the merciad, may 6, 1983

President Reaga n T elephones Gar vey ; To Com mend Nevvl Car ee r Ins titute B y Carta Anderson MERCIAD Assistant Editor Ronald Reagan, president of the United States, telephoned Dr. William P. Garvey, Mer- cyhurst president, on Thurs- day, April 28 r - Reagan called to commend Dr. Garvey on the college's Mercyhurst * Career Institute (MCI) which offers a solution to unemployment and job retraining. "No"other school offers a full year of ollege for free on such a unique and wide scale,*' said Garvey, The MCI program began April 18 and offers certificate training in six occupational <«: skills. Forty-three people are currently enrolled, and more people will begin classes this summer, according to Dr. Garvey. The center will retrain 200 unemployed people for new caree rs in the next year. Reagan said the program justified his., hopes that the American people would take the challenge to retrain themselves," said Garvey. "He said it vindicated his belief that the American peo- ple are|self-reliant enough to pull themselves through this time of high unemployment," Garvey recalled. Reagan called the college three times-before he reached Dr. Garvey. The first time he called, Dr. Garvey wasn't in the office. The second time, Dr. Garvey was viewing part of the baseball game at the field. 44 When I was told that the President was trying to reach me, I thought it was a joke," said Dr. Garvey. "It was quite a surprise to me." DrJGarvey said, "As soon as I heard that voice, I knew it was the* President." Dr. Garvey fee ls J that Reagan is "warm and vibrant." "I understand now why he is call- ed the great communicator. It is his greatest asset," added Garvey. £ « £ |K * ~ t Continue d on page 6 1983-84 Merciad Editors Selected Editor Carl a Anderson Ca r la Anderson, a junior at Mercyhurst has been selected to serve as Editor of The Merciad for the 1983-84 academic year. Anderson, a Fair view native, is a Communications major with a concentration in journalism and public relations. | & This year Anderson served as Assista nt Editor for The Merciad. She is a' Dean's List Scholar^and has served as the Director of Public Relations for Fair view School District during her internship. The selection committee con- sisted of Richard Garcia, Merciad dvisor; E. William- Kennedy, director of student service s; David Palmer, academic dean; Donna Peterson, Merciad editor; Richard Ragan, communications depart- ment director and Dave Robin- son, MSG president. "I have no doubts that The Merciad will be in very capable hands in 1983-84. Carla will surely be a success at providing Mer- cyhurst with a publication that is newsworthy, entertaining and in- formative," said Peterson. Anderson explained her expec- tations for next year.^'I want to maintain the first class status of the newspaper and make sure The Merciad remains a newsworthy publication for.the Mercyhurst community." "Carla has proven her abilities as assistant editor this year and has the qualities and training essential to step into the editor's * job," said Garcia. "We have every reason to ex- pect her to lead .The * Merciad honestly, fairly and J with profes- sionalism next year," added Garcia. "I am very anxious to get j o work on The Merciad. I have a great staff and a solid editorial board to work with ," said Ander - son. "I can't wait to g et started!" she added. Martha Camp, a junior at Mer- cyhurst College, has been selected as Assistant Editor for The Mer- ciad for the 1983-84 academic year. £ The selection committee con- sisted of Carla Anderson, 1983-84 Merciad editor; Richard J. Gar- cia, Merciad advisor; E. William Kennedy, director of student ser- vices; David D. Palmer, academic dean; Donna Peterson, Merciad ditor; Richard Ragan, com- munications department director; nd Dave Robinson, Mercyhurst Student Government (MSG) president. r This year Camp served as Feature Editor for The Merciad. Sh e is an Oil City native, an Egan Assistant Editor Martha Camp Scholar, a n d a - junior Communications-Print major. The recipient of a Presidential Leadershi p ^Scholar ship, Camp has been doing^a journalism in- ternship at t he Lake Shore V isitor in Erie since September. The responsibilities of the Assistant Editor are to assist the Editor of the newspaper in any areas needed, input in editorial positions, to ; act as editor when necessary to write, edit, and do page layout. £ "Martha is very qualified for the position. She is a dedicated worker and has outstanding jour- nalistic skills," said Anderson. "She is truly an asset to The Mer- ciad," she added. \ According to Camp, she went out for the position of Assistant Editor because it would be a good experience, and she enjoys work- ing on The Merciad. "I'm really looking forward to working with the staff next year.* We have a lot of talented people and hard workers. 1 hope we can maintain a first class paper," she added. On stage in the Campus Center, comedian David Brenner entertains a sellout Mercy hurst/ Erie crowd on Saturday night. Cordes Resigns As Director. Coach Garry Cordes, former director of the Criminal Justice depart- ment, resigned late last week for "personal reasons," according to Academic Dean Dr. David Palmer. * The resignation, which became effective Monday, May 2 at 9:00 a.m., was prompted by the health of Cordes* wife, Palmer said. With only three weeks left in the term, Dr. Palmer said that he will direct the department, work- in g clos ely with the other Criminal Justice faculty members,,-rather than appoint an interim depart- ment director. During the sum- mer, a department head will be named, Palmer said. Cordes was teaching only one clas s this term , which will now be taught by John Nee, along with two internships, which will be taken over by Ray Fiynt or Peter Benekos, of the Criminal Justice faculty. , t K His*bther'job as head of the baseball team will be assumed the rest of the seas on by Fred Conger, first assistant football coach and Physical Education Instructor. Palmer doesn't see this disrup- tion as having any negative effects on the students, especi all y as Cor- des alre ady had much of his cla ss material prepared. "I think the transition will be quite smooth," Palmer said. . .> There should be "very little in- terruption in academics," Palmer added. .* I Incumbent editor Donna Peter- son said, "The Assistant Editor position is an important one in the organization of The Merciad, pro- viding support, high technical competency, and managerial skills. Martha ^has all of these qualities and more." "Martha is an exceptionally talented -journalist. Her profes- siona l attitude, experience; and maturity make her a natural for |the Assistant Editor's job," said Garcia. Inside p|3 Brenner! p interview p. k Brennef p|5^ApartiTfetit3 p|8 Sports! *-•

