the length or magnitude of v , denoted

A two-dimensional vector v is determined by two points in the plane: an initial point P (also called the “tail” or basepoint) and a terminal point Q (also called the “head”). We write length or magnitude of v, denoted is the distance from P to Q. v PQ v v iscalled the position vectorof 3,5 . OR R

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A two-dimensional vector v is determined by two points in the plane: an initial point P (also called the “tail” or basepoint ) and a terminal point Q (also called the “head”). We write. The length or magnitude of v , denoted. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

A two-dimensional vector v is determined by two points in the plane: an initial point P (also called the “tail” or basepoint) and a terminal point Q (also called the “head”). We write

v PQ��������������

The length or magnitude of v, denoted v is the distance

v is called the position

vector of 3,5 .



��������������from P to Q.

Page 2: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Vector terminology:

Two vectors v and w of nonzero length are called parallel if the lines through v and w are parallel. Parallel vectors point either in the same or in opposite directions.

A vector v is said to undergo a translation when it is moved parallel to itself without changing its length or direction. The resulting vector w is called a translate of v. Translates have the same length and direction but different basepoints.

In many situations, it is convenient to treat vectors with the same length and direction as equivalent, even if they have different basepoints. With this in mind, we say that

v and w are equivalent if w is a translate of v.

Page 3: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Every vector can be translated so that its tail is at the origin. Therefore,

Every vector v is equivalent to a unique vector v0 based at the origin.

Page 4: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Components of a vector (needed to work algebraically):

v ,PQ��������������

where P = (a1, b1) and Q = (a2, b2), are the quantities

The pair of components is denoted , .a b

The vectors v and v0 have components , .a b

The length of a vector in terms of its components (by the distance formula) is

The zero vector (whose head and tail coincide) is the vector 0 0,0 .

Page 5: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

The components ,a b determine the length and direction of v, but not its basepoint. Therefore, two vectors have the same components if and only if they are equivalent. Nevertheless, the standard practice is to describe a vector by its components, and thus we write

v ,a bAlthough this notation is ambiguous (because it does not specify the basepoint), it rarely causes confusion in practice. To further avoid confusion, the following convention will be in force for the remainder of the text:

Page 6: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Determine whether 1 1 1 2 2 2v & vPQ PQ ����������������������������

are equivalent, where

What is the magnitude of v1? Compute the components

v1 and v2 are not equivalent

Page 7: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Sketch the vector v 2,3 based at 1, 4P and the vector v0 equivalent to v based at the origin.

has terminal point Q = (1 + 2, 4 − 3) = (3, 1), located two units to the right and three units down from P. The vector v0 equivalent to v based at O has terminal point (2, −3).

v 2,3 based at 1,4P

The vectors v and v0 have the same components but different basepoints.

Page 8: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

We now define two basic vector operations: Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication.

The vector sum v + w is defined when v and w have the same basepoint:

Translate w to the equivalent vector w’ whose tail coincides with the head of v.

The sum v + w is the vector pointing from the tail of v to the head of w’ .

Page 9: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

We now define two basic vector operations: Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication.

Alternatively, we can use the Parallelogram Law:

v + w is the vector pointing from the basepoint to the opposite vertex of the parallelogram formed by v and w.

To add several vectors, translate the so that they lie head to tail.

Page 10: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

To add several vectors, translate the so that they lie head to tail.

The sum v = v1 + v2 + v3 + v4.

Page 11: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Vector subtraction v − w is carried out by adding −w to v. Or, more simply, draw the vector pointing from w to v, and translate it back to the basepoint to obtain v − w.

Page 12: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Vector addition and scalar multiplication operations are easily performed using components. To add or subtract two vectors v and w, we add or subtract their components.

Page 13: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Similarly, to multiply v by a scalar λ, we multiply the components of v by λ.

λv points in the same direction as ,a b if λ > 0, and in the opposite direction if λ < 0.

Vectors v and 2v are based at P but 2v is twice as long. Vectors v and −v have the same length but opposite directions.

v , is nonzero, , has length v .a b a b

Page 14: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Vector Operations Using Componentsv , and w ,a b c d

(i) v + w =(ii) v − w =(iii) λv =(iv) v + 0 = 0 + v = v

,a b c d ,a b c d

,a b

We also note that if P = (a1, b1) and Q = (a2, b2), then components of the vector v PQ

�������������� are conveniently computed as the difference

2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1, , ,PQ OQ OP a b a b a a b b ������������������������������������������

v 1,4 and w 3,2 , calculate v w and 5v. 4,6 and 5,20

Page 15: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

THEOREM 1 Basic Properties of Vector Algebra For all vectors u, v, w and for all scalars λ,

Page 16: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

A linear combination of vectors v and w is a vectorrv + sw where r and s are scalars. If v and w are not parallel, then every vector u in the plane can be expressed as a linear combination u = rv + sw. The parallelogram whose vertices are the origin and the terminal points of v, w and v + w is called the parallelogram spanned by v and w. It consists of the linear combinations rv + sw with 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.

Page 17: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

6,2 2,4 6 2 ,2 4 4,4

6 2 4

2 4 4

4 2 0 2 10 4 2 / 5

2 4 / 5

r s r s r s

r s

r s

r s s r r r

s r

Express u 4,4 as a linear combination of

v 6,2 and w 2,4 .

2 4u 6,2 2,4

5 5

Page 18: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

A vector of length 1 is called a unit vector. Unit vectors are often used to indicate direction, when it is not necessary to specify length. The head of a unit vector e based at the origin lies on the unit circle and has components

e cos ,sin where θ is the angle between e and the positive x-axis.

The head of a unit vector lies on the unit circle.

Page 19: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Unit vector in the direction of v.

v , makes an angle

with the positive -axis

a b


We can always scale a nonzero vector v = ,a bto obtain a unit vector pointing in the same direction:


1e v


vv , v e v cos ,sina b

Page 20: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

Find the unit vector in the direction of v = 3,5 .

It is customary to introduce a special notation for the unit vectors in the direction of the positive x- and y-axes:

The vectors i and j are called the standard basis vectors. Every vector in the plane is a linear combination of i and j:

v , i ja b a b


1e v



1 3 5e v ,

34 34 34

i 1,0 , j 0,1

Page 21: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

4, 2 4i 2 j. For example, Vector addition is performed by adding the i and j coefficients. For example,

(4i − 2j) + (5i + 7j) = (4 + 5)i + (−2 + 7)j = 9i + 5j

CONCEPTUAL INSIGHT It is often said that quantities such as force and velocity are vectors because they have both magnitude and direction, but there is more to this statement than meets the eye. A vector quantity must obey the law of vector addition (Figure 18), so if we say that force is a vector, we are really claiming that forces add according to the Parallelogram Law. In other words, if forces F1 and F2 act on an object, then the resultant force is the vector sum F1 + F2. This is a physical fact that must be verified experimentally. It was well known to scientists and engineers long before the vector concept was introduced formally in the 1800s.

Page 22: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

When an airplane traveling with velocity v1 encounters a wind of velocity v2, its resultant velocity is the vector sum v1 + v2.

Page 23: The  length  or  magnitude  of  v , denoted

THEOREM 2 Triangle Inequality For any two vectors v and w,

Equality holds only if v = 0 or w = 0, or if w = λv, where λ ≥ 0.