the lantern of saint… ·...

January 2017 1 The Lantern of Saint Christopher Lighting the Way for Christ January 2017 Volume CXLXVIII Ruth’s Reveries … Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us we face the beginning of another new year, new starts, new life, new birth, new clean slate. On Epiphany, we will celebrate our 60th Anniversary. Not bad for a church that was not supposed to be. We continue with the Recasting mission…. Learning that the “same ole, same ole” is not the answer. Yet, we are looking for answers in order to sustain our congregation and navigate our future. What could our New Year’s resolutions look like? For one thing, I’m not for resolutions of that ilk. No one ever keeps them. However, I am into balance and wellness, not only for us individually but for us communally. I received a really interesting e-mail from a friend the other day. It was a musing from Daley Devotion #Daley Wisdom. I am sharing it in its entirety as I feel it is a message we can all use and ponder as we face the New Year. Yesterday, I heard a Christian man say, “The church is a hospital for sick people.” I couldn’t disagree more. The church isn’t a hospital, the church is medical school. It’s where we learn how to heal the world. Many of today’s Christians are walking in curable disease. They are so busy needing help, they can’t help others. The Bible says, “Lay aside the sin that so easily entangles you” and that “you are more than conquerors.” Christian, you are not a victim to sin, but a victor over it. Christian, I know it’s easy to walk in each Sunday, grab a stretcher and wait to for your pastor’s message to heal you, but that’s not God’s purpose for His meeting. God’s purpose is to train up men and women to do the work of the ministry. The world is our hospital. It’s waiting for you to bring the Gospel. It’s waiting for you to disciple lost sheep. It’s waiting for you to be healthy, the question is, are you walking strong or wallowing in your sickness? #DaleyDevotion #DaleyWisdom

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Page 1: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our

January 2017


The Lantern of Saint Christopher

Lighting the Way for Christ

January 2017 Volume CXLXVIII

Ruth’s Reveries … Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us we face the beginning of another new year, new starts, new life, new birth, new clean slate. On Epiphany, we will celebrate our 60th Anniversary. Not bad for a church that was not supposed to be. We continue with the Recasting mission…. Learning that the “same ole, same ole” is not the answer. Yet, we are looking for answers in order to sustain our congregation and navigate our future. What could our New Year’s resolutions look like?

For one thing, I’m not for resolutions of that ilk. No one ever keeps them. However, I am into balance and wellness, not only for us individually but for us communally. I received a really interesting e-mail from a friend the other day. It was a musing from Daley Devotion #Daley Wisdom. I am sharing it in its entirety as I feel it is a message we can all use and ponder as we face the New Year.

Yesterday, I heard a Christian man say, “The church is a hospital for sick people.” I couldn’t disagree more. The church isn’t a hospital, the church is medical school. It’s where we learn how to heal the world. Many of today’s Christians are walking in curable disease. They are so busy needing help, they can’t help others. The Bible says, “Lay aside the sin that so easily entangles you” and that “you are more than conquerors.” Christian, you are not a victim to sin, but a victor over it. Christian, I know it’s easy to walk in each Sunday, grab a stretcher and wait to for your pastor’s message to heal you, but that’s not God’s purpose for His meeting. God’s purpose is to train up men and women to do the work of the ministry. The world is our hospital. It’s waiting for you to bring the Gospel. It’s waiting for you to disciple lost sheep. It’s waiting for you to be healthy, the question is, are you walking strong or wallowing in your sickness? #DaleyDevotion #DaleyWisdom

Page 2: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our

January 2017


So in this New Year… I am going back into medicine. Back into nursing, practicing wellness and holistic healing in this sick, diseased (dis-eased) world. So many need our healing touch. But we have to be well first. Physician heal thyself! Good thing we have the Divine Physician on our side!

Peace and joy and great health in the New Year.

WARDENS’ WORDS Deb Snavely - Senior Warden

I am feeling optimistic as we go into the new year. Part of me can hardly believe we are so far into the 21st century already. Surely it was just a few months ago when we were worrying about the implications of Y2K on our computers and infrastructure. Turns out all that worrying was for nothing.

