the ocala evening star. (ocala, fla.) 1913-03-24 [p ]. · 2017-12-12 · v. ocala evexlxg: stalt,...

v. OCALA EVEXLXg: ST Alt, MONDAY, LRCH 24, 191S MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR if it has merit, to establish its worth. AMUSEMENTS OCALA EVENING STAR ARE YOU GOING OM A AGATIOM? i Vacation time is nearly here; have you made arrangements for the safe keeping of your valuables while you are away, such as bonds, deeds, insurance policies, jewelery, silverware, and other articles of value? We have up-to-da- te storage and safe deposit vaults; the charges are reason- able, and your valuables will be safe. M unroe The OCALA CltamMlss Baulk - FLORIDA J. F. JENKINS, J. F JJEMfflM OCALA, FLORIDA. General Building "Coettraicfors MHaMMWBniBHMMHHMBaMiMIM Office and Warehouse on Osceola St., One Block northeast of Government Bldg. PHONE 3S9. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Hydra ted Lime, No Waste, Cost of Slacking Eliminated. Portland Cement, Fresh and Pure. Hard Plaster Direct frorh the Mill, Brick, Full size and Plenty. Sewer Pipe and Fittings First Quality. G. K. WILLIAMS, the Chest, Irritation In the Throat and a miserable night tor the whole family. B ALLA RD'S Tightness In Cough means Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat It relieves tickling In the throat, tightness In the chest. Inflamed lungs, difficult breathing and wheezing In the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, heal In sr Influeace to the sore lungs, promote easy expectoration and contributes to the enjoyment of a quiet night and restful sleep. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the Dollar size. It contains five times as much as the 25o Size, aad you get with each botll-- . a Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pepper Poroua Plaster for the chest. JAMES F. BALLARD For Sore Byes, Granulated Lids, Redness of the Eyejnm, Weak Sight use Stephens Eye Salve. It b remedy of t The manner in which American physi cians have adopted many European Uscoveries Von Behring's diphtheria anti-toxi- n, for Instance shows their attitude toward everyth'ng that can prove its worth. Friedmann's treat ment may be a great medical discov- ery, ' In which case American physi- cians are sure to give it full credit, or it may be another case similar to Koch's lymph. It i3 a safe bet that our doctors know what they are doing better than their critics. FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OF FLORIDA It is almost four hundred years since Ponce de Leon's little ship cast an chor by the shores of the new land that the Spaniards called Florida in honor of the day on which they discovered it. Next week, St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States, and one of the most beautiful and interesting towns in the world, will celebrate the anniversary, which should mean much to all Americana, and very much in deed to Floridians. The program of the celebration is printed elsewhere in today's paper. A perusal of it will show what a splen did event it will be. This pageant should mean more to Florida than Mardi Gras, which is at tended by hundreds of thousands ev ery year, to New Orleans or Mobile. It will be brilliant and appropriate to the highest degree. It will be an event that no Floridian should miss if it be possible for him to attend. The Star hopes Ocala and Marion county will be largely represented. St Augustine is .a beautiful city a place where the memories of the past mingle with the conveniences of the present as nowhere else in the world. It is worth visiting at any time, and next week it will be more interesting than it ever has been before. Claude L'Engle is not the strongest man, physically, in the Florida delega tion, but he has made' one or more suggestions that have already stag gered several of the heavy-weight- s. Pensacola Journal. Congressman Claude L'Engle is writ ing weekly letters to Dixie, telling about things in Washington. These letters are of peculiar interest, and give an inside view of conditions that could be told by no one but a member of the Florida delegation, and no one so well as by L'Engle. DeLand News. AT THE CHRISTIAN' CHURCn The day yesterday began with a special Easter program by the child ren. Two of their songs were so espe cially good that they were asked to repeat them at the evening service, The morning sermon on "Commun ion with God" was an exegetical and devotional study. The beautiful solo by Prof." Cassity, "On Bended Knees,' was especially appropriate and splen didly rendered. The ordinance of Christian baptism was administered at the close of the service. A good, audience gathered for the evening service. The sermon was a demonstration of the truth of the resurrection of Christ. The evening solo was very fine. Prof. Cassity has proven himself well qualified for his special work. And It is well worth while to attened these services for that reason even if you should have no other interest. These evangelical meetings will con tlnue through the week. The. sermon tonight is, "Why Should We Believe that Jesus is Divine?". Song service begins at 7:30. Senator Carney, or Ocala, and Don Peabody, deputy clerk of the circuit court, of Ocala, were mixing with friends yesterday and today. Mr. Car ney came to confer with the citizens of Sumter county relative to any leg islation that they may wish for him to lookafter. Mr. Carney says that he expects to do what the masses wish done. Bushnell notes in Tampa Tri bune. M. J. P. Ragsdale returned Wednes day afternoon from a visit at Dunnel Ion, Ocala and Orlando, visiting daugh ters at Dunnellon and , Ocala, and spending a short time with Mr. Rags dale in Orlando where he has purchas ed property, and where Mrs. Ragsdale and son will join him. Daytona Ga zette. Col. R. S. Hall of Ocala, who has been here for some time, has returned to his home. Tampa Tribune. Capt. John L Inglis, one of the prominent phosphate operators of Marion county, arrived yesterday and will be here for the next few days. Tampa Tribune. Dr. W, K. Lane, the eminent eye ear, nose and throat specialist of Ocala, performed two successful op erations Saturday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sewell underwent an operation for the removal of ade noids and diseased tonsils, and a son of Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Graham also was operated on for the removal of ade- noids Dr. Lane is a noted specialist and his practice in Brooksville has given perfect satisfaction in every line of his work. Brooksville Star. Six reel., all flue pictures, good manic, Ideal tonight. Ad v. tt R. L. Lang, formerly of this city but now of Ocala, passed through Gainesville Friday en route home from Newberry and other points, where he went in the interest of the W. B. Johnson Company, wholesale grocers, Jacksonville. Gainesville Sun. Conductor O. M. Eaton of Lakeland has put himself in line for the post-mastersh- ip of his city. Mr. Eaton has been in the employ of the A. C. L. for many years and is now on between Waycross and Lakeland. Furthermore, he is an old-tim- e democrat and is in every way worthy of the desired posi- tion. We find that the trainmen are willing boosters for Mr. Eaton. Crys- tal River News. J. E. Wilson has res'gned his posi- tion as traveling salesman for the Remington Typewriter Company of Jacksonville, and has accepted a simi- lar position with the Underwood Type- writer Company of the same city. Starke Telegraph. MAURICE COSTELLO AT TEMPLE TONIGHT. AdV. Mrs. A. H. Foster and children, who have been the guests of her sister, Mrs. H. C. Jernigan for several weeks, returned to their home in Atlanta Thursday. Mr. Foster will remain for several weeks longer. Lake City In- dex. E. T. Usher, secretary-treasur- er