the mobile service market in india

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  • 8/11/2019 The Mobile Service Market in India


    The mobile service market in India is crowded. There are more than fve

    CMSPs in each circle and metro. They are acing intense competition and

    working hard to gain maintain their market share. Along with the increasein

    spply o mobile services! there is an improvement in "ality! which has

    reslted in mobile service being treated as commodity like #ast Moving

    Consmer $ood %#MC$&. The tari' o prepaid service is normally more as

    compared to Post paid services. TheIndian mobile service market is very

    price sensitive. The CMSPs are inventing price models to attract all segments

    o cstomers. The CMSPs are o'ering activation and deposit waiver and ree

    handsets to postpaid cstomers and ree validity and talktime to prepaid


    The CMSPs have a well woven network or retailing the mobile services

    throgh ( Company branded shops! distribtors! dealers! retailers and direct

    sales agents %)SA&. In India two systems or pricing telecom services were

    sed the *at rate and the measred rate. +nder the ormer! sbscriber has

    to pay a f,ed monthly rental irrespective o the nmber o calls made. In the

    latter! the sbscriber is charged a lower rental pls a sage charge per call.

    The Measred system o pricing still contines. The tari' o the calls was

    decided depending pon the time o origination o the call! day! distance!

    dration! more the nmber o calls made by the ser higher the tari'. The

    rental was decided on the basis o the capacity o telephone e,change rom

    where the cstomer is served. The rental or the rral connections was low

    as compared to the rban areas.

    Diferent methods o Pricing

    The prices are based either on costs or demand. The cost-based price

    incldes a rate o retrn together with costs! i.e they ocs on economic

    costs! which inclde a normal commercial retrn. In telecom! there are two

    types o demand! one or accessing the network and other or sage! these

    two elements is priced separately! and the impact o price on these two

  • 8/11/2019 The Mobile Service Market in India


    types o demand need be considered separately while deriving the price


    Innovations in pricingThe innovations in pricing o mobile services are driven by CMSPs. They are

    o'ering the services in innovative price models! which are very attractive.

    These innovations have contribted in the redction o the cost o ownership

    and made mobile services more accessible or the low-income grop

    cstomers.The ollowing innovative models or pricing new plans are adopted as

    compared to plain vanilla tari' models sed in the legacy system.a. Incoming ree or lietime/ plans. In this plan the ree incoming calls

    are allowed to the cstomers! i they recharge or a small amontevery si, months.

    b. 0ne India tari' plan %1 rpee2min anywhere in India&. This plan is or

    cstomers making heavy sbscriber trnk dialing %ST)& calls.

    c. 0ne India 3oaming Plan. %1 rpee2min while roaming in India&. This

    plan is or cstomers sing the national roaming services re"ently.d. The pre-paid cstomer can barter talk time mintes or e,tension o

    accont validity.e. The availability and a'ordability o the micro refll copons in

    varios denomination %e.g small refll o 3s.14 and validity e,tension

    ate the rate o 3s. 52-per day&. 6ndling o mobile handsets with tari' plans! where the mobile

    handsets are o'ered ree o charge.g. Attractive vale added services which are compatible with less

    sophisticated handsets e.g voice based SMS in place o the te,t

    based SMS and services on voice platorms or access to services on

    voice in place o the SMS.

    In recent times! the pricing has dropped down to almost 1 paisa2 sec. Thishad taken mobile to almost rock bottom prices. 7hen it was speclated that

    this was the abyss! 8irgin mobile came p with the plan o cash back on

    receiving calls. This is so ar the lowest o'ering rom any telecom company.

    9owever! this o'ering cold not become so poplar.

  • 8/11/2019 The Mobile Service Market in India


    These days the ocs o service providers or profts have shited rom call

    tari's to vale added services. There is a hge in*ow o di'erent kinds o

    service o'ering rom service providers.:ven the technology boom in the mobiles have contribted to the shit o

    ocs rom mere call tari's to profts rom vale added services.The mobile gaming indstry are contribting a lot to the profts o service

    providers. Advent o 5$ technology seems to be a promising ventre or

    service providers to reach new heights in revenes. 9owever! this will still

    take some time to penetrate this technology to