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The Forecast Health & Wellness By Usbek & Rica I May 2015

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The Forecast Health & Wellness

By Usbek & Rica I May 2015

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!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

For their trend reports, the Usbek & Rica team has analyzed, selected and prioritized the collected information from a sociological, cultural, and marketing perspectives. To do so, they have used a variety of tools, both internal and external, combining:

•  Insights (analysis of research studies that have been published in the media)

•  Experts (interviews, fairs, conferences, seminars, round tables)

•  Daily watch (specialized websites, blogs, social media, print and online magazines)

•  In-situ observations (travel trips, shop visits, art exhibitions, films, advertising, the street)

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015



At Usbek & Rica, we’ve decided to conduct a trend report on health and wellness after observing over the past couple of years that the two have become closely related and complementary to each other. If health is about specific issues that require powerful and tailored medical treatments, wellness is more largely defined by day-to-day activities that are accessible to anyone. If health is mainly about a cure, wellness is more about prevention, and global consumers are increasingly aware that preventing diseases beforehand is preferable to having to cure them. As a result, consumers around the world are making lifestyle choices like exercising more often and eating and drinking better. The two main motivations behind this trend are the desire to stay healthy longer and the desire to reduce high medical costs in the future.      “Health is going mainstream. As consumers around the globe search for better, healthier

and smarter solutions that fit their lifestyle and specific needs, the motivation for manufacturers and retailers to foster strategies for a healthier world is powerful. But much more needs to be done.” - Susan Dunn, executive vice president, Global Professional Services (Nielsen, February 26, 2015) What’s particularly interesting in consumer healthcare is the multitude of intersections it has with other categories-- technology, nutrition, beauty, sports, work, and more. According to experts, healthcare is an industry that is ripe for disruption, and such intersections are what will make future improvements so promising! Today, much is already being done to improve consumers’ health-- in 2015, according to federal gove r nmen t s t a t i s t i c s , hea l t hca re expenditures in the U.S exceeded $3 trillion and represented 17% of the nation’s GDP-- but much more will definitely come in the future.

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Experts : we’ve interviewed them, they’ve helped us

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Alexis Normand is responsible for p a r t n e r s h i p s w i t h h e a l t h professionals at Withings. His background stretches from public policy to health industry reforms. He used to work at Sa int-Gobain and Booz & Company, in the public sector. He joined Withings with the intuition that connected objects are the new niche for intelligent prevention in an aging society, and the heralds of a revolution in healthcare.

Laurent Alexandre is a French surgeon, urologist and pioneer in the field of early online medical discussion and advice platforms in France. Laurent Alexandre is a t r a n s h u m a n i s m a n d biotechnology expert and he frequently participates in debates in the media as en opinion leader. In 1999, he co-founded the consumer healthcare website In 2004, he created DNAVision, a Belgian company focusing on DNA sequencing.

Tina Motaye first started to work in management consulting and is a volunteer at The Art of Living today. Breathing techniques have helped her feeling better in her daily school and then work life. They he lped her improve concentration, brought her lots of energy, allowed her take perspective on her own life and improve her relationships with others.

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Part 1

The Global


1 Industry grows at a healthy pace The global healthcare industry continued to grow slowly but steadily at a rate of 2.4% from 2013 to 2014, which is more than one percentage point lower from previous estimates. The year 2014 brought some growth difficulties in the United States and witnessed the rise of the US dollar, while China, Brazil and Russia experienced a slowing down during the same period of time. Still, the industry as a whole is growing, and companies focusing on prioritizing and relevance, managing threats and focusing on selective geographic investment are keeping on top of the market and building new routes of growth. Source: Euromonitor, 2015

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2 An aging population The global population is expected to age dramatically in the upcoming years. The number of senior citizens worldwide has quadrupled, going from 200 million in 1950 to 809 million in 2014. This number is expected to reach around 1 billion in 2025, and 2 billion in 2050. Following this logic, the age structure of public health expenditures will change accordingly. In 2010, the age group of 65+ absorbed 40% of health expenditures, whereas they represented 15% of the population. In 2060, they will represent 30% of the total population and absorb almost 60% of public spending on health. Nevertheless, they will age in better health conditions than in the past and therefore consume less health care products and services. Besides, medical staff and equipment will need to adjust to these future demographic changes. Only about 7,000 certified geriatricians are practicing in the US, roughly one for every 10,000 expected seniors. Source: Euromonitor, 2015; OECD

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

3 Emerging markets will be a key driver With the exception of Hong Kong, the 23 leading health and wellness growth markets are emerging economies, although they remain relatively small. Because of rapid social and economic change, developing markets are now also facing diabetes, obesity and depression. In Vietnam, obesity in the population aged 15+ rocketed by 92% from 2008 to 2013, while it rose by 57% in China and 37% in India. In China, about 90 million people suffer from lifelong symptoms of depression. However, medical infrastructure and equipment are still lacking. In India, there is only one doctor per 1,700 citizens whereas the minimum ratio is of 1:1,000; and there are about 600,000 doctors available whereas the country would need about 400,000 more by 2020 to meet the stipulated ratio. In China, there are only 20,000 psychiatrists in the entire country. Source: Euromonitor, 2014; the World Health Organization, September 2014; Shanghai Mental Health Center, September 2014

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Find out our complete analysis in the full report! Contact us at: [email protected]

You want to know more about the global industry context?

