the enterprise (williamston, n.c.) 1931-03-10 [p page...

Tuesday, March IQ, 1931. Engagements dob Mattings Wtddhp Personals Return From Raleigh Mesdames R. J. and E. S. Peel, re- turned Saturday from Rahigh where they had been visiting for several days. \u2666 Spends Week-End Here v', Mr. Pat Johnson, of Raleigh and Pantego, spent the week end he.e with friends. Visitor Here From Norfolk Mr. Sidney Barnes, of Norfolk, spent the week end here with Mr. Bill Spivey. Pass Through Here Mr. and Mrs. J. Fernando White, of Edenton passed through here yes- terday en route to Raleigh, where he is representing Chowan County in the State Legislature. Attends Meeting Here Mr. R. I. Leak, of Robersonville, attended the county teachers meeting here Saturday. From Wilson Miss Mary Alice Dunning, of A. C. College in Wilson spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning. Attends Teachers Meeting Mr. W. E. Pyler, principal of the Hamilton High School, attended the county teachers meeting here Sat- urday. Here Last Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. John Gillam, of Windsor, were here last Saturday, on their way to Washington where they went to see their son Bond Gillam now in the Washington Hospital. Attend' Teachers' Meeting Messrs. Tern Davenport and H. M. Ainsley, of Oak City, attended a meeting of the county teachers here Saturday. I is it Mrs. A. J. Manning Mr. and Mrs. James Manning and little son James Jr, of Seven Springs, N. C., spent the week end here with Mr. Manning'smother Mrs.] A. J. Manning. Attend Meeting Here i Mr. S. T. Everett, of Roberson-I ville, Mr. Henry Green and James L. Coltrain, of Williamstcn route 2 and 4, attended an executive meeting of : the Martin County Fre Insurance Company here Saturday. Js[ew spring HATS L / jjfl $3. s# tl^ss. 00 All the new shapes and shades for spring with full silk linings to match?if you want to be well-hatted and economical at the same time see our new hats for spring wear today. Margolis Bros. Middlemen Do Not Dip Into Life Insurance Money Cost/ *eSar" In st32 M EVEKY man who has anything to do with the transfer of an estate dips into it. The more middlemen, the less left for wife and children. Life insurance passes direct to the heirs; it does not go through a single hand enroute. It pays no court costs, collection costs, attorney's allowances, broker's commissions, guardian allow- ances nor trusteeship costs. Of every dollar, exactly one hundred cents go to wife and children. No matter who pays, a man or his family, avoid- able expense is waste; an hour's talk with a Life In- surance man may save your estate a depreciation of from ten to twenty^ve^percent. W. G. PEELE SPECIAL AGENT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA rtIILKHID IVUtV Society & personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor PHONE Anything lor Thii Deportment Us 46 THE &NTER PR IS g From South Hill, Va. Mr. Dick Clayton, of South Hill, Va., spent the week end here with friends. Here From Murjreesboro Mr. H. Pace, who is employed by the Government at Murfreesboro, spent the week end here with his family on West Main Street. PEEL-GRIFFIN Miss Rosa Peel, of Griffins town- ship, and Mr. Heber Peel, of Bear Grass township, were married at the ! home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Griffin lastf Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock by Elder E. Rogerson, of Bear Grass, j performing the ceremony. Only a few close ffiends of the contracting couple were in attendance. Mrs. Peel is the attractive daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzi Griffin, of Griffins township, and hus many friends in this section. Mr. Peel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peel, of Bear Grass township, and is a prosperous farmer in that section. Jamesville Bridge Club)[s Entertained The Thursday Night Bridge Club of Jamesville met with Miss Ella Moore Davenport at her home in Jamesville on March sth. After sev- eral progressions, Miss Davenport served a delicious salad course. Members present included Misses Louise Paxton, Edith Stallings, Ca- Visitor Here Saturday Elder Cowin, of near Bear Grass, ! was a visitor here Saturday. gm M alis-Orleans The citizens of Wililamston and j | community will be interested in the following announcement received here last week by fritods of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Orleans, former resi- 1 dents off Williamston: i Mr. and. Mrs. Nathan Orleans, an-1 nounce tie mart i:ige>(>f Jheir diugh- ; ter, Minnie to Mr. IrvWfc