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President Reagan Telephones Garvey;To Commend NevvlCareer Institute

By Carta AndersonMERCIAD Assistant EditorRonald Reagan, president of

the United States, telephonedDr. William P. Garvey, Mer-cyhurst president, on Thurs-day, April 28r -

Reagan called to commendDr. Garvey on the college'sMercyhurst * Career Institute(MCI) which offers a solutionto unemployment and jobretraining.

"No"other school offers a

full year of college for free onsuch a unique and wide scale,*'said Garvey,

The MCI program beganApril 18 and offers certificatetraining in six occupational

< « :

skills. Forty-three people arecurrently enrolled, and morepeople will begin classes thissummer, according to Dr.Garvey. The center will retrain200 unemployed people fornew careers in the next year.

Reagan said the programjustified his., hopes that the

American people would takethe challenge to retrainthemselves," said Garvey."He said it vindicated hisbelief that the American peo-

ple are|self-reliant enough topull themselves through thistime of high unemployment,"Garvey recalled.

Reagan called the collegethree times-before he reached

Dr. Garvey. The first time hecalled, Dr. Garvey wasn't inthe office. The second time,Dr. Garvey was viewing part ofthe baseball game at the field.44When I was told that thePresident was trying to reachme, I thought it was a joke,"said Dr. Garvey. "It was quitea surprise to m e."

DrJGarvey said, "As soonas I heard that voice, I knew itwas the* President." Dr.Garvey feels J that Reagan is

"warm and vibrant." "Iunderstand now why he is call-ed the great communicator. Itis his greatest asset," addedGarvey. £ «•£ |K *

~ t Continued on page 6

1983-84 Merciad Editors Selected

EditorCarla Anderson

Car la Anderson, a junior atMercyhurst has been selected toserve as Editor of The Merciad forthe 1983-84 academic year.

Anderson, a Fair view native, isa Communications major with aconcentration in journalism andpublic relations. | &

This year Anderson served asAssistant Editor for The Merciad.She is a' Dean's List Scholar andhas served as the Director ofPublic Relations for FairviewSchool District during herinternship.

The selection committee con-sisted of Richard Garcia, Merciadadvisor; E. William- Kennedy,director of student services; DavidPalmer, academic dean; DonnaPeterson, M erciad editor; RichardRagan, communications depart-ment director and Dave Robin-son, MSG president.

"I have no doubts that TheMerciad will be in very capablehands in 1983-84. Carla will surelybe a success at providing Mer-cyhurst with a publication that isnewsworthy, entertaining and in-formative," said Peterson.

Anderson explained her expec-tations for next year.^'I want tomaintain the first class status ofthe newspaper and make sure TheMerciad remains a newsworthypublication for.the Mercyhurstcommunity."

"Carla has proven her abilitiesas assistant editor this year andhas the qualities and trainingessential to step into the editor's *

job," said Garcia."We have every reason to ex-

pect her to lead .The * Merciadhonestly, fairly and Jwith profes-sionalism next year," addedGarcia.

"I am very anxious to get j owork on The Merciad. I have agreat staff and a solid editorialboard to work with ," said Ander-son. "I can't wait to get started!"she added.

Martha Camp, a junior at Mer-cyhurst College, has been selectedas Assistant Editor for The Mer-ciad for the 1983-84 academicyear. £

The selection committee con-sisted of Carla Anderson, 1983-84Merciad editor; Richard J. Gar-cia, Merciad advisor; E. WilliamKennedy, director of student ser-vices; David D. Palmer, academicdean; Donna Peterson, Merciadeditor; Richard Ragan, com-munications department director;and Dave Robinson, MercyhurstStudent Government (MSG)president. r

This year Camp served asFeature Editor for The Merciad.She is an Oil City native, an Egan

Assistant EditorMartha Camp

S c h o l a r , a n d a - j u n i o rCommunications-Print major.The recipient of a PresidentialLeadership ^Scholarship, Camphas been doing^a journalism in-ternship at the Lake Shore V isitorin Erie since September.