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Part 2

Global Health & Wellness Trends


Theme 1 – Health & The help of technology

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Theme 4 – Health & Alternative methods

Theme 2 – Health & Balanced nutrition

Theme 5 – Health & The collectivity

Theme 3 – Health & The cult of the body

With advances in health technology meeting the DIY and mobile trends, people will become increasingly involved in monitoring and managing their own health care. In the upcoming years, consumers are expected to use a growing number of wearables, apps and websites in conjunction with what they’re told at their doctors’ offices. In doing so, they’ll be able to establish their personal health profiles and do everything from track calories to self-diagnose themselves. As budgets stay tight and the pace of life continues to increase, people are looking for ways to save themselves the hassle and cost of going to the doctor’s office. A variety of product innovations are aiming to deliver both preventative and analytical services that let people take control of their healthcare and become more engaged in their own wellness.

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Theme 1 - Health & Technology

Trend #1 – DIY healthcare

Trend #2 – Self-tracking

Trend #3 – Personal assistants

Self-medication, self-diagnosis, on-demand access to medical information and remote health treatments are all parts of the broader DIY healthcare movement. The explosion of self-monitoring apps and devices aim to let consumers bypass seeing the doctor for a diagnosis, providing the answers they need through tests that they self-administer at home or information that they can get from anywhere in the world. Global physicians and consumers are ready to embrace a dramatic expansion of the high-tech, personal medical kit that will allow them to skip a visit at the doctor’s and therefore save them time and money. Wearable tech, smartphone-linked devices and mobile apps will become increasingly valuable in care delivery. Research studies show that consumers are willing to try them mainly because they offer speed and convenience, but also because they want to keep constant watch and control over their own health. Such tools are set to become the new doctors or, if they don’t replace them, they will at least complement and facilitate their work. The proliferation of approved and portable medical devices in patients’ homes-- and on their phones-- will make diagnosis and treatment more convenient and will also modernize and rationalize access to medical files. The downside, though, is that this will redouble the need for strong information security systems.

Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare Analysis of the trend

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Two out of three people in the US would use a mobile app to manage their health, especially for diet and nutrition, medication reminders, tracking symptoms and recording physical activity. And 88% of consumers would be willing to share their data to improve care and treatment options., March 2015 52% of Indians indulge in self-medication due to time constraints or with the perception of doing away with doctors' fees.

Healthcare firm Lybrate, April 2015 There are over 2,000 health care apps in China. It is expected that there will be over 6,000 mobile health care apps by 2015.

China's Forward Intelligence Institute, August 2014 The mobile healthcare market in China has grown to 3 billion RMB ($500 million) in 2014, by a year-on-year increase of 89.9%. It is expected to reach 13 billion RMB ($2167 million) in 2017.

Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare Supporting insights

For the first time really we’re discovering physicians are expressing much more openness and willingness to consider information about their patients coming from DIY devices. - Ceci Connolly, Leader of PwC’s Health Research Institute (, January 15, 2015)

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Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare What experts say

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Trend #1 - Self-medicine Featured examples

Cue is a digital lab-in-a-box that works in conjunction with an iPhone. The kit comes with a wand for drawing samples and five disposable cartridges, which consumers can use to track molecular levels for inflammation, influenza, vitamin D, testosterone and fertility. Users draw samples of blood, saliva or nasal fluid with the wand, put it inside the cartridge and insert the cartridge into the Cue base-unit reader. Results are transmitted to the user via an iPhone app, which offers recommendations for foods and activities to improve molecular levels and enhance overall health.

A partial or total lack of information about a patient’s medical history could result in the loss of precious time and have dramatic consequences, particularly in case of emergency abroad. Essential for expats and frequent travelers, Med’ Profile is a secure international health passport that allow expatriates to get access to their medical record anywhere in the world. Three available access modes allow people to edit and share their most relevant health information with doctors all around the world 24/7, 365.

Opternative is the first online eye exam that produces a valid prescription for both glasses and contact lenses. Whereas a visit to the optometrist can take up to 3 hours and cost upwards of $100, the Opternative test takes only 20 minutes using a computer and a Web-enabled phone and charges a one-time fee of $30. In addition, the test is accurate enough to recommend a prescription for corrective lenses. This prescription is then reviewed by a local optometrist or ophthalmologist for validation, another service offered by Opternative, and forwarded to the user for use.

Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare Featured examples

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

First Derm is a telemedicine mobile app. Users need to take a picture of a skin condition issue, provide some basic information - but the initial case request is anonymous. For a $40 fee, a licensed dermatologist reviews the case and responds in 24 hours. In 70% of cases, the issue can be treated with an over-the-counter medication. Currently they cannot write prescriptions but refer patients to a local dermatologist. Given the high cost of seeing a specialist, and that specialist co-pay amounts for many insurance plans are now $50 or even more, this is a good use of technology for convenient treatment of non-serious dermatology issues.

To quickly get personalized and relevant health information, the DocForYou app analyzes the patient’s symptoms and, based on that information, suggests which disease has the closest match. The goal of this instant health check up is not to replace doctors but rather to inform the patient while helping them to prepare for their real-life consultation.

With Peek, by slipping a small add-on over the camera, anyone with a smartphone can now conduct accurate, in-depth eye exams. This technology aims to bring diagnoses to areas with little or no access to medical services. It’s proven to be a fast, easy tool for general doctors in hospitals as well, making referring patients and transferring data to specialists hassle-free. The app and add-on are usable on both adults and children and can be operated independent of language; on top of that, the data gathered can be easily sent via email or SMS, making it a truly universally applicable technology.

Trend #1 - Self-medicine Featured examples Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare Featured examples

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Apple’s HealthKit is a comprehensive app system for iPhone 6 and iWatch that works like a digital doctor's assistant. It can integrate with hospitals and research institutions, while providing consumers instant feedback about their health. Designed with the input of Mayo Clinic doctors, the app monitors all manner of bodily info from the palm of the user's hand and wrist. It stores tidy files of patients' health and medical data in the cloud. As of February 2015, Apple has introduced trials in 14 major US hospitals, allowing monitoring of vital patient stats such as heart rate, glucose levels, exercise output and weight.

Valedo is a Swiss monitoring system designed for people who have lower back problems that helps users learn exercises to strengthen muscles and prevent pain. It consists of a pair of Bluetooth sensors that users place on their backs. When used in unison with an app on the iPhone or iPad, users train their back to reduce and prevent future pain. They then follow exercise instructions through an app on their mobile or tablet, which indicates whether people are doing the exercises correctly or not. The app also incorporates appealing visual graphics and gamification to motivate users.

Khushi Baby is a necklace for babies that makes medical history wearable, with the aim to improve vaccination rates in developing countries. The company says that with the app, community health workers can create vaccine records and store them on a small near-field communication (NFC) chip in the Khushi Baby necklace. NFC is a form of short-range communication that enables the wireless transfer of data. Clinicians can simply scan the chip with a mobile phone to see which vaccinations the baby needs. They don’t even need an Internet connection.

Trend #1 - Self-medicine Featured examples Trend #1 – DYI Healthcare Featured examples

Although the wearables market still struggles to reach the mass market, the number of people engaging in personal health tracking is on the rise, as is the number of devices available on the global market. In 2015, the wearables space includes everything from fitness trackers, smartwatches, augmented reality glasses, smart jewelry to smart clothes and even implants. And beyond checking heart rates and calories burned, people are now able to use apps to monitor blood glucose levels, check blood pressure, temperature, heart rates and urine and even diagnose illnesses. What explains the popularity of self-tracking is the preventive approach. People who don’t necessarily have health issues are now increasingly willing to collect, track and analyze their own data. In doing so, they have the ability to control their health-related behaviors and correct the mistakes or abuses they make. Moreover, self-tracking is an everyday practice, and wearables appear to be an accessible technology to the average consumer. What is changing today is that wearers are now expecting from their trackers to help them change their behaviors through real-time coaching or training in order to improve their physical and/or mental performance. However, in addition to obvious and well-known privacy concerns, the quantified self could alter health insurance payments rates, which could fluctuate every day depending on data captured by sensors worn throughout the day.

Trend #2 – Self-tracking Analysis of the trend

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Trend #2 – Self-tracking Supporting insights

69% US adults track a health indicator for themselves or a loved one.    

Pew Research Center, January 2013

 Today just one in 10 American adults own a fitness tracker, but these devices should become more widespread over the next decade., July 2014

Health devices such as fitness trackers are poised to see global revenue rise from $2 billion in 2014 to $5.4 billion by 2019.

