the martyrdom of st.rhipsime

1 The Martyrdom of St. Rhipsime The Virgin The Conversion of Armenia, 301 A.D (based on ancient historical accounts) Epic Poem by Anna Anahit Paitian (Translation from Armenian; The original poem in Armenian… 14) T he King Tiridates of Great Armenia At his royal hall in gold and purple lights Was waiting for a young nice of Augustus Caesar, Who was captured by the king’s knights. By the request of the emperor’s prefect – A virgin nun, a ravishing godess , A runaway from Rome, named Romsime- Rhipsime , should be arrested and turned back to the Romans, To be a great queen and bride of the Emperor – To her nightmare and horror.

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Epic PoemBy Anna Anahit Paitian


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    Martyrdom of St. Rhipsime The Virgin

    The Conversion of Armenia, 301 A.D

    (based on ancient historical accounts)

    Epic Poem by Anna Anahit Paitian

    (Translation from Armenian;

    The original poem in 14)

    T he King Tiridates of Great Armenia At his royal hall in gold and purple lights

    Was waiting for a young nice of Augustus Caesar,

    Who was captured by the kings knights.

    By the request of the emperors prefect

    A virgin nun, a ravishing godess ,

    A runaway from Rome, named Romsime-

    Rhipsime ,

    should be arrested and turned back to the Romans,

    To be a great queen and bride of the Emperor

    To her nightmare and horror.

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    And King Tiridates had heard the rumors ,

    That this virgin is not an ordinary beauty,

    But a miracle- worker, a charmer in duty ,

    who astonishes people of the land,

    from his kingdom and beyond.

    And stood up the Virgin in front of the king

    As a platan tree in its blossom ,

    In her elegancy awesome -

    As a young deer with the eyes of celestial purity-

    As a lightening from Heaven of love

    To strike the king in halve.

    The king was shocked.

    The king was mute;

    Confused from the majestic look .

    Approached the king to the virgin,

    Took up her hand in reverence and homage,

    Bowed and kissed it,

    promising a glory, wealth, throne, and marriage .

    Meanwhile the virgin was unmoved and cold like a statue

    To the tenderness of the king and to his royal virtue.

    The king was shaking from desires low and bestial,

    Not understanding the reason of refusal, the reason of whims ,

    When suddenly he noticed on the maids vestment

    the sign of crucifix .

    O, Crucifix! He heard about that before,

    And about a sect, which hated this world,

    Dreaming for the next,

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    Daring to bring down the tokens of empires power

    Fighting in pithy guts

    With Olympus gods.

    And in sudden fury King stepped forward

    to subordinate that unruly wayward;

    He took the maid from her arm with a lordly gesture,

    Forced upon her, pulling her to himself ,

    Trying to tear up her crucifix and diffident vesture

    The Virgin in a sudden and unexpected blow,

    In a violent thrust of her fine hand unbound ,

    Stroke the king down to the base low-

    His body all stretched on the ground.

    In the terrible scene , in a front of all,

    The crown from the head of the king rigid and gory

    Flew up and rolled down with a terrible tinkle

    Announcing the end of its glory.

    The eyes of the King turned red and bloody,

    In the furious hate and wrath

    He faced his humiliation from the lady ,

    Being kept in shame on his own lot .

    He jumped up on his feet as a lion in fury,

    And renewed his assaults in a great hurry-

    To his pleasure,

    And to the vengeance of the mob booster;

    But every time trying to strike the Virgin-

    He was thrown back as a paltry rooster.

    Every time the Virgin raised her arms in prayers

    The lightening hit in a terrible blast sprayer ,

    Jolting the walls and ceiling in a dust red,

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    Making people to petrify in a great dread.

    King had halted in dismay ;

    She is not a woman ,

    She is an angel perhaps - he tried to say ;

    How come the Great Tiridates can fail?

    A wrestler renown, unconquered

    Being now beaten up by a woman frail?

    Meanwhile the holy Virgin vested in crucifix

    Ran away to meet her Forty Companions

    From the palace of king to the Eastern edge ,

    Led by humble Gaiane -

    a teacher of virtue and divine knowledge .