of the Suwannee Turpentine Company, attended court here this week. Bron-so- n Times-Democra- t. Six reel, ail fine picture, Rood manic, Ideal tonight. -- Adv. tf ASPIRING VOl'XG MEX CoBKrenamaa L'Engle 11mm Appoint ment a to Make to the Naval Academy Washington, March 24. It develop ed today that by reason of duplicate appointments having been made by members of the Florida delegation in Congress, Hon. Claude L'Engle, con gressman-at-larg- e, has a number of appointments to make to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. These appointments are one princi pal, one first alternate, two second alternates and two third alternates. The examination for these places will be held on April l&th and aspiring young men who desire to enter the naval service should communicate with Mr. L'Engle at once. The alternate appointments are of value only in case the principal fails to pass the examination or is for some reason prevented from entering the academy. WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT LAKE WEIR In consequence of the minstrel show at the Temple tomorrow night, the Easter bazaar at Lake Weir will be postponed until Wednesday. The worn en of the club have been at heroic ex ertions to prepare for this bazaar, and do not want it marred by bad weather. A remarkable collection of articles of needlework has been provided by the skillful fingers of club members and their friends all over the country, and the ladies of Ocala who admire beautiful and dainty articles of needle- work cannot afford to miss this sale. The bakery goods table will be heap- ed with the most delicious of home- made cakes, pies, bread, cookies and doughnuts, and the supply of home- made candy and confections from some of the best Eastern candy makers will be liberal. Gentlemen need not bring cigars with them. They can buy "smokes" singly or by the box. Boats will be in readiness to take visitors out on the lake at a reason- able charge. Those who prefer to v'sit the club house at Eastlake during the day will find the bazaar ready for bus- iness at 1 p. m., and Ocala people can spend a delightful afternoon on the lake and be home In time for supper, If they do not care to remain for the bazaar supper, which will be served beginning at 5 p. m. Ice cream and lemonade will be on sale during the afternoon and evening. Early In the evening the floor will be cleared for dancng, and it is expected it will be crowded all evening. Tables will also be provided for cards. The night train north will stop by special arrangement and reduced round trip tickets can be bought in Slocks of ten for 80 cents each. The profits from this sale will apply on the club building fund, and every member of the club is expected to ren- der loyal support. Much effort and money have been expended in the pre- paration for this bazaar, which prac- tically closes the winter season at the club house, and the affair has been planned so that Ocala people who may have engagements for Tuesday eve- ning can attend in the afternoon. PROTEST AGAINST PETITION Rents & Sons File Paper With Clerk of the Federal Court Papers in several bankruptcy cases were filed yesterday in the office of the clerk of the federal court as follows: In the matter of E. P. Rentz and of E. P. Rentz & Sons, in involuntary bankruptcy, answer of the United Groc- ery Company has filed as intervening creditor to petition to adjudication. The answer states it is untrue that E. P. Rentz and E. P. Rentz & Sons com- mitted any of the acts alleged to have been done in the petition and untrue that either of them were insolvent at the time of the filing of the petition, and further it is untrue that doings mentioned in the petition constituted acts of bankruptcy within the purview of the bankruptcy act as amended. Times-Unio- n. GEORGIA VISITORS GONE HOME Mcintosh, March 22 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Trimmier and Mr. George W. Willingham, after a most delightful visit in the land of flowers and oranges to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dickson, left last week, returning by the way of Atlanta and Conton, for a short stay before going on to their home, Cal- houn, Ga. Mr. Trimmier is a planter, being the owner of a large tract of Coosawattee river bottom land. They have made many visits to Florida, his wife being a sister of Mrs. Dickson, and have always been delighted with the state, but really were more en- thusiastic this time than ever. FURNISHINGS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING I have for sale complete furnishings for three rooms for light housekeep- ing. Apply to A. E. Bower, at Postof- flce Drugstore. MO X ROE-BRIDG- ES Tuesday afternoon there was a quiet wedding at the parsonage here and Mr. W. W. Monroe and Miss Annie Bridges were made man and wife. The bride is a lovely young woman of At- lanta, Ga., who has been visiting rela- tives in Coleman. The groom is one of. the most substantial citizens of Coleman who by his sterling, manly qualities has the esteem of all who know him. Bushnell Times. DR. W. K. tANE Specialist Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat. Office, Law Library Blag., Ocala. Ad. MICKLER-R- R ANCII Sunday afternoon Mr. S. C. Mickler and Miss Martha Branch of Webster drove over to Rev. G. A. Bryant's home, accompanied by Mr. J. C. Getzen and son Douglass and were quietly married. Bushnell Times. Six reel, all fine picture, Rood muftlc. Ideal tonight. Adv. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms in modern home, for couple or two young men. With board or without. Phone 378. Pickard's flae hand-painte- d china at Burnett, the jeweler's. Ad. Shoe polish. We have anything you need for shoes in stock at the Court Pharmacy. Adv. Beck's hard water soap, ten cent3 per cake. Court Pharmacy. Adv. Use Dike's Quinine and Sage Hair Tonic once a week on your head and enjoy a healthy, clean scalp. You will find this excellent tonic at the Court Pharmacy. Adv. Rheinauer's is the place to find the best makes and most popular prices of ladies' and children's shoes. Ad. "Go LIxhtir Guards" "De Go Lightly Guards' Reception,' the elaborate afterpiece of the entire ly new show offered this year by George Evans, the prime little min strel favorite, and his "Honey Boy" Minstrels, who will appear at the Tem- ple next Tuesday evening, Is described as being the most comical sketch ever written by this versatile comedian. The two settings show a street and the armory of "De Guards" in Hamtown, Ala. The "Honey Boy" is initially intro- duced in this part as "Cicero Didimus Jones" in the characterization of a roustabout darkey of the levee. He is first shown as a fugitive from the law and an alimony-seekin- g wench, which part is splendidly portrayed by John King, the inimitable delineator of a noiry negro woman. Later, mainly be- cause of hunger and partly through being offered a bribe of two dollars, which he never receives, he consents to pose as "General Woof Woof," a fa- mous African military leader, who is to be the honor guest at the reception of "De Guards." The sketch deals with the manner in which he finally rids Viimself of his former better and more experienced half and wins the admir- ation and affection of an alluring dusky belle. Charles Hilliard is said to have never failed to create a furore where'er he ha? appeared in his per sonation of a dashing, fashionably gowned octoroon. Six Picture at the Ideal Tonight Saturday night the popular little Ideal theater was packed to the doors until 11 o'clock and the fine pictures were greatly enjoyed by the large au- diences. The management wisely Fn? stalled extra chairs to keep their many patrons from standing. Tonight Essanay's pretty little love story. Love Though a Lens, a clever comedy of real life, featuring Mr. John Steppling and Miss Mildred Weston, who are big favorites among the "movie fans"; The New Squire, a very interesting drama by Bannister Mer-wi- n and played by the Edison Co.; Wrongly Accused, an absorbing drama in which a man's innocence is finally established by the Urban Eclipse Co., besides three other very interesting pictures will be the big bill offered by the Ideal .tonight. Eight modern electric fans and ven- tilators are Installed to purify the at- mosphere and make the Ideal a pleas- ant place to spend the evening, which always opens at six forty-fiv- e o'clock. Five Reel, Maurice Cotello, Temple Tonight Five fine licensed (all of them) pic tures, including the Vitagraph feature, "What Clothes Did for a Man.'