the eurobachelor and euromaster children of the bologna process

1 NTU 7 th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 22 nd March 2007 Dr Ray Wallace School of Biomedical and Natural Sciences Nottingham Trent University, UK ECTN Management Committee ASET Executive Committee

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As part of the work in the EU project "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe", the European Chemistry Thematic Network ECTN developed a framework for a first cycle qualification in chemistry, the "Eurobachelor®". Following on from the successful introduction of the Eurobachelor® Label, the European Chemistry Thematic Network ECTN has now also developed a framework for a second cycle qualification in chemistry, the "Euromaster®". The Chemistry Quality Eurolabels Official Website for the Eurobachelor®, Euromaster® and Eurodoctorate is


1NTU 7th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 22nd March 2007

Dr Ray WallaceSchool of Biomedical and Natural SciencesNottingham Trent University, UKECTN Management CommitteeASET Executive Committee

2NTU 7th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 22nd March 2007

The Eurobachelor® and Euromaster – Children of the Bologna


3NTU 7th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 22nd March 2007

Presentation divided into 3 parts

•‘The story of the chemists’

•The wider picture

•Visions of the future for sandwich education


Part 1: The Story of the Chemists


The Eurobachelor Cometh

Raymond G WallaceThe Nottingham Trent University

& The European Chemistry Thematic Network

At a sometime UK Chemistry meeting in 2004………


The Eurobachelor® has arrived

18 months later at an Irish Chemistry meeting ………

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A Trademark registered by the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association

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The beginnings ……………


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The ‘Tuning Project’ is the HE institutions answer to the political decisions underlying the Bologna process

It involves almost 150 HE institutions in 9 subject area groups; apart from chemistry, these are: physics, mathematics, history, earth sciences, business, education sciences, nursing, European studies

The chemistry Eurobachelor® is a product of Tuning

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Aspects of the degree programme considered in the Chemistry Eurobachelor

•Learning outcomes (adapted from QAA benchmarks–UK)•Modularisation•Credit distribution•ECTS and student workload•Mobility•Methods of Teaching and Learning•Assessment, Grading•Quality Assurance

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Credit distribution:

• At least 150 of the 180 credits should deal with chemistry, physics, biology or mathematics

Compulsory modules (total of at least 90 credits): Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Biological chemistry Physics, Mathematics

Semi-optional modules (a minimum of 3 modules - 15 credits) from: Biology Computational chemistry Chemical technology Macromolecular chemistry ….and others, depending on the institution

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The developers …………..

ECTN Association

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ECTN is a network with over 120 members from 33 countries; apart from universities these include nine national chemical societies (DE, FR, GB, IT, NL, CS, SK, LT, SI)

ECTN also exists in the form of an Association under Belgian law - and is the ACCREDITATION BODY for the Eurobachelor®

Both the Network and the Association are open to the chemical community; further member institutions, chemical societies or other chemistry-interested organisations are always welcome to join the organisation

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International Accreditation NetworksInternational Accreditation Networks

ENQAEuropean Network for Quality Assurance

ECAEuropean Consortium for Accreditation

ECTN (Eurobachelor

-Label)European Chemistry

Thematic Network Association

More than 200 chemical societies and HEI in Europe

ENAEE ('EUR-ACE'-Label)European Network

for the Accreditation of

Engineering Education

All European Engineering Accreditation Agencies + FEANI, SEFI, CESAER,


Washington Accord

Engineering education accreditation process

Field Specific Generic

More than 40 members in Europe, mostly Quality Assurance/Accreditation Agencies + National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB), European University Association (EUA), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-

CEPES) and the Union of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations of Europe (UNICE).

