the eicliiuan work for them naturcabhorsavacuum i … ·...

r 1- e t Ill e The Eicliiuan Courier 4 GEORGE WAIUIEN Publisher i mcFMa1Nj r KENTUCKY CURRENT TOPICS The first newspaper advertisements appeared in 1652 There aro 219 national banks in op- eration in Illinois During the last two years 41375 men have been killed in battle The present season has been ono of particular benefit to oyster farmers Cape Town is ordinarily calculated as 22 days distant from Southampton- A lawsuit which lies lasted over a century has come to nn end in Ire ¬ landI The number of languages anti dia ¬ lects spoken in the world amounts to 8064There was less poultry buying In London at Christmas than for many yearsIn 1350 Texas raised 53072 bales of totton Now she raises 12000000 bales annually 1hcre are 38 yeomanry regiment In England with a muster exceeding 10 000 men- The sales girls in a New Jersey town have starteda crusade against the aso of slang It is supposed that the average depth > f sand in the deserts of Africa Is from 10 to 40 feet The queen of Greece is said to be he finest nccdlcwortm among Euro- pean royalties- The first attempt to manufacture c pins in this country was made soon after the war of 1S12 Fdrtythree per cent of the fruit trees in southern California arc orange sad 15 per cert lemon Female bootblack are increasing rap Idly In France They wear a costume tot unlike that of nuns The longest continuous nm of a rail ray train in Europe is that from Paris lo Constantinople 1021 miles in Gay hoursThe olive crop of the past year of southern California including pickled olives and olive oil was estimated at nooooo the number of Irlshme who have Seen prominently associated with the trlsis and the war in South Africa is remarkablePottery In Great Britain anti lie United States of America are draw lug up n priee list t 0 ern prices In both countries Mrs Gladstone agaliied her RSth birthday recently a 11the bells of Hnwarden church were rung in honor occasiont A volunteer yin a Colorado regiment at Manila has been cured of stutter Ing by being shot through the throat by n Mausur bullet A book published in Japan 1909 years ago notes that at that time goodI silk way already produced in 3fi pro ¬ Incas of that country- In the London meat market lias been told a consignment of frozen kangaroo tails which are said to make a soup more savory than oxtail The French government IB perfect Ing arrangements for the transporta ¬ lion by rail of torpedo boats of small size in the event of war In Devonshire the cycle has boon np k plied to butler making A man sits on his bicycle pedals and l > y menus of n chain turns the churn The postnl money order service ic New York for 1803 amounted to W 031762 For IfWO it amounted to 115 4SS0Z8n gain of SX5407146 The former military camp at Mon I tank Point which n few months ago t was fairly alive with American sol Biers Is now only a wild waste Thus far in the year Cuba has bought from the United States three times as much as it did in 1SOS In value the increase was 13180000 The wood of the redwood tree never decays it Is said nnd fallen trunks which have been overgrown byold forests are as solid as the day they fill Prof A J Henry for 20 years in the weather bureau service will fill the vacancy caused by the death of Prof II A Hnzen At present Prof Henry is chief of the meteorological cns division Each battalion chief of the New York fire department Is shortly to be- T supplied with n pocket telephone which nyjy be affixed tp any tire box I tie arid will then onabl the operator tc talk directly with headquarters The ry ittaehrcent Is simple and the device It1 will dpubtleas surprise moat Iwo l pIli to learn that fury soldier of the British army who is captured by the- e nemy gets his pay stopped at ones Therefore the 2000 English warriors whonVe now playing football on the a race course at Pretoria aro in no sense of the word wage enrnurs I Iloswell Reardsley of North Inns ¬ ing N + Y is said to be the oldest post l master in tho service of the Untied f States Ho was appointed In 1888 when r John Quincy Adams was president and j John McLean was postmaster gen ¬ eral Ills salary was fixed at the mil t 1 niflccnt sum of 12 a year Tie is 11 R years old- Former G Senato Tnga is mother Is t t i itllllhlng at the ng of 00 years She < j r tires in Boston and recently sent the R senators family three slumber rotors r AwhIch she knitted her self 1The awwal consumption of cotton p by the mills of tho Ituaainn empire for I the last few years lies been more than 00000 tons the amount showing t eteady Increase for many years Germnny is n more bookish country than either Great Britain or the Unit ed States The historical novel Kk J kenhard In now in its lG4th edition Bakp Jtliigcn Is in Its 237th + L- Ii q nn A WORK FOR THEM Dr Talmage Preaches on the Duties of the Strong Rc yon lullltle ItcMtlnpr Upon Those Vlio loescaa Pliynlcnl Power to Mo the lorI Work Tito- Valup of IletillhC- opyrlBht 11Q4 by Louie KtepataJ l In this dlscourse Dr Talnmja sets forth the responsibility of those whO aro strong and well at in a former discourse ho preached to the diaatitad and tho shut in text Judges 141 Au1 Samson went down to llmnath Tlere are two sides to the character of Samson The one phase of his lift if followed Into particulars would td minister to the grotesque and tilt mirth ¬ ful nut thus U a phat of hit char ¬ actor fraaght with lessons of solemn and eternal Import To these graver > s onE we devote our sermon This giant no doubt In early life gave evidences of what he WitS to be It is almost always so Titers were two Nnpolcone the boy Napoleon and the man Napoleon bat botk alike two Howards tke boy Howard and the man Howard but both alike two Samsons the boy Samson and the man Snmion but both alike This giant was no doubt the hero of the playground and nothing could stand before his ex ¬ hibitions of youthful prowess At 18 years of age he was betrothed to the daughter of a Philistine Going down toward Timnath n lion came out upon him and although this yung giant was weaponless he seised the monster by the long mane and shook him as a hungry hound shakes a March hare and made his bones crack and left him bjr the wajslde bleeding under tbo smiting of his fist and the grinding heft ef his heelThere he stands looming up above other men a mountain of ilech lilt arms bunched with muscles that east lift the gate of a city taking an atti tude defiant of everything Ills hair had never been out and it rolled dowi In several great pinks over his shoul- ders ¬ adding to his Wk fierteneu and terror The Philistines want to conquer him and therefore they must find out where the secret of his strength lies There is an evil woman living I in the alley of Sorek by the name of Delilah They appoint her the agent in the race The Philistines are secreted In the issue I building and then Delilah goes to workI I and coaxes Samson to tell what is the secret of his strength Well he says If you should take seven withes sash is they fatten wild beasts with and put them around toe I should be per ¬ ectly powerless So she binds him with the seven green withes Then she laps her