The responsibilities of theAssistant Editor are to assist theEditor of the newspaper in anyareas needed, input in editorialpositions, to ; act as editor whennecessary to write, edit, and dopage layout. £

"Martha is very qualified forthe position. She is a dedicatedworker and has outstanding jour-nalistic skills," said Anderson."She is truly an asset to The Mer-ciad," she added. \

According to Camp, she wentout for the position of AssistantEditor because it would be a goodexperience, and she enjoys work-ing on The Merciad. "I'm reallylooking forward to working withthe staff next year.* We have a lotof talented people and hardworkers. 1 hope we can maintain afirst class paper," she added.

On stage in the Campus Center, comedian David Brenner entertains asellout Mercyhurst/Erie crowd on Saturday night.

Cordes Resigns As

Director. CoachGarry Cordes, former directorof the Criminal Justice depart-ment, resigned late last week for"personal reasons," according toAcademic Dean Dr. DavidPalmer. *

The resignation, which becameeffective Monday, May 2 at 9:00a.m., was prompted by the healthof Cordes* wife, Palmer said.

With only three weeks left inthe term, Dr. Palmer said that hewill direct the department, work-ing closely with the other CriminalJustice faculty members,,-ratherthan appoint an interim depart-ment director. During the sum-mer, a department head will benamed, Palmer said.

Cordes was teaching only oneclass this term , which will now be

taught by John Nee, along withtwo internships, which will betaken over by Ray Fiynt or PeterBenekos, of the Criminal Justicefaculty. ,t K

His*bther'job as head of thebaseball team will be assumed therest of the season by Fred Congerfirst assistant football coach andPhysical Education Instructor.

Palmer doesn't see this disrup-tion as having any negative effectson the students, especially as Cor-des already had much of his classmaterial prepared.

"I think the transition will bequite smooth," Palmer said...> There should be "very little in-

terruption in academics," Palmeradded. .* I

Incumbent editor Donna Peter-son said, "The Assistant Editorposition is an important one in theorganization of TheMerciad, pro-viding support, high technicalcompetency, and managerialskills. Martha has all of thesequalities and more."

"Martha is an exceptionallytalented -journalist. Her profes-sional attitude, experience; andmaturity make her a natural for|the Assistant Editor's job," saidGarcia.

Insidep|3 Brenner!p interviewp. k Brennef


p|8 Sports!

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On Taking A ChanceSome short take s../The 1983-84 editorial leaders off the MERCIAD were

chosen last week and will assume management of thenewspaper in mid-May. The new Editor and Assistant Editor,

Carla Anderson and Martha Camp respectively, both possessthe drive, the ambition, and the talent to produce an A-lpublication with a well-trained, well-supervised staff.

As the two new editors already realize, it is not easy to writeand design a weekly newspaper and expect to please each andevery one of the more than 2,000 readers. But they knew thatwhen they applied for their posts and didn't let it discouragethem. For anyone entering a new position, the MSG officersfor example, the support of the college is so important. Whatthey do can only become better if the community offers feed-back, both positive and negative. As one academic year closesand another goes into the planning stages, everyone shouldtake notice of the new student Jeadership core and let themknow what you think.

The success off the sellout David Brenner concert last Satur-day night must be credited to the dedicated efforts;of theMSG reps who worked for months on the event. The ticketsales, publicity, stage, lighting, audio, and coordinating crewsmade the performance professional and pleasant. The risk in

bringing in a top-name comedian was well-worth taking.MSG took the chance and it paid off. The crowd size andspirit proved that. Hopefully, the major special event willbecome an annual occurrence for Mercyhurst in the*future.


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A fter Successful Concert

David BrennerTalks ToTheMerciad

By Donna J. PetersonMERCIAD E ditor

, I knew it was going to be a longday when my mother called mejearly Saturday morning and said,"D on't be nervous foryour DavidBrenner interview. This is pro-

'bably going to be the biggest dayof your life besides your wedding

:day, but don't be nervous."That didn't help matters.-1 was

j nervous. I was scheduled to meetDavid Brenner at his hotel room

•at the Erie Hilton at 2:00 r£m.with MERCIAD yphotographerRich Forsgren. After gettingdressed and scrutinizing my lineof questions one last time, I wasready'togo.

| Unfortunately, Brenner wasn't.Wydetta Carter (the MSG Rep

who brilliantly planned and pro-duced the concert from the latedays of January up through'herlimo-ride with the Brenner en-tourage from the Campus Center


'back to the Hilton) tracked,medown shortly after lunch and

• reported that the comedian wastired from a Friday night perfor-mance in Philadelphia and an ear-ly flight and wanted to sleep allafternoon. However, he apologiz-ed and asked to reschedule ourmeeting for immediately follow-ing the concert. Of course I wasdisappointed, but 1 accepted.

Arriving at the Campus Centerat 7:00 p.m. and waiting in theline as the rain which fell all dayc o n t i n u e d to m i s e r a b l yprecipitate, I sensed* the excite-ment in the crowd. Erie so rarely

has big-name entertainment on itsstages, especially a comedian.Once inside, every chair andbleacher quickly became oc-cupied. It was a sellout. Peoplewere standing in the aisles.