We have a lot going on at St. C’s. The Recasting Assets group is busy exploring the needs of our surrounding communities and looking for ways we can help. They have been meeting with community leaders, school officials and social services organizations to see what they would like us to do. Visits have been made to other churches to steal their good ideas and share our successes. I am not sure the group is sure where they are headed but I believe they are making good progress.

Our financial outlook is better. We are not where we need to be yet but we had a good year. As I write this we are on track to underspend the budget for 2016 and overachieve in the pledges for 2017. The Diocese gave us the full $20,000 we requested.

Acts 15:11 states “… we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.” I believe St. Christopher’s continues to benefit from that grace.

Deb Snavely, Senior Warden

Page 3: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our

January 2017



Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our congregation, friends, loved ones, and people we do not even know. Thank you for all you have done in 2016.

I am convinced that those of us who need those prayers, are the ones who truly believe in them. The problem is, I would hate to think we need to go through illness or problems in order to come to Jesus for help. I monthly put out a call for people to join us at our Tuesday Healing Services to pray for others. This year, I am calling for those who need our prayers to join us on Tuesdays at noon. I can assure you that JESUS HEARS OUR PRAYERS AND HE ANSWERS THEM.

`17 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and was stage 3b and then stage 4. Here I am 17 years later. I searched for a way to thank the Lord. I never thought I had the right to ask for help, but others did and prayed for me, including my Doctors. There were no Healing Services at the time, but they prayed for me, and Jesus heard their prayers. I am here 17 years later; I have had other kinds of cancer in the meantime, but was technically in remission from the breast cancer for 15 of those years. In 2015 I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer with a brain tumor (my second brain tumor). Then it was discovered in all three areas of my spine and I was declared to be “terminal.” Since then, it has moved to my bone, bone marrow and my blood stream, and now my hip and left thigh, and a new unreachable tumor in the middle of my brain, (number three). How is it that I am still here, bossing everybody around, like I do? I am blessed; I believe in the power of prayer: I have many people praying for me.

Thank the Lord for Ruth+, and the implementation of our Tuesday Healing Services. It gave me a chance to thank the Lord for the many blessings I have received, and I now believe that I too have the right to ask for His help. My life expectancy was up to one year. That was three years ago! I have passed my expiration date, thanks to all those who are praying for me. You all may be tired of hearing about me and my problems, but I cannot think of a better way to prove to you all that your prayers matter.

We have so many congregants who are in need of our prayers (heart problems, diabetes, marriage issues, financial issues, addictions, etc.) as well as those who need to thank the Lord for his blessings of healing, strength, comfort, guidance, and love. Each and every one of us has a need for prayer! Join us on Tuesday’s at noon for a Celtic Service for healing. It only lasts about 45 minutes, is very casual, and includes communion. Of course, there are those who cannot get to the Tuesday Services, so we ask that you come to the back of the church after taking communion on Sundays, and we will have someone there to pray for you or those you hold dear in your heart. JESUS WILL HEAR YOUR PRAYERS, AND HE WILL ANSWER THEM!

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January 2017



Toni Olgeaty

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME to our newest members. Last year we had a bumper crop of wee ones in our church, and we also welcomed several new congregants. Life is good. Unfortunately, we lost some members; many have moved away. We will miss them, as well as those who have passed on to a greater reward.

All of us should be looking to the continuation of our church, and how we can help the Recasting Team in their efforts. In addition to that, we should all take a moment to reflect on how we can make our Sunday Services inviting to others. Perhaps you will find that you are called to serve. There are several opportunities available to you. I am responsible for scheduling people to ensure a full, meaningful Service. I truly need Ushers, Acolytes. There are currently times we have to have individuals multi-tasking. This has worked so far, however, as our congregation grows, it becomes more and more disrupting to the service. Please consider helping us out. You will not regret it; you will not only be serving others, but the Services will be more meaningful to you!

I can be reached at [email protected], should you be interested. Please take the time to consider what you can do to ensure the continuation of St. Christopher’s Sunday Services.

ECW – Episcopal Church Women Darlene Walbroehl

Do you ever wonder what happens after you donate to Goodwill Industries? Here is your chance to learn more when the ECW tours the multi-story Goodwill facility at 660 Main St., Dayton. There we will learn of the many services they provide -- employment, rental of health equipment, behavior health, children, youth, and senior services, etc. Our tour begins at 11 AM on Jan. 11th. Lunch will follow at noon at Coco's which is across the street from the Goodwill parking lot. Check St. Christopher's corner for the sign up in January.