    And the knights of Tiridates by his orders

    Blocked the way of virgins in close halos

    With bare swords ready to strike,

    To kill them and harm,

    For the great fear that the nuns will operate

    Their magic charm .

    And the massacre started ruthless,

    without refuge,

    And the blood flooded in streams

    Splashing all over as a New Deluge .

    And glorious Rhispime approached to butchers,

    Knelt before them,

    laying down her neck in a bloody site,

    Letting them to cut off her tongue ,

    To pull out her eyes heavenly bright.

    The solders were amazed in their carnage,

    That holy virgins did not feel pain, did not suffer

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    They were but in pure joy, in happiness utter ,

    Expiring in peace and bliss

    Jesus! only on their lips.

    And they cut virgins to numberless pieces,

    As if to distribute each piece of virgins benign,

    Like a chunk of incense for every Armenian .

    The King Tiridates was in deep thoughts,

    The soldiers were in awe,

    their truth had crumbled with murderous blow

    the virgins had died in a glorious radiance,

    in mysterious alliance -

    The truth is not what they have-

    all understood

    without doubt ;

    They killed crusaders ,

    Trampling upon the holy banner,

    And the king offender of cross

    Is a king of dishonor.

    And understood Tiridates finally

    That he was a king of vain glory,

    Not a king benign

    But a filthy swine

    And the iron chains of his pagan heart

    Broke loose and the tears as a gushing river

    King started to shed in a trembling fever .

    The king withdrew in his deep sorrow

    To mourn his cruelty utter and sable

    To regret his crime vile and ignoble.

    Meanwhile in the royal house

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    the kings noble sister

    Had received a massage from an angel of peace

    To bring up Gregory Persian ,

    Who was in Deep Dungeon

    Living for fifteen years .

    And dispatchers went to bring St. Gregory

    For his divine mission-

    To heal the king from the death of darkness,

    To create a new Armenia in his holy likeness.

    And the holy Patriarch came

    as a Moses from Sinai in divine grace,

    And every one looking at him

    Was blinded by the light of his face.

    And the Armenian nation from all corners -

    Hurried to see the glorious man in shine ,

    To get its eternal healing

    In the holy cross sign .

    And St. Gregory was preaching to all nations

    About the power of true God and His actions,

    About the crucified Jesus of Nazareth,

    About His Resurrection after Death.

    And St. Gregory was healing all possessed and lepers ,

    Blind and lame,

    Paralyzed and maim-

    And the nation suffering from pagan slavery

    Regained its self- esteem and spirit of bravery.

    And hugged the curly head of Tiridates

    Our Patriarch St . Gregory -

    Giving him absolution

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    To all questions and worries of Armenians

    Giving ultimate solution.

    From now on- this nation under the holy seal

    With crucified Christ is united ,

    The genius mind and heart of reborn Armenians

    From now on by the Holy Spirit lighted .

    And the head of King Tiridates was down in shame ,

    His visage always desolate and sad-

    Meanwhile the holy patriarch was comforting him,

    Teaching him about the mercy of God.

    And St. Gregory inviting the king to his palace,

    Taking up the fallen crown from ground ,

    In the solemn ceremony , in a national feast

    Anointed him a king sage and sound.

    And a new king of new Armenia

    Compiled by his hands the relics of martyred saints,

    Composed a holy shrine of jubilation,

    To exalt them in honor and veneration.

    And appeared Lord Jesus to St. Gregory in a great vision

    With a golden gavel in His hand,

    Descending to the holy land of Noah the Just,

    Striking on the spots ,

    where the almighty God

    Ordered to build churches in Martyrs trust.

    And the King put on his purple mantle,

    His helmet on his head,

    Took the spear on his hand,

    Sending couriers to all over the land

    With armed legion,

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    Heralding about the Holy Religion.

    And the pagan priests in a great fury

    Seeing their idols falling -

    Attacked the people to prevent the thrill

    of the holy awakening .

    And destroyed King Tiridates without sorry

    The foul temples of superstition, harlotry,

    Chasing away from the holy land Armenia

    The wizards and witches,

    Blood sucker leeches.

    And the renown generation of the Just Noah

    Produced genius fruits of a wisdom in awe-

    Not from deceitful smoke of Baal-Vaagn

    As a hocus-pocus,

    But from the truth of immortal and eternal Logos.

