the opelousas courier (opelousas, la.) 1853-04-30 [p ]...abetdhis btha'aeidcoitit, what he was...

I I p RIER, M1gi4-L.hUJnIkiai I M. Landy Job ltZ & ANDR ZW EYI1ER. 19i d i, s" th. A ` 5 rct Attorney. S ' We ai authorized to announce P. D. lIinY i., awli candidate br the office of District Attor- -ey,•4~lhateveCtudicial Distriet will include the ACusi of St.I andry. Opelolses Apsil 30th. 1853. i TO OUR FRIENDS. .Anxious to fulfill our pecuniary engagements, wq Pake the following proposition to those who are jidebte to us:-Up to the first of June next, w . receie from our subscribers thu amount Sb <iptihea the ra 4 f $3a year, ins- :tt f dLer, whichWe are -entitled to.-And dl these ewlagus for advertisements or other busi- 4emofthe oile•iehome accounts are not already ht the hmnds ofs collector, who will payus before the firstof June, will be entitled to a deduction of T .... ST. LANDRY WHIF." O neighbor oft ig swms tomait ender a tsrter of ors, call the attention of the Post- Master at Washington, to a law of Congress regu lating the advertisement of letters not called 4or i o e.Ah4hy i sesnqd to take it so ly to nself, we cannot see, unless it w"re to avail himself of the opportunity tQ let us at he, as an editor, can boast ofas rmny edi- l reuders as we in.i It is not our habit to boasto the small capacities which nature has given us an which vWhTvq eile•voredto improsa but if the Whir, diM 1 i any detig jnof writing any I hidB would nausete the public, does no Vhas pompously tlling us, With regard to him self, ofthings which we n Ieat•lr of before, no M f0il) 4vbhttilbt evr ekd Q of =ikesmopenly ofFsraa eeteic pill to the suffering:g public, we are -latkei mn the good taste of his andopr readers. Our ns'ghbor promises 'amnusment by use o -il Bhede isthat pen"n-ndeld , we expect sce from it, and judging by the past,.we will be disap pqle ,i.he-does not fulflhis promise.-For who- .. gar.wrdtes atope time in favor of the total disre .4sapl for••rty spirit in the election of judges, and iAtor thei cdidate of hiswcnn predilection has been Mhatm by the toe-of Whigs and Dembcrats, u ' tuikthe forme,--end why ? for taking at hi W leSIdied,tnd ceosi•i g the man instead of the l iwhb , wishbed the people's cndidate Etsitheyjdge• elected by the unbiased preferete - of thepeople,makes a party question rhen , madtter fromwhich he said it ought fo ` etr to have been kept apart And though' th '1emoecti e. admae 4 p•ry question of i there ? o reason fI• the editor of the .WWhig abetdhis btha'aeidcoitit, what he was before at- EB $ s iM crd• prineie.-If our neighbori , b 'write sine more mechrticles as these A 3 p pW+mP s sadnhis readers with a t ,•,S &oth lbeg comment made oathelaw whig ,Ws~ •$dta ear last number, one could easily se !fiitend tthe Whi'"wait a lawyer, but 1g eypsither igaurat of the law, er disposed stas•nue- it. We would rtfer him to the same m ittt blower down ea at rerag h No. 3, h -. 'r tbhes is no- newspaper prinfd in the city - a•l i•4r vllae where the Post-Office is: - tl'm uc isrpt listeof them are to be made o SII otsueth publi places in the town an aseshall appear best adapted forth the petes concerned.' ed 2 i t •o"ats us both out of this advertise t, leaves u contending for nothing. B grrhCtfiiethnghte W t our list of sub crikbers is not gwates ianiU, and since self-prai h eassi t dlthadqandthe peculiar one of S,+. -i" r- +"M-w •IemBath ia Wsapl. + . . , + -. ,. .+ + , Next 5.tmdIyf, 7kth myibth 6 6 Fozld! y t ' Y OBto the fha F WitrPia46{ t Z~'y~~~'of .Charles ThO.P I' ,"eemdidateu are in the iie14 JinA~pb j ` 36mgt JbNlOWZLL po (~urbm doweatho a immeate thee ad be teaii 1; := will aliU r d, wei the lad'ieai AN APPEAL. We peolishk sohl5 on, accompanying a subscrition li by .the Fire Company in Opelotas, fo~'srpose of building an Engine oust on a ofj•ound allotted to them by the oliceJuy,n th•square of theCourt House. Alfappeal to public generosity ought tote like- rally met by those who have property in town.- Let those who have witnessed the daring and'chiv- rous devtedness ofthe'iremen, on an occasio offire, appreciate their services as they deserve, and let their purse sympathise somewhat with their heart.