European Scale

Global Scale INQAAHEInternational Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher


Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat, Austria; Fachhochschulrat, Austria; Akkreditierungsrat, Germany; ZEvA, Germany; FIBAA,Germany; ACQUIN, Germany;

AQAS, Germany; AHPGS, Germany; The Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), Ireland; Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO), the Netherlands/Flanders; Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT), Norway;

Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA), Spain; Organ für Akkreditierung und Qualitätssicherung der Schweizerischen Hochschulen (OAQ),


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The Eurobachelor - timeline

• 2001-2002: developed by Tuning Chemistry Subject Area Group

• May 2002: presented at Closing Meeting of Tuning Phase One in Brussels

• April 2003: adopted by ECTN Association Assembly in Prague

• October 2003: adopted by FECS (now EuCheMS) General Assembly (…from Cork to Vladivostok)

• April 2004: ECTN Association decides to offer ‘Eurobachelor Label’ to interested institutions

• September 2004: application to EU Commission for funding of pilot project for accreditation of the ‘Chemistry Eurobachelor Label’ accepted

• March 2006: end of pilot project

• Currently: ongoing discussions with European accreditation agencies for franchising the award of the Eurobachelor® Label

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•The Eurobachelor is about quality– : defining reference points on an international basis

•The Eurobachelor is about quality assurance– : evaluation and accreditation

•The Eurobachelor is about autonomy– : not a straitjacket but a framework to be applied as the institution


•The Eurobachelor is about flexibility– : it can readily be adapted as the needs of the subject change

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•The Eurobachelor is about transparency– : together with the Diploma Supplement it is an easily

understood qualification

•The Eurobachelor is about mobility– : it makes it possible for the graduate to move easily within

Europe, but also almost certainly throughout the world

•The Eurobachelor is about recognition– : even if the Lisbon convention is in force, institutions need to

apply it

•The Eurobachelor is based on ECTS and its correct application

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Planned or realised (as of Feb. 2005): Ba = 180 ECTS Ba = 240 ECTS VARIABLE ONE TIER

Planned or realised (as of Feb. 2005): Ba = 180 ECTS Ba = 240 ECTS VARIABLE ONE TIER


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Quality Assurance:

the ‘Eurobachelor® Label’

• The Chemistry Eurobachelor - A framework for a European first-cycle degree in chemistry

• In summary– It defines which competences a programme seeks to develop, or what its

graduates should be able to know, to understand, and to do– Is an aid to

• transparency

• the development of better-defined degrees

• the development of systems of recognition

• employability

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The Label Committee is drawn from Chemistry Departments in the universities of

• Complutense, Madrid

• Dortmund

• Institute of Chemistry, Prague

• Jagiellonian University, Krakow

• Technical University, Vienna

• Venice

• University M.-C Sklodowska, Lublin

• Technical University of Dresden

• Thessaloniki

• Helsinki

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Country Institution Bachelor in ECTS Credit


Valid for graduate



Technical University of Vienna - Technical Chemistry, "Bakkalaureat in Technischer Chemie" 180 04.09.2006 2006-2010


University of Ghent - Chemistry, "Bachelor in de chemie" 180 04.09.2006 2005-2009

Czech Rep.

Institute of Chemical Technology of Prague

- Chemistry, "Bakalář chemie" 180 14.01.2006 2006-2010

University of Helsinki - Chemistry, "Luonnontieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto, pääaineena kemia"

180 05.05.2005 2005-2009

University of Oulu - Chemistry, "Luonnontieteen kandidaatti kemiassa (LuK kemiassa)"

180 08.10.2005 2005-2009


University of Turku - Chemistry, "Luonnontieteen kandidaatin tutkinto kemiassa" 180 08.10.2005 2005-2009


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Chemistry, "Ptychio Chimeias" 240 04.09.2006 2006-2010


University of Szeged - Chemistry, "Kemia BSc" 180 18.04.2006 2006-2010

- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 240 08.10.2005 2005-2009

Ireland Dublin City University

- Analytical Sciences 240 08.10.2005 2005-2009

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- Chemistry, "Laurea Triennale in Chimica" 180 08.10.2005 2005-2009

University of Bologna

- Materials Chemistry, "Laurea Triennale in Chimica dei Materiali" 180 08.10.2005 2005-2009

University of Genova - Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (in 5 curricula), "Laurea triennale in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche"

180 04.09.2006 2005-2009

- Chemistry, "Laurea in Chimica" 180 18.04.2006 2005-2009

University of Napoli

- Industrial Chemistry, "Laurea in Chimica Industriale" 180 18.04.2006 2005-2009

University of Perugia - Chemistry, "Laurea Triennale in Chimica" 180 12.12.2005 2005-2009

University of Salerno - Chemistry, "Laurea in Chimica di Primo Livello" 180 04.09.2006 2005-2009

University of Trieste - Chemistry, "Laurea Triennale in Chimica" 180 08.10.2005 2005-2009