Darlene Walbroehl

Plan to come: ECW will have our traditional New Year’s Eve party. It begins at 9 in the Fellowship Hall. We will have hats and noisemakers and liquid libation at midnight. We ask that you bring a snack to share and any cards, dominos or other games you might want to play. There will be church the next morning, but since our party is mostly cleaned up by 12:15, you will still be bright and bushy tailed for church the next morning.

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January 2017


FELLOWSHIP Mary Donnellan


The Fellowship Committee met in December and planned some of our activities for 2017. It seems everything revolves around eating! Food and fellowship! What could be better? All that aside, we will have a potluck on January 8. Please bring your favorite dishes to share. We will have guests on that Sunday.

Our annual meeting on January 22 is always an occasion for a great potluck. Again, please bring your favorites to share with all.


We have had to cut back on some of our activities because of a lack of volunteers. We need folks to step up and help in most areas of our church life. Please don’t wait to be asked. Many times we don’t have a sign-up sheet, so just pitch in and help. If you need more information on events, just call Mary Donnellan at 937-340-6176 or email [email protected].


Many of you have already read HILLBILLY ELEGY by J.D. Vance. If you haven’t, I suggest that you do. It is the story of the much of the working class in Middletown, Ohio, but it certainly helps us to understand the plight of the unemployed, underemployed, drug ridden, often hopeless people we see around us every day in this area of the country. It is especially helpful for those of us who spend much time dealing with people who fall between the social service cracks. It is time well worth spent.

Another book that speaks of a certain culture is PRIMATES OF PARK AVENUE by an author by the unlikely name of Wednesday Martin, PhD. Her doctoral work was done on psychoanalysis and anthropology. I find it amusing (and I believe it is supposed to be amusing) that she applies anthropology-speak to talk about the culture of very, very rich mothers of young children who live on Park Avenue and its surroundings. But when this culture is viewed with her lens, you can easily see how it is so like cultures of other primates. The Park Avenue primates just have tons more money. This is a book that is both interesting and fun. Enjoy it! And Wednesday was actually born Wendy.

Mary Donnellan

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January 2017


David Manship, Recasting Team speaking. On Sunday, 8 January 2017, two to three members of the Committee on Congregational Life (COCL) recasting group will be visiting St. C’s. That is the day of our potluck and the “birthday” of this congregation.

They will be here to both observe and assist us in our ongoing effort to correct our course toward long-term survival. They will also meet with the St. C’s recasting team later in the day. We will all have just done two days at the Procter Center on Friday and Saturday as part of the recasting process.

While we have tried to describe what this is all about and what the goals/end state of this process could be, this is your chance to ask the COCL team questions about the goals, the whys, the how’s, the what if’s, and the whatever’s.

Be advised: Although they have ideas about what will and won’t work for us depending on what we are willing or not willing to do, they will emphasize that they are not here to fix things for us or tell us how to fix things. That is up to us. They will say that they hope to provide us the tools for doing that, but that while you can give a person a hammer, they still have to pick it up and pound that nail.

The Recasting Team has been involved in several homework assignments/development exercises as part of this effort. The birthday party for Jesus bags was in part one of those. We have been doing “secret shopper” exercises to visit other churches to see what they have been doing right or wrong. We have had “secret shoppers” come to St. C’s to check us out and report. We are interviewing community leaders to see where there are needs, resources, issues, and to get a better feeling for the community surrounding St. C’s. This is part of the effort to engage more with the community in order to better serve it and to put ourselves out there so that people in the community know we exist and that we might have something that they need and want. This is the beginning of an effort to serve, as well as grow.

So on 8 January, come with questions and concerns, oh and there’s a potluck, so come hungry too.

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January 2017


January Birthdays 13 Ron D’Allessandris 16 Tammy Elliott 18 Gordon Walbroehl 23 Derick Faller

We would like to include everyone in the celebration of Birthdays and Anniversaries. If we have “missed” your special days, please send your family’s dates for

birthdays and anniversaries to the office.

