the first copper you save is the seed from which …...“wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny...

“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath its shade.” The Richest Man In Babylon Subscriber Guide 401k, IRA, Roth, SEP, Pension, Superannuation & Other Plans

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Page 1: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed.

The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow.

The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow.

And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the

sooner may you bask in contentment beneath its shade.”

The Richest Man In Babylon

Subscriber Guide

401k, IRA, Roth, SEP, Pension, Superannuation & Other Plans

Page 2: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 2

Yes. We Hold Your Hand!

Investing doesn't have to be scary and it's not just for people with thousands of dollars in spare cash.

Let me cover some fundamental myths and truths first:

1) Your retirement plan does not allow you any control. 99.9% of them do.

2) It won’t work in your retirement plan. In fact, retirement accounts like 401k or Super plans are just

as good as a Discount Broker and in some cases better because in those retirement plans you:

Have access because virtually every plan has funds that mimic the stock market indexes.

Pay zero commission for moving your money from one fund to another within the plan.

Have no taxable event when you buy or switch funds within the plan.

Are typically paying the lowest management fees and if not switch to another fund in the plan.

3) All you do is contribute and wait. That is buy, hold, and pray and it has been proven not to work. Do

not be entirely passive. Be active or you could end up regretting it at retirement.

4) Someone else knows or cares more about your family’s retirement value than you? They don’t! If you

have children you know nobody cares more, right? Would you hand over your child to them for 40

years? This is no different, they care more about their children, not yours.

5) I’m scared and it’s too complicated? We understand that this may be your first time. Or, you had a

bad investment experience before. Its ok we get it. Just follow the instructions and you will regret

not having found this sooner. For those of you just starting, think of this: There are millions of

discount brokerage accounts around, why? Because there are millions of people who have taken

control, and even more who rolled their plans over after retirement. Here is another thought: Why

would your retirement plan allow modifications unless a large amount of employees use it? In fact, the

reason we exist is because employees around the world use the subscriptions for a portion, if not

all, of their retirement funds!

Here’s what to do immediately and step by step . . .

Call your “Retirement Plan Administrator” and ask them these three simple questions:

1. “Could you please tell me which funds in our retirement plan have the highest Morningstar rating and

most mimics the S&P 500 Index, The Dow Jones Index, and The Russell 2000 Index?

2. “Which fund in our retirement plan is the safest like a money market fund?”

3. “Could you please show me how I can login to see my investment options and make changes to my

retirement plan holdings and future contributions?

At this point you know precisely what investments are available, which one is the safest, and how to

make changes to your retirement funds. You now have a learned a step by step path to change your

financial destiny and beat 87% of investors around the world.

Page 3: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 3

Wait a second! You want to beat 95% of investors globally, not 87%, right?

This may be all you have to do to get there. Occasionally rebalancing the index funds and exit them

when markets turn bearish. These two techniques could increase the ending value of your investment

retirement portfolio up to 300%! For example, that means you could retire with either $10,000 or up

to $30,000, $100,000 or up to $300,000, $1,000,000 or up to $3,000,000.

Take Yourself To The Top 5%

Each of our subscriptions has a two page subscribers guide specifically written for you to follow. Just

follow the rules within each subscription as they are designed to help build and preserve wealth and to

put your retirement into hyper drive.

If you have any questions, you can ask them through our help desk.

You now have a learned a step by step path to change your financial destiny.

So, are you ready to retire sooner? We certainly hope so.

Page 4: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 4

Before we get into it, you have to setup your base mindset and understand that people like Benjamin

Franklin understood 18 extremely basic, but 100% proven and required lessons from experienced


1. Start Investing Immediately.

2. Don’t waste your life on work.

3. Don’t waste your money on lifestyle.

4. Happiness and money are not correlated. You can be happy and broke.

5. Being broke sucks because it limits your personal freedom.

6. Happiness is an experience – not a thing to be acquired. A fulfilling life is filled with experiences

– not stuff.