- Chemistry, "Laurea in Chimica" 180 12.12.2005 2005-2009


University Ca' Foscari of Venice

- Industrial Chemistry, "Laurea in Chimica Industriale" 180 12.12.2005 2005-2009

- Chemistry, "Licenciatura em Química" 180 04.09.2006 2006-2010


University of Lisbon

- Technological Chemistry, "Licenciatura em Química Tecnológica" 180 04.09.2006 2006-2010

University of Amsterdam - Chemistry, "Bachelor Scheikunde" 180 04.09.2006 2006-2010

The Netherlands University of Utrecht - Chemistry, "Bachelor Scheikunde" 180 04.09.2006


- (Hons) Chemistry 180 18.04.2006 2006-2010

United- Kingdom

Nottingham Trent University

- (Hons) Chemistry with Professional Practice 180 18.04.2006 2006-2010

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……… we have a template for a 3 year bachelor degree programme which is starting to gain a foothold in Europe

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Importantly the ‘Eurobachelor® Label’ is a trademark and as such does not apply to a

particular subject discipline…..

•It applies to any first cycle degree programme

•If other disciplines wish to award the label to their first cycle degree programmes, they have to apply to the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association to obtain permission to use the label

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….things however have the habit of moving on

In the autumn of last year the European Chemistry Thematic

Association launched its Euromaster programme for which

funding has been received from the European Commission

This label programme is expected to take off rapidly

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….things however have the habit of moving on

A Chemistry Eurodoctorate Framework discussion document

was issued in November 2006

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Part 2: The wider picture

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European Universities Implementing Bologna

…from the Trends IV document published by the European University Association in 2005

(acknowledgement Sybille Reichert, Christian Tauch) and Kate Geddie

EUA Programme Manager

…from the Trends IV document published by the European University Association in 2005

(acknowledgement Sybille Reichert, Christian Tauch) and Kate Geddie

EUA Programme Manager

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Degree Structures: Implementation of BA/MA/BSc/MSc at

national level

•Almost all countries have by now introduced the two cycles system

•Need for reforms is perceived very differently by the various disciplines and faculties: e.g. humanities, regulated professions

•Only medicine generally still excluded in most countries, but also teacher training and other disciplines still cause problems

• In some countries subject-specific coordination groups or pilot projects were considered very helpful for curricular development

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Degree Structures: Attitudes in Higher Education Institutes

•Most HEIs see advantages of the two cycles system

•Still a challenge: reorientation of curricula, focusing of contents

• In most HEI staff supported the underlying ideas of problem-based learning, a student-centred approach etc., even if they were critical of various aspects of the implementation

•Only in few HEI academics complained: Bologna was imposed on them, by the institutional leadership and/or by the ministry

•The introduction of BA/MA, modularisation, ECTS, etc. often implies a lot of extra work also for administrations Even ‘pro-Bologna’ staff ask for incentives, extra funding

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Degree Structures: Bachelor level (first cycle)

•Misconception that Bologna ‘prescribes’ in any way 3+2

•Some scepticism about academic value of 3 year degrees

•Content of traditional 4 (or 5) year programmes often compressed into 3 year: students fail and validates professor scepticism

• Justified concern about ‘one size fits all’ approach taken by many national laws imposing 3 year Bachelors: Some disciplines request more autonomy in designing their degree programmes

•Discussion still centred on nominal duration, not outcomes: Some universities don’t want to award same degrees as professional sector

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Degree Structures: Bachelor level (first cycle)

•BA/BSc graduates: labour market or Masters studies? Huge differences between countries. In UK, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey first degrees are well accepted by labour market

• In many HEI students felt badly informed about value of a Bachelors and plan to go for a Masters, often supported by professors

•Universities in some binary systems fear competition from polytechnics: Poly-Bachelor can be more attractive to employers (practical experience)

•Need for more dialogue with employers regarding Bachelor, including governments that must give clear examples in public service employment (career, service grades, salary)

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Degree Structures: Master level (second cycle)

•Despite Bologna-Consensus (300 ECTS): huge variety

•Re-questioning: international competitiveness of 180+60 ECTS

•300+ ECTS programmes continue to be popular in some countries (PL, HG) and disciplines (medicine, engineering)

• ‘Stand-alone’ Masters still the exception

•Tendency to create too many Masters programmes: no institutional strategy

•Masters programme often designed with narrow focus on preceding first cycle programmes. Vertical mobility as a threat, not opportunity

•Students worried about (lack of) public funding for Masters

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The two types of recognition systems in Europe The two types of recognition systems in Europe


Continental European Tradition

Having successfully passed an Engineering study programme at an institution of higher education qualifies the graduate to automatically become an engineer.


