the metabolic reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a...

Supplements Guide by Samantha Gladish The Metabic Reset

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Page 1: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

Supplements Guideby Samantha Gladish

The Metabolic Reset

Page 2: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

2 The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

ElEctrolytE BalancE

As you rely less heavily on carbohydrates, you tend to store less water and therefore can become dehydrated more easily and experience mild electrolyte imbalances. It’s important to make sure you are getting enough water and electrolytes for the first few weeks, while your body becomes fat adapted.

Quick note: if you have kidney issues, take water pills, or have been advised against changing your sodium intake make sure you check with your healthcare provider before playing with your electrolyte balance.

Electrolytes needed: sodium, potassium, and magnesium are the key imbalances experienced.

Sodium: when insulin is lower (the goal here), sodium is excreted from the kidneys more readily meaning you likely need extra. I’m not talking processed table salt here! My go-to’s are pink Himalayan salt or Real salt.

Magnesium and Potassium: We are a magnesium deficient society period. Add into that alcohol intake and stress, and it can be a real problem. Potassium is also at risk of deficiency for similar reasons. Bottom line? You need to get your electrolytes in to feel your best.

Best electrolyte foods: salmon, avocado, dark chocolate, sea salt, leafy greens, nuts and bone broth. Drink my Super Hydrating Lemonade (recipe in your email) throughout the day to keep those electrolytes balanced!


We all want the magic pill that’s going to make weight loss easy and effortless. The one that will make inflammation go away, boost your immunity, and magically just make you the healthiest person ever. Right?

Unfortunately, that pill doesn’t exist.

That being said, there are plenty of supplements that can be a HUGE help when it comes to losing fat (the right way), reducing inflammation, increasing energy, boost-ing immunity, balancing hormones, balancing blood sugar, and just all around feel-ing better.

Unfortunately, the supplement world is a HARD one to navigate. There’s a LOT of crap out there, and supplementing with the wrong things can be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. That’s where this guide comes in. This guide can be your bible when it comes to useful supplements both for everyday use and special cir-cumstances.

Page 3: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

3The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

The Foundational Five

Page 4: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

4 The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

Foundational FivE

Here my top 5 supplement recommendations. Both men and women can benefit from these 5 daily foundational supplements. Other supplements can be added to this list for specific health reasons or conditions.

1. Probiotics -- We have anti-biotics and we have pro-biotics. Antibiotics will kill off all the good bacteria that live in our gut. Probiotics will help to replenish all the good bacteria in our gut…plain and simple. Why is this important? 70% of immune sys-tem lives in our gut! Want a strong immune system to fight off infections? Then load up on probiotics. Also, what about those feel good hormones? Like serotonin and dopamine? You know, those hormones that make us feel happy and giddy inside. Well, you need probiotics to effectively produce those hormones! Your gastrointesti-nal system is like your second brain. In fact, it ‘speaks’ to your brain and can only do this effectively with the right amount of good bacteria. Also, if you suffer with IBS, crohn’s, colitis, even gas and bloating, then this supplement will become your new best friend.

Dosage - take 1 cap of at least 25 Billion Probiotic for 30-60 days, then 10-20 billion after that initial period. Brands I recommend are: NULife Therapeutics, Renew Life, Genestra, Progressive.

2. Vitamin D –- this vitamin actually functions more like a hormone than a vitamin. I highly suggest getting your vitamin D levels tested. This test is called: 25-hydroxy-vi-tamin-D. You can ask your doctor for it. We get vitamin D from the sun. UV rays react with the cholesterol in our skin and we can produce this amazing nutrient. However, with the little sun exposure that we get, we are seriously lacking in this vitamin. In fact, there is a higher incidence of illness in populations that get little to no exposure to the sun. It’s important to regularly measure your vitamin D levels to make sure you’re maintaining therapeutic levels of 50-70 ng/ml year-round.

Dosage - depending on your levels, I recommend at least 5000IU of vitamin D liq-uid a day. Brands I recommend are: Genestra, AOR or Pure Encapsulations.

3. Fish oil – This magnificent oil can help to lower cholesterol, balance hormones, improve joint health and function, reduce inflammation, improve cognition and memory, improve eye health AND give you clear and glowing skin. Yup…it can do ALL of that! If we get too many Omega 6 oils in our diet from poor quality vegetable oils, and even from eating out too frequently, we will throw off our Omega 3 to Omega 6 balance. This can actually lead to inflammation and cause a host of health problems. Getting quality fat is so important for our health. Did you know that your brain is ac-tually made up of fat?! Do you want your brain to be nourished with superior quality fats? Or inflammatory fats? You choose!