? That old favorite, Maurice Costello, is fea tured in this and it is one of the nicest love stories he has appeared in. Another feature is "Max" the funny comedian in the funniest of "phunny philms." Don't forget every picture a licensed feature and excellent music by the Temple orchestra. Doors open at 6:30. Prices, 5 and 10 cents. FLORIDA'S FAST FIELDING And Superb Pitching: Won the Third Game Saturday from Mercer (Gainesville Sun) Florida, 2; Mercer, 1. Saturday afternoon at University Athletic Field was the scene of the best game of baseball this season, when Coach Hoffman's Florida boys won from Mercer, thereby making a clean sweep of the - series of three games. The contest was close and ex citing throughout, and the small score 2 to 1 indicates that both teams were out for blood. Florida, by her fast fielding and su- perb pitching, kept Mercer from scor- ing for seven innings, while the locals succeeded in sending two men around the circuit in the fifth inning. Davies, for Florida, pitched an ex cellent game, allowing the Mercerites only two measley hits. His control was all that could be expected and the curves he served broke nicely. His work was a particular feature. Moses, for Mercer, did well, but for the fatal fifth, when the U. of F. "did things" that was decidedly against his liking Florida has improved wonderfully since their disastrous trip to DeLand, and we expect Manager Elliott's men to give a good account of themselves when Stetson makes her appearance on "the local diamond. TEMPLE THEATER Tuesday, March 25 i -- iaMMawMaw M-STEEL- S Prices, 50c, 75c, $1 and fl.50. Seat sale Thursday, March 20th, at Court Pharmacy. Freckled Girls It i3 an absolute fact, that one 50 cent Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even in the most severe cases completely euro them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK- LES. Come in today and try it. The jars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth jars $L00. WTILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c Forealeby SOLD BY THE COURT PDARIIACT. f JSC: rV 7 7 lllttlnger & Carroll Proprietors. It. R. Carroll, Business Manager. J. H. Benjamin, Editor. Entered In the postofflce at Ocala, Fla., as second class mail matter. " Teddy Roosevelt hasn't emitted a roar In so long that people are be ginning to forget him. Perhaps he has at last found out that he is living at Oyster Bay. Former Governor of New York Frank S. Black, after an Illness of some time, died at his home Iff Troy, that state, Saturday. Mr. Black had been prominent in national politics and was well known throughout the country. The Star has received a letter from Legislator Light, approving of what it said last week regarding extending the powers of the county Judge's court, and saying that he would make a move to that result when the legis lature meets. The Star i3 glad to see that Arthur K. Taylor, the cartoonist, has Joined the staff of Dixie. Mr. Taylor is easily the first of Florida cartoonists, and deserves a national reputation. His first cartoon in last week's Dixie, illus- trative of Jail sentences for moneyed criminals. Is a telling one and very appropriate at this time. He will help make Dixie hetter than ever. At a St. Fatrick's Day celebration last week. Secretary of State Bryan made some remarks that were gratify ing to Irishmen, appropriate for Am ericans and not offensive to anybody except English tories, who are much in the minority now. It is amusing to see, however, how Mr. Bryan's re marks worry American tories , of which our own dear Times-Unio- n is a shining member. The Tampa Tribune wants the state redlstrlcted so as to have a congress man from the fourth district instead of the congressman-at-larg- e, but doesn't, know how to work It without putting Claude L'Engle and Frank Clark in the same district. That same prposltion would work Frank more than it does the Tribune. If Frank and Claude are corraled in the same district, Frank might as well begin to shovel the dust off his law books. There was a wreck on the Seaboard near Silver Springs Junction Sunday morning. Several freight cars were derailed and the track was blocked The night passenger train from Tam pa to Jacksonville had to be sent over the Atlantic Coast Line to Gainesville Engineer Jack Brooks of the Coast Line showed the Seaboard engineer the road, while Agent Jno. F. Thomp son exercised a mild suzerainty over the train. The Seaboard wheels made themselves at home on the Coast Line rails, and as there were no stops to make the train went thru in record breaking time. Constantine is a great name in Greek history. The most noted Con stantine is he who saw the cross, or said he saw it, and amplified ancient Byzantium into Constantinople, the imperial city for a thousand years of Europe and Asia. Another Constan tine, not so great a "builder, nor so great a liar, but a much nobler man died eleven hundred years later in de fense , of Constantinople against the Turk, who has been a stumbling block to east and west ever since. Another Constantine has just been crowned king of Greece, and we all hope he will be a better man .than the first and a more lucky one than the second. No doubt the Southern Utilities Co. would like to obtain possession o Gainesville's water and light plant, but the people would turn down any proposition made for the same Just at this time. The light plant will have to prove a mailure under municipal man agement before the people of Gaines ville will consent to its private own ership. Gainesville Sun. Lakeland, too, is demonstrating the success of municipal ownership of public utilities of the kind mentioned above, and the Southern Utilities Co didn't include us 'n its recent itinerary through Florida. Lakeland Telegram In Its electric light plant, Ocala also proves the virtue of municipal owner ship, when the Idea is carried out by honest and competent men. The hard-hearte- d, or soulless, which ever you please, International Harves ter Trust, has taken note of the Inves tigatlons into white slavery and the social evil, and materially Increased the wages of its women employes This Is an example that other trusts and many firms that are not trusts might follow with profit to humanity, Low wages Is not the only reason for the downfall of so many women, but it has a lot to do with it, and every man firm or trust that employs girls should pay them as highly as possible and this rule should be extended to men employees, on whom women are dependent. At the same time, no one need expect prosperity to banish vice, especially when prosperity runs in streaks, as it does thru all our mod- ern civilization. The Star would hate to say that the social evil will abide forever, but it certainly will exist until healthy lives and happy homes are the portion of all instead of the comparatively few, as at. present. Dr. Friedmann, the noted German physician, who claims to have dis- covered a cure for tuberculosis, and who came to American a few weeks ago to visit