the earth and its living world

The Earth and its living World Where do you get water from?

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Page 1: The earth and its living world

The Earth and its living World

Where do you get water from?

Page 2: The earth and its living world

On the surface of the earth, there is some land and water

Spheres of the Earth

Lithosphere - Land Hydrosphere - Water Atmosphere - Air

constituents Biosphere - Living things.

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Earth's crust is hard rock and soil

Lanol - grassy;sand,crops,forests

1/3 part of lithosphere- Land

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Large or Vast continuous stretch of Land.

Divided into seven continents Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America Australia, Antarctica

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Land forms

Land is not even in all placesGive rise to different shapes

eg. Plain, Hill, Mountain

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2/3 part of earth covered with water.

Water part is divided into : Ocean- salty water, Surface water and fresh water

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Salty water - five oceans Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, South Ocean, Indian Ocean.

Land along margins of ocean called coastal region

Water bodies of different shapes and sizes.- sea, bay, strait, Gulf etc.

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Fresh water reservoirs streams of water flowing over the land Streams are - Rills, Brook, Rivers Rills, brooks, streams - join to form rivers Rivers join to make bigger river tributaries Rivers cascade down a sudden drop - water fall Rivers flow to the ocean.

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Water collected in a low lying area of land - Lakes

eg. Manas sarowar

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Ice form of water, Glacier

water particles in the clouds freeze in cold regions

come down in the form of snow Layer of snow pile up on ground to form

ice. In low - lying area ice pile become huge

mass slips down; a slope - glacier Blocks of ice floting in sea- Iceberg

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Groundwater- (Well)

water stored in underground layer well, bore wells, under ground springs Hydro Sphere :water on earth is surface,

Ground water, Water vapours

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Air around Earth Higher from the surface air becomes rarer. Consists- mixture of gases, nitrogen,

oxygen, water vapour, carbon dioxide Layers of Atmosphere Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere Ionosphere, Exosphere

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13 km from earth's surface

conditions changes continuously

Go higher in troposphere air becomes cooler

Weather related phenomena rain, fog, clouds, Winds, Storms.

Aeroplanes fly in higher parts (mountaineers)

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Beyond troposphere about 50 km Ozone gas layer Ozon layer absorbs ultra violet rays.

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How does it rain

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Water evaporates due to sun's heat

Water vapour lighter than air,

Goes higer,cools,condenses- Fine drop lets of water

Droplets forms clouds. Smaller droplets Bigger

drop can not float Fall down on the earth- Rain

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Water Cycle Rain water flows into rills, streams, rivers

and finally into sea Evaporation of this water Condensation, rainfall continuously

processes are done

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Variety of living things in different regions. Snowbound polar-bear , Africa –Zebras,

Australia-Kangaroos, Hot climate- Elephants, Lions.

Living things exist in litho, hydro, atmo Living world- biosphere

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Plants, animals, microbes are dependent on one another

Biosphere is where living things take birth, live and die

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Three Layer of Earth

Earth is surface occupied by land 1/3 and water 2/3

Litho - soil, rock Hydro - Salty, fresh

water reservoir Atom –Tropo, strato Bio - All living
