the hawaiian gazette the hawaiian gazette, · spbu bead; i andawbu frieadscaae weeping rcond and...

. !r"e THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Fvrery Wcdncuday Mornlnjr, AT FIYE DOLLARS PER AKKUM PAYABLE IX ADTAXCE. Foretpi Sabicrlbrritt7.00 to SIO.OO. ITbleh ioclnd IXwUpM prf-,-- Offick In the new Pot Office Building Merchant Street, Honolulu, IT. I. 'Floe Arlcnnan Gentleman. IT JLUKB.T rtt- - Tm: lint Old ZmqIuX CnUrmam. 'Sew, &U food fefto. Hit en. u4 -- tory 1 - tell. Of & otlpttty cWrcr BtIm&Q wto 11 titrtmolj wt. In th vcmtern part f Arkuiiu, cIom to th IniUn Mn, THitrr h gU dmtk once a, wk on trUlejr. and lj aobert hLmt-el- f compUtdj oa tbt reiT bwt of wist; A Co Artuui rtnlleiBia, Qoh to tbt Cbocuw Ho. ThU fits Ark&siu Mltmu b--v a mlpbty fin -- tM-, Of fire er-l- x tbooMMid icm or mvr of Uni. that wBl hm worth cr-- t some dar eretber. If b Aaut tin Umslf bo mod. and wiH wly cood-- w to wivlx; Xsd focrcr fiTt fconirxJ negrof tht wcH ruber work a tbuiBet, And tact. ef bort-.- , ad caul. u.2 plfu a&d ether poo.tyy. thki fc nerer pretend to know bow EUfij he has pot ; TbU fine Arkansas rnllemx to Ibt Cbocuw line. TbU to Arkitntu cillcman hu buiU tplwadM boose, 'Ob lbs defnblprmlH1 extremely veil popuUted with dry and bar and pro, ?And wbeo he wants to feut hW Trfende be bj votbloc snore tod Tba&trMTetbcpot-UAeS;andthedfCtl4ebare- Mrdi fij atnlfbt teu the pot, ttiewiac ho will aboot eni if tbej doat and ho hJ a apleodU ki; TbU fine Artaptx cntlcaiaEU Ooae to tha Cbooair line. TbU fie ArtanM pm.tle.nui atatre eeteral bssdred bale, Tnlat from drought, or worm, a bad ttand, or torn, other CBBtinff ncy bis crop U ihert, or frHi ; A&d when It'a pitied and cisned a&d baled be pctc It la a boat, AbdfU aboard htmaelf Hkewiaa, And charters the bar, aad adevDof a spree. whQa down to 2ew Orleans be and bU oattas float. TbU fine Arlant&a irentleman, Qot to the Choctaw Hoe. And, whnbe CU to Xtw Orlaana, bfaacki a dothlnc And psunat the Citj- - Hotel, the , LoeU, the El. "Chart, jtha Termadah, and all the ether boteU in the dyrlf be succeeds I a ftv&cuj more; Then be'drawi npsa bU merchant, and pxs aboot aad rrattTrf Errry man from Caatneky atd Arkaarai aad Alabama and Virginia and tbe Cboetaw alim a4 eTery other vacm-bo- he meets' TbU flee Arkansas gentleman Clot to the Cbocuw lla ! The last time be was down here, wbes be thought of JOlHf back ATirTtUjlBcaboottf-rfeayrars- , orla,he discolored that by lending and by epeodiec, and betccaprey tn toe-r- al to gamblers, baekmea, laaicrs, brokers, boslers, xall tiprx. aerraaU, and many other iodiTtdaals, white aad HeTd distributed his aseetf , and got rid ef all bis means Aad bad nothing left to show fr then, barring two or three headaches, an Invincible thirst and aa axtretaely gene ral aad proaUcnoas acquaintance la the aXJresaid i Orieaai; TbU fine Arbansme gentleasa. Close to the Cboetaw hne 1 Kowabow thU grctleman got borne is neither here arc there. Tint r beeo credrWy Informed that be swore worse tbaa C pirate, aad fiercely cuenbed tU hair; And aftr be gat saMy base they say be lUus: aa oath That he'd never bet a cent again at may gsme of cards, and, CttoreOTer, for want of Ceceat adrtstn, be foreswore wbiiVy aed faro both ; ThU fine Arkansas gentleman, Ctoee to the Cboetaw line 1 TbU fine Artaasei geatlenaa went fierre for Piecc aad slSc And eo cane oa to Kashlagtos to gat a aire 1st cSce, or -- orne other comfjrubU thing; Bat He him from Jemaslexn that went to Jericho, He feX among thleree aglB, and coakd sat wta a bet wheth- er be coppered or cot, eo bU cash was boend to go ; This fine Arhaaas gentleman. Ooee to the Cboetaw line 1 when bU moneys all were gone, be toot nolo b U bed, Aad Ir. Key burn physicked bla, and the who bad a great afieetlea fofblci, with her ana held spbU bead; I AndaWbU frieadscaae weeping rcond and bidding him J radlea, And two or three dcxen preachera, wbtobe didn't know atftK. aad didn't care It be didn't, came prayiag for j him, too; TbU fine Arkansas gentleman, Ooee to the Choctaw bn I They closed bU eye and spread him oct all ready for the tomb. Aad merely to console themselves tbey opened the biggest kind of game of faro right therein bU own room; Est when be heard the checks be Sang the linen off bU face. And sang oatjost precUely as be used to d when be was alive, Priadle, 6ont torn! boedoa! IgnS)oathe king, aad copper oa the ace' ThU fiae Arkansas geatleaac, Ooee to the Cbocuw Hoe! . Ila-trnl- l In jlnew. - iFfoiB the Sydney Mail ire extract tie followlnj notice cf the Hawaiian exhtltt at the Sjdsej Eihi-titio- " There art tome exhibit, of more than ordinary jast arrired, to be teen sear tbe southern en- trance to the main bntUicr; tasplei of sugar, rice, eofee, aed photorraphl from tbe Hawaiian Islands, exhibited br his llajertr Einj KalsAana. There ham alio bees lest copies of the Bantiiam Gtuetst of the 7th March, containing a photograph of the handsome new Parliament House at Honolulu a buiTfling wb'Ka cost aboot 65,00 is its construe tios, and which for elegance of design afords a model far a legislaUre bcildisg which even ocr noble strnc-tsr- is Maeqsarie-atre-et cannot emuUtejalso copies of the Hawaiian Guide Book which giree an interesti- ng; description of the mam feature of interest to be teen br trarellcrs In the Hawaiian group. A letter to Mr. Jonbert from Mr. W. L. Green, the chairman of the Hosoluls Chamber cf Commerce, in ade'uicj the ahipoest cf these exhlbiti, ija : " We consid- ered they Bight be interesticr. as showing to your eapiUEsts and to yccx g pofttlalion what they might expect to be able to do here is case tome of them should not hare realised their expeetanost is Australia. Th.s too consider that whole crops of eogar can be old here .to-d- (March 6) in adrasce at S30 per ton, all round, for the San Francisco mar- ket, where it is admitted duty free, and that the yield of onr new lands, of which there are itiU plenty. Is three, fear, and re tons of sugar to the acre, and that the cost of preparing the ground, planting, atd bringing the cane to natality is only from 0 dollars per acre in farorable up to 100 dollars in anfarorable localities, it hardly requires any fgnriag to tee that the profits an rery large, and many pecple hare realised thea. Tbe mars diSrulty here, at in xaoct newly settled countries, is the wast cf hired labor, bat this is being to tone extent met (for we hare (till a considerable satire population), by the system of eoltiration os shares ; that is to say, a few foreigners, or of the more intelligent satires, join to- gether to pet in a certain cumber cf acres of ease, and when, lay, 100 acres or so are foond to be grow" e; vail they hare so di.nlty is iodceisg the Ho- nolulu mercuiU and capitalists to put sp machinery, and to grind the cane nd manufacture the sugar Spring the growers half the regar.asd keeping the other half themsclrei. The n also usually eart the case to the raffl. This arraf cement has hoes found to be rery profitable. ...... Toe mcii perceive that, if it wonld pay both grow- ers and masufactsren to sell sugar at 1B per ton all ronsd, which was tbe can before the reciprocity trea- ty srUh America. It must be highly prcfitable now that they axe guaranteed by the treaty Zi per Ion. ... We hare some nice sheep real here, and onr best clips of wool fetch IS to 20 cent per lb. all round. X should hare sent fxtanUs of wool bit far one thing. it Is between ahaarisgimat, and the wool It abort." WEEKLY THE A VOL. XIII.-N- o. 25.1 BUSINESS NOTICES. 31. S. GKI.MUCn A CO., IMPORTEES AND WHOLESALE .DEALXES Za Fuhlnn.U. Clothing H.ta, Cp. BaoIc Sboc and .tptj Trt.ty f 0itUinen, op.rtor ruroUMng OaoA. Slor. is UiLm'i Block. Qona Stmt, llonolalo. II. I. fo4;.lTj A. W. PEI RCE & CO., Acnts tor TCCI-O- SALT. BRAMt'.S BOXB GUXS. Brand' Bomb MS lr rTj- - nvl- - rnln Killer. Ac. OIL. OIL. OIL ! Strained Sperm Oil, BT TUB CASK tin O tXLOX, IX QCA. to salt, mt lb. lowest ntn. ALSO, r Polar and fTalrna CHI. Shark Oil, Paint OUKcrawu Oil, Jtr. lor 61 l A. TT. PEIRCE A 00. Cotton and Hemp Buck A OOrh YARDS COTTO.V DICK. .J'XJJf (La wlrucr) No. 1 tolO.Jojtrect-itfd- , I z CorUxta, and other arrmli. S,oao Woolbory Cotton Dock, all nomb-- &,0)rliUemplore, Ine FUx aodMnEhastary, 4 U oQbDers. Alu, Cotton SaTia, Cotton and Hemp Twine, tc, tc .Tor tlt bf jt4j ly a. W. rKIHCli A CO. Tar, Pitch, &c. 4 MEKICAX ASD htVEKLSU TAIL. lTIL. mlnctoa Ricb. Ualtim, iCL. ;itjJ Storea, ic tirwalo br yi lj A. w. raKcl: t CO. Manila and Hemp Cordage. "Afl CI11JS MAIUtA-- HEMP (XtBD- - JUJ as, a foil axwrtmeiu, an sirs. or Sale bp jtlt lj, A. W PgmCE A CO Wire Eope, "Wire Seizing. UOODSCPPLT. Tor Sale by A. MS T A. U i CO. Anchors and Chains. VxcnoKS rcoji 40 liis. to 2200 lbs. CIIAINh, from 1 4 to 1 1 tscnes. Wfeal.bT US 1 A. W.FETCBE CXI. Best Ash Oars. t XXIX sll'PLr.-- 8 m et to 22 fret lone. . ToraalebT ttt 1 A. W.YEICCK Jt CO. A Very Full Assortment a IIP HI 1FJSL STORES! SHIP CHANDLERY, jz Trays o xaxd. Uso, Whale Boats azid Boattock And IVhalluc tiear. I OR SaLE BY jM ljr A. IV. PEI UCE A. CO -H - : m ms'.x i;5 rF o ? a V 3 if.'4!;'? - t- - 0 Vt-2- . ta r 3.J- sr - , : E ?4 wr ff S" n4 Is Ie& -- 103 HI?- CO 3 s. p j a e 1 tra ;0 3! -- ci- "5 son ;r?v h : ? . ifrn a aS K a ie te o l& s? 259 bON ST ANT LYON HAND A GEHERAL ASS0RTHT OF :hip Chandlery and Ship Stores! For Sale by BOIXES fc CO. PER bark R. C. Wylie from Bremen 2i IRON" STOCK ACtlORS, siie. from to up to 2JN lbs. SMALL CRAIS, In quantities to suit, sties M Inch to of an inch. CHALV CABLES, I M. I S. aall S Inch. For sale low by ft: E0LLES&C0. coecl irscr. !l: X BARRELS ASD CASKS. For Sale by (tit) BOIXES & CO. California Beef in Bond. ECEIVKD PB TL. BELLE ROBERTS- .- R1 For aale by ISC SOLLC9 CO California Lime & 'White Brother' JS XGLJSII POETLAXI) CEHEXT Best oual- - iry 1 oraal. by jiSI) EOLLES A CO. MANILA CIGARS. SATO. 2 HATASA MUPE ! And a good Quality. .i. ForSaby AH EOLLES 4 CO. 9IEIUCAX MENS BEET ASD PRIME A: POKK. For baie by IiOU.ES & CO. PER KATMOI. CASE OF BCXT1XG Bed, White and Bine. . For bale by B0LLE3 CO. Extra Pilot and Medium Bread, ECJIIVED AB IOLAXI." R m lorasieDr H- - BOLUS it Co. Small Size Manila Rope, Stb. 12th. 1 L.. suid 1 2. sand SIXTH. Jast recelred per " W. H. Meyer." MT For bale by SOLLEa A Co. 300 Coils New Bedford Cordage, SIZES, from 112 t A 12 lncnu A&SOKTED Bedford WtaleLne. Catting Falla, ettu T Fur sale by SOLLaS Jt Co. GOLDE5Ur Extra Family and Baker's Extra Floor, tj ECXIVED FEB -- 1 0 LAST.' for Sale by T BOLLESiCO. Saloon Pilot Bread. IX CASES ASa QUARTER CASES. KeeJred -a." lor Sale by tT BOLLES iCo. Crackers, ASSORTED. MILK. WAFER, WATER, etc ete per IoUal" C roraaleby BOLLES CCO. Columbia River Salmon. ASSALL EOT OF SCPEMOB O.CAXJTT, I cat recetred. For aale by E0LLE3 A CO. HAWAIIAN JOURNAL, HONOLULU, JiUSIXESS NOTICES. S. ."IAI". Xaaann Street, ear King Street, ixroKTEx axo scales vf General Herchandisei Fancy Dry Goods, Gentlemen's "Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shots Hats, Caps c, il'c, ttc. Cos lyr E. O. IIAX.K. & S. IKPOBTESS AND DEAIVEES IS EABBWAES 0il and General Merchandlte, fi4.1y ConierFortand KiocStt. II.L,I.XGIIA.1I Jc CO., mPOEIESS AKD DEALESS IN HASDWAES Cutlery, Dry Goo-it- Paintt and Oils, aad General Mer ehandiw. No. St. King Street. IUnololn. MO ly a. a. citOHOti, jso. a. tvrrmu A. S.- - CLGGnOK.t Jt Co.. wroarxu axb otiuai 19 Gonorol TaaCo'roIi.o.TT ci 1 eo. Corner Qneen and Kaahnmann Streets, g0 ly XnnannSt . and corner Fort and IlotelSt. II. F. EIILRRX &. CO.. DEALESS IK 3ST GOODS ASD QEKEEAL KEECHAKDISE, Fort St., aboreOdd Fellownall. l05-l- y THEO. II. DAVIESS. LiTt JiTroi, Gattx 1 Co. J U1P05TEE AKD C0HSUSS10N JCEBCHAST. ass Aonrr ror Lloyd', and the Lirerpool Underwriter.. BriUfb and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and Xortbern .AMurance Company. pK ly HYMAS BKOXIIEItS. ULPOETEKS AND WHOLESALE DEALEES In FaaUonable Clothing, Rata. Capf, Boott. Sborf,.nd eTery rariety of Gentlemena FcrnUhlng Goods. Snow's Bonding. MerchantStreet.llonolnln: (C22-l- y 1 E. WILLIAMS HANUTAOTTJBEB, IYPOBTEE AND DEALEE In Fornltureof erery description. Furniture on Tort Street, .ipposite DicVson'e Gallery. 6C2 Orders from tbe otber islands promptly attended to. fly JOHAT WATERIIOWSE. IKPOBTEE AND DEALEE IN GENEBAL HEBCHANDISE. C3 Qneen Street, Honolulu, n. I. ly ED. HOFF.SCIILACGER A: CO.. IKPOBTEES AND COJUUSSION HEECHANTS, Honolulu. Oahu. H. I. oM ly J. 6.PICE801 BCST. LSTZK8, C. K. COOKE. LEWF.RS A; DICKSOX. EIPOETEES AND DEALEES IN LTJJOEE, And all kinds of BnildincMaterials, Fort Street, Honolulu Ktt-l- WILDER Az CO.. Successors to Dowsett A Co., Corner Fort and Qneen Street Luaser, Faints, Oils, Naili, Salt aad Building (Hiy Materialt of ererr Mad. UOLLEiS A: CO., Ship Chandleri and Coanusos Kertiasts. ImportersandDealersin General MercnandUe.Queentroet Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. CT ly A. W. PEIRCE .fc CO., (Successors to C. L. Ricsauss A Co.,) Siip Chandler! and General Contmission Hereh&nti. JLLSOAinU far tie JWm SsU Wcrlt. 6.23 Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, ly 0. BREWER & CO., ( h. a. p. aires, 1 i F. C JOXtS, J- -, V i j. ik saewca. J SHIPPING S COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "i Eoseluls, Hatraiian Islands. ly II. IIACKFELD A: CO., GENEEAL COKKISSION AGENTS. Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Col ly I AFOAGA: ACHI'CK. Importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise And CI. Ids Goods, in tic Fire-Pro- Store, comer of King and Xuuanu Streets. 617 ly . X. CASTLE. J. K. ATHEBT05. J. P. COOEE. CASTLE A; COOKE. SHTPKNG AND COKHISSION KEECHANTS, IilPORTEES ASD Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, 'o-- 0 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. .... AGEXTS TOR The Union Insurance Company of San Frandsco. The New England Mutual life Insurance Company, Boston. Tbe Oregon Packet line, (The Eoba'a Plantation, Dr. Jajne A oo' CelebratedJTbe Kaifcu Plantation. Medicines. 'W. H. Bailey's PlanUUon, Wheeler A WCson's Sewing) tTaialna PlauUtion. Machines. (oi ly) tllamahna Plantation. W, L. CEXSX. GSO. W VSC7ASX1KE. 7. X. IXttBAK. G QEGX, .11 ACFARLAAE A; CO.. IKPORTEES AND C0MMISSI0X HEBCHANTS, Boblnson's Fire-pro- Building, Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. agists rca The Pnuloa Sheep Ranch Company. The Spencer Plan UtiMi, Hilo, The ValKapu Planutx-c- , The Kamolo Plantation, itoUiial, The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. G34 F. A. SCIIAEFER A: CO.. Importers &. Commission Merchants celtj Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 1 W. G. IRWirV A; CO.. Coissio Merchasu, Plantation ad Icsttrance AEents, ' CIS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly E. C ATTTTf. x. r. xoacrso A.LLEX ROIH.S.. At oblnsons trharf. Dealers is Lumber and all kinds of Building Katexialt. Paints, Oslt, Nails, &c 4- -, &c, ageit's or acsooxxu Fanahl, Kolamasn. Mary Elles, Ct3 Fairy Queen, KefcaulocbJ, Uilaaia. ly THE LAI(A1.A STORE. LAHAIXA, STACI. Walter MarrayOIbaon.Propr. Fred H.Hayaelden,Mana-ge-r. (ft A. S. Ceshorn & CoJ HAS OX II A SI) A SCPEBEOR ASSORT. ENT of General Merchandise. Lumber, and re- cruit, for tnter-blan- d Tease-la- 619 ly war. jon.vsov, !MCoi,clia,33.-- t Tailor. C33 Kaahumanu SL, opposite Mr. G. Rhodes Store, ly BISHOP & CO., :o -- 9l 3r b: 3s h s , HOSOLULr, s t s s HATTAIIAX ISEAXDS, . ..DK1W EXEHAXGE OJf THE EAIH OF CrUFOSIIA. : : ; t SUL FBAKCISCC ass raxza acxsttj nt . Xtrtr Tart, Boston, Parts, Anclcland, TEE 0E1EITAL EUK CCEPOIUTIOI, : : : LDSDOII ass rsxrs ssaxcexs is ZIodst Koosr, SyTtney, and XXelbonroe, And trasaact a General EanUng Business. C30 ly TROfi. . THBCX. jos, su OAT THRUM A; OAT. Stationers, News dealers and Book- binders. Merchant Street, Honolulu. Also Stead Cuttisg. Ea grartncCaUgraphy and Copying, promplly executed on reasonable terms. 2-l- y II. L. CHASE. PORTRAIT AID OEAPHEE. EAXBSCAPE PHOTO. CoscaopoUtxn Photograph GaSery, H and U Fort Street. HonotnlB, Cl-l- y JOH5 WOKTH, Anstiozeer, tri Dealer in General Serchasdiu .0 HILO, HAWAIL fa DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. ' WEDISTESDAY, JUNE 20, 1877. BUSINESS NOTICES- - E. I. AW.V.1IS. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. 600-t- y C, S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. Salssrooa oa Queen Street, one door from Eaahumsan M5 Street. y II. E. JIcWTVllK ; BROTHER. GEOCERT. PEED STOEE and BAEERY, Corner of King aad Tort streets, HONOLULU. ts ly . n. ruiu a. w, BCSH. rniGL fc iicnii. QEOCEEIES AND PBOVISION DEALEES Family Grocery aud Feed Store. 611 Ijl SO Fort Street, Uotoluln. CIIAS. T. (.DUCK, TiTcatax'sr I'viTolio, AXD Agent to take Acliuotrledcmants for Labor eos Interior Office. Honolulu. ly 'EDWARD X. O'lIALLORAX, Attorney and Solicitor. Is authorized to lend from $400 to $1U 000, 00 Uortgige of at lowest rate, cf Interest. EST" Ageau In London, and U all parts of Anstndla. OSce on Furt Strict, (opposite Mr. Ira KicbanLon's Store) Uonolnlu. 611 3ms J. M. DAVIDSON. OBe- - orer Mr. Whitney's Book Store, formerly occupied ty Judge Anstio. Honolulu, IT. I. 6IT E. G. HITCHCOCK. ATT0EKET AT LA"W, HILO, HAWAII. oWOj Bills PrompUy Collected. ly C. II. niCKEV. a.TTo:i"L2u'e" js.a? oatv, And agent to receive acknowledgements of Labor Contracts for the District or Mtawao WILL PRACTICE OX JIABI OSLT BlanK Labor Coutra'-t- approred form, and Stamped Paper constantly on hand. S3. ReIdence naltn, ManL at lyr 1VILLIAM R. CASTLE. Attorney & Counsellor at Law, & Notary Public, OSce corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu Streets, Hono- lulu. StS ly CECIL BROWA. ATT0ESEY AXD C0UHSELL0E AT LAW. S0TAKT PCBUC. And Agent for tating Aclinowledgnients of Instruments for tbe Island 11 Xo. S Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. ly JOICV If. PATV, KOTAET PUBLIC and COinasSIOKEE of DEEDS, For the State of California. OBce at the Banh of Bishop A Co Kaahumanu Street, nonoluln. 