Young Bob Borgia Jr., a localmagician with amazing talent, wasthe warm-up act for Brenner. Hisexecution? of "The Metamor-phosis" leftk the audience askingone another in awe, "How did hedo it?" At 8:30, Borgia left thestage and moments later DavidBrenner walked on, facing an en-

thusiastic standing ovation.Clad in a grayish-blue three

piece suit minus the tie, the first'quip the South Philadelphianative threw to the crowd wentsomething like, "Somehow I

always knew my career would endup in Erie, Pennsylvania." We allloved it and he picked that up.What followed was a string ofErie and Mercyhurst digs whichwere hilariously true. He explain-ed that he was bored and thoughthe'd drive through Erie to see thetown for "the most thrilling sevenminutes of my life." When hepulled up .at the gates of Mer-cyhurst he said a man asked him ifhe'd like his film developed, A lit-tle later on, someone brought upthe name M

Mercyhurst," citingJoan Rivers' mispronounciation -"Mercyheart" - on the "Tonight

Show" v> hen she guest-hosted andBrenner appeared.

"It sounds l ike *Mer-

or in his book. He is the writer,co-owner,!and star of a new TVcomedy series to debut uppn con-firmation from a major network;his book is being studied for amovie adaptation; and he is col-laborating on the penning of aBroadway play. Besides all that,he is constantly on the roadalthough he is "tired of travell-

ing ," he confessed.

1 1I ijr^

r *

Donna Peterson interviews David Brenner following his performancelast Saturday night in the Campus Center.

cyhearse,'" observed Brenner."Yeah, she died, call 'Mer-cyhearse,' I hear • they're;* realnice. * ~

The one-hour concert featuredmainly new material which thecomi<rconfes[sed he was testing onthis audience for later -use ontelevision. His humor is diverse,intelligent, and timely. There werejokes about television, theeconomy, James Watt, gettingolder, fat people, ("You know so-meone's fat when you *hit themwith a Frisbee and it sticks orwhen they put,, on a pair of cor-duroys and all the ridges disap-pear."), New York City loonies,doctors ("I've always*!wanted toinvite a doctor over to my placeand'make him wait about fourhours forme .") , why the guy whoinvented acupuncture must havebeen a weirdo, and why you onlyfind oneshoe on the highway.

?My interview was to take placein the Campus Center "FootballRoom" and that's where I sta-tioned myself at 9:30 when Bren-ner left the stage. Matt Duska,MERCIAD cartoonist, was thewinner of the comedian'*s newautobiography, Soft PretzelsWith Mustard, along with thechance to meet"Brenner. He waspresent 'for the interview alongwith Forsgren, j Wydetta Carter,magician Borgia, two of Bren-

ner's friends, and his manager.When he came in, I noticed he hadchanged his clothes and was nowwearing a pair of well-worndesigner jeans, a pullover sweater,and a casual jacket. I sat in aswivel chair while he relaxed onlya foot away on a leather couch.My tape recorder sat on the tablebeside him. He looked tired but itdidn't5 show in the interview. I

asked the questions and he tookt h e b a l l . I was at easeimmediately.

Several projects are being tackl-ed by Brenner Iwhich I had notpreviously heard of on television

Mercyhurst is the smallest col-lege David > Brenner has everplayed. "In fact I was at a partythe other night and there weremore people at the party; it was asmall apartment "^arty in "thesouthern section of New Xprk,"

he joked. VThe audience is always best at a

college, commented Brenner."You're sharper, more alert,more sophisticated, brighter, andnipper." The size of the Mer-

cyhurst crowd impressed Brenner."The college itself s small but theturnout was 2,000.1 could play atone of the Big Ten schools andhave 1,800 people show up.That's a small college.".•i The life of David Brenner pro-vides a model of ambition, ofdrive. He successfully m ade it outof the almost ghetto-like South

Philadelphia "Neighborhood"where he grew up, he acquired asuccessful career as a documen-tary film-maker at WestinghouseBroadcasting after graduationgwith a»B.A. in Communicationsfrom Temple, and he J left thatcareer to attempt what$he reallydesired: becoming a comedian.Based on his own experiences, Iasked Brenner what hewould tella college student in 1983 who ispreparing to face the world andbegin a career.

"It's (more important to besmart than to be intelligent," hesta ted wi thout hesi ta t ion ."You've gotta use your smarts."If something isn't;working foryou, try something else, he en-couraged. "Just because you ma-

jored in something doesn't meanyoulhave to stay in that. If so-meone asks you, 'What?did youdo with your life?' and you tellthem, 4Oh , I tried 100 differentt h i n g s , ' it hat, in itself issomething." >

I asked Brenner when he willknow when he's hit his peak andit's time to move on to somethingelse. "That's a good question,"he* responded, saying that he'lljudge that by two criteria: whenhe can't draw the crowds anymore


and when performing isn't funanymore. Brenner, who will make

his 133rd appearance on the"Tonight Show" on May 12,reflected on his career. "If you goup real fast like a rocket, you'regoing to come down like a rocketbut if you plot along in a nicegradual incline over the -yearswhen it starts to go down, it'll godown slowly, building a strongfoundation ... I think I'll declinethe same way. I don't think I'll be

an overnight" failure because Iwasn't an overnight success."Brenner made his first televisionappearance on the ^ "TonighShow" in January of 1971. I1975, he said "it started to get reahot, and in 1976, it exploded."