--4udeed, he must have a heart of stone. who r having beesawaankeaatdesd of night. by t appalling cry f 'fie, ,fire," and the light.ofthe des- tructive clement first bursting :ponin distinct vi- .ior, when bystanders stand trembling at the sigh of the crackling flames and the fallihg timbers. and after witnessing the bold daring lthese men, as they ply with vigor their engine rale the tum- ling walls; could forget when these scenes of terror are passed, t.he devoted men who have saved their roperty from ruin, or snatched from an uimetly death some one dearest to them than life. We hope then, this petition will be attended to it deserves, and that this noble association may are thisadditional evidence of the appreciation of heir labors. WnEREAs the Fire Company of the Town o elousas has been created and is now in existence, yat any time of need to exert their utmost ef- orts in preserving the property of all citizens gen. rally. That whereas, a majority of the members ftn said company are mechanics and laborers wh hano property of their own.and wllp united them- ves to the said company solely foifthe purpose of ending a helping hand in safeguarding that of thei ore favored fellow citizens. Andul that whereas moreover, The small pitance hich they may at times have received as recom- pense for their service, have always by them bee pplied to refitting ther engine and its accessories, hhus rendering their labours more available i time f fire. mod that whereas the Police Jury has lllotted t riot in the squ•.r. of the Court House for the ur oee of their building thereon an engine-house. 11ow threfore, be if resolved, That a subseription ist be opened to obtain from those willing to con- ribute a sum sufficient to effectuate the above pur- se, sothat from the central position of the said ngine-House, help may be more easily given to y point, where it may be needed. A LARGE HEAD OF CABBAGE.-Mr. Louis Van- 'ile, of Prairie Plaissnce, has had the kindness t d us a cabbage of enormous size and well head- d. It weighs seven pounds and a half. ' It is un- uestionably, for this season and this State a pro. igoss cabbage. ELECTION OF DISTRICT JJDGES AND AT oRoNEs.-We learn from different sources hat the Legislature, by. special act, have se part the third Monday of May next for the lection of District Judges throughout the tate, and the 4th Monday of the same mont or the election of District Attorneys. Altho' this news came to us some 8 or 10 ys ago, we have not yet seen the proclamna ion of the Governor ordering the election. Supreme Judges. Judge Tnot. Stasstl is positively elected Chie ustice of the Supreme Court. Inthe First Distric udge BvCHANAN, in the Second District, Mr. OG- rsN, in the Third District, Judge VoosHIEs and i he Fourth District, Judge CAMresLL are elected Associate Judges. 07T We are indebted to one of our Representa ives inihe: Sta .Legislature; Hon. JONATHAN saais, for a copy of the following act. It. the House by 61 yeas and 11 nays, the Sena 21 yeas and 2 nays, and was signed by the Gov- rnor on the 23d of this month: AN ACT To grant the aid of the State to the New-Orleans, Ope- touaas and Great Wstern Railroad Company, b aascription to the stotk thereof. SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oa iees of te Stdi of Loisiana, in Gener ncovened, That it shall be the duty of the reasurer of the State, within ten days after th e of this Act 1 to subscribe, on behalf of the ta of I~buisiana, for forty-eight thousand share f five dollars dach of the stock of the New rlh Opelousas, and Great Western Railroa said shares into which said stock is di- vide ad am ing to the sum of one million tw dred thousand dollars or one-fifth of the capital ok'of said company. SEo.