    And Lord Jesus wiped out for ever the Armenian tears

    In the blessing of Altar after holy martyrs;

    Glorious Rhipsime, the daughter of Christ,

    And her gracious teacher , Gaiane

    Forty Roman nuns,

    By all means

    Glorified ever since .

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    St Rhipsimes Cathedral (IV- VII AD) In Armenia,

    In the town St. Etchmiadzin (translated The Place where Christ

    Descended) , where St. Gregory saw the Vision of Christ.

    St. Gaine Cathedral (IV- VII A.D), In the town St. Etchmiadzin, where St.

    Gregory saw the Vision of Christ.

    Khor Virap and Mount Ararat , the dungeon , where St Gregory was thrown

    and kept for 15 years by the pagan king Tiridates .

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    To the dungeon

    The floor of the dungeon

    St. Gregory Illuminator

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    St. Etchmiadzin, Mother Cathedral (301 A.D)

    The Holy Altar of St. Etchmiadzin

    St. Rhipisme (Hripsime)

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    St. Gaiane

    St. Gaianes Tomb

    The Baptism of King Tiridates (250-330 AD)

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    Glorious Rhipsime, the daughter of Christ,

    And her gracious teacher , Gaiane

    Forty Roman nuns,

    By all means

    Glorified ever since .

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    Nqueiym vm dsrves@ F9u.sumvun

    Vq soasiym he Redar Fa8iz Ae;an seafu mv0 ue oalaru3 munc kbvevun }gisris ka8sve rifmu dv9aru dsrvew3 ie .a7srakan vpaq ue fa8evnu;uz3 6 asiym vn@ keinaqie ue ;iy8eveu fvr qae;iq anaear@ fea,;nve h gie[iym Kiedqaz a,7aefuz munc6 A8eaear555 Vq kangnvz kiy8sw Redaru a906@ vpnuku ac;veiq3 oaej6afasak@ gvpvzkiyj8an .a8liq asrqa[a8un2 na8vz ae;an nean iy kaekamvz555 Qsvma,iy; rvs;w anxaed kae[vs ae;a8un ka8[akvz555 Iy mirvzaq ae;an kiy8sun3 a9aq 'v9;w nea3 fambiyevz3 7israzaq jag3 isku iy sve3 muncdv9 kiy8sw@ liye0 iy 7ifiyn3 mnaz ;n;,an;un anveve555 Jej9iym he suerw ae;a8u3 oprieqiym he mur;w nea ;apzeiyj8iynuz anasnakan;u2 fvri rvsaq &acu n,anw

  • 15

    kiy8su s;vmu3 iy arvz a8n3 faskazaq3 ie 7acn h ba/aniym uevnz2 iy dae'evz a8n juea7w ue ;vnu555 Ae;an rueakal ,ae/iymiq 'v9;w mvknvz2 che faszevl oar9vliy n,anw siyeb3 veb kiy8sw iy/gun mu faeqa[iq3 xengiziq af9vlu3 salafarakun glievz ,ip,ipiyn jagw amvna8n Fa8iz ae;a8u555 Saesa.vz fandvsw3 ;aeazaq3 kaekamvz ae;an2 fasrarvz kiy8sw qvena8un t,maeriyj8iynw amvfu5 7acw anaegipw oaruq ciynu 6 ae;a h 8anueaqu555 Karapvz ae;an3 rvsaq mua8n ue oaruqw ki7irqa[3 mi9aza[ fma8;w kiy8su gvpvzkiyj8an@ gaxaniyj8amb nvrqvz@ un;w ki7irvliy oaruqw kiysiyj8an555 Vq munc've rueanal kiy8sun@ b9niyj8iynw nea dae'aq k9uq3 'v9namaer2 Naxanu kiy8sw fea,;iq ac;u a9063 u xaemans bilieu3 vr he ,oeriym fska Redarun ieovs lik555 karapu a;lieu4

