the offically wacky boolprop challenge by pettech part eight


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The OWBC part Eight


Page 1: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part Eight
Page 2: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part Eight

Cool! You came back for more punishment! I like it!

This is Niles. Niles say hello to the nice people.

“Awk, Hello. Pop goes the weasel!”

No…I think that was my last nice point (werewolf). I didn’t really have very many to begin with, so no big loss.

You didn’t come here to hear about my personality…

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What you are really here for is these folks. Well…some of these folks. I’m pretty sure you don’t care about the random teen townie on the right and you may be confused as to who the senior is in the center. This is the Trueheart family (some of them).

If you are just popping in now then I should tell you that this is the middle of the challenge and you will be very confused. One should always start at the beginning of a journey. It make life easier.

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The beginning began with this woman and a very different man. Tess Trueheart- founder of this challenge found true love on an outing in a photo booth. As one might do. She created a metal stand-in named Tin, bought herself a new house, and married for the second time to Ocean Copur.

Ocean is also a fortune sim like Tess who wants to be a criminal mastermind.

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Much cake was smooshed and the happy three bolt couple settled down to begin their lives together. For the moment Tess will stay a vampire and Ocean will stay mortal. That may change when he get closer to old age like Tess is.

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This family is all about celebrating life’s changing moments. Odell and company planned this event for the oldest male in the house- Jerry.

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While he and Odell returned to the Trueheart homestead at the same time, he is now five days older than Odell since she drank the cow-plant milk from our zombie hunt in part five (or was it six?).

He seems a little concerned about the fire hazard from this cake.

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So with the blowing out of the candles and the popping of confetti…

“Awk. Pop goes the weasel!”

Hush Niles. Unh…where was I? Oh yeah. Jerry becomes an elder in a pretty decent set of clothes. Nothing to change here. He wasn’t quite platinum when he aged but should reach that goal before the reaper comes around on points.

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There was plenty of smustling by all. Including generation one spare Oscar and his lovely bride Cassandra Goth. We will catch up with the spares a bit in the next update. First…

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Insert random dancing baby picture here.

We need to check up on this house. Ultimately this is a college chapter but there is one young alien spawn who needs to grow up a bit so he can join his half sister at Sim State University. And that is why we are here.

Little Elizabeth is pretty darn cute but aren’t all little children? BlueBerryPie360 and tlhs0 spawned this little devil and her one nice point. I completely expect the next one to have no nice points at all!

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It does not help that Titus with his two nice points likes to tease her mercilessly. This young man however would soon come to surprise me.

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Titus, you had better learn how to run. I think she wants to kill you.

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In the midst of the chaos little Inga was born. She has her mother’s eyes and BBP’s hair color. I was kind of hoping for a boy.

This will be the last of their children. I will grow them up and send them to college.

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Nice lead in, huh? The clothes and hair just don’t do Titus justice so he and the young man he moved to school with will be getting makeovers.

I really didn’t have a feel for Titus’s complete personality so I rolled a die to choose aspiration. It came up popularity with a LTW to be a rock god. For now that will work and when his junior year comes around we will reconsider it.

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Alexander Goth. Romance sim with a LTW to top the slacker career track. Good thing he has a job related want because Adonis he ain’t!

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As for the Truehearts- Lori, the eldest actually grew into her face a bit. The fuchsia pink is all kinds of wrong and the flame embellished jeans must go. Her LTW is to raise 20 puppies or kittens so I set her major to philosophy.

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Psion did a much nicer job of choosing clothes. Unlike her brother whose backside you have a nice view of there. Her LTW is to top the law career track so she will be studying history.

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Sadly, we now have the front view of Paul who I’m now calling Spud. I really do like Paul a lot. Mostly I think because he is the first lazy sim in this family. Not lazy enough to slouch but just lazy enough to overeat (I have the noeatcrap and fitnessforall hacks in).

Paul’s LTW is to top the journalism career so he is taking philosophy too.

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Lastly, but certainly not least, is lovely Rochelle. My bad apple for this generation. Her clothes are once again good enough to stay. I can’t tell you much about Rochelle expect that she wants to be Captain Hero and is studying biology.

Six students in an eight person dorm. That is until I can get around to getting them pledged in over at the greek house. Then it will be seven since I will play my place holder all the way through.

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The winner of our heir poll is…*drum roll* Psion of course! I really wasn't too surprised by that. What did surprise me was the number of votes Paul got. Apparently people like the couch potato as much as I do.