H. Malis, on Wednesday February 11th, at New York City. ; From RobcrsonvUle Miss Eva Peel of 1 spent the week end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel. Visiting His Sister Mr. John Giving, of Evansville, j Indiana, is visiting his sister, Mrs, 1 H. Pace here for several days. | ? I Visits Relatives Here I .Mr. Henry Clinton James, of N'ew- I port News, Va., visited relatives j here last week. In Plymouth Saturday Mesdames. C. B. Roebuck, J. T. 1 Price, J. (). Manning and Bill Weig-| man attended a church meeting ini Plymouth la-.t Saturday. v Visiting Mr. and Mrs. King j Mrs. Pattie King, of Wilson, isi visiting her son, Mr. Ji niKling' and Mrs. King. Return To Williamston Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darden, are pleased to know of their i return to Williamston where Mr. Darden is associated with the Young Meicantile Company. 1 Here From l arlxno Mr. and Mrs. Reddick Robcrson! and daughter, Kathleen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Browning, of Tar-! Iboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. | ! Manning here Sunday. Visit Friends Here Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Ed- wards, of Robersonville, visited | friends here Sunday. ! Spend Sunday in Bethel Mr. and Mrs. David Keel, s|)ent Sunday in Bethel. I ? Mrs. CHtcher Improving Friends of Mis. B. A. Critcher, 1 will be glad to know that she is J showing some improvement from her ( recent operation. Mrs. Critcher, has been'critically ill, but a gradual im- provement is luoked for now. » Visits Friauls Here Mr. Ed Edgerton, of Wilson, visit- ed friends here Sunday. ? Spends Week-Find Here Miss Martha Louise Anderson of Dunn, spent the week-end here with Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson. ? 1 ? Returns From Mew Y'orl' Mr. Grover Hardison has return- ed from New York. ?4 Returns to Dunn Mrs. Ramond Mc Kinzie of Dunn, returned home Sunday after spending the week here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Hassell. Returns To Norfolk Miss Perry of Norfolk, has re- turned to her home. She visited Mr. and Mrs. Rush Bondurant during the week-end. \u2666? : ? Spending .Week Here * Mrs. Tom Anderson of Wilson is spending this week with her sister ' Mrs. Henry Harrison and Mr. Har- rison. From Greenville Miss Virginia Harrison of E. C. T. C. Greenville spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harrison. Attend Furural in Plymouth Among those who attended Mrs. Hornthal's funeral in Plymouth Sat- urday were: Mesdames Liza Carstar- phen, A. Hassell, J, H. Saunders, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, J. W. Watts, Rome Biggs, Misses Delphia Peebles and Irene Smith. In Toum Saturday Mr. Bob Bailey, of Williamston route 2, was a visitor here Saturday. mille Flemming, and Fannie L. Mar- tin; Mrs. Charles Davenport, and Mildred Hedrick. Invited guests were Louise Roebuck, Annie Hor- ner, Ocie Walters, Ella Mae Gay- lord, and Ruth Modlin, Joint Hostesses Friday Afternoon Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr., and Mrs. Robert F. Heydenreich entertained last Thursday afternoon with a, tea for Mrs. Robert Lee Coburn, who before her marriage last month was Miss Martha Harrison. The living room where the hos- tesses and the honoree received was charmingly decorated with yellow jonquils against a green background of pine and other green plants. The dining room was arranged with the same color scheme of yellow and green, vase of jonquils and butter- cups being placed in attractive man- ner there. On the table a lovely Ve- netian lace spread was ttsed with appointments. In the center was a huge bowl of narcissi and mai- den-hair fern, and on the sideboard was a like bowl of vari-colofed hya- cinths, green candles shedding a soft glow over the room. The arriving guests were met by Mrs. Watts and received by Mrs. Coburn and Mrs. Heydenreich. Mrs. Watts wore a poppy-colored after- noon gown. Mrs. Coburn also wore a poppy-colored gown trimmed with white seal. Mrs. Heydenreich wore a light blue gown trimmed with oriental blue. Everett invited the gu&tft'to the dining room, where re- freshments of ice cream and cake with mints and nuts were served by Misses Eugenia Hoyt, Elsie Andrews Lucille Hassell, and Marguerite Cook. Mrs. Maurice Watts and Vel- ma Harrison jxjured coffee from sil- \u25bc. C. ROUNTREE, M. D. PBIXACBA A SPECIALTY If you hive many of the following symptoms, I have the remedy, no mat- ter what your trouble baa been diag- nosed; Nerroutueu, itomach trouble, loaa of weight, loaa of deep, aore