the global gentrified gerontocracy

Upload: jozephyrs

Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    It seems like it was just last week that I ventured down this long this long road of solemn

    reflection. Ah, the Gerontocracy. I need no demons, but theyre there. I need no Left no Right,

    but theyre still there. And where does it come from? Why, that Old Serpent,

    theres a reason why its an Old Serpent, because Christ was the New

    Serpent (check Zohar numerology) who came to challenge the old, and in no short measure, we

    know what was done to Him. Appalling indeed!

    The daemons are those spirits of the dead who didnt do enough to transcend this plane, so

    theyre stuck here, forever, and wish to only make life as miserable as possible for every living

    thing around.

  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    But in this survey, I focus on man and His & HER flaws.

    This hole that we (the young) seem to be in, isnt simply by chance, there are tell tale signs of

    this epoch of evil.

    I will now do a historical survey of the treatment to which the old wise elders used to guide us,

    and now, only use to mislead us, VERY CONSCIOUSLY that they do so. They know they do,

    because they dont take their OWN advice. Absolutely pitiful!

    In the beginning, the first humans grew as young people living good, sinless lives. They lived for

    many years, keeping their youth deep within their hearts.

    The ancient stories of Ausar, Adam, and even Krishna attest to this

    Then came the fall, when mankind was CURSED to GROW old and DIE.

  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    This is where that slippery slope began to get unmanageable. There was an old Egyptian proverb

    that stated that a young person was trained better with the stick than with the pen. I know for a

    fact that this was circa 700 B.C., right before they fell to the Younger, Hungrier, more ambitious

    Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks.

    It feels as if every time I focus on THIS particular topic, the daemons come out in full force,

    and I knew that would happen when I ventured upon the TRUTH. Continuing, Greek thought

    was that young people were placed there simply to serve the will of those older than they.

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    This is rather unique, but it marks a crucial change in thought, the idea that kids dont belong in

    grown folks business. Maybe thats because they might say something quite correct. All other

    civilizations following had this stereotype of giving nothing to their kids, except brainwashing

    and corporate propaganda

    because why bother, theyre all going to hell in a hand basket anyway,

    why should we guide some people out of it?! Misery loves company.

  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    Im paraphrasing here, but if you wish for the full volume, documenting elderly stumbling since

    3000 B.C., please pick up Vol. 1 of the Hubble Phat Chronicles, on sale this November!

    Continuing further, the Roman Empire loved the idea of promulgating this Greco-Median idea

    by selecting inbred teenagers

    to lead an empire that spanned 3 continents and providing no assistance whatsoever, only


    This was the most devious trick they ever pursued. It discredited those of the age of Philippos

    Alexandross, Tut-Ankh-Amen,

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    Cyrus the Great, or CarloMagne,

    as he was called in his own lifetime, and that of his sons,

    Sargon of Akkad, Tiglath-Pileser III

    , not the 1st, for it is crucial to know the difference, etc. All of the greats of history reached their

    pinnacle of ascending before the age of30! This is also hidden by the cronies who have co-opted


    Back to Rome, their empire fell, not because of the young emperors, but rather, the

    stagnant old guard

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    who became so lazy that rather than teach their offspring the traits of the trade they

    instead hired out Barbarians Chieftains

    who always attempted to claim the Imperial Throne as their own.

    After they stumbled, several empires reached their prominence being guided by men who

    were nary passed 40; Muhammad-ibn-al-Abdullah, Justinian of the Flavian branch of

    Roman Aristocracy, Clovis of the Merovingian Franks, etc. All of these men in turn were

  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    corrupted by the elderly, those above the threshold age of 50!

    Nowadays, it seems to be about age 35!

  • 7/30/2019 The Global Gentrified Gerontocracy


    But beware; theyre starting to produce them even younger!

    There is no great mystery, it is only the truth of the matter that this gerontocracy is so

    obsessed with living the life to which they have never ever lived on earth that they will in

    fact lie, cheat, & steal

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    to continue the grand deception

    of misguiding the youth. and global tyranny !

    They are actively destroying the planet

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    and loving every second of their worthless lives

    while doing so.

    Old people tend to smell worse, look worse, and lack the creativity of the young, those

    below 15 years of age.

    Thats why we have all of the Bureaucraciesgetting in the way of steady progression.

    After the muddle of the middle ages, we (the young) had a return to sounder relations, but no

    wise seniors to guide that return. Therefore Baghdad and Constantinople achieved prominence

    for short stretches of time, but were then targeted and systematically destroyed by the first great

    modern gerontocracy, the Republic of the Doges in Venice, Italy. Remember the names of those

    such as one Dandolo, the 80 year old blind Doge whose FINANCIAL

    greed propelled the decline of the Byzantine Roman Empire,

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    after 2206 years mind you (753 B.C.E. to 1453 B.C.E.)

    Note the synchronicity in the dates! This would set the stage for the autocratic state guided by a

    gentrified elder state/priesthood of pure evil. See!

    This thus gives us our modern system of taxation,

    banking, international trade, politics, public school

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    and all of the stuff that NO creatures need in order to survive happily!

    Old folks LOVE it though. By around 1500, it became the fact that the only young people who

    would come to prominence would be the loser younger sons of despots, who only sought out

    military ventures, and would ONLY be saved through the saving grace of some sense of holistic


    Christ was 33, not 50, and remember how they treated Him?

    So every old person above 33 is a Satanic menace, and a loser, because the example was set long

    before. Nero came to power at 16, Phillipos Alexandros at 23, Tut at 9, Other Pharaohs like

    Thutmose III and Sety at 8 and 13.Joseph Smith, Jr., a 24-year-old man. Were these men not great,

    even Rameses II came to power at 23. The greatest start young, Napoleon started at 27,

    Weishaupt at 20, Loyola effectively at 30. Why do we forsake the accomplishments of the great

    young men of the past in favor of a generation of old losers who have cause the extinction of no

    less than 30,000 different species of life?

    Remember, this generation of geezers FAVOR abortion. This means theyve already declared

    war against you, ye have been warned!,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Jr.,_Jr.
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