the descent ao4

The Descent AO4 By Ryan Banks

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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The Descent AO4

By Ryan Banks

Holly – Holly is presented as an adrenaline junkie, she isn’t scared to do anything and loves the adrenaline rush. She is there because she wants to try a new dangerous thing out, such as caving. Sam – Sam is the younger sister that tries to prove she is capable, as her older sister is in the group as well she wants to prove she’s not a ‘little sister’ and that she is her own person. She wants to be more independent, she’s a trainee doctor so she is clearly intelligent, she wants to be like everyone else and not a little child.Rebecca – Rebecca is presented as a typical older sister, she still tries to look after her younger sister Amy and does things for her. She is also very protective over her throughout the film.Juno – Juno is portrayed as the leader of the group, she organizes the trip and basically leads them into the cave. However, she’s also shown as a very two-faced person as she lies about the cave and has an affair with Sarah’s husband. She lies to the group for her own personal means.Sarah – Sarah is portrayed as a ‘damaged’ person, earlier in the film she loses both her husband and child which shows why she is emotional. She has a damaged past causing her to struggle to become happy. Sarah becomes feral, she is grieving over the loss but she is someone the whole group respects.Beth – Beth is represented as a realist, she is not negative or positive but she will just say things how they are. She is also very trustworthy and a good friend as she keeps the secret about Juno throughout the whole film. Beth is a very protective person as she is keeping the secrets so Sarah doesn’t get hurt anymore than she has already been hurt. She is well educated but does not like danger, she is only there to support Sarah.

This picture shows how much they have changed from the previous picture. They all now look serious and very intimidating. They’re still all together in unity as they are grouped very close together. The picture is cold and now looks more intense. The cuts are significant to show the danger.The image is aimed at men, the wet vests make it appeal to men.

This picture shows the group all together, looking very happy, the image is warm and friendly. It shows that everyone is together in unity and looks a lot like a slumber party. They seem to be relaxed and happy, making it seem a safe place to be.

This image shows how much Sarah has changed. She’s gone from a broken, emotional character and is now an aggressive woman, covered in blood and holding an axe. She knows the only way she is going to survive is if she becomes as bad and aggressive as the things that are trying to kill her.

This picture shows that there is something going on between Juno and Sarah’s husband. This is as they’re very close, touching hands and she’s looking very happy. She’s attempting to be seductive and flirting with him.