the independent. (hillsboro, washington county, or.) 1888-06-14 … · 2014. 6. 9. · the...

WmafelHgtan Vrnmutr fair. Miss Annie Richardson, of Southern To Ladies Vismxo Portland. THE INDEPENDENT. milE NEXT LFUISLATinE. Sercnty republicans nnd seventeen VOaVKKT UHOVB BOTH. (From onr Regular Correspondent ) Ktv. tslaek'a Hrelgamtlo-M- . HiMJiUouo, Juno 14, 188. Perfeot Hair Indicates a natural and healthy condi- tion of thn scalp, and of the gland through which nourishment obtained. When, In conaeqiiencfl of age and (lis-eas- e, tlm hair bocomea weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen It, restoro its original color, promote Its rapid and vigorous growth, and impart to it the- - lustra and freshness of youth. I havo used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for a long tune, and am of it value, w hen I was 17 years of age my hair tiegaii to turn gray. I commenced using t ho Vigor, and was surprised at the. good effect it produced. It not only rentonwl tint color to my hair, but o stimulated its growth, that 1 hav ow.r '"jro hair than ever before. J. W , Ldwarda, Coldwater, Miss. Ayer s Hair Vigor, Hold tjr all DrugifUta and rarfuoiara. The Washington County Fair will be held at the grounds near Hillslmro, be ginning Septemler 11, 1888, and con tinuing for four days. The premium lists will soon be issued, and will not materially differ from those of last year The Fair will be under the same control as last year Jas. Withycooibe, T. L. McEldowney and D. C. Stewart lessees and managers. James A. Imbrie will be retained as secretary. B. P. Cornelius has been chosen marshal. First and second premiums of $20 and $10 will be offered for the best exhibit of grain and grasses threshed and in sheaf, quality and variety considered. Premiums will be given for the best kept book of farm accounts, showing the receipts and expenditures and financial transactions of the farm from January 1, 1888, to September 1, 1888, said accounts to be kept by loy under twenty-on- e years of age, actual residents of Washington county. Firsl premium, $25; second premium, $15; third premium, $10. The lessees are all prominent farmers of this county, and Intend making a strong effort to build up an agricultural Association that shall do much to en courage our farmers. Let us aid them. CVK.lF.LII N IXF..VI. Ji nk 13. Not seeing any items fromHtp. democrats have surely elected to the next legislature, while three are vet doubtful. They are ns follows, those marked with a being hold over: SKXATK, Baker Chandler, dem. Benton 'Cauthorn, dem. Clackamas L. T. Barin, rep. Crook, Lake aud Klamath--C- . A. Coggswell, dem. Clatsop J. H . D. Gray, rep. Coos, Curry and Josephine S. II. Hazard, dem. (doubtful). Grant J. H. Hamilton, dem. Douglas J. C. Fullerton, rep. Jackson 'Stanley, dem. Lane Veach, dem.; S. B. Eakin, Jr., rep. Linn Dawson, rep.; Irvine, dem. Marion Chamherlaiu, rep.; Looney, rep.; Dlmick, rep. Multnomah Geo. A. Steel, rep; J. C. Carson, reo Joseoh Simon, rcn .: Donald Mackay, rep.; .1. K. Waite, rep. Polk E.T. Hatch, rep. Umatilla J. P. Wager, dem. Washington, Columbia and Tillamook P. A. Moore, rep. Yamhill J. W. Watts, rep. Wasco and Gilliam Charles Hilton, rep. Union and Umatilla- - Raley, dem. Union and Wallowa J. W. Norval. Wasco George Watkins, rep. Washington Thomas II. Tongue, rep. KKFKKSKSTATIVfS. Baker N. C. Haskell, rep. Benton C. B. Crono. rep.; E. II. Belknap, rep. Clackamas J. T. Apperson, rep.; Peter Paquit, rep.; IS. Y. Short, rep.; Clatsop--!!- . B. Parker, rep.; John I 'aim, rep. Columbia Judson Weed, rep. Cooa A. II. Crook, rep. Crook -- J. N. Williamson, rep. Con and Curry . I. II. Roberts, lep. Ikmglas J. ISIllllilelt, lep. ; (' . i:. Bicker, rep.; E. Ijlrie, ie;. Gilliam J. Thomas, rep. Grant G. W. Gillian., n (doubtful ). Jackson Miller, dem.; Bow ditch, dem.; Pi ice, dem. Josephine Howard, rep. Klamath and Lake S. P. Moss, dem. Lane Seymour Condon, rep.; J. M. Stafford, rep.; A. C. Jennings, rep Linn Milb-r- , dem.; Myers, dem.: Murdock, dem. Malheur No returns received. Marion-- J. 15. Waldo, rep.; T.T Geer, rep.; Samuel Layman, rep.; Win. Arm- - strong, rep ; J.Q. Wilson, rep. Morrow L. E. Felt, r p. Multnomah - R. P. Eaih ut, rep. Wm. M. Iidd. rep ; W. B. Gilbert, rep ; D . P. Thompson, rep. ; W. T. Hume, rep.; S. R. Harrington, rep. ;.!..!. Either rep.; II. II. Noithiup, rep.; J. A St row bridge, rep . Polk -- C. G. Fisher, rep ; F. S IW.cII. rep. Tillamook and Yamhill -- J. W. Max- well, rep. Umatilla -- J. II. Rejin, rep.; Thomas Kirk, rep. ; GainlM-c- , dem. Union Charles Goodnough, rep.: J. L. Roe, rep. I Wallowa James A. Hunter, lep. Wasco E. L. Smith, lep.; E. . Mc Coy, rep. j Washington -- J . C. Moore, rep.; T. Paulsen, rep.; J. Y. Pope, rep. Yamhill -I- L R. Laughlin, up.; W Derby, rep. i:iilon tiruims. It is stated that Thomat A. Edison ha5 leeii commissioned 113- - the Spanish ! eminent to construct a new ele. ti rcl California, is visiting friends in Ilills boro, after an alsenco of several years. Mrs. C. C. Frazicri of Island City, Union county, Oregon,, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams, who reside near IliNsWo. This is Mrs. Frazer's first visit to Hillsloro in two years. She will remain for about a month, and will be pleased to see all her old friends. Salem was visited by a $"."5,000 fire last Thursday. IIol man's electric plant and agricultural works, including the building, were destroyed. Insurance, ouly $2000. Also, Churchill & Cook's sash and door factory was destroyed. Loss is estimated at $20,000. Milt. Parrish, who is now at Spo kane Falls, got a cay use a few days ago to go to the Ceur d Alene mines, and the eayuse got to prancing around, and threw him, breaking three of bis ribs He was taken to Brown's ranch and made comfortable as possible under the cir cumstances. Astorian, 1). The general land office gives the fol lowing new ruling.which thoe interested in making proofs would do well to keep in mind: "Heretofore final proofs in homestead, n nnd commuted homesteads were taken before the judge, or, in his absence, the clerk of any dis- trict court. Hereafter only final home- stead proofs will le allowed to be taken before such judge or clerk,, and the notices of intention to make such proof must specify whether such proof is a commuted homestead or otherw ise." The life-givin- properties of Aycr's Sarsaparilla have established its well-earne- d reputation, and made it the most effectual and popular lilood purilier of the day. For all diseases of the stom- ach, liver, and kidneys, this remedy has no equal. Price $t. Prof. W. A. Wash and wife have resigned their positions in our publje schools the former as principal and the latter as lrt nssi-tan- t. Thev leave to day for Da'la, where Mr. Wash will assume control of the "Polk County Ileinier," hav ing purchased that journal. Mr. Wash is an experienced newspaper man, having conducted the Goldeudale Gazette for five years. The Albina schools under his management have been highlv successful and his departure from our little city will le greatly regretted. Albina Courier. The Rev. Geo. Boss will ill. Y.I preach in the Christian church, on Sab- bath the 17th inst., at :; :: r. m. All are cordially invited. Do not take ipiinine for iiiabuial disorders. Aycr's Ague Cure contains none, nor any other injurious ingredient. This preparation, if taken strictly in accordance with directions, is warranted to cure all malarial diseases. Judge Boise has issued to the sheriff of Polk county the warrant of execution of Win. Landreth, the Independence murderer, and fixed therein the date up- on which be shall suffer the extreme penalty ofthe law on Friday, July Cth. It will devolve upon the new sheriff of Polk, Ira Smith, of Independence, to execute Landreth. A Russian troupe which plays on twenty-fou- r pianos at once is on its way to Loudon. Russian hostilities against England have seldom assumed so aggres- sive a form . The sixteenth annual reunion of the Oregon Pioneer Association will take place in Portland next Friday, June loth. Bev. Thomas Condon of Eugene City, will deliver the annual nil dress, and Hon. Elisha L. Applegatc, of Jackson county, the occasional address. Grand Medal awarded to "Davies the Photographer," for the display of photographs, Mechanics Fair, 1M87. Gallery, Cor. First and Taylor Strs, Portland, Ogn. school l:iitertnituunt. There is deep disappointment in the bosoms of an hundred pupils of the Hiilslxiro public school. Sme arrange- ments had been made for an entertain Dient by the school on the evening of the close of the present school year, and bright expectancy lighted the features of merry and ambitious youth. A few parties outside the school had kindly consented to assist in the music and the entertainment was looked forward to with interest by pupils and patrons of the school. But through some influence the little refreshment from dry study has fallen to wreck. Entertainment or ex- hibitions are to lie condemned in but one event -- that is when tliey take place during the terms and when the pupils' tn'ndsare- - or should le centered lijxin the studies pursued in the schoolroom At the end of a term or school year, they are proper and should Ins encourage!. It is then that parents and patrons of the sertool may attend aitd witness the pro- gress made by those receiving instrue t ion. It is then that the generalship and ability of the teacher to properly instruct in not only the text hooks Lot decorum, gentility, etc., may le wit nessed by parents and others interested and taxed to support schools. When everything that will call public attention to ur public schools in eschewed, it is time sweeping investigations le made. Is there tM much tardiness in our school? Is there liltle o,- - no enthusiasm on the part of both parents and pupils? These complaints have been made; we make no charges. this matter be investigated. It is due to the teachers and to the public. Contumpllon I nrarablr y Read the following: Mr.C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and fi lends and phvsirians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my t hi rid Irottle, and able to oversee the. work ion mi farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Ilillsboro Pharmacy. We wish to call their attention to our Ready-mad- e Suits. Our $ 10.00 suits, good value for $12.50; our $14.00, ex cellent value for $10.00. All wool suits from $14.00 up. Dressmaking in all branches. First-clas- s tilting and stylish make-up- . Ladies' own matetial made up. D. Pouteu & Co, 147 Third street, Portland. mlO-l- m At 10:30 yesterday morning, Peter Shannon shot and killed his wife and a moment afterward shot and killed him self. The tragedy occured at a small board injr-hous- c at the northeast corner of Eighteenth and R streets. As far as the facts in the case can be learned it seems to have been a most brutal cold-bloode- d murder, committed by a human monster, the only palliating circumstances about the affair being that he had the grace to do away with his own worthless life. Shannon was alout GO years old and his wife about C. They had been married only a year, and Shannon seemed insane- ly jealous of his wife without cause. Oregonian, 12. The O & C. railroad formally passed out of the hands of Receiver Koehler last Monday morning, the Southern Pa cific assuming control. At a meeting of the board of the Corvallis agricultural college held on yes- terday morning, all of the old professors but one sent in his resignation. Prof. Atkins was elected president, but it seem as though they cannot secure any one to act in the place of the declining professors .Gazette. The Portland Mercury is in receipt of a letter stating that Carrie Bradley, who was reported murdered some time living in Sisson, Siskiyou county, ('a!., and that she is married to a man by the name of P. J. Sullivan, who is engaged in the paper hangiug business. She is keeping a lodging bouse, has two hildrcn and is doing well. Mr . R. Cave, since getting into his new store n II lilsooro. n ottering Ins immense stock iti lian 1 ami arriving at bed-roc- prices. Don't listen to stories irculated by husy-hodies- , but yo and get prices for yourselves. You will be willing to give up to others the whole earth and take for vourself the goods. -- Notwithstanding the fact that a few- - disinterested parties firmly believe that the Lord made the earth for their ex- - lusive benefit and control, the Walter A. Wood will run easier, cut and elevate cleaner, bind oftener and last longer than any machine on top of the earth. Sold at U. Cave's, Ilillsboro. Mrs. Mary V. Wilshire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McKay, of Garden Home, is visiting her parents for a few days. Mr. Wilshire was elected county judge at the recent election in Lake count', being the only democrat who "got lh"re" in his county. Last Tuesday, following lerjal holi- days on the previous Saturday and Mon- day, the transactions of the First National bank. Portland, amounted to a little over $2,r00,000. That is to say they received and paid out this immense sum on that day. The mother of General Sheridan died at Somerset, Ohio, last Thursday. Mrs. Sheridan was lxrn m county ('avail, Ireland, ami came to the United Stales iu 1828, and to Ohio in 112. She was modest in appearance, her stature was small and her weight of late did not ex- ceed seventy pounds. She lived in the home which the general purchased for the family prior to the war. The mother surely was provided with all heart could wish of this world's store. Reports con- cerning the dangerous condition of her son were studiously kept from her, but she knew he was sick. A large fruit dryer will be erected at New berg within the next