St. Christopher’s Prayer List For illness, healing:

Toni, Daphne, Sandy, Amanda, Ed, Steve, Bill, Edgar, David, Travis, Blaze, Dee, Ron, and Emily.

Page 8: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our

January 2017


St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Fairborn, Ohio

Vestry Meeting Minutes November 20, 2016

Members present: The Rev. Ruth Paulus, Gail Stauffer, Kathy Smith, David Manship, Judy Brainard, Amy Kopp, Debbie Snavely, Melody Bigi.

Ruth+ opened the meeting with a prayer.

Review of minutes from previous meeting was conducted. Judy Brainard made a motion to accept the minutes as they stand. David Manship seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion.

Financial reports were received just moments before the meeting and vestry members didn’t have time to review them. It was decided the deadline for receipt of the financial reports by the Vestry would be no later than the Wednesday prior to the Vestry meeting.

There was also further discussion about who would assume the duties of Treasurer. Carol Smith volunteered to do it for free, but Ruth+ reminded the Vestry of the pending contract place with Robin Jones to assume these duties effective January 2017.

Judy Brainard gave report on pledges received. To date 42 pledges have been submitted, and of these pledges two of them are from children. Nineteen of the pledges were increased from previous amounts and 17 of them stayed the same. There are six outstanding pledges and there were six new pledges this year. As of the date of this meeting $116, 890 has been pledged.

Judy Brainard also reminded the Vestry that terms for Marilyn Power, Andrea Haberecht and Melody Bigi are expiring and they are also the nominating committee responsible for finding nominees to replace them on the Vestry, as well as delegates for convention in the fall of 2017.

Ruth+ reminded the Vestry we also need to find 3-4 people who will be willing and available to perform the annual audit in a timely manner.

Gail Stauffer attended the new financial changes meeting conducted by the Diocese. There are 29 changes Ruth+ needs to review, because they potentially impact her retirement. These changes are best viewed online. Gail will type of the notes from the meeting and forward them to Vestry members.

Kathy Smith reported the Youth Group was rather disappointed on Consecration Sunday due to the interference to maze entrance caused by saxophonist set-up and playing. This also caused a negative impact on the planned costume parade. It was determined there was a lack of coordination for the event which caused the issues.

Debbie Snavely reported as part of the recasting program Rosalie Arnold and she had visited Good Shepherd Church in Dunedin, Florida, to view how they conduct services and business.

Amy Kopp reported the new air conditioning units will be delivered to the church. Matt and she will ensure they are picked up.

Ruth+ reported she attended initial training for the interim ministry program and great information was relayed to all attendees. This is a multi-part program with Part 1 only applying to clergy only, Part 2 will be a five day event in 2017 on what congregations need to do, etc.

Services during the Christmas holiday season will be as follows: Christmas Eve services will be held in the evening, no services on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day services will be held as usual.

The Annual Meeting will be held on 22 January 2017. Ruth+ will ask church secretary the suspense date for submission of reports by Vestry members.

David Manship and Melody Bigi had no reports to submit.

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January 2017


David Manship made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Amy Kopp. All members voted in accordance.

Debbie Snavely offered the closing prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Melody Bigi

Note: the minutes printed in the Lantern are from the previous month, after they have been reviewed by Vestry.

Sunday Attendance It is important that we are aware of how many people are in attendance on Sunday. So each month we show the attendance numbers. Remember, statistics indicate that to have a thriving and prosperous congregation, we need to shoot for 100 as the average Sunday attendance.

Sunday Attendance Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1st Sunday 45 53 72 67 68 2nd Sunday 62 59 48 57 81 3rd Sunday 51 67 67 68 75

4th Sunday 88 72 55 71 C’Mas Eve tbd

5th Sunday n/a n/a 68 n/a n/a

TOTAL 246 251 310 263 (to date) 224


If we find it necessary to cancel church services due to bad weather, we will post/record the information in the following places:

1 On WDTN TV (and, although they have apparently had problems with their web site in the past, these listings

2 On all Clear Channel Radio stations in the area: WLQT, WTUE, WMMX, WXEG, WDKF, WDSJ and WONE.

3 On WHIO TV’s web site ( 4 (WHIO will not always announce church closings on their TV station.

Their ability to scroll messages across the bottom of the TV screen is limited so that, if they have a large number of closings, churches and smaller businesses will not be included.)