hands and says They come 1 the Philistines and he walks out ts though there wore BO impediment She COAXes him nf sin suit sates Now rail me the eeeret at this greet strength and he rtpUNIMIl you should take some ropes tlwt have never seen used and tie we with them I- mould be just like other nen 8ht I tied him with the ropes claps her hands I l tad shouts They apme the Pbllis tined He walks Ait as easily aa he I lid before not a fcfat obstruction J she coaxes him a gal n and he says XOI I l it you should take tafte seven long plaits of hair and by this house loom weave them into a web I could not fflI I sway So the house loom U rolled up and the shuttle flies backward aadI I forward and he bine plAits of hair arj j ivoven into a web Then the claps her hands and says They carnethe Philistines He walks out as easily as ie did before draggimgn part of the loom with himI I But after awhile she persuades him to tell the truth lit says If you should take n razor or shears and cat J iff t this long hair I should bOo power- less ¬ and in the hands of ray enomlnI I Samson sleeps and that the may not wake him up during th process of I shearing help is called In You know that the barbers of the oast have such i skillful way of manipulating the headI x> this very day that Instead of waking ip a sleeping man they will put a man rIde awake sound asleep I hear the I blades of the shears grinding against each other and I see the long locks tailing otTo The shears or razor accom ¬ plashes what green withes and new ropes and house loom could not do Suddenly she claps her hands and say a The Philistines be upon thee Sam man He rouses up with a strugglo jut his strength Is all gone He Is in the lands of his enemies- I hoar the groan of the giant as they ake his eyes out and then I see him foellnghili The prison door It oren and the giant- s thrust In He sits down and puts his lands on the mill crank which with ixhaustlng horizontal I motion goes day after day week after week month aft tr monthworkwork work The fensternation of the world In captivity puncturodrrlndlng First of all behold in this giant of the text that physical power is not always an Index of moral power He was a huge njsn the lion found It out lad the 30flfe men whom he slew found it out yet lo was the subject of petty revenges and ontgianU by low pus ilon I am tar from throwing any dis ¬ credit upon physical stamina There ire those who seem to have great ad- miration ¬ for delicacy and kkkHness of anylory Wbatcvtr effort In our day J Is made to make the men and women more robust should have the favor of ovcry good Jitlzen as well as of every Christian Gymnastics may be positively religious Good people sometimes ascribe to A wicked heart whattbey ought to ascribe to a slow liver The body and the soul are such near neighbors that they often catch eacFotber diseases Those who never saw a stole day and who like He cules show the giant In the credl J have mWo to answer for than thoE who arotho subjects of lifelong Itles IiiHow n t physical energy Indicative of spiritual 1 power If a clear head is worth mo i than ono diary with perpetual vertigo If muscles with tho play of health I them aw worth more than those drawnic tip In chronic rheumatics if on cyp J quok to catch passing objects I is i than one with vision dm and uncertain then Gal will require of us cllielenoy < just in proportion to what He liar given us Physical energy ought to be a type of moral power We ought to have as good digestion of truth as we have capacity to as lmilste food Our spar ¬ itual hearing ought to be as godn our physical hearing Our spirit i l taste ought to bear clear as our tongQci Samson In body we ought to be glnntsj In moral power It is a most chnmcfnl fact that muo of the bnilncM of the church and of tho world must be done by those coirpnrjip lively Invalid Ilirhard Ratter brifa ton of Ida dittatrr all 1 hit drys sltUn In the door of his tomb vrt writing more than 100 volume and ferdiBjfB 1 an influence for God that w il Q J- ulonruthStintIrlutlnan F i J ward PYlOn never know inJC aw day yet how he prearhrd and howcI wrote helping thousands of dyll souls like himself to swim In the sea glory And llobrrt McPhevne a > tal Ing skeleton yet you know what hdll l In Dundee and how he shook Scotia with era for Rod Philip Dnddrld advised by his friends because of his I nets not to enter the ministry yet yoi know what he lid for the MItl ai Irogr f of Religion In the church the world It I is not the small weak men ef tti day who do the damage These II ni men who gc swearingtad loafing abou your stores and shops and baakini houses attalllng Christ mud tile b- and the ebarrh they do not lie the damage They have no aflMCMte They art vermin that you crush with yen r foot Dut It It time filanU of the day the misguided giantx glattta I la physic al power or giants In mental oumva or giants In social position or giants t in wealth who do the damagethe mea with sharp pens that stab reilgltm aad throw their all through ur lit Inca eraturt the who use tUt power ef 1 wealth to stnctloa Iniquity and briba Justice and take truth and honor how to their golden scepter Xflttntldrd gl tIlook out for them In tbe middle and tttttr part of th last century M doubt there were thousands of wa In Paris aad Edinburgh and London who hated God and blasphemed the neme- otbllmigbty t but they did hat little mischief they were small men Insig ¬ nificant men Yet there were giants I In those days Who ran calculate the roul I I havoc of a Koaaseau going on with a I ery enthusiasm of iniquity with flerjr imagination sciriag upon all lbImpel- slue natorws of his day or UaUtftijMr wb tapleyd his life as a spider ens ploys its summer la spinning oat sitlb en webs to trap the unwary or Voltaire till mot learned man of hit day mtr abasing a great host of skeptics and leadins them out In the dark Isnlof 1 In fidelity or Gibbon who showed in un rnulroliabl grudge agalti t religion in his history of oat of the most ftsHrat Ing periods of the world rxlrtenrr The Decline tad Pall of the Ro- mElllpla hook In whirb with all the aplendar of his genius he masrnifpd t- errors he of Christian dlteiple while with a sparseness of noUN that never ran be forgiven he treated of the Christian he roes of whom the world was not worthy Oh men of stout physical health men of great mental stature men of high social position men of great pow- er of any sort I want yen to under ¬ stand your power nail I want you to know that that power devoted to God will be a crown on earth to you typical of a crown in Heaven but misguided bedraggled In tin administrative of evil God will thunder against you with Ills condemnation In the day when millionaire and pauper mnstei sad slave king and subject shall stand side by side In the judgment and money bags and Judicial ermine and royal robe shall be riven with the light ¬ ningsYou who are seated In your Christian homes compassed by moral and reli- gious ¬ restraints do not realize the gulf of Iniquity that bounds you ea the north and the south and tho east and the west While I speak there are tens of thousands of men and wom ¬ en going over the awful plunge of an