7. The essential pre-requisite to financial freedom has nothing to do with anything financial – it is

all about commitment. It is the first-cause that results in all subsequent effects. It is the

organizing force that makes it happen. This was true in my own life and, curiously, almost

nobody teaches this fact.

8. Once you are committed to financial freedom then you must arrange your life and support

structures in a way that literally pulls you toward achieving that goal with the least effort and

maximum persistence. Again, this has nothing to do with finance and is rarely taught by

financial gurus.

9. Commitment to financial freedom is next to worthless without a plan to achieve the goal. A

plan focuses all decisions and actions toward the desired end result. Without a plan your

results will be haphazard. With a plan you can reach the goal methodically and with relative


10. A plan to achieve financial freedom is next to worthless unless it is based on proven principles

that actually work. In addition, your plan must take into account your unique values, skills, and


11. Leverage is an essential principle of wealth building. Nobody achieves financial freedom

without it.

12. Investing is the essential skill every person interested in financial freedom must develop. You

must become a master investor since that is where your wealth will ultimately be parked

regardless of where it originated from.

13. When building and preserving wealth always maintain an income stream in excess of expenses

so that you can reinvest the savings for additional growth. Living off principal completely

changes everything.

14. Proper investment strategy is an actuarial discipline where you only put capital at risk when

you have a proven model with a positive mathematical expectation. Everything else is gambling

and will likely cost you over the long-term.

Page 5: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 5

15. The math of compound financial growth over very long periods of time is more complicated

than most people understand. The equations are simple in theory, but real life application is far

more complex.

16. You’re never truly financially free until your passive investment income exceeds expenses (and

even that has limitations due to inflation and changing business conditions). As long as you

depend on asset growth for any part of spending then you are in a race against inflation, market

fluctuations and time. Important Note: Living off assets creates a poverty mentality for

anyone with an actuarial brain and the sense to build the assets in the first place. It is not true


17. Retirement is over-rated. Meaningful work or some bigger purpose beyond self-indulgence is

an integral part of a fulfilled life. Rather than pursue retirement I’ve learned it is far wiser to

build a life so deeply satisfying that you never want to retire from it.

18. I discovered what I call the “Continuum of Investing and Business”. At one extreme is pure

business that takes all your time and the other extreme is passive investing in paper assets like

stocks and bonds that takes practically no time. Real estate investing is somewhere in the

middle… half business – half investment. Active paper asset investing is mostly investment with

a small component of business. Every business and investment strategy lies somewhere on the

continuum and it’s important to match your strategy with your personal goals and values. If you

don’t then it causes big problems and results in unhappiness – even when it is financially


19. Don’t get involved in a business unless the things you do each and every day are consistent

with your values and provide a fun, creative outlet. Life is too short.

20. Start

All of these 20 rules lead to why I share this information with you as a coach and mentor.

I’ve lived my life as a grand adventure in lifestyle design and experimented with my portfolio like a kid

playing Monopoly. My journey has crossed all categories of wealth building from Real Estate to

securities investments, business entrepreneurship, and paper assets.

It has been a curious life adventure where the things I learned are often very different from what the

books teach and what you would expect to be true. It was fun for me, but the truth is most people don’t

want that much adventure with their money.

I’ve spent a lifetime reading, researching, analyzing and experimenting with most facets of the

investment and wealth building game and have developed this report.

You can shortcut your journey to financial freedom by avoiding the mistakes I’ve made. Through my

own life experience and the experience of my personal coaching clients I’ve learned what works, what

doesn’t, and why, saving you time and money along this journey.

We are fellow travelers on the same adventure to wealth, freedom and a fulfilling life. It is a path of

growth and fulfillment where the process is more valuable than the carrot at the end. I offer you this

Page 6: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 6

document and all the future updates, not because I’m brilliant or perfect (just the opposite), but

because I’m a few steps ahead on this journey we both share and hopefully have something helpful to

offer that will make your path more enjoyable.

The journey to financial freedom is a life adventure where the greatest value is who you become – not

how much you make. It is a journey of learning, growth and personal transformation (with the side

benefit of a little extra money).