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January 2017


A Gentle Reminder: When planning church activities, please check the calendar posted in the church office to avoid scheduling conflicts. And please post upcoming activities.

January 2017 Events and Announcements, Opportunities

Sunday Schedule – 9:15 – Adult Forum, Sunday School Grade 3 and up 10:00 – Eucharist, Sunday School Pre-K thru 2nd Grade

Saturday December 31 – 9 p.m. ECW New Year’s Eve Party! Sunday January 1 – Lessons and Carols Service. Sunday January 1 – Recasting of Assets Group Meeting: after the service during Coffee Hour. Sunday January 1 – NEW YEAR’S DAY Holiday. Saturday January 7 – Blood Drive at St. Christopher’s, 8:30 – noon Sunday January 8 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers Sunday January 8 – St. Christopher’s Birthday celebration

and Potluck with visitors from the Committee on Congregational Life (COCL) recasting assets group.

Monday January 9 – All commission and financial annual reports for 2016 need to be submitted to the office.

Wednesday January 11 – 11:00 AM, ECW tour of the Dayton Goodwill facility, and lunch. Thursday January 12 – 6:30 Youth Commission Meeting. Sunday January 15 – Discretionary Fund offering Sunday January 15 – ECW used book sale Sunday January 15 – 11:30 Vestry meeting Monday January 16 – HOLIDAY Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday January 22 – Annual meeting, elections, and Potluck. Monday January 23 – Deadline for February 2017 Lantern articles and info. Weekly Healing Service – Tuesdays at noon a Healing Service with Holy Communion is held in the

church proper. The service is open to anyone who wants to attend. Thursdays – 7:00 Choir Practice Check sign-up sheets – On the counter in Christopher’s Corner there are sign-up sheets for altar

flowers, sanctuary candles, fellowship, St. Vincent’s, ECW activities, Prayer Chain, etc.

Blood Drive Saturday, January 7, 8:30 - noon There is a sign-up sheet in C's Corner for workers and goodie

providers. We will need juice, donuts, cheese and crackers, etc.

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January 2017


OUTREACH –Remember Box Tops for Education. Please continue with donations for FISH; they need shampoo, tooth brushes, cereal, peanut butter, deodorant, toilet paper, sugar, and other Food items. And feed your change to our bank -- 2 cents a meal.

Prayer Concerns: Please call or email Joyce D'Allessandris to activate the Prayer Chain. e-mail: [email protected], phone: 254-0005.

The January Lantern – will be online at A printed copy is available upon request.

We are still collecting used printer cartridges. They can be recycled at the office supply stores. There is a plastic container in Christopher's corner for you to fill!! ECW New Year’s Eve party. It begins at 9 in the Fellowship Hall. We will have hats and noisemakers and liquid libation at midnight. We ask that you bring a snack to share and any cards, dominos or other games you might want to play.

Community Blood Drive Saturday, January 7, 8:30 – noon -- Please Note: Our recasting team is meeting at Procter January 6th and 7th. The blood drive is scheduled for January 7th However, the folks that often attend to this will be at the Recasting meeting. So we need people to volunteer for this endeavor.... to bring cookies/juice/cheese and crackers, to show up at 7:15 am to let people in and to stay until close. (About 1 pm) People can work in shifts, so no one has to stay the entire time. We will really need folks to pull together on this. Sunday January 8 – St. Christopher’s Birthday celebration and Potluck with visit by Recasting Assets Team (questions & answers). Sunday January 22 – Congregational Annual meeting and Potluck. Annual Meeting Notification The Annual Meeting of St. Christopher’s will be held January 22, 2017. All commission and financial reports need to be submitted to the office by January 9, 2017. Those going off Vestry will be Melody Bigi, Andrea Haberecht, and Marilyn Power. At this time, we will need to elect two positions at large and a Vestry Secretary, and those who will be delegates to Diocesan Convention will be selected. Please prayerfully consider serving on the Vestry and being a delegate to convention. There will be, as usual, a potluck on that day. Annual Meeting information will be sent out on January 13th via e-mail. Hard copies will be available at the church for those not using e-mail. Any questions or concerns, please contact Ruth+ or Deb Snavely.