Dosage - 1000 milligrams of fish oil is a good daily amount. Brands I recommend are: Progressive, AOR, NutraSea, Carlsons, Nordic Naturals.

Page 5: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

5The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

Foundational FivE

4. Magnesium – this important mineral is involved in over 300 detoxification process-es in the body and is essential for hormonal health, plus, its great for anxiety, sleep and irritability. It’s also great for menstrual cramps and helpful if you have issues for constipation. As a note - I personally like Magnesium Bisglycinate, but if constipation is an issue for you, citrate would be a better form.

Dosage: at least 400mg before bed (of bisglycinate). Brands I recommend are: De-signs for Health, CanPrev, AOR.

5. Juice Plus+ - works like a multi + antioxidant complex + mineral complex ALL IN ONE. Juice Plus+ products are made from the juice powder concentrates and oils from 45 different fruits, vegetables and grains. While Juice Plus+ isn’t a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with an-tioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Every Juice Plus+ prod-uct is made from quality ingredients grown farm fresh, providing the natural nutri-ents your body needs. This product is amazing for skin health (specifically eczema or psoriasis), digestion, detoxification and energy.

Dosage: 2 caps from the 3-blend (red, green and purple bottle – for a total of 6 caps a day. You would start with 1 cap from each bottle for the first week and then in-crease to 2)

You can order Juice Plus + here: (or email me directly for more details and find out how you can get free Juice Plus+ for your kids).

Page 6: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

6 The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

SupplEmEnt chart

View the chart below for some of my other favorite supplements that you may like to include and experiment with:

Page 7: The Metabolic Reset...eating fruits and vegetables, these whole food-based products support a healthy diet by offering a much wider variety of naturally occurring vitamins, along with

7The MeTabolic ReseT | hydRaTion and suppleMenT Guide

Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018 Samantha Gladish, RHN | | © Copyright 2018

SupplEmEntS For occaSional uSE

Aloe - excellent for stomach or digestive issues. It is super soothing and can help to support an irritated gut. In my house, we keep aloe around in case anyone catches a stomach bug, or eats something that irritates their digestive system. A good brand is Lily of the Desert.


Teas are such a lovely and relaxing way to supplement. Teas are typically made from dried herbs and are usually safer than supplementing with herbal supplements in their whole form while still being effective. There are many different teas on the market. These are my top three to aid in detoxification and the beginning stages of balancing your body.

1. Milk thistle - This powerful herb is jam-packed with the ability to support your liv-er through detoxification. It also decreases inflammation, acts as an antioxidant, and stimulates the production of bile, which is important as we add all sorts of great healthy fats into the diet.

2. Nettle - Stinging nettle is a wonderful herb that is rich in iron (great for heavy menstrual bleeders) and amazing for detoxification. I personally like to drink this tea upon waking. It’s great for digestion, can help stimulate hair growth, control blood sugar levels and can provide relief from water rentention.

3. Turmeric - This super powered ingredient is a star when it comes to inflamma-tion. Turmeric is an excellent antioxidant, cancer-preventive, liver protective, AND it aids in fat metabolism. You can simply use freshly ground turmeric in your meals (I like it on scrambled eggs) or use it to make a latte. Or, buy it in tea form (dried).

4. Matcha Green Tea - This slightly different type of tea (it’s the powdered leaves of the plant that are added directly into your tea instead of steeped) is a very pow-erful addition to your routine. Matcha contains the amino acid theanine, which produces a relaxed but alert mental state and gives you sustained energy and very clear thinking. Matcha is also rich in something called catechins, which have been shown to boost metabolism, which is exactly what we want to do as we support healthy fat loss. Due keep in mind that it does contains caffeine, so enjoy earlier in the day.

Medical DisclaimerAll information contained within this guide is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent health problems – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practi-tioner or health practitioner. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this guide. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health or any opinions expressed in this program. The information provided within this guide is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the authors, but the reader is responsible for consulting with his or her health professional on any matters raised within. We do not assume liability for the information contained within this guide, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages. It’s advisable to consult your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking supplements of any kind.