mouth, hurting in back of bead, aboulden or back, peculiar awimmiag la bead, frothy-like phlegm (a throat, passing of mucoul from the bowela (especially after taking purgative), burning feet, yellow or brown akin, burning or itch- ing akin, rath on hands, face and arm* resembling sunburn, chronic eonstipa- tion, (sometimes alternating with di- arrhoea), copper or metallic taste, al> "\u25a0 sensitive to sua beat, forgetfnlness, despondency, thoughts that yon might loea your mind, gums red and (ailing away from the teeth, general weakness, loaa of energy, aad look older than you are. If you pave aumr at these eywp- toms, have takea all kusda ofmedicine, and are still sick, I especially want YOU to write for my FREE booklet, quae* tionnaire. And diannobi«, W. C. Rountree.M- D., BOX 1150 "Dept. 47-J, Austin, Texas." ... - ' »Vll_l_lAMS TO,, .MORTH^CAIJOJJJNA^ ver ums. Over a hundred and fif- ty guests called during the after- noon. » » ; NOTICE OF SALE | Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. Latham and wife, Caroline Latham, to the undersigned Trustee, dated 22nd; day of May, 1930, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of ( the holder of said bond, the under- signed Trustee will, on the 21st. day of March, 1931, at 12 o'clock, Noon in ,front_ of the Courthouse door of Mar- tin County, offer for sale to the high- est bidder, for cash, the following des- cribed land: ! A house and tot in the.Town of Wil- liamston, N. C., bounded by the lands of West Woolard, Gus James, John- son and Pearl Street, and being the same land listed for taxes for the year 1927 by William Latham, j This 20th day of February, 1931. B. A. CRITCHER, , f-24-4t Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue ot the authori- ty conferred upon us in a deed of tru<t : executed by VV, O. Council and wife, ! Charlotte Council on the Ist day of ' April 1926 and recorded in Hook X-2, Pag? 267-268, we will on Saturday the 14th day of March 1931 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Mar- tin County, Williamston, N. C. sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: i All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Goose Nest | Township, Martin County and state !of North Carolina, containing 122 acres, more or less bounded on the N. by the road from Oak City to Speed. I N. C. on the E. by the lands of I Ishmael Rynian, on the S. by the lands of 1). L. Brown and on the W.I Iby the lands of S. Green and Son, ami j more particularly described as follows, I to-wit! r* r* ? j Beginning at a bridge on the Oak! City and Speed Road where the saul ?road crosses Cain liranch, thence N. 52 jW 16 poles N 65 1-2 W 70 poles N 72. 11-2 W. 48 poles, S. 12 1-2 W. 176! poles to Cains Branch, then ce along! I Cains Branch to' the beginning, a> shown by a map of same made by Win. R. llyuian, Sureyor mid of re- cord in Land Division Book No 3 at I page 93. This sale is made by reason of the failure of W. (). Council and wife Charlotte Council to pay oft and dis ! charge the indebtedness secured by I isaid deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re- I quired from the purchaser at the sale. ) This the 27th ilav of January 1931. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF, DURHAM, Durham, N. ('. f-17-4t , Trustee. ! NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of Re-sale | in the Special pending jin the Superior Court of Martin ! County entitled N. I'. Wiliams, Ad- ministrator, vs. Lel'u Cjburn et als, the i bid at a former sale having been' raised,-as- provided -by law, the under signed Commissioner, will, < n Mon- day. the loth day of March, 1931, at ! 1.2:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse The BEST Gray Hair Remedy Is Home Matie To half pint of water add niM oneounce bay rum, r. unull Wr JB box of Burbo Comj>oun<l and one-fourth ounce of VJfkjv glycerine.* Any druggist V can put this up or you can it at homo at very little cost. Apply to the niLjv hair twice a week until W the desired nhada ia ob- tained. It will gradually darken gtraakad. fadod or any hair and toaka It «ofl and rloaav. lt<urbo will rot o lor tha i.