his brother, and to test his remedy in the United States, will soon return to Germany. He has treated scores of people, and has been obliged by circumstances to Tefuse treatment lo hundreds from all parts of the coun-,tr- y, who took for granted that be- cause he was physician to the emperor of Germany he was Infallible. The Star is sorry to see a number of Am- erican papers criticise our home phy- sicians because they did not accept Friedmann without reservation. It seems to the Star that they were ex- actly right in demanding exhaustive testa of this remedy before adopting it. In view of their own skill, which is equal to any, and the encouragement they have given to every advance in, it Is ridiculous to say that American physicians are inspired br professional Jealousy when they care- fully investigate a life or death mat- ter, such as injecting a strange serum into the veins of a human being. The doctors seem to have given Friedmann good opportunity, but in the desire to administer indiscriminate treatment to all who applied, he ran against the laws of New York and the United States, which it takes the legislature and Congress, as well as some time, to change. Friedmann has administered his treatment to many people, enough. E. M. WILLIAMS a Dry Hacking and Lungs. t - i r; ST. LOUIS, UO. Smarting; Sensations In the 12 1 Drove a merit. J. H. BMNSON Real Estate and Investment BROKER. Ocala, Florida. W. C. BLANGHARO CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER rilV FIHIMSIIJSD OS APPLICATION P.O.BOX 40 OCALA, FLA. HAVE YOUR CAR PAIXTKD EDWARD DRAKE CIVIL EXGIXEElt, l)IlAUGIITS3IAJf A XI roXTILlCTOU Accurate Building Plans, Blue Prlntg and Specifications made. Lands sur- veyed and platted. CiOse estimate made on erection of buildings or any character by contract or on a com- mission basis. Write or consult me at Yorthwest Corner Ocala House Block OCALA nXJIlIDA TOE METROPOLIS GIVES YOU THE Latest Associated Press News Several Hours Earlier Than Any Other Paper Sold In Ocala Try It I Tooll fjke ft 10c a WceE . DELIVERER PATSEY GH.LEN. Agt. Leave Orders at Mr. Ballard's News Stand WE CAN SUPi'LT YOU WITH PURE ICE For All Purposes, Whether Your Requirements are for Home Uap Or for a Carload. : PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH US. OCALA ICE & PACKING CO. OCALA FLORIDA PROPRIETOR, TAX ASSESSOR'S APPOINTMENTS I will be at the following places on time specified to receive tax returns f'.T 1913: March, 1913 1 Ocala, 10th to 31st of March. The law requires all tax returns to be made by first day of April. I got a list of all automobiles that are registered and you will therefore save trouble by returning your auto- mobile. Alfred Ayer, Assessor. J)AR10-D- U JIASOXIC lODGE Marlon-Dun- n Lrfdge No. 19, F. & A. M. meets on the first and third Thurs- day evenings of each month at 7:30 o'clock, until furtner notice. C i. Simmons, W. M. Jake Brown. Secretary. Ad. GOLD PINS LOST Lost somewhere on streets of Ocala, possibly between Mclver & MacKay's undertaking parlors and Oak Ridge cemetery, two gold pins, one plain with an inlaid design and one longer with settings. They were wrapped in a piece of newspaper and lost Saturday morning. Two weeks ago a small gold pin was lost between Mclver & MacKay's and the hospital. Engraved on the pin was the word "Cevie." A liberal reward will be paid for their return to C. V. Roberts at Mclver & MacKay's. Adv. STERLING SILVm FLATWARES I have over 14,000 worth of Sterling Silver flatware in the store the latest, most stylish silver and the very best grade manufactured. The prices are as attractive as the goods. Come In and look over the stock and select such articles as you want for your- self, the family or friends. Gifts from this stock last a lifetime and are al- ways a source of pleasure and satisfac- tion, both to the giver and those who receive them. A. E. Burnett. (Ad. tf) The Jeweler. OLLIE 3IORDIS MARKET OPEX The market rormeny known as the Ollie Mordls is now open. Will keep on and a supply of fresh meats and fish Orders by phone will receive prompt ttention. Phone number 315. Come to the old stand and be treated right. Yours respectfully. " Ad. OLLIE MORDIS. Dealer in Fancy Groceries. N. Magnolia CHAPTER XO. 18 R. A. Jt. Regular convocations of the Ocala Chapter No. 13. A, qn the fourth Friay in every month, at 7:30 p. m. C E. Connor, if. P. Jake Brown, secretary. Ad. FOR KTTTT FOR RENT Oraces n Wolder build- ing. Apply to Davis & Martin. Beck's hard water soap, ten cents per cake. Court Pharmacy. Adv. The Easter sale, the biggest sale in the history of the city, now going on at the Globe. ' , AJv. Conkey's Stock Remedies are - not foods, but medicine a separate remedy! ior eacn uisease maue ay iub yeujjic that, make Conkers Poultry Ttemedlea Sold on a money back guarantee by Ocala Seed Store. - tues-f- rl S-- 14 CONCORDIA LODGE F. V. OF A. Concordia Lodge, Fraternal Union of America, meets in Yonge's Hall on the second Thursday evening of each cionth. Geo. 1 Taylor, F. M Chas. K. Sage, Secretary. Ad. OPEX DAY ASD XIGIIT Merchants' Cafe, A. C. I depot cor- ner. Meals a la carte and lunches t any hour. Ad. DRAY FOR GEVEUAL DELIVERY Mr. A. S. Burgess nas gone Into the transfer and delivery business. lie nas a big dray and a team of power- ful mules, with competent men to manage them, and will haul and deliver your goods with promptness and good care. Call phone 470. Ad. WANTED Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; good location. Address, Box 438, Ocala. WANTED To rent ror two or three months, a small wall tent, large enough for two. Address Shake, care Star. XOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION In compliance with the constitution of the state of Florida, I hereby give notice that there will be Introduced In the next session of the legislature sev- eral local bills, as follows: A bill to change the charter of the city of Ocala in regard to extending the city limits, and in regard to abolishing the recorder's office, and other changes in the city charter of Ocala, giving the council wider scope of authority. A bill to change the county line of Marion county on the northern side of the county, in and around Orange Lake. A local game law, If a general game law satisfactory to the people of this county cannot be passed. A local road law, embodying the suggestions offered at a meeting of the board of county commissioners held in Ocala on January 6, 1913, provided that no general road law satisfactory to the people of this county can be pass ed. A bill establishing a criminal court of record In Marlon county, provided a petition signed by the majority of the registered voters of the county is pre- sented to the members of the legisla- ture from this county. I know of no other local bills, except bills to incorporate the towns of Mcin- tosh and Summerfield, provided the citizens of each place will present to the members of the legislature a peti- tion signifying that incorporation of the said towns is desired by a substan- tial majority of the people residing In the territory intended to be Incorporat- ed; Notice is further given that I shall so far a3 possible comply with. the con- stitution of the state relative to sixty day3 notice for local bills, and that any and all persons or citizens desir- ing to present to be for consideration local legislation had best do so at a very early date. In order that the re- quired notice may be given the pub- lic. Further, I would appreciate an" ex- pression from all parties interested in the above mentioned b'lls, either pub- licly through the press, or privately to me, all of which expressions "I shall duly weigh and shall then attempt to serve the best Interests of the major- ity. Respectfully, Edwin Spencer, Jr.

