

There’s another product that’s been in use for a couple decades called Ace and it’s a

little bit difficult to get. You can find information on it and take picture of plants that have been planted with it at and you’ll have to contact the people there via email and I can give contact information for phone if you want to order it and other ormus producers make various forms of this stuff, but probably not at the scale that a large farm would do.

Kevin: Yeah, but maybe someone who just wants to put it in their garden at home. Barry: Oh, Yeah. Kevin: Yeah.

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Barry: On my website there are a whole bunch of sources for ormus listed. Kevin: Great, we’ll talk about that in a second. You’re friend, Jim, as he got shocked as he put

his hand in this puddle of water, I’m wondering what way we ingest this ormus, right? Barry: Yeah. Kevin: And then we have static electricity or get shocked or something like that. Would that

have the same reaction in a person? Barry: Well, here’s the problem with my story about how I got involved. The things that

happened to Jim aren’t very likely to happen to anybody else. Some ormus producers have reported that when they’re working with thousands of gallons of this stuff, they’ll get shocked when they touch it and there’s a product called Spark of Life water that is made by Ancient Transformation Technologies and it will shock you.

Kevin: Really? Barry: Yeah, and it will shock you and recharges itself. You’ll get shocked more than once from

a bottle of it. In fact, I’ve got video of twenty-nine people getting shocked at one time in a circle holding hands. Once person put their finger in the water and the other one held the bottle.

Kevin: Really? Barry: And the bottle’s an insulated bottle. So we think it’s not exactly the same as ordinary

electricity. Kevin: Wow. Barry: Yeah. Kevin: It’s just amazing to think that well, obviously, we’ve kind of been talking about what’s in

the water to make it charge like that. Barry: Yeah, there’s definitely ormus in the water. Now, an interesting thing is that once you

have the ormus in the water, imagine that there’s this little spinning atom or diatom or whatever it is, inside a water molecule. If you put energy into it, it will spin faster. When it spins faster, it creates a different vibration and that different vibration changes the shape of the water. It also means there is more energy in that spinning unit and that extra energy is stored there and can be taken out. And we think that may be what happened when the shock happened. But that stored energy is then again converted to electricity, or other form of energy.

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Kevin: Now, what about that application for powering anything? Is that a possibility or does it take too much volume?

Barry: One problem with solar power and wind power and even to some extent with some

water power is that it’s seasonal or day and night or depends on whether there’s wind going on or not.

Kevin: Sure. Barry: And if you put a dam on a river, you’re damaging the ecosystem of that river supply.

But if you put a little a little turbine in the river, you’re not doing as much damage. You’re just basically running the power through the turbine. So there’s a lot of ways for storage. We are able to store energy more efficiently than being stored behind a dam, for example, to use it at times of drought, or times of night time. If we stored it, that would be a great benefit. Right now, battery storage technology is pretty pathetic.

Kevin: Yeah. Barry: We think that this is a possibility with ormus that there may be a way to make

permanent and very long-lasting storage systems using ormus as a storage unit. Now this brings up another point that is ormus can differ from other ormus in how much energy it’s got in it and more energetic ormus seems to do more things, seems to be more beneficial for plants, etc., than the ormus that is not as energetic. We don’t know why that is for sure, but it seems to be the case.

Kevin: Is it due to the source of the water? Let me ask you this question to kind of build on top

of that. If you’re getting sea water from different areas with different pollutants, what affects does that have on the ormus?

Barry: It can make the ormus unusable at some point in some cases, but in most cases I

wouldn’t use it for people if you’ve got polluted water, but probably would be pretty good for plants.

Kevin: Yeah. Barry: As long as the pollutants are diseases and organic pollutants rather than mercury or

something like that. Kevin: Yeah. Barry: And there’s another factor and that is information. Before finding that the ormus is the

communicator, there’s a pair of scientists in New York State who have published a paper. The name is – their names are Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu and they are a husband and wife couple and they’ve been working and discovering that – basically, they’re saying spin coherence is the mind pixel. Did I say that right? In the mind pixel.

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Kevin: Okay. Barry: And you can Google that phrase “spin is the mind pixel” and find links to their paper on

the web. Kevin: So, explain “spin is the mind pixel.” Barry: It is the coherent communication system. Now, we think what’s going on and they don’t

necessarily agree with this, but many ormus researchers think that this coherent spin of the ormus element inside these water molecules or whatever sort of works as a quantum coherent instantaneous communicator. It’s sort of like having a cell phone in every cell in the body that the nerves are just the hard-wired back-up system. These instantaneous communicators, instantaneous quantum coherent cell phones in every cell, means that if you’re cell phone is charged up and if the antenna isn’t damaged, that these cell phones can improve the communication. It’s not like they’re talking to the cell next door, they can talk to the cell in your big toe and when that happens amazing things work as a result. On my website, there’s a picture of a cat named Tut. Tut grew a new tail after losing it, something cut it off in a windstorm or something and grew a new tail just from consuming various forms of ormus.