-2. Be it further nacted, 4c.. That paymen said shares shall be made in bonds of the State n mannse and form as provided by law, and forth timate payment of said bonds, and the intere hetron the shares of stock herein required to bsertibediwith the revenues that may be derive from shall be set apart and remain foreve Sac. . Be itfaether esnated, 4v., That the DireetbOvof said company shall on or before the Monadayof November of every year, furnish he Auditor of Public Accounts, an estimate of t Sthat may be demanded by and due to t d eompany upon its capital stock, for the ens a-nd no bonds shaldl beismued bythe Governor ~t.amid esuing year unless the estimate here' aired be furnishedtothe said Auditor, on or be the said fiArt Monday of November, and th t of bonds that the "Governor may issue *the•sid.aie iyeard shall never exceed th stimate, furnishedsbylie.sad company onthe •rs y of Nvember next eeei: Provid that any eubsarptil tosai stock tha y ue on or befarefia•st Monday of No- aber, IS 11; 51a1•e-paid ih bonds as is .provide r by law without the estimateberein required. Sac. 4. &e it hfrthesrcwsadr , T1t for the at oflhe eun•ar St.rae that nmay s hccru the bonds to be ismid umder this Act it slll duty of the o braf, Public Accounts "thin thirty days a shaUll have ereived th seuiaeme the several.P Mu 3. i y accursat. risaition, wha of n - total aseddse value of Smbun moherle e State i rliieut it due, an Swithiti enl g yes u on the outstand a l within the ensain anyhto issued duriag' 2. several Sherild's and Tt ol of' h 'alrafaar es ageestminesd n Ey fo the payment of said R o taxation shallbe de4 as ternal Imprwe t tm a ll w tax as annually ae- S•l allc +ne mkv reafter provide .& T a theatheachi earie i6ts takf e r an imeits p e n take effect from and atter its per'.1-.^; DRATH OF WILLIAM R. KING. ite!?aphic dispatch announces the death Wiliaml. King, Vice President of the United States. le left Mobile a few days since on the tmer -uba, with the hope of reachinghis pan- tion nne; Catawba, Alabama, where he had lon ;esid and amidst the peaceful shades of which, ed by those that loved him well, it was to die. We are thankful that this last desire was granted to the expiring patriot. It doubtless eustainLed him on the voyage from Havana, when spirit, pantiug to be released, seemed t fiutte n the vestibule of eternity, but waited for the goo old wvvdis of Alabama, .before. it took its flight. And now 'after life's filf(l'fever he sleeps Wiell." His ashes will moulder in kindred clay; and not lone will he be "by strangers honored, and by trangeO mourned."? Col. King was a native of North Carolina, educa. ted for the bar. At an early age he was a repre- sentative in Congress from that State. and warmly supported the administration of Mr. Madison. He spent some time insEurope in adiplomatic capacity. He subsecquently removed to the territory of Ala- bama, and was a member of the Convention that formed her Constitution. On her admission into the Union, hg was elected a Senator in Congress, iad was subsequenly re-elected. During the ad- ministration of Mr. Van Buren, we believe, he w appointed Minister to France. On his retuar, he as elected and re-elected to the Senate, wherein he absence of the Vice President, he usually pre- sided. While occupying this distinguished statio e was'elected Vice President of the United States nd thus closes a career of over forty yearsof pub- ic service, during which he never once deviated rom politcal principles he set out with; scarcely ver made a personal enemy; and no stain, not even or a moment, tarnished the lustre of his character. He was a man of high-toned pride, of generous sen. ibilities, and of undoubted courage. His manners were refined and courteous, and though by nature impulsive, he was completely master of his tem- per. During his long term of public life, in the ost exciting and provoking times, we can recal but one controversy of apersonal characted in which he was a party. That occurred in the Senate chamber, with the late illustrious Henry Clay; an being both men of indomitable spirit, the utmost olicitude was entertained by their mutual friends. nd by the public. But explanations happily en- ued, and they remained, as they long had been, rbonal friends. In politics, Col. King was of the simple and fru- al school of Nathaniel Macon of North -arolina, he friend and contemporary of Jefferson. In private life he was prudent, amiable, ofsocial abits, and perfectly free from ostentation. He en- yed an ample fortune, having two extensive plan- tions on the Alabama river. He died unmarried bt the nation will weep for him for he was one of its noblest sons.-Courier. 07 The clerk of the steamer Red Rivcr has ou hanks for late New Orleans papers. HOROSCOPE. We extract the following "iHoroscopes" fo ach month in the year, from an old paper, i is, to say the least, a very amusing produc- ion : January.