-alp, h uot tUclty of graa y urnl Juti i.ut tub vC. Superior Court of Pitt County in the above entitled action, I will, on Men- day. April 6, 1931, at 12 o'clock, Noon, lin front _of the Courthouse door of | Martin Count sell to the highest bid- der, for cash, to satisfy said execution all the right, title, and interest which the said. C. L. Roebuck, the defendant, has in the following described tracts of land: j First Tract: A tract of land in Pop- lar Point Township, Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining V, G. Tay- i lor, J. (i. Statoii, Conoho Creek, and ; ihe Williatnston and Hamilton Road, i Containing 245 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 1 as described in Land Division Hook' Second Tract: Beginning at the Martha W. Purvis heir-. Corner on the 1 Williamston and Hamilton Highway, thence South,3s degrees 15 minutes W 32.10 chains along the line-of the Pur- vis heirs land to Stanley l,.e«gett's heirs corner; thene,up the Leggett heirs line to M. (). Taylor's corner; - thence N 36 W 22.35 chains to a corner in the Wil iamston and Hamil- ton Highway; thence following along the said Highway back to the starting point. ( ontainihg 65 »a« res, more or less, saving and excepting from the operation of this deed the life estate I of the grantors. This conveys 32 1-2 acres or a one- half interest of the grantors in the <>s acre tract above described. This 28th day of February, 1931. C. B. ROKBUCK, 1 m3-4t Sheriff. 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever 66 6 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD THE "MILKY" WAY TO HEALTH >/f ' . . j A glasi at -Hoiid milk every ,1 day is a gla-s of h alth. For ; young, ami old ther«'> nothing I inure wholesome anil Inneikiil. Ensure a . i ifi mi rdairy > upply . of |>ur,e, clean milk by having it delivered to your h m \u25a0 -fn m our sanitary dairy every day. i I'lit your family on tlie "Milky ! Way" to good health, phone 3221 and place your order to- j clay. EDGEWOOD DAIRY Frank Wenver, Mgr. (few-SPRINO FASHIONS ustA&f a\(> Jo:e/t/ f ' ' ? _~ -.1 SMART DRESSES BEAUTIFUL COATS Mpfjill \u25a0 ' CHIC HATS JB|r |j|| DAINTY SLIPPERS , )|| |/ J \u25a0 L- » < \u25a0 ?? : 1 ?: n ? ? ' * -s,- Here you willfind the answer to your problems. With all Necessary Accessories at Prices you can afford to Pay. ? ? - Visit our store and you will be &ma2ed to note the savings by companions. < Margolis Bros. door of Martin County at Williams- ton, North Carolina, offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash thi following described lands, to- , wit: Bounded on the North by Hyman Warren; on the £ast by David Grimes; on the South by N. P. Wil- liams and David Grimes; and on the West by tract of land commonly known as the Joe Bullock Farm, con- ! turning 11 3-4 acres, more or less. 1 his the 28th day of February, 1931 A. K. DUNNING, * jin-3-4t Commissioner. ? NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION | Notice is hereby given that I have ;tliis day qualified as administrator of the estate of London Loyd, late of j Martin County. j AH persons holding claims against | said estate are hereby requested same to the undersigned for payment on or befpre the 20th <fay of P"eh. 1932, oi this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of the same.' All persons indebted to said estate ivill please come forward and make immediate payment of same. This 20th dav of February, 1931. W. C. CHANCE, Administrator. jtn-3-4t London Loyd. NOTICE OF SALE North -Carolina, Martin County?ln j.the Superior Court. T. R. Andrews vs. M. R. Peel, F. N. High smith et all The Defendant, F. N. Highsmith, will take notice that, an action en- 1 titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coun- ty, North Carolina, for the reforma- tion and correction of a certain deed , executed by D. S. Powell and wife Klla Powell to Virginia Highsmith and I F. F. Highsmith and for the feforma- | tion of certain deeds of trust executed Iby Virginia Highsmith and F. F. Highsmith to H. C. Norman, Trustee | for M. R. Peel, and the Defendant i will further take notice that he is re- I quired to appear at the office of the | Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar- | tin County, at the Courthouse in Wil- lianiston. North Carolina, on the 28th day of March 1931, and answer or de- mur to the Complaint in said action i or the plaintiff will anply to the court ) tor the relief demanded in said com- | plaint. This the 28th day of February, 1931. R. J PEEL, ni-34t Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County?ln i the Superior Court, jD. C. Mathews and W. S. Rhodes, Trading as Slade Rhodes & Co. vs. C. L. Roebuck. I'tulet, alul by virtue of an execution j directed "to the undersigned from the DR. C. J. SAWYER Specialist In EYE, EAR NOSE AND THROAT Will Occupy Office In Dennis Simmons Bld'g. WILLIAMSTON EVERY FRIDAY 9:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Beginning March 13th. PAGE THREE

