the importance of controlling industrialization


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Post on 12-May-2017




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Page 1: The Importance of Controlling Industrialization

The importance of controlling industrialization

Muhammad Eusha

The Bangladesh cricket team has transformed itself gradually in to a redoubtably competitive

force at least while playing at home. In fact even in its tour to Sri Lanka in the recent past, our

boys displayed manifestations of much improved skills and attitude. Many of us had given up on

the lads representing Bangladesh disappointed as we were with their repetitive abysmal failures

throughout the last decade. However, we witness a new surge in willingness and inspiration now

and indeed, it has come as an unexpected surprise. Much similar to the case of improvement in

the domain of cricket, the country as a whole has moved ahead in all directions. Our march

forward is quite miraculous as well, considering the extent and degree of political problems we

must endure as our politicians are extraordinarily fond of engaging themselves in puerile fights.

Small signs of a stronger economy are everywhere for us to see and you do not have to use the

spectacles of a university professor to notice them. The rickshaws which used to be manually

driven are now frequently seen to carry battery powered drives – a small but very significantly

representative example. The transportation and communication sectors have seen momentous

changes in positive directions as well. Rural economy is developing and as the events unfold, it

seems the concern about a realistic wage would also address the problem of severely unbalanced

distribution of wealth and opportunities.

We do have the right to marvel at all these sign of progress and be happy but we of course cannot

be complacent and it is so for two reasons. The first is that these trends should continue and there

is always a next step that we must take to progress even further. Secondly, it is quite clear now

that the pattern of development in our country has been haphazard, irregular and poorly

managed. In some cases, industrialization, for example, since it was not controlled and regulated

with adequate maturity, has managed to inflict some irreparable damages upon our environment.

The murder of the Buriganga is probably a quintessential instance of the consequence of

uncontrolled industrialization. Should we congratulate ourselves on our achievement of such a

rare feat, given that in the history of human beings killing of a river beyond resuscitation through

unabated poisoning is unheard of? When one travels from Chittagong to Dhaka by rail or by

road, micro examples of the same phenomenon creates in mind a sense of tragic horror. Many

small water-bodies are found to have been poisoned mercilessly. Dumping of untreated industrial

waste without any concern whatsoever for the environment is going to hurt us terribly in the near

future, if it is not affecting our lives considerably already.

The ministry of environment unfortunately seems to be little concerned about the profound and

unmistakable effects of what we may term as an incontinent form of industrialization. Either

there is an absence of awareness or, even if there are carefully formulated regulations, their

enforcement is not being effective, probably due to the insatiable affinity of the enforcers to

bribery and corruption. The ministry of industries seems to have failed to recognize the

importance of collaborating with the ministry of environment in an effort to control

industrialization to curb its deleterious effects on the environment. It would not be surprising if

the regulations regarding environmental effects are intentionally not stringent since it may

decelerate the economic growth, discouraging investment and participation. While we do not

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want our economy to be encumbered with unnecessarily strict regulations, we also cannot afford

to let industries wreak havoc on this beautiful green haven of ours. And this is where the

question of “balance” comes in.

There is a necessity of handling technology with more prudence and astuteness. Industrial

growth is welcome but not at the cost of our environmental well-being! The ministries mentioned

earlier must comprehend the essentiality of a collaborative effort to ensure that this surge in

industrialization is controlled and regulated carefully. Anti-pollution laws must be designed

keeping in mind the considerations of viability and efficacy. Regulatory standards must also be

formulated which would demand strict conformance. The law enforcement authorities are

required to integrate their vigilance with the efforts of the ministries. And only such a combined

struggle can put a stop to the current trends of industrialization without sympathy for nature. Our

environment, especially in areas which have seen aberrant urbanization in the recent decades, is

already showing portents of a catastrophic future. So it is incumbent upon us that we act quickly,

if we do want to leave a better Bangladesh for the coming generations.

Muhammad Eusha is an HVAC specialist and a columnist