the most extreme€¦ · lobuche 6134m, in himalayas, nepal, 2003. chimborazo 6320m, ecuador, 2008....


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Page 1: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings
Page 2: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings
Page 3: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

THE MOST EXTREMEULTRAMARATHONROUTES OF THE WORLD and on the other hand to climb to the topof Pisang Peak with 6100m altitude.

Mid April to early May Leuteris Paraskevas and Nikos Magitsis will at-tempt on the one hand to break the 72 hours record covering of

ANNAPURNA CIRCUITBesisahar to Nayapul

Page 4: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

219 km

ANNAPURNA CIRCUITBesisahar to Nayapul

Page 5: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

Σκοπός είναι να ολοκληρώσουντο Annapurna Circuitαπό Besisahar στο Nayapul,χωρίς καµιά παράκαµψη ή µεταφορά µε άλλο µέσο (jeep, yak κλπ).

Στόχος είναι να ολοκληρώσουν αυτή τη διαδροµή στο συντοµότερο δυνατόν χρόνο, και αν γίνεταισε λιγότερο από 72 ώρες.

Στη διαδικασία εγκλιµατισµού (νωρίτερα) θα χρειαστούν8-10 ηµέρες για να ανέβουνσε υψόµετρο πάνω από τα5500 µέτρα (πιθανόν στην κορφή Pisang στα 6091m).

Το συνολικό εγχείρηµαθα διαρκέσει 18-20 ηµέρες.

Their aim is through teamwork overexertion to support non-pro�t organization “The Ark of the World” and to motivate other people to act similarly.

The purpose of the mission is dual: Integration Annapurna circuit within less than 72 hours without any circumvention or transport by other means and conquer the top of Pisang Peak at 6091m.

The total project will last 18-20 days.

Page 6: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

High altitude that reaches 5416m and sudden altitude changes(50 hours climbing on 5416m elevation is considered extremely dangerous and painful)

Low temperatures that may fall under -10°C through the day but in the evening might fall under -20°C.Conditions such as snow-storm and frozen terrain are likely to exist at this time of year and due to high altitude.

Achieving autonomy to our effort is also a dif�culty factor.Being able to take supplies (partial) only in a few and long distance villages forces us to move with backpacks up to 12-15kg carrying equipment and food supply.

Finally, the particularity of our effort that is going to take place in a country (Nepal) and in an area (Annapurna) confronts us with environmental challenges (humidity, cold, abrupt climate change), diet modi�cation challenges (non-potable water, dyspeptic and unusual food) and travel problems (jet lag due to 5 hours time difference, more than 24 hours travelling time by plane and busses).

Seth Wolpin (who holds the record of Annapurna circuit)completed 218km with +/-10,000m altitude difference in approximately 72 hours.

The objective dif�culties of this project are:

5416m 12-15kg-20οC

Garmin GPS will be the of�cial timekeeper of our attempt, while TAAN (Trekking Agency Association of Nepal) team crew and Nepal Trail Running organization will be informed for monitoring and updating.

Page 7: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

Annapurna Circuit[ 72 HOURS LESS ]

Leuteris Paraskevas will cover a distance of 219km crossing the Annapurna mountain range in Nepal and Annapurna Circuit.


72 219km 4,6kmHOURS ALTITUDE


Page 8: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

pisang peak[ CLIMBING 6091M ]

Pisang Peak (Jong Ri) is a pyramidal trekking peak above Pisang, a village on the Annapurna Circuit, within the Manang District, northern Nepal. A german expedition team �rst climbed the Pisang Peak in 1955.

Page 9: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings


“The Ark of the World” is a voluntary non-pro�t organization of Special Care and Protection to Mothers and Children.

The Ark operates and addresses mostly to unpro-tected children, mostly coming from single parent families, and some even without parents, living in dif�cult conditions of neglect and abandonment, without medical care and uncertain future.

www.kivotostoukosmou.orgEmbrace and support this effort

Page 10: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

The Crew!



Page 11: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

A former swimming champion and a former member of the Greek National Swimming, a current water polo athlete and triathlete with participations in major national and international long distance races, Leuteris has already competed andcompleted successfully many and dif�cult races.