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Page 1: The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1931-03-10 [p PAGE THREE] · Anything lor Thii Deportment Us 46 THE &NTER PR IS

Tuesday, March IQ, 1931.


dob Mattings


Return From RaleighMesdames R. J. and E. S. Peel, re-

turned Saturday from Rahigh wherethey had been visiting for severaldays.


Spends Week-End Herev', Mr. Pat Johnson, of Raleigh andPantego, spent the week end he.ewith friends.

Visitor Here From NorfolkMr. Sidney Barnes, of Norfolk,

spent the week end here with Mr.Bill Spivey.

Pass Through HereMr. and Mrs. J. Fernando White,

of Edenton passed through here yes-terday en route to Raleigh, where heis representing Chowan County inthe State Legislature.

Attends Meeting HereMr. R. I. Leak, of Robersonville,

attended the county teachers meetinghere Saturday.

From WilsonMiss Mary Alice Dunning, of A.

C. College in Wilson spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. andMrs. A. R. Dunning.

Attends Teachers MeetingMr. W. E. Pyler, principal of the

Hamilton High School, attended thecounty teachers meeting here Sat-urday.

Here Last Saturday ,

Mr. and Mrs. John Gillam, ofWindsor, were here last Saturday, on

their way to Washington where they

went to see their son Bond Gillamnow in the Washington Hospital.

Attend' Teachers' Meeting

Messrs. Tern Davenport and H.M. Ainsley, of Oak City, attended a

meeting of the county teachers hereSaturday.

I isit Mrs. A. J. Manning

Mr. and Mrs. James Manningand little son James Jr, of SevenSprings, N. C., spent the week endhere with Mr. Manning'smother Mrs.]A. J. Manning.

Attend Meeting Here iMr. S. T. Everett, of Roberson-I

ville, Mr. Henry Green and James L.Coltrain, of Williamstcn route 2 and4, attended an executive meeting of:the Martin County Fre InsuranceCompany here Saturday.

Js[ew spring


L / jjfl

$3. s# tl^ss. 00

All the new shapes and shades for springwith full silk linings to match?if you wantto be well-hatted and economical at the sametime see our new hats for spring wear today.

Margolis Bros.

MiddlemenDo Not Dip Into

Life Insurance Money

Cost/*eSar" Inst32 M

EVEKY man who has anything to do withthe transfer of an estate dips into it. Themore middlemen, the less left for wife andchildren.

Life insurance passes direct to the heirs; it doesnot go through a single hand enroute.

Itpays no court costs, collection costs, attorney'sallowances, broker's commissions, guardian allow-ances nor trusteeship costs.

Of every dollar, exactly one hundred cents go towife and children.

No matter who pays, a man or his family, avoid-able expense is waste; an hour's talk with a Life In-surance man may save your estate a depreciation offrom ten to twenty^ve^percent.




Society & personalsMrs. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor

PHONEAnything lor

Thii DeportmentUs46


From South Hill, Va.Mr. Dick Clayton, of South Hill,

Va., spent the week end here withfriends.

Here From MurjreesboroMr. H. Pace, who is employed by

the Government at Murfreesboro,spent the week end here with hisfamily on West Main Street.


Miss Rosa Peel, of Griffins town-

ship, and Mr. Heber Peel, of BearGrass township, were married at the !home of the bride's parents, Mr. andMrs. Alonza Griffin lastf Saturdayevening at 7:30 o'clock by Elder

E. Rogerson, of Bear Grass, jperforming the ceremony. Only a fewclose ffiends of the contractingcouple were in attendance.

Mrs. Peel is the attractive daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzi Griffin,of Griffins township, and hus many

friends in this section. Mr. Peel is theson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peel,of Bear Grass township, and is aprosperous farmer in that section.

Jamesville BridgeClub)[s Entertained

The Thursday Night Bridge Clubof Jamesville met with Miss EllaMoore Davenport at her home inJamesville on March sth. After sev-eral progressions, Miss Davenportserved a delicious salad course.

Members present included MissesLouise Paxton, Edith Stallings, Ca-

Visitor Here SaturdayElder Cowin, of near Bear Grass, !

was a visitor here

Malis-OrleansThe citizens of Wililamston and j

| community will be interested in thefollowing announcement received

here last week by fritods of Mr. andMrs. Nathan Orleans, former resi- 1dents off Williamston: i

Mr. and. Mrs. Nathan Orleans, an-1nounce tie mart i:ige>(>f Jheir diugh-

; ter, Minnie to Mr. IrvWfc H. Malis,on Wednesday February 11th, at

New York City.;

From RobcrsonvUleMiss Eva Peel of

1 spent the week end here with herparents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel.

Visiting His SisterMr. John Giving, of Evansville,

j Indiana, is visiting his sister, Mrs,

1 H. Pace here for several days.

| ?

I Visits Relatives Here

I .Mr. Henry Clinton James, of N'ew-

I port News, Va., visited relativesj here last week.

In Plymouth SaturdayMesdames. C. B. Roebuck, J. T.