Parks Associates, April 2015

Trend #2 – Self-tracking What experts say

There is currently a great momentum around the quantified-self trend; however, there are two obstacles to real growth: the utilization rates of connected objects are going down quickly, and most of them are put in a drawer only after a few weeks. This is a big disappointment since we are realizing that patients are not motivated to monitor their own health in the long term. -  Laurent Alexandre, founder of (April 22, 2015)

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Trend #2 – Self-tracking What experts say

In the US, health-related self-measurement is mainly about pregnant women, diabetic patients and managing obesity.  When people can do things by themselves via connected objects, there is no need to waste time and money. Self-measurement works better when consumers belong to a community, so corporations are creating some. But patients with long-term diseases need to see a doctor, so there’s just a redefinition of roles. It is also in the doctor’s interest to be able to focus on things with greater added value. With accurate self-measurement data supplied by patients, doctors will be able to focus on giving an accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment instead of finding symptoms themselves. - Alexis Normand, Business Development Manager - Healthcare at Withings (May 7, 2015)

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Trend #2 – Self-tracking

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AgaMatrix has developed, among other devices for diabetes patients, a mobile blood glucose tracker, the first FDA-approved application of its type. The device plugs into an iPhone and tracks blood sugar levels, carb intake and insulin dosage for diabetes patients. The app makes the information easy to track, understand and share, creating a clear, convenient and easily transferrable medical record and saving patients the hassle of creating their own ad-hoc self-monitoring routines.

Google Contact Lens is a smart contact lens project announced by Google on 16 January 2014. The project aims to assist people with diabetes by constantly measuring the glucose levels in their tears. The project is being carried out by the life sciences division of Google X and it is currently being tested using prototypes.

Developed by Preventice, BodyGuardian is a remote cardiac monitoring technology that allows physicians to keep an eye on important biometric patient data, helping maintain a real-time connection between patients and their care teams. The sensor can be used to do everything from record hard-to-detect symptoms to measure treatment effectiveness and can be calibrated for individual patient-specific thresholds.

Trend #2 – Self-tracking Featured examples

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

The iTBra, developed by Cyrcadia Health, includes a series of temperature sensors embedded in a comfortable, discreet smart bra, along with an algorithm and an app that tracks cellular tissue changes and purports to detect breast cancer earlier and better than a mammogram when it comes to dense breast tissue. Rob Royea, CEO of Cyrcadia Health, says that by 2016 he aims to have FDA approval for the iTbra in the U.S. so doctors can offer it to patients in place of a mammogram. Eventually, consumers would be able to buy the product over the counter and use it in place of monthly self-exams.

Neumitra is an MIT neuroscience project that uses wearable technology to monitor people’s stress levels throughout the day, aiming to gather data to find patterns and identify key stressors in order to let people develop better brain health. The tech itself is a “biowatch”, worn around the wrist and synced with a smartphone to gather raw data and examine biofeedback. Marketed to medical researchers and individuals alike, the company aims to boost the amount and quality of information available on the brain’s health and its reactions to stress and environment changes.

Microchips Biotech has developed a microchip-based implant that releases drug doses at scheduled intervals that can be wirelessly activated or deactivated by a physician or patient. The implant can last for up to 16 years and is particularly useful for those with chronic diseases-- such as osteoporosis or diabetes-- that require daily supplements or medication. While some security and health concerns are natural with every new technology, this innovation has already proven more stable and less stressful than daily injections in human clinical trials.

From superfoods to eating like a caveman, consumers are on the hunt to find the next big thing to take their diet to the next level. Nutrition has long been known to affect everything from sleep quality to skin condition, and both globalization and new research is behind new demand for things like alternatives to wheat and meatless meals. People are becoming more focused on boosting their own wellness to prevent disease rather than treating it when it shows up, and one of the key ways they’re doing it is by watching what’s in their plate. The hunt is on for the new “right” thing to eat, and the exact right way to eat it.

Theme 2 - Health & Nutrition

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Trend #1 – Weight management

Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods

Trend #3 – Free-from everything

Trend #4 – Probiotics, the new star

Although weight management issues are clearly not new, they have become a strong focus for a majority of people, as obesity and many related complications reach epidemic proportions. Statistics show that the number of overweight people continues to grow at a steady and alarming rate, while cases of anorexia are also increasing. There is definitely a worldwide issue related to body image as well as self-worth resulting in health disorders. In reaction, health professionals are creating scientifically advanced treatments, food manufacturers are redoubling their efforts to develop healthier and more balanced food recipes while startups are developing smart connected objects and mobile apps to assist people in their everyday life. Besides, new diets of all kinds keep flourishing and are finding many adepts. Saying that both vegetarian and vegan diets can have devastating effects on people’s health, experts rather recommend to follow either the intermittent 5:2 to Paleo, which are reputed to be “fast diets” providing effective results in just a few weeks of efforts. They all aim not only to treat weight management issues but also to anticipate and prevent them. In parallel, both established and niche brands are turning their brand message and communications toward a beauty ideal that is more realistic and accessible-- and with a focus on feeling good, not just looking it.