Many people want to know why I even bother writing or building businesses. The assumption is

something like, “Gee, if you’re so rich and smart then why do you still work?” Well, I alluded to it above,

but I want to develop it more fully because it is the current step in my life adventure and a valid

question for anyone to consider.

At the core of the 20 steps above are the lessons about financial freedom and what millionaires learn

that creates a fulfilling and happy life . . . at least for this author. It is a far different equation than I ever

imagined and much of what I’ve learned is contrary to what is commonly taught.

A life without goals and meaningful work is its own prison with its own limitations. While I can’t claim

to have mastered the art of happiness I do know enough to be certain that essential components

include creativity, contribution and connection – all found through meaningful work.

In addition, we are happiest when we express our deepest values through meaningful work. I have high

values on freedom and living life as an adventure. I love expressing my intellectual curiosity through

the wealth building tools and guides. I look at it as though it were adult Monopoly (except with real

stakes that make a difference in our lives).

I’ve also learned that nothing is perfect… including financial freedom.

100% passive income robs motivation to stretch into meaningful work, and 100% work limits freedom

and flexibility. The balance point as I see it now is a “lifestyle business” connected to my strongest

personal values providing meaningful work while also providing all the vacation a person could want –

the perfect blend between connection, contribution, and the pro-leisure circuit. It is an internet based

business that gives one all the freedom to connect, contribute, and be intellectually challenged.

I promise you that if you follow the investment guidelines and InterAnalyst subscriptions, it will greatly

accelerate your journey to financial freedom and happiness.

By the way, if you have any doubts about these rules, read Benjamin Franklins “The Way To Wealth”

Book he wrote more than 200 years ago, it will confirm them. It’s available in our eLearning library.

Now, let’s have fun on this journey.

Page 7: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 7

The 1926 book by George S. Clason called “The Richest Man In Babylon“ is simply an amazing read. The

parable tells us about a rich man named Arkad in Babylon who despite not having any special talents or

family wealth was now known to be the wealthiest man in all the land. His friends around him couldn’t

understand how he had become so wealthy when they hadn’t. So they asked him.

He responded by telling them how he had enough sense to know that he didn’t know everything and

that in order to become wealthy, he would need to ask someone who was wealthy what their secret

was. So when he found the opportunity one day, he asked a money lender who came to the hall of

records where he worked. The money lender told him:

“I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep. And so will you.”

We all have the idea that everything we earn is ours to keep, but if we really think about it we all have

things we need to pay for in everyday life. We have to buy food, pay for clothing, purchase or rent a

place to live and so on. If we really want to succeed, however, we must realize that a part of all we earn

is ours and that we must pay ourselves first. If we don’t the money will quickly disappear and none of

what we earn will be ours to keep. The teacher in the parable continues:

“A part of all you earn is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth no matter how little you earn. It can

be as much as you can afford. Pay yourself first. Do not buy from the clothes-maker and the sandal-maker

more than you can pay out of the rest and still have enough for food and charity and penance to the gods.

Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of

wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully

you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath

its shade.”

We must make our money work for us and make saving and

investment a priority. We need to plant that seed as early as we can,

and continue nourishing it so that the tree of wealth will grow and

give us shade in the long run.

Your self-esteem and confidence will grow right along with your tree

of wealth. Pick one or more of our subscriptions and you will have the

most addictive, exciting and enjoyable life venture you could ever


Start Immediately!

Page 8: The first copper you save is the seed from which …...“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow

Wealth Is Not Luck • Wealth Is A Learned Skill Set • Wealth Creation & Preservation Requires Discipline And Practice 8

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We are a financial publishing company that does not act as a personal investment advisor for any specific individual. Nor do we advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment for any specific individual. Subscribers should be aware that although our track record has been legally reviewed for this presentation, investment markets have inherent risks and there can be no guarantee of future profits. Likewise, our past performance does not assure similar future results. All subscribers receive regular communications with specific, timely signals and updated trading arrows and newsletters; however, you should not consider any of the communications by our company and employees to you personalized investment advice. Note that the proprietary signals and analysis we present is for the exclusive use of our subscribers and may not be redistributed.