Impure life and while I cry to God for merry upon their souls I cry to you to marshal in the defense of your homes your church and your nation There I it a banqueting hall that you have nrrrr heard described You know all about the feast of Ahasiierus where 1000 lords sat You know all about Delshazztrs carousal where the blood of the mur- dered king spurted Into the faces of the banqueters You know of the scene of riot and wassail where there was set before Aesopus one dish of load that cost 400000 Hut I speak now of n different banqueting hall Us roof is fretted with fire Its floor Is teasel ¬ lated with lire Its chalices are chatted with fire Its song is n song of fire Its walls arc buttresses of fire Solo- mon refers to It when he sayt Her guests are in the depths of hell Our American communities are snf fcrlng from the gospel of free lovlsnt which 10 years ago was preached on the platform sal In tome of the church of tide country I charge bllghtrdinnumerable Freelovism Internal with many thousands of divorces any orIUIJIan one day before dinner It has rowed up cloprmonts north south east and west You can hardly tnJUl a pa Ptr but you read of an dopomcnt 1s far as I elm uutcratllui the 110 thistbsE I Jelies wife and everywife somobodj elses hutbaml They do not like out ff Christian organisation of society and thtmi wretches of one sex taking tho wretch morroRn ornintr for the great Sahara desert jiptil 1 the tlmoom shall sweep seven oarI S SkMtnf caravan for the next 100 yon xMirinR back one nilcerable bone of theft n areal Free lovltm I It U I the c able distilled cornet of nut vomlca itvlmnc and adlor tongue lover Juili societygoes bark to the old Bible Jjii heart Its eulogy of purity Rndl Its Jithtwa crlnllanncr until I li i m will this evil be extirpated I nfJHohl also la this giant of the text a- ti tiCjft In time giant of our own century Aat physical Rower mutt crusts theim MJIxt hog ago went away He fought uIjlieu Ile fought the phinUnet tt tOIId fiht nythfag but death havefi aired a longer grave hat the llMoTcrtheicts wit hit terminus llifclf then we are to Iw compelled to n out of thin world whir are we to t01 This Ixvly andp1ul moot soon t What shall he time deUry of- t former I knowlust to dust It ubat hll b l the destiny tt UH jcr chI it ripe into the compaa I MNhP of the wiiitc robed whose alas 1l8Jri1 1555 slnn or will It lf ° down < nc the ir cllvlnir who tried t- In the world and sate their cools went swindled out of lath Hlett tJ God we have a Chtwplon lie o ttrird la tie able A CbamfOoa who hat conquered death and hl and rite i it seedy to > ht all our iMttlet iffjKtm the lint to the last Who I It tki that eotacth up from Edam with idytil garments from Boarah mighty fcJBttw If we follow in the wake of HH Champion death baa He power am tot grave DO victory The worst ass trusting in Him shag here hit dyirc pangs alleviated and hit future UtamUed It the Iljrbt of this subject I waat to nil year attention to a taut which ally our liar bias rightly eonaidered am hat It the fact that we must be Urewhi into jodiwettt for the em pinrut of oar pkjrtleal organism > utlr brain land footsee must IT in judgment for the two we trotd of them Urn they keep i Hr the elevation of society or for Iu i puoa In proportion aa oa- rt a strong and our step elastic will o account at iatt be Intensified T sand of sermons are preached to I w ids I preach this sermon to a r mea std healthful woaaen We- n I r give to Oed an second for the rip ute of this physical organism Tf invalids kave eojMparatlveljr Ut tI 01 for 1er hep I TIM ft J8tft N piK Twr- f 1k Wi liiHtita tvttkMlt ttttlBf Llrttb Meet Yet bow muck ninny let ta tocOMOlitk Kltlnr ap l la jndff r at Maadlog betide the men and I plysieelre lea I c naafratlon of rcilflom enthu r i sta bow will we feel abashed Ob i n of ike ttroog arm and the stout i itvt whet use are you making of > nnr tbJto1 forces Will you be aNe tottaad the lest of that day when a5 amt answer for Ute use of every talent nhether It wore a nhytlonl J en- try ar a mental acumen or a spir itnal peftlr7 The day approaches and I Ice one lo in tint wrhl ewe an Invalid said Ie tb MantIS before the throne of iCcd tt answer eke tayt I was sick a ng days I had but very little ttrettgUt but I did u wHI at I eoukl I if being kind to those wise were sclera tilt moil more uTriag And Christ MITI arri Well dene faithful serv- ant And then a little child veill stand t faro the throne and the will soy- mom earth I keel a curvature of the pine ami I was wry week and I was cry ili but I used to gather flowers nut of the wiWwood and bring them to my sick mother and she was rom ¬ forted when she taw the sweet flow rrt out of the wildwood T diet not do much but I did something And l rut shall say ns HP takes her up In li arms anti kisses hers Well done well done faithful servant enter thou tno the joy of thy Lord What then win ho sold to on wa to whom the ford gaver physical strength and con tiniiot hcnlth Hark It thunders tgilril The judgment tho judgment I sold to an old Scotch minister who WM tine of the brat friends I ever h d Doctor dll yon ever know Hob T pollock tho Scotch poet ho- wrCto The Courtc of Tlmef Oh 4 l Ise replied I knew him well I wai Ids classmate Aud then the ogr went on to tell mo tow that thewritiiip of The Comet of Time rtbatlfted time health of Pollock tinl he expired It scctn MS If no roan potAj 1 have such a glimpse of the day forlwiilcli all other days were made i < TjDliert Pollock had and long sue rlvt j that glimpse In the description nf flint glimpse he tayt among olhettb thmgi RHf the woo re wiodt and tell It to the iJattfv 1 winds And agjtful winds well Ip the howling Aed piing htUs mourn to the dismal And iflmfil vales sigh to the sorrowing fcfWkt AR< jorrovJas brooks wetp + to the weeping Oaw m And wltplnif stream awtk the groaning f et > < 4t heavens great archway of tht universe put oaoKcoth on And U lean robe tlyitlf In Ritrb of widow 1 jo And gpfctr all thy wanes l into a grass and M ur It fang ftJUd lep plerolntr dolorouo Im Tht iatton asks It Nature I1tI1nd Mgl come to lay her In hor grave vmit Robert Pollock saw In pootJ- clrrl1wOll and I willIIceJn posl- tlmIUtllc judgment the judgment FIFTYSIXTH CONGRESS Vlrst Session Washington Pub 78fnRteMr Vest IntrtMlucvO an amonilmwit to the finan ¬ cial Urn authorising the secretary of the treasury tn Issue JaQWOU In htXea the unto tu tyvs i rljMu on thtrfr rare T Mond o atad to be full team tender At vety tilt fallow ed over the NtWHI Mr lwew- and Mrltlltrvw DIvruniun of the financial Mil was then rvnuiami tMerhr Mfnn mad b> Air Turner Mr Oat anti I peenIM dlelomalle trainIbwie quokm nrinclpal feature blHK the M Mr teecttf f hatreth la favor of m the DpvrQrlitaH war umitr the iTovltlon of The llaau treaty Tile dlplomatto bill as passed carrtva tfM W l totl A bill In relation tu Cuban vvl rn wllldabe the i iWIc domain h4iWati1 amounts to about iAtut square used an rvyelfamily I rfwWck JuUua It Krdrlek KmncU anti Maurlrv Cwiwll survivors of l lrnallc sltt exasqItln Qft the rll Lortagto JtIM81rftac the tees I at a eaptn Jithe un wry a nt tag M rti vlafyR IMaal h ovtsatwo I tAaadrew