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Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1913-03-24 [p ]. · 2017-12-12 · v. OCALA EVEXLXg: STAlt, MONDAY, LRCH 24, 191S if it has merit, to establish its worth. MORE OPPORTUNITIES





Vacation time is nearly here; have you made arrangements for the safekeeping of your valuables while you are away, such as bonds, deeds, insurancepolicies, jewelery, silverware, and other articles of value?

We have up-to-da- te storage and safe deposit vaults; the charges are reason-able, and your valuables will be safe.


CltamMlss Baulk- FLORIDA



General Building "CoettraicforsMHaMMWBniBHMMHHMBaMiMIM

Office and Warehouse on Osceola St., One Block northeast of Government Bldg.PHONE 3S9.

THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION.Hydra ted Lime, No Waste, Cost of Slacking Eliminated.

Portland Cement, Fresh and Pure. Hard Plaster Direct frorh the Mill,Brick, Full size and Plenty. Sewer Pipe and Fittings First Quality.


the Chest, Irritation In the Throat anda miserable night tor the whole family.

B ALLA RD'STightness InCough means

Is An Effective Remedy for the ThroatIt relieves tickling In the throat, tightness In the chest. Inflamed lungs, difficult breathing and

wheezing In the bronchial tubes. Conveys a soothing, heal In sr Influeace to the sore lungs, promoteeasy expectoration and contributes to the enjoyment of a quiet night and restful sleep.

Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.Buy the Dollar size. It contains five times as much as the 25o Size, aad you get with each botll-- .

a Dr. Ilerrlck's Red Pepper Poroua Plaster for the chest.


For Sore Byes, Granulated Lids, Redness of the Eyejnm, Weak Sightuse Stephens Eye Salve. It b remedy of


The manner in which American physicians have adopted many EuropeanUscoveries Von Behring's diphtheria

anti-toxi- n, for Instance shows theirattitude toward everyth'ng that canprove its worth. Friedmann's treatment may be a great medical discov-ery, ' In which case American physi-cians are sure to give it full credit, orit may be another case similar toKoch's lymph. It i3 a safe bet thatour doctors know what they are doingbetter than their critics.


It is almost four hundred years sincePonce de Leon's little ship cast anchor by the shores of the new land thatthe Spaniards called Florida in honorof the day on which they discovered it.

Next week, St. Augustine, the oldestcity in the United States, and one ofthe most beautiful and interestingtowns in the world, will celebrate theanniversary, which should mean muchto all Americana, and very much indeed to Floridians.

The program of the celebration isprinted elsewhere in today's paper. Aperusal of it will show what a splendid event it will be.

This pageant should mean more toFlorida than Mardi Gras, which is attended by hundreds of thousands every year, to New Orleans or Mobile. Itwill be brilliant and appropriate to thehighest degree. It will be an eventthat no Floridian should miss if it bepossible for him to attend.

The Star hopes Ocala and Marioncounty will be largely represented. StAugustine is .a beautiful city a placewhere the memories of the past minglewith the conveniences of the presentas nowhere else in the world. It isworth visiting at any time, and nextweek it will be more interesting thanit ever has been before.

Claude L'Engle is not the strongestman, physically, in the Florida delegation, but he has made' one or moresuggestions that have already staggered several of the heavy-weight- s.

Pensacola Journal.

Congressman Claude L'Engle is writing weekly letters to Dixie, tellingabout things in Washington. Theseletters are of peculiar interest, andgive an inside view of conditions thatcould be told by no one but a memberof the Florida delegation, and no oneso well as by L'Engle. DeLand News.

AT THE CHRISTIAN' CHURCnThe day yesterday began with a

special Easter program by the children. Two of their songs were so especially good that they were asked torepeat them at the evening service,

The morning sermon on "Communion with God" was an exegetical anddevotional study. The beautiful soloby Prof." Cassity, "On Bended Knees,'was especially appropriate and splendidly rendered. The ordinance ofChristian baptism was administered atthe close of the service.

A good, audience gathered for theevening service. The sermon was ademonstration of the truth of theresurrection of Christ. The eveningsolo was very fine. Prof. Cassity hasproven himself well qualified for hisspecial work. And It is well worthwhile to attened these services forthat reason even if you should have noother interest.

These evangelical meetings will contlnue through the week. The. sermontonight is, "Why Should We Believethat Jesus is Divine?". Song servicebegins at 7:30.

Senator Carney, or Ocala, and DonPeabody, deputy clerk of the circuitcourt, of Ocala, were mixing withfriends yesterday and today. Mr. Carney came to confer with the citizensof Sumter county relative to any legislation that they may wish for him tolookafter. Mr. Carney says that heexpects to do what the masses wishdone. Bushnell notes in Tampa Tribune.

M. J. P. Ragsdale returned Wednesday afternoon from a visit at DunnelIon, Ocala and Orlando, visiting daughters at Dunnellon and , Ocala, andspending a short time with Mr. Ragsdale in Orlando where he has purchased property, and where Mrs. Ragsdaleand son will join him. Daytona Gazette.

Col. R. S. Hall of Ocala, who hasbeen here for some time, has returnedto his home. Tampa Tribune.

Capt. John L Inglis, one of theprominent phosphate operators ofMarion county, arrived yesterday andwill be here for the next few days.Tampa Tribune.

Dr. W, K. Lane, the eminent eyeear, nose and throat specialist ofOcala, performed two successful operations Saturday. The little son ofMr. and Mrs. J. A. Sewell underwentan operation for the removal of adenoids and diseased tonsils, and a sonof Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Graham also wasoperated on for the removal of ade-noids Dr. Lane is a noted specialistand his practice in Brooksville hasgiven perfect satisfaction in every lineof his work. Brooksville Star.

Six reel., all flue pictures, goodmanic, Ideal tonight. Ad v. tt

R. L. Lang, formerly of this citybut now of Ocala, passed throughGainesville Friday en route home fromNewberry and other points, where hewent in the interest of the W. B.Johnson Company, wholesale grocers,Jacksonville. Gainesville Sun.

Conductor O. M. Eaton of Lakelandhas put himself in line for the post-mastersh- ip

of his city. Mr. Eaton hasbeen in the employ of the A. C. L. formany years and is now on betweenWaycross and Lakeland. Furthermore,he is an old-tim- e democrat and is inevery way worthy of the desired posi-tion. We find that the trainmen arewilling boosters for Mr. Eaton. Crys-tal River News.

J. E. Wilson has res'gned his posi-tion as traveling salesman for theRemington Typewriter Company ofJacksonville, and has accepted a simi-lar position with the Underwood Type-writer Company of the same city.Starke Telegraph.


Mrs. A. H. Foster and children, whohave been the guests of her sister,Mrs. H. C. Jernigan for several weeks,returned to their home in AtlantaThursday. Mr. Foster will remain forseveral weeks longer. Lake City In-


E. T. Usher, secretary-treasur- er ofthe Suwannee Turpentine Company,attended court here this week. Bron-so- n

Times-Democra- t.