three weeks with a capacity of 100 bushels per day. Eventually this establishment will be turned into a cannery. The dimensions of the building will be 24x40, one story, for the piesent. The machinery used will probably be that of .lory's, of Salem. Re jiortcr. Hon. Thus. H. Tongue, senator elect from this county, will deliver the annual address before the Grand lodge of Masonry at Portland one evening this week. The Grand lodge met in session yesterday. The HilIslxro public school will give an entertainment at the 0era house on Friday evening, June 22d. Mr. James McKay, of Garden Home, was in Hi11loro Tuesday. His wife and daughter, Miss Flora, have just returned from l)s Angeles, where Flora was severely attacked with smallpox. She has iiImhiI recovered and will War but few marks of the dread malady. Gov. Pennoyer has received from Alexander Sutton, secretary of the Co- lumbia Hirer Fishermen's Protective Union, a complaint that trap or jxnind net fishermen violate the law by fishing during the weekly close season. The governor has referred the matter t,o the fish commission, with direc tions to act. - Give your vegetable an extra hoe- ing; hover your blessings over the grain field; eradicate the weeds from your meadows, and land plaster your pota- toes. The days of the? Fair are ap- proaching, an I now in the time to pre- pare for creditable exhibits. Monday evening, as three young women were passing the corner of Third and Taylor streets, a hackman asked them to take a ride. One of them told him to drive around the corner and draw up to the sidewalk. lie did so, and alighted to open the door of his hack, when two of the young women seized him, and the other, taking his whip from the socket, proceeded to lay it on over his head and shoulders with great vigor. After receiving a small taste of what he richly deserved, he managed to escape, and jumping on his hack drove off, leaving his whip as a trophy in the hands of the young woman. The scene was witnessed by a messenger boy, who Knew none of the persons implicated The young women expressed their in tention of making a complaint, but so far nothing has been heard from them Oregonian, 13. Extensive preparations are being made for commencement in Pacific University, and it is cxiiected that a liumlxjr of di tiuguished visitors will be present next week. Commencement exercises, proper, begin this evening with the lecture of Rer. Mr. Clapp, of East Portland, before the Philomatheun society, at the Congre gational church. On Monday evening, President D. T. Stanler. of the State Normal school, will deliver the annual lecture before the Gamma Sigma society. On Saturday Mrs. Edwards' musical will be held. An interesting game of base ball was played here last Satunlwy afternoon, be- tween a couple of juvenile clubs, which, for the amount of "kicking" indulged in, would compare with professional. Unfortunately, the game broke up in a general row over the "third out" of the ninth inning, and the stakeholders made away with the money. The score stood 2223. A second game will le played to morrow afternoon. The Willamette, of Portland, will probably come out to the Grove next Wednesday. Hyram Clark has been laid off from work the past week, in consequence of getting his hand cut with a cross-cu- t ww, In addition to local talent, Mrs. Wetzell, of Portland, will probably assist in com- mencement exercises, with vocal inuaic. The M. E. and Baptist Sunday schools will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morn- ing, in consequence of the baccalaureate sermon at the Congregational church. Horace Robb, of Tacotna, is visiting w ith friends in the Grove. A few Mongolian pheasants can be seen in the woods around the Grove, wh'ch hunters will do well to avoid shooting. The Ladies Working Society, of the Congregational church, was entertained liy Mr. and Mrs. Hailed at their farm residence, six miles from town. Mot-- t of the ladies had never etu the farm and were quite facinated with the beautiful scenery surrounding Mrs. llallett's sum- mer retreat, which is indeed grand. After a stroll over the hills, from which Gaston aud Forest Grove can be plainly seen, puking wild flowers and taking telescopic views of the distant hills and valleys, they wert invited to partake of a IxMintiful repast of all the good things of the season, to which they did ample justice. Among those present were Mrs. Dr. Marsh, Mrs. Prof. Marsh, Mrs. Prof. F.rrin, Mrs. W. D. Hoxter, Mrs. I A. Tiullinger, of Astoria, Mrs. Shipley, Mrs.-Tyle- r, Mrs. Prof. Lyman, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Dr. Bowll.y, Mrs. S. Hughes, Mrs. Hiuman, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Dr. (Vang, Mrs. David Smith, the Misses Bertie and Annie McDonald, Mr- -. j 1111 and Mrs. Henry Jackson. Al. Barues, formerly leader of the For est Grove Nickle band, is aain in the Grove for a stay. John T. Whallev. A. II., class or 'M, Pacific Uiiiwrsily, who has leen pastor of the Congregational church in Law- - rence. Mass, the pt three eirs, le turned to the Grove la- -t Tuesday with hU w ife and child. Mr. Wludley will Ik a cnudidatc for the degree f A. M. at the coming commencement exercises. HKOf fr.:il.4 I (II TV CO I KT. R. Ciiiximm, Judge T. J. Toirn and 'has. Hit kKTiiu it. Commissioners. JI'MC II Application for britlge across Dairy - . . ... .it... . 1 : " ,r "' : " T'1 l'l"" ""I"- - ne n,u r"lM,,t ttt "V1 meeting of I he board. Application of . Smith, siiKTvisor of road district ?p, for IuiiiIht and aid in opening road: Lumber for 70 feet of bridge granted, nnd f."t(l appropriated towards oeniiig road. Application f Rttfcty for bridges: Contract awarded to M. S. Dailey to build ln'idge .'id feet long at IJafTety's, and one !0 feet in length at N. A. Ba- rrett's; consideration, !'. liangenf road 180 (20n: Establish- ed as prayed for in jstition, and war- rants ordered drawn to cover costs of same. Application for bridge lietwefii Tbotiiburgh and Carsteii, .n Dairy 'creek: '"' feet of old luinlx-- r to le doubled, 1JH feet of lloor lo be new : Contract let lo M. S. Dailey at .rj7 cents H-- r f.Mit, Claims of judges and clerks of election: Allowed two days and mile- - . . .. . .1 1. : -- .... 11 t 1 age 10 1 nor e niaa 1111; reiui 11 01 pon lo clerk . nation of road SOU: M. M. Watt. M. O'Neill and James Martin apwiinted viewer", and John Wit hycoinU' sur- veyor, to meet June ?0lh, a 9 a. m., to view and locate same. Bridge across Fat ton cieck, near D. Smith's: flOO appropriated to A . Hiu- man for ?. feet of new bridge, similar to 1 he part built last year, except tir Mocks instead of oak. Bridge to be built subject to appiotal of l ard f county (oniinissioneis. Bid for const 1 net irg c.urt house Bid of Bouocin accepted, for plain picket feme. I'osts to le of 1 edar pickets of yellow tir. Claim of Meier for relate 011 taxes: Shcriir authorized to 1 emit tae en 11101 tgaije asoted. Board adjoin ned. Urrlrle Itinera. This remedy is lreoinirg so well known and so opular as to need no sx ial mention. All who have ued Electric Bi Iters sing the same song of prai-e- . A purer medicine does not exist and it h guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Elver and Kidneys, will remove I'iiuples, Boi's, Salt Rheum, and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system, and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Con- - atipalion and Indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed n mnmtw rfitiwll Pric fUl eta. and $1.00 per bottle, at Ilillsboro Pharmacy. EoiToit Imikpkndknt:- - We noticed an item. in hist week's Inhm'KNIiknt dating that Rev. W. II. Black had re signed the pastorate of the Baptist chuilli in this place, and that you were informed that his congregation request ed such resignation. We would Just say that your informant is inUtakcu, the church did nothing of the kind. Rev. W. II. Black tendered the church his resignation and the church reluctantly accepted the same. And as to the cause leading to his resignation is probably best known to him and us, pleaso pub lull tin's correction. 4. II., R. D. MaIiOmk, Deacons. Had Rcao Vpmm Politic. "Awthaw," said one dude to another yesterday, "I've been doing some awful- ly fatiguing woik lately." '"What is it, deah fellah," the other asked. "I've Iteen weuding up the pwolitical gosrip of the day. Mr. Bwentou Killin, the gweat speech writer, told a wepbtah that Mr. Asahe 'twusli was dead; that is pwolit ii ally 'peaking. Now Mr. Bwioh comes bwack and saya br would Wat her be dead than a living jackass." "Fw ightful pahcaHin," raid the other. "Yaas, iieah fellah," resumed number one, "tew ihle to contemplate. If Mr. Killin and Mr. Ilsndi keep 011 this way it will not take much moah to make I hem weal in id ." l Ml lloitie, 'Daniel," said the president, "are all the returns from Oregon in jet ;" "No, sire; not yet " "Is the republican majority still climb- ing up?" 'lt is, sire," taid Daniel gloomily, "Then you can tell Hie dooi keeper that if that man Iildi calU, I am not at home," Itwrklrii'a rnliM Mlir. The Best Salve in the world for Cut", Ihui-e- s, Sres, L'h ers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ami positively cures File-- , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction, or money refunded, I 'rice 'J.i cents per Imx. For sale by HilNl oro Pharmacy lied ml I lie LlHiidrra. Si'Hiso Yikw, Neb., June II. Wm. fieorge, a hotel man, has died hereof the glanders. He contracted the disease while treating a trotting horse which he owned. tJeorge suffered great agony for two weeks before his death. as. H. Sewel Manufacturer of . I j DilAlt! TILE IP A.CTOBY, Three Miles Northeast of Hlllsboro, Oregon. JOotoUr 4, IW7 oG-l- y THURSDAY. .JUNE 14, 1838 LOCAL AM) GENERAL. Mount St. Helens is1 smoking. Remember the Commencement ex ercises nt T. A. & P. U. nest week. Improvements are still going on in and about the brick block. Vote for suitable school grounds next Saturday at t p. m. Marriage license was issued this week to J. Millar and Ella Robinson --- base grounds for a new school building. Born, at Forest Grove, on Tuesday 1.2th inst , to the wife of A. R. Leabo, son; weight, 9 pounds. The heavens cont:nue to shed tears of joy over the farmers prospective crops. Mr. N. B. Meade has purchased the Ilillsboro hotel property fromT. Dobson, and will soon open a caravansary therein. The enterprise and intelligence of a people is judged from their school facil ities. Lost A five dollar silver certificate The tinder will be suitably rewarded up on delivory of the same at this office. General Sheridan is reported by telegraph to-d- ay as resting better than for Home days previous. His recovery is not uncertain. - Messrs. Cur win & Wooster are having the grounds made ready for their new ont-sto- ry brick, on Main neat the Tualatin hotel. An elegant school building will add greatly to the value of property not only in Hillshoro, but throughout the school district and for miles adjacent thereto. the district for funds with which to increase the value of property in the district ly creeling a substantial Kchool house. - Henry McMuiren has pun based "The Restaurant" from Geo. Sipiires and is feeding and keeping the public within its popular walls. Colurn, w ho w as recently killed in a railway accident, leaves an estate valued at $2300 to his wife, who is made executor of his will without bonds. - Since our item regarding entertain- - merit by the Ilillsboro school was put in type, we have been requested to an- nounce that no entertainment will be given by the school. - J. F. Parks, of Wisconsin, committed suicide at t he St . Charles hotel in Port- land Tuesday, by taking morphine. He was bite of Spokane Falls. His relatives live in Wisconsin and are said to be wealthy and of high social standing. The Farmer an Dairyman has been changed to the Pacific Farmer, and presents a much improved appearance. Mr. Jos Caston, formerly of this county. is now connected with the publication of j that journal, and it hears evidence of his euterpric and ability. A cash boy named Andrew Howard, aged 14 5 ears, has confessed that he started the million-dolla- r tire width destroyed the dry goods store of Harries Heunegerer & Co., at Buffalo, and tay he started the lire because he was ma at the lloor walker, who would not ex cine him to go to a funeral at w hich h w as to be a pall bearer. In these piping times of strifi between two great political parties, am the branching out of a third nvowin the destruction of one or both, it I everybody to appear to the best advantage. On Second street, opposite "The Kestaurant," you will find Herr B. Arccnson, the t::ilor, who will turn old suits into new, and make new suits to order. Call and examine his goods and prices. 