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January 2017


Page 13: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church January 2017 Fairborn, OH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 Epiphany 6 7 Sunday after Christmas Lessons and Carols 9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Recasting Assets meeting during Coffee Hour, following the service

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

Noon Healing


7 Choir

Recasting Assets


Recasting Assets


8:30-noon Blood Drive

St. Christopher’s Birthday 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Epiphany Sunday

9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

St. C Birthday Celebration Potluck Visit by Recasting Team with questions & Answers

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

Noon Healing Service

6:30-8 GS Fbn SU meeting

6:30 Youth Comm. Meeting

7:00 Choir

Full moon

6:30-8:30 GS mtg 31280

4-10 Fell Hall -Clay

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Second Sunday after Epiphany

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Discretionary fund offering

ECW used book sale

11:30 Vestry mtg

Martin Luther King Jr.


6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

Noon Healing Service

7:00 Choir

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Third Sunday after Epiphany

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Annual Meeting, elections and potluck


Information Deadline

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

Noon Healing


7:00 Choir

6:30-8:30 GS mtg 31280

New moon

29 30 31 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

9:15 am Adult Forum, Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

Noon Healing


(937) 878-5614 1501 N Broad St., PO Box 1026, Fairborn OH 45324

Page 14: The Lantern of Saint… · Happy New Year to all those who offer prayers for the healing of members of our


Lessons and Carols Epiphany Second Epiphany Third Epiphany Fourth Epiphany January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29

Worship Leader Toni Olgeaty Lessons and

Carols readers Tammy Elliott Ron D’Alessandris Toni Olgeaty Sarah Smith Marsh

Chalice Bearer Ed Smith 1. Debbie Snavely

2. David Manship

3. Theresa Turner

4. Judy Brainard 5. Ann Volkmer 6. Stan Nelson 7. Ann Foster 8. John Stauffer 9. Mary


Cindy Feltz Toni Olgeaty James Lester Alan Haberecht

1st Reader


2nd Reader

Lessons & Carols

Melody Kelley Isaiah 60:-1-6

Theresa Turner Matthew 2:1-12

John Stauffer Isaiah 49: 1-7 Cindy Feltz

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Sierra Lester Isaiah 9:1-4

Muriel Markley 1 Corinthians


Hayward Learn Micah 6:1-8

Judy Brainard 1 Corinthians


Acolyte Cindy Feltz Iyabo Eguaroje Ed Smith Kathy Smith James Lester

Ushers Sierra Lester James Lester

Ann Foster Hayward Learn

Mary Donnellan Bruce Hain

Eleanor and Becky Wood

Iyabo Eguaroje Gordon Hermann

Healing Prayers

Joyce D’Allessandris Toni Olgeaty Cindy Feltz Joyce

D’Allessandris Toni Olgeaty

Greeters Judy Brainard Gordon Hermann

Telesa Learn Kathy Smith

Andrea and Alan Haberecht

Joyce and Ron D’Allessandris

Darlene and Gordon Walbroehl

Nursery Kopp Jones Faller Stauffer Volkmer

Altar Guild Mel Bigi Andrea Haberecht

Eleanor and Becky Wood

Judy Brainard Betty Crichton

Kathy Smith Sierra Lester

Mel Bigi Andrea Haberecht

Tellers Rosalie Arnold Bob Bigi

Millie Roach Ed Smith

Cindy Manship Gordon Hermann

Susan Brainard John Stauffer Deb Snavely

Fellowship open Potluck St. C Birthday open Potluck

Annual Meeting open

PLEASE check the schedule and note your assignment(s). If you are not able to serve, notify the person responsible for that assignment and the office (878-5614).

Toni Olgeaty 864-5140 Worship Leaders, Chalicers, Andrea Haberecht 546-1208 Altar Guild Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers Coffee Hour/Fellowship Judy Brainard 879-3987 Greeters Melody Kelley (937) 372-6687 Director of Music Rosalie Arnold 878-5097 Tellers Deb Snavely 878-4054 Senior Warden Amy Kopp 258-0082 Nursery attendants Ruth Paulus+ 878-5614 Prayer Requests

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 10 AM to 2 PM, Monday through Friday