Trend #1 – Weight management Analysis of the trend

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19% of consumers select "weight" as a top body concern. The desire to lose weight is highest among consumers in the US, Germany, Australia, Brazil and France, respectively, with 41% of American women choosing "weight loss" over any other body concern.

Euromonitor's International Personal Appearance Survey, August 2014   In the US, when it comes to employee health concerns, weight loss comes in as the top concern, according to 39% of employees in the poll.

ComPsych, May 2013

Some 71% of Asia-Pacific consumers are changing their diets to lose weight, and sales of packaged health foods grew 8.2% in 2014

Nielsen Homescan, February 2015

Trend #1 – Weight management Supporting insights

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“Between 1 million and 3 million Americans are paleo, or about 1% of the population.”  

Hamilton Stapell, a historian at SUNY-New Paltz who did an online survey of the paleo community in 2014

Vegetarian products accounted for 12% of new foods worldwide in 2013, up from 6% in 2009. In the U.S., avocado sales have quadrupled since 2000 and kale production shot up nearly 60 per cent between 2007 and 2012.

Mintel, 2014

Trend #1 – Weight management Supporting insights

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

There is no miracle except the common sense of a diet that is diversified and low-calorie based, without too much salt nor fat. This is the only scientific consensus. For example, there was a time when people were told to eat fatty fish; however today experts recommend to avoid it as much as possible, especially for pregnant women. All of that is not simple, we shouldn’t systematize everything and keep diversify food products we eat. -  Laurent Alexandre, founder of, April 22, 2015

Trend #1 – Weight management What experts say

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Trend #1 – Weight management Featured examples

Maigrir Avec Plaisir is a French smartphone app that helps people improve their health with their smartphone. The app supports users in their daily nutrition diet through a series of graphics, an assessment of the level of calories, and an individual support.

Fitbit Aria is a smart scale that tracks weight and BMI over time, syncing with smart devices to display data in easily understandable graphs and charts. It works in complement to the FitBit wearable bands as well, letting users have a comprehensive, well-rounded view of their own progress and bodily routines.

The HealthWatch 360 app allows users to track anything from blood glucose to mood level. The app has a comprehensive nutritional database, creates graphics that make it easy to view users’ nutrition habits and looks for trends and patterns in users’ symptoms and overall condition. The service offers everything from recipe creation to advice on nutritional supplements, and if users can’t find an existing tracker that fits their condition, they can create their own.

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Trend #1 – Weight management Featured examples

The 5:2 diet, or fast diet, is a diet which stipulates calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days a week and unconstrained eating the other five days. The diet originated and became popular in the UK, and spread in Europe and to the USA.[1] It is a form of intermittent fasting.

The Paleo diet (short for “Paleolithic diet”) consists of eating large quantities of animal protein, vegetables and fruit while eschewing dairy products, sugar, grains, nuts and seeds — foods that in the past could be obtained by hunting and gathering. According to Google Trends, “paleo” searches peaked in April 2013, just after evolutionary biologist Marlene Zuk's book Paleofantasy came out.  

The Flexitarian diet is a semi-vegetarian that is plant-based with the occasional inclusion of meat products. Anabelle Randle is the woman behind the popular UK-based blog The Flexitarian that launched the momentum among consumers.

While 2014 was all about chia seeds, kale and quinoa, 2015 will deal with fermented vegetables, cruciferous veggies; matcha lattes; kombucha drinks, moringa capsules and powder, lingonberries, black salsify, dandelion greens, black rice and coconut flour. All these superfoods are increasingly being adopted by consumers as they are supposed and expected to provide everything from soft benefits like anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to stronger perks like cancer prevention. The global market for food and drinks offering functional health benefits and nutrition protein supplements continues to increase in size. This is due to health-conscious consumers that are taking an inside-out approach to their regimens, turning their focus on what they eat. In overhauling their diets, both men and women are broadening their notion of "healthy foods" from those that revitalize or energize to ones that promise to purify and soften. However, if a number of consumers are convinced about the efficacy of these “wonderfoods”, another part is seriously questioning their impact on health. In Europe, manufacturers of functional foods are pressured to provide robust scientific evidence backing up the health claims made by their products.

Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods Analysis of the trend

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Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods Supporting insights

US Consumers are eating 20% more fresh, healthy foods since 2003, including fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and eggs, according to. US shoppers are also buying more high-protein power foods such as almond milk, Greek yogurt, quinoa and sea salt than they were just four years ago.

` The NPD Group's Kitchen Audit survey, February 2015


61% of people have bought a food or drink because it had been labelled as a superfood. And figures show we're spending double the amount on kale and eating three times as many almonds as five years ago.