payAlhert talnwl te rescuing a shipwrecked crow ta- i 1 aka i anho wa 1114 I- UIeutana Y Isla trtu nit gapta tfmss rare Rise Ictu tile lnllml andChpoI Thedebate were passed requiring twtaln Hirhi on r1ft oTllntoas to aHMMl tW set to rNv err lain tqlustedaerI of tn navy sad marine corpa imam to n rttoa se M t termtteee s- uch reehert5 de ale appMu WLbiMttss I alateMr MU pea tIII htt resdeet M at his cot terf rk 1 lief The rrdet Is were m treataclbfor r the seusts saeualnra WM wr I x ct4 M ab4Isetio oa tM ma ur were cccweal of ta Mncal ef On Ldawtna sad aa adjountMtvai WIll taken until Mowlay Itowav Ta house held r ly a short see- Plea and traMari4 HO eassnMN The- eveaing ss1n was < lt lM tu KTlvnl pmt Maeiday Mil A4 > owrnmMt was skeet we atanN Ju 4ottateN i tt < he mal- Mam MInJ thla llriuhtnoa tlaatar l n Iea otte4 a m alMlU l tin tr weoc bMeenlb warring bol paaon1 It we and al lb desk sad t WeeMal wYH thsenators biHTint aware of- nature II1II 3ir Altai cursed to al + w a rwuasMerwtton of uhr ear Mr Alton will however nt >w ur < n eDtih rels purpose The aoit m to rcnMr raw- not be sat off by rferrar lu a < mmlt Ir mn in rffvrl Iw will haw pieced IM- estrat directly on record A Mil lo pr vi pay her rtttaoa mindtJtere uf the a pausedliaiseNut follows c11st t mI tin net y by providing sue orsfn s u wita a ttOIM valued atsliera MJ- the 4 sepsestwecwsr w a the stilt Nato t r a- t I dt w- oumanln sad nrU lo amai tae- ralloa trndrrd him by tbs shah uf Ir sic lu auihiifli tar full rktg natalaf > 5Cs to i rcpt ordCn aM drnratlonr I tiflrrril lu hm bjr the > rtr M1 > ttrfft uX Vneeuta Itrir Adm Mr7 T pny- aws II C Taylor K A fiflt U Imp bee K E Ihrlwt k iml 1 r Ooodrtrh < mman4rrs W W Mend J II iMylun K M Uyinund sod < V IV Tnld iritnthi prmissoe for tar rmlliin lit a br Inw talus In Wajtalaarton In boner if On Vnncl K Spinner late irracurvr of lit nllrd liaise cad uppCopcUttn HMW tot a pedestal tor the Zca1on uf the frigate Cure + tltutlon In wriumrr provM lag that the chip nlMMiM br minrod as naatly aa nooalhli lo to otlntnal rnndlllon Ta e root of the day watt tfrvoi4 tu a dl OMtolun of the ft nil ariaI bil- lhouseThe R prlvalpension bUN fay orWywhole upon by tow rommllire eat at lat PrMar nights seabm were passed A revolution In print n as l Mph of < 1M reports of tlM Ittlllpplnt cxxomUvtoa was adopted MIU wr In i hitccao prtaltns pr oxo for theI I Unculaa1a conx tlonaIru i tb rTtrnpalni fund ji of for InlltMfwIrur or IntlMMatlaa an adrhe Mkut the Union Imetfir rallrua In tile government an aMtrndatrnt to the Intorntittc oumtnrr law M a ta glv the eomralaolbtt icrmttrr powers prohlbtlluK the Iranvportatlon otroI < med BOMI It Wine District of CoiumlMa day the Imoqs tan preeotlwl as the rnnoMerutlun of raisin rntallnr to the district ANTITRUST CONFERENCE The League Was Cnllril lu Orilrr III Crtilrnl Mn lc hull Clllrnicuiel cunlp Wctcuiuci by the Stupor Chicago Neb ISAt 1055 oclock Mouday mornliif the antitrust confer epee willf < l by the AntiTrust league OHIIII to order In Central Mntlo hall In this city Priwddunt I akwood of the executive committee oallod the meeting to order Mayor Harrison weleoinmt the jfiicttU on behalf of tho oily He de ¬ nounced trnata In general at danger ¬ oils nnd threatening the Integrity of the nation The time had come In mid tu do away with tniHtik Already ho continued the t > nnto oftho Unit ed States had Itcon reduced to a small conventloii of the owners and reprt aeiitutlvca of tutu trust A few yours uiore would two the IIOIIHC And our judtviary rcduwd to the steno eon ¬ dittoes In conclusion ho called upon the duluffat to oehwlte the people to elect n logliilatlvo body to give force to whatever schemo they decided upon for the abolition of monopolies Former Judge WlllUtni Prcntlss of JIlliioU wns elected temporary chair titan and nddreased thu convention Franklin II Wontworth of Chicago was elected temporary Hoorotnry Ilntli Died Siutilcnly Woston W Vn rah HMrR At mint FnniBworth time third wife of M I W Fnrniiworth was found dead in bed presumably from heart ills ease Mr Fnrnswarthu second wife tiled Very suddenly and under much the name circumstances Fire at the Ilrouklyn Navy Ynrtl Now York Fob 18 Uulldlnif No 7 In the UrooUlyn navy yard occupied by tho electrical L iilpmunt depart immt was destroyed by fire The loss Is 100000 equally divided between thf biiaii5 and inucMncr aIwa + wawlalalrwanaauuulwa I NaturcAbhorsaVacuum thing In the world stands stilt If I you a e welt and strong d ty by day the j ifSauue I t wrong dlstAStdgtrmsI youctni i Ifoods use ldita does this as noth ing else n lies ere to getlfaod sl III l A LHSSO IN COURTESY Kent Rebuke 61yen 1 n llmmlilj um nn liy n Jili In UorUInu l1 toes n a uVihhly drtised wotnia booed an IMmMt 1 a at lltrty seventh street SIte bt down In tko o y v fat wttt b Mdc a jAjwC werkawa w UM rrtiiiaz a book Th man were o overalls sad rritd a Htr pail II wuMtoa drew hene 1f l- and vtavaiMl her atebi 7 IsiwMJmrEfr qfl1u U dChauk and behaved M > Nanaoiat y iatt tke tiwa of tke of her Mtieoo > r in Ute war xms attracted to h little deem Whta tb teals ttaaoeU st lUaderah Inert the wmaaa ta arewatrtpaet kaetlmii they tlMadaI I l tft 1 with the rat 01 your lad eery bOCIY than U served he- rhphiCiiy f tale Ottaa f T Owned It All i J Teka L flair m hit tatner day WMim eslablishda nursed I bNsnet w et- employee Ia of the taMMoats I flats sadall eeeee diced t owl of takem aL sad n + J it Ield IIJ he N tW dews Nyur lea j m the reed 1 now that 1 Mr llfcUr Ike toad belongs tome cf Ckreaifie to AN MM > ere ante le 1UTNAil PAHK LRMM UY RK at liter eater aH torn at wire twMi > C HeW hey ai1dtugpst- It a mtn deuce kU wile It tt mtrctra potyal tkM if the neiykbort My she b a Urefy karacter AMuaaa OleU i We think Pnos ItlorIIhD iU th only iadiria fin CMIM Jhaata lackrd 8pn B W ill Oct 1 1901 ABSOLUTE I SECURITY Genuine Barters Little Liver Pills Must Door Signature of 5 ee Fac > SImlU Wrtppcr below r rYz7 1Ie 1 1 II CARTERS ITTIE I iFOK HEADACHE rdfs HUiKUS roll IIUOUSNESt FOR TIRPII LIVER FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SAUIW SKIN FOR THCCOMPLEXIIN ese131PeatyTc wMMrr Mew cC I CURE SICK HEAD- ACHEDYSPEPSIA Nor d Ix Tears 1tva a vlctbu ordT Dthloifbut not retain sad divrtt oven that Last tlb I begin ukiee CASCAHBTS atxl slave UML 1 bare ttcadDy iBinruved until 1 am tt Kelt as 1 ever was i a mr JUe UAVID 11 Mfitrnr Newark O noOuud I CURE CONSTIPATION atrna xdr rpa Iep Mwnl I rrt eel u Irueu i III t W Hi i inirc lamest f cud Ii sue v r I tta UIS Wrdea 11u u IIkCC iet kDIUldun lbtU bsCroo ia 1If lkuuelk I I slhj arI arl IhdlJIia j W nib 9100 rr 14 est 1 Tu > Atot III rllt worlU 8100 w will mull pee bee toMtbr with oar CFI talfIUIU about a POTATO npanrooli lotttroutlndsodIk- oowwhoroo temps Yo our l1llciser Lend I TOU wilt pftr do without atl t elaan Hlrer IUe r cttazttoitTomato Gaut onuth i a l i jails Ie 8IUKH IUD co Li CIOMK Ii iNlBtvOtg Ne s DtBalls t COUCH SYRUP tit Cures Croup and Whooping Cou h UnoxcollcdforConsumpUvca GlvCd quick sure mull Refuse tubitltutct i Dr fiuirt Fillt tu rt Bitiounnu THaI toffy FREE A O gTIRArlJa ON jScns r1dMnstheroJtoVA1Nlll11lI hltatAhsYSir is