1 Price, J. (). Manning and Bill Weig-|man attended a church meeting iniPlymouth la-.t Saturday.


Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kingj Mrs. Pattie King, of Wilson, isivisiting her son, Mr. Ji niKling' andMrs. King.

Return To WilliamstonFriends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred

Darden, are pleased to know of their ireturn to Williamston where Mr.Darden is associated with theYoung Meicantile Company.


Here From l arlxnoMr. and Mrs. Reddick Robcrson!

and daughter, Kathleen and Mr.and Mrs. Henry Browning, of Tar-!

Iboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. |! Manning here Sunday.

Visit Friends HereMr. and Mrs. John Henry Ed-

wards, of Robersonville, visited |friends here Sunday.

! Spend Sunday in BethelMr. and Mrs. David Keel, s|)ent

Sunday in Bethel.I ?

Mrs. CHtcher Improving

Friends of Mis. B. A. Critcher, 1will be glad to know that she is Jshowing some improvement from her (recent operation. Mrs. Critcher, hasbeen'critically ill, but a gradual im-provement is luoked for now.


Visits Friauls HereMr. Ed Edgerton, of Wilson, visit-

ed friends here Sunday.?

Spends Week-Find HereMiss Martha Louise Anderson of

Dunn, spent the week-end here with

Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

Anderson.? 1 ?

Returns From Mew Y'orl'Mr. Grover Hardison has return-

ed from New York.?4

Returns to DunnMrs. Ramond Mc Kinzie of Dunn,

returned home Sunday after spendingthe week here with her parents Mr.and Mrs. A. Hassell.

Returns To NorfolkMiss Perry of Norfolk, has re-

turned to her home. She visited Mr.and Mrs. Rush Bondurant during theweek-end.

\u2666? :?

Spending .Week Here*

Mrs. Tom Anderson of Wilson isspending this week with her sister

' Mrs. Henry Harrison and Mr. Har-rison.

From GreenvilleMiss Virginia Harrison of E. C.

T. C. Greenville spent Sunday withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G.Harrison.

Attend Furural in Plymouth

Among those who attended Mrs.Hornthal's funeral in Plymouth Sat-urday were: Mesdames Liza Carstar-

phen, A. Hassell, J, H. Saunders,Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, J. W.Watts, Rome Biggs, Misses DelphiaPeebles and Irene Smith.

In Toum SaturdayMr. Bob Bailey, of Williamston

route 2, was a visitor here Saturday.

mille Flemming, and Fannie L. Mar-tin; Mrs. Charles Davenport, andMildred Hedrick. Invited guests

were Louise Roebuck, Annie Hor-ner, Ocie Walters, Ella Mae Gay-lord, and Ruth Modlin,

Joint HostessesFriday Afternoon

Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr., and Mrs.Robert F. Heydenreich entertainedlast Thursday afternoon with a, tea

for Mrs. Robert Lee Coburn, whobefore her marriage last month wasMiss Martha Harrison.

The living room where the hos-tesses and the honoree received wascharmingly decorated with yellow

jonquils against a green backgroundof pine and other green plants. Thedining room was arranged with thesame color scheme of yellow andgreen, vase of jonquils and butter-cups being placed in attractive man-ner there. On the table a lovely Ve-

netian lace spread was ttsed withappointments. In the center

was a huge bowl of narcissi and mai-den-hair fern, and on the sideboardwas a like bowl of vari-colofed hya-

cinths, green candles shedding a

soft glow over the room.The arriving guests were met by

Mrs. Watts and received by Mrs.Coburn and Mrs. Heydenreich. Mrs.Watts wore a poppy-colored after-noon gown. Mrs. Coburn also worea poppy-colored gown trimmed withwhite seal. Mrs. Heydenreich worea light blue gown trimmed withoriental blue.

Everett invited thegu&tft'to the dining room, where re-

freshments of ice cream and cakewith mints and nuts were served byMisses Eugenia Hoyt, Elsie AndrewsLucille Hassell, and Marguerite

Cook.Mrs. Maurice Watts and Vel-

ma Harrison jxjured coffee from sil-


If you hive many of the followingsymptoms, Ihave the remedy, no mat-

ter what your trouble baa been diag-nosed; Nerroutueu, itomach trouble,loaa ofweight, loaa of deep, aore mouth,hurting in back of bead, aboulden orback, peculiar awimmiag la bead,frothy-like phlegm (a throat, passingof mucoul from the bowela (especiallyafter taking purgative), burning feet,yellow or brown akin, burning or itch-ing akin, rath on hands, face and arm*

resembling sunburn, chronic eonstipa-tion, (sometimes alternating with di-arrhoea), copper or metallic taste, al> "\u25a0

sensitive to sua beat, forgetfnlness,despondency, thoughts that yon mightloea your mind, gums red and (ailingaway from the teeth, general weakness,loaa of energy, aad look older than youare. Ifyou pave aumr at these eywp-toms, have takea allkusda ofmedicine,

and are still sick, Iespecially want YOUto write for my FREE booklet, quae*tionnaire. And diannobi«,