The Daily Mail, March 20, 2015

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Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods What experts say

The functional foods market has experienced fairly strong growth in certain parts of the world. For instance, more US consumers appear to be turning towards functional food and drinks in order to address perceived nutritional shortfalls, away from dietary supplements (which have traditionally been the preferred option). However, future growth is likely to be dependent upon the global economic situation. - Jonathan Thomas, Principal Market Analystat Leatherhead Food Research (, November 24, 2014)

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Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods Featured examples

First part of the favorite drink of sport practitioners in Rio de Janeiro, açaï is now popular worldwide in the form of juices, candies, alcohol, dietary supplements, shampoos, cosmetic prodicts that all promote its antioxydent virtues.

Only grown in West Africa , fonio is a grain that is gluten-free as well as low in calories and sugar, but rich in protein, iron and calcium, making it particularly suitable for those with celiac disease, gluten intolerance or diabetes, or on a vegan or vegetarian diet. In February 2014, fonio sparked the enthusiasm of British newspaper The Guardian that asserted: "It will replace the king grain quinoa”. It is sold by French brand Ethiquable in its organic food specialists.

Kale is one of the latest craziness among Americans and Europeans. Its popularity is linked to its antioxydant-, anti-inflammatory-related health benefits, as well as its glucosinolates and cancer-preventive benefits and cardiovascular support.

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Trend #2 – Good-for-You foods Featured examples

Snacks are also becoming healthier. ProTings are a crispy, tortilla-like chip made from pea-derived protein. The low-sugar, low-calorie snack boasts 15 grams of protein per serving and comes in Sea Salt, Chili Lime and Tangy Southern BBQ flavors.

Pod belongs to the new generation of fast food restaurant chains in the UK that specialize in healthy foods and sells essentially superfoods-based salads and mains.

Sol Semilla is a Paris-based vegan restaurant that both sells and serves superfood-based dishes only. No meat, no bread here, only plants and whole grains.

The adage "a healthy mind in a healthy body" has never been so topical. With people in developed as well as emerging countries eating more processed food and working at sedentary jobs, obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Whereas exercise used to be considered as a chore, the next decade will experience workouts becoming something to look forward to as consumers are looking for fun in their workout regimes. Community spirit is playing a big role, too: people are finding new ways to support and encourage each other through their fitness journeys. An increasing number of consumers is trying to get some kind of gym activity into their lives, regardless of fitness level; women especially are more involved than ever, and companies are noticing that and trying to respond.

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Theme 3 - Health & Body

Trend #1 – Social running

Trend #2 – Extreme fitness

Trend #3 – Fun fitness

Trend #4 – Everywhere fitness

Trend #5 – Women’s involvement

If they’re not new, urban races are meeting a continuous growing raise in the US and Europe alike. Unlike regular running (also called “jogging”) that has always been considered as an individual and boring activity, recent events have been focusing on fun and bringing a community spirit. Exercising with friends or strangers are making this activity a collective, social and entertaining moment. Themed runs are embodying this shift as they are able to grab a larger audience of new runners. Unique settings, environments and mindsets appear as more attractive to the youth, women and seniors, who were traditionally less inclined to participate in such running events. From zombie races to paint-splattered runs, organizers are banking on fun to broaden the appeal of running. What’s more, a number of these running events have a social purpose since they are organized for a cause. Aficionados have massively adopted sportswear rituals, from compression leggings and tights for extra protection to ultra-light and fluorescent t-shirts and dedicated running shoes. This is not to mention connected bracelets or watches by Sony, Samsung, Nike, Apple or Polar, and mobile apps like Runtastic, Runkeeper and Nike Running, that indicate time, number of kilometers, speed, burned calories. Better yet, users can share their performance on social networks and build a community around it.

Trend #1 – Social running Analysis of the trend

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Trend #1 – Social running Supporting insights

8.5 million French people are running at least occasionally, which corresponds to 19% of the French population. In comparison, they were only 6 million in the early 2000s.

FFA, 2014 Guys enjoy chatting on the run more than women do. Male respondents passed the miles by discussing sports (76%) or gadgets (34%). Women are most likely to talk about relationships (47%), both the good and the bad.

Brooks Running Company, 2013  In the US, 66% of runners believe they have more sex when they run with their significant other.

Brooks Running Company, 2013

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Playing sports is great, but again, be careful. A recent study shows that jogging more than two and a half hours per week actually decreases life expectancy. Fads are common here in the health world, and of course we need to walk and run frequently-- but reasonably, because overexercising has negative impacts on people’s health. Ideally, we should exercise from one to two and a half hours a week. - Laurent Alexandre, founder of, April 22, 2015

Trend #1 – Social running What experts say

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Running events like the Noctambule in Paris have people run at night, and events like Verticale and Vertigo have them race to the top of the Eiffel Tower and the Defense Arch structure, respectively.