Always wondering how comedians could psyche themselves upfor a concert and be funny even itheir physical and mental statewere not conducive for an ontarget performance, I wanted toknow how Brenner did it. "It's stimulous response, a Pavlovianthing. My foot hits the stage andforget about the world. And thenwhen I come offstage, as soon amy foot hits the wings, I forgeabout the stage."

Making people feel good an

m a k i n g ' them l a u g h ieverything" to David Brenne

jThat's what it's all about," hsaid. "You're sort of like the doctor who cares for the person in themergency ward before* thsurgeon gets there. You calmthem down, you make them feegood. "Everything's gonna balright, we found out what it isYou /got a spike through youheart. Hey Gsten, there's a lot opeople like this. We'll remove thspike. A little machine'll take carof you. When he goes in for th

Continued on page


4 4



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DavidBrenner...after the showBy Rich Forsgren

* *

j *y



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Apartments:1 Favored Campus Housing

By Fran IVfoavero

\ MERCIAD News EditorStudents applying for apartments last week discovered it was the favored place to reside for the up-

coming year. * fApproximately 216 students sought one of the 36 available apartments which house 144 students.Although apartments were awarded on a point system, students crowded the hallway of second floor

Main and the office of Housing and Safety Director, Phyllis Aiello, to assure'themselves of anapartment.

Aiello awards apartments through the point* system rather than on a first come basis because"everybody has the same shot," she said. if *

Competition for apartments was limited to juniors and seniors because the number of applicants washigher as compared to other years. "Th e original intention of the college is to house juniors and seniorsin the apartments," Aiello said. I £

Upperclassmen who presently live off-campus decided to return to on-campus housing causing an in-crease of apartment applicants.

Aiello cited another reason why it was so difficult to acquire an apartment. "Students are retainingtheir apartments because they like the 11festyle. Those students who stay, eliminate the.youngerpopulation." r

Presidents apartment building (third building) was the most sought after building with 23 groups ofstudents interested in residing there. Twenty-two groups applied for Founders while 14 groups wantedto live in the Mercy apartments.

Third floor front apartments facing Old Main were the most requested, Aiello said. Points weredetermined by the academic credit of each student.

Aiello tried to accommodate students with their first or second choices. However, if neither choicewas available, Aiello placed them in an apartment which was in the building they specified.Students who did not have sufficient points to get an apartment will be forced to live in the resident

halls another year or seek off-campus housing.Those students who selected to live in the dorm another year signed up yesterday. This process was

done on a seniority basis using a lottery system, Aiello said. Seniors were first, followed by juniors andsophomores.i j

We are now accepting applications for iST UDE NT ASSI ST ANT SHI PS

Appl icat ions may b e picked u p fromJoy McQui l len in John Nesbit 's office,

1st floor, Old Main .

A complete l isting o f available positionswil l appear in next week's MERCI A D .

Fall Termschedules w illbe available inthe Registrar'sofficeMonday,

May 9th.Registration

will be held onMay 16,17 and18 in the BineRoom,and in

the Registrar's

Office May 19: and 20th.


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The New SACOfficers Assume Duties

By Amy Wood worthMERCIAD Staff Reporter

The Student Activities Commit-tee (SAC) officer core]for the1983-84 academic year has been

selected. ^A selection committee con-sisting of Marjorie McDermott,director of the Student Union;Dave Robinson, MSG President;John Jones, SAC chairperson;and L aura Copney, outgoing SACchairperson led an interview pro-cess exploring each candidate'squalifications.b "We directed each candidatethrough a series of questions andasked them their plans for nextyear if chosen," explained Jones.

Everyone on the selection com-mittee offered valuable opinionsand comments. They were a greathelp," Jones added. *

The position of SAC secretary

will be filled by freshman PatCallahan. "I feel very qualifiedand happy to be a part of SAC,"said; Callahan. "We have ourwork cut out for us, and as a

group, we're anxious to makenext year a success," he added.Callahan will also be publishing

an SAC newsletter on a bi-weeklybasis, lit will contain pointsbrought up during SAC meetings,information on up-coming eventson the campus as well as withinthe Mercyhurst community, and areport of past events.