Annapurna Circuit[ 72 HOURS LESS ]

Page 12: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

Spain-Franch 2016Pyrenees GR 10 trailCrossing the Pyrenees – 866km within 20 days for charity!

Enduroman 2015Arch to Arc TriathlonThe most extreme triathlon distance, starting at the Marble Arch in London and �nishing at L’ Arch de Triumph in Paris!

Bolton 2011IRONMAN UK

Highlands SCOTLAND 2012 *CELTMANOne of the most extreme triathlon taking place currently

2012V.F.U.T.Ultrmarathon race 128km forest trail

2012International Swimming Crossing of Toroneos Gulf 26 km open sea swimming from the �rst to the second peninsula in Chalkidiki

2012BREVET315km Road Bike Event

WALES 2013ULTRAMAN UKAmong the 8 most dif�cult races in the world with 3 days duration!Leuteris won third place and broke the previous record in swimmingby 45 minutes.

Some of theevents he hasparticipated in:


Page 13: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

A physical education and sports professor with Master Degree and thesis in "Reaction time and high altitude", who has organized and accomplished since 1994 more than 50 climbing expeditions and also survival expeditions all over the world (climbing, desert pedestrian crossing, sea kayaking etc.).

Nikos Magitsis has run in 9 ultramarathon mountain races (up to 170km) all over the world (Nepal, Croatia, Andorra, Morocco, Greece) and also in 8 marathon mountain running races. He is the �rst Greek who has accomplished the “7 summits” project, climbing on the top of the highest peak in every continent of our planet, including Everest in 8848m. At the same time he is the only Greek who has reached South and North Pole.


Pisang peak[ CLIMBING 6091M ]

Page 14: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

Everest 8848m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2004.

North Pole in the Arctic - First Greek Pedestrian Expedition, 2000.

South Pole in the Antarctica - First Greek Pedestrian Expedition, 2003.

Aconcagua 6962m in Argentina – 6 rock climbings.

Mount McKinley 6194m (Denali), in Alaska, 2005.Carstensz Pyramid 4884m in Papua, Oceania - First Greek Climbing to the top Expedition and the �rst and only Greek who has accomplished the 7 summits on March 17th 2008.

Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003.

Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008.

Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings.

Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings.

Vinson 4897m in Antartica, 2003.

Kenya (Lenana) 4985, in Kenya, Africa – 3 climbings.

Mont Blanc 4807m, in the French Alps – 4 climbings.

Matterhorn 4477m in the Swiss Alps, 2000.

Toubkal 4167m in Morocco – 7 climbings.

Sahara/ Tunisia pedestrian crossing – 180 km within 96 hours, unsupported, 2001.

Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia – 144km within 56 hours – record distance,unsupported, 2005.

Island Peak 6193m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2010.

Kenya, Batian 5199m, Nelion 5188m, in Kenya, First Greek Climbing Expedition, 2011.

Broad Peak 8048 (7400m) and K2 8611 (6900m), in Pakistan, 2013.

Cycling across the Moroccan Sahara with 800km distance, 2014.


Expeditions all around the world he has lead and participated in:

Page 15: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

This effort has been accompanied and supported by “The Extra Mile”, a non-pro�t organization created to maximize the results of superathlete Leuteris Paraskevas’ effort to take advantage of his physical skills in order to provide �nancial aid to Child Welfare Organizations, through sports events and participation in international “overexertion”activities.

Leuteris’s vision was embraced and framed by a team with the same orientation which led soon enough to the creation of “The Extra Mile”.

In a world full of challenges, nobody can achieve the very best by acting individually. Only by working as a team, along with people that share a common vision and goal, we are able to build a safer and better future for all of us and particularly for those who need social support.

Page 16: THE MOST EXTREME€¦ · Lobuche 6134m, in Himalayas, Nepal, 2003. Chimborazo 6320m, Ecuador, 2008. Kilimanjaro 5895m, in Tanzania – 4 climbings. Elbrus 5642m in Russia – 3 climbings

Thank you!