-He who is born in this month ill be laborious and a lover of good wine; ut very subject to infidelity; he will be com- laisant and withal a very good singer. The y born in this month will be pretty, pru- ent housewife, rather melancholy, but ye ood tempered. :February.-The man born In this month ill love money much, but the ladies more, he will be angry at home, but prodigal abroad he lady will be a humane and affectionate ife ard tender mother. March.-The man born in this month will be rather handsome; he will be honest and rudent; he will bl.poor.u T he4ady will be assionate checkerbox. April.-The man who has the misfortune o be born in this month will be subjected t maladies; he will travel to advantage and love adies to disadvantage, forhe will marry a rich nd handsome heiress, who will make what no doubt all understand. The lady o his month will 'be tall and stout, with agi Le ble wit and great talk. May.-The man born this month will be andsome and amiable; he will make his wife happy. The lady will be equally blest i very respect. June.-- The man born now will be of small tature, passionately fond of women and chil ren, but will not be loved in return. Th ady will agiddy personage, and fond of coffee, marry at the age of twenty-one, and be a foo t the age of forty-five. July.-The man will be fair and suffe eath for the wicked woman he loves. The emale this-month will be passably handsome, ith a sharp'nose, but fine bust; of rather sul y temper. August.-The. marn will be ambitious an ourageous; he will have several maladies an wo wives. The lady be amiable and twice arrie0 September..--He who is born this month ill be str9ng, wise and prudent, but too easy with his wife. The lady round faced, fai aired, witty, discreet aimiable, and loved by er frien s, October.--The man of this month will have .fine face and be a gay deceiver. The lady large liberal and full of novelty. November.-The man of this month kill ve a handsome face and florid complexion he will be wicked in his youth and always neoasistent-.promise one thing and do an her, and alwarsyremain poor. The lady retty, a itI . fk of talking-have two usbandis who iU lie of grief, she will best now why..: December.-The man born in this month wll be a:good sort of person, tho' passionate. e will devote himself to" the army, aid be trayed by his wife. The lady be gamiable d handsome, with a good voice, and a well roprtioned body-be twice married, remain boor t continauhonest. 'Mt. P? IN; THE AERONAUT. We hveareceved From Mr. Petin, the distinguish- m roaotnow residingin New Orleans, aletter m-ich we make the following extracts: 'C-The New Orleans papers must have informed ou of the great aeroetatic experiment which is to iplce about the middle or May next, in this Impelled by the gfattaess of the underta- to make an appeal to all liberal and intelli- entmen take theliberty o request you to ad- ocsv ieai (fmsy c twith the people o our ad. ,I the hop tdrt you will be kind taiirtdihe rem itlen ofmy undertaking, -to you a subscription list for sneed the assistanceof every an 25 ce S25, wbuldaidL s innr egperment; and - er be your t ue mayaannounce to ill that h sit t place on the 25thor 20th n.m t an d anld . prterwilabe l proud oi toi . the worldl. 1. tap s ma y be seem'at the l adi siana U- on Uoeemen seet, ena hip is nearly pl• e d win my to uiath woq ofs :ofthiscity W"Wewill carwrlla. IYf the m pap World.' Fulton ga b empire The list ofsubsc rio ion i epositalifr t The list hfebacvieion is: 'epwteiuinr offce POLICE JURY. Acceidingto promise, we publish beloy, the Aqt pf the Legislature reorganizing tVe Poiee Jury oI he Parish of St. Landry, which; has passed both Houses and'been signed by the Gbvernor. AN ACT To rsor-gaaize the Polite Jury of. the Parish of St. Landry. Be it enacted by the Scnate and House of Represen- ate of the State of Louisiana in General .dssemby oncrned, SEc. 1. That the Police Jury of the Parish o St. Landry shall hereafter consist of Five members, who shall be elected by general ticket throughout he whole Pax'ish. by the qualified voters thereof. SEC. 2. Be f'tfurthter enacted. That a poll shall be opened by the commissioners of election at each lection precinct within the