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Page 1: The Eicliiuan WORK FOR THEM NaturcAbhorsaVacuum i … · r 1-t e Ill The Eicliiuan Courier 4 GEORGE WAIUIEN Publisher i mcFMa1Nj r KENTUCKY






The Eicliiuan Courier4 GEORGE WAIUIEN Publisheri



The first newspaper advertisementsappeared in 1652

There aro 219 national banks in op-eration in Illinois

During the last two years 41375 menhave been killed in battle

The present season has been ono ofparticular benefit to oyster farmers

Cape Town is ordinarily calculatedas 22 days distant from Southampton-

A lawsuit which lies lasted over acentury has come to nn end in Ire ¬

landIThe number of languages anti dia ¬

lects spoken in the world amounts to

8064Therewas less poultry buying In

London at Christmas than for many

yearsIn1350 Texas raised 53072 bales of

totton Now she raises 12000000 balesannually1hcre are 38 yeomanry regiment In

England with a muster exceeding 10000 men-

The sales girls in a New Jersey townhave starteda crusade against theaso of slang

It is supposed that the average depth> f sand in the deserts of Africa Is from10 to 40 feet

The queen of Greece is said to behe finest nccdlcwortm among Euro-

pean royalties-The first attempt to manufacture

c pins in this country was made soonafter the war of 1S12

Fdrtythree per cent of the fruittrees in southern California arc orangesad 15 per cert lemon

Female bootblack are increasing rapIdly In France They wear a costumetot unlike that of nuns

The longest continuous nm of a railray train in Europe is that from Parislo Constantinople 1021 miles in Gay

hoursTheolive crop of the past year of

southern California including pickledolives and olive oil was estimated atnooooo

the number of Irlshme who haveSeen prominently associated with thetrlsis and the war in South Africa is

remarkablePotteryIn Great Britain anti

lie United States of America are drawlug up n priee list t 0 ern prices In

both countriesMrs Gladstone agaliied her RSth

birthday recently a 11the bells ofHnwarden church were rung in honor

occasiontA volunteer yin a Colorado regimentat Manila has been cured of stutterIng by being shot through the throatby n Mausur bullet

A book published in Japan 1909years ago notes that at that time goodIsilk way already produced in 3fi pro ¬

Incas of that country-In the London meat market lias been

told a consignment of frozen kangarootails which are said to make a soupmore savory than oxtail

The French government IB perfectIng arrangements for the transporta ¬

lion by rail of torpedo boats of smallsize in the event of war

In Devonshire the cycle has boon npk plied to butler making A man sits

on his bicycle pedals and l>y menusof n chain turns the churn

The postnl money order service icNew York for 1803 amounted to W031762 For IfWO it amounted to 1154SS0Z8n gain of SX5407146

The former military camp at MonI tank Point which n few months agot was fairly alive with American sol

Biers Is now only a wild wasteThus far in the year Cuba has

bought from the United States threetimes as much as it did in 1SOS Invalue the increase was 13180000

The wood of the redwood tree neverdecays it Is said nnd fallen trunkswhich have been overgrown byoldforests are as solid as the day theyfill

Prof A J Henry for 20 years inthe weather bureau service will fillthe vacancy caused by the death ofProf II A Hnzen At present ProfHenry is chief of the meteorological

cns divisionEach battalion chief of the New

York fire department Is shortly to be-

T supplied with n pocket telephonewhich nyjy be affixed tp any tire box

I tie arid will then onabl the operator tctalk directly with headquarters The

ry ittaehrcent Is simple and the deviceIt1 will dpubtleas surprise moat Iwo

l pIli to learn that fury soldier of theBritish army who is captured by the-

e nemy gets his pay stopped at onesTherefore the 2000 English warriorswhonVe now playing football on the

a race course at Pretoria aro in no senseof the word wage enrnurs

I Iloswell Reardsley of North Inns ¬

ing N + Y is said to be the oldest postl master in tho service of the Untiedf States Ho was appointed In 1888 whenr John Quincy Adams was president andj John McLean was postmaster gen ¬

eral Ills salary was fixed at the mil

t 1niflccnt sum of 12 a year Tie is 11

R years old-

FormerG Senato Tnga is mother Is

t t iitllllhlng at the ng of 00 years She<j r tires in Boston and recently sent the

R senators family three slumber rotorsr AwhIch she knitted her self1The awwal consumption of cotton

p by the mills of tho Ituaainn empire forI the last few years lies been more than

00000 tons the amount showing teteady Increase for many years

Germnny is n more bookish countrythan either Great Britain or the United States The historical novel KkJkenhard In now in its lG4th editionBakpJtliigcn Is in Its 237th




q nn


Dr Talmage Preaches on the Dutiesof the Strong

Rc yon lullltle ItcMtlnpr Upon ThoseVlio loescaa Pliynlcnl Power to

Mo the lorI Work Tito-Valup of IletillhC-

opyrlBht 11Q4 by Louie KtepataJl

In this dlscourse Dr Talnmja setsforth the responsibility of those whO

aro strong and well at in a formerdiscourse ho preached to the diaatitadand tho shut in text Judges 141

Au1 Samson went down to llmnathTlere are two sides to the character

of Samson The one phase of his liftif followed Into particulars would tdminister to the grotesque and tilt mirth ¬

ful nut thus U a phat of hit char¬

actor fraaght with lessons of solemnand eternal Import To these graver>s onE we devote our sermon

This giant no doubt In early lifegave evidences of what he WitS to beIt is almost always so Titers weretwo Nnpolcone the boy Napoleon andthe man Napoleon bat botk alike twoHowards tke boy Howard and theman Howard but both alike twoSamsons the boy Samson and the manSnmion but both alike This giant wasno doubt the hero of the playgroundand nothing could stand before his ex ¬

hibitions of youthful prowess At 18

years of age he was betrothed to thedaughter of a Philistine Going downtoward Timnath n lion came out uponhim and although this yung giantwas weaponless he seised the monsterby the long mane and shook him as ahungry hound shakes a March hare andmade his bones crack and left him bjr

the wajslde bleeding under tbo smitingof his fist and the grinding heft ef his

heelTherehe stands looming up above

other men a mountain of ilech liltarms bunched with muscles that eastlift the gate of a city taking an attitude defiant of everything Ills hairhad never been out and it rolled dowiIn several great pinks over his shoul-ders


adding to his Wk fierteneu andterror The Philistines want to conquerhim and therefore they must find outwhere the secret of his strength lies

There is an evil woman living Iin thealley of Sorek by the name of Delilah

They appoint her the agent in the raceThe Philistines are secreted In the issue I

building and then Delilah goes to workII

and coaxes Samson to tell what is thesecret of his strength Well he saysIf you should take seven withes sash

is they fatten wild beasts with andput them around toe I should be per¬

ectly powerless So she binds himwith the seven green withes Then shelaps her hands and says They come 1

the Philistines and he walks outts though there wore BO impedimentShe COAXes him nfsin suit sates Nowrail me the eeeret at this greetstrength and he rtpUNIMIl youshould take some ropes tlwt have neverseen used and tie we with them I-

mould be just like other nen 8ht I

tied him with the ropes claps her hands Il

tad shouts They apme the Pbllistined He walks Ait as easily aa he I

lid before not a fcfat obstruction J

she coaxes him agal n and he says XOIIl

it you should take tafte seven longplaits of hair and by this house loomweave them into a web I could not fflII

sway So the house loom U rolledup and the shuttle flies backward aadII

forward and he bine plAits of hair arjj

ivoven into a web Then the claps herhands and says They carnethePhilistines He walks out as easily asie did before draggimg n part of theloom with himII