The World Run is hosted simultaneously on six continents and has participants try to run as far as possible before being caught by a car launched 30 minutes after departure, while the Beat the Sun race in Chamonix, France, has a timeline set by the sun setting. !

Trend #1 – Social running Featured examples

An increasing number of amateurs is participating in half marathons and marathons that take place in big cities across the US and Europe. In 2015, there were 70,000 participants to the New York’s marathon while Paris welcome nearly 54,000 enthusiasts on April 12.

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A number of group runs and marathons have a social purpose. Runners can help raise funds and awareness for causes, many of which are health-related; for instance, La Parisienne and Odyssea focus on raising money for research on breast cancer, while UNICEF Heroes Day, which is hosted to help boost child immunization programs, lets runners get promotional vouchers corresponding to the number of kilometers they’ve run.

Highly popular, The Color Run promotes healthiness and happiness by bringing the community together to participate in the “Happiest 5k on the Planet”. The event is half marathon, half paint fight as participants are supplied with colored powder and encouraged to splatter each other as they go. Today, The Color Run host over 300 events in more than 50 countries in 2014.

Obstacle races like the Savage Run, Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash have participants run through obstacles and rough nature conditions.

Trend #1 – Social running Featured examples

With a military spirit, extreme fitness behaviors are on the rise, led by people who take physical exercise to the next level. Whether it is joining a triathlon or a running trail, getting energized at high intensity interval training programs (HIIT), or participating in a dance class workout or a military-style boot camp, people are doing more than just focusing on results. They keep at it longer and actually achieve better results. Today, menus in fitness clubs, destination spas and wellness retreats include adjectives like “killer,” “over drive,” “extreme,” “primal,” “hardcore” and “boot camp”. How intensely a person trains has become a new status symbol. Reality TV shows tackling the topic are proving highly popular. According to the UK’s Daily Mail, in 2014 producers were working on 170 new shows. They range from lifestyle changes to sports/adventure competitions, such as The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover, Celebrity Fit Club, The Amazing Race and Survivor. For many viewers, watching these shows that reward participants encourage them to make drastic positive changes in their own lives. What's more, consumers are stringly motivated by celebrity stars from Bollywood in India to Hollywood in the US that embrace the fit lifestyle— and enjoy lucrative fitness-related branding and endorsement opportunities. !e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Trend #2 – Extreme fitness Analysis of the trend

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Trend #2 – Extreme fitness Supporting insights

In 2014 there were 7000 crossfit affiliate gyms versus only 13 in 2005., 2015

In the US alone, there are 21.5 million kids playing team sports between the ages of 6 and 17, and 60% of boys and 47% of girls are on a sports team by age 6.

ESPN, October 2013

 Revenue for gym, health and fitness clubs in Canada alone in 2013 was US$2 billion.

IBS World, 2014

 78% of American men said there's as as much pressure on men to be in shape as there is on women.

JWT's "The State of Men" report, June 2013

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Playing sports is great, but again, be careful. A recent study shows that jogging more than two and a half hours per week actually decreases life expectancy. Fads are common here in the health world, and of course we need to walk and run frequently-- but reasonably, because overexercising has negative impacts on people’s health. Ideally, we should exercise from one to two and a half hours a week. - Laurent Alexandre, founder of, April 22, 2015

Trend #2 – Extreme fitness What experts say

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

At Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat in Queenland, Australia, guests can participate in High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) regimens that include resistance training, boxing and indoor cycling. The aware-winning retreat helps people create exercise routines that consist of functional movements interspersed with intervals of high intensity training, which they say has excellent results. Australia

Developed by fitness instructor Greg Glassman, CrossFit began as a Californian gym and grew into an internationally popular sport that has over 35,000 accredited trainers and 5,500 affiliated gyms and organizations. The community that has sprung up around it is part of its success, as participants encourage each other and hold brand-affiliated competitions such as the CrossFit Games, where participants compete in various exercises and end the event with the crowning of the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth.

Located in St Lucia in the US, the Body Holiday LeSPORT is a famous wellness resort that specializes in intense fitness programs such as long-distance swimming and marathon training. One of the spa’s highest intensity class is also its most popular: starting at 7a.m., 150 to 200 people gather on the beach for BeachFit, a high intensity outdoor workout.

Trend #2 – Extreme fitness Featured examples

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

The Mud Day is a 13-kilometer challenge of 20 obstacle courses designed along the same lines as military assault training runs. The event seeks to incorporate water, electricity, ice and mud in the obstacles in order to test runners’ minds and bodies. The event continues on with celebratory Mud Beer, Mudals and even a Munday Morning, encouraging participants to bond with each other after the fact.