said Parish on the firs nonday of November next, and kept open during the same time the general election is holden for state officiers, and each until every qualified 'electo Iptitled to vote fpr five members of said Police ury. Surc. 3. Be it further cnarted, That the member f the.said Police Jury to be so elected, shall have he same qualifications, in order to serve as such, s members of the General Assembly, and shall be elected to serve for two years, to date from and after the first day of December immediately succeding heir elections. a SEC. 4. That the Sheriff of the said Parish, shall, and it is hereby his duty to advertise said Police ury election in French and English in the official newspaper of said Parish, and by posting up copies f the same at each election precinct for thirty ays previous to said election. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriff or roper returning officer shall proceed to count the otes so given within three days after the election. t the Court House. in the presence of as many per- ons as may desire to be present and the persons who may have received the majority of the votes cast at said election, shall be declared duly elected nd said Sheriff is required to furnish them a prop- er certificate to that effect, but in case there should be a tie in the votes cast, then in that case, the said Sheriff shall forthwith advertise for an other elec- ion to be holden in thirty days thereafter for as many members as may be necessary to complete the number of Five members to serve in said Police ury. SEC. 6. Be itfurther enacted, That the members so elected and qualified shall meet at the Court House of said Parish on the first monday in De- ember succeeding said general election, and shall proceed to organize by electing one of their own umberas President, who shall serve for one year, ny three of said Jurors, shall form a quorum to ransact business, but when only such quorum is hus formed any resolution or vote- to have effect must be unanimous. They shall hold four regular essions in each year. To wit, the first monday4 f December, Marcl 5 June and September, and the President when petitioned to that effect and on ccasions deemed by him necessary shall call spe- ial sessions. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said mem- bers shall receive as a compensation to be fixed by hemselves, and to be paid out of the Parish freas- ur, not to exceed three dollars a day while in actual ession and mileage at the rate of six cents and a uarter going to and returning from the place of essions to their residence. SEc. 8. Be it further enacted, That said Police urors before taking their seats, shall before some udge or Magistrate. take the oath required by the onstitution of this State and to discharge faithfully he duties imposed on them as Police Jurors. SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That this act shall ke place immediately after its passage. N ACT to divide the State into Congressional Districts. WTERBss, by an Act of CongresS, approved on the twenty-third day of May, .eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled "An Act providing for the takin of the Seventh and subsequent census of the Uni- . ted States and to fix the number of the House o Representatives, and provide for their future ap- portionment among the several States" A new ratio of Representation in the House of Repre- sentatives of Congress of the United States wa required to be fixed; and whereas said ratio ha been fixed so as to give the State of Louisiana four members of Congres as shown by a certifie abstract of the census taken under provisions o said act; and whereas it is the duty of the Legis- lature of this State to re-district theState fo members of Congress, and divide it into four dis- tricts in conformity with the new ratio establish ed as aforesaid, Therefore. .Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate •nu House o presentatives of the State of Louisiana, in Genera sembly convened, That the State of Louisiana be nd is hereby divided into four Congressional Dis- ricts, as follows, viz: The first district shall be composed of the parish- s of Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and that portion o he parish of Orleans on the right bank of the Mis- issippi river, and that portion of the city of New rleans, which lies below the line extending from he river Mississippi along Julia street until i ikes the New Orleans canal, and thence dow d canal to the Lake. The Second District shall be composed of tha rtion of the city of New Orleans, which lie bove the line extending from the Mississippi rive long the middleof Julia street until it strikes the ew Orleans canal, and down said canal to the Lake. nd the parishes of Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John Baptist, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Lafour- he Interior, Terrebonne, St. Martin, St. Mary afayette and Vermillion. The Third District shall be composed of the par- ishes of St. Tammany, Washington, St. Helen ivingston, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, Eas aton Rouge, Iberville, Point Coupee. Avoyelles Concordia, Tensas, Catahoula, Franklin, Madison nd Carroll. The Fourth District shall be-composed pf thepar- shes of Morehouse, Union, 'Ouchitas Caldwell Winn, Jackson, Claiborne, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo eSoto, Sabine, Natchitoches, Rapides, Calcasieu nd St. Landry. Sec. 2. Be it further enactad, 4c., That the elec- 'on for members of Congress under the division o .he State herein provided for, shall be held in the anner and at the times and places now provided or by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, 4c., That all law r parts of laws contrary to the provisions of thi ct, be, and the same are hereby repealed. . ' ARGUMENT.-Never waste arguments o ople who don't know logic from logwood, hich is the ease with half the folks who lo disputation. The best reply to a stolid dog natist is to say, "Certainly-no doubt of i t's as clear as mud." There is no poser like rightly acquiescence to your eternld wangler et him have his own way, and you confound m at once. Leave him to himself, and you make him so uncomfortable that he will leave ;"a con unmaton-devQauly to bywishep." SCoiviction seldomt come of personal dis utation, in which tl• battle is waged much ftener for victory~man truthd except the ~pn ction that the other party is very duil.. o dishonest. Besides, few persons take heir opinions thungh argument in the first ple, and Dean Swb said, with the utmost th, that "it is 'n •less to attempt to reason man out of a thing he 'as never reasone nto." NEW BRii -••t ~ F'owLs.-A T•a rrespondent of the "Sypirit of the Times," rms the world of sportismen that a new of fotl is now domesticated in the wil ofTexas, called the Chaehlasa, which posse the game qualities. A cross can readil obtined from it on the common game fow, which is smd tu out the Me fighting ks on eart '"They lave been tred fre nf., * i, etter titer,; -- •ad wer ever'kmnowto alalkoryied;ithey can, like -'()OlFGii•trd, die 5 ,bht never surrender." 'A bill has passed both branches of the Viginia: Legislature, setting apakt about $42,000 annually, to be applied in removing free persons of color from the State to Liberia; a portion of the amount to be raised is. to be lerived from an annual tax of $1 eaco upon ~ery free male person of color in th.. State, tween the ages of 21 and 55 years; $30,000 ag to come from the State Treasury, and the alanue from the tax on seals attached, to reg- isters of freedom. becu found dead in the streets of Naples, with oignards stickingin their hearts,-and pi of paper attached to the handles, on which were written the words. "Veigenuce of Mazzini." MAinmr.D--On Tuesday evening, 26th instant, a the residence of the Hon:. Stephen W. Quirk,: a MoiuntviTle, in this Parish, by the Rev. sti. Ra:iol, FlR.AINI C:LT.OM Esq, to Miss MARY ELIZA D)R- mIN, both of this parish. - In this town, on Monday last, 25th instant by A. B. Martel Esq., Mr. MARCELIN Coco to 01is VERONIQITE MOREAU, both of the parish of Avo- yetles. - On the plantation of the late Geo. King, in this parish, on Wednesday last, 27th instant, Mr. CHARLES M. BaAnFRon, of New Orleans to Miss AIEI.I.