Sophomore James Sherrod wass e l e c t e d f o r S A C v i c e -chairperson. "He is qualified andhas always been involved withSAC. I know 1 can depend onhim," Jones said. {

Freshm an. Christie Smith willserve as SAC treasurer. "I haveheld similar offices in high school

Reagan Phone Call (continued from page 1)

President Reagan asked Dr.Garvey if federal regulationsp o s e d a p r o b l e m i nestablishing the pilot program."I told him that one problemfrom the beginning was that ifpeople were unemployed, theycould not go to school," Dr.Garvey said. He explained that

state and federal regulationsgoverning unemployment com-pensation prevent unemployedpeople from going to college."I told him that state and

federal government had towaive the regulation for theprogram," added Garvey.» -

Reagan told Garvey.he wasunaware of the regulation andsaid he would immediatelybegin taking steps to eliminatethat clause ofjthe unemploy-ment regulations.^According to Garvey, itheWashington Department ofEducation, at the request ofthe White House, called Mer-cyhurst on Monday, May 2 to

Attend the Walter Conti Lecture §, )"The Food Service Industry • WeGet no Respect"

Thursday, May 12,1:00 p.m. Zum Recital Hall



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and feel I am capable of keepingthe books and managing* thefunds," said Smith. "I hope to dothe job as well as Joanie Podolin-ski has done this past-year," sheadded.

The director of public relationswill be filled by two officers nextyear. Junior Brent Scarpo andsophomore Jean Moniewski willbe holding the position, and hope

to improve this facet of SAC.As part of next year's publicrelations drive, SAC hopes toestablish a representative fromeach dorm to receive input fromstudents and help ini t iateactivities.

The new SAC also has big plansfor next year with activities in-cluding film festivals, movies, in-viting small bands to entertainand establishing the Christmasformal as a tradition. *

"We have many ideas andgoals," said Jone s. "We all workreally well together and I am look-ing forward to next year, it oughtto be the best SAC ever," headded.

check into the problem withthe federal regulations., forMci.! ,


Dr.^Garvey also said that aletter was sent to PresidentReagan on Tuesday, May 3 in-viting him to come to Mer-cyhurst this summer or nextfall to meet some of the careersprogram participants and tourthe campus. *J "f f

Garvey said, "PresidentReagan said he thought theprivate college sector should becommended for coming for-ward and establishing such aprogram.' '

Dr. Garvey said it was greatto talk with Reagan for tenminutes. "It was a very plea-

sant experience."



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President RobinsonTakes Gavet At Meeting

By Darlene NolanMERCIAD Staff Reporter |

At the Mercyhurst StudentGovernment (MSG) meeting onTuesday, May 3, the newly elected

officer core took their posts to runthe meeting. MSG President,Dave Robinson welcomed the newdepartment representatives for1983-84.

Junior Maria Haas of the Stu-dent Dietetics Association (SDA)approached the government witha request of $347 for herself andfour other members of the SDA toattend a state dietetic convention.

After a long discussion, Englishrepresentative Brent Scarpo madea motion to deny the request forfunding. The motion was second-ed by Karen Gens, Business Ad-ministration representative.

A roll call vote was taken andthe result was, 11 yes,. 0 no, and 4abstentions. The motion was car-ried to deny funding to the SDA.

Next, the officers familiarizedthe new government {members


and .Letters tothe EditorDeadl ine


4 p .m.T u es d a y s



with outstanding proposwill be implemented du1983-84 administration. Sthe proposals include: Texchange proposal, the

Union recreation proposthe large screen TV anrecorder proposal. Tig

iWydetta Carter, Chaof Specia l| Projects repothe David Brenner concwas a great success," sThe event was sold out a2,000 tickets were sold. Tners of Soft PretzelsMustard books by Dayid.B

were Matthew Duska and Lanzillo.

A cco rd ing to Ronominations for senator pin MSG and the Collegewill take place at the next on Tuesday, May 10 at 3:in 114 Zurn. "Nominatisenators are open to all stuM ercyhur s t Co l lege , "Robinson.

Sign Up For The"Small Iron Classi.

on Activities Day.Contact Campus Ministry





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MAY 6,1983 PAGE

T.V. Music, Dancing, Peppermint& YOU!! Sounds Great! LoveYou!! Christina *

Janet , We are looking forward tonext year, Roomies

Seniors Anyone no t needing alltheir commencement exercisetickets, please notify P.O . Box824 - I ' l l pay for them. %;

Mom ... I Love You! HappyMother's Day, Carta

Congratst Martha, Fran, Karen,Mary J o , Amy, an d Darlene! I' mlooking forward to next year,Carla

Happy Mother's Da y Mom! Imiss you and love you! Dingy Nol

Darlene an d Debbie, Thank yo ufor the surprise party! It's great tohave such caring roommates!!Chief *