17m-- l --- received to-da- with compli- ments of Dr. D. W. Ward, of Forest Grove, the largest lettuce plant it has ever been our pleasure to cast an optic upon. It will weigh about five pounds, was grown m the doctor's garden, and would tempt the lust of the most critical vegetarian. Lettuce allay our political differences through the lactu-caiium- this mammoth peace offering. Mrs. Wetell, of Portland, a lady of rare talent, will assist in the music at Commencement exercises in Pacific Uni- versity on Wednesday, June 20th. Mrs. Wetzell is a star, and her presence and aid will add gieatly to the attraction of a well -- arranged programme. Commence- ment excr.'ises should be generally at- tended by patrons of that execlleait edu cational institution and the progressive public. The. rain of theta-- d few day insures the largest crops ever grown ii Wash- ington county. "Farmers are jubilant over the "gowl time coming," and will reap u rich reward for their toil. With- in the lat ten days the hay crop has been benefited to the extent of o0 per cent, at least, and a heavy yield of grain is as- sured even should we have no more rains till the crop is harvested. Gardens and all manner of vegetable life never looked better in the month of June than at the present time. Mr. II. C. Best, who opened an artist's studio in HillsUro a few weeks n-- and gave instruction in the use of the brush, departs one day this week, Mr. Best is an artist of merit, and his paintings bear witness of the touch of a master-hand- . He will probably locate in McMinnville for the present, but con- templates returning to Ilillsboro in a few months. Mr. Best leaves a large class, all of whom w ill Iks glad to wel- come him back should he conclude to re- turn. His method of instruction meets with general favor, and soon enables the student to do creditable work. The liest wishes of out people accompany him and hope for his Best success. The Portland-Vancouve- r railroad is to be completed and in operation by September 1st. The Portland Hotel company has at last elected a Iroard of directors, and they have selected officers. The option on the Villard block was accepted and an assessment of 30 per cent levied, pay- able June 25th, at the meeting held last night. Ir tod ark RWFBEiNd from debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach la out of order, or your mind confuaad ; take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ThU medlelna will restore physical fore and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discovered. For six months I suffered from liver and stomach troubles. My food did not nourish me, and I became weak aud very much emaciated. I took six bottles of Ayer'a Harsaparllla, and was curad. J. M. Palmer, Springfield, Mass. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pmiarad by llr. JO. Avar Co.,Lowall, Una. Hold by DruKKUu. I'rica $1; alt botitaa, Adiiilnlwtrnlor'si Halt, Bv, VI K i t B OF A DECUEK OF the Hon. fount v Court of WuMlitimtoii Coiintv, Hintu of Oregon, duly rendared oil the I'fili day ol 'May fssH, in the matter of llm Estate of A. L, Tucker, deceased, lireetiu.; the sih of (lie following IChhI I'rojieil v of (lie said estate, to-wl- t: First Tract An undivided one half In- terest iu '.' fu'ies of the David Elleraon Donation Claim, in Sic I'.l, I. 1 K, It 1 W, of tit Willuinct Ik Iiii i iiliaii, Itotiuded liy Im (.1101(11,; nt tli KoiitlieMxt corner of tliu Maid l.llii ioii claim, mid running tluiuott north a '.'i',, K, ) 1 1. la chains', thetiea west 1 1 l.'i elialii t, thelicH south 14.l.r chains I hence to t he place of tx iliuln. Second Tract -- Ten acvxiu aeetion 11, T H., It, I W, of I he Willamette, meridian ill Oregon, Im,iiiiii .1 hy In t'lnniiiK nt the N. E. corner of Mai. I t rael , and IIiciich West I '..'..'.' eliniTiH lo Hie I'll it Siicer donation claim lli.-iH'- Moiitti II. I'd cli, uiih; t lierioii eant l'..L'.' cIuiiiih; lii'iev 1101 III 1 : chains to tlm place of t mi Hilling, liciii) the lands eon fey -- ed bv Win. Tin ker to A. L. Tucker Oct. ?., IXKIi, t.y deed leeorded on p'igu S?7 of Hook ice .rJxol Jii i'.liol Washington county, Orci'ou. I lie iinilersi). lied, itduilliiMtrator of said est ate, w ill oiler each of Haul tracts for sale nt pnlilm miction at Him court house d'fcr 111 I lil I shorn, Oic'on, ou Mil I.MUV, Jinw 2.1, IHH, At J 1 o'clock in lie forenoon of said day. Terms of Sale-O- ne half cash, remainder on one yeiu'rt tiiiii uitli ten per eent intui'- - eMt, MeClli'i d tv I110I I'OH'M oil till! raillise. Conveyances to In al cxiieiise of purchawur. S M. Tl'CKEH, n4 ,r,t Administrator. l'.4'cnf or' ollc'. N Ol ICC. in heieliv imii fiat tin under-Nijitie- d has taken out. letlers Test, anient hi y on lie cut aie of William H. Ever-Mor- i, late of Wanlmilon Comity, deeeiined All Mi'soiis JiawiiK claims against said estate, will present (Ih'moiih for allowanoo to the 111, 1l1T.i1111. 1, at. r'iiriniugtou, Wash- ington County, ; and all )ersoii indebted to s ii.l est ale, are requested to make immediate p'tvtiic til. IS VAC It. EVKHKON, Exceu'or of lent W ill and Testament of Wm. K. Cm 'son, lleeeased, w'Jli ttt No! !. TOTK'i; IS IIKIiKHV GIVEN THAT I lie nu ll r ii iieil has Im'cii confirmed liv the II 111. County Court of the hi a to of I liet'on fur Washington County, Kxecutrix of the Last Will mid TchiiiuiciiI of I', O, Unfurl, Ceeeascd. All persons l:avlii' claims against Said cstr.te mi;I i 'e.i'iit tin' Muiiti, with the proixr vouchers 1 1 h llenum, my Attorney in fact, nt Forest drove, Washington County, Oret'ou. or to me in person, at my reHidtmoe 111 Wallowa County, Ori;oii, within aix in Jill lis from 1lie date of (his liotiee A. N. HI FOItU, Executrix. Forest (! rove, Or., May mUl-f.- t Xol !. IS IIKItldIV OIVMN, THAT NOTICIl I not be resiMiiisilile for liny bills contracted bv HIV Soil, l.dttitl ii. Si', from t iii i date. . Dated MctiolU Ferry, May ' , 1HMH, :.l DAM Kb SCIIMIlbTZKU. Delinquent Tax Sale, Nonce, is iii:ui:iiv diven. that of a warrant. iaHUed out of (lie Con 11 lv Con 1 of (he Htnle of Oregon, for Va!iington County, at teat ed liy thn Clerk of said Court oil the Htli day of April, 1, mid to me directed, command- ing iiie, us Sheriff therein, to collect the Dclimiiteiit Taxes for the year lsH'j aud 1 have levied Uhiu, itud will well nt piililin auction, si I lie South Door of thn Court House, iii the fou of Hillshoro, Washing- ton county, Oregon, 011 Sntiiribiy, Hie dOlli day or June, 1SHS The following deserihed tracts or parcels of bands, or s 1 much thereof 11s shall In nenes-Hur- to sni it fv the laxea due thereon, to- gether Willi co.ds nnd ehnrgeai Sale to cumin no al 10 o'eliH'k A.M. of anlil dav. - .....I ......,;..... r....t i,.m . 1 u , u.. ...1 .. .... cet-U-J- ) until nil the laiuli nra Hold, to-w- it: Their interest iu Timothy Ad urns and wife's donation. aeelWi, '1' I N, It ' W Tax nnd corM, fr'l.oo, AsscMHed to nn known His interest In II. I'enraoti'a and tioiiitiion, w ;i... T 1 fi, I. U vl, H at. Tax and eoMla, 4'1 n). AaacHaed to llam'i . ai. 1 ', si. iicnuis, guardian. Ik.I. No. 4. iu Block No. 4.1. in tha town of C01 in liux. nsMCHMed to Baymoud, Kpb- - eiini, t us .11111 i o.iim, f.f.ipr, A. 4. Nii'lniiis mid wife's donation, In aers 10 nnd It, T 1 H, It I W I . 'si. IS acree. nKMcsHcil to Andrew Dray, estate of. Tax mid eottta, t "f -'. N. )i of S I! 1,'. a. e a. I, T I H, 1(1 W, HO ncrea. Ash'h:mI to Cray, John. 'J'ax mid costs, i;.iil Partof'W U of Nii'l. inn's and wife a don in see '.S. T I N, III W, IKI acrea. AaaeaMtHl to Niekiim, HiiMiin. 'fax nnd natta, f.'.'i.OO. Central j.nrt of loo. W. Ferrel's and wife's donation, 111 He M, T I N. It 'i'W, l;tl acrea.' Assessed to Fowler, I'at rick, 'lat and tvads, fH.tMI. Joel Khearer'n lioineHlend mid achool land iu a-- e T 'I N, H 4 W, ?o ncrea, Aaatmaed to Kiircthnrh, M, N.H. Tax and coals, Ml. - s H of HE see T 1 H, it a W, ho sens, Assessed t,j M ult nor, I . Tas and coats, tl-'.o- O. N E '4 of H W 4 and N W of M E M, Me 14, T 2 H. K ! W,M ncrns Aaaeaaed to Mcl'oland, llannsli. Tax and costs, flO OO. N 4,'of H W 'V, Slid W Jfof NW M of nee 11, ami S : of N E ' and lota 1 and ii, see 11;, T I H, It 4 W, HiO aereat and NEW of H E mid N 1'. 4 . and lots 0, 4, ft, 0 and 7, see 17, T IK. It ( W, I'M acresi and lots 1, X 4 and U, and H S of NK li. and lota 1 ami 'J, sees 1:1 snd :i. T 1 H. It 4 W, 204 acress mid W. O. HnoiriMiis and wife'a don, h.-c- s 17 and T t K, K 4 W, 314 acres. Tax and coats, 18.V(KI. Assessod to Fuhr, Paul, Witness my hand this TJd day of May, H. 1. CX3KNELIUS, Sheriff and Tax Cillector of Washington County, Oregon m 5f4 Jt Hying machine to U- - used for war pJ-J1""- 1 The nnnaratus. acco.diriif to tlV l, this place, I will give you a few. Politics has died dow n and it is quiet on the Potomac. Measles aie taking the rounds. There are several cases in town. All seem to begetting along nicely. Frank llendrix is getting his R. R. wood out pretty fast this nice weather. Justice Phillips has been busy the last few days, but he says he is at leisure now for the next case. Jacob Keim, our shoemaker and mer chant, has been quite ill for the past two or three weeks, lut is up and able to at tend to business auiii. E. S. McNutt, son of R. W. McNutt, has just returned from Nehalem, where he has leeii clerking in his father's store. He is looking hale and hearty. D. T. Phillip-.- ' brick are going off like hot cakes. Marshal Shearer, from the Nehalem, arrived at Coruelius to day. He will re- turn in a few days. The st raw lierry aud ice cream festival at the M. E. church was a success. Re- ceipts were $:i, so I am told. J. S. Ilartman, manager in U. Jack- son's saloon, took a spin over ou the East side last week to buy a span of hordes. He relume I yesterday. O. K. Junk 13 We would like to know w ho Buregard is, and where he lives. That Itoat has not leeu beard of since, and the supHsitioii U that she swamped j low hero in calm weather and shallow water. Democrats are very scarce in this lo cality. A man living in Portland came out on a visit lately and said he had not seen a democrat for three days. A young man recently made a sad mistake in trying to milk one cow twice in one evening. Tlu cow, I understand, is in a very critical condition ; it is feared the man was bewildered a little. Don't doit any more or we will sen 1 in your name. The Farmington creamery shipped to Portland nearly two tons of lirst- - class butter last month. There is more demand for this butter than the creamery can supply. We would say get more cows or pull the teats h irdej. The Farmington store is undergoing a coat of paint. J. E. Lewis is ths p tint er. There is a wedding on the tapis. Who the contracting parties are we do not say; but there is rumor in the air to that ef fect. Mr. Jos. Ja' k is having a neat' cottage put up on his farm. Mr. Oakerman is the builder. J. W. Brown has purchased a new wag on and carriage. Mr. Brown Itelievesin taking the world easy. We understand that Everson & Millar have a new telephone, but it doesn't ie satisfaction. It is queer that a tel ephone won't work at Farmington. This is the second one put up in this place. fhey contemplate putting up the third line. The third time is the charm. I MO. Ji nk 11 The recent rain has cast a smile on the faces of the farmers, (train is looking well in this locality. S. I. Ingram is very low and is not expected to last much longer. The Farmington Union Sablrath school will give a grand picnic on Saturday, June ICth, at the old camp ground, near Farmington. Come one and all and have a good time. Mrs. I. M Edwards is suffering from a severe col d. Why do not the people of Farmington elub together and build a new hall? It is needed very much. In going to Hillsloro a short time ago, I found it a difficult matter to get my horse to cros the bridge at the foot of Jackson hill. It is a dangerous bridge for travel. The nest thini; we know the county will have a dead horse or two to pay for. The man who built such bridge should build one more just like it, then apply for a pension and be placed on the retired list. The Farmington creamery Is doing a lig business. For the month of May $J'i were distributed among the pa- trons, fourteen iu number. Jacob Halverson is hauling lumber for his new house, to Ik? built in Hal verso o's addition to Farmington. Worth Carpenter is getting restless waiting for the hunting season. Bi ro Card. Kidder, of Dilley, had an examina tion to-da- y on a cLarga of rape. He was bound over in tbe sum ol $500 for bis ap pearance before the grand jury. ( , , . meager details so far furnished, is to blv lifted by means ol revolving fans, lo which power is to be supplied by a w ire connected with an electric dynamo 011 the earth. A projierly equipped car, iu which an officer can ascend and take pho- tographs and sketches f the enemy's position, is to complete the apparatus. It is stated that the noted electrician is already experimenting upon the device, and that he is confident of suet ess. It will lie observed that locomotion is not to bo attempted with this machine, except, pel haps, for fdiort distance. It therefore seems to le cntiiely practicable, and. Mine it can lie kept under control, it will le free from the dillii ulties that have attende . the use of balloons. Edison believes that he can give it some propelling jiower. hi as to he able to directjts movements over limited areas. Those w ho have examined his plans are quite prepared to Iwlicve that the result of it will le the first step toward solu- tion of the long-Mi- l lied problem of aerial navigation. Whm lm mmr Heat I rltMtl t Your stomach, of course. Why? lie cause if it is out of order you are one of j the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair, honorable chance and cc if It is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with bieikfa-t- . j You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right if you are tronMe.l willi Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coin- ing up of the food after eating, Bilious uet. Indigestion, or any tuner irouiue of t he stomach, you had best use tjreen's August Flower, as no per son can ue it without immediate relief. Sfsrnlna; Matl. At last IIitllnro has been granted additional mail facilities. The McMinn- ville express now carries the Hillslatrn pouch. This rervbe was begun yester- day morning, as per order of the postal department. This additional mail ser- vice will lm of great Wnelit t our busi- ness men, and will enable them to send orders to Portland by the morning train and receive returns in the evening. We bow to the move of progress, and shall strive to have Thk Ikdepsdent reach subscribers on the line of the railroad eastward on Friday mornings.