\ .DIXON, of this parish. GANDIDATES. District Judge. t[3jWe are authorized to announce Lucius J. Dupre Esqr. as a Candidate for the office of District Judge, for whatever Judicial District will include the Parish of St Landry. Opelousas, 5th March 1853. Assessor. tgWe are authorized to announce that Mr. A. H. GRADENIGO has become a candidate for the office of Parish Assessor for this Parish, at the next election. [February 26th 1853. p; We are authorized to announce. that Mr. PIERRE MOUILLE, is a candidate for the office of Parish Assessor, for the Parish of St. Landry, at the next election. April 16th. 1853. Ward Constable. [ We are authorized to announce that Mr. J. LFRED ANDRUS is a candidate for the office f Ward Constable for the Ward of Opelousas. 9th april 1853. 9 We are authorized to announce that Mr. JULIEN CARVILLE GONOR, is a candidate for he office of Ward Constable for the Ward of Ope- lousas April 9th 1853. [ We are authorized to announce that Mr JOHN POWELL, is a candidate for the office o Ward Constable for the Ward of Opelousas. April 9th 1853. PUBLIC SALE. Estate of John Davis, deceased. THE public are hereby informed tha there will be sold, at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, through the ministry f a public auctioneer, duly commissioned, t the last residence of the deceased, on the Atchafalaya River, in the Parish of St. Lan ry, On Tuesday, 31st. May 1853, 11 the property hereinafter described, belong ing to the Estate of John Davis, deceased, t( it THE TRACT OF LAND, n which the deceased last resided, known a. "Davidson," and situated at the' mouth of Bayou Rouge, on the Bank of the Atchafalaya River, in said Parish of St. Landry, contain ing thirteen acres. 240 Acres of Land, situated in Township 4 South of Range 7 East, n Section 107. 80 Acres of Land, situated in Township 4 South of Range 7 East. A Iyegro Girl, named Laura, aged eleven years. A lot of Fodder, 200 barrels of corn, one American sorrel horse, a lot of merchandize, a lot of tools, plantation utensils, 60 cords o wood, one yoke of oxen, &c. Terms and Conditions .- Payable on credit of one and two years, from the day o le, with five per cent cash on the purcha es, for all sums over ten dollars, and all ium f ten dollars and under, payable cash; with mortgage and personal security to secur yment at maturity. All sums not punctu y paid at maturity to bear eight. per cen uterest per annum. -. GEORGE RICKS, Administrator. St. Landry, April 30th. 1853. State of ILot(fana. DISTRICT COURT, 1 No. 6045. Parish of St. Landry. ELONISE I. DESHAUTELS, of th Parish of St. Landry, Tutrix of he inor children, Iaving flied a final tableau ttlement in the affairs of the Estate in corn unity between herself and her minor chil ren, accompanied by a petition praying fo he homologation of the same;-And whereas the prayer of said petition has been grante by order of Court, dated 29th April instant. Now therefore, notice is hereby given t l interested, to make opposition, if any they ave, within ten days, from the date hereof, wy said Tableau should not be homologated. A. GARRIGUES, Clerk. Opelousas, April 30th, 1853. State of Louisiana, DISTRICT COUBT, No. 6044. Parish of St. Landry. Estate of Murtough F. Andrus. LISHA ANDRUS, of the Parish of St. Landry, Administrator of the Estate o id deceased, having filed a final* account, ttlement and partition in the affairs of said state, accompanied by a petition praying fo he homologation of the same, and wh -e prayer of said petition has been grante order of Court dated 29 April instant. Now therefore, notice is hereby given to al nterested, to make opposition, if ally the ve, within ten days, from the date hereof, hy said Settlement should not be homologa ed and the administrator discharged from al rther liabilities. A. GARRI(4UES, Clerk Opeloua"s. 30th: April 1853. PUBLIC .ALE, My .1. DjJean, dIlctioneer. .- STATE OF .