I wonder what it's like to live with

an ed i to r a nd a bus iness W JLJL £4 JLmanager??? Oh well, I'll find ou t . * •

feHSJilSro Security Conference£ £ ™ V l S UP ' y

°U ^ a

There will be a conference for |oiggyi.. ue n professionals in the securityTield

PLAGESr*WHAT'ARE'YOU $« s e n t e d . % }h° J j j O KDOING FOR THE NEXT FOUR Chapter of th e Arnencan SocietyW E E K S ' " ' for Industrial Security an a the Of-

fice of Community Education at^ & ^ Mercyhurst. Th e conference will

you sure one of those strippers in *e M* « J W e d nte sd

0a^ ^ i

the movie -H o te l " wasn'i you?f[™

1! *<>a

f 't 0 *:30


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Wanted: One "Queen of Biff* to j r90


do work "on location" on up and T able T enn i s C l u bcoming movie "Th e Apple Or- . . . . .chard". Interviews at Squire Biff c l u b

meetings ar e held everyj n c

MTuesday an d Thursday eveningfrom 7 to l l l . There is a $2.00

Lisa *C.'of* MS G*- '-H ow man'y membership charge, which en -faces do you have?" ? compasses equipment use. For

more information, contact PierreFound in Education Office Watch Donyegro, president at 825-4413.

and dufne bag. if you've lost At te nt io n R u n n er seither of the above, please contact *^**^

Mrs. Kaliszak in the Education Anyone interested in ParticipatingOffice 446 an d th

f H a m o t 1 0 « k l l ° n , ™ a ° "Sunday, June 5, should}Contact


s 0 n

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Any 1982-83' Merciad Staff

Members Wishing ToPlay Softball-Fpf

Activities Weekendr

I Should ContactDonna Peterson

In Egan Room 39.







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blank.HRM Speaker

The HRM department will behosting a speaker, Walter Contion Thursday, May 12 at-1 p.m. inZurn Recital Hall. Hi s topic willbe "The Food Service Industry /We Get No Respect." Everyone iswelcome to attend.

Activities W eekendSign-up for the co-ed SoftballTournament for Saturday, Ma y14 as soon as possible. The gameswill begin at 3 p.m. Register in th eMSG office, or call Mike Smith at825-4671. Also, sign-up for thethree, per son relay rac e,; Paddle-Peddle-Hoof in the MS office, orcallLeann Felmlee at 825-4471.

This event will be on Saturda y the14th at 2 p.m. ;*

a.m. to 1 p.m. in Garvey PaThere will be a $1.00 registrati

fee.Foreign Study

The \ Mercyhurst Foreign StuProgram is offering students topportunity to study ten weeksthe Mercyhurst campus, an d lfour weeks in a Mexican villaThe courses are designed to hthe student gain th e most frommonth-long experience living incasita in the village of AjyicLake Chapala near GuadalajaFor more information contact DMarilynn Jewell.

Graduation MassAny students interested in planing graduation m ass should a ttea meeting on Monday, May 9 ap.m. in 210 Main.

Attention GolfersCampus Ministry will be sponsor-ing th e first!annual "MercyhurstSmall Iron Classic" on Saturday,May 14 at 1:30 p.m. on ActivitiesD ay . S ign -up in C a m p u sMinistry, or on£May 14 from 10

If your club, organization, odepartment would like to have aannouncement printed in "What'son Tap?", please contact CartaAnderson, assistant editor at 8257812, or the Merciad office. Announcements are due by noon onWednesday. No fee is cha rged.

Brenner from page 3operation he thinks he's got achance ... The real surgeon isyourself. A comedian only makesyou feel better temporarily."

After the^ interview, Brennersaid he would most likely go to"The Props Room" lounge in

downtown Erie where young com-edians, many from New York Ci -ty , perform.?. Looking fo rsomething to do ourselves, myfriends and I headed for "TheProps Room, too. Shortly after

our arrival, David Brenner and friends came through th e doHe sat in a corner and enjoyed two talented comics just like trest of us. Before he left he signa few autographs, includingcopy of Soft Pretzels, W

Mustard, owned by newappointed MERCIAD NeEditor Karen Merkle.

My mother was right. This wone of the biggest days of my li\n d I enjoyed every minute of


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First Mercyhurst Gridder SignsFree Agent Contract With NFL

By Greg YokoMERCIAD Co-Sports EditorThe IMercyhurst College Foot-

ball program has taken anothergiant step towards respectability

and notoriety with the signing ofits first football player to a Na-tional Football League (NFL)contract. , v?

Senior Rich Passerotti, a 6*4",260 pound transfer from BucknellCollege, who started for the'Hurst last year^at offensiveguard, has signed a contract withthe Cleveland Browns, fk *

An interesting detail of the con-tract is that Passerotti has a no-cut clause which will guaranteethat he will play through rookiecamp. • • >

The Criminal Justice major waslooked I at by the United States


Football League (twice), thePhiladelphia Eagles and theBlesto Scouting Combine beforesigning w ith the Browns.

According to Laker HeadCoach Tony DeMeo, Passerottihas been looked at for;;variousreasons. .

"Before we put him on the of-fensive line, he had playedprimarily on defense; this is oneof the aspects which the pros lookfor. A player* who has theknowledge and (experience of'playing on both offense anddefense, said DeMeo. -

Other advantages which helpedPasserotti where the facts that hewas the offensive center in pun-ting situations and he is quick foran offensive lineman (5.1 in 40

« * •

yard dash).These attributes will aid

Passerotti in his bidho make aprofessional team. y

When asked what he thoughtPasserotti's chances were of mak-ing Cleveland's -team, DeMeoanswered, "good".