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  • WmafelHgtan Vrnmutr fair.Miss Annie Richardson, of SouthernTo Ladies Vismxo Portland.THE INDEPENDENT.milE NEXT LFUISLATinE.

    Sercnty republicans nnd seventeen


    (From onr Regular Correspondent )

    Ktv. tslaek'a Hrelgamtlo-M- .

    HiMJiUouo, Juno 14, 188.Perfeot Hair

    Indicates a natural and healthy condi-tion of thn scalp, and of the glandthrough which nourishment obtained.When, In conaeqiiencfl of age and (lis-eas- e,

    tlm hair bocomea weak, thin, andgray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthenIt, restoro its original color, promote Itsrapid and vigorous growth, and impartto it the-- lustra and freshness of youth.

    I havo used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for along tune, and am of itvalue, w hen I was 17 years of age myhair tiegaii to turn gray. I commencedusing t ho Vigor, and was surprised atthe. good effect it produced. It notonly rentonwl tint color to my hair, buto stimulated its growth, that 1 hav

    ow.r '"jro hair than ever before.J. W , Ldwarda, Coldwater, Miss.

    Ayer s Hair Vigor,Hold tjr all DrugifUta and rarfuoiara.

    The Washington County Fair will beheld at the grounds near Hillslmro, beginning Septemler 11, 1888, and continuing for four days. The premiumlists will soon be issued, and will notmaterially differ from those of last yearThe Fair will be under the same controlas last year Jas. Withycooibe, T. L.McEldowney and D. C. Stewart lesseesand managers. James A. Imbrie will beretained as secretary. B. P. Corneliushas been chosen marshal.