Kevin: And the beard too. Barry: Yep. Copper ormus seems to help restore hair color. Now, we think that it’s happening

due to better communication. When the communication between the cells is also better communication with this non-physical template of the DNA, that Peter Gariev talk about, with something called the DNA Phantom Effect. They’re claiming that there’s a non-physical spirit template or DNA for the body and you improve the connection, sound works better. You improve the speed of the medium that carries sound; let’s say you’re on a high mountain and you shout and the echo comes back a minute later; but if you’re at sea level, or let’s say on the Grand Canyon and you shout, echo comes back a little faster. But still, the problem it doesn’t overlap. So, you’ll shout a minute later, you’ll hear somebody say the same thing. Shout “I love you,” and a minute later somebody says “I love you” and think that somebody up there loves you or “I hate you,” and a minute later you think somebody up there hates you. The increase of the density, if you put your ear to the iron rail, you hear the training coming before you hear it through the air, because the iron rail is denser than the air. We think we’re increasing the density of the medium that carries our thoughts. Ormus is the medium that carries our thoughts and we think by increasing the density of that medium, that the echo can come back quicker.

Now, in some ways that might not be good. Maybe we’re thinking – instead of saying “I

love you,” we’re saying “I hate you.” And a minute later somebody says “I hate you,” well, somebody up there hates me, but if we say “I hate you,” and “I hate you” comes right back, it’s overlapping. Oh, I said that. It’s not somebody else that said that, it’s me. When our thoughts overlap with the consequences of our thoughts, we become aware – more aware – that we’re putting it out, that whatever’s happening is happening

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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in response to the thoughts that we have. And many people have reported that – let’s call it instant karma that instant or near instant response to thought. You think something and then it happens. It doesn’t matter whether you’re thinking something positive or something negative, the manifestation happens quickly. And we think that this may also be part of why Tut grew a tail, why plants that are dead before do so much better, why a quarter of a million chickens did so much better. All of these things would make sense if the internal, the inner communication system was improved and connection to the non-physical template was improved.

Kevin: Well, why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you do and how people can find out

more information? That’s some great stuff. Barry: Well, I basically teach people about ormus. I do this on my web site, Kevin: And can you spell ormus? Barry: O-r-m-u-s. And I also do it online with

a rather large number of local and global ormus discussion forums where people can talk with other people who have made it or are using it or have had some experiences with it and discuss what’s going on with it. And these include about eighty local forums. Most of these local forums are in the United States, but there is a forum for Italy, there’s a forum for France, a forum for Sweden and Norway and different forums for many of the countries in Europe and several forums in Australia. So if a person is interested in getting together with other people in your area learning more about it, it’s really easy to get on one or more of these forums and connect with people. I also do lectures and workshops teaching people how to make ormus, teaching people what it is and how it works, basically around the world. And I do a bit of experimentation myself. I’ve developed some methods of making ormus that are somewhat easier than previous methods David Hudson’s method or Jim’s method is the ozone.

Kevin: That’s great and during your sessions you show people how to make it and apply it? Barry: Oh, yeah. Kevin: That’s cool. Barry: I do an actual demo of the method I described with precipitating white precipitate from

sea water. Kevin: Oh, wow. So it looks like we’re running out of time here, but I do want to tell everyone

on this call that this is a pretty heavy topic and there’s a lot of different intricacies and different information that I think we would help clarify all of this if you haven’t gotten everything that you think you need about ormus and you can go to Barry’s site and I set up a link. It’s That’s www.renegadewatersecrets/barry - b-a-r-r-y and that’s all lower case and you can go

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The Definitive Guide to Clean, Pure Water – Barry Carter

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there and he’s got a ton of stuff and you can get some more, basically continue your education on ormus.

Well, Barry, I want to thank you so much for your time. This has been incredibly

enlightening. I’d only heard of ormus about maybe two years ago through some of your talks and some of the stuff on the best day ever, so now I can say I’m a lot more education about it and I’m excited about the application about it.

Barry: Well, very good. I hope it wasn’t too much like drinking water from a fire hose. Kevin: Maybe, but that’s why you have a website with all your information where people can

go to check it out and maybe go to one of your lectures. Barry: There you go. Thank you. Kevin: Well, thanks a lot, Barry and to everyone else out there, we will see you next time. Resources to visit for continuing education from this interview:

• Barry’s ORMUS site • The Best Day Ever Site: Where you can find more interviews with Barry • Sea Crop • David Hudson • Dr. Peter Gariaev