the mandate -

The Mandate Western is confidently poised to move forward within the broader worldwide university context and its commitment to its own mission. Having pursued its goals through two cycles of strategic planning, resulting in its report, Engaging the Future, Western’s community of students, staff, faculty, and Board are aligned in pursuit of even greater achievements for the University.” “This is Western’s future. This is the leadership opportunity for Western’s President”

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The Mandate “Western is confidently poised to move forward within the broader worldwide university context and its commitment to its own mission. Having pursued its goals through two cycles of strategic planning, resulting in its report, Engaging the Future, Western’s community of students, staff, faculty, and Board are aligned in pursuit of even greater achievements for the University.”

“This is Western’s future. This is the leadership opportunity for Western’s President”

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Our Aspirations “We must think in terms of the next 100 years. We must think in terms of this university becoming the greatest university in Canada.” G. Edward Hall Report of the President, 1956

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Where do we stand?

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Where do we stand? Times Ranking

Canada World Score Harvard 1 100 McGill 1 18 (20) (12) 90.4 Toronto 2 29 (41) (45) 85.3 UBC 3 40 (34) (33) 81.2 Alberta 4 59 (74) (97) 75.4 Montreal 5 107 (91) (93) 66.2 Waterloo 6 113 (112) 65.5 Queen’s 7 118 (117) (88) 64.7 McMaster 8 143 (117) (108) 60.9 Calgary 9 149 60.4 Western 10 151 (159) (126) 60.3

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Entrance Average Grade, 2005 1 McGill 88.9 2 UBC 88.3 3 Western 87.9 4 Queen's 87.6 5 Montreal 87.6 6 Sask 87.6 7 Sherbrooke 86.8 8 Alberta 86.2 9 Laval 86.1

10 St FX 85.9 11 SFU 85.5 12 Toronto 85.1 13 Mount A 84.9 14 Bishop's 84.8 15 Dalhousie 84.6 16 Victoria 84.4 17 Waterloo 84 18 Calgary 84 19 McMaster 83.7 20 Regina 83.7

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Classes taught by Tenured Faculty %, 2005 1 UCCB 82.3 2 Saint Mary's 82 3 Trent 80.5 4 Waterloo 78.8 5 UPEI 77 6 Guelph 75.2 7 Western 74.1 8 Mt. A 73.9 9 St. FX 72.6 10 Lakehead 72.3 11 Laval 71 12 Sherbrooke 68.4 13 Toronto 68.3 14 Windsor 67.9 15 Brandon 67.1 16 Ottawa 62.9 17 Queen's 62.7 18 Lethbridge 62.3 19 Montreal 61.9 20 Laurentian 60.9 21 Victoria 60.7 22 St. Thomas 60.6 23 McMaster 58.5

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Research Funding/FTE faculty, 2007

1 Toronto 321356 2 McMaster 297110 3 McGill 268517 4 Alberta 252680 5 Ottawa 243516 6 Montreal 241576 7 UBC 226513 8 Queen's 218393 9 Guelph 192587 10 Laval 188052 11 Western 180180 12 Calgary 172057 13 Victoria 152253 14 Waterloo 146520 15 Manitoba 119662

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Operating Budget/FTE student, 2006 1 Mount A 12392 2 UNBC 11522 3 UPEI 11306 4 Saskatchewan 10852 5 Queen's 10637 6 Bishop's 10484 7 Victoria 10408 8 Acadia 10323 9 Alberta 10172

10 St FX 10069 11 Toronto 10023 12 Calgary 9999 13 SFU 9854 14 UBC 9769 15 Moncton 9719 16 McGill 9677 17 Lethbridge 9587 18 Dalhousie 9559 19 Regina 9478 20 Saint Mary's 9428 21 Waterloo 9374 22 Memorial 9175 23 Montreal 9154 24 McMaster 9100 25 Western 8952

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The Quality Challenge (2007) Western Mich. MIT

Professorial rank 1307 2899 1008

Lecturers/Instructors 756 511

Undergrad/Professor ratio 21.55 8.82 4.14

Grad/Professor ratio 2.84 3.96 6.0

Expenditures/student (Exl. Research)

15,000 33,000 107,000

The above provides order of magnitude comparisons using high level data from websites and should not be used as absolute numbers.