    First and second premiums of $20 and$10 will be offered for the best exhibitof grain and grasses threshed and insheaf, quality and variety considered.

    Premiums will be given for thebest kept book of farm accounts,showing the receipts and expendituresand financial transactions of the farmfrom January 1, 1888, to September 1,1888, said accounts to be kept by loyunder twenty-on- e years of age, actualresidents of Washington county. Firslpremium, $25; second premium, $15;third premium, $10.

    The lessees are all prominent farmersof this county, and Intend making astrong effort to build up an agriculturalAssociation that shall do much to encourage our farmers. Let us aid them.


    Ji nk 13. Not seeing any items fromHtp.

    democrats have surely elected tothe next legislature, while three are vetdoubtful. They are ns follows, thosemarked with a being hold over:

    SKXATK,Baker Chandler, dem.Benton 'Cauthorn, dem.Clackamas L. T. Barin, rep.Crook, Lake aud Klamath--C- . A.

    Coggswell, dem.Clatsop J. H . D. Gray, rep.Coos, Curry and Josephine S. II.

    Hazard, dem. (doubtful).Grant J. H. Hamilton, dem.Douglas J. C. Fullerton, rep.Jackson 'Stanley, dem.Lane Veach, dem.; S. B. Eakin, Jr.,

    rep.Linn Dawson, rep.; Irvine, dem.Marion Chamherlaiu, rep.; Looney,

    rep.; Dlmick, rep.Multnomah Geo. A. Steel, rep; J.

    C. Carson, reo Joseoh Simon, rcn .:Donald Mackay, rep.; .1. K. Waite, rep.

    Polk E.T. Hatch, rep.Umatilla J. P. Wager, dem.Washington, Columbia and TillamookP. A. Moore, rep.Yamhill J. W. Watts, rep.Wasco and Gilliam Charles Hilton,

    rep.Union and Umatilla- - Raley, dem.Union and Wallowa J. W. Norval.

    Wasco George Watkins, rep.Washington Thomas II. Tongue, rep.


    Baker N. C. Haskell, rep.Benton C. B. Crono. rep.; E. II.

    Belknap, rep.Clackamas J. T. Apperson, rep.;

    Peter Paquit, rep.; IS. Y. Short, rep.;Clatsop--!!- . B. Parker, rep.; John

    I 'aim, rep.Columbia Judson Weed, rep.Cooa A. II. Crook, rep.Crook -- J. N. Williamson, rep.Con and Curry .I. II. Roberts, lep.Ikmglas J. ISIllllilelt, lep. ; (' . i:.

    Bicker, rep.; E. Ijlrie, ie;.Gilliam J. Thomas, rep.Grant G. W. Gillian., n (doubtful ).Jackson Miller, dem.; Bow ditch,

    dem.; Pi ice, dem.Josephine Howard, rep.Klamath and Lake S. P. Moss, dem.Lane Seymour Condon, rep.; J. M.

    Stafford, rep.; A. C. Jennings, repLinn Milb-r- , dem.; Myers, dem.:

    Murdock, dem.Malheur No returns received.Marion-- J. 15. Waldo, rep.; T.T Geer,

    rep.; Samuel Layman, rep.; Win. Arm- -strong, rep ; J.Q. Wilson, rep.

    Morrow L. E. Felt, r p.Multnomah - R. P. Eaih ut, rep. Wm.

    M. Iidd. rep ; W. B. Gilbert, rep ; D .P. Thompson, rep. ; W. T. Hume, rep.;S. R. Harrington, rep. ;.!..!. Either rep.;II. II. Noithiup, rep.; J. A St row bridge,rep .

    Polk -- C. G. Fisher, rep ; F. S IW.cII.rep.

    Tillamook and Yamhill -- J. W. Max-well, rep.

    Umatilla -- J. II. Rejin, rep.; ThomasKirk, rep. ; GainlM-c- , dem.

    Union Charles Goodnough, rep.: J.L. Roe, rep. I

    Wallowa James A. Hunter, lep.Wasco E. L. Smith, lep.; E. . Mc

    Coy, rep. j

    Washington -- J . C. Moore, rep.; T.Paulsen, rep.; J. Y. Pope, rep.

    Yamhill -I- L R. Laughlin, up.; WDerby, rep.

    i:iilon tiruims.

    It is stated that Thomat A. Edison ha5leeii commissioned 113-- the Spanish !eminent to construct a new ele. ti rcl

    California, is visiting friends in Ilillsboro, after an alsenco of several years.

    Mrs. C. C. Frazicri of Island City,Union county, Oregon,, is visiting herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams,who reside near IliNsWo. This is Mrs.Frazer's first visit to Hillsloro in twoyears. She will remain for about amonth, and will be pleased to see all herold friends.

    Salem was visited by a $"."5,000 firelast Thursday. IIol man's electric plantand agricultural works, including thebuilding, were destroyed. Insurance,ouly $2000. Also, Churchill & Cook'ssash and door factory was destroyed.Loss is estimated at $20,000.

    Milt. Parrish, who is now at Spokane Falls, got a cay use a few days agoto go to the Ceur d Alene mines, andthe eayuse got to prancing around, andthrew him, breaking three of bis ribsHe was taken to Brown's ranch and madecomfortable as possible under the circumstances. Astorian, 1).

    The general land office gives the following new ruling.which thoe interestedin making proofs would do well to keepin mind: "Heretofore final proofs inhomestead, n nnd commutedhomesteads were taken before the judge,or, in his absence, the clerk of any dis-trict court. Hereafter only final home-stead proofs will le allowed to be takenbefore such judge or clerk,, and thenotices of intention to make such proofmust specify whether such proof is acommuted homestead or otherw ise."

    The life-givin- properties of Aycr'sSarsaparilla have established its well-earne- d

    reputation, and made it the mosteffectual and popular lilood purilier ofthe day. For all diseases of the stom-ach, liver, and kidneys, this remedy hasno equal. Price $t.

    Prof. W. A. Wash and wife haveresigned their positions in our publjeschools the former as principal and thelatter as lrt nssi-tan- t. Thev leave today for Da'la, where Mr. Wash willassume control of the "Polk CountyIleinier," hav ing purchased that journal.Mr. Wash is an experienced newspaperman, having conducted the GoldeudaleGazette for five years. The Albinaschools under his management have beenhighlv successful and his departure fromour little city will le greatly regretted.

    Albina Courier.

    The Rev. Geo. Boss will ill. Y.Ipreach in the Christian church, on Sab-bath the 17th inst., at :; :: r. m. Allare cordially invited.

    Do not take ipiinine for iiiabuialdisorders. Aycr's Ague Cure containsnone, nor any other injurious ingredient.This preparation, if taken strictly inaccordance with directions, is warrantedto cure all malarial diseases.

    Judge Boise has issued to the sheriffof Polk county the warrant of executionof Win. Landreth, the Independencemurderer, and fixed therein the date up-on which be shall suffer the extremepenalty ofthe law on Friday, July Cth.It will devolve upon the new sheriff ofPolk, Ira Smith, of Independence, toexecute Landreth.

    A Russian troupe which plays ontwenty-fou- r pianos at once is on its wayto Loudon. Russian hostilities againstEngland have seldom assumed so aggres-sive a form .

    The sixteenth annual reunion of theOregon Pioneer Association will takeplace in Portland next Friday, June loth.Bev. Thomas Condon of Eugene City,will deliver the annual nil dress, andHon. Elisha L. Applegatc, of Jacksoncounty, the occasional address.

    Grand Medal awarded to "Daviesthe Photographer," for the displayof photographs, Mechanics Fair, 1M87.Gallery, Cor. First and Taylor Strs,Portland, Ogn.

    school l:iitertnituunt.There is deep disappointment in the

    bosoms of an hundred pupils of theHiilslxiro public school. Sme arrange-ments had been made for an entertainDient by the school on the evening of theclose of the present school year, andbright expectancy lighted the features ofmerry and ambitious youth. A fewparties outside the school had kindlyconsented to assist in the music and theentertainment was looked forward towith interest by pupils and patrons ofthe school. But through some influencethe little refreshment from dry study hasfallen to wreck. Entertainment or ex-hibitions are to lie condemned in butone event -- that is when tliey take placeduring the terms and when the pupils'tn'ndsare- - or should le centered lijxinthe studies pursued in the schoolroomAt the end of a term or school year, theyare proper and should Ins encourage!. Itis then that parents and patrons of thesertool may attend aitd witness the pro-gress made by those receiving instruet ion. It is then that the generalshipand ability of the teacher to properlyinstruct in not only the text hooks Lotdecorum, gentility, etc., may le witnessed by parents and others interestedand taxed to support schools. Wheneverything that will call public attentionto ur public schools in eschewed, it istime sweeping investigations le made.Is there tM much tardiness in ourschool? Is there liltle o,-- no enthusiasmon the part of both parents and pupils?These complaints have been made; wemake no charges. this matter beinvestigated. It is due to the teachersand to the public.

    Contumpllon I nrarablr y

    Read the following: Mr.C. II. Morris,Newark, Ark., says: "Was down withAbscess of Lungs, and fi lends andphvsirians pronounced me an IncurableConsumptive. Began taking Dr. King'sNew Discovery for Consumption, amnow on my t hi rid Irottle, and able tooversee the. work ion mi farm. It is thefinest medicine ever made."

    Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says:"Had it not been for Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption I would havedied of Lung Troubles. Was given upby doctors. Am now in best of health."Try it. Sample bottles free at IlillsboroPharmacy.

    We wish to call their attention to ourReady-mad- e Suits. Our $ 10.00 suits,good value for $12.50; our $14.00, excellent value for $10.00. All wool suitsfrom $14.00 up. Dressmaking in allbranches. First-clas- s tilting and stylishmake-up- . Ladies' own matetial madeup. D. Pouteu & Co, 147 Thirdstreet, Portland. mlO-l- m

    At 10:30 yesterday morning, PeterShannon shot and killed his wife and amoment afterward shot and killed himself. The tragedy occured at a smallboard injr-hous- c at the northeast corner ofEighteenth and R streets. As far as thefacts in the case can be learned it seemsto have been a most brutal cold-bloode- dmurder, committed by a human monster,the only palliating circumstances aboutthe affair being that he had the grace todo away with his own worthless life.Shannon was alout GO years old and hiswife about C. They had been marriedonly a year, and Shannon seemed insane-ly jealous of his wife without cause.Oregonian, 12.

    The O & C. railroad formally passedout of the hands of Receiver Koehlerlast Monday morning, the Southern Pacific assuming control.