$LESTE BRASSEUR WIFE 2 #F MRON PRATHER. HE publi are hereby informed that there-Will be sold, at public sale to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned, Public Auctioneer, in and for the Parish of St. Lary,-at thejiast residence of the de- eased, in the town of Washington, In this arish, On Wesnesday, the Ist. June 1853, he-following described property, belonging o the Estate of Celeste Brasseur, wife of Aaron Prather, to wit: SEVEN of both sexes and different ages. One branding iron, Beds and Bed- ding, one armoire, one lot of table furniture, tables, &c. TERMS AND CONDITIONS :-All the person- al or moveable property to be sold for cash, nd the slaves to be sold in three equal annu- 1 instalments, from the day of sale. Pur- "hasers furnishing satisfactory personal se- urity, and the slaves remaining specially ortgaged until final and entire payment; nd all sums not punctually paid at maturity o bear eight per cent yearly interest, from the time due until paid. A. DEJEAN, Auctioneer. Wasnington, (La.) April 30th 1853. St. Landry( Coffee-House for Sale. IHE undersigned offers for sale, his well known establishment, situated on the orner of Main and Landry streets, in the Town of Opelousas, together with the usual ppurtenances therein, consisting of one ne Billiard Table, Balls, Queues, Pool- Board, It ins, Liquors, 4-c. J. J. BEAUCIIA3IP. Opelousas, 30th April, 1853.-3m. STRAY MULE. WAS arrested about a month ago, at Prairie Basse, in this Pa- rish, a small brown bay SIIE- IULE, aged about eight years, marked a- hout thus on the left rump o s and on the left check about thus 3 and B one of h : ars split. .The owner is requested to come forward, rove property, pay charges and take her a- ay, or else she will be disposed of according o law. LANDRY IIOLLIER. Opelousas, 30th April 1853.-1m. Simeon Pontenot, Public Jicetisoneer. R ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the public, as a Public Auctioneer, in and for the Parish of St. Landry. St. Landry, April 30th, 1853. EWARE OF SPURIOUS M)IDI- CINES, and purchase none suche are undoubtedly genuine. BRYAN'S PULZ1ORIC WAFERS. the celebrated remedy for Cough's Colds, &c., has wrapper printed in red ink, and bears fac-smile f the signature of the proprietor. "JAMES BRY- N," thereon, and as a further precaution. see that ach Wafer has the name of "BaYA•" impressed hereon. The genuine is for sale by the appointed Agent, JOHN POSEY. Opelousas. April 30th 1853. PUBLIC SALE, By .1. Dejea , .Iuctioneer. ESTATE OF WILLIAl WIKOFF, DECEASED. THE public are hereby informed that there will be sold, at public sale, to the ast and highest bidder, by A. Dijean, pub- lie auctioneer, at the Court House of this Pa- rish, on Wednesday, 25th of May 1853, he following described property, belonging to he estate of the late William Wikoff, lately f the Parish of St. Landry, to wit: A Tract of Land, situated and lying on Plaquemine Brulde, in this Parish, known as the Vikoff's Vachery, unded on the South by land of S. W. Wi- off, and on all the other sides by the Public omain,-containing 3,000 arpents. ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, lying on the E:ast side of the Bayou Nespi- u6, in this Parish, bounded on all sides by he Public Domain, and containing 800 ar- ents, more or less. TERMS AND CONDITIONs:-The purchase oney payable on a credit of one, two and hree years, from the day of sale. A. DE JEAN, Auctioneer. Opelousas, 23d April, 1853. 7000hE FEET OF LUM- BER, for sale by e undersigned. Apply at the Mill. CHARLES CLOSE.. St. Landry, 23d April, 1853. .Frierson. Robt. Conway. FRIERSON, FOWLER & Co. Cotton and Sugar Factor., 39 Carondelet Street. G., NEW ORLEANS. July 3rd 1852-1y. HE subscriber has the honor to inform his friends and the public that he has lust arrived from New Orleans, with a com- lete assortment of Dry Goods and Gro- ceries of all kinds car-. er's tools, jewelry, watches, clocks,; ed- ery, hardware, crockeryware, wines, bran- es, &c., which he offers for sale at moder- prices. He takes this opportunity to re- his thanks to his friends and the p blio or the encouragement he has received from hem till this day, and hopes to deserve a continuation of their favors. C. MEfICIS. !Opel~asn9th April 185 ---3an.

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  • I I p RIER,M1gi4-L.hUJnIkiai I M. Landy

    Job ltZ & ANDR ZW EYI1ER.

    19i d i, s" th. A ` 5

    rct Attorney.S ' We ai authorized to announce P. D. lIinY

    i., awli candidate br the office of District Attor--ey,•4~lhateveCtudicial Distriet will include theACusi of St.I andry.

    Opelolses Apsil 30th. 1853.

    i TO OUR FRIENDS..Anxious to fulfill our pecuniary engagements,

    wq Pake the following proposition to those who

    are jidebte to us:-Up to the first of June next,w . receie from our subscribers thu amount
