the netherlands (gary + john)

Netherland The Netherland’s is a small,heavily populated country

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Post on 17-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Netherland The Netherlands is asmall,heavily populated country

2. Bog landNetherland means low toground.Netherland is a veryboggy country.That is why theyhave windmills. 3. ExplorersDutch sailors andexplorers charted muchof the globe.Thekingdom of theNetherlands played aimportant role in thehistory of one time itwas a great sea powerfulsea power of England onthe oceans of the world. 4. Facts about Netherland Netherland people love their tulips. The Netherlands is known as Holland. They speak Dutch. Some drugs arent illegal. Sneijder is a famous soccer player. 5. AmsterdamAboutPictureAmsterdam isthe capital ofHolland itsvery rich andrelies mostlyon tourism. 6. Easter SundayEaster Sunday is a festive family orientated day in Holland.People preparefestive,Breakfast,Brunches or Lunches.Theymay also search for easter eggs. 7. The size and area of Holland The area is 41863. It has 14,934 peoplethere. It relies on chiefexports. The citys areRotterdam andAmsterdam. 8. The anthem of the Netherlands 9. CultureThey like very bright colours and they lovewearing clogs.They havea few very good soccer players. 10. Van Gogh Van Gogh as apost impressionistpainter and one of themost famous artists ofall time and Van Goghhas become an icon.He grew up in Holland. 11. The End Hope youenjoyed thispowerpoint