Six reel, ail fine picture, Roodmanic, Ideal tonight. --Adv. tf


CoBKrenamaa L'Engle 11mm Appointment a to Make to the Naval


Washington, March 24. It developed today that by reason of duplicateappointments having been made bymembers of the Florida delegation inCongress, Hon. Claude L'Engle, congressman-at-larg- e, has a number ofappointments to make to the UnitedStates Naval Academy at Annapolis.

These appointments are one principal, one first alternate, two secondalternates and two third alternates.The examination for these places willbe held on April l&th and aspiringyoung men who desire to enter thenaval service should communicate withMr. L'Engle at once.

The alternate appointments are ofvalue only in case the principal failsto pass the examination or is for somereason prevented from entering theacademy.


In consequence of the minstrel showat the Temple tomorrow night, theEaster bazaar at Lake Weir will bepostponed until Wednesday. The wornen of the club have been at heroic exertions to prepare for this bazaar, anddo not want it marred by bad weather.

A remarkable collection of articlesof needlework has been provided bythe skillful fingers of club membersand their friends all over the country,and the ladies of Ocala who admirebeautiful and dainty articles of needle-work cannot afford to miss this sale.The bakery goods table will be heap-ed with the most delicious of home-made cakes, pies, bread, cookies anddoughnuts, and the supply of home-made candy and confections from someof the best Eastern candy makers willbe liberal. Gentlemen need not bringcigars with them. They can buy"smokes" singly or by the box.

Boats will be in readiness to takevisitors out on the lake at a reason-able charge. Those who prefer to v'sitthe club house at Eastlake during theday will find the bazaar ready for bus-iness at 1 p. m., and Ocala people canspend a delightful afternoon on thelake and be home In time for supper,If they do not care to remain for thebazaar supper, which will be servedbeginning at 5 p. m. Ice cream andlemonade will be on sale during theafternoon and evening. Early In theevening the floor will be cleared fordancng, and it is expected it will becrowded all evening. Tables will alsobe provided for cards. The night trainnorth will stop by special arrangementand reduced round trip tickets can bebought in Slocks of ten for 80 centseach.

The profits from this sale will applyon the club building fund, and everymember of the club is expected to ren-der loyal support. Much effort andmoney have been expended in the pre-paration for this bazaar, which prac-tically closes the winter season at theclub house, and the affair has beenplanned so that Ocala people who mayhave engagements for Tuesday eve-ning can attend in the afternoon.


Rents & Sons File Paper With Clerkof the Federal Court

Papers in several bankruptcy caseswere filed yesterday in the office of theclerk of the federal court as follows:

In the matter of E. P. Rentz and ofE. P. Rentz & Sons, in involuntarybankruptcy, answer of the United Groc-ery Company has filed as interveningcreditor to petition to adjudication.The answer states it is untrue that E.P. Rentz and E. P. Rentz & Sons com-mitted any of the acts alleged to havebeen done in the petition and untruethat either of them were insolvent atthe time of the filing of the petition,and further it is untrue that doingsmentioned in the petition constitutedacts of bankruptcy within the purviewof the bankruptcy act as amended.Times-Unio- n.


Mcintosh, March 22 Mr. and Mrs.W. M. Trimmier and Mr. George W.Willingham, after a most delightfulvisit in the land of flowers and orangesto Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dickson, leftlast week, returning by the way ofAtlanta and Conton, for a short staybefore going on to their home, Cal-houn, Ga. Mr. Trimmier is a planter,being the owner of a large tract ofCoosawattee river bottom land. Theyhave made many visits to Florida, hiswife being a sister of Mrs. Dickson,and have always been delighted withthe state, but really were more en-thusiastic this time than ever.


I have for sale complete furnishingsfor three rooms for light housekeep-ing. Apply to A. E. Bower, at Postof-flce Drugstore.


Tuesday afternoon there was a quietwedding at the parsonage here andMr. W. W. Monroe and Miss AnnieBridges were made man and wife. Thebride is a lovely young woman of At-lanta, Ga., who has been visiting rela-tives in Coleman. The groom is oneof. the most substantial citizens ofColeman who by his sterling, manlyqualities has the esteem of all whoknow him. Bushnell Times.

DR. W. K. tANE

Specialist Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat.Office, Law Library Blag., Ocala. Ad.


Sunday afternoon Mr. S. C. Micklerand Miss Martha Branch of Websterdrove over to Rev. G. A. Bryant'shome, accompanied by Mr. J. C. Getzenand son Douglass and were quietlymarried. Bushnell Times.

Six reel, all fine picture, Roodmuftlc. Ideal tonight. Adv. tf

FOR RENT Furnished rooms inmodern home, for couple or two youngmen. With board or without. Phone378.

Pickard's flae hand-painte- d china atBurnett, the jeweler's. Ad.

Shoe polish. We have anything youneed for shoes in stock at the CourtPharmacy. Adv.

Beck's hard water soap, ten cent3per cake. Court Pharmacy. Adv.

Use Dike's Quinine and Sage HairTonic once a week on your head andenjoy a healthy, clean scalp. You willfind this excellent tonic at the CourtPharmacy. Adv.

Rheinauer's is the place to find thebest makes and most popular prices ofladies' and children's shoes. Ad.

"Go LIxhtir Guards""De Go Lightly Guards' Reception,'

the elaborate afterpiece of the entirely new show offered this year byGeorge Evans, the prime little minstrel favorite, and his "Honey Boy"Minstrels, who will appear at the Tem-ple next Tuesday evening, Is describedas being the most comical sketch everwritten by this versatile comedian.The two settings show a street and thearmory of "De Guards" in Hamtown,Ala.

The "Honey Boy" is initially intro-duced in this part as "Cicero DidimusJones" in the characterization of aroustabout darkey of the levee. He isfirst shown as a fugitive from the lawand an alimony-seekin- g wench, whichpart is splendidly portrayed by JohnKing, the inimitable delineator of anoiry negro woman. Later, mainly be-

cause of hunger and partly throughbeing offered a bribe of two dollars,which he never receives, he consents topose as "General Woof Woof," a fa-mous African military leader, who isto be the honor guest at the receptionof "De Guards." The sketch deals withthe manner in which he finally ridsViimself of his former better and moreexperienced half and wins the admir-ation and affection of an alluringdusky belle. Charles Hilliard is saidto have never failed to create a furorewhere'er he ha? appeared in his personation of a dashing, fashionablygowned octoroon.

Six Picture at the Ideal TonightSaturday night the popular little

Ideal theater was packed to the doorsuntil 11 o'clock and the fine pictureswere greatly enjoyed by the large au-diences. The management wisely Fn?stalled extra chairs to keep theirmany patrons from standing.