0626 ly RICHARD F. IIICKCRTOZV. ATT0BKEY KD COTJHSELOB AT LAW Will attend tbe Terms of Courts on the other Islands, Money to lend oa Mortgages of Freeholds. Xo. "3 ilercbant Ptreet. S doors from Dr. SUngenwaUf. 60 r. zz. v. s. g. a. LATnaor, v. z. IIK.S. KADERS A: LATIIROP, 633 JIACI. ly J. 31. WHITNEY, 31. I., D.D S. Dental Bccai on Fort Street, 6 Corner Hotel, orer Mr. Strehl's Drugstore, ly CIIAa i. AkITTIcEDGE. 31. 1.. Bfec. to announce that he na. returned "Trom California, andluiends to settle In Honolulu for tbe practice of bis profession. All desiring h.s will Cad him at hi. redence on Scoanu ai enue, next door above the lower bridge. nC6 ly DR. F. It. IIIJTCIIIiSO, PHYSICTAIT AST) SUBGEOJ. Omce at Drug Store, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Residence, Xunsnu Avenue, bear School sueet. OSce hours, 9 It a. . ll-l- y E. STREIIZ, K?APOTHECAEY AKD DETJQGIST. a Corner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oahu. trsj- - Keeps open erery featurtlnj- - Eretilncr. o 631y THOMAS LACK, Successor toJohn Xeill. Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith Sewing Machines repaired: Dealer In Sfwrtinir Guuds AcentfortheCelebratedFLOREXCESEWIXGMACaiSES. A3, Fort Street, Honolulu, U.I. ttWj T. JT. RAKER. Practical Architect aid Builder. Plans and specification fureLhed at reasonable terms. Address Poet OSce, Honolulu, 11. 1. SIS Sm G. W. BROWN'. Cieil Engineer, MOXTGOSTXItT SQCARE, HOSOLCLC, H. L ROADS, TBAMWATS, WATER "rORK3 and BRIDGES COXSTBCCTED. WATER COtTRSES ALTERED, MARSH LA.XDS DRAISED, OBSTRUCTIONS REMOVED, i!:c., ic, tc. MAPS AXD PROFILES This Establishment closes at 12 m., oa Saturdays. 6i-l- G. .SCGELKEX &. CO.. TINSMITHS A1TD PLUHBEBS, Xo. 5 X'nnaun Street, Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Tin, Sheet Iron, aod Copperware, Oalv'd Iron and Lead Pipe. India Eubber Hose, tc otll ly WK. "ef EIGHT, SHIP AND CENERAL BLACKSMITH, Shop on Jodi Whsrt tA of Xunsnu Street, next to the Old Custom House, Honolulu, H. L CAKBIAQE BEPAIBISG,D0SE. Has connantly on hand and for sale, s good assortment of the Best Bar Iron. All orders from the other Islands will be carefully attended to. All worE lo xsy Una executed with dispstch aod guar- anteed. 06II ly J. H. WICKE, OAEIWET TVT A rn -- -. 91. Klnp; Street, n. Between Fort and Bethel streets. Furniture of all descriptions road, and repaired at rea- sonable rates. Good workmanship guaranteed. e6l ly Xi. "STST-A.'- CARPENTER AND JOINER 83.Vorlc Done PrompUyvE. Shop on Fort SL. Esplanade, opposite Hopper's Barrel Factory. cs i. 31. T. DOXfELL. CABIITET JKEB. JBESCH POLISHES. ti- - TJti d oxrfav1r,er- Xo. 51 Hotel Street, 1 :: : I : Honolulu, IL. j. 600 lyr CHRISTIAN CERTZ, OA nUffBO? TST.J Ha.iaJt. BEGS TO AXXOCXL'E TO THE PCBUC of Honolulu, that be has purchased the Sloes: and bosUess of WILLIAM FISCH- ER. Hotd Street, next toor to Strehrs Drue Stcre, and that In future the business win be earned on by blm in the same premises. C GL solicits a lair share of tbe pubGc patronage, and promises his patrons crrClry, attention and sood quality iar their money. S33 ly Sperm Candles, IX CABTSOXS. Tor Sale by (47 - ROUES & Co. DOMESTIC PRODUCE. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION rJAIt XOIT COMIsG IX nnd for sale In quantities to suit parcnasera oy M ly AFOXQ A ACnuCK. Pioneer Mill, Lah'aina. CAMPnr.Li. TritTox. rnopnirrrons. of snpeno- - qaallty, now coming In and for sate in quantities to suit by at ly IT. IIACKFELD CO SPENCEE PLANTATION. CROP OF SLGAIt SOW CO.TlItJ IX 11 and for saI. br 631 QREKf, MACFARLAXE CO,. Agents. WAIKAPU PLANTATION. VTEW CHOP OF Sl'iJ tit SOW COSIIXU IX X. s and Lr sale for home consumption only, by Ml GREE.V. iTACFAULANK A Ca, Agents. PTJTJLOA-RANC- H TANNERY. SOLEAXDUllDLE I.E.ATirEn. TASXED the aboe celebrated Tan aery, constantly recelred anJ fiir sal. by WJ GRKE.V, MACFARLAXE A CO. CITY MARKET, WlCin, PKOPRIETOR. XITTJAXD ST., OF CUAPLAIX LANE. r All Ordera Promptly Attended. JIETROPOLITAS MARKET. jfe C WALLER, Proprietor. jjBE, King; street. I6Mly llonolula. FAWIILYIIARKET! G. TTALLER, Proprietor. Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds Pish, Poultry, Vegetables, &o Furulstaol to Order. TTjIXTBAS Tucsdnja aud Thrtradars Teal, Frldays-Fls- h. Saudajs-Iam- b, (Unless otherwise ordered.) The Proprietor having leased the neat and commodious VEGETABLE, FRUIT AKD POULTRY MARKET, Adjoining the Family Meat Murtet, will be preparM to promptlr and satisJactorilj fill orders for evcrytiilcc re- quisite to furrlsh the tables vltb all tbe Sabstantlals and Delicacies tbe country affords. on Short XotIcc.-t.r- a Heats. Act delivered to all parts of the city wlthoot ex- tra charrr. 63 ly O. WALLEIt. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. SZttis. STEAM EMM.VES, SUGAR MILLS, - Ilollcrs, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead Castinisf Machinery of Every Description, S3- - Msae to Order. -- tt Particnlar attention paid to Ship's Blacksraitbing A3- - JOB irons executed on th. shortest notice. cGOs ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned- - Goat and Sheep Skins COXSTAXTT.l known OXIIAXO AXIS TOR SAXE, IVnlrnea Tminery. j. p. Parker, Prop'r. Hilo Tannery, F. S. I.jiiinu, Ppoprlclor. n lr A. S. CLEGHORN A CQ,, Agents. HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS! Art.l, 1 GREY & CO JlaDnr.cturers and Dealers I ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Leleo, King; Street, Honolulu. Beet Mutton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders and Bill. left at Ira Richardson's Boot and Shoe Store, will meet with prompt attention 62s ly HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, BY W.J. RAWLINS. Hie Proprietor of the above Works Is prepared to supply his customer!, and tbepnMe In general, with the Lestqtj.Ji.70f Yellow Soap. Soft Soap siUrajrs on lianti. 19 7ke Highrst rrice raid or Soap Great. ly , OIL BLACKING., V X"j?" sq j 3IASUFACTTJKED t BY H m I G. S. PINKHAM & CO., g 07 rJ 2 HILO. HAWAIL W K 03 P5 to: 2 BOLLES & Co., Agents, 3 w w rf i Hoxot-cxu- . I vVs. X4 QNiiovna tip THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! -- Jji-I J arisaP1Wtt3fe-y- f l"Bi"'ll'-,y-'-1btaas-JjK- ! rJ2jisaMsdHdHtofiHBHjB4 F'flflJRPg I PROPRIETOR IXATIXG OBTAIXED THE a sew leas or this -- EiXjX:cs--cTa.-tsr'r Will spsr. no pains to tnske It First-Cla- ss in Every Particular! Cottaeest by the sea aide fr th. accoramodation cf guests. Carriag and SaddU aTotsca CI sAorf notice. 09 SAM'L C. WILDER, AsTent for tbe Ilawailaii Islands, OF THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF SEW TOBK, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets a876).$80,000,000 y.TT Now is a Good Time to Lasure Koue but Fint-Cla-u Birks Takes, sTUa OFFICE WsTH WIEDEB & Co, eMa.TMJSMkMMSM EDITION JPOR.THE MAULSTJ3AMEH. GAZETTE, WHOLE No. 649. INSURANCE NOTICES. Boston Board of Underwriters. GRXTS for the Hawaiian TsIamU, ly C BREWER A CO. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. AGEXTS ftrr the HarralUu Islands, a nttEWER ca TRAXS-ATEAXTI- C FIRE INSURANCE CdlYlPANY, or iiAHnrRu. RIKS IXMJKETJ OX BCILDINUH. HER- - and Furniture. 00 liberal terms, by H. IIACKFELD CO., Antnts. May M. 18T8. ntu-l- y F. A. SOHAEPF.n. AGRXT of Dremen Ooard of Undertrrlteri, of Dresden Board of Cnderwriters, Acent of Tlenna Board of Underwriters. Ctaim. acaln-- t Insurance Companie. within th. JnrlStlictlon of th. .dot. Boards of Cnderwriters, will h.T. to b. certi- fied to by th. abose agent to mate them valid. C341y CALlJt-ORiXI- INSTJEANCE COMPANY. THE TJXDERSIGXED. AGEXTS OP THE Companv, has. been anthorized to Insure risks on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, front Honolulu to all arts of the world, and vice versa. 64 ly H. IIACKFELD A CO. HAMltlinGH-IIICE.nE- N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE UNDERSIGNED hawing oeen Arenu of the .bore Company, are prepared to in.ure risks aninst fire, on Stone and Brick Untit- ling., and on Merchandise stored therein, 01 tbe most f.vurable terms. For particular apply at th. cfSc. of 2 ly F. A. SCUAKFER A CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSTJEANCE COMPANY, OF HAMBURO. Bl'JETIIXGS. 9IERCIIAXDISE, FERXI. Insured against Fire on the most Livorahle terms. A. JAECER, Ateatfor the Uawallao Islands. MS ly UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX FRAXCISCO. 3Vrjr-i-a.o- . IKOOBPOEATED, 1835. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 10 For the Havrallan Islands. ly TnE Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OF VnXTERTHVJR. TJXDERSIGXED are AUTHORIZED to lusure On Cargo, Freight and Treasure Fromllonolulu to all parts of th. world, and upun Coasters, by Special Permission ! On tL. most favorable terms. W. 0. IRWIN A CO . 620-l- Agsnu for the Hawaiian Mauds. Rhenish Westphalian Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, OF M. GE.VDRACII. Rlseulsh Pruaain. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, OF A.1CIIEX. (AIX.EA.C1IAPEEEE.) A EI. CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR AVER. JrV. ACE smttlnrd by Goods arriving here, snd Insured In the above Companies, have to be made with the cog- nizance of and certified to by the undersigned, in onler to be valid. (Q ly) J. C. OLA HE, Agent. LIVERPOOL and YoNDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 ESTABLISHED AX AtlEXCV IX HONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Islands, and the undersigned are prepared to wnte risks against FIRC ON BUILDINGS, 3IERCU.VMSE AND DWELLINGS On favorable terms. Dwelling- Risks n Special Itjr. Detached dwellings and contents insured for a of three sears, for two premiums in advance. Eoaaea iroiunllw adjusted and payable here. 'S-tn- i BISHOP fc Co. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAIT PBA1TCISCO, Plro and THarlno, Cash Capital, Gold. 8300,000. Dwelllnu; Risks a rspeelalitjr. Detached dvelllnrs and ronlenu intured for a period of three years, fur two pre- miums in adTancc Oy writing saall lines on carefully selected risks wall distributed, offers UDEIISITT SECOXD TO XOXE. Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP & CO., 623 ly AgenU for th. Hawaiian Islands. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Company, MILWAUKEE, WISCOXSIX. ASSBTK, 817,000,0001 THE HOST HUICESSFUL IXSURAXCE lo the World. CUABTEBED IX ltlS. Has the advantage of Western Rates of Interest. Never lost a dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Its losses promptly. For particulars spply at the Office of W.O.IBWIUACO., oW ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands THB New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF BCUTOX, MAS3. IXCOHPC'RATED, 1835. Ilie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United States. Policies Ismsd on the raort favoraili TensJ. Example orXon.Forreltnre Plan, ISJCRED AOE, SS T UTZ PLAH 1 Annual premiost continues Policy 2 yeats 3 dsys 2 Annual premium coBtinnes Policy 4 year. 12 days 3 Aunnal premium continues Policy 6 yean 27 days 4 Annual premium coctlnnes Policy S yean 44 days a Annual premiomcootlaaesPolicy 10 jearj todays Aisaots, : : $13,500,0001 Loases Paid tiironch ITonoIala jr, 49.000 ! CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS 410 FOR THE UA1VAIIAX I8LAXU8. ly NEW ZEALAND INS. CO., rou FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE. ESTABLISHED, ltl, Oa-fpi-ta- l: 95,000,000 (With unlimited llabiHt of Shareholders. lElTiTWELL,irBrTCTyoireslL--3hsiuiar- e INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Of every description ot property riay bt effected TritS this Company et moderate rates. Merchandiie, Goodx and Freight Insured By steamer aad- - sailing reaels. Losses can be toade payable la Honolulu. CAATfE A COOKE, e ' Agests for HouUslu. 3 XA.-XBE- I O-f- f epac. Musured la KespareH Type. , I wits 3ts 3a oUntsUlnch Itl0 oeJs 2 at 4 ae 12 Lines 1 inch,,.., 1 (0 300 4 it 21 Lines 2 Inches... SOB 1 T3 38 Lines 3 Incurs. 3 00 la 12 1121 43 Lines 4 lochee.. ........... 4 00 3 CO 12 00 u ca- ts Quarter of Coluura . ..... .... t 00 11 (e ISM e Third of Column ,.. ., g M H to MS) 2SCC Half of Colura.... 10 OB 1 23 a a Column 14 00 24 Of 30 to 0M On. Column ... 13 OC OOl JfOOlTmoa - Buslnen Cards when , srrjMfcf tor 4 jrir. si allowed a dlacosnt from tat rates, whlti are As- - advettlstmtnts, when paid or charred quarterly. K. B. All foreign advertisements) mast b aecsespaaletl with th. pay when ordered Is, r ao aetk will be taksa of them. given la tbe above aral., for Eastern Amertcaa' may be made by bank check, cols or tis cant pel- age stamps. Jb'OitEIGN NOTICES. P. CEO. MURPHY, Attorney and CoohhIIst at Law, S33 California SL, Baa Franeiato, A Jolicltorcf the 'nrrrat Conrt cf ThrtoTlt, Anstrslia. rractlrrs In all lb. Courts cf Cstlrorala, oK"r Sm II. W. SEVERANCE, riOHSISSIOX MERCHANT, 40i FnONT STOEET, RAX FRAXCISCO. MJ-l- r. atsai a. wiluaks. r. stAscsias WILLIAMS, BLA17CHABD & CO.. ShippiBf- - and CoBalssiea MtrcbaBte, 43 III Callforala Strait, San rraedsco. ly COBBITT & MACLEAT, Sttpplrre;- - as- - Comitoolwa MwthaBte, 13 and II Front SU 10 and 12 Pint !- -, rortland.'a SAS IRANCISCO OFFICE. 201 BACBAJtEXTO STRMTr. nsrsito Bant of British Columbia Pot HamL Oregon Tint National Hold Bask-- . .?aa rrsneisco )lewra,H. Hackr.ldlCo Ilonc-lul- Messrs. Bishop A Co., Bankers .. . nonIula Messrs. Green, Macfarlan. A Co... . .. . Uonolsls Bio- - Consignments of Islsnd Produce soticttad. on which. CASH ADTAXCE3 WILL BE MADE. oMT ly Fisheries! THE rXIERiI(XEI IXVITE THE attention of the Fisheries to their Cotton. FJhH ISTottJjxs, for GUI Nets, Seines, Traps and Pornis. Cotton Is superior to Hemp, for Its durability and light- ness. It Is universally uwd In the I'nlted states. France and England. Itscostls low loiter than hemp or nax. Attne made the undersLtued for the superiority of their wares. Samples and price, furnished Dealersby mall All packed In arm bales, and ,l.!0 per 100 pounds lull freight to can Francisco. AMERICAS NET AID TWIXE CO. 442 3m Boston C.S. A. BOOKS & STATIONERY. The Basis of Our Business. FIRST To Mannfacture all smh Books and as csn b. done here aa well as .ls.htr, sad thereby directly benefit oar customers and ourselTes. SECO.ID Ta Bur and Sell Boik. and St.tlm.nv so as to mak. tt to th. Interest of dealers and consumers toy com. to ns In prsrerenc. lo lending EasL t3r" " manufacture and Import .very dtNvlpuon of Sta- tionery, carrying large stocks of Taper. Envelopes snd BIsnk Books of our own manufactara. Inks, Slatts, etc 43- - Over 1,500 varieties of Blank forms kept In Stock. A. L. BANCROFT t CO., oMO-l- y faa Trsneisco, Csl PALACE TRUNK STOEE, N' O. 28 SEW "MOXTGOJIERT STREET, Palace Hotel, San Irancls-o- . The traveling pnbltc from Australia and th. Hawaiian Islands are Invited to Inspect the stock now open st the ' above central store. Every article In the line of Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, Satchels, Btraps, etc j Constantly on band. j Ladles' and Cent's Fine Sole Leather and' Snrtstosrn Trunks, a speciality. Trunks of any pattern made to order 1st short notice. , 3VuiX-- s Repaired and Cozert Made. 8an Francisco, SepL 1878. SOT-l- R. S. HOWLAND. Shipping and Coaaiission Jfrrcbant, UUO Front Street, near California, 8AX FRAXCISCO. BEFEB3 TO 0. A SI. Howiand, Xsw Bedford. C. Brewi r A Co., Boston. 1. II. Bartlett A fcooa, Ooen A Claik. Provldeoesw Wm.If.Cr.po, " E. A- - Miuric. fourth Xat 630 6m n,,,, .v. T ROBERT WILKES & CO., KAHUFACTUBEHS ftainTFACnTEXE'S A0EHT3 1M POBTEaS AND EXP0KTEL3 OP Amorican, -- English & European MAXCFACTCHERH. Supply to dealers th. Urges! variety of denrrsl Ucrchsa- - dls. offered by any OSE HOUSE IS THU WOBLB. Every dealer should has. a Catalogs, front this House as soma goods In .very Un. are supplied. All Staple Goods Bold Guaranteed nOBSESl , Toronto, 41 snd 10 Tonga street; Montr ;al. lid and 1M, McOill street; London, CO Queen TktorU street, E. C ; SheBeld Beavsr Works. Tonrsrdlog sad COmmlsasro agency, SEW TOBK CITT. INDIA RICE MILL, COBXEB OF HISSION-- FREMONT STS., SM FRANCISCO, C1L riHIIE IXDIA RICE HILL IIATIXO EXBER. JL gone Material Improvements, Is nos-I- perfect coa dluon for the Hulling and Dressing of Paddy AMD UNCLEANED RICE. In the Best Fosslble Manner. The Price for IIULUXO and DEESHISO PADDT has been Bedacid Wper cent. ocji-x&s--ix3a- -r os' Faddy and Hulled Eicel 17UI Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. Wit. if. OREE-nroo- General Commission Merchant aad Proprietor of India Bice 1L0L 423 jy HOETH BRITISH ASD MEIJCAHTILS INSURANCE CO., Of LOXOOX AXD EDIXBtTROH. ESTABLISHED 1S03. CAPITAL A3,0C0,0CH) Accnmalatcd and Invested Fond. 3,838,118 DXDER8IGSED HAVE BEES AOEXTS (or th. Sandwich Islands, aad sr. sstborlsed to insula . gainst Fire spoa favorabl. terms. Bisks taksa In any part of th. Islands on Woodos Buildings snd m.rchsndlse stored therein. Dwelling Uooses sad rurn-Itsr- s, Timber, Coste. Ships In harbor with or altbout csrroes oraadsrrspsir. 611 ly A CO Insurance Wotica. flHE AGEXT FOR THE BRITISH Far- - M. .Ign Mirios Insurance Company, (United), has lustroctlors to reduce tke rates ef Insersncs between Honolulu snd Forts in tbe Psdse, sad Is now pre- pared to Usee Policies at th lowest rstae, with a special redaction on freight per steams rs. THEO. H. DATUS. ly 2t Ag.ntBrlLTor. sr. Books Lately Received. HASWELL'K EXeiXEER-f- r Becelpta, POCKET M4K Host to Write Letters, Tonne Folks' CentenaUITthysBes, Uttie Women, 2 mlumes, Boatne, a Xtory of lew Bed EcroJution, The eon Mill, a Bomance, Anne Warwick, a 2?ve!. . Souse foe th Little Ones at Home, Tom Sawyer, or Mark Twain's Aotofclomrhr. Far Sal. ty ;( 2niJ H, JC THIT.fET. I