But after awhile she persuades himto tell the truth lit says If youshould take n razor or shears and cat J

ifft this long hair I should bOo power-less


and in the hands of ray enomlnII

Samson sleeps and that the may notwake him up during th process of I

shearing help is called In You knowthat the barbers of the oast have suchi skillful way of manipulating the headIx> this very day that Instead of wakingip a sleeping man they will put a manrIde awake sound asleep I hear the I

blades of the shears grinding againsteach other and I see the long lockstailing otTo The shears or razor accom ¬

plashes what green withes and newropes and house loom could not doSuddenly she claps her hands and say a

The Philistines be upon thee Samman He rouses up with a strugglojut his strength Is all gone He Is inthe lands of his enemies-

I hoar the groan of the giant as theyake his eyes out and then I see himfoellnghiliThe prison door It oren and the giant-s thrust In He sits down and puts hislands on the mill crank which withixhaustlng horizontalI motion goes dayafter day week after week month afttr monthworkwork work Thefensternation of the world In captivity

puncturodrrlndlngFirst of all behold in this giant of

the text that physical power is notalways an Index of moral power Hewas a huge njsn the lion found It outlad the 30flfe men whom he slew foundit out yet lo was the subject of pettyrevenges and ontgianU by low pusilon I am tar from throwing any dis¬

credit upon physical stamina Thereire those who seem to have great ad-miration


for delicacy and kkkHness ofanyloryWbatcvtr effort In our day JIs made tomake the men and women more robustshould have the favor of ovcry goodJitlzen as well as of every ChristianGymnastics may be positively religious

Good people sometimes ascribe to A

wicked heart whattbey ought to ascribeto a slow liver The body and the soulare such near neighbors that they oftencatch eacFotber diseases Those who

never saw a stole day and who like Hecules show the giant In the credl


have mWo to answer for than thoEwho arotho subjects of lifelongItlesIiiHow n t

physical energy Indicative of spiritual 1

power If a clear head is worth mo i

than ono diary with perpetual vertigoIf muscles with tho play of health I

them aw worth more than those drawnictip In chronic rheumatics if on cyp J

quok to catch passing objects Iis ithan one with vision dm and uncertainthen Gal will require of us cllielenoy<just in proportion to what He liar givenus Physical energy ought to be atype of moral power We ought to haveas good digestion of truth as we havecapacity to as lmilste food Our spar ¬

itual hearing ought to be as godnour physical hearing Our spirit iltaste ought to bear clear as our tongQciSamson In body we ought to be glnntsj

In moral powerIt is a most chnmcfnl fact that muo

of the bnilncM of the church and of thoworld must be done by those coirpnrjiplively Invalid Ilirhard Ratter brifaton of Ida dittatrr all1 hit drys sltUnIn the door of his tomb vrt writingmore than 100 volume and ferdiBjfB 1

an influence for God that w il Q J-

ulonruthStintIrlutlnan Fi

J ward PYlOn never know inJC a wday yet how he prearhrd and howcIwrote helping thousands of dyllsouls like himself to swim In the seaglory And llobrrt McPhevne a >talIng skeleton yet you know what hdll l

In Dundee and how he shook Scotiawith era for Rod Philip Dnddrldadvised by his friends because of his Inets not to enter the ministry yet yoiknow what he lid for the MItl aiIrogr f of Religion In the churchthe world

It Iis not the small weak men ef ttiday who do the damage These II nimen who gc swearingtad loafing abouyour stores and shops and baakinihouses attalllng Christ mud tile b-

and the ebarrh they do not lie thedamage They have no aflMCMte Theyart vermin that you crush with yen rfoot Dut It It time filanU of the daythe misguided giantx glattta Ila physical power or giants In mental oumvaor giants In social position or giants tinwealth who do the damagethe meawith sharp pens that stab reilgltm aadthrow their all through ur litIncaeraturt the who use tUt power ef1wealth to stnctloa Iniquity and bribaJustice and take truth and honor howto their golden scepter Xflttntldrd gl

tIlook out for them In tbe middleand tttttr part of th last century Mdoubt there were thousands of wa InParis aad Edinburgh and London whohated God and blasphemed the neme-otbllmigbty

tbut they did hat little

mischief they were small men Insig ¬

nificant men Yet there were giants IInthose days Who ran calculate the roulI Ihavoc of a Koaaseau going on with aI

ery enthusiasm of iniquity with flerjrimagination sciriag upon all lbImpel-slue natorws of his day or UaUtftijMrwb tapleyd his life as a spider ensploys its summer la spinning oat sitlben webs to trap the unwary or Voltairetill mot learned man of hit day mtrabasing a great host of skeptics andleadins them out In the dark Isnlof 1Infidelity or Gibbon who showed in unrnulroliabl grudge agalti t religion inhis history of oat of the most ftsHratIng periods of the world rxlrtenrrThe Decline tad Pall of the Ro-

mElllpla hook In whirb with all theaplendar of his genius he masrnifpd t-


of Christian dlteiple while witha sparseness of noUN that never ran beforgiven he treated of the Christian heroes of whom the world was notworthy

Oh men of stout physical healthmen of great mental stature men ofhigh social position men of great pow-er of any sort I want yen to under¬

stand your power nail I want you toknow that that power devoted to Godwill be a crown on earth to you typicalof a crown in Heaven but misguidedbedraggled In tin administrative ofevil God will thunder against youwith Ills condemnation In the day whenmillionaire and pauper mnstei sadslave king and subject shall standside by side In the judgment andmoney bags and Judicial ermine androyal robe shall be riven with the light ¬

ningsYouwho are seated In your Christian

homes compassed by moral and reli-gious


restraints do not realize thegulf of Iniquity that bounds you ea thenorth and the south and tho east andthe west While I speak there aretens of thousands of men and wom ¬

en going over the awful plunge of anImpure life and while I cry to God formerry upon their souls I cry to you tomarshal in the defense of your homesyour church and your nation There Iita banqueting hall that you have nrrrrheard described You know all about thefeast of Ahasiierus where 1000 lordssat You know all about Delshazztrscarousal where the blood of the mur-dered king spurted Into the faces ofthe banqueters You know of the sceneof riot and wassail where there wasset before Aesopus one dish of load thatcost 400000 Hut I speak now of ndifferent banqueting hall Us roof isfretted with fire Its floor Is teasel¬

lated with lire Its chalices are chattedwith fire Its song is n song of fireIts walls arc buttresses of fire Solo-mon refers to It when he sayt Herguests are in the depths of hell

Our American communities are snffcrlng from the gospel of free lovlsntwhich 10 years ago was preached onthe platform sal In tome of thechurch of tide country I charge

bllghtrdinnumerableFreelovismInternalwith many thousands of divorces any

orIUIJIanone day before dinner It has rowedup cloprmonts north south east andwest You can hardly tnJUl a pa