4The reason," he added, "isthat normal free agents are play-ing in the U SFL." •£*' f

In related news, DeMeoreflected that scouts for the USFLhave spent an entire day just hereat Mercyhurst, and they wereimpressed.

That may not sound like much,but there are only seven scouts forthe entire league. 5h The Laker mentor also revealedthat" there have been 42 recruitswho have confirmed their enroll-ment at Mercyhurst.

Included in fthat group is bigman Dave Sawicki.

Sawicki, 6'6" and 240 pounds,hails from St. Ed 's High School inCleveland.

Conger NamedBaske tball Mentor

Fred Conger, Assistant Foot-ball Head Co ach, has been namedinterim baseball coach, replacingGarry Cordes. '^Conger served for three years as

Head Baseball Coach at Mor-risville High School in EasternPennsylvania where1 he received"Coach of the Year" honors.

"He (Conger) was the naturalchoice," said Athletic | Coor-dinator Tony DeMeo, "He has a

Laker pitcher, Junior Scott Lucas, attempts to shoot down theRockets of Slippery Rock College. Lucas' efforts weren't enough,

however, as Mercyhurst dropped both games of the doubleheader.

Season Final!!Men's Division II Individual Leaders:


1 Danny Dixon, Alabama A IM . SR 27 010 33.7

2 Joe Dickson, Merrimack J R 27 709 26.3

3. Bill Rausch, Slippery Rock ... SR 25 630 25.24. John Green, Mercyhurst SO 28 682 24.45. Rick Moorhead, Franklin J. , . . JR 23 558 24.3

FREE-THROW PERCENTAGE(Mln . 2.5 FT m a d e pe r game)


1. Joe Sclafani, New Haven SR 28 66 98 87.82. Mark Butigan , Bridgeport .......SO 28 107 122 87.7

3. Ray Carroll, Lowell .«SR .28 98 112 87.54. Brad Ranson, Southern Colo. SR 30 132 151 87.45. John G reen, Mercyhurst SO 28 130 149 87.2

great rapport with kids."DeMeo also stated that Conger

will, "more than likely be retainedfor next year to give him a fair


shot." "t b iCoach Conger will make his

debut ^Friday when the Lakersentertain Gannon University onour home Tullio Field.

Last Thursday, the 'Hurstdropped a pair ; of games to theSlippery Rock Rockets. This ex-tended their losing streak to fourgames, all of which were played athome. 'i 4

The Lakers have now lost fivegames at home this season.Previously* they had* beenunbeaten on Tullio Field for twoyears.

After Friday's game^ againstGannon, the„squad will begin aseries of make-up games whichwere postponed because of theweather.

Mercyhurst will take to the roadSaturday for a double-header,then return Sunday for two con-

tests in front of the home crowd.


Lakers Make Wa

The Mercyhurst Crew captured three first place hand four seconds inweekend's races held at FiLake,OThe only 'Hurst men's vi

of the day came from the neight boat, manned byBrucker, Phil Daley, Al SMike Sicheri, John Barron, Nielson, Brett Frederick, Bauman, and coxswain CPalmer. The group had thewon from the start as they fed two boat lengths in frotheir opponents, ^

Overall\ the men swept Virginia University^ while tone of four from Canisius.

On the women's sideLakers took all three racesthe West Side Rowing Clutook second behind WVUvarsity four contest. Q

Thejj women's varsity escaped the^charge from Side as they defeated the vi

by three seconds. All race reare listed below.n

The crew teams' last meet year is the Mid-America's, wwill be held-in Marietta, OhMay 7.


Saturday, April 30,1983Mercyhurst vs W. Virginia Univ., WestSide R


9 V MenVarsity 4 2000 meters1. Canisius 7:292. Lakers 7:403. WVU 7:52 ^

Novice 8 2000 meters |_1. Lakers 7:072. WVU 7:213. Canisius 8:03

Lightweight 2000 meters1. Canisius 7 472. Lakers 7:49

Varsity 8 1250 meters1. Canisius 3:412. Lakers 3:513. WuV 4:11

WomenVarsity 8 2000 m1. Lakers 7:372. West Side 7:40

Varsity 4 1250 m1. WVU 444 j,2. Lakers 4:543. West Side 5:05

Novice 8 1250 m1. Lakers 4:372. West Side 4 48


HurstBlasts BoroRevenge seemed to be on the

minds of the Lady Lakers as theyfaced Edinboro State in a localdouble-header.

The Blue and Green droppedtwo the year before to? the LadyScots, but this meeting proveddifferent.

The first game saw extra^ inn-ings with the score deadlocked at

1-1 with Laura Ames comingthrough with the winning hit.Mary Butler was credited with thewin on the mound.

Perfect, could be the only wordfor the performance of pitcherLaura Ames and the rest of theLady Lakers as they downed theBoro 5-0 in the night cap. LauraAmes pitched a flawless game asthe Laker defense went errorless.Candy Hoover had the big stick atthe plate for the Blue and Greenas she went 3-3 in the contest.

The Lady Lakers now stand atan impressive 12-2-1 on theseason.


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