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    BY HENRY M. WHITNEYFvrery Wcdncuday Mornlnjr,


    Foretpi Sabicrlbrritt7.00 to SIO.OO.ITbleh ioclnd IXwUpM prf-,--

    Offick In the new Pot Office BuildingMerchant Street, Honolulu, IT. I.

    'Floe Arlcnnan Gentleman.

    IT JLUKB.T rtt--

    Tm: lint Old ZmqIuX CnUrmam.'Sew, &U food fefto. Hit en. u4 -- tory 1 - tell.Of & otlpttty cWrcr BtIm&Q wto 11 titrtmolj wt.In th vcmtern part f Arkuiiu, cIom to th IniUn Mn,THitrr h gU dmtk once a, wk on trUlejr. and lj

    aobert hLmt-el- f compUtdj oa tbt reiT bwt ofwist;

    A Co Artuui rtnlleiBia,Qoh to tbt Cbocuw Ho.

    ThU fits Ark&siu Mltmu b--v a mlpbty fin -- tM-,Of fire er-l- x tbooMMid icm or mvr of Uni. that wBl hm

    worth cr-- t some dar eretber. If b Aaut tinUmslf bo mod. and wiH wly cood-- w to wivlx;

    Xsd focrcr fiTt fconirxJ negrof tht wcH ruber worka tbuiBet,And tact. ef bort-.- , ad caul. u.2 plfu a&d

    ether poo.tyy. thki fc nerer pretend to know bowEUfij he has pot ;

    TbU fine Arkansas rnllemxto Ibt Cbocuw line.

    TbU to Arkitntu cillcman hu buiU tplwadM boose,'Ob lbs defnblprmlH1 extremely veil popuUted with

    dry and bar and pro,?And wbeo he wants to feut hW Trfende be bj votbloc snore

    todTba&trMTetbcpot-UAeS;andthedfCtl4ebare- Mrdi

    fij atnlfbt teu the pot, ttiewiac ho will aboot eni iftbej doat and ho hJ a apleodU ki;

    TbU fine Artaptx cntlcaiaEUOoae to tha Cbooair line.

    TbU fie ArtanM pm.tle.nui atatre eeteral bssdred bale,Tnlat from drought, or worm, a bad ttand, or torn, other

    CBBtinff ncy bis crop U ihert, or frHi ;A&d when It'a pitied and cisned a&d baled be pctc It la a


    AbdfU aboard htmaelf Hkewiaa, And charters the bar, aadadevDof a spree. whQa down to 2ew Orleans be

    and bU oattas float.TbU fine Arlant&a irentleman,Qot to the Choctaw Hoe.

    And, whnbe CU to Xtw Orlaana, bfaacki a dothlnc

    And psunat the Citj- - Hotel, the , LoeU, the El."Chart, jtha Termadah, and all the ether boteU inthe dyrlf be succeeds I a ftv&cuj more;

    Then be'drawi npsa bU merchant, and pxs aboot aadrrattTrf

    Errry man from Caatneky atd Arkaarai aad Alabama andVirginia and tbe Cboetaw alim a4 eTery other vacm-bo-

    he meets'TbU flee Arkansas gentlemanClot to the Cbocuw lla !

    The last time be was down here, wbes be thought of JOlHfback

    ATirTtUjlBcaboottf-rfeayrars- , orla,he discolored thatby lending and by epeodiec, and betccaprey tn toe-r- al

    to gamblers, baekmea, laaicrs, brokers, boslers, xalltiprx. aerraaU, and many other iodiTtdaals, white aad

    HeTd distributed his aseetf , and got rid ef all bis meansAad bad nothing left to show fr then, barring two or three

    headaches, an Invincible thirst and aa axtretaely general aad proaUcnoas acquaintance la the aXJresaid iOrieaai;

    TbU fine Arbansme gentleasa.Close to the Cboetaw hne 1

    Kowabow thU grctleman got borne is neither here arc there.Tint r beeo credrWy Informed that be swore worse tbaa

    C pirate, aad fiercely cuenbed tU hair;And aftr be gat saMy base they say be lUus: aa oathThat he'd never bet a cent again at may gsme of cards, and,

    CttoreOTer, for want of Ceceat adrtstn, be foresworewbiiVy aed faro both ;

    ThU fine Arkansas gentleman,Ctoee to the Cboetaw line 1

    TbU fine Artaasei geatlenaa went fierre for Piecc aadslSc

    And eo cane oa to Kashlagtos to gat a aire 1st cSce, or-- orne other comfjrubU thing;

    Bat He him from Jemaslexn that went to Jericho,He feX among thleree aglB, and coakd sat wta a bet wheth-

    er be coppered or cot, eo bU cash was boend to go ;This fine Arhaaas gentleman.Ooee to the Cboetaw line 1

    when bU moneys all were gone, be toot nolo b U bed,Aad Ir. Keyburn physicked bla, and the

    who bad a great afieetlea fofblci, with her ana heldspbU bead; I

    AndaWbU frieadscaae weeping rcond and bidding him Jradlea,

    And two or three dcxen preachera, wbtobe didn't knowatftK. aad didn't care It be didn't, came prayiag for jhim, too;

    TbU fine Arkansas gentleman,Ooee to the Choctaw bn I

    They closed bU eye and spread him oct all ready for thetomb.

    Aad merely to console themselves tbey opened the biggestkind of game of faro right therein bU own room;

    Est when be heard the checks be Sang the linen off bU face.And sang oatjost precUely as be used to d when be was

    alive, Priadle, 6ont torn! boedoa! IgnS)oatheking, aad copper oa the ace'

    ThU fiae Arkansas geatleaac,Ooee to the Cbocuw Hoe! .

    Ila-trnl- l In jlnew.- iFfoiB the Sydney Mail ire extract tie followlnjnotice cf the Hawaiian exhtltt at the Sjdsej Eihi-titio-

    " There art tome exhibit, of more than ordinaryjast arrired, to be teen sear tbe southern en-

    trance to the main bntUicr; tasplei of sugar, rice,eofee, aed photorraphl from tbe Hawaiian Islands,exhibited br his llajertr Einj KalsAana. Thereham alio bees lest copies of the Bantiiam Gtuetst ofthe 7th March, containing a photographof the handsome new Parliament House at Honolulu

    a buiTfling wb'Ka cost aboot 65,00 is its construetios, and which for elegance of design afords a modelfar a legislaUre bcildisg which even ocr noble strnc-tsr-

    is Maeqsarie-atre-et cannot emuUtejalso copies ofthe Hawaiian Guide Book which giree an interesti-ng; description of the mam feature of interest to beteen br trarellcrs In the Hawaiian group. A letterto Mr. Jonbert from Mr. W. L. Green, the chairmanof the Hosoluls Chamber cf Commerce, in ade'uicjthe ahipoest cf these exhlbiti, ija : " We consid-ered they Bight be interesticr. as showing to youreapiUEsts and to yccx g pofttlalion whatthey might expect to be able to do here is case tomeof them should not hare realised their expeetanost isAustralia. Th.s too consider that whole crops ofeogar can be old here .to-d- (March 6) in adrasceat S30 per ton, all round, for the San Francisco mar-ket, where it is admitted duty free, and that the yieldof onr new lands, of which there are itiU plenty. Isthree, fear, and re tons of sugar to the acre, andthat the cost of preparing the ground, planting, atdbringing the cane to natality is only from 0 dollarsper acre in farorable up to 100 dollars in anfarorablelocalities, it hardly requires any fgnriag to tee thatthe profits an rery large, and many pecple hare

    realised thea. Tbe mars diSrulty here, at inxaoct newly settled countries, is the wast cf hiredlabor, bat this is being to tone extent met (for wehare (till a considerable satire population), by thesystem of eoltiration os shares ; that is to say, a fewforeigners, or of the more intelligent satires, join to-gether to pet in a certain cumber cf acres of ease,and when, lay, 100 acres or so are foond to be grow"e; vail they hare so di.nlty is iodceisg the Ho-

    nolulu mercuiU and capitalists to put sp machinery,and to grind the cane nd manufacture the sugarSpring the growers half the regar.asd keeping theother half themsclrei. The n also usuallyeart the case to the raffl. This arraf cement hashoes found to be rery profitable. ......Toe mcii perceive that, if it wonld pay both grow-ers and masufactsren to sell sugar at 1B per ton allronsd, which was tbe can before the reciprocity trea-ty srUh America. It must be highly prcfitable nowthat they axe guaranteed by the treaty Zi per Ion.... We hare some nice sheep real here, and onrbest clips of wool fetch IS to 20 cent per lb. all round.X should hare sent fxtanUs of wool bit far one Is between ahaarisgimat, and the wool It abort."