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    Iy k9qiym he munc6 liysabaz :eusrisu kiy8sw xieiyj8amb amvfu3 iy nea amvn faeqa[u fvr kae[vs ,anj he oa8jiym@ zilae'akip .a8liq siskalu555 Ae;an aqvlu 7a8ra9akqvz4 U qve0i jipvz k9uqw3 nsrvz na7,aqie salafarakun 555unc2ie ban a8novs ch5 Redarw3 iym baxiykw srekazevl he bilieun@ Slkiyn8az3 Basul8az jagaqienveun2 fuma fapjqa[ h dv9aru ap0kanuz3 ie ic mua8n mve/vz kam;w ae;a8u3 a8l6@ vpaq maerakuz555 Mra[vz ae;an iy faskazaq@ k9qiym h fev,raku fvr3 ic jv@ kni03 faskazaq3 ba8z@ ic2 ankaevlu h faskanal 555ba8z mu+jv na mus iy ae8iyn ch3 mu .7eiyn3 ,i,a.vlu hak3 uncov+s kaeip he da9nal fankae[ anoaervlu fev,rak555 Usk munc a8d@ .a7ciym he 7acaxgvsr muan'niyfun fala[akan@ ae6vl8an d9nuz ameizu dvou A8eaear3

  • 17

    6 apij;iq amvn@ ataoaeiym hun nea vr6uz ;a9asiyn kiy8sven iy a9a0nied veanvlu Ga8anvn4 Vq fasan juknaoafnvew ae;a8u@ oareasru sevew oaexa[3 iy feaman iynvun aqag asovruz3 ie ovr; h uskiy8n 0aed ran muan'naz4 Vq qa7u mv0@ munc cvn gie[adevl kiy8svew fea,;nven uevnz ka7aedakan keinu@ sksvzun xunqienvew .iyjiq sea7ip7ipn ae8iynalu4 Saka8n@ fea,; he aqvlu3 ie kiy8svew siyeb@ ma8eiyj8amb Ga8anvu2 anm9iync hun zaqun ran0an;nveu sueiq fveisakan@ 6 lik ve0anuk ba7ruz maerueisakan555 Iy qa8evnu xunqienvew kiy8s F9u.sumvun uevnz ,e0anaku mv0 a9a[@ .ie'iym hun ;a8lw gzvl uevnz 7iy/anu3 kam 'v9; duoznvl a9 na2 6 ao,a[ hun3 ie anwndiynak vn ie6h ,ae/iymu555 Munc kiy8sw un;w mirvzaq iy neanz a9a0 [nkvliq anfig@ jvladevz seiq krevl ue lvxiyn3

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    ka9a.narvl 'v9; iy ir;555 Vq ac;ven a8n3 ie rvsvl hun .a9;w Fusiysu3 fankae[ kiyeazan ae8an mv0 faeqa[uz liy8su3 6 kiye[;w kiysakan3 ie keiym he &aca.a8rw fanaoax@ .ekcakan siyeb Ae8amb [[qa[2 jaemazaq kekun ue ae8amb anaoakan3 6 maemunw kiy8su@ ma;iye 7nkvnu3 manevzun mas2mas3 kae[vs ba/un hun faniym@ 8iyea;anc8iye fa8un mu mas555 Iy aqaerqvz 0aedw4 Fangsrazan4 L9vzun4 Fuma 7iefvliy /amanakw vkaq4 Kiy8svew mv9an veaniyj8an mv0@ a9anz ran0an;u3 mua8n@ ,ejnveun _Fusiy~s|2 a^8l h t,maeriyj8iynw3 ;an uevn; gurvn5 biliew faskazan555 Iy faskazaq Redarw qve0aovs3 ie ae;a h vpvl mua8n aera;un .a9;u3 xqaetan;u gi9ix3 6 ie un;w ae;a ch3 a8l@