W. C. Rountree.M- D., BOX 1150"Dept. 47-J, Austin, Texas."... -


»Vll_l_lAMS TO,,

.MORTH^CAIJOJJJNA^ver ums. Over a hundred and fif-ty guests called during the after-noon.

» »


NOTICE OF SALE| Under and by virtue of the power ofsale contained in that certain deed oftrust executed by W. Latham and wife,Caroline Latham, to the undersignedTrustee, dated 22nd; day of May, 1930,and the stipulations not having beencomplied with, and at the request of

( the holder of said bond, the under-signed Trustee will, on the 21st. dayof March, 1931, at 12 o'clock, Noon in

,front_ of the Courthouse door of Mar-tin County, offer for sale to the high-est bidder, for cash, the following des-cribed land:

! A house and tot in the.Town of Wil-liamston, N. C., bounded by the landsof West Woolard, Gus James, John-son and Pearl Street, and being thesame land listed for taxes for the year1927 by William Latham,

j This 20th day of February, 1931.B. A. CRITCHER,

, f-24-4t Trustee.


Under and by virtue ot the authori-ty conferred upon us in a deed of tru<t :executed by VV, O. Council and wife, !Charlotte Council on the Ist day of 'April 1926 and recorded in Hook X-2,Pag? 267-268, we will on Saturday the14th day of March 1931 12 o'clock

noon at the Courthouse door in Mar-tin County, Williamston, N. C. sell atpublic auction for cash to the highestbidder the following land to-wit:

i All that certain tract or parcel ofland lying and being in Goose Nest

| Township, Martin County and state!of North Carolina, containing 122acres, more or less bounded on the the road from Oak City to Speed. IN. C. on the E. by the lands of IIshmael Rynian, on the S. by thelands of 1). L. Brown and on the W.I

Iby the lands of S. Green and Son, ami jmore particularly described as follows,

I to-wit! r* r*?

j Beginning at a bridge on the Oak!City and Speed Road where the saul

?road crosses Cain liranch, thence N. 52

jW 16 poles N 65 1-2 W 70 poles N 72.11-2 W. 48 poles, S. 12 1-2 W. 176!poles to Cains Branch, then ce along!

I Cains Branch to' the beginning, a>shown by a map of same made byWin. R. llyuian, Sureyor mid of re-cord in Land Division Book No 3 at Ipage 93.

This sale is made by reason of thefailure of W. (). Council and wifeCharlotte Council to pay oft and dis !charge the indebtedness secured byIisaid deed of trust.

A deposit of 10 per cent will be re-I quired from the purchaser at the sale.

) This the 27th ilav of January 1931.I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF,DURHAM, Durham, N. ('.

f-17-4t , Trustee. !

NOTICE OF SALENotice is hereby given that under

and by virtue of an order of Re-sale| in the Special pendingjin the Superior Court of Martin

! County entitled N. I'. Wiliams, Ad-ministrator, vs. Lel'u Cjburn et als, the

i bid at a former sale having been'raised,-as- provided -by law, the undersigned Commissioner, will, < n Mon-day. the loth day of March, 1931, at

! 1.2:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse

The BEST Gray HairRemedy Is Home Matie

To half pint of water addniM oneounce bay rum, r. unullWr JB box of Burbo Comj>oun<l

and one-fourth ounce ofVJfkjv glycerine.* Any druggistV can put this up or you can

it at homo at verylittle cost. Apply to the

niLjv hair twice a week untilW the desired nhada ia ob-

tained. It will gradually darkengtraakad. fadod or any hair and toaka It «ofland rloaav. lt<urbo will rot o lor tha i.-alp,

h uot tUclty of graa y urnl Juti i.ut tub vC.