    VOL. XIII.-N- o. 25.1


    IMPORTEES AND WHOLESALE .DEALXESZa Fuhlnn.U. Clothing H.ta, Cp. BaoIc Sboc and.tptj Trt.ty f 0itUinen, op.rtor ruroUMng OaoA.Slor. is UiLm'i Block. Qona Stmt, llonolalo. II. I.


    A. W. PEI RCE & CO.,Acnts tor


    Brand' BombMS lr rTj- - nvl- - rnln Killer. Ac.

    OIL. OIL. OIL !Strained Sperm Oil,

    BT TUB CASK tin O tXLOX, IX salt, mt lb. lowest ntn.ALSO,r

    Polar and fTalrna CHI. Shark Oil,Paint OUKcrawu Oil, Jtr.lor 61 l

    A. TT. PEIRCE A 00.

    Cotton and Hemp BuckA OOrh YARDS COTTO.V DICK..J'XJJf (La wlrucr) No. 1 tolO.Jojtrect-itfd- ,I z CorUxta, and other arrmli.

    S,oao Woolbory Cotton Dock, all nomb--&,0)rliUemplore, Ine FUx aodMnEhastary,

    4 U oQbDers.Alu, Cotton SaTia, Cotton and Hemp Twine, tc, tc

    .Tor tlt bf jt4j ly a. W. rKIHCli A CO.Tar, Pitch, &c.

    4 MEKICAX ASD htVEKLSU TAIL. lTIL.mlnctoa Ricb. Ualtim, iCL. ;itjJ Storea, ictirwalo br yi lj A. w. raKcl: t CO.Manila and Hemp Cordage.

    "Afl CI11JS MAIUtA-- HEMP (XtBD- -JUJ as, a foil axwrtmeiu, an sirs.or Sale bp jtlt lj, A. W PgmCE A COWire Eope, "Wire Seizing.UOODSCPPLT. Tor Sale byA. MS T A. U i CO.

    Anchors and Chains.VxcnoKS rcoji 40 liis. to 2200 lbs.CIIAINh, from 1 4 to 1 1 tscnes.Wfeal.bT US 1 A. W.FETCBE CXI.

    Best Ash Oars.t XXIX sll'PLr.-- 8 m et to 22 fret lone.. ToraalebT ttt 1 A. W.YEICCK Jt CO.A Very Full Assortment


    SHIP CHANDLERY,jz Trays o xaxd.

    Uso, Whale Boats azid BoattockAnd IVhalluc tiear.

    I OR SaLE BY jM ljr A. IV. PEI UCE A. CO

    -H- : mms'.x

    i;5 rF o? aV 3if.'4!;'? - t--

    0 Vt-2- . tar 3.J-sr - , :

    E ?4 wr ffS"

    n4 Is Ie& -- 103HI?-

    CO 3 s. p j a e1 tra ;0

    3! --ci- "5son;r?v h : ?.

    ifrn aaS K a ieteo l&s? 259bON STANT LYON HAND


    :hip Chandlery and Ship Stores!For Sale by BOIXES fc CO.

    PER bark R. C. Wylie from Bremen

    2i IRON" STOCK ACtlORS, siie. from to up to 2JN lbs.SMALL CRAIS, In quantities to suit, sties M Inch to

    of an inch.CHALV CABLES, I M. I S. aall S

    Inch. For sale low byft: E0LLES&C0.

    coecl irscr.!l:X BARRELS ASD CASKS.For Sale by (tit) BOIXES & CO.

    California Beef in Bond.ECEIVKD PB TL. BELLE ROBERTS- .-R1 For aale by ISC SOLLC9 CO

    California Lime & 'White Brother'JSXGLJSII POETLAXI) CEHEXT Best oual- -iry 1 oraal. by jiSI) EOLLES A CO.

    MANILA CIGARS.SATO. 2 HATASA MUPE ! And a good Quality.

    .i. ForSabyAH EOLLES 4 CO.


    PER KATMOI.CASE OF BCXT1XG Bed, White and Bine.

    . For bale by B0LLE3 CO.

    Extra Pilot and Medium Bread,ECJIIVED AB IOLAXI."R m lorasieDr

    H-- BOLUS it Co.

    Small Size Manila Rope,Stb. 12th. 1 L.. suid 1 2. sandSIXTH. Jast recelred per " W. H. Meyer."

    MT For bale by SOLLEa A Co.

    300 Coils New Bedford Cordage,SIZES, from 112 t A 12 lncnuA&SOKTED Bedford WtaleLne. Catting Falla, ettu

    T Fur sale by SOLLaS Jt Co.

    GOLDE5UrExtra Family and Baker's Extra Floor,tj ECXIVED FEB -- 1 0LAST.' for Sale by


    Saloon Pilot Bread.IX CASES ASa QUARTER CASES. KeeJred-a." lor Sale by

    tT BOLLES iCo.

    Crackers,ASSORTED. MILK. WAFER, WATER,etc ete per IoUal"

    C roraaleby BOLLES CCO.

    Columbia River Salmon.ASSALL EOT OF SCPEMOB O.CAXJTT,Icat recetred.

    For aale by E0LLE3 A CO.




    S. ."IAI".Xaaann Street, ear King Street,

    ixroKTEx axo scales vfGeneral Herchandisei Fancy Dry Goods,

    Gentlemen's "Furnishing Goods,Clothing, Boots, Shots Hats, Caps c, il'c, ttc.

    Cos lyr

    E. O. IIAX.K. & S.IKPOBTESS AND DEAIVEES IS EABBWAES0il and General Merchandlte,

    fi4.1y ConierFortand KiocStt.


    Cutlery, Dry Goo-it- Paintt and Oils, aad General Merehandiw. No. St. King Street. IUnololn. MO ly

    a. a. citOHOti, jso. a. tvrrmuA. S.- - CLGGnOK.t Jt Co..

    wroarxu axb otiuai 19

    Gonorol TaaCo'roIi.o.TT ci 1 eo.Corner Qneen and Kaahnmann Streets,g0 ly XnnannSt . and corner Fort and IlotelSt.


    KEECHAKDISE,Fort St., aboreOdd Fellownall. l05-l-y

    THEO. II. DAVIESS.LiTt JiTroi, Gattx 1 Co. J

    U1P05TEE AKD C0HSUSS10N JCEBCHAST.ass Aonrr ror

    Lloyd', and the Lirerpool Underwriter..BriUfb and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, andXortbern .AMurance Company. pK ly


    In FaaUonable Clothing, Rata. Capf, Boott. Sborf,.ndeTery rariety of Gentlemena FcrnUhlng Goods. Snow'sBonding. MerchantStreet.llonolnln: (C22-l- y

    1 E. WILLIAMSHANUTAOTTJBEB, IYPOBTEE AND DEALEEIn Fornltureof erery description. Furniture on

    Tort Street, .ipposite DicVson'e Gallery.6C2 Orders from tbe otber islands promptly attended to. fly


    HEBCHANDISE.C3 Qneen Street, Honolulu, n. I. ly


    Honolulu. Oahu. H. I. oM ly


    EIPOETEES AND DEALEES IN LTJJOEE,And all kinds ofBnildincMaterials, Fort Street, Honolulu


    WILDER Az CO..Successors to Dowsett A Co., Corner Fort and Qneen StreetLuaser, Faints, Oils, Naili, Salt aad Building

    (Hiy Materialt of ererr Mad.UOLLEiS A: CO.,

    Ship Chandleri and Coanusos Kertiasts.ImportersandDealersin General MercnandUe.Queentroet

    Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. CT ly

    A. W. PEIRCE .fc CO.,(Successors to C. L. Ricsauss A Co.,)

    Siip Chandler! and General Contmission Hereh&nti.JLLSOAinU far tie JWm SsU Wcrlt.

    6.23 Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, ly

    0. BREWER & CO.,( h. a. p. aires, 1i F. C JOXtS, J- -, Vi j. ik saewca. J

    SHIPPING S COMMISSION MERCHANTS,"i Eoseluls, Hatraiian Islands. ly


    Qneen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Col ly I

    AFOAGA: ACHI'CK.Importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers

    in General MerchandiseAnd CI. Ids Goods, in tic Fire-Pro- Store, comer of

    King and Xuuanu Streets. 617 ly



    Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise,'o-- 0 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

    .... AGEXTS TORThe Union Insurance Company of San Frandsco. The NewEngland Mutual life Insurance Company, Boston.Tbe Oregon Packet line, (The Eoba'a Plantation,Dr. Jajne A oo' CelebratedJTbe Kaifcu Plantation.

    Medicines. 'W. H. Bailey's PlanUUon,Wheeler A WCson's Sewing) tTaialna PlauUtion.

    Machines. (oi ly) tllamahna Plantation.

    W, L. CEXSX. GSO. W VSC7ASX1KE. 7. X. IXttBAK.


    Boblnson's Fire-pro- Building,Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

    agists rcaThe Pnuloa Sheep Ranch Company.

    The Spencer Plan UtiMi, Hilo,The ValKapu Planutx-c- ,

    The Kamolo Plantation, itoUiial,The Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. G34

    F. A. SCIIAEFER A: CO..Importers &. Commission Merchants

    celtj Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 1

    W. G. IRWirV A; CO..Coissio Merchasu, Plantation ad Icsttrance

    AEents, 'CIS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ly

    E. C ATTTTf. x. r. xoacrsoA.LLEX ROIH.S..

    At oblnsons trharf.Dealers is Lumber and all kinds of Building

    Katexialt. Paints, Oslt, Nails, &c 4- -, &c,ageit's or acsooxxu

    Fanahl, Kolamasn. Mary Elles,Ct3 Fairy Queen, KefcaulocbJ, Uilaaia. ly


    Walter MarrayOIbaon.Propr. Fred H.Hayaelden,Mana-ge-r.(ft A. S. Ceshorn & CoJHAS OX IIA SI) A SCPEBEOR ASSORT.ENT of General Merchandise. Lumber, and re-cruit, for tnter-blan- d Tease-la- 619 ly

    war. jon.vsov,!MCoi,clia,33.-- t Tailor.C33 Kaahumanu SL, opposite Mr. G. Rhodes Store, ly

    BISHOP & CO.,:o -- 9l 3r b: 3s h s ,HOSOLULr, s t s s HATTAIIAX ISEAXDS,


    ass raxza acxsttj nt .Xtrtr Tart,



    ass rsxrs ssaxcexs isZIodst Koosr,

    SyTtney, andXXelbonroe,

    And trasaact a General EanUng Business. C30 ly

    TROfi. . THBCX. jos, su OATTHRUM A; OAT.

    Stationers, News dealers and Book-binders.

    Merchant Street, Honolulu. Also Stead Cuttisg. EagrartncCaUgraphy and Copying, promplly executed onreasonable terms. 2-l- y


    CoscaopoUtxn Photograph GaSery, H and U Fort Street.HonotnlB, Cl-l- y

    JOH5 WOKTH,Anstiozeer, tri Dealer in General Serchasdiu

    .0 HILO, HAWAIL fa



    E. I. AW.V.1IS.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.

    Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. 600-t- y

    C, S. BARTOW, Auctioneer.Salssrooa oa Queen Street, one door from Eaahumsan

    M5 Street. y


    Corner of King aad Tort streets,HONOLULU. ts ly

    . n. ruiu a. w, BCSH.rniGL fc iicnii.QEOCEEIES AND PBOVISION DEALEES

    Family Grocery aud Feed Store.611 Ijl SO Fort Street, Uotoluln.

    CIIAS. T. (.DUCK,TiTcatax'sr I'viTolio,


    Agent to take Acliuotrledcmants for Laboreos Interior Office. Honolulu. ly

    'EDWARD X. O'lIALLORAX,Attorney and Solicitor.

    Is authorized to lend from $400 to $1U 000, 00 Uortgigeof at lowest rate, cf Interest.

    EST" Ageau In London, and U all parts of Anstndla.OSce on Furt Strict, (opposite Mr. Ira KicbanLon's

    Store) Uonolnlu. 611 3ms

    J. M. DAVIDSON.OBe-- orer Mr. Whitney's Book Store, formerly occupied

    ty Judge Anstio. Honolulu, IT. I. 6IT


    oWOj Bills PrompUy Collected. ly

    C. II. niCKEV.a.TTo:i"L2u'e" js.a? oatv,

    And agent to receive acknowledgements of Labor Contractsfor the District or Mtawao

    WILL PRACTICE OX JIABI OSLTBlanK Labor Coutra'-t- approred form, and Stamped

    Paper constantly on hand.S3. ReIdence naltn, ManL at lyr

    1VILLIAM R. CASTLE.Attorney & Counsellor at Law, & Notary Public,OSce corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu Streets, Hono-

    lulu. StS ly



    And Agent for tating Aclinowledgnients of Instruments fortbe Island

    11 Xo. S Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, H. I. ly


    For the State of California. OBce at the Banh of Bishop ACo Kaahumanu Street, nonoluln. 0626 ly


    Will attend tbe Terms of Courts on the other Islands,Money to lend oa Mortgages of Freeholds. Xo."3 ilercbant Ptreet. S doors from Dr. SUngenwaUf. 60

    r. zz. v. s. g. a. LATnaor, v. z.IIK.S. KADERS A: LATIIROP,

    633 JIACI. ly

    J. 31. WHITNEY, 31. I., D.D S.Dental Bccai on Fort Street,

    6 Corner Hotel, orer Mr. Strehl's Drugstore, ly

    CIIAa i. AkITTIcEDGE. 31. 1..Bfec. to announce that he na. returned "Trom California,

    andluiends to settle In Honolulu for tbe practice of bisprofession. All desiring h.s will Cad him at hi.redence on Scoanu ai enue, next door above the lowerbridge. nC6 ly


    Omce at Drug Store, corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,Residence, Xunsnu Avenue, bear School sueet.

    OSce hours, 9 It a. . ll-l- y

    E. STREIIZ,K?APOTHECAEY AKD DETJQGIST.a Corner Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oahu.trsj-- Keeps open erery featurtlnj- - Eretilncr. o 631y

    THOMAS LACK,Successor toJohn Xeill.

    Machinist, Lock and Cun SmithSewing Machines repaired: Dealer In Sfwrtinir GuudsAcentfortheCelebratedFLOREXCESEWIXGMACaiSES.A3, Fort Street, Honolulu, U.I. ttWj

    T. JT. RAKER.Practical Architect aid Builder.

    Plans and specification fureLhed at reasonable terms.Address Poet OSce, Honolulu, 11. 1. SIS Sm

    G. W. BROWN'.





    i!:c., ic, tc.MAPS AXD PROFILES

    This Establishment closes at 12 m., oaSaturdays.



    Xo. 5 X'nnaun Street,Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Tin, Sheet

    Iron, aod Copperware,

    Oalv'd Iron and Lead Pipe. India Eubber Hose, tcotll ly


    Shop on Jodi Whsrt tA of Xunsnu Street, next to theOld Custom House, Honolulu, H. L

    CAKBIAQE BEPAIBISG,D0SE.Has connantly on hand and for sale, s good assortment of

    the Best Bar Iron.All orders from the other Islands will be carefully attended

    to. All worE lo xsy Una executed with dispstch aod guar-anteed. 06II ly

    J. H. WICKE,OAEIWET TVT A rn -- -.

    91. Klnp; Street, n.Between Fort and Bethel streets.

    Furniture of all descriptions road, and repaired at rea-sonable rates. Good workmanship guaranteed. e6l ly


    83.Vorlc Done PrompUyvE.Shop on Fort SL. Esplanade, opposite Hopper's Barrel

    Factory. cs i.31. T. DOXfELL.

    CABIITET JKEB. JBESCH POLISHES.ti- - TJti d oxrfav1r,er-

    Xo. 51 Hotel Street, 1 : : : I : Honolulu, IL. j.600 lyr


    BEGS TO AXXOCXL'E TO THEPCBUC of Honolulu, that be has purchasedthe Sloes: and bosUess of WILLIAM FISCH-ER. Hotd Street, next toor to Strehrs Drue

    Stcre, and that In future the business win be earned on byblm in the same premises.

    C GL solicits a lair share of tbe pubGc patronage, andpromises his patrons crrClry, attention and sood qualityiar their money. S33 ly

    Sperm Candles,IX CABTSOXS.Tor Sale by

    (47 - ROUES & Co.


    KAUPAKUEA PLANTATIONrJAIt XOIT COMIsG IX nnd for sale Inquantities to suit parcnasera oy

    M ly AFOXQ A ACnuCK.

    Pioneer Mill, Lah'aina.CAMPnr.Li. TritTox. rnopnirrrons.of snpeno- - qaallty, now coming In andfor sate in quantities to suit byat ly IT. IIACKFELD CO


    11 and for saI. br631 QREKf, MACFARLAXE CO,. Agents.

    WAIKAPU PLANTATION.VTEW CHOP OF Sl'iJ tit SOW COSIIXU IXX. s and Lr sale for home consumption only, by

    Ml GREE.V. iTACFAULANK A Ca, Agents.

    PTJTJLOA-RANC- H TANNERY.SOLEAXDUllDLE I.E.ATirEn. TASXEDthe aboe celebrated Tanaery, constantly recelred anJ fiir sal. by



    r All Ordera Promptly Attended.