Tonight Essanay's pretty little lovestory. Love Though a Lens, a clevercomedy of real life, featuring Mr. JohnSteppling and Miss Mildred Weston,who are big favorites among the"movie fans"; The New Squire, a veryinteresting drama by Bannister Mer-wi- n

and played by the Edison Co.;Wrongly Accused, an absorbing dramain which a man's innocence is finallyestablished by the Urban Eclipse Co.,besides three other very interestingpictures will be the big bill offered bythe Ideal .tonight.

Eight modern electric fans and ven-tilators are Installed to purify the at-mosphere and make the Ideal a pleas-ant place to spend the evening, whichalways opens at six forty-fiv- e o'clock.

Five Reel, Maurice Cotello, TempleTonight

Five fine licensed (all of them) pictures, including the Vitagraph feature,"What Clothes Did for a Man.'? Thatold favorite, Maurice Costello, is featured in this and it is one of thenicest love stories he has appeared in.Another feature is "Max" the funnycomedian in the funniest of "phunnyphilms." Don't forget every picture alicensed feature and excellent musicby the Temple orchestra. Doors openat 6:30. Prices, 5 and 10 cents.


And Superb Pitching: Won the ThirdGame Saturday from Mercer

(Gainesville Sun)

Florida, 2; Mercer, 1.Saturday afternoon at University

Athletic Field was the scene of thebest game of baseball this season,when Coach Hoffman's Florida boyswon from Mercer, thereby making aclean sweep of the - series of threegames. The contest was close and exciting throughout, and the small score

2 to 1 indicates that both teamswere out for blood.

Florida, by her fast fielding and su-perb pitching, kept Mercer from scor-ing for seven innings, while the localssucceeded in sending two men aroundthe circuit in the fifth inning.

Davies, for Florida, pitched an excellent game, allowing the Merceritesonly two measley hits. His controlwas all that could be expected and thecurves he served broke nicely. Hiswork was a particular feature. Moses,for Mercer, did well, but for the fatalfifth, when the U. of F. "did things"that was decidedly against his liking

Florida has improved wonderfullysince their disastrous trip to DeLand,and we expect Manager Elliott's mento give a good account of themselveswhen Stetson makes her appearanceon "the local diamond.


THEATERTuesday, March 25

i --iaMMawMaw


Prices, 50c, 75c, $1 and fl.50. Seatsale Thursday, March 20th, at CourtPharmacy.

Freckled GirlsIt i3 an absolute fact, that one 50 cent

Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAMwill either remove your freckles or causethem to fade and that two jars will evenin the most severe cases completely eurothem. We are willing to personallyguarantee this and to return your moneywithout argument if your complexion isnot fully restored to its natural beauty.WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine,fragrant and absolutely harmless. Willnot make hair grow but will positivelyremove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK-LES. Come in today and try it. The jarsare large and results absolutely certain.Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c.Mammoth jars $L00. WTILSON'S FAIRSKIN SOAP 25c ForealebySOLD BY THE COURT PDARIIACT.





lllttlnger & Carroll Proprietors.

It. R. Carroll, Business Manager.

J. H. Benjamin, Editor.

Entered In the postofflce at Ocala,Fla., as second class mail matter.


Teddy Roosevelt hasn't emitted aroar In so long that people are beginning to forget him. Perhaps hehas at last found out that he is livingat Oyster Bay.

Former Governor of New YorkFrank S. Black, after an Illness ofsome time, died at his home Iff Troy,that state, Saturday. Mr. Black hadbeen prominent in national politicsand was well known throughout thecountry.

The Star has received a letter fromLegislator Light, approving of what itsaid last week regarding extendingthe powers of the county Judge'scourt, and saying that he would makea move to that result when the legislature meets.

The Star i3 glad to see that ArthurK. Taylor, the cartoonist, has Joinedthe staff of Dixie. Mr. Taylor is easilythe first of Florida cartoonists, anddeserves a national reputation. Hisfirst cartoon in last week's Dixie, illus-trative of Jail sentences for moneyedcriminals. Is a telling one and veryappropriate at this time. He will helpmake Dixie hetter than ever.

At a St. Fatrick's Day celebrationlast week. Secretary of State Bryanmade some remarks that were gratifying to Irishmen, appropriate for Americans and not offensive to anybodyexcept English tories, who are muchin the minority now. It is amusing tosee, however, how Mr. Bryan's remarks worry American tories , ofwhich our own dear Times-Unio- n is ashining member.

The Tampa Tribune wants the stateredlstrlcted so as to have a congressman from the fourth district insteadof the congressman-at-larg- e, butdoesn't, know how to work It withoutputting Claude L'Engle and FrankClark in the same district. That sameprposltion would work Frank morethan it does the Tribune. If Frankand Claude are corraled in the samedistrict, Frank might as well begin toshovel the dust off his law books.

There was a wreck on the Seaboardnear Silver Springs Junction Sundaymorning. Several freight cars werederailed and the track was blockedThe night passenger train from Tampa to Jacksonville had to be sent overthe Atlantic Coast Line to GainesvilleEngineer Jack Brooks of the CoastLine showed the Seaboard engineerthe road, while Agent Jno. F. Thompson exercised a mild suzerainty overthe train. The Seaboard wheels madethemselves at home on the Coast Linerails, and as there were no stops tomake the train went thru in recordbreaking time.

Constantine is a great name inGreek history. The most noted Constantine is he who saw the cross, orsaid he saw it, and amplified ancientByzantium into Constantinople, theimperial city for a thousand years ofEurope and Asia. Another Constantine, not so great a "builder, nor sogreat a liar, but a much nobler mandied eleven hundred years later in defense , of Constantinople against theTurk, who has been a stumbling blockto east and west ever since. AnotherConstantine has just been crownedking of Greece, and we all hope hewill be a better man .than the first anda more lucky one than the second.

No doubt the Southern Utilities Co.would like to obtain possession o

Gainesville's water and light plant,but the people would turn down anyproposition made for the same Just atthis time. The light plant will have toprove a mailure under municipal management before the people of Gainesville will consent to its private ownership. Gainesville Sun.

Lakeland, too, is demonstrating thesuccess of municipal ownership ofpublic utilities of the kind mentionedabove, and the Southern Utilities Codidn't include us 'n its recent itinerarythrough Florida. Lakeland Telegram

In Its electric light plant, Ocala alsoproves the virtue of municipal ownership, when the Idea is carried out byhonest and competent men.

The hard-hearte- d, or soulless, whichever you please, International Harvester Trust, has taken note of the Investigatlons into white slavery and thesocial evil, and materially Increasedthe wages of its women employesThis Is an example that other trustsand many firms that are not trustsmight follow with profit to humanity,Low wages Is not the only reason forthe downfall of so many women, but ithas a lot to do with it, and every manfirm or trust that employs girlsshould pay them as highly as possibleand this rule should be extended tomen employees, on whom women aredependent. At the same time, no oneneed expect prosperity to banish vice,especially when prosperity runs instreaks, as it does thru all our mod-ern civilization. The Star would hateto say that the social evil will abideforever, but it certainly will existuntil healthy lives and happy homesare the portion of all instead of thecomparatively few, as at. present.