Psion has ten nice points. Her half brother (yes they read as related on their friends panel) has two. He adores her! No teasing. No noogies. No pranks. He hugs her and accepts her family kisses happily. He seeks her out to tell jokes and doesn’t gross her out with dirty ones. He’s a great big brother- to her.

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That doesn’t mean that Titus isn’t capable to being angry. His eyes are too big to give the glare properly. He hates the cow! And if they had stayed in the dorm I suspect he would have ended up kicking her butt.

At the greek house the ever present llamas and cheerleaders take care of Steffi the cow for him.

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This is the result of Alexander’s makeover. It’s a bit better than he was. Now that Alex is a young adult his friend panel shows three bolts for Maxi Buckle (simself). He also has two bolts for Lori. Unfortunately for him she has three bolts for someone else.

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Ahh…Simultaneous family sims. This is Jim Wong. Lori met his when the group went out on their shopping trip and he instantly started stalking her around the lot. They went from “Nice to meet you” to “let’s kiss” in a matter of minutes.

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It took a couple of semesters to get everyone moved in to the greek house so now everyone is spread out a bit with their class schedules.

Here is our little heiress showing off her mad pool trick skills. She has also started this generations portraits with Paul. Now we just need to find her a husband.

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Because of Titus we also get the occasional visit from BBP. Which is fine except he keeps heart farting Lori. She happened to roll romance as her secondary and now all the unrelated men are swooning for her.

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Spud got caught by the coach and was forced into a girly push-up session which didn’t budge his fitness meter a bit! Once the coach left I canceled the action and he promptly helped himself to the pizza on the counter.

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Finally! It took days for Psi’s meter to come down out of platinum and three attempts in the orb to have it backfire. She went from fortune to knowledge to romance before it failed.

The switch actually caused a small problem…

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You see, this guy here (post makeover) is Anthony King. You know, the bowl haircut guy from the secret society? When they met she was a fortune sim and they had three bolts. Now as a grilled cheese they have one. So I whipped out the re-nu-u porta chug and changed Psi’s turn-ons to brown hair and facial hair and they are back to two.

He’s not the prettiest mug in town but she sure likes him. I hope the secret society regenerates since we are sucking them out of there like an anteater on a termite mound.

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In all this is a pretty good bunch. They chat and play and autonomously clean the bathroom. Titus nearly missed a final exam when I discovered him playing the drums after watching him leave the house headed for his test. His still managed an A+ despite being late.

The only problem I’ve had was that not one of them rolled a school related want except Spud in his senior year decided he wanted to graduate. Wait till you see the GPA’s later!

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Lori swept her main squeeze out on the town for a date mostly to avoid Alexander. He likes to flirt with Lori and I really don’t want Jim seeing that. What a pain romance sims are! Why she is talking about desks while ordering crepes is a little unclear to me.

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She managed to pop the question despite the massive crowd assembled to cheer for the photo booth woohoo.

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Generation two’s portraits are finished. Generation one’s have been stowed in Psi’s inventory to go back home when the time comes. Lori was playing a computer game, Psi was just looking cute, Rochelle was eating pizza (which has given her a gut now too) and Spud (Paul) was watching a movie.

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My place holder Jihoon Barrett has taken a liking to the fellas. Since he started heart farting Titus who likes the ladies more, I had to find him someone else to focus on.

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They have the same taste in clothes and culture. This is one of the new townies that came with Apartment Life. His name is Jim something I can’t remember. When Jihoon graduates I will set him up with a motherloded house as a reward.

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Alexander has been working his way through the abundance of romance ladies on campus. I think he is up to 4 conquests at this point. Apparently the cow just doesn’t see his charm.

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This was number three. I think her name was Ivy. Nothing like having a llama cheer during an intimate moment to kill the mood.

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One of several guest appearances in this update. Ephemeral Toast has written some very entertaining stories. You should read them if you haven’t already. Now she’s having a hamburger. Why do I feel like paparazzi taking this picture?

This is Bernard’s Botanical Garden where Psion has taken her hubby to be for a little privacy. Nothing says romance better than belching cows and inappropriate llama cheers.

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Lobster in butter sauce with a side of crystallized carbon. Yum! While I am happy that Psion won the poll (she’s just so sweet, it makes your teeth ache.), it does mean that Tess’s genes are being removed from the pool for the challenge. It makes me kind of sad.

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Their special night out wasn’t completely interruption free. This is another sim I’d love to set on fire but apparently that is really bad thing to do.