    King; street. I6Mly llonolula.


    Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds

    Pish, Poultry, Vegetables, &oFurulstaol to Order.

    TTjIXTBAS Tucsdnja aud Thrtradars Teal,Frldays-Fls- h.

    Saudajs-Iam- b,(Unless otherwise ordered.)

    The Proprietor having leased the neat and commodious


    Adjoining the Family Meat Murtet, will be preparM topromptlr and satisJactorilj fill orders for evcrytiilcc re-quisite to furrlsh the tables vltb all tbe Sabstantlals andDelicacies tbe country affords.

    on Short XotIcc.-t.r- aHeats. Act delivered to all parts of the city wlthoot ex-

    tra charrr. 63 ly O. WALLEIt.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.SZttis. STEAM EMM.VES, SUGAR MILLS,- Ilollcrs, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead Castinisf

    Machinery of Every Description,S3-- Msae to Order. -- tt

    Particnlar attention paid to Ship's BlacksraitbingA3-- JOB irons executed on th. shortest notice. cGOs ly

    SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned- - Goat and Sheep SkinsCOXSTAXTT.l known


    IVnlrnea Tminery. j. p. Parker, Prop'r.Hilo Tannery, F. S. I.jiiinu, Ppoprlclor.

    n lr A. S. CLEGHORN A CQ,, Agents.


    GREY & COJlaDnr.cturers and Dealers I

    ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,Leleo, King; Street, Honolulu.

    Beet Mutton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders and Bill.left at Ira Richardson's Boot and Shoe Store, will meet withprompt attention 62s ly


    Hie Proprietor of the above Works Is prepared to supply hiscustomer!, and tbepnMe In general, with the Lestqtj.Ji.70f

    Yellow Soap. Soft Soap siUrajrs on lianti.19 7ke Highrst rrice raid or Soap Great. ly


    V X"j?"sq j 3IASUFACTTJKED

    tBYH m

    I G. S. PINKHAM & CO., g07 rJ2 HILO. HAWAIL WK 03P5 to: 2

    BOLLES & Co., Agents, 3w wrf i Hoxot-cxu- . IvVs. X4

    QNiiovna tipTHE HAWAIIAN HOTEL !

    -- Jji-I J arisaP1Wtt3fe-y- f l"Bi"'ll'-,y-'-1btaas-JjK- !rJ2jisaMsdHdHtofiHBHjB4F'flflJRPg I

    PROPRIETOR IXATIXG OBTAIXEDTHE a sew leas or this--EiXjX:cs--cTa.-tsr'r

    Will spsr. no pains to tnske ItFirst-Cla- ss in Every Particular!

    Cottaeest by the sea aide fr th. accoramodation cf guests.Carriag and SaddU aTotsca CI sAorf notice. 09

    SAM'L C. WILDER,AsTent for tbe Ilawailaii Islands,

    OF THE

    Mutual Life Insurance Co.


    Largest, Safest and Most


    IN THE WORLD!Assets a876).$80,000,000

    y.TTNow is a Good Time to Lasure

    Koue but Fint-Cla-u Birks Takes,




    GAZETTE,WHOLE No. 649.

    INSURANCE NOTICES.Boston Board of Underwriters.

    GRXTS for the Hawaiian TsIamU,ly C BREWER A CO.

    Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.AGEXTS ftrr the HarralUu Islands,a nttEWER ca



    RIKS IXMJKETJ OX BCILDINUH. HER- -and Furniture. 00 liberal terms, byH. IIACKFELD CO., Antnts.

    May M. 18T8. ntu-l- y

    F. A. SOHAEPF.n.AGRXT of Dremen Ooard of Undertrrlteri,of Dresden Board of Cnderwriters,

    Acent of Tlenna Board of Underwriters.Ctaim. acaln-- t Insurance Companie. within th. JnrlStlictlon

    of th. .dot. Boards of Cnderwriters, will h.T. to b. certi-fied to by th. abose agent to mate them valid. C341y



    THE TJXDERSIGXED. AGEXTS OP THECompanv, has. been anthorized to Insure riskson Cargo, Freight and Treasure, front Honoluluto all arts of the world, and vice versa.

    64 ly H. IIACKFELD A CO.

    HAMltlinGH-IIICE.nE- NFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.THE UNDERSIGNED hawing oeenArenu of the .bore Company, are preparedto in.ure risks aninst fire, on Stone and Brick Untit-ling., and on Merchandise stored therein, 01 tbe mostf.vurable terms. For particular apply at th. cfSc. of

    2 ly F. A. SCUAKFER A CO.



    Bl'JETIIXGS. 9IERCIIAXDISE, FERXI.Insured against Fire on themost Livorahle terms.

    A. JAECER, Ateatfor the Uawallao Islands.MS ly


    3Vrjr-i-a.o- .

    IKOOBPOEATED, 1835.CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS10 For the Havrallan Islands. ly


    Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.OF VnXTERTHVJR.


    On Cargo, Freight and TreasureFromllonolulu to all parts of th. world,

    and upun

    Coasters, by Special Permission !On tL. most favorable terms.

    W. 0. IRWIN A CO .620-l- Agsnu for the Hawaiian Mauds.

    Rhenish Westphalian LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

    OF M. GE.VDRACII. Rlseulsh Pruaain.

    Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,Limited,


    JrV. ACE smttlnrd by Goods arriving here, snd InsuredIn the above Companies, have to be made with the cog-nizance of and certified to by the undersigned, in onler tobe valid. (Q ly) J. C. OLA HE, Agent.


    INSURANCE CO.Assets. $26,740,105,70

    ESTABLISHED AX AtlEXCV IXHONOLULU, for the Hawaiian Islands, and the

    undersigned are prepared to wnte risks against


    On favorable terms. Dwelling- Risks n SpecialItjr. Detached dwellings and contents insured for aof three sears, for two premiums in advance. Eoaaeairoiunllw adjusted and payable here.

    'S-tn- i BISHOP fc Co.



    Plro and THarlno,Cash Capital, Gold. 8300,000.

    Dwelllnu; Risks a rspeelalitjr. Detached dvelllnrsand ronlenu intured for a period of three years, fur two pre-miums in adTanccOy writing saall lines on carefully selected risks wall

    distributed, offers

    UDEIISITT SECOXD TO XOXE.Losses Promptly Adjusted.

    BISHOP & CO.,623 ly AgenU for th. Hawaiian Islands.

    NORTHWESTERNMutual Life Insurance Company,


    ASSBTK, 817,000,0001THE HOST HUICESSFUL IXSURAXCElo the World.

    CUABTEBED IX ltlS.Has the advantage of Western Rates of Interest. Neverlost a dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Itslosses promptly.

    For particulars spply at the Office ofW.O.IBWIUACO.,

    oW ly Agents for the Hawaiian IslandsTHB

    New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OF BCUTOX, MAS3.

    IXCOHPC'RATED, 1835.Ilie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in

    the United States.

    Policies Ismsd on the raort favoraili TensJ.Example orXon.Forreltnre Plan,

    ISJCRED AOE, SS T UTZ PLAH1 Annual premiost continues Policy 2 yeats 3 dsys2 Annual premium coBtinnes Policy 4 year. 12 days3 Aunnal premium continues Policy 6 yean 27 days4 Annual premium coctlnnes Policy S yean 44 daysa Annual premiomcootlaaesPolicy 10 jearj todays

    Aisaots, : : $13,500,0001Loases Paid tiironch ITonoIala jr,

    49.000 !CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS




    Oa-fpi-ta- l: 95,000,000(With unlimited llabiHt of Shareholders.

    lElTiTWELL,irBrTCTyoireslL--3hsiuiar- e

    INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE.Of every description ot property riay bt effected TritS thisCompany et moderate rates.Merchandiie, Goodx and Freight Insured

    By steamer aad-- sailing reaels. Losses can be toadepayable la Honolulu.CAATfE A COOKE,

    e ' Agests for HouUslu.

    3XA.-XBE- I O-f- fepac. Musured la KespareH

    Type. , I wits 3ts 3aoUntsUlnch Itl0 oeJs 2 at 4 ae12 Lines 1 inch,,.., 1 (0 300 4 it21 Lines 2 Inches... SOB 1 T3

    38 Lines 3 Incurs. 3 00 la 12 112143 Lines 4 lochee.. ........... 4 00 3 CO 12 00 u ca-tsQuarter of Coluura . ..... .... t 00 11 (e ISM e

    Third of Column ,.. ., g M H to MS) 2SCCHalf of Colura.... 10 OB 1 23 a a

    Column 14 00 24 Of 30 to 0MOn. Column ... 13 OC OOl JfOOlTmoa

    - Buslnen Cards when , srrjMfcf tor 4 jrir. siallowed a dlacosnt from tat rates, whlti are As-- trias.asadvettlstmtnts, when paid or charred quarterly.

    K. B. All foreign advertisements) mast b aecsespaaletlwith th. pay when ordered Is, r ao aetk will be taksa ofthem. given la tbe above aral.,

    for Eastern Amertcaa'adertismen1s.ermay be made by bank check, cols or tis cant pel-

    age stamps.


    P. CEO. MURPHY,Attorney and CoohhIIst at Law,

    S33 California SL, Baa Franeiato,A Jolicltorcf the 'nrrrat Conrt cf ThrtoTlt, Anstrslia.rractlrrs In all lb. Courts cf Cstlrorala, oK"r Sm


    40i FnONT STOEET,


    atsai a. wiluaks. r. stAscsiasWILLIAMS, BLA17CHABD & CO..

    ShippiBf- - and CoBalssiea MtrcbaBte,43 III Callforala Strait, San rraedsco. ly

    COBBITT & MACLEAT,Sttpplrre;- - as-- Comitoolwa MwthaBte,

    13 and II Front SU 10 and 12 Pint !- -, rortland.'aSAS IRANCISCO OFFICE. 201 BACBAJtEXTO STRMTr.

    nsrsitoBant of British Columbia Pot HamL OregonTint National Hold Bask-- . .?aa rrsneisco

    )lewra,H. Hackr.ldlCo Ilonc-lul-Messrs. Bishop A Co., Bankers .. . nonIulaMessrs. Green, Macfarlan. A Co... . .. . Uonolsls

    Bio- - Consignments of Islsnd Produce soticttad. on which.CASH ADTAXCE3 WILL BE MADE. oMT ly


    attention of the Fisheries to their

    Cotton. FJhH ISTottJjxs,for GUI Nets, Seines, Traps and Pornis. CottonIs superior to Hemp, for Its durability and light-ness. It Is universally uwd In the I'nlted states.

    France and England. Itscostls low loiter than hemp ornax. Attnemade the undersLtued for the superiority of their wares.Samples and price, furnished Dealersby mall All packedIn arm bales, and ,l.!0 per 100 pounds lull freight to canFrancisco.

    AMERICAS NET AID TWIXE CO.442 3m Boston C.S. A.

    BOOKS & STATIONERY.The Basis of Our Business.

    FIRST To Mannfacture all smh Books andas csn b. done here aa well as .ls.htr, sadthereby directly benefit oar customers and ourselTes.SECO.ID Ta Bur and Sell Boik. and St.tlm.nv

    so as to mak. tt to th. Interest of dealers and consumers toycom. to ns In prsrerenc. lo lending EasL

    t3r" " manufacture and Import .very dtNvlpuon of Sta-tionery, carrying large stocks of Taper. Envelopes snd BIsnkBooks of our own manufactara. Inks, Slatts, etc

    43-- Over 1,500 varieties of Blank forms kept In Stock.A. L. BANCROFT t CO.,

    oMO-l- y faa Trsneisco, Csl


    N'O. 28 SEW "MOXTGOJIERT STREET,Palace Hotel, San Irancls-o- .

    The traveling pnbltc from Australia and th. HawaiianIslands are Invited to Inspect the stock now open st the 'above central store.

    Every article In the line of

    Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags,Satchels, Btraps, etc j

    Constantly on band. jLadles' and Cent's Fine Sole Leather and'

    Snrtstosrn Trunks, a speciality.Trunks of any pattern made to order 1st short notice. ,

    3VuiX--s Repaired and Cozert Made.8an Francisco, SepL 1878. SOT-l-

    R. S. HOWLAND.Shipping and Coaaiission Jfrrcbant,

    UUO Front Street, near California,8AX FRAXCISCO.


    0. A SI. Howiand, Xsw Bedford. C. Brewi r A Co., Boston.1. II. Bartlett A fcooa, Ooen A Claik. ProvldeoeswWm.If.Cr.po, " E. A- - Miuric. fourth Xat

    630 6m n,,,, .v. T



    Amorican, --English & EuropeanMAXCFACTCHERH.

    Supply to dealers th. Urges! variety of denrrsl Ucrchsa- -dls. offered by any OSE HOUSE IS THU WOBLB.

    Every dealer should has. a Catalogs, front thisHouse as soma goods In .very Un.

    are supplied.

    All Staple Goods Bold Guaranteed

    nOBSESl ,Toronto, 41 snd 10 Tonga street;Montr ;al. lid and 1M, McOill street;London, CO Queen TktorU street, E. C ;SheBeld Beavsr Works.

    Tonrsrdlog sad COmmlsasro agency,SEW TOBK CITT.



    riHIIE IXDIA RICE HILL IIATIXO EXBER.JL gone Material Improvements, Is nos-I- perfect coadluon for the

    Hulling and Dressing of PaddyAMD

    UNCLEANED RICE.In the Best Fosslble Manner. The Price for IIULUXOand DEESHISO PADDT has been Bedacid Wper cent.

    ocji-x&s--ix3a- -r os'Faddy and Hulled Eicel

    17UI Receive Prompt and Careful Attention.Wit. if. OREE-nroo-

    General Commission Merchant aad Proprietor of IndiaBice 1L0L 423 jy



    CAPITAL A3,0C0,0CH)Accnmalatcd and Invested Fond. 3,838,118

    DXDER8IGSED HAVE BEESAOEXTS (or th. Sandwich Islands, aad sr.

    sstborlsed to insula .gainst Fire spoa favorabl. terms.Bisks taksa In any part of th. Islands on Woodos Buildings

    snd m.rchsndlse stored therein. Dwelling Uooses sad rurn-Itsr- s,Timber, Coste. Ships In harbor with or altbout csrroes

    oraadsrrspsir. 611 ly A CO

    Insurance Wotica.flHE AGEXT FOR THE BRITISH Far- -M. .Ign Mirios Insurance Company, (United), has

    lustroctlors to reduce tke rates ef Insersncsbetween Honolulu snd Forts in tbe Psdse, sad Is now pre-pared to Usee Policies at th lowest rstae, with a specialredaction on freight per steams rs.

    THEO. H. 2t Ag.ntBrlLTor. sr.

    Books Lately Received.HASWELL'K EXeiXEER-f-


    POCKET M4KHost to Write Letters,Tonne Folks' CentenaUITthysBes,Uttie Women, 2 mlumes,Boatne, a Xtory of lew Bed EcroJution,The eon Mill, a Bomance,Anne Warwick, a 2?ve!. .Souse foe th Little Ones at Home,Tom Sawyer, or Mark Twain's Aotofclomrhr.

    Far Sal. ty ;( 2niJ H, JC THIT.fET.


  • P'


    PROCLAMATION.Kalkaua, Grace God, Ha-

    waiian Islands, KingWueiieas, state nnliappily existsmay pending between certain European

    Powers; and, "whereas, KingdomHawaiian Islands terras Friendship--with Nations, laws impose uponpersons who may within territoryjurisdiction the dntyof impartial neutrality

    time war:Now, therefore, We Kalakaua,

    Grace God, King Hawaiian Islands,hereby declare and proclaim thenentralitythis Kingdom, subjects, per-

    sons within territory and jurisdictionexisting impending between

    ureal rowers 01 .curope; uioIM tfality is to respected belligerents to

    full extent Our jurisdiction, includingless than marine leagne from low

    water mark respective coastsislands comnosinz this Kingdom, also

    ports, harbors, bays, gulfs, estuaries,and lines drawnfrom headland to another; and thatcaptures and seizures, enlistments, otheracts, in violation Our neutrality within Ourjurisdiction unlawful.

    hereby further declare and proclaimthat Our subjects and persons withinterritory and jurisdiction this Kingdom, and

    vessels registered sailing under flagthereof, hereby strictly enjoined to takeno part directly or indirectly in said war,that whatever privileges shall accorded tothe vessels belligerent within ports

    this Kingdom shall like manner ac-corded to vessels others.

    Done at Our Palace Honolulu, this twenty'-s ninth day May, 1 877.


    Hesiit Cabteb,Minister Foreign Affairs.



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    Jr bas pleased His Majesty to appoint His ExcellencyH. A. r. Carter as His Envoy .Extraordinary and Minis-ter Plenipotentiary Dear, Her Britannic Majesty.

    lolant Palace, Jnne ISth, I8T7.

    It bas pleased His Malesty to place tbe Department otrorelgn Affairs In cbarce or His Excellency J. MottSmith,

    Iolani Palace, June 16th, 1ST7.

    IT has pleased Bis Majesty the Kins to appoint His Ex.celleney H. A. r. Carter, Grand Officer or the Royal Orderof Kalakaua.

    loUujl Falace, Jnne 1 8, 1 877. C19

    Jives Surra, Esq. , bas this day been appointed Agentto grant Marriage Licenses for .the District of Wnllukn,Island of Maul,

    J. MOTT .SMITH, Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, June 181X1,187;. 649

    Mb. Junes KaaEhas this day, been appointed Agent totake acknowledgments to Contracts for LxJbor In the Dis-trict of llanalei, Hanoi.