Dr. Friedmann, the noted Germanphysician, who claims to have dis-covered a cure for tuberculosis, andwho came to American a few weeksago to visit his brother, and to test hisremedy in the United States, will soonreturn to Germany. He has treatedscores of people, and has been obligedby circumstances to Tefuse treatmentlo hundreds from all parts of the coun-,tr- y,

who took for granted that be-

cause he was physician to the emperorof Germany he was Infallible. TheStar is sorry to see a number of Am-

erican papers criticise our home phy-sicians because they did not acceptFriedmann without reservation. Itseems to the Star that they were ex-actly right in demanding exhaustivetesta of this remedy before adopting it.In view of their own skill, which isequal to any, and the encouragementthey have given to every advance, it Is ridiculous to say thatAmerican physicians are inspired brprofessional Jealousy when they care-fully investigate a life or death mat-ter, such as injecting a strange seruminto the veins of a human being. Thedoctors seem to have given Friedmann

good opportunity, but in the desireto administer indiscriminate treatmentto all who applied, he ran against thelaws of New York and the UnitedStates, which it takes the legislatureand Congress, as well as some time, tochange. Friedmann has administeredhis treatment to many people, enough.


a Dry Hacking

and Lungs.

t - i



Smarting; Sensations In the 12 1

Drove a merit.


Real Estate and Investment


Ocala, Florida.







Accurate Building Plans, Blue Prlntgand Specifications made. Lands sur-veyed and platted. CiOse estimatemade on erection of buildings or anycharacter by contract or on a com-mission basis. Write or consult me atYorthwest Corner Ocala House Block



Latest Associated Press NewsSeveral Hours Earlier Than Any Other

Paper Sold In OcalaTry It I Tooll fjke ft


PATSEY GH.LEN. Agt.Leave Orders at Mr. Ballard's News



For All Purposes, Whether YourRequirements are for Home Uap





I will be at the following places ontime specified to receive tax returnsf'.T 1913:

March, 19131 Ocala, 10th to 31st of March.

The law requires all tax returns tobe made by first day of April.

I got a list of all automobiles thatare registered and you will thereforesave trouble by returning your auto-mobile. Alfred Ayer, Assessor.


Marlon-Dun- n Lrfdge No. 19, F. & A.M. meets on the first and third Thurs-day evenings of each month at 7:30o'clock, until furtner notice.

C i. Simmons, W. M.Jake Brown. Secretary. Ad.


Lost somewhere on streets of Ocala,possibly between Mclver & MacKay'sundertaking parlors and Oak Ridgecemetery, two gold pins, one plain withan inlaid design and one longer withsettings. They were wrapped in apiece of newspaper and lost Saturdaymorning.

Two weeks ago a small gold pin waslost between Mclver & MacKay's andthe hospital. Engraved on the pin wasthe word "Cevie." A liberal rewardwill be paid for their return to C. V.Roberts at Mclver & MacKay's. Adv.


I have over 14,000 worth of SterlingSilver flatware in the store the latest,most stylish silver and the very bestgrade manufactured. The prices areas attractive as the goods. Come Inand look over the stock and selectsuch articles as you want for your-self, the family or friends. Gifts fromthis stock last a lifetime and are al-ways a source of pleasure and satisfac-tion, both to the giver and those whoreceive them. A. E. Burnett.

(Ad. tf) The Jeweler.


The market rormeny known as theOllie Mordls is now open. Will keep on

and a supply of fresh meats and fishOrders by phone will receive promptttention. Phone number 315. Come

to the old stand and be treated right.Yours respectfully.

"Ad. OLLIE MORDIS.Dealer in Fancy Groceries. N. Magnolia

CHAPTER XO. 18 R. A. Jt.

Regular convocations of the OcalaChapter No. 13. A, qn the fourthFriay in every month, at 7:30 p. m.

C E. Connor, if. P.Jake Brown, secretary. Ad.


FOR RENT Oraces n Wolder build-ing. Apply to Davis & Martin.

Beck's hard water soap, ten centsper cake. Court Pharmacy. Adv.

The Easter sale, the biggest sale inthe history of the city, now going onat the Globe. ' , AJv.

Conkey's Stock Remedies are - notfoods, but medicine a separate remedy!ior eacn uisease maue ay iub yeujjicthat, make Conkers Poultry TtemedleaSold on a money back guarantee byOcala Seed Store. - tues-f- rl S-- 14


Concordia Lodge, Fraternal Union ofAmerica, meets in Yonge's Hall on thesecond Thursday evening of eachcionth. Geo. 1 Taylor, F. M

Chas. K. Sage, Secretary. Ad.


Merchants' Cafe, A. C. I depot cor-ner. Meals a la carte and lunches tany hour. Ad.


Mr. A. S. Burgess nas gone Into thetransfer and delivery business. lienas a big dray and a team of power-ful mules, with competent men tomanage them, and will haul and deliveryour goods with promptness and goodcare. Call phone 470. Ad.

WANTED Three furnished roomsfor light housekeeping; good location.Address, Box 438, Ocala.

WANTED To rent ror two or threemonths, a small wall tent, large enoughfor two. Address Shake, care Star.


In compliance with the constitutionof the state of Florida, I hereby givenotice that there will be Introduced Inthe next session of the legislature sev-eral local bills, as follows:

A bill to change the charter of thecity of Ocala in regard to extendingthe city limits, and in regard toabolishing the recorder's office, andother changes in the city charter ofOcala, giving the council wider scopeof authority.

A bill to change the county line ofMarion county on the northern side ofthe county, in and around Orange Lake.

A local game law, If a general gamelaw satisfactory to the people of thiscounty cannot be passed.

A local road law, embodying thesuggestions offered at a meeting of theboard of county commissioners held inOcala on January 6, 1913, provided thatno general road law satisfactory tothe people of this county can be passed.

A bill establishing a criminal courtof record In Marlon county, provided apetition signed by the majority of theregistered voters of the county is pre-sented to the members of the legisla-ture from this county.

I know of no other local bills, exceptbills to incorporate the towns of Mcin-tosh and Summerfield, provided thecitizens of each place will present tothe members of the legislature a peti-tion signifying that incorporation ofthe said towns is desired by a substan-tial majority of the people residing Inthe territory intended to be Incorporat-ed;

Notice is further given that I shallso far a3 possible comply with. the con-stitution of the state relative to sixtyday3 notice for local bills, and thatany and all persons or citizens desir-ing to present to be for considerationlocal legislation had best do so at avery early date. In order that the re-quired notice may be given the pub-lic.

Further, I would appreciate an" ex-pression from all parties interested inthe above mentioned b'lls, either pub-licly through the press, or privatelyto me, all of which expressions "I shallduly weigh and shall then attempt toserve the best Interests of the major-ity. Respectfully,

Edwin Spencer, Jr.