Ptr but you read of an dopomcnt1s far as I elm uutcratllui the 110


Jelies wife and everywife somobodjelses hutbaml They do not like out

ffChristian organisation of society andthtmiwretches of one sex taking tho wretchmorroRnornintr for the great Sahara desertjiptil1 the tlmoom shall sweep sevenoarISSkMtnf caravan for the next 100 yon

xMirinR back one nilcerable bone of theftn areal Free lovltm I It UI the

c able distilled cornet of nut vomlcaitvlmnc and adlor tongue lover

Juili societygoes bark to the old BibleJjii heart Its eulogy of purity RndlItsJithtwa crlnllanncr untilI

lii m will this evil be extirpatedI nfJHohl also la this giant of the text



tiCjft In time giant of our own century

Aat physical Rower mutt cruststheimMJIxt hog ago went away He foughtuIjlieu Ile fought the phinUnettt tOIId fiht nythfag but deathhavefiaired a longer grave hat the

llMoTcrtheicts wit hit terminusllifclf then we are to Iw compelled to

n out of thin world whir are we tot01 This Ixvly andp1ul moot soont What shall he time deUry of-

t former I knowlust to dustIt ubat hll bl the destiny tt UH

jcr chI it ripe into the compaaIMNhP of the wiiitc robed whose alas

1l8Jri1 1555 slnn or will It lf° down< nc the ir cllvlnir who tried t-

In the world and sate their coolswent swindled out of lath HletttJ God we have a Chtwplon lieo ttrird la tie able A CbamfOoa

who hat conquered death and hl andrite iit seedy to >ht all our iMttlet

iffjKtm the lint to the last Who IIttki that eotacth up from Edam with

idytil garments from Boarah mightyfcJBttw If we follow in the wake ofHH Champion death baa He poweram tot grave DO victory The worstass trusting in Him shag here hitdyirc pangs alleviated and hit futureUtamUed

It the Iljrbt of this subject I waatto nil year attention to a taut whichally our liar bias rightly eonaideredam hat It the fact that we must beUrewhi into jodiwettt for the em

pinrut of oar pkjrtleal organism>utlr brain land footsee mustIT in judgment for the two wetrotd of them Urn they keepiHr the elevation of society or for

Iu i puoa In proportion aa oa-

rta strong and our step elastic willo account at iatt be IntensifiedT sand of sermons are preached toI w ids I preach this sermon toa r mea std healthful woaaen We-

n I r give to Oed an second for therip ute of this physical organismTf invalids kave eojMparatlveljr UttI 01 for 1erhep I TIMft J8tft N piK Twr-f 1k Wi liiHtita tvttkMlt ttttlBfLlrttb Meet Yet bow muck ninny let

ta tocOMOlitk Kltlnr ap lla jndffr at Maadlog betide the men and

IplysieelreleaI c naafratlon of rcilflom enthur i sta bow will we feel abashed Obi n of ike ttroog arm and the stoutiitvt whet use are you making of> nnr tbJto1 forces Will you beaNe tottaad the lest of that day whena5 amt answer for Ute use of everytalent nhether It wore a nhytlonlJ en-

try ar a mental acumen or a spiritnal peftlr7

The day approaches and I Ice onelo in tint wrhl ewe an Invalid said

Ie tb MantIS before the throne ofiCcd tt answer eke tayt I was sicka ng days I had but very littlettrettgUt but I did u wHI at I eouklIif being kind to those wise were scleratilt moil more uTriag And ChristMITI arri Well dene faithful serv-ant

And then a little child veill standt faro the throne and the will soy-mom earth I keel a curvature of thepine ami I was wry week and I wascry ili but I used to gather flowers

nut of the wiWwood and bring themto my sick mother and she was rom ¬

forted when she taw the sweet flowrrt out of the wildwood T diet not domuch but I did something And

l rut shall say ns HP takes her up Inli arms anti kisses hers Well donewell done faithful servant enter thoutno the joy of thy Lord What thenwin ho sold to on wa to whom theford gaver physical strength and continiiot hcnlth Hark It thunderstgilril The judgment tho judgment

I sold to an old Scotch ministerwho WM tine of the brat friends I everh d Doctor dll yon ever know HobT pollock tho Scotch poet ho-

wrCto The Courtc of Tlmef Oh

4 lIse replied I knew him wellI wai Ids classmate Aud then theogr went on to tell mo tow that

thewritiiip of The Comet of Timertbatlfted time health of Pollock tinlhe expired It scctn MS If no roanpotAj1 have such a glimpse of the dayforlwiilcli all other days were madei < TjDliert Pollock had and long suerlvtj that glimpse In the descriptionnf flint glimpse he tayt among olhettbthmgiRHf the woo re wiodt and tell It to the

iJattfv 1 windsAnd agjtful winds well Ip the howling

Aed piing htUs mourn to the dismal

And iflmfil vales sigh to the sorrowingfcfWkt

AR< jorrovJas brooks wetp +to the weepingOaw m

And wltplnif stream awtk the groaningf et> <

4t heavens great archway of tht universeput oaoKcoth on

And U lean robe tlyitlf In Ritrb of widow1jo

And gpfctr all thy wanes linto a grass andM ur It

fang ftJUd lep plerolntr dolorouo Im

Tht iatton asks It Nature I1tI1ndMgl come to lay her In hor grave

vmit Robert Pollock saw In pootJ-clrrl1wOll and I willIIceJn posl-tlmIUtllc judgment the judgment


Vlrst Session

Washington Pub 78fnRteMr VestIntrtMlucvO an amonilmwit to the finan ¬

cial Urn authorising the secretary of thetreasury tn Issue JaQWOU In htXea theunto tu tyvs i rljMu on thtrfr rareT Mond o atad to be full

team tender At vety tilt fallow ed overthe NtWHI Mr lwew-and Mrltlltrvw DIvruniun of thefinancial Mil was then rvnuiami tMerhrMfnn mad b> Air Turner Mr Oat anti

IpeenIMdlelomalletrainIbwiequokmnrinclpal feature blHK the M Mrteecttffhatreth la favor of m theDpvrQrlitaH war umitr the iTovltlon ofThe llaau treaty Tile dlplomatto billas passed carrtva tfM W

ltotlA bill In relation tu Cuban vvl rnwllldabethe i iWIc domain h4iWati1 amountsto about iAtut square used anrvyelfamilyIrfwWck JuUua It Krdrlek KmncU

anti Maurlrv Cwiwll survivors ofl lrnallc sltt exasqItln Qft the rllLortagtoJtIM81rftacthe teesI at a eaptnJithe un wry a nttag M rti vlafyR IMaal hovtsatwoItAaadrewpayAlherttalnwl te rescuing a shipwrecked crow ta-


1 akaianhowa 1114 I-UIeutana Y Isla trtu nitgapta tfmss rare Rise Ictu tile lnllmlandChpoIThedebatewere passed requiring twtaln Hirhi onr1ftoTllntoas to aHMMl tW set to rNv err

lain tqlustedaerI of tn navy sad marinecorpa imam to n rttoa se Mttermtteee s-uch reehert5de ale appMu

WLbiMttss I alateMr MUpea tIII htt resdeet M at his cotterfrk 1 lief The rrdet Is were m

treataclbfor rthe seusts saeualnra WM wr Ix

ct4 M ab4Isetio oa tM maur were cccweal of ta Mncalef On Ldawtna sad aa adjountMtvai WIlltaken until Mowlay

Itowav Ta house held r ly a short see-Plea and traMari4 HO eassnMN The-eveaing ss1n was <ltlM tu KTlvnlpmt Maeiday

Mil A4>owrnmMt was skeet

we atanN Ju 4ottateNi tt < he mal-Mam MInJ thla llriuhtnoatlaatar l n Iea otte4 a malMlUl

tin trweoc bMeenlb warring bolpaaon1 It we and al lb desk sadtWeeMalwYH thsenators biHTint aware of-

nature II1II 3ir Altai cursed to al+ w a rwuasMerwtton of uhr ear Mr

Alton will however nt>w ur < neDtih relspurpose The aoit m to rcnMr raw-not be sat off by rferrar lu a < mmltIr mn in rffvrl Iw will haw pieced IM-estrat directly on record A Mil lo prvi pay her rtttaoa mindtJtere uf thea pausedliaiseNutfollowsc11st t mI tin net y by providing sueorsfn s u wita a ttOIM valuedatsliera MJ-


w a the stilt Nato t r a-tI dt w-

oumanln sad nrU lo amai tae-ralloa trndrrd him by tbs shah uf Irsic lu auihiifli tar full rktg natalaf >