    J. MOTT SMITH, Minister ot tbe Interior.Interior Office. June 13th. 1877. 049

    Orrtcux, Xottcb: bas this day been received at thisdepartment from Major James H. Wodebouse. H.B. M.Ccmmlsslooer and Consul Geoeral, that during his temporary absence from this Kingdom, Tbeo. H. Davles,Esquire, British will continue to discbargethe Consular duties of Great Britain with tbe rank of Act-la- g

    Consul. Therefore, all persons are requested to givofoil credit to all bis oScial acts iu that capacity.

    J. MOTT SMITH,Minister of 1 orelgn Affairs, ad interim.

    Department or Foreign Affairs,Honolulu, June 18, 1877.

    Nonet-- A new Cemetery bas been laid out and fencedon tbe eastern slope of Punchbowl BBL

    Tbe Regulations adopted for tbe New Cemetery are :let. No burial shall be made without a burial certificate

    first being obtained.Sd. aU graves not In private lots must be dug in tbe

    place designated by the person In charge.3d. Tbe aum of 2 will be' charged for each grave dug by

    the person In charge of the Cemetery, and no other chargeehsll be made.

    4th. For graves dug by friends of deceased no morethan I shall be charged.

    Private Lots may be obtained on application to the Agentof tbe Board of Health.

    From and au&r Monday next, June 28, 1877, no burialsYCIUbe alloweu in the Kawalabao Cemetery.

    049 3t By order of the Board of Health.

    TAX ASSESSORS FOR lt77.The following persons hare been commissioned as Tax

    Assessors for the several taxation districts of the King-dom for the year 1ST7:

    Oalin.Honololn.. Chas.n.Jodd.Eva and Walanae.. J. K. TJnaona.Walalna 8. K. KaaLKoulauloa F. Fahla.Koolaapoko V. CLaoe.

    Untrail.HUo ..F. a Lyman.Pnoa T. E.E!darts.Kan J. H. S. Martin.a Kona ;....,. D. H.ltalunu.K. Kona ... Geo. Carsley.S.Eobala R. H.Mahuka.E. Kohxla C. E. CJ. Lyons,

    Maul.Lahalna Levi KeUlpIo.WaUnin. T.N. Birch.Makawao. O. E. Richardson.Hana. IXMamakLXololul and &onal J. W.Ealua.

    HanaLXihne A.Maioho.Koloa... , 8. K Kuapua.Acahola , P. Fnhlnla.HanaleU S. Earn.IVaimaa, I. K. Hart.Xlltutu. P.

    J. it. K APEX A, Minister of Finance.Treasury Department, Jnne 19, 1S7T. 639

    Cxbctjtt or Oajrc. A Justice of the Supreme Court trUImakelheOrcultof the Island of Oohuthe lastveekluJune, sirring for the hearing of appeal as foiams:

    At the house of J. R. WUUams, In Eva, Tuesday, JunetCth.atSA--

    At the house of J. Amara, lo Walalua, Wednesday, JuneTth,at8A.3I.At the house of J. Kalnhl, FTsTmtn. Wednesday, Jnne

    27th, at J P. It.At tbe Court House, In Kaneohe, Triday, June 29th, at

    9 A.M. By order of the Court.Jiro. E. RaBxans, Clerfc.

    Houolula, June 4th, 1S77. E47 3t

    OOVEBinrEHT LANDS.Application has bee a made to this Department for the

    purchase or lease of the XoUowing Government XAnds :, Hawaii.

    Lease ot, An and Inaran, TTtmikTU, at 90, byMarsden &. Elemsen.

    Purchase of remnant of KamaTH. Puna, at 100, by D.Xaboowaltral.

    Purchase of Klolotna, Kan, by W. T. Martin, at VCPurchase of Malama Boa, In Opthrxao,Puna, by D.

    f SOD.Purchase of remnant of Ooremment Lands In QplhTtao,

    Puna, at 400. by Z. M. Xaahomalnxa and others..Lease of remnant of Lands In Pa o Hamakahonn, Kona,

    far E. Rrmeona. ax f 10.Purchase of Enlalmaao. HDo, J00 to 190 acres at 1 100, by

    p. Wahaaane.Purchase of Eoamaso, Lannaln 1 and 2, and Elhalaul,

    at JJ00, by Ella Kxllfca.Purchase of 0 acres In Honolulu, Puna, oy J. K.

    at (40,Lease of 10 Apanas, extending from Kaao to Manaarb

    tele, Hamatna, by C Soiley, at (60.Purchase of remnant of Laud In Kalxo, Sana, for 10,

    byMrs.P. Kekoa.Tjeaseof Racxia, pM"Tnr Laupahoehoe oatheRama.

    tzta skle, by T. 1L Danes, for fiS.XaUi.

    Purchase of Kakula, Kanpo, by Jas. Smyth, for ISO.

    KoIoesLrarchaic of iwrrlnn nf " f""r by B. Keen-axlan- l.

    Purchase ofMaxxOcsIanBl, by B. EeelJajlanI, for f400.

    Purchme of Hoclthmv, for SIM, by R. Kerilrolanl

    Lease of Mataoela, for SO, by R. KeeEfulanL

    Lease ofHultraanu, far J. M. Eanal.O&hu,

    PBTobaseof land U Kalpapau, Koolauloa, for 10, byTSyilnemstral, .

    By order of IB EC She Minister of In tertor,O. T. acucx, uuti uerx--

    luterlor 0ce, May 25, ISTT. US

    1IB.J.R. Stills has been flair appointed A cent to tikeAcknowledgments to labor Contract for the District ofHamakua, HawalL J. MOTTSMITn.

    Interior Office, May list. 16T7. Mlnlsterof Interior.

    Lease of Government Lands at Auction.On Saturday, the ijrd day of Jane next, et 12 o'clock,

    noon, at the front entrance of AlUoUni Hale, will be sold

    at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, the lease of tbeland of Honnlo, district or Kona, lngabout one thousand acres for tbe term of fifteen (lS)years.Upset rental, twenty dollars per annum.

    Also, at tbe same tune and place will be sold at pobllcauction, to the highest bidder, tbe remnant or tbe CJoTem-mentla-

    situate In Kalae, Is.aau of MolofcaL known as

    Kutinnal. containing 7 IX. acres more or less.Also, at tbe same time and place, the lipase ol Lot No.

    1. of tbe "Kverett In Queen Street, Hono-lulu, wUI be sold tu the highest bidder for a period of fif-teen (IS) rears, upset price JMO. annual rental. Tbe pur-

    chaser of tbe lease will be required to pnt the building Ingood repair, and retnrn It to the Governmental the expiration of tbe term In ababluble condition.

    j.mott smith.Interior Office. May 1st, 1SC7. Minister of the Interior.


    List of Licenses Expiring, June1877.


    1 Tho Lace, Fort 8treet, Honolulu.1 Mrs Black, Fort Street, Honolulu.2 Castle & Uooke, King street, Hitolulu.8 Cbu Ylng, Uannakea street, Honolulu.9 J journey, Nnoanu btreet, Honolulu.

    IT II J Nolte. corner Queen and Nuuanu Sts, Honolulu.18 George J Emmes. Fish Market, Honolulu.14 J 11 ISruns, Fort Strwt, Uonolulu.22 Joslah, Nnoanu street, Honolulu.SC Ah ran, Moanalua, Kona.

    Maul.1 Wong Kong, Walhee.I Tbos II Paris, Walhee.

    24110, liBtialns,Hawaii.

    t LTuckong. MakalopeahL KubaU.16 A tana Altai, lionokua, S Kuua.

    10 AkaL llonaunan, S Kona.10 Chung ban. lialana, i'tlmln14 S Stalneo, North KohaU,17 Alona, pllbonua, Itllo.20 Cheung l'to, WaloLlnn, Kan.21 Amoana, Kahalll, llllo.30 Alien A St&ckpole, Kawllbac

    Kauai.16 W K Wright, Koloa.IS Amu, Hanalel. c

    WHOLESALE.2 Castle . Cooke, King Street. Honolulu.J F A Schaefer 4 Co. Merchant and ICaahumanu St, do.

    IS M S Grinbaum & Co, Queen btreet, Honolulu,IS Ed Hoffschlaegeri Co, Merchant Street, Honolulu.22 F T Leoebaa & Co, Queen btreet, Honolulu.25 Lewers Diccson, Fort street, Houoluln.

    WHOLESALE SPIIIIT.22 FT Lenehan & Co, Qneen Street, Honolulu.

    VICTUALLING.1 Toung Hee, Walluku, Man. Maul7 Wong Kong, Walhee, Maui.

    10 Akao, W alkapu, Maui.12 Alo, Mauuakea btreet, nonolnlu.12 . H J Nolte, corner Queen and uuana Sts, Honolulu.17 Akong, International Hotel, Honolulu.

    HUTCH EK.1 Young Hee. WaUuku. Maul.

    14 H Bertlemann, Koloa. KauaL

    PUBLIC SHOW.S C Mortlng, Ttoysl Hawaiian Theatre, Hono'ulu.

    SI W A Chapman, Royal Hawaiian Theatre, Honolulu.

    HORSE.2 Kalunapaahao, No 38 16 Watohuh. Xo 483 S Mabeloua 39, 40, 41 16 Keakalauoloaa, 47

    raanao: 4S10 Kepana 13 21 IOkU 49i: A10 75.76 26 --W P Wood 5012 W U NaUlpelapela 44 51,5213 una rieawe

    CAKE PEDDLING19 Kim Moo.

    LAPAAU.24 Chas T Rodgers, M D




    HEXRT M. WHITNEY".GEORGE H. DOLE, Associate Editor.

    WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1877.

    Bv the B. M. S. S. Australia, which leavesto-d- ay for San Francisco, His Majesty's En-voy and Minister Plenipotentiary His Excel-lency H. A. P. Carter takes passage. He isaccompanied by the British Commissioner andConsul General, Major J. H. Wodehouse, whowill probably go on with him to London. Mr,Carter is charged with a number of responsi-ble and important duties in connection withhis mission to Europe, not the least of whichis a measure for replenishing our waningpopulation from over-crowd-ed British In-

    dia. His labors will be watched withaniiety by all friends of Hawaii, and his suc-cess will be welcomed with heartfelt joy. Heis attended with the best wishes of the nation.

    The history of the " Pioneer Mills " sugarplantation, the recent sale of a half interest ofwhich we note in another column, wouldprove both interesting and instructive ifwritten out. Messrs. Campbell and Turton

    started at Lahaina a number of years agowithout a cent of capital, and dependent al-most exclusively upon their own personal ex-ertions. They put up simple boiling-work- s,and although meeting with some reversesduring the first few years, their final raaguifi-ce- nt

    success indicates more powerfully lhanwords can do, the grand results with whichaffluent nature in our isles stands ever readyto crown persistent aud sturdy effort.

    Lahaina is not the only locality on these is-lands where money can be made in the cul-tivation and manufacture of sugar. Therearc, scattered all over the group, lands equallyproductive, which are only waiting for laborand capital to convert them into "Bonanzas "from which shall be drawn inexhaustiblewealth. Of capital there is a plenty in thecountry lying idle. Of labor, as far any ex-tension of enterprise is concerned, there is ab-solutely none. Projected plantations of first-cla- ss

    capacity, for which capital and every-thing else is ready, are compelled to remainundeveloped for want of hands to till the soil,thus losing months of valuable time, at aperiod when if ever in our history " time ismoney."

    It is to be hoped that tho late decision ofthe Government in regard to an immediatesupply of laborers may be actively carriedout, and that the full and complete develop-ment of the country, and the successful estab-lishment of many million dollar "PioneerMills " may follow a happy union of Laborand Capital.

    We (says the Auckland Newg, of June 1st)Teccived a telegram from England, by way ofSingapore, of Thursday's date, conveying theimportant announcement that the RussianAmbassadors at the Courts of London, Viennaand Berlin had left, and gone to St. Peters-

    burg; and that a German Bquadron had goneto the Levant. Nothing is said of France orany action of the Russian Ambassador atParis ; but the facts narrated would lead totho conclusion that since the return of Bis-marck to the capital of Germany, and his con-ference with the Emperor, events have been'hastening towarda a climax, wliich means'theengagement in the Btrife of others than thetwo powers now in conflict. The simultane-ous departure of the Ambassadors from thethree Courts implies the likelihood of an alli-ance of the three Powers sgainst Russia, andthe prospect ofan early declaration of war. Forthis we were not unprepared by reason of thetone of Lord Derby's despatch to Prince Gort-schakoff some time ago. Moreover, it may be

    in the remembrance of observant readers, thatsome mouths since it was stated, and nevercontradicted, that Great Britain would not in-terfere until Russia carried the war into Ar-menia. Her advance into that region has forsome time been known, and now the proba-

    bility is that Russia may find herself sudden-ly checkmated by a powerful alli-ance of the Western Powers. Germany has

    not sent a squadron lo the Levant for nothing,neither have tho Ambassadors departed from

    the three chief capitals without cause.

    There is another view (says the New Zea-land Herald) of the withdrawal of tho Am-

    bassadors from London, Berlin and Vienna,which is worth considering. The ordinaryrule is that such withdrawal is taken to meanunfriendly relations, and probable war. Butit may be deemed not unlikely that these threeAmbassadors have gono to St. Petersburg toconsult with and take instructions from PrinceGortschakoff, the leading spirit in producingthe present war. It will be observed thatthe Russian Ambassador still remains in Paris.The meaning of this evidently is that hoknows exactly tho situation, and requires noinstructions, facts which may be taken as in-dicating the existence of that understandingbetween France and Russia which has beenspoken of from the time that the Russo-Tnrk-i- sh

    difficulty assumed a threatening aspect.Germany may, and no doubt does, desirefriendly overtures from France ; and in wordsshe may get them. . In acts both Powersevince a desire to be prepared for other thanfriendly relations; and Franco may act imme-diately that she can secure allies. Germany,too, must be somewhat nneasy by the warlikeattitude of Austria, all the more dangerousthat she is silent, but prepared with a largoarmy. Tho moment Servia declares waragainst the Porte, and she is prepared forfighting, Austria must act, and her first stepwill be to enter the Principalities. For this,events appears to be ripening. Europe seemson the eve of great events. If Russia shouldachieve great success in Asia, England willhardly be able to keep out of tho war. In-deed, Lord Derby's despitch has more thanindicated this probability; and both at homeand in the colonies the occurrences of the nextfew weeks it may be days will be lookedfor with no little anxiety.

    City ImproTemeuls,DuniNO the past twelve months qnite a

    number of new edifices have been erected inHonolulu. As it may be of interest to suchIslanders as are now absent, to keep postedin these signs of material progress, we willmention some of these for their benefit.

    Among tho new stored recently completed,or now in the process of construction, is abrick one-sto- ry edifice bnilt by Dr. Hoffmannfor a drug store, and now occupied by him assuch, situated on the makai side of Merchantstreet just opposite the P. C. AJrertistr office.It is covered with corrugated iron, making itfireproof. Tho interior is high and neatlyfitted up, and has an air of perfect order andneatness. The well-kno- old corner, wherethe Doctor has for so many j ears dispensedmedicines and oracular wisdom, has been pur-chased by Messrs. Bishop & Co., who willshortly pull down the old stone building nowstanding on the site, aud erect in its place ahandsome two-sto- ry brick edifice, with afrontage of fifty feet on Merchant street andthirty feet on Kaahumanu street, to be occu-pied by the Bank.

    Mr. S. Magnin, a well-kno- clothing deal-er, now does business in a brick store latelybuilt by himself on Nuuanu street, a shortdistance from King street. It is of about thesame architectural proportions of Dr. Hoff-mann's drug store, and contains the largestplate-gla- ss windows in town. On tho cornerof Fort and Hotel streets, on the site of thestore of Messrs. Grunwald & Schutte, recei.tlydestroyed by fire, has just been completed avery neat one-sto- ry brick building, erected byMr. C. E. William3, and containing three commodious apartments designed for stores.Messrs. H. Mclntyre and Brother have, with-in a few weeks, removed the old woodenstructure which has been occupied for manyyears past as a grocery store, on the comer ofKing and Fort streets, together with some ofthe adjacent buildings, and will soon erect intheir place a fine brick edifice.

    In addition to the improvements above men-tioned, Messrs. 0. Brewer & Co. contemplatethe erection, at an early date, of a large two- -story fireproof building on tho corner of Fortand Hotel streets, now occupied by Messrs.A. S. Cleghorn & Co's dry-goo- ds store, thelower part of which will be devoted to stores,and the upper part to offices, etc. Besidesthese buildings, all of which are fireproof, thoappearance of the business part of Nuuanustreet has been much improved by the erec-tion of a number of wooden structures whichare chiefly occupied by Chinese storekeepers.

    Among the private residences recently builtin town there is nothing very pretentious,most of them being comfortable cottages, cost-ing in the region of from three or four thousand dollars each.. Among them wo wouldmention to commence on the upper part ofNuuanu Valley a large story-and-a-h- alfhouse now in the process of construction forColonel Mark Robinson, just opposite the pa-ternal mansion; a story-and-a-h- honso be-longing to Mr. E. B. Friel, a Bhort distancebelow Judd Btreet; a two-sto- ry house justcompleted for Mr. P. C. Jones, below theParker place; a very pretty brick cottage be-longing to Dr. Hoffmann, on the lot above hisformer residence, which has been purchasedby Mr. J. D. Brewer and corfsiderably enlarg-ed by a two-sto- ry addition.