    At a meeting of the board of theCorvallis agricultural college held on yes-terday morning, all of the old professorsbut one sent in his resignation. Prof.Atkins was elected president, but itseem as though they cannot secure anyone to act in the place of the decliningprofessors .Gazette.

    The Portland Mercury is in receiptof a letter stating that Carrie Bradley,who was reported murdered some living in Sisson, Siskiyou county,('a!., and that she is married to a manby the name of P. J. Sullivan, who isengaged in the paper hangiug business.She is keeping a lodging bouse, has twohildrcn and is doing well.

    Mr . R. Cave, since getting into hisnew store n II lilsooro. n ottering Insimmense stock iti lian 1 ami arriving atbed-roc- prices. Don't listen to storiesirculated by husy-hodies- , but yo and

    get prices for yourselves. You will bewilling to give up to others the wholeearth and take for vourself the goods.

    -- Notwithstanding the fact that a few--disinterested parties firmly believe thatthe Lord made the earth for their ex- -lusive benefit and control, the Walter

    A. Wood will run easier, cut and elevatecleaner, bind oftener and last longer thanany machine on top of the earth. Soldat U. Cave's, Ilillsboro.

    Mrs. Mary V. Wilshire, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. James McKay, of GardenHome, is visiting her parents for a fewdays. Mr. Wilshire was elected countyjudge at the recent election in Lakecount', being the only democrat who"got lh"re" in his county.

    Last Tuesday, following lerjal holi-days on the previous Saturday and Mon-day, the transactions of the FirstNational bank. Portland, amounted to alittle over $2,r00,000. That is to saythey received and paid out this immensesum on that day.

    The mother of General Sheridandied at Somerset, Ohio, last Thursday.Mrs. Sheridan was lxrn m county ('avail,Ireland, ami came to the United Stalesiu 1828, and to Ohio in 112. She wasmodest in appearance, her stature wassmall and her weight of late did not ex-ceed seventy pounds. She lived in thehome which the general purchased forthe family prior to the war. The mothersurely was provided with all heart couldwish of this world's store. Reports con-cerning the dangerous condition of herson were studiously kept from her, butshe knew he was sick.

    A large fruit dryer will be erectedat New berg within the next three weekswith a capacity of 100 bushels per day.Eventually this establishment will beturned into a cannery. The dimensionsof the building will be 24x40, one story,for the piesent. The machinery usedwill probably be that of .lory's, ofSalem. Re jiortcr.

    Hon. Thus. H. Tongue, senator electfrom this county, will deliver the annualaddress before the Grand lodge ofMasonry at Portland one evening thisweek. The Grand lodge met in sessionyesterday.

    The HilIslxro public school willgive an entertainment at the 0erahouse on Friday evening, June 22d.

    Mr. James McKay, of Garden Home,was in Hi11loro Tuesday. His wife anddaughter, Miss Flora, have just returnedfrom l)s Angeles, where Flora wasseverely attacked with smallpox. Shehas iiImhiI recovered and will War butfew marks of the dread malady.

    Gov. Pennoyer has received fromAlexander Sutton, secretary of the Co-lumbia Hirer Fishermen's ProtectiveUnion, a complaint that trap or jxnindnet fishermen violate the law by fishingduring the weekly close season. Thegovernor has referred the matter t,o thefish commission, with direc tions to act.

    - Give your vegetable an extra hoe-ing; hover your blessings over the grainfield; eradicate the weeds from yourmeadows, and land plaster your pota-toes. The days of the? Fair are ap-proaching, an I now in the time to pre-pare for creditable exhibits.

    Monday evening, as three youngwomen were passing the corner of Thirdand Taylor streets, a hackman askedthem to take a ride. One of them toldhim to drive around the corner anddraw up to the sidewalk. lie did so, andalighted to open the door of his hack,when two of the young women seizedhim, and the other, taking his whipfrom the socket, proceeded to lay it onover his head and shoulders with greatvigor. After receiving a small taste ofwhat he richly deserved, he managed toescape, and jumping on his hack droveoff, leaving his whip as a trophy in thehands of the young woman. The scenewas witnessed by a messenger boy, whoKnew none of the persons implicatedThe young women expressed their intention of making a complaint, but sofar nothing has been heard from themOregonian, 13.

    Extensive preparations are being madefor commencement in Pacific University,and it is cxiiected that a liumlxjr of ditiuguished visitors will be present nextweek. Commencement exercises, proper,begin this evening with the lecture ofRer. Mr. Clapp, of East Portland, beforethe Philomatheun society, at the Congregational church. On Monday evening,President D. T. Stanler. of the StateNormal school, will deliver the annuallecture before the Gamma Sigma society.On Saturday Mrs. Edwards' musical willbe held.

    An interesting game of base ball wasplayed here last Satunlwy afternoon, be-tween a couple of juvenile clubs, which,for the amount of "kicking" indulgedin, would compare with professional.Unfortunately, the game broke up in ageneral row over the "third out" of theninth inning, and the stakeholders madeaway with the money. The score stood2223. A second game will le playedto morrow afternoon. The Willamette,of Portland, will probably come out tothe Grove next Wednesday.

    Hyram Clark has been laid off fromwork the past week, in consequence ofgetting his hand cut with a cross-cu- t ww,

    In addition to local talent, Mrs. Wetzell,of Portland, will probably assist in com-mencement exercises, with vocal inuaic.

    The M. E. and Baptist Sunday schoolswill be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morn-ing, in consequence of the baccalaureatesermon at the Congregational church.

    Horace Robb, of Tacotna, is visitingw ith friends in the Grove.

    A few Mongolian pheasants can beseen in the woods around the Grove,wh'ch hunters will do well to avoidshooting.

    The Ladies Working Society, of theCongregational church, was entertainedliy Mr. and Mrs. Hailed at their farmresidence, six miles from town. Mot-- t ofthe ladies had never etu the farm andwere quite facinated with the beautifulscenery surrounding Mrs. llallett's sum-mer retreat, which is indeed grand.After a stroll over the hills, from whichGaston aud Forest Grove can be plainlyseen, puking wild flowers and takingtelescopic views of the distant hills andvalleys, they wert invited to partakeof a IxMintiful repast of all the goodthings of the season, to which they didample justice. Among those presentwere Mrs. Dr. Marsh, Mrs. Prof. Marsh,Mrs. Prof. F.rrin, Mrs. W. D. Hoxter,Mrs. I A. Tiullinger, of Astoria, Mrs.Shipley, Mrs.-Tyle- r, Mrs. Prof. Lyman,Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Dr. Bowll.y, Mrs.S. Hughes, Mrs. Hiuman, Mrs. Bailey,Mrs. Dr. (Vang, Mrs. David Smith, theMisses Bertie and Annie McDonald, Mr- -.

    j 1111 and Mrs. Henry Jackson.

    Al. Barues, formerly leader of the Forest Grove Nickle band, is aain in theGrove for a stay.

    John T. Whallev. A. II., class or 'M,Pacific Uiiiwrsily, who has leen pastorof the Congregational church in Law- -rence. Mass, the pt three eirs, leturned to the Grove la- -t Tuesday withhU w ife and child. Mr. Wludley willIk a cnudidatc for the degree f A. the coming commencement exercises.

    HKOf fr.:il.4 I (II TV CO I KT.R. Ciiiximm, Judge T. J. Toirn and

    'has. Hit kKTiiu it. Commissioners.

    JI'MC IIApplication for britlge across Dairy

    - . . ... .it... . 1 :",r "' : " T'1 l'l""

    ""I"- - ne n,u r"lM,,t ttt "V1meeting of I he board.

    Application of . Smith, siiKTvisorof road district ?p, for IuiiiIht and aidin opening road: Lumber for 70 feetof bridge granted, nnd f."t(l appropriatedtowards oeniiig road.

    Application f Rttfcty for bridges:Contract awarded to M. S. Dailey tobuild ln'idge .'id feet long at IJafTety's,and one !0 feet in length at N. A. Ba-rrett's; consideration, !'.

    liangenf road 180 (20n: Establish-ed as prayed for in jstition, and war-rants ordered drawn to cover costs ofsame.

    Application for bridge lietwefiiTbotiiburgh and Carsteii, .n Dairy

    'creek: '"' feet of old luinlx-- r to ledoubled, 1JH feet of lloor lo be new :Contract let lo M. S. Dailey at .rj7 cents

    H--r f.Mit,

    Claims of judges and clerks ofelection: Allowed two days and mile- -

    . . .. ..1 1. : -- .... 11 t 1age 10 1 nor e niaa 1111; reiui 11 01 ponlo clerk .

    nation of road SOU: M. M. Watt.M. O'Neill and James Martin apwiintedviewer", and John Wit hycoinU' sur-veyor, to meet June ?0lh, a 9 a. m., toview and locate same.

    Bridge across Fat ton cieck, near D.Smith's: flOO appropriated to A . Hiu-man for ?. feet of new bridge, similarto 1 he part built last year, except tirMocks instead of oak. Bridge to bebuilt subject to appiotal of l ard fcounty (oniinissioneis.

    Bid for const 1 net irg c.urt Bid of Bouocin accepted, forplain picket feme. I'osts to le of 1 edar

    pickets of yellow tir.Claim of Meier for relate 011 taxes:

    Shcriir authorized to 1 emit tae en11101 tgaije asoted.

    Board adjoin ned.

    Urrlrle Itinera.

    This remedy is lreoinirg so wellknown and so opular as to need nosx ial mention. All who have uedElectric Bi Iters sing the same song ofprai-e- . A purer medicine does not existand it h guaranteed to do all that isclaimed. Electric Bitters will cure alldiseases of the Elver and Kidneys, willremove I'iiuples, Boi's, Salt Rheum, andother affec tions caused by impure blood.Will drive Malaria from the system, andprevent as well as cure all Malarialfevers. For cure of Headache, Con- -atipalion and Indigestion, try ElectricBitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteedn mnmtw rfitiwll Pric fUl eta. and$1.00 per bottle, at Ilillsboro Pharmacy.

    EoiToit Imikpkndknt:- - We noticedan item. in hist week's Inhm'KNIikntdating that Rev. W. II. Black had resigned the pastorate of the Baptistchuilli in this place, and that you wereinformed that his congregation requested such resignation. We would Just saythat your informant is inUtakcu, thechurch did nothing of the kind. Rev.W. II. Black tendered the church hisresignation and the church reluctantlyaccepted the same. And as to the causeleading to his resignation is probablybest known to him and us, pleaso publull tin's correction.

    4. II.,R. D. MaIiOmk,


    Had Rcao Vpmm Politic.

