the eu enterprise policy

The EU Enterprise Policy

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The EU Enterprise Policy. Elements. The EU and risk taking European Enterprise Policy. The EU and Risk-taking. Risk-taking. Europe has too few entrepreneurs. This is due to economic reasons, to which cultural, societal, historical and legal reasons contribute. Risk-taking. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The EU Enterprise Policy

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• The EU and risk taking• European Enterprise Policy

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The EU and Risk-taking

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• Europe has too few entrepreneurs. This is due to

• economic reasons, to which • cultural,• societal, • historical and • legal reasons contribute.

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Risk-takingThe European Union has identified the most important of these to be:

– lack of entrepreneurial culture in schools, universities and other educational institutions,

– excessive punishment for “failure”– fear of loss of "control" of a company, – reluctant attitude towards risk taking.

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• The US economy has developed financial instruments to provide easy access to capital for high-tech start-ups, which have contributed to creating millions of jobs.

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Risk-takingInformation technologies:Information technologies:

• In Silicon Valley alone eleven new companies were formed every week and one was floated on the stock exchange every five days.

• Every year 300 venture capital companies invest US$ 1 to 3 billion in start-ups there.

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Risk-taking• Between 1981 and 1990 the value of

the PC industry, of which 70% of the firms were supported by venture capital, rose from 0 to $100 billion.

• Compaq(1982), Cisco(1984), Sun(1982), Oracle(1977), and Apple(1976) were all born with the aid of venture capital.

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• For several years Europe has been taking corrective measures to expand the venture capital markets, but these will not bear fruit until the medium term.

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Risk-taking• Europe’s performance remains

insufficient on three fronts:1.

• Companies in the early stages of development received only 7.4% of the total investments from European venture capital funds, against 34% in the USA,

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Risk-taking• which enables them to grow faster than

their European counterparts and to build up strong positions on the world market earlier.

2.• There is not always a sufficient

volume of truly innovative projects, capable of generating value rapidly.

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• In Europe, entrepreneurs find it more difficult to gain access to the capital market, which is more fragmented and less liquid.

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EU Enterprise Policy

• Aim: – The creation of a favourable environment

for enterprises and business in Europe

• Measures:– Reduced administrative burden– Improved quality of legislation– Facilitating rapid start-up of new companies– Creating an environment supportive to


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EU Enterprise Policy

• Treaty article 157:– Community should ‘ensure that the

conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the Community industry exist’

– Encourage entrepreneurial initiative– Encourage SME growth

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EU Enterprise Policy

• Instruments: – Multi-annual Programme for Enterprise and

Entrepreneurship• Enhancing the growth and competitiveness of business • Promotes entrepreneurship• Simplifies regulatory framework for business• Improves financial environment for SMEs• Easier access to community support, networks

Not about direct support to SMEs, but an SME policy

– Successor program from 2007: Competitiveness and Innovation Programme

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The EU and SMEs

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Supporting SMEs

‘We need to roll out a red carpet for entrepreneurs, not create red tape’

J.M. Barroso – President of European Commission, 2006

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Characteristics of SMEs

• SME = company with less than 250 employees, turnover up to 50 million €

• 23 million SMEs (99% of all) in the EU

• Key job creator (75 million jobs)

• Source of new (business) ideas

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Integration and SMEs

• Enhanced opportunities for internationalisation

• Increased competition from fewer, larger companies

• Sensitivity to change• Regulation and disproportionate

costs to SMEs

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Challenges for SMEs

(c) European Commission, 2006

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European Charter for Small Enterprises

• Created through Lisbon process – 2000

• Aim: SME support through improved legislative and administrative framework

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10 Key areas covered

1. Education and training for entrepreneurship

• Promotion of entrepreneurship and business knowledge in schools

• Business-related modules essential to education

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Related actions

• The European Enterprise Awards to local initiatives (start at minute 1)

• Mini-companies run by students

• Revision of bankruptcy law and warning system re: financial position

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Key areas covered

2. Cheaper and faster start-up

• Comparative cost with ‘competitors’• Catch-up for most burdensome EU

members• Encourage online registration

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Key areas covered

3. Better legislation and regulation

• Assessment of national bankruptcy laws

• Screening of new legislation towards assessment of SME impact

• Simplify competition legislation

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Related actions

• 60 laws withdrawn• 1,400 laws to be simplified• Dialogue with SMEs within SME

Panels• Encouragement of SME standards

participation (voluntary)• Help on law/regulations via SOLVIT

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Related Action

• Prevention of dominant position and price fixing– Attention to SME complaints

• Grants towards business start-ups up to 2 million euros in poorest regions= Favourable state aid legislation for SMEs

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Key areas covered

4. Availability of skills

• Training institutions and scheme adapted to business needs

• Lifelong training

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Key areas covered

5. Improving online access

• Electronic communication with public authorities including:• Advice• Applications• Tax returns

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Key areas covered

6. More out of the Single Market

• Advancing reforms in:• Electronic commerce• Telecommunications• Utilities• Public procurement• Cross-border payments

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Related actions

• Help towards finding suitable business partners abroad – Euro Info Centres– Innovation Relay Centres

• ‘Your Europe’ business information on other countries

• Public tendering and online solutions

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Key areas covered

7. Taxation and Financial Matters

• Taxation to encourage start-ups and SME expansion

• Improved access of SMEs to financial services

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Related actions

• Set-up of Joint European Resources for Micro and Medium Entreprises (JEREMIE) – bank and investment funds financing

• Framework towards risk capital encouragement and microcredits

• 60% extra spending on SMEs by Community in 2013

• Attraction of regional funds towards SMEs

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Key areas covered

8. Strengthen the technological capacity of SMEs– Support of technology dissemination

and adaptation– Cooperation on technology– Commercial application of knowledge– Community patent

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Related Action

• Competitveness and Innovation budget for 2007-2013 budget: €3.5 bn

• R&D funding towards SMEs €5bn for 2007-2013

• Introducing less complicated evaluation procedures for funds access

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Related Action

• INNOVA initiative for the exchange of successful solutions between business, universities, policy makers, investors, research institutes

• Training on IPR issues• European Design Prize

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Key areas covered

9.Successful e-business models and top-class SME support

– Best practice encouragement– Easy to access networks and services– Use of European Observatory of SMEs

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Key areas covered

10. Develop stronger, more effective representation of SMEs’ interests in EU and nationally

• Review of practices and social dialogue

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References• EU Enterprise Policy

• European Charter of Small Entreprises• EU SME Policy• Implementing the Community Lisbon

Program. Modern SME Policy for Growth and Employment, 2005

• Support Services Across Europe• SME Performance Review