    Tho "plain," which old residents will re-member as so dry, and dusty, and disconsolate,has improved very rapidly within the last fewyears. Numberless algeroba trees which aiescattered all over its broad area now give itquite a park-lik- e appearance, and many of thelots have been enclosed, and in several ofthem are to be seen pleasant looking cottagesin the midst of gardens of flowers and shrub-bery. On the comer of Beretania and Alapaistreets is a recently completed cottage in themidst of a verdant grove which almost hidesit from view, belonging to Mr. E. 0. Damon ;and a little further on is one occupied by Mr.T. G. Thrum. On King street, beyondThomas Square, is a new house belonging toMr. Alexander Toung, and onPunahou Avenueis a comfortable cottage occupied by Mr. A.Jaeger.

    While on this topic we must mention a newfence just put up by Mr. W. W. Hall along thefront of his grounds. It consists of neatlyturned wooden posts, and iron rods bent so asto form a tasteful design, the combinationmaking the most, elegant construction of the

    kind in town. In addition to its light andgraceful appearance, it possesses the advan-tage of not obstructing the view of tho passer-by of the results of the taste of tho owner ofthe enclosed garden. If this style of fencecould bo generally substituted for the homelywhitewashed board and picket deformities,which now bo generally abound, the appear-ance of tho town would be much improved.

    Recall orilixiuarck.The recall of Bismarck (says the San Fran-

    cisco Chronice, of May 23) so soon after theHcMahon coup in France is an event calculat-ed to alarm Europe more than all the vastpreparations of war on the Danube and inAsia Minor. Whatever it may mean in fact,diplomatic and financial circles will interpretit as a menace to France, and the French Gov-ernment can hardly regard it in any otherlight. The Germans, like tho French Re-publicans, believe that the dismissal of thoSimon Cabinet and tbe proroguing of theChambers were dictated by and in the interestof the Ultramontanes, deriving its inspirationfrom the late Papal allocution. The languageand sentiments of that allocution were hos'tileto the principles of civil government recog-nized by Germany and Italy, to tho enforcement of which Prince Bismarck devotes allhis mighty powers. Between his views andthose of tho Papal party there can bo no com-promise; andthiais as well understood in thoVatican and in Versailles as at Berlin. There-fore tho "McMahon movement, now generallytreated in France as well as in Germany asone incited by. the Ultramontanes both againsttho French republic and the German theoryof civil rule, is in tho natnre of a direct chal-lenge to Germany for interference and earnestprotest, which may progress to a demand forsucli guarantees as France cannot give shortof another trial of arms. In Buch an eventthe attitudo of Austria becomes" a matter ofthe gravest importance. Should she side withFrance, it might go hard with Germany, whocould not count on Italy to offset the power ofAustria, with the strong probability in favorof England joining with, France as a thirdpower in the alliance. In short, a war be-tween Germany and France at this criticaljuncture, when the Czar has his hands full tolook after his own interests, implies ttiatthing so much dreaded, a general Europeanconflict, whose consequences and terminationno foresight can divine.

    San Antonio's Society.We late pleasure in noting another addition to

    tbe list of benevolent associations of Honolulu.Thiough tbe lealoas exertions of J. Perry, Eq., tbePortuguese Consul for these islands, a Society hisbeen formed among bis countrymen resident here,on a similar basis of mutual aid with the Englishand German Societies, and with a membership ofeometbiag over fifty. The new society is namedafter Saint Antooy of Padua, a famous PortugueseConfessor, of whom it is related that he oncepreached to the fishes, and that on the day of hisdeath at Padua in Italy, on tbe 13th of Jane, 1231.all the bells in the churches throughout Portugalrang of themselves Numerous other remarkablethings are tola ol this saint, whose memory is,greatly revered wherever the children of Portugalare found. Wednesday last tbe 13th, being tbeanniverssry of San Antonio, was appropriatelyselected for tbe annual dinner, which was spread ati be residence of Mr. Jose Perry, a relative of theConsul, pleasantly situated at the entrance of Pauoavalley. The members or tbe society with theirwives and little ones and a number of invitedguests, sat down to a sumptuous feast of goodthings, and spent an hour or two in social enjoy-ment. Tbe healths of Dom Luis I King of Porto-ga- l,

    and Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands,were duly honored, the latter being proposed byConsul I'erry,

    The Portuguese in these islands are quite numer-ous, and it could be wished that there were more,for as a rule tbey are a sober, industrious, thriftyand people. Lost Siturday the 9thinst, Mr. Perry for the first time hoisted his Consularflag at his residence corner of Nuuanu and Hotelstreets, on which occasion be received the congra-tulatory calls of government officials and membersof tbe Consular corps P. C A. June 16.

    Circuit Court Second Judicial Ci-rcuitJune Terra. 18t7.Criminal Calendar

    Hon. A. Francis Judd, Presiding Judge, Hon. A.Forrlander, associate. Ills Excellency A. 8. Hart-wel- l,

    Attorney General for the Crown.The King vs. George Lake n. Forgery of an order

    of F. Delemar & Co., for $3S SO. Indictment resdand prisoner pleaded guilty. Sentenced to oneyear's Imprisouineut at bard labor and a fine of $5and costs.

    The King s. Pohlna k. Forgery of money orderof A. Unna. Pleaded guilty. Seutenced to oneyear's Imprisonment at bard labor and a tine of t5and costs.

    Tbe King vs. George Like n. Assault and bat-tery on a constable. Indictment read. Prisonerpleaded guilty. Sentenced to one year's imprlson-tne-ut

    at bard labor and a fine of $100 and costs.Tbe King vs. Lakalo k. Larceny of a gold watch.

    Indictment read, prisoner pleaded not guilty. J.W. Kaluafor delendant withdrew bis plea of notguilty and pleaded guilty. Sentenced to 2 yearsImprisonment at bard labor and a fine of $50 andcost.

    The Kin? vs. John Akana n. Larceny 2nd decree.Continued irom last term. Continued to DecemberTerm, 1877, on bis own recognlzaucc.

    The King vs. Kaloio k. Robbery. Continuedtill December Term, 1S77.

    Tbe KIne vs. Albert Kunuiakea. Larceny of anorder ot Campbi-1- & Turton's for $40. E. Prestonfor defendant. Yerdict of not goilty, three dis-senting.

    Tbe King vs. James Saunders f. and Kesnmea-nulla-w. Appeal lornlcation. W. H. HaUtead

    lor prisoner. Verdict guilty. As Ibe parties im-mediately married, tbe Court imposed no penaltybut the cost of their appeal ?J7.10.

    Tbe King vs. Paoa k. alias Punlheie. Appeal.Larceny ot a horse. Abolo for prisoner. Altertbe evidence was all in, a nolle prosequi was enter-ed by consent of prisoner.

    Tbe King vs. Alonzo Davis. Appeal. Fornicat-ion- W. H. HaMead for prisoner. Verdict guilty.Sentenced to 3 mouths Imprisonment at bard laborand costs.

    The King vs. lknwa k. and Kaaibue k. Larcenyof a tree. L. Aboto and Vf. U Halstead for prison-er. Verdict of not guilty.

    Tbe King vs. Ai (pake). Appeal. Selling spiri-tuous liquor n itbout a license. E. Preston for de-fence. Yerdict of not gnllty.

    The King vs. Moewaa rials. Appeal. Trespass.Sec. S95 ot Civil Code. Nolle prosequi on paymentof coBts accrued.

    Tbe King vs. Katnaha k. and Kaoloi w. Appeal.Adultery. Halstead and Kabaulelio for the pris-oners. Verdict guilty. Karuaha fined $50 andcosts, Kaoioi fined $3) and costs.

    Tbe King vs. Hiram Ka. Embezzlement of$19.50.L. Abolo for prisoner who pleaded not guilty. Ver-dict or guilty. Seutenced to Py fine of $50 andcosts.

    Tbe King TS. Ashon (pake) and Akublne (pake).Appeal. Selling spirituous liquor without license.Vi. H. Halstead assigned for defence. Verdictgulltv. Fined $500 eacb and costs.

    TheKingvs-iUlnele- AppeaL Larceny of 10c Nolle prosequi on paying costs.

    The King vs. Keoni Kapaoa fc. Murder of achinaman Atraka Mar 9. 1877. AbulO and NabakUlor prisoner. Indictment read, counsel asked for acopy in Hawaiian. Prisoner pleaded not gnilty.The trial commenced June 12 tbe jury retired at3:30 and at 6:15 returned a verdict of not gully.Prisoner was remanded tothel5ofJane at 9 x. M.for sentence.

    The King vs. Kealoba. Gross cheat. Nolle pro-sequi entered and the" defendant remanded for trialto the District Justice of Makawao.


    Joseph Foraandtz vs. Kallipea w. Libel for di-vorce. E. Preston for libellant, Abolo for Ilbellce.Tbe Court beard the evidence and refused the de-cree.

    James Makee & Co. vs. Kaawa PomaikaL Appeal.Deserting contract service. Tbe Court entered thepoints made on tbe appeal and ordered respondentback to the service of bis employer.

    E. Delemar vs. Horrigan f. Deserting contractservice. Settled out of Court.

    Kameabolllanl vs. A. TJnna. Ejectment-- A. 8.

    Hortweil and Abolo for plaintiff, E. Preston for de-fendant. No jury. Case partly beard and con-tinued for further proceedings at Honolulu.

    H. A. Wldemann vs. Lonoaea k. and Aenak.Deserting contract service Nojnry. Tbe Courtreserved Its decision.



    The American Dark

    BCelenTV. AlmyJtrREKSTAX. SlMter.

    (Now about due from Humboldt Bay,)

    Will have Qnick Dispatch for above port.For freight and passage apply toSIS 3t CASTLK & COOKE, Agents.

    For Portland. Oregon.Tbe Fine Iron Unrqne"Tn,, --d4.i--iv i i i ?jl laj-i-ci atasC.1ITIIXESS, MASTER.

    Will have Quick Dispatch for the above FortFor Freight aprly to516 TnEO. n. DAVIES. Agent,


    CllA'ABJ LINE.Established 1840.

    Two Sailings Every Week,FOR LIVERPOOL:

    From iVo York every Wednesday,

    From Boston every Tuesday,


    Cablu 8S0, 8100 nn'd 8130, Gold,According to Accommodation.


    Steerage.... -- .. --..... . .. --828 Currency.4- - For further Information apply to

    lit. COTTItELL,415 California St.,

    San Francisco.JAS. ALEXANDER,

    99 State St., Boston,C. O. FIt.VNCKLTN,

    . 4 Howling Ureen, New York.

    Votlce to Pawengrs from Australia, New Zealand andHonolulu. Tho Cnruird Line attords more than usual fa-cilities to through passengers from e porta, thefrequency of Its Killing precluding all possibility of delayIn New York.

    Good accommodations always reserved.C. O. FRANCKLYN,

    614 Cm i Bowling Qreen, Kew York.

    T7I3SLflEi HP K B3T .TrTSor

    KEYAOLDS, t t s 3IA&TXB.

    Uonday, Jnne 25, 5:30 p m lllloThursday, Julys, (.,30 p m , . .NawUlwlliMonday, July 9, 5:3o p m Circuit of HawaiiMonday, July IS, 5:30 p m lllloMonday, July 23, 5:30 p m EonaMonday, July 20, 5:30 p m HUoWednesday, August 8, 5:30 p m . .Circuit of Kauai

    (touching at NawUlwlli first.)Monday, Augmt 13, 5:50 pm circuit of HawaiiMonday, August 20, 5:30 p m lllloMonday, August!!, 5:30 p m Kona

    (bubject to each cbaugea as may be mde after the ar-rival of the new steamer from San Francisco,)

    On down trips the steamer will sot leave Kawalhae be-fore l(jam; Makena as per notice on up trip: Maalaeal!ay not before 7 am. Any rhange from the above willbe advertised.

    Rates of Passage will beTo or fjora KaunakaLal, Molokal... S 5 00

    " " Lahaina, MauL t 00Maalaea, 7 00

    " ' MaSena, " i 8 00ii ii Mahusona, Hawaii ... 10 00" " Kawalhae, " 10 00

    ' Kallua. 10 00ii ii Kaawaloa, 10 00

    " llllo, " 13 50i Kau Coast, ' 15 00

    Circuit of Haw all, Round Trip 22 00To or from anr I'ortou Kauai 8 00Circuit or Kaiifi, RuundTrlp 12 00Deck Passage, for natives only 2 00

    es-- Jio Credit for Passage Jlouey. --KOTickets at the ofljco ouly.

    No berth will be considered as taken until paldtci. Noresponsible for unmarked Baggage or any Freight or Paieels nnless receipted for.

    Freight Honey Dae on Demand.SiT" An effort will be made to have the steamer reach

    Honoluln on the evening of the same day she IeavesMaulSAMUEL O. WILDER, Agent.

    Office with Wilder A Co.. corner of Fort it Unpen btreet


    THE &CI100NEB

    K: . IME k. X JL, 35 !.CLTJJfET, SIASTEB- -

    WU1 have regular dispatch for Kauai, as above, untlfurther notice, OaT Freight and Passengers taken at thLOWEST BATES.

    BOLLE3 fc CO., Agents.P. S This vessel has Just been thoroughly repalre

    newly coppered, and pnt In In perfect order. 648


    iK C Brewer & Co.-Age- nts. tfSSii? Favorable arrangements can always b fiiiilmade for storage and shipment of Oil, Bene, Wool, tildes another Merchandise to New Bedford, Boston, ri'ew Tork another Eastern Ports. 43- - Cash Advance! made.

    614-- lr C. UltEWEIt CO.


    3fc C. Browor & Co. Agents. jiSS5Icbandue reuiied Storage Free andvufi

    liberal cash advances made on shipments by this line.J C.BREWEB4CO.

    Regular Line of Packets from Glasgow


    " Eshbank," 030 Tons Register,WAS TO LEAVE OI.ASUOW ON THE 10thfor Uooolulu, with the usual supplies ofDry Goods. Hardware, Liquors, Coal,

    1B0H, MACHINERY, Etc.. Etc.Particulars of which will be given In a future advertise-ment. She will be due in June nexL Another fine shipwill be placed on tbe berth about July or August next,and the M Essbank " is expected to be ready to leave Glas.gow again In January, ts7S. Freight taken at the usualrates. For lurther particulars apply to

    OBEEN, 1IACFAKLANE fc Co., Agents.N he Agents oi the line In Olasgow are Messrs.

    Geo. Gray afacfarlane t Co., Victoria Buildings, 4 Westllegent street. 631 3m


    Waltham Watches, Waltham Watches.T1IESE-WATCI1EN-


    to be theThe most Reliable Timekeepers

    In the WORLD, and surpassing all English, Swiss andFrench Watches, are to be bad In OeunlneU k. Gold, andSterling buyer Cases.Every Watch Warranted to be a Perfect

    Time-beepe- r.

    m. McisEu?nr.Bole Agent for Waltham Watch Co.,

    for the Hawaiian Islands.tSF Trado supplied on most favorable terms. sts 3m

    Paciflo Bubber Paint Company's


    BOLLES & Co.

    The Bnbber Paint Is Justly celebrated, and Is cominginto general use, and all who have given it a trial highlyrecommend It. The undersigned have a general assort-ment of all colors and shades, and will Veep up the assortment, and be ready to fill orders at the shortest notice.

    C9S EOLLE3 & Co.

    z;.- '- - 'seg

    THE TIDAL WAVE!SWEPT OVER NINOLE. IN "KAU. HAWAII. A SHOET TIME AGO,WHICH not have filled its surrounding: inhabitants with mora consternation tkasdid


    AUCTION HOUSE !Inspire its Opponent "with

    To describe the intensity of the enthusiasm which our CREATED,is a sheer impossibility, but the astonishment diminishes when

    Prices at whichAm taken into



    Slioes,Which, as records Price, Quality

    And oar record is each that we don't need to mention tbe prices of each teeiion ot ocrInvoice. 646

    r 1h m uk Q

    tft JL




    E. O. HAIiL & SONsssHslstlsMsTrsTH



    "Is.ISSslsisBBiiiaiaiaBBBB.- -A VEBY COXaXETE


    Coulters, assorted sixes, that can be used with any Pluwi,J of WORK. Cnst Steelconstant); on band. Also, just received a lot of





    Superior Paris Plcrws!Direct from tbe Factory of RAN'SOME 3. SIMS. Each complete with Wheel, Coulter. Extra Ptiat, andWrench, and having a WHODUUT IKON Clevis. We have also, Motine, Amu, and Iron Age Cultivators,and "Planet Jr." llorie Hoes, Harrows, Ox Yokes and Chains. Shovels and Spades .of all kinds, IlortaCollars and llames. Trace Chains, Picks. Mattocks, Axes, Hatchets, Cart and Wagon Axles from 1 in. 3 la.

    All kinds of Builders' Hardware, and a Very Full Assortment of Shelf HardwareWo are receiving Goods by nearly every arrival from tbe United States and Europe, and try to keep a full

    Stock of all tbe above mentioned articles. Also, on band a fine assortment of

    Superior Cools. Stoves dfcs "JEi.Gja.SGsl'nlnta, Oils, null a Good Aasoitiueut of Painters' faterlals.California jlarness. Saddle. Sole and llridle Leather; Sheep and Lining Skins, Kip Skins. Saddle Trees,

    Wood Stirrups. Shoe Lasts, Pegs and Shoemakers' Materials. Fine Freneb Calfskins, gencina.OS-- All for Sale Cheap by 1617 1m E. O. HALL & SON.