    "Awthaw," said one dude to anotheryesterday, "I've been doing some awful-ly fatiguing woik lately."'"What is it, deah fellah," the other

    asked."I've Iteen weuding up the pwolitical

    gosrip of the day. Mr. Bwentou Killin,the gweat speech writer, told a wepbtahthat Mr. Asahe 'twusli was dead; that ispwolit ii ally 'peaking. Now Mr. Bwiohcomes bwack and saya br would Wat herbe dead than a living jackass."

    "Fw ightful pahcaHin," raid the other."Yaas, iieah fellah," resumed number

    one, "tew ihle to contemplate. If Mr.Killin and Mr. Ilsndi keep 011 this wayit will not take much moah to makeI hem weal in id ."

    l Ml lloitie,

    'Daniel," said the president, "are allthe returns from Oregon in jet ;"

    "No, sire; not yet ""Is the republican majority still climb-

    ing up?"'lt is, sire," taid Daniel gloomily,

    "Then you can tell Hie dooi keeperthat if that man Iildi calU, I am not athome,"

    Itwrklrii'a rnliM Mlir.

    The Best Salve in the world for Cut",Ihui-e- s, Sres, L'h ers, Halt Rheum, FeverSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilblainsCorns, and all Skin Eruptions, amipositively cures File-- , or no pay required.It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-faction, or money refunded, I 'rice 'J.icents per Imx. For sale by HilNl oroPharmacy

    lied ml I lie LlHiidrra.

    Si'Hiso Yikw, Neb., June II. Wm.fieorge, a hotel man, has died hereof theglanders. He contracted the diseasewhile treating a trotting horse which heowned. tJeorge suffered great agony fortwo weeks before his death.

    as. H. Sewel

    Manufacturer of




    DilAlt! TILE


    Three Miles Northeast of

    Hlllsboro, Oregon.

    JOotoUr 4, IW7 oG-l- y

    THURSDAY. .JUNE 14, 1838


    Mount St. Helens is1 smoking.Remember the Commencement ex

    ercises nt T. A. & P. U. nest week.Improvements are still going on

    in and about the brick block.Vote for suitable school grounds

    next Saturday at t p. m.Marriage license was issued this

    week to J. Millar and Ella Robinson--- base grounds for a new school

    building.Born, at Forest Grove, on Tuesday

    1.2th inst , to the wife of A. R. Leabo,son; weight, 9 pounds.

    The heavens cont:nue to shed tearsof joy over the farmers prospectivecrops.

    Mr. N. B. Meade has purchased theIlillsboro hotel property fromT. Dobson,and will soon open a caravansary therein.

    The enterprise and intelligence of apeople is judged from their school facilities.

    Lost A five dollar silver certificateThe tinder will be suitably rewarded upon delivory of the same at this office.

    General Sheridan is reported bytelegraph to-d- ay as resting better thanfor Home days previous. His recoveryis not uncertain.

    - Messrs. Cur win & Wooster are havingthe grounds made ready for their newont-sto- ry brick, on Main neat theTualatin hotel.

    An elegant school building will addgreatly to the value of property not onlyin Hillshoro, but throughout the schooldistrict and for miles adjacent thereto.

    the district for funds withwhich to increase the value of propertyin the district ly creeling a substantialKchool house.

    - Henry McMuiren has pun based"The Restaurant" from Geo. Sipiires andis feeding and keeping the public withinits popular walls.

    Colurn, w ho w as recentlykilled in a railway accident, leaves anestate valued at $2300 to his wife, whois made executor of his will withoutbonds.

    - Since our item regarding entertain- -merit by the Ilillsboro school was put intype, we have been requested to an-nounce that no entertainment will begiven by the school.

    - J. F. Parks, of Wisconsin, committedsuicide at t he St . Charles hotel in Port-land Tuesday, by taking morphine. Hewas bite of Spokane Falls. His relativeslive in Wisconsin and are said to bewealthy and of high social standing.

    The Farmer an Dairyman has beenchanged to the Pacific Farmer, andpresents a much improved appearance.Mr. Jos Caston, formerly of this now connected with the publication of jthat journal, and it hears evidence of hiseuterpric and ability.

    A cash boy named Andrew Howard,aged 14 5 ears, has confessed that hestarted the million-dolla- r tire widthdestroyed the dry goods store of HarriesHeunegerer & Co., at Buffalo, and tayhe started the lire because he was maat the lloor walker, who would not excine him to go to a funeral at w hich hw as to be a pall bearer.

    In these piping times of strifibetween two great political parties, amthe branching out of a third nvowinthe destruction of one or both, it I

    everybody to appear to the bestadvantage. On Second street, opposite"The Kestaurant," you will find Herr B.Arccnson, the t::ilor, who will turn oldsuits into new, and make new suits toorder. Call and examine his goods andprices. 17m-- l

    --- received to-da- with compli-ments of Dr. D. W. Ward, of ForestGrove, the largest lettuce plant it hasever been our pleasure to cast an opticupon. It will weigh about five pounds,was grown m the doctor's garden, andwould tempt the lust of the mostcritical vegetarian. Lettuce allay ourpolitical differences through the lactu-caiium-

    this mammoth peace offering.Mrs. Wetell, of Portland, a lady of

    rare talent, will assist in the music atCommencement exercises in Pacific Uni-versity on Wednesday, June 20th. Mrs.Wetzell is a star, and her presence andaid will add gieatly to the attraction ofa well --arranged programme. Commence-ment excr.'ises should be generally at-tended by patrons of that execlleait educational institution and the progressivepublic.

    The. rain of theta-- d few day insuresthe largest crops ever grown ii Wash-ington county. "Farmers are jubilantover the "gowl time coming," and willreap u rich reward for their toil. With-in the lat ten days the hay crop has beenbenefited to the extent of o0 per cent, atleast, and a heavy yield of grain is as-sured even should we have no more rainstill the crop is harvested. Gardens andall manner of vegetable life never lookedbetter in the month of June than at thepresent time.

    Mr. II. C. Best, who opened anartist's studio in HillsUro a few weeksn-- and gave instruction in the use ofthe brush, departs one day this week,Mr. Best is an artist of merit, and hispaintings bear witness of the touch of amaster-hand- . He will probably locate inMcMinnville for the present, but con-templates returning to Ilillsboro in afew months. Mr. Best leaves a largeclass, all of whom w ill Iks glad to wel-come him back should he conclude to re-turn. His method of instruction meetswith general favor, and soon enables thestudent to do creditable work. The liestwishes of out people accompany him andhope for his Best success.

    The Portland-Vancouve- r railroad isto be completed and in operation bySeptember 1st.

    The Portland Hotel company has atlast elected a Iroard of directors, andthey have selected officers. The optionon the Villard block was accepted andan assessment of 30 per cent levied, pay-able June 25th, at the meeting held lastnight.

    Ir tod ark RWFBEiNd from debilityand loss of appetite; if your stomach laout of order, or your mind confuaad ;take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ThU medlelnawill restore physical fore and elasticityto the system, more surely and speedilythan any tonic yet discovered.

    For six months I suffered from liverand stomach troubles. My food did notnourish me, and I became weak audvery much emaciated. I took six bottlesof Ayer'a Harsaparllla, and was curad.

    J. M. Palmer, Springfield, Mass. ttAyer's Sarsaparilla,Pmiarad by llr. JO. Avar Co.,Lowall, Una.Hold by DruKKUu. I'rica $1; alt botitaa,

    Adiiilnlwtrnlor'si Halt,

    Bv, VI K i t B OF A DECUEK OFthe Hon. fount v Court of WuMlitimtoiiCoiintv, Hintu of Oregon, duly rendared oilthe I'fili day ol 'May fssH, in the matter ofllm Estate of A. L, Tucker, deceased,lireetiu.; the sih of (lie following IChhII'rojieil v of (lie said estate, to-wl- t:

    First Tract An undivided one half In-terest iu '.' fu'ies of the David ElleraonDonation Claim, in Sic I'.l, I. 1 K, It 1 W,of tit Willuinct Ik Iiii i iiliaii, Itotiuded liyIm (.1101(11,; nt tli KoiitlieMxt corner of tliuMaid l.llii ioii claim, mid running tluiuottnorth a '.'i',, K, ) 1 1. la chains', thetieawest 1 1 l.'i elialii t, thelicH south 14.l.r chainsI hence to t he place of tx iliuln.

    Second Tract -- Ten acvxiu aeetion 11, TH., It, I W, of I he Willamette, meridian illOregon, Im,iiiiii .1 hy In t'lnniiiK nt the N. E.corner of Mai. I t rael , and IIiciich West I '..'..'.'eliniTiH lo Hie I'll it Siicer donation claimlli.-iH'- Moiitti II. I'd cli, uiih; t lierioii eant l'..L'.'cIuiiiih; lii'iev 1101 III 1 : chains to tlmplace of t mi Hilling, liciii) the lands eon fey --ed bv Win. Tin ker to A. L. Tucker Oct. ?.,IXKIi, t.y deed leeorded on p'igu S?7 of Hook

    ice .rJxol Jii i'.liol Washington county,Orci'ou. I lie iinilersi). lied, itduilliiMtrator ofsaid est ate, w ill oiler each of Haul tracts forsale nt pnlilm miction at Him court housed'fcr 111 I lil I shorn, Oic'on, ou

    Mil I.MUV, Jinw 2.1, IHH,At J 1 o'clock in lie forenoon of said day.

    Terms of Sale-O- ne half cash, remainderon one yeiu'rt tiiiii uitli ten per eent intui'- -eMt, MeClli'i d tv I110I I'OH'M oil till! raillise.Conveyances to In al cxiieiise of purchawur.

    S M. Tl'CKEH,n4 ,r,t Administrator.

    l'.4'cnf or' ollc'.

    NOl ICC. in heieliv imii fiat tinunder-Nijitie- d

    has taken out. letlers Test,anient hi y on lie cut aie of William H. Ever-Mor- i,

    late of Wanlmilon Comity, deeeiinedAll Mi'soiis JiawiiK claims against saidestate, will present (Ih'moiih for allowanooto the 111, 1l1T.i1111. 1, at. r'iiriniugtou, Wash-ington County, ; and all )ersoiiindebted to s ii.l est ale, are requested tomake immediate p'tvtiic til.

    IS VAC It. EVKHKON,Exceu'or of lent W ill and Testament of

    Wm. K. Cm 'son, lleeeased, w'Jli ttt


    I lie nu ll r ii iieil has Im'cii confirmedliv the II 111. County Court of the hi a to ofI liet'on fur Washington County, Kxecutrixof the Last Will mid TchiiiuiciiI of I', O,Unfurl, Ceeeascd.