  • 19

    lik mu 7ix555 >,eqvzun fvjanis da/aniyj8an kipov;nvew vekajv nea seru3 iy bazqvliq d9nvew@ fisvzun gvrvew anaegvl vekna8un anmaf 0eveu555 Iy fv9azaq ae;an@ dae'a[ aeziyn;u fvpvp3 dvou anra9nvew &iseiqu2 sgaliy faqvr ue ankaeg 6 akama gaxaniyj8iynw kieiqu555 Munc Riynw ae;iynakan3 ;iy8ew &iseiqdiy7r3 ie ]eunak he fvxiyj8an3 sraniym h ipiemiyj8iynn Asr[i 6 Fev,raku oargamw fa,riyj8an2 Iy mvkniym vn@ &ie Queaouz oaej6 Geugieun fanvliy3 iye rasnfung raeu u qve aoevz na vekna8un faziq3 fev,raknveu wnkveiyj8amb fea,alu3 munc6 ie ba7rw fa8iz iy biy/iymw uevn fan'nqu555 Iy vkaq Liysaqieucw kiyeaza[ 7mbun a9a0niedvliq3 6 kiyeaniym he amvn i;3 iq na8iym he nean nea dvm;u .a8luz3 asvs@ afa mu nie Miqsvs he u0vl bae'e Suna8uz555

  • 20

    Iy /ipiqiyedw Fa8iz a,7aefu bilie kipmveuz .iyja0an@ ,raoiym he rvsnvl liy8s faga[ maediyn3 ,raoiym he fasnvl fea,agie[iyj8ann ue .ekiyj8an555 Vq Liysaqieucw siyeb@ /ipiqedu mv03 feaoaeakiym kangna[3 ;aeixiym he Xieiyj8an masun Asr[i3 Faeiyj8an masun Naxiqevzu Fusiysu3 Iym ,nief;iq baxiym kap iy bieir3 kiy8e iy liysnir 7aqaea8un /ipiqiyedw fa8kakan biy/qiym he iy zn[iym iyea7iyj8amb ananzakan4 Vq gekvz Geugiew Liysaqieuc Redaru anmaedaza[ gliy7w fv[v[ip3 ie mu,r 7inaefa[ he amijuz2 laz vpaq siyebw nea fvr3 girvondvz mafiy fiysafar ae;a8un@ ,aeiynak iysiyzanvliq ipiemiyj8an masun asrqa[a8un555 Iy feaquevliq ae;a8un oalar@ ue 'v9;iq siyeb Geugiew devz ae;a8akan jagw Redaru 7inaefa[ gl7un iy nean mvknvz jagaqieakan ]efna[ [ueanun555 Iy masiyn;nvew siyeb kiysanaz Fa8iz Ae;an un;w faqa;vliq@ am.i.iym he iy ka9iyziym vkvpvzunve a8nrvp3

  • 21

    iye Liysaqieucw Fa8e rvsulw rvsaq Mua[un Asr[i2 veb Fusiys >ekucw Un;w u0nvliq fa8iz fipun2 iskv miyetw xaenvliq@ fum; devz Siyeb H0mua[nu Fa8eaovrakan Aji9un4 Iy a9aq Redar Ae;an ue sapaqaern iy nuxakw@ Liysaqiecu ;afana8akan ]efniyj8amb2 iy faniyn t,maeur Asr[i suei ma;evz vekuew fa8iz migveu [vsveuz anbaei4 :andvz saesa.u gae, mvf8annvew3 k9qvz d6veu dvm@ muaza[ /ipiqedun2 siyefandaknve iypaekvz vekeu bilie kipmvew siyeb keinu wndiynman masun4 Iy [nqvzun umasriyj8an fantaeu xaqaknvew fa8iz2 ic jv vpvgan .ipuz3 ic jv [iy7 iy bizuz ieovs Qafagn siyr xieiyj8iyn2 a8l ieovs kvndanu Asr[i Siyeb Figiy ankipioiyr /a9angiyj8iyn4 A8sovs nie k8an;u gaeiynw vkaq Fa8iz fun andasraniym2 iy [apkvz Baeiy [a9w oriypnveiq anfarniym555 A8sovs Fa8iz A,7aefw feaqueqvliq Rinun vekna8un Faesanvaz3

  • 22

    ta,akvz Svpanuz anmaf >vsa8u2 baev7isiyj8amb@ ;a9asiyn maerueis a8n siyeb kiysanaz2 qanama8ew umasriyn@ 7earariy Siyeb Ga8anvn3 6 anmi9analu 7acakue diysren a8n@ c;nap F9u.sumvn555 Vq ciynu faqasae a8l mu gan' Fa8iz Andasranw3 ;an masiyn;u qea neanz 7i8aza[ Siyeb &ieanw4