    LEGAL NOTICES.COURT OF THE HAWAIIANSCritEJIE In Bansruptcy. In the matter of the Peti-

    tion of JAMES I. IX) WSKTT against GO OFREY BUOWN.Before the Honorable L. McCully, Second associate Jus-tice of tbe Sopreme Court. Order of hearing on the qnestlon of alleged llankuptcy.

    Whereas an order haa Issued this day to the Marshal totake posesalon of the property uf Uodfrey Brown of Ho-noluln In the Island of Oahn and to pnt his store bymses.counting houses, effects, books and papers under lock andseal on the Felltion or James I. Dowsett, alleging the saidGodfrey Brown to be his debtor In tbe amount of Eixhteen1 honsand Seven Hundred and Forty-on-e Dollars (f 18,711),and praying that for certain statutory reasons In said Pe-tl-

    expressed he be adjudged a Bankupt."ow therefore It Is ordered that 10 o'clock; on Saturday

    the Z3 day of Jnne, A. TJ. 1877. at my Chambers, SupremeCourt House. Ilonolnlu, at the time and place fur hearingthe said Petition and declaring the question of said Godfrey Brown's'Banktuptcy, If disputed and that noticehereof be given by publishing this ordr for two successiveweeks Id the Hawaiian Gazette newspaprr, and that acopy hereof and of tbe said petition and summons to at'tend, be served on the said Godfrey Brown, If he be foundwithin the Kingdom.

    Given nnder my hand at Honolulu, tbeoth day of June,A. D 187J. LAWRENCK MCCULLY,

    673 2t Justice of the Sopreme Court.

    COURT OF THIS HAWAIIANSUPREME the matter of the petition of PAKEO.KEO Ik), to quiet title to certain land, claimed by tight ofinheritance. And in the matter of Chapter 3 of the Ses-sion Laws. 1871. Order.

    On reading and riling the pstitJon of Pakeokeo (k) ofHonolulu, Oaho, claiming title In fee simple by right ofInheritance In certain latid, situated at Kolowalu, Manoa,Island of Oahu. fully described by metes and bounds luRoyal Patent No. 3004. based npon Land CommissionAward No 11,337, to Kea (W) who was the uade to peti-tioner, which petition alleges that said Kea ditd unmar-ried and Intestate previous to the year law, leaving

    (w), his sister and sola heiress at law him surviv-ing ; that said Keaweklpl died Intestate In the year lBcT,leaving the petitioner and his sister Honolulu her lawfulchildren and able belrs at law her surviving ; that saidHonolulu died on or about the month of March, 1R77, un-married, intestate, and without IstUe, and leavlns the pe-titioner ber sole heir at law her surviving ; that petitionerclaims the said land In fee simple, and that Hoohoku ,k)Is In possession of the .aid land and is the only claimantthereto known to petitioner, and praying f.r pneas tocite said claimant, and for a decree confirming the saidland In fee simple to the petitioner.

    It Is ordered, that ratorday. the seventh da of July, A.D. 1577,he and Is hereby appointed for bearing said peri-lio- n

    before tbe Justice named therein, at the next regularJuly Term of the Supreme Court, at the Court House, toHonolulu, at which time an 1 place all persons concernedmay spar and show can,. If any they have, why theprayer of said petition should nat be granted ;

    And It Is further ordered, that this notice shall hein Honolulu In tbe English and Hawaiian languages,

    the former In the llavallan Gatette and the latter in theNnpepa Knokoa, for not less than three weeks before thefirst day or said next July Term of tbe Supreme Court

    Sated at Honolulu the 6 th day urjune. A. D. 1J77.LAWRENCE McCCLLY,

    6tS 2t Jnsticeof tbe eupreme Court.

    gtTBEHE COURT nr THE HAWAIIANC7 In Probate. In the matter of the Estate

    of S. K. Rawsonlatecf Honolnlu deceased. AtCbambers,before Hon. L. McCnCy. Orler of notice of petition forallowance of accounts discharge, ant) final dlstxlbutron ofproperty.

    On reading aud filing the petition and accounts of W. CParke and M. llcluerny, Administrators of the estate of8. E. Kawson, late or Honolulu, deceased, wherein he askto be allowed (UM 30, and charged blmielfwltb 1K7L2I.and ask that the same may be examined and approved,and that a final order may be paid of distribution of tteproperty remaining In their hand tea the persuns theretoentitled, and discharging them and their sureties from allfurther rcspons.bUlty as snen.

    It is ordered, that Wednesday, tbe llth day of July, A.D. 1877, at ten o'clock A. II. before the ssld Juntlce, atChambers, in the Court Honse, at Honolulu, be und thesame hereby Is appointed as the time and place for hearingsaid petition ane accounts, and that all persons interestedmay then and there appear and show cause, if any theylave, why the same should not be graoted, and may pre,ent evidence as to who are entitled to the said property.And that this Order. In the English ptMbeedin the Hawaiian Gazette newspaper printed and publishedIn Hooolslu, for three sneoesslve weeks previous to thetune therein appointed for said bearing.

    Dated at Honolnlu II. I., this 7th cay of June, 1377.LAWRENCE MCCULLY,

    Attest: Justice of the Supreme Court,Jjro. E. Bissann. Clerk of the Supreme Court.

    IS 3t.

    Notice to Creditors.IS TIIE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF V,KAIL! CXI, deceased.

    By order of the Supreme Court In Probate, la this mat-ter, notice Is hereby given to all creditors of the said Kalllnil to present their claims Immediately to the nnderjlgned,for adjustment. All debtors are also requested u maceImmediate payment or their debts.

    WM. R. CASTLE, Admlnlsttator.Honolulu. 0Ui May, 1877. ex st

    Ration Groceries,PEK "OORljnj"Celebrated Meats, Lewis's Pickles, In gall-

    on and hair gallon Jars.Cases Lobsters, Clams, Oysters McMurray'sCases LseroU gweet Cum the best article In the

    marketCases' Assorted Vegetables, assorted Soups, Tossato

    Soups, Mock Turtle coups,tn For Sale by BOLLES it Co.

    Our Goods are Sold,consideration.

    Slioes !and Qnnutlly, Defy Competltlcsi !




    SIIPUEItE COURT OF THE HAWAIIANIn Probate. In Ike matter of the Es-tate or T1IUMAS KINOt deceased and GBardlaaahlp ofJltuSarah King, a minor. Order of notice of petlUoa forallowance of accounts, discharge, and final ofProperty.

    On Reading and Filing the Petition and accounts of W.C. Parke, gnardlao of Miss Reran Klag. and trustee of theEsute ofThomas Ring, late of Honoluln. deceased, where-in he ask. to he allowed and charges thnselfwith 1 0,360.71, and asks that the same may be txaalaedand approved, and that a final ordar may be made of dltrlbutlon of the property remaining in his hands to Uwpersons thereto entitled, and discharging hku aad hissureties from all further responsibility as such

    t is Ordered, that Friday, the 70th day of July. A. D.1877. at ten o'clock A M .heforetbasaldjuasee, at Cham-bers, lo the Court House, at Honolulu, be aad the samehereby Is appointed as the time and place for hearing sailpetition and accounts, and that all ptraona tnursaied maythen and there appear and show cause, a any they have,why the same should not be granted, aad may present evi-dence as to who are entitled to the said property. Andthat this order. In the English puhikhedtathe Hawaiian Gaxaite, a newspaper printed and puhlbhedin Honolulu, rur three successive weeks previous l& thtune therein appointed for said hearing.

    Dated atuonolulu, this lsth day of June. 1177.A. FRANCIS JUDD,

    Justice of the tftrpreme CcurUAttest:. jo. E. Bikxath,

    Clerk of the bupreme Coort- - Hi :t

    Notice to Tenants of the EstateOF

    His Late Majesty LunalHo.HATING BEEN APPOI.VTEB BT THEor th Sopreme Court, as Trustees or theReal Esute of Ills late Majesty Lnnalllo, under the pro-visions ot bis hut wui, we hereby notify all tenant aadlessees of any portion of tbe said real rarau, aad ail per-sons holding or who may hereafter bold or collect moneyon account of rent due upon the same, to arconat to oaror all rents due and owing from them which have accruedsince the llth day of March, 1 J7I, the day of th death ofhis late Royal Highness Charles .... u wen as forthose that may hereafter accrue.

    We also give further notice that no one la er wia be em-powered to collrct the renu of the said real estate, or torepresent us In the management of the same, without oarwritten authority therefor.

    We request all who hold leases of any portion of ihsaid real eetate to submit the same to us wltbccl delay,with their application! ror renewal.


    Trusters under the will of Ilia late Majesty InsalOa.Honolulu, Mth March. 1S77. (34 to

    CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF HOIS.Friends aud Straagera generally arecordially invited to a turd Public Worship at FOR? ST.CHURCH, where Services are held every Bahbath as 11o'clock A. 11., and 7 Beau are provided tor anwho may be pleased to attend. There la a Wednesdayevsnlng Prayer Jfeetlot at 7M o'clock. In the LrclarBoom.towhlchallarewelcorae. 124 ly

    Labor Contracts. .T"J. ,H??I:BSIG;rEB KATE M ABby competent legal authority, with special.?I?n' ".lbo Master and SerraaV laws now In forcela this kingdom,

    Blank Forms, of labor Coatr-vrt- t,Suitable for an cases, which tbey woold now offer for saleto Inose desiring to employ servants, with the run assur-ance that tbey are tbe nly forms now la use ' tomplyIn every particular with tbe laws governin- -: the relatlonabetween Master and Berrant.

    Agents on the other Islands wui be furnlahed with theseblanks at liberal rates for easSL


    Agents to take acknowledgemeou to Contracts forLabor, District of Koot, 1 aland cf Oahu.Honolulu, Hay 8 lb, 1877. Ml Id

    M31FUJCEKV.. nrLASalULAXa.Jocitycirh, u a other perfumes. Tout.Vinegar f world-wid- celebrity. Toilet Water. LavenderWater, Florida Water; Eau U Colwcne, Lima J alee andGlycerine for tbe tfatr. Glycerine, Honey. WIndaor andother soaps. Violet and Rice rowder, aqeadeotlne turf,TUlV : t JWaud. ISS, Regent Street, and If.Corobill, London. Scid by an Perfumers and Chemists.Heglsteied trade marf--an heraldrle rose. CJ-l- r

    FOR SALE.TKaCT BF LASH. MT17ATXBm the District HUo, Hawaii, and knows as

    CoaleUalac, 3rM9 Acre.This flue trac. of Lend Is situated near the town of HBo.

    baa superior advantages lor the cutCug and procuring cfwood, and a good oa.--t road leaAtsc to tbe Uivrii. Itcontains also,

    A HuaBtlty ef 3eel lPasiare JLawel,Title Beya Patent JrrtBeranfcBlars apply toHI 2m WM. Q. IKWIS CO


  • ,Sj





    48gfi SETWttW gfGreatBritain &New S outhWaesVia Han Franelseo, Honolulu and Auckland.

    Prepared axpreasly for tbe Tlasrauan Gixettc



    ME o San Francisco sc '1 i5 , per Steamer. 5 ,'

    April 8 Apr UatroTX. Tort.Apr li May Mar 21May 3 May 16 ZenlandU May IJ May 31 June IIitay 31 lone II City of Sydney. Jone SO June 28llnly ItJnne July 11 Australia July 18' July : Aug 11July 18 Aug 8 Citjoi S.Turk.-An- 15 Aug :1 Sp 10Aug 3 Sep 4 Ze.lsmlia Sep II Sep SO Oct 8Bep 10 Oct a Uty J? Sydney. .Oct 10, Oct 16 Xor tOct 18 Oct Jl Australia Nov T Nov It Dec 3Not 15 Sot KlCltyorN. Yortc.Dec 6; Dec IS Dec 31Dec 13 Dec ISjZealanala Jan g Jan IQlJan 18


    mvx I tc IT

    Sydney, In g aPer Steamer I S Ss g,

    Zealandla .......Apr 7 Apr 54 May rMny 11 MayCitroT Sydney.. May 4 1 Jon Jnn ...... .Jnn 1 Jnn It Jnn IS July 0 July IBCity hew York .Jun 19 July 18 July 17 Aug 3 Aug 16ZwUandla. ... July 17 Ang M Aug II Sep 1 Sep 13City of flydney-.A- njr J Sep II Rp II ep I Oct IIAnstralia Sep II Oct Oct IS Oct ! J.OV 8City Sew York..Oct 1 Nor 7jNov 10 Nov 51 Dec 6Zealandla ...Not 10 Dec 4 Dec 13 Dec II Jan 3CltyofUydney ..Dec 1. jjau I Jan lljJan 1 Jan 31

    Phases of the Moon for the Month of Jnne, dojr QzpL Daniel Smith, Harbormaster.


    3rd lAst Quarter.. S39.SPKI lth New Noon. .4 1.1 a M17th First Quarter. --SSlb

    TSllri leftFull Moon . S 21.5 r u


    lt 8nn Rbes 5 IL8 A HSun Seta 3X8 T vStb Sun Iti&es .5 31.4 a m.15tn son nisei 5 ZLS a v. .Sndsnn llUe S 23.5 a

    San Rises S 25.1 a u--

    VUJlJlCltCIAL, oldIIOXOLULC. JVXE 20. 18T7.

    h'othing has agitated the tuual placidity of commercialCircles during the past week. The foreign arrivals are tbeschooner C M. Ward from the Gnaoo Islands, the Americaubark Quickstep, 15 days from San Francisco, en route f.irJIoDgkcDg; the bark Xlelen W. Almy, with lumber fromHumboldt, and tbe mall steamer Australia, 18 days from ofEjdnry.

    The departures are the Missionary brig Morning Star toMission Stations in Micronesia; barkeutioe Monitor for tbeSound, and the bark Camden for the same destination.

    Tbe great credit sale of the cargo of the baric Kiodune, atMr. C' fi. Bartow'a, which has already occupied two days,and will be continued has been weUaUeoded,.andhas brought fair prices.

    POUT OP IIOtOL.Ul.tJ.aurxvi:i.

    Jce IS Am bk Camden, Robinson, IS days fm Port GambleRoss Imp cor Kroiack, Clt de ldvru, 20 fm d P.

    13 Am ecbr C SI Ward. Kiog, 1m llowlan(Ts IslandIt Am bk Quickstep, Barnaby, from ban Francisco en

    route fur Jlougkoug16 Schr Nettle Merrill, Crane, from Lahalna.16 Schr Ullama, Puaahlwa, from Kobala

    Am bk II W Almy, t iddeoaon,tjrum Humboldt17 Stuir Kllauea, Reynolds, from Windward Ports.

    Schr Marion, Christian, from Nawiliwill.18 U I R M Qornostal, Toreutin", 14 days from San F.19 Schr Prince, Reck, from Kooa aud Kau.

    Schr Kate, Peterson, lrom Anabola.B M 8 Anstralia, Auitralia, CargiU, IS days from

    Sydney via Auckland.20 Schr Harwlct, J Dull, from MoloXak

    icbr Jenuy Cilama, from Molokl.Schr Kekanlnohl, Klmu, fnm HanaleL

    hAILEU.JnslS Stmr Kllanea, Reynolds, for Windward Forts.

    Schr Ka MoL tt llbur, Tor KabuluLSchr Jeauy. Wiltianu, for Eooa.Schr Kaualle, Koloa and Walmea.

    13 Schr Kekaaluohl, Kimo, from llaualelbchr Mary Cllen, Peul, fur lliloSchr Pauaht, IIopu, for llilo.Schr Annie, Ealoa, tor Eanalbchr Fairy Queen. PenI, for Kohala,

    11 hr Peeokahi, Clarke, forKahuluL4 .Am brig Mornlog bur, C!cord,' Ukronesla

    Am bk Quick step, Barnaby, for lloogkong18 II I II M rmack, De Uiron17 Am bktne Monitor, iueron, forllombuldt.18 htmr Kilsoea. Reynolds, for Wlodward Ports

    Schr Nettie Merrill, Craue, for Lahalna.lft Scur UiUma, Poahina, forJIohala and Ilamakna.

    bchr Marlon. Christiao. Jor Koloa aod Waituea.Am bk Camden, Robinson, for PoTt Oamble

    VESSELS I. i'tfitvr.MEncBtirriiE

    Am bk II W Almy, Widdeuson, dischargingAm schr C M Ward, KingDrlt bark Kindaue, Caithness, loading.Am bk Mary Belle Roberts.Am bk Iolani, Garrels, discharging

    SUVAUH B M Fantonie, Majuay.111IIM gunboat Ooruostial, Torenticu".


    Report of R M S Australia, W CargiU, Commander, Junelfttb Cleared Sydney lieads at 4.20 p m June 1st, with alight westerly breexe. 'KzperieDCed light winds aud finecloar weather until tbe inornlQg of the 5th alien a frehbreeze and cloudy weather sritb heavy eqoaUs at times set in;at 7.30 a in sighted the Three Kings bearing east; passedthe Tirl Tore lights at 5:20, arriving at Auckland at6.30 a moftbentfalnst. Discharged New Zealand malls, pas-sengers and cargo, and 1:30 p m same dale cast off from thewharf with a moderate breeze and clear weather; ase