5Cs to i rcpt ordCn aM drnratlonrI tiflrrril lu hm bjr the > rtr M1 > ttrfft uX

Vneeuta Itrir Adm Mr7 T pny-aws II C Taylor K A fiflt U Impbee K E Ihrlwt k iml1 r Ooodrtrh< mman4rrs W W Mend J II iMylunK M Uyinund sod < V IV Tnld iritnthiprmissoe for tar rmlliin lit a br Inwtalus In Wajtalaarton In boner if OnVnncl K Spinner late irracurvr of litnllrd liaise cad uppCopcUttn HMW tot

a pedestal tor the Zca1on uf thefrigate Cure + tltutlon In wriumrr provMlag that the chip nlMMiM br minrod asnaatly aa nooalhli lo to otlntnal rnndlllonTae root of the day watt tfrvoi4 tu a dlOMtolun of the ftnil ariaI bil-

lhouseThe R prlvalpension bUN fayorWywhole upon by tow rommllire eat

at lat PrMar nights seabmwere passed A revolution In print n as l

Mph of < 1M reports of tlM IttlllpplntcxxomUvtoa was adopted MIU wr In iihitccaoprtaltns proxo for theII

Unculaa1a conx tlonaIru itb rTtrnpalni fund ji

of for InlltMfwIrur or IntlMMatlaa anadrheMkut the Union Imetfir rallrua Intile government an aMtrndatrnt to theIntorntittc oumtnrr law M a ta glv theeomralaolbtt icrmttrr powers prohlbtlluKthe Iranvportatlon otroI < med BOMIIt Wine District of CoiumlMa day theImoqs tan preeotlwl as the rnnoMerutlunof raisin rntallnr to the district


The League Was Cnllril lu Orilrr III

Crtilrnl Mn lc hull Clllrnicuielcunlp Wctcuiuci by the Stupor

Chicago Neb ISAt 1055 oclockMouday mornliif the antitrust conferepee willf < l by the AntiTrust leagueOHIIII to order In Central Mntlo hallIn this city Priwddunt I akwood ofthe executive committee oallod themeeting to order

Mayor Harrison weleoinmt thejfiicttU on behalf of tho oily He de ¬

nounced trnata In general at danger ¬

oils nnd threatening the Integrity ofthe nation The time had come Inmid tu do away with tniHtik Alreadyho continued the t>nnto oftho United States had Itcon reduced to a smallconventloii of the owners and reprtaeiitutlvca of tutu trust A few yoursuiore would two the IIOIIHC And ourjudtviary rcduwd to the steno eon ¬

dittoes In conclusion ho called uponthe duluffat to oehwlte the people toelect n logliilatlvo body to give forceto whatever schemo they decided uponfor the abolition of monopolies

Former Judge WlllUtni Prcntlss ofJIlliioU wns elected temporary chairtitan and nddreased thu conventionFranklin II Wontworth of Chicagowas elected temporary Hoorotnry

Ilntli Died SiutilcnlyWoston W Vn rah HMrR At

mint FnniBworth time third wife ofMI W Fnrniiworth was found deadin bed presumably from heart illsease Mr Fnrnswarthu second wifetiled Very suddenly and under muchthe name circumstances

Fire at the Ilrouklyn Navy YnrtlNow York Fob 18 Uulldlnif No 7

In the UrooUlyn navy yard occupiedby tho electrical L iilpmunt departimmt was destroyed by fire The lossIs 100000 equally divided betweenthf biiaii5 and inucMncr

aIwa +wawlalalrwanaauuulwa

I NaturcAbhorsaVacuumthing In the world stands stilt If

I you a e welt and strong d ty by day the j

ifSauueI t wrong

dlstAStdgtrmsIyouctnii Ifoods use ldita does this as nothing else n lies ere to getlfaodslIII l


Kent Rebuke 61yen1 n llmmlilj umnn liy n Jili In UorUInu

l1 toes

n a uVihhly drtised wotniabooed an IMmMt 1 a at lltrtyseventh street SIte btdown In tko o yv fat wttt b Mdc a jAjwC werkawa wUM rrtiiiaz a book Th man were ooveralls sad rritd a Htr pail II

wuMtoa drew hene1f l-

and vtavaiMl her atebi 7 IsiwMJmrEfrqfl1uUdChaukand behaved M > Nanaoiat y iatt tketiwa of tke of her Mtieoo> r in Ute war xmsattracted to h little deem

Whta tb teals ttaaoeU st lUaderahInert the wmaaa ta arewatrtpaet kaetlmiithey tlMadaII ltft1

with the rat 01 yourlad eery bOCIY than U served he-rhphiCiiy ftale Ottaa f


Owned It All iJTeka L flair m hit tatner day


nursedI bNsnet wet-

employee Iaof the taMMoats Iflats sadalleeeee diced t owl of takem aL sad n+ Jit

IeldIIJ he N tW dews Nyur

lea j m the reed 1now that 1

Mr llfcUr Ike toad belongs tomecf Ckreaifie


AN MM > ere ante le 1UTNAil PAHKLRMM UY RK at liter eater aH torn at wiretwMi >C HeW hey ai1dtugpst-

It a mtn deuce kU wile It tt mtrctrapotyal tkM if the neiykbort My she b aUrefy karacter AMuaaa OleU i

We think Pnos ItlorIIhD iUth only iadiria fin CMIM Jhaatalackrd 8pnB W ill Oct 1 1901




BartersLittle Liver Pills

Must Door Signature of

5ee Fac >SImlU Wrtppcr below









ese131PeatyTc wMMrr Mew

cC I


ACHEDYSPEPSIANor dIx Tears 1tva a vlctbu ordTDthloifbutnot retain sad divrtt oven that Last tlb I

begin ukiee CASCAHBTS atxl slave UML 1bare ttcadDy iBinruved until 1 am tt Kelt as 1ever was i a mr JUe

UAVID 11 Mfitrnr Newark O


CURE CONSTIPATIONatrna xdr rpa Iep Mwnl I rrt eel



t WHiiinirc lamest f cud Ii sue v rI tta UIS Wrdea 11u u

IIkCC iet kDIUldun lbtUbsCroo ia1If lkuuelkII

slhjarIarl IhdlJIiaj

Wnib 9100 rr 14 est 1 Tu>

Atot III rllt worlU 8100 w willmull pee bee toMtbr with oarCFI talfIUIU about

a POTATOnpanrooli lotttroutlndsodIk-oowwhorootemps Yo

our l1llciserLendI TOU wilt pftr do without

atl t elaan Hlrer IUe rcttazttoitTomato Gaut onuth i a li jails Ie 8IUKH IUD co Li CIOMK IiiNlBtvOtg Ne s

DtBalls t


Cures Croup and Whooping Cou hUnoxcollcdforConsumpUvca GlvCd

quick sure mull Refuse tubitltutct i

Dr fiuirt Fillt tu rt Bitiounnu THaI toffy

FREEA O gTIRArlJa ON jScnsr1dMnstheroJtoVA1Nlll11lIhltatAhsYSir is