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Rochelle has been having some issues as well. Part of my plan to try and keep her happy through college was to have the non-related sims in the house make friends with her as well as introduce her to anyone they can.

Unfortunately for Alexander he is a huge flirt and she fell for him. This was the end result of me not paying full attention to when she was supposed to get back from class and she caught him with number four. She then immediately heart farted him and swooned despite being furious with him.

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I really like my aliens. These two are nearly inseparable.

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I really need to do something about that cow! Uhh…ignore Psi in her undies. Her beau stayed the night.

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We had a lot of wants for a toga party so Titus hosted this one. The llama must be getting behind in classes. Perhaps if he stayed off the dance sphere in the back yard and went to class he wouldn’t be having that problem!

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As this was Titus’s party we invited the people he knows best. Dad and step-mom hit the hot tub instantly. I told you they were inseparable.

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Nemo came along as well. Titus knows him from the day he was born. Unfortunately for Nemo he really hasn’t learned how to smustle yet.

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Aunty Lorin came along as well. It was a great party despite Jihoon (the DJ) having to run off at the end to make it to a final.

I need more lights out here.

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Don’t think that I was neglecting Spud and his needs. He finally found a lovely girl named Sarah Leong to steal his first kiss from.

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It turns out that Titus is a little vain. Strangely, the last sim I put this hair style on was the same way.

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There is no purpose for this picture except to once again show how sweet and loving Psi is. She’s the kind of girl her signs her letters with xxx and ooo’s.

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Pizza by the pool. Come winter they will still be out here freezing to death for fake cheese and greasy pepperoni.

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Somehow I completely failed to take any pictures of Jihoon’s graduation party. Our place holder is now off to spend a comfortable life in an apartment in downtown with his beau.

Now I just have to find a new one…

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Rochelle hasn’t really shown much interest in any one except Alexander and that hasn’t been going too well. I hoped that I could find someone she liked. Getting desperate I even had Titus do a little flirting with her. He has one bolt for her even after I changed her appearance a little and doesn’t really interact with her. Back to the husband search for her.

I haven’t been pushy for Titus. He has a couple of girls he is attracted too but hasn’t really shown much interest beyond being friends.

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I had completely forgotten about the “give makeover” option on the vanities until this time round though college. Titus has a thing for hats but this didn’t do it for him or her for that matter.

Behind Rochelle you see Lori chatting up one of the secret society members. I still have to return the cow plant and phone but no one has made the right friends yet. I believe Lori’s fiancé is a member so that gets me up to two.

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It took awhile but finally Lori gets in. The cow plant and phone have been returned so others might have access to them in the future. She stayed just long enough to make out with one of her boy toys then hurried home.

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This is my new place holder Lyndsay Platz (post makeover). She is one of Titus’s two love interests. She is a fortune sim with a lifetime want to be Chief of Staff.

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Odell and Jerry made it over for the first of many graduations. The first was Lori who in wacky tradition grew up in this…

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If she were the heir I’d be tempted to keep it. Lori graduated with a 3.5 GPA and will be heading home to marry Jim and find something on the side (Family/Romance).

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The next party was for Paul as my order got thrown out of wack trying to get everyone pledged in to the house.

Apparently Lyndsay comes equipped with kung fu grip and a penchant for kicking cow butt. I’m really impressed.

Paul also got into the wacky mode with the following…

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Paul graduated with a 3.2 GPA and a little party score raising woo hoo with his girl Sarah. Now it’s off to find a job in journalism. Paul’s secondary aspiration is fortune- which seems to be a Trueheart trait.

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Psi was next to graduate with a 2.9 GPA and a roof raising party score. Let’s see what she choose to wear for the trip home.

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It could be worse and in a way I kind of like it. I think the islander look just might be staying. Psion’s secondary aspiration is family.

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Because at this point I was getting tired of the parties, I had Rochelle call for the cab to head home. She did earn enough points to choose pleasure as a secondary aspiration but still doesn't have a beau. Watch out men of Pleasant View!

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Followed closely by Alexander who passed with a 2.9 as well. I have no idea what I’m going to do with him yet. His older sister inherited the house so I will have to set him up some where else.

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And last but most certainly not least Titus. I also have no plans for Titus but wanted to grow him up as well.

At last! Real life kind of intruded on my playing over the holidays and when I was able to get back I really just wanted to get college over with and move on.

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I will leave you here then with a picture of Tin trying to smustle. It kind of looks like he is doing the ‘running man’ dance move.

I will include some spare kid photos in the next update along with lots of weddings. Thanks for reading!