Superior Court of Pitt County in theabove entitled action, I will, on Men-day. April 6, 1931, at 12 o'clock, Noon,

lin front _of the Courthouse door of| Martin Count sell to the highest bid-

der, for cash, to satisfy said executionall the right, title, and interest whichthe said. C. L. Roebuck, the defendant,has in the following described tractsof land:

j First Tract: A tract of land in Pop-lar Point Township, Martin County,North Carolina, adjoining V, G. Tay-

i lor, J. (i. Statoii, Conoho Creek, and; ihe Williatnston and Hamilton Road,i Containing 245 acres, more or less, andbeing Lot No. 1 as described in LandDivision Hook'

Second Tract: Beginning at theMartha W. Purvis heir-. Corner on the

1 Williamston and Hamilton Highway,thence South,3s degrees 15 minutes W32.10 chains along the line-of the Pur-vis heirs land to Stanley l,.e«gett'sheirs corner; thene,up the Leggettheirs line to M. (). Taylor's corner; -thence N 36 W 22.35 chains to acorner in the Wil iamston and Hamil-ton Highway; thence following alongthe said Highway back to the startingpoint. ( ontainihg 65 »a« res, more orless, saving and excepting from theoperation of this deed the life estate

I of the grantors.This conveys 32 1-2 acres or a one-

half interest of the grantors in the<>s acre tract above described.

This 28th day of February, 1931.C. B. ROKBUCK,

1 m3-4t Sheriff.


Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever66 6 SALVE



>/f '

. . jA glasi at -Hoiid milk every ,1

day is a gla-s of h alth. For ;young, ami old ther«'> nothing Iinure wholesome anil Inneikiil.Ensure a . i ifimirdairy > upply .

of |>ur,e, clean milk by havingit delivered to your h m \u25a0 -fn mour sanitary dairy every day. iI'lit your family on tlie "Milky !Way" to good health, phone3221 and place your order to- jclay.


Frank Wenver, Mgr.


ustA&f a\(> Jo:e/t/f ' ' ? _~ -.1


BEAUTIFUL COATS Mpfjill\u25a0 'CHIC HATS JB|r |j||

DAINTY SLIPPERS , )|| |/ J\u25a0 L- » <

\u25a0 ?? : 1 ?: n

? ? ' * -s,-

Here you willfind the answer to your problems.With all Necessary Accessories at Prices you can afford to

Pay.? ? -

Visit our store and you will be &ma2ed to note the savings bycompanions. <

Margolis Bros.

door of Martin County at Williams-ton, North Carolina, offer at publicsale to the highest bidder for cashthi following described lands, to-

, wit:Bounded on the North by Hyman

Warren; on the £ast by DavidGrimes; on the South by N. P. Wil-liams and David Grimes; and on theWest by tract of land commonlyknown as the Joe Bullock Farm, con- !turning 11 3-4 acres, more or less.

1 his the 28th day of February, 1931A. K. DUNNING, *

jin-3-4t Commissioner. ?

NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION| Notice is hereby given that I have;tliis day qualified as administrator ofthe estate of London Loyd, late of

j Martin County.j AH persons holding claims against

| said estate are hereby requested sameto the undersigned for payment on orbefpre the 20th <fay of P"eh. 1932, oi

this notice will be pleaded in bar ofthe recovery of the same.'

All persons indebted to said estateivill please come forward and makeimmediate payment of same.

This 20th dav of February, 1931.W. C. CHANCE,

Administrator.jtn-3-4t London Loyd.

NOTICE OF SALENorth -Carolina, Martin County?ln

j.the Superior Court.T. R. Andrews vs. M. R. Peel, F. N.

High smith et allThe Defendant, F. N. Highsmith,

will take notice that, an action en- 1titled as above has been commencedin the Superior Court of Martin Coun-ty, North Carolina, for the reforma-

tion and correction of a certain deed, executed by D. S. Powell and wifeKlla Powell to Virginia Highsmith and

I F. F. Highsmith and for the feforma-| tion of certain deeds of trust executedIby Virginia Highsmith and F. F.

Highsmith to H. C. Norman, Trustee| for M. R. Peel, and the Defendanti will further take notice that he is re-

I quired to appear at the office of the| Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar-| tin County, at the Courthouse in Wil-

lianiston. North Carolina, on the 28thday of March 1931, and answer or de-mur to the Complaint in said action

i or the plaintiff will anply to the court) tor the relief demanded in said com-

| plaint.This the 28th day of February,

1931.R. J PEEL,

ni-34t Clerk of the Superior Court.NOTICE OF SALE

North Carolina, Martin County?lni the Superior Court,jD. C. Mathews and W. S. Rhodes,

Trading as Slade Rhodes & Co. vs.

C. L. Roebuck.I'tulet, alul by virtue of an execution

j directed "to the undersigned from the


Specialist In



WillOccupy Office In

Dennis Simmons Bld'g.


EVERY FRIDAY9:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.

Beginning March 13th.