Continental European Tradition

Having successfully passed an Engineering study programme at an institution of higher education qualifies the graduate to automatically become an engineer.

IIThe Anglo-

Saxon Tradition

You must graduate successfully from an engineering study

programme, you then will have to establish proof of a certain period of further training on the job and

finally there will be formal test/interview by two well established colleagues.

IIThe Anglo-

Saxon Tradition

You must graduate successfully from an engineering study

programme, you then will have to establish proof of a certain period of further training on the job and

finally there will be formal test/interview by two well established colleagues.

Degree Structures: Professional recognition

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Degree Structures: Modularisation and Learning Outcomes•No European ‘template’ for creating course modules

•Many HEI have modularised their programmes (ECTS, TUNING)

•Students welcome the concept of modularisation but complain it often has been done superficially, not leading to more flexibility

•Bachelors curricula seem often more rigidly structured than traditional ones (many compulsory subjects and contact hours)

• In some HEI only vague notions of Learning Outcomes exist (esp. professors & students)

•Context of Learning Outcomes: Very positive reference to qualifications frameworks (QF) in DK and UK (curricular development, recognition)

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Key Facts

•According to the European University Association two thirds of institutions have decided to adopt the Bologna reforms as their own reform agenda

• In a third of European countries the Bologna reforms form an integral part of a wider review of the entire HE system, according to national rectors‘ conferences

•The Bologna Process is slowly but surely moving forward within Europe

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.….so in the medium term we are likely to see a 3+2+3 system embedded

throughout Europe

(In practice many institutions will probably continue to operate effectively an integrated 5 year ‘Master’ process)

(In practice many institutions will probably continue to operate effectively an integrated 5

year ‘Master’ process)

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Part 3:

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

• In the UK, in the short term probably very little

• In Continental Europe, in the short term, again probably very little

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

• In the UK, in the long term possibly the advent of change as to when and how we do things

• In Continental Europe, in the long term, possibly new developments

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

• Although Bologna does not preclude 4 year programmes, 3 year Bachelor programmes are likely to become the ‘norm’

•Sandwich education as we know it in the UK, is, with a few notable exceptions, not practised widely throughout Continental Europe – where it is seen, training periods tend to be of relatively short duration

• It is thus unlikely that we will see any sandwich Eurobachelors gaining hold

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

•Continental Europe– Traditionally university students have entered employment at the

Masters & many at the PhD level– There is unlikely to be any change in this practice in the medium term– There is an appreciation in many countries however that their young

people are relatively old when they enter industry

•UK– Traditionally the majority of students, particularly in the arts & related

disciplines have entered work at the Bachelors level– There is unlikely to be any change in this practice in the medium term– There is an increasing concern by a number of employers that

undergraduates at the end of year 2 have a relatively poor subject knowledge when they start their sandwich training

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

•Continental Europe– A shift to see that the normal ‘exit point’ from university is at Masters

level could be pursued if governments and employers seriously wish to do something about this age profile

– This might be tempting to employers if the masters programmes additionally contained work experience so that academic knowledge could be married with ‘hands on’ experience

•UK– In science 4 year undergraduate are common (MChem, MPhys etc) and

there are 5 year variants where a sandwich year is additionally taken– The idea that sandwich education could be incorporated in a 2 year

Masters programme might be an attractive proposition (at least for the sciences) – more academically knowledgeable students

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What does all this mean for sandwich education?

•If the UK and Continental were to move in these directions we could have a model for practically orientated education aimed at the world of work that might harmonise the two different traditions

•3 year Eurobachelor

•2 year Euromaster incorporating sandwich education

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Thank you for listening

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The Educational Techniques Group

Dyer’s Broom (Genista Tinctoria)

Thank you for listening. I hope that you have found this presentation useful.

Questions Discussion