    All persons l:avlii' claims against Saidcstr.te mi;I i 'e.i'iit tin' Muiiti, with the proixrvouchers 1 1 h llenum, my Attorney infact, nt Forest drove, Washington County,Oret'ou. or to me in person, at my reHidtmoe111 Wallowa County, Ori;oii, within aixin Jill lis from 1lie date of (his liotiee

    A. N. HI FOItU,Executrix.

    Forest (! rove, Or., May mUl-f.- t

    Xol !.IS IIKItldIV OIVMN, THATNOTICIlI not be resiMiiisilile for liny bills

    contracted bv HIV Soil, l.dttitl ii. Si',from t iii i date. .

    Dated MctiolU Ferry, May ' , 1HMH, :.l DAM Kb SCIIMIlbTZKU.

    Delinquent Tax Sale,

    Nonce, is iii:ui:iiv diven. thatof a warrant. iaHUed out of(lie Con 11 lv Con 1 of (he Htnle of Oregon,for Va!iington County, at teat ed liy thnClerk of said Court oil the Htli day ofApril, 1, mid to me directed, command-ing iiie, us Sheriff therein, to collect theDclimiiteiit Taxes for the year lsH'j aud 1have levied Uhiu, itud will well nt piililinauction, si I lie South Door of thn CourtHouse, iii the fou of Hillshoro, Washing-ton county, Oregon, 011

    Sntiiribiy, Hie dOlli day or June, 1SHSThe following deserihed tracts or parcels ofbands, or s 1 much thereof 11s shall In nenes-Hur-

    to sni it fv the laxea due thereon, to-gether Willi co.ds nnd ehnrgeai Sale tocumin no al 10 o'eliH'k A.M. of anlil dav. -.....I ......,;..... r....t i,.m . 1 u , u.. ...1 .. ....cet-U-J- ) until nil the laiuli nra Hold, to-w- it:

    Their interest iu Timothy Ad urns andwife's donation. aeelWi, '1' I N, It ' W Taxnnd corM, fr'l.oo, AsscMHed to nnknown

    His interest In II. I'enraoti'a andtioiiitiion, w ;i... T 1 fi, I. U vl, H at.Tax and eoMla, 4'1 n). AaacHaed to llam'i

    . ai. 1 ', si. iicnuis, guardian.Ik.I. No. 4. iu Block No. 4.1. in tha town

    of C01 in liux. nsMCHMed to Baymoud, Kpb- -eiini, t us .11111 i o.iim, f.f.ipr,

    A. 4. Nii'lniiis mid wife's donation, Inaers 10 nnd It, T 1 H, It I W I .'si. IS acree.nKMcsHcil to Andrew Dray, estate of. Taxmid eottta, t "f -'.

    N. )i of S I! 1,'. a. e a. I, T I H, 1(1 W, HOncrea. Ash'h:mI to Cray, John. 'J'axmid costs, i;.iil

    Partof'W U of Nii'l. inn's and wife a donin see '.S. T I N, III W, IKI acrea. AaaeaMtHlto Niekiim, HiiMiin. 'fax nnd natta, f.'.'i.OO.

    Central j.nrt of loo. W. Ferrel's and wife'sdonation, 111 He M, T I N. It 'i'W, l;tl acrea.'Assessed to Fowler, I'at rick, 'lat andtvads, fH.tMI.

    Joel Khearer'n lioineHlend mid achool landiu a-- e T 'I N, H 4 W, ?o ncrea, Aaatmaedto Kiircthnrh, M, N.H. Tax and coals,

    Ml. -

    s H of HE see T 1 H, it a W, hosens, Assessed t,j M ult nor, I . Tas andcoats, tl-'.o- O.

    N E '4 of H W 4 and N W of M E M,Me 14, T 2 H. K ! W,M ncrns Aaaeaaed toMcl'oland, llannsli. Tax and costs, flO OO.

    N 4,'of H W 'V, Slid W Jfof N W M ofnee 11, ami S : of N E ' and lota 1 and ii,see 11;, T I H, It 4 W, HiO aereat and NEWof H E mid N 1'. 4 . and lots 0, 4, ft, 0 and7, see 17, T IK. It ( W, I'M acresi and lots1, X 4 and U, and H S of N K li. and lota1 ami 'J, sees 1:1 snd :i. T 1 H. It 4 W, 204acress mid W. O. HnoiriMiis and wife'a don,h.-c- s 17 and T t K, K 4 W, 314 acres.Tax and coats, 18.V(KI. Assessod to Fuhr,Paul,

    Witness my hand this TJd day of May,

    H. 1. CX3KNELIUS,Sheriff and Tax Cillector of Washington

    County, Oregon m 5f4 Jt

    Hying machine to U-- used for war pJ-J1""- The nnnaratus. acco.diriif to tlV l,

    this place, I will give you a few.Politics has died dow n and it is quiet

    on the Potomac.Measles aie taking the rounds. There

    are several cases in town. All seem tobegetting along nicely.

    Frank llendrix is getting his R. R.wood out pretty fast this nice weather.

    Justice Phillips has been busy the lastfew days, but he says he is at leisurenow for the next case.

    Jacob Keim, our shoemaker and merchant, has been quite ill for the past twoor three weeks, lut is up and able to attend to business auiii.

    E. S. McNutt, son of R. W. McNutt,has just returned from Nehalem, wherehe has leeii clerking in his father's store.He is looking hale and hearty.

    D. T. Phillip-.- ' brick are going off likehot cakes.

    Marshal Shearer, from the Nehalem,arrived at Coruelius to day. He will re-turn in a few days.

    The st raw lierry aud ice cream festivalat the M. E. church was a success. Re-ceipts were $:i, so I am told.

    J. S. Ilartman, manager in U. Jack-son's saloon, took a spin over ou theEast side last week to buy a span ofhordes. He relume I yesterday.

    O. K.

    Junk 13 We would like to know w hoBuregard is, and where he lives. ThatItoat has not leeu beard of since, andthe supHsitioii U that she swamped jlow hero in calm weather and shallowwater.

    Democrats are very scarce in this locality. A man living in Portland cameout on a visit lately and said he had notseen a democrat for three days.

    A young man recently made a sadmistake in trying to milk one cow twicein one evening. Tlu cow, I understand,is in a very critical condition ; it is fearedthe man was bewildered a little. Don'tdoit any more or we will sen 1 in yourname.

    The Farmington creamery shipped toPortland nearly two tons of lirst- -class butter last month. There ismore demand for this butter than thecreamery can supply. We would say getmore cows or pull the teats h irdej.

    The Farmington store is undergoinga coat of paint. J. E. Lewis is ths p tinter.

    There is a wedding on the tapis. Whothe contracting parties are we do not say;but there is rumor in the air to that effect.

    Mr. Jos. Ja' k is having a neat' cottageput up on his farm. Mr. Oakerman isthe builder.

    J. W. Brown has purchased a new wagon and carriage. Mr. Brown Itelievesintaking the world easy.

    We understand that Everson & Millarhave a new telephone, but it doesn'tie satisfaction. It is queer that a tel

    ephone won't work at Farmington. Thisis the second one put up in this place.fhey contemplate putting up the thirdline. The third time is the charm.

    I MO.

    Ji nk 11 The recent rain has cast asmile on the faces of the farmers, (trainis looking well in this locality.

    S. I. Ingram is very low and is notexpected to last much longer.

    The Farmington Union Sablrath schoolwill give a grand picnic on Saturday,June ICth, at the old camp ground, nearFarmington. Come one and all andhave a good time.

    Mrs. I. M Edwards is suffering froma severe col d.

    Why do not the people of Farmingtonelub together and build a new hall? Itis needed very much.

    In going to Hillsloro a short time ago,I found it a difficult matter to get myhorse to cros the bridge at the foot ofJackson hill. It is a dangerous bridgefor travel. The nest thini; we know thecounty will have a dead horse or two topay for. The man who built suchbridge should build one more just likeit, then apply for a pension and beplaced on the retired list.

    The Farmington creamery Is doing alig business. For the month of May$J'i were distributed among the pa-trons, fourteen iu number.

    Jacob Halverson is hauling lumber forhis new house, to Ik? built in Hal verso o'saddition to Farmington.

    Worth Carpenter is getting restlesswaiting for the hunting season.

    Bi ro Card.

    Kidder, of Dilley, had an examination to-da- y on a cLarga of rape. He wasbound over in tbe sum ol $500 for bis appearance before the grand jury.

    ( , , .

    meager details so far furnished, is to blvlifted by means ol revolving fans, lowhich power is to be supplied by a w ireconnected with an electric dynamo 011the earth. A projierly equipped car, iuwhich an officer can ascend and take pho-tographs and sketches f the enemy'sposition, is to complete the apparatus.It is stated that the noted electrician isalready experimenting upon the device,and that he is confident of suet ess.

    It will lie observed that locomotion isnot to bo attempted with this machine,except, pel haps, for fdiort distance. Ittherefore seems to le cntiiely practicable,and. Mine it can lie kept under control,it will le free from the dillii ulties thathave attende . the use of balloons.Edison believes that he can give it somepropelling jiower. hi as to he able todirectjts movements over limited areas.Those w ho have examined his plans arequite prepared to Iwlicve that the resultof it will le the first step toward solu-tion of the long-Mi- l lied problem ofaerial navigation.

    Whm lm mmr Heat I rltMtl tYour stomach, of course. Why? lie

    cause if it is out of order you are one of jthe most miserable creatures living.Give it a fair, honorable chance and ccif It is not the best friend you have inthe end. Don't smoke in the morningIf you must smoke and drink wait untilyour stomach is through with bieikfa-t- .


    You can drink more and smoke more inthe evening and it will tell on you less.If your food ferments and does notdigest right if you are tronMe.l williHeartburn, Dizziness of the head, coin-ing up of the food after eating, Bilious

    uet. Indigestion, or any tuner irouiueof t he stomach, you had best use tjreen'sAugust Flower, as no per son can ue itwithout immediate relief.

    Sfsrnlna; Matl.

    At last IIitllnro has been grantedadditional mail facilities. The McMinn-ville express now carries the Hillslatrnpouch. This rervbe was begun yester-day morning, as per order of the postaldepartment. This additional mail ser-vice will lm of great Wnelit t our busi-ness men, and will enable them to sendorders to Portland by the morning trainand receive returns in the evening. Webow to the move of progress, and shallstrive to have Thk Ikdepsdent reachsubscribers on the line of the railroadeastward on Friday mornings.