Military-style boot camps are on the rise. The female-only, G.I. Jane boot camp in Kent, England; the Luxury Algarve Bootcamp in Algarve, Portugal; the Raw Fitness Boot Camp in Phuket, Thailand; and a seven-day climb up Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) led by mountain experts from British Military Fitness.

Trend #2 – Extreme fitness Featured examples

Trail running is like jogging, but with extra mountains. Runners take to hiking trails to boost their workouts, training for endurance and strength while also engaging with nature. The Barkley 100 is considered one of the toughest 100 mile races in the world. The Barkley Marathons is a 100 miles (160 km) run and a 60 miles (97 km) 'fun run' held annually in Frozen Head State Parknear Wartburg, Tennessee in late March or early April.

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Part 3

The Future

of Health & Wellness

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

The development of artificial intelligence is the future of health, which the IBM Watson system had predicted. It will become unavoidable in order to handle the explosion of genetic data, which is already at a volume and density far beyond what doctors are able to analyze on their own. For example, the DNA sequencing of a tumor represents 20 000 billion individual packets of information. Therefore, algorithms are set to become crucial in medicine and will dramatically change medical infrastructural organization. It is, in my opinion, the strongest trend in the next 20 years. - Laurent Alexandre, founder of, 22 April 2015

Trend #2 – Robots, the new doctoWhat experts say Part 3 – The Future of Health & Wellness What experts say


Foresight #1 – Augmented humans

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Foresight #4 – 3D printed health

Foresight #2 – Robots, the new doctors?

Foresight #3 – Caring mobiles

Not only are medical advancements used to cure diseases and prevent their symptoms, but, in the future, they will also aim to enhance and augment human characteristics and capacities. Willing to overcome the current body limits, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC) are converging to improve human performance and tackle previously incurable conditions, ranging from colorblindness to brain damage. Improvements are also made with aging, as new gene therapy and pharmacology products help prolong people’s lives and improve the quality of life in old age. While cutting-edge discoveries are still mostly confined to labs for further testing, the upcoming decades will see new generations of medical technologies allowing people to live stronger, faster, longer. Assistive technology has already moved from fixing health problems to preempting them, and the next thing will be to finally eradicate them once for good.

Foresight #1 – Augmented humans Analysis of the trend

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Stem cell researchers in China have succeeded in growing human teeth from human urine-- or at least tooth-like structures. While science has a long way to go before researchers can get nerve and blood vessels in a human mouth to integrate in lab-grown teeth, this is nonetheless a step forward in artificial organ growth, especially using urine as a low-controversy source of stem cells while focusing on such a widespread problem as replacing lost, damaged or worn out teeth.

Wear is an assistive directional microphone designed to improve hearing quality-- and it’s lightweight, affordable and wearable to boot. The microphone captures, clarifies and amplifies sounds, delivering them to the user’s earbuds with excellent quality. The device itself is worn as a “locket” around the neck, has a battery that charges in 20 minutes but lasts for 27 hours, and can make recordings of sounds as well. Units are currently shipping, and offered at the price of $175 USD.

Valspar Paint has partnered with startup EnChroma to develop glasses for the colorblind. Multiple tests have proven they work, allowing colorblind people to see the full spectrum of the rainbow; for those without visual impairments, the glasses just make every color more distinct and vibrant. So far the glasses are mainly only offered in some museums, but they are sold online starting at $360USD.

Foresight #1 – Augmented humans Featured examples

!e Forecast // Health & Wellness | May 2015

Cynthia Kenyon, an American biologist and one of the world’s authorities on life extension and the genetics of aging, has announced her discovery of a genetic mutation that doubles the lifespan of some worms. The gene is called daf-16, and Kenyon’s lab is currently investigating how to extend life by testing gene manipulation on those worm species. The goal is to create an easy way of manipulating similar genes in humans in order to slow the aging process, and that’s what her company Elixir Pharmaceuticals intends to do.

Sight for the blind is no longer out of reach, thanks to a retinal prosthesis system known as the Argus II. Also called a bionic eye or retinal implant, the device bypasses the eyeball entirely to electrically stimulate the retina to mimic sight. Worn on the face, the device consists of a camera, a video processing unit and a retinal implant. The footage captured by the camera is translated into electrical impulses that are translated along the optic nerve and taken to the brain, where patients learn to interpret these new visual cues and regain the ability to see.

DARPA, the research division of the United States military, has created the Restoring Active Memory project, dubbed RAM, aims to create computer chips that can be implanted in the brain, increasing memory capacity and abilities in order to help sufferers of Alzheimer’s and traumatic brain injuries. While the technology is obviously initially meant to be therapeutic, a success in this particular field could translate to cybernetic augmentation that helps healthy people improve their memories, expand their cognitive capacities and think on an entirely new level.

Foresight #1 – Augmented humans Featured examples

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