the key lasting weight loss conditions

The Three Key Conditions for Lasting Weight Loss --- And the main reasons many who lose weight regain it (all) back Fitness Protocols

Upload: epi-torres

Post on 28-Jun-2015




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In this short presentation you will learn about the key conditions needed to accomplish lasting weight loss and fitness improvement. It is based on the new book: The Fitness Protocols


Page 1: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

The Three Key Conditions for Lasting Weight Loss--- And the main reasons many who lose weight regain it (all) back

Fitness Protocols™

Page 2: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

According to published statistics, over 90% of people who lose weigh regain all of it back fairly soon (2- 5 years) after they lose it --- Some regain even more weight than what they lost.

In general, the track record of most weight loss companies, programs, plans, diets, etc. is dismal!

Fitness Protocols™

Page 3: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

“The main reason behind such dismal results is the use of the wrong approach”

--- Epi Torres, Author of The Fitness Protocols

Fitness Protocols™

Page 4: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

Accomplishing lasting weight loss requires the following three key conditions:

Fitness Protocols™

Sustainable Commitment

Proper Preparation

Maintainable Change

Page 5: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

Sustainable Commitment

Fitness Protocols™

Sustainable Commitment

Building sustainable commitment is the first key condition required to accomplish lasting weight loss. It is the first and most critical because it powers and sustains the determination necessary to see you through the effort needed to lose weight and keep it off.

Page 6: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

Proper Preparation

Fitness Protocols™

Proper Preparation

Proper preparation is the second key condition required to accomplish lasting weight loss. Properly preparing improves your ability to complete the effort and it increases confidence. When you add confidence to your commitment, the chances of your success increase. Moreover, the necessary effort can seem much easier.

Page 7: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

Maintainable Change

Fitness Protocols™

Maintainable Change

Making maintainable (habit and lifestyle) change is the third and final condition required to accomplish lasting weight loss. In most cases, our habits and lifestyle create the situation that leads us to unhealthy weight levels. Without maintainable changes, weight loss is much less sustainable.

Page 8: The Key Lasting Weight Loss Conditions

Learn how The Fitness Protocols approach to sustainable weight loss works by visiting the Blog at:

Fitness Protocols™