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% of International UG students, 2005 1 Acadia 19.8 2 Saint Mary's 19.4 3 McGill 17.7 4 Windsor 15.1 5 Cape Breton 13.4 6 Montreal 12.7 7 Bishop's 12.1 8 Concordia 11.9 9 SFU 11 10 Laval 10.8 11 Toronto 10.3 12 UBC 9.6 13 Carleton 9.3 14 Waterloo 9.3 15 Lethbridge 8.3 16 Ottawa 7.9 17 Dalhousie 7.5 18 McMaster 7 19 Western 6.5 20 Laurentian 6.5

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Source: Council of Ontario Universities and The University of Western Ontario

Proportion of First-Year Students from Other Countries

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% of Out of Province UG students, 2005 1 Mt Alison 57 2 Bishop's 53.2 3 Dalhousie 52.6 4 St FX 37.6 5 McGill 36.8 6 Saint Mary's 29.2 7 Acadia 28.8 8 St Thomas 26.7 9 Concordia 21.3 10 Queen's 18.4 11 Ottawa 17.6 12 Memorial 16.6 13 UNB 15.7 14 Lethbridge 15.4 15 Brandon 14.8 16 Victoria 14.1 17 UBC 14

29 Western 5.4

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Source: Council of Ontario Universities and The University of Western Ontario

Proportion of First-Year Students from Other Canadian Provinces

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Geographical Origin of First-Year Students Western: Constituent University (2008-09)

Total = 4,519

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Geographical Origin of First-Year Students Western’s Affiliated Colleges (2008-09)

Total = 1,609

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Comparison and similarities with the “Best in Class”

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McGill and Western McGill Western

Entrance Average Grade 88.9 87.9 Taught by tenured profs 49.7% 74.1% Out of Province Students % 36.8 5.4 International undergrads 17.7 6.5 (2.5) Research $/Prof 268 K 180 K Faculty Awards 9.4 3.2 Operating $/FTE student 9677 8952

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Higher Education Trends and Issues

•  Pursuit of excellence. •  Institutional differentiation. •  Responsive to “learner needs”. •  Building of critical mass and clusters. •  Strategic partnerships. •  Responsive to community needs.

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Examples of what some great institutions are doing.

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Harvard •  In addition to its core strengths, educating leaders

through professional education.

•  Catering to the “life long learning community” through summer programs, certificate programs and short courses.

•  Touching the minds of over 2000 high school students by allowing them the opportunity to take summer courses.

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Harvard Student Body

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UC Berkeley, U Illinois U-C, Lawrence Berkeley Lab and

BP Energy Biosciences Institute •  $500 million to be invested in bio energy research over

a ten year period.

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Opportunities to consider •  Strengthen our UG programs. How about more

elite programs like our HBA? •  Increase intake of out of province and

international students. •  Enhance opportunities for study abroad programs,

remove barriers and create incentives (eg. Grant academic credit)

•  Expand joint degree programs. •  Expand professional master’s programs

like the MBA.

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Opportunities to consider •  Expand professional master’s programs

like the MBA (Masters in Public Health, Public Service etc.)

•  Modular course based Master’s programs (eg x courses leads to a certificate, 2 certificates leads to a Master’s degree).

•  Flexible delivery of programs (on-line; on site: (Toronto, Sarnia, Hong Kong; Hybrid).

•  How about professional doctorate programs (like DBA, Deng etc.)

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Opportunities to consider •  Create research clusters (eg. US Canada

Institute, Institute for Aging, Institute for Advanced Studies).

•  For research partnerships with other institutions (e.g. U of T in medicine, McMaster in Water, Waterloo in energy, John Hopkins in US Canada matters).

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Outreach programs •  Summer Schools for high school students (like

Harvard), on-line pre-university and university courses (like Stanford).

•  Certificate Programs for Western alumni.

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System Resource Challenges •  University inflation is 5.5 % plus

•  Base revenue growth 2.5% plus

•  Structural deficit is 3%. (IBI)

•  Program growth provides additional funding for incremental activities.

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Annual Shortfall at UWO due to System Structural Deficit

•  3% every year.

•  This amounts to a shortfall of $15 million per year.

•  Without new incremental revenue, 3% budget cut every year would be required.

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Student/Faculty Ratios Western Waterloo Mac Toronto Queen’s

FT UG/FT faculty 16.03 21.34 21.27 21.89 16.72 FT Masters/FT faculty 2.04 1.72 1.82 2.73 2.52 FT PhD/FT faculty 1.21 1.38 1.22 2.23 1.26 FT (Tot)/FT faculty 19.29 24.43 24.31 26.85 20.51

Western’s and Queen’s relatively low ratios are not sustainable without incremental resources.

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Revenue Growth •  Grow enrolment (Internal decision) •  Increase fees (requires govt. approval) •  Course based Master’s programs •  Continuing education programs •  International students •  Fund raising components which support the

operating budget (eg. endowed chairs)

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What is required? •  Looking at the budget as a whole, focusing

attention on both revenue and expenditure sides.

•  Entrepreneurial leadership at all levels.

•  Strategic planning and pragmatic decision making.

•  Budgetary flexibility/cushion.

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What is required?

Ideas from all…

Leadership from all…