the paducah evening sun. (paducah, ky) 1908-03-12 [p...

THURSDAY MAIlCIl > F1VB raTITE PADUOAH EVENBSo SUNPnG AJI u Ideal Meat Market SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY ONLY Red Snapper per ib15oSp- anish Mackerel1b25eN- ative Mackerel Ih200Sil- leltll per II 150 Herring tier lb l2Kc Fancy Celery- Cranberries per ijt 15c Tomatoes per hasket750O- Illlla Flour per t sack 85c J Ib Can Tomatoes per can 5o lilack Mass per lb200 I Saturdays Ad I THE LOCAL NEWS Dr Gilbert osteopath 400 > 4 IJroadway Phono 19C Form for real estate agents for MO at this onico Mr H O Holllns has left the city for a few months and 1 have ac ¬ quired an intercut In his business and hall look after It for him Any In ¬ formation with reference to any branch of It will receive prompt at ¬ tendon If you will call up The Sun office Doth phones 358 U J Paz ton Dr Warner veterinarian Treat ¬ ment of domestic animals Both phones 131 carIrlallll nnd theater ell Our prices are low er than thoto rhargid for like sorvleo In any city In America Our service In second to none and the beat in this city Palmer Transfer Company Carriage work of all kinds Painting repairing rubber tires etc Spring wagons nmila to order We are offering special Inducements for early orders Soxton Sign Works Phono 401 For house numbers door plats bratty Htoncilt bnws anti alumnlum cheeks of all kinds rubber typo tlgns markers Sto The Diamond fltann Works 115 South Third Phono SRS City subscribers to tho Dally Sun who wUh the delivery of their papers stopped must notify our col ¬ lectors ur make the requests direct to The Sun office No attention will bo paid to such orders when given to carrier Sun Publishing Co- If you want n nlco lawn sow Brnntoni Mwn gram seed Flower M ed that grow Brunsons Flower Shop 629 Broadway It I D Clonwnu k Co offer for the wok the following books at GOc Ir copy Port of Missing Man Half a Rogue Garden of Allah Tho Gambler Pam Lion and tho Mono Ilea Blair Place your orders for wedding invitations at home The Sun Is thawing as great an assortment M you will nnd anywhere at prices much lower than you will liavo to pay olfowhorc W 1 F Perry pnmier nnd deco ¬ ruler Htlmate furnlilied price sea wmnbla Old pJion 16G Shop and nldoncu 82C Clark Tlito morulng the theft of sov oral pieces of meat from time ltoj n ttml shop I on I 101evantli l street near Broadway was retorted I to Patrolmen Prtiiro and Wood The mont was stored In tho shop and tho door was prized open and Will taken Tlne meat wns not cooked but the thief was hungry enough to take It nnd not leave any trace as to his Identity S llartlett Kerr general mlll- lApr of the Illlnolt surety company of Chicago wrote Maurice Mel ntyrjrycity deCk this morning that he would IM < HALF PRICE SALE WhitingsSociety e Stationery For ono week only 1wc nro going to hnvti n bin special coin of Lima fatuous Whitings SocUty Statoncry in order to reduce our largo stock Wo have the oompleto lino of box papers soiling ordinarily from ° 5c to 300 a box but during this solo the prices will bo only 15ctol50 A Box Gilberts Drug Store 4th and Broadway her Phone lie 77 Crop tcs No 1 per lb 20c- Croppies No2 perlb12cSh- rimp per qt40cOys- ters per can 30c and 50c Smoked Fish Smoked Whltq Fish per lb20o Smoked White Fish Chubs20c Smoked Salmon per Ib12 > iiO Smoked Hloaters per doz 30o Smoked Haddlc per Ib Ifio Smoked Herring perlb 12J4C Watch Our here tomorrow afternoon to sign the bonds of the saloonkeepers Ue Soot Destroyer and your chimneys wont smoke Ask your dealer for It Tho W C T U will meet this afternoon at the First Baptist church The flower mission department will ho In charge of the meeting The Ladles title society of the Flrtit Baptist church will meet Friday afternoon at 3 oclock with Mrs W I E Cwvlngton 717 Jefferson street Use our lawn grass seed and get n nice stand of grass Sow Is tho tine I to use It At Bledermans Flro companies Nos 2 and J wore called to Seventh and Caldwell streets this morning about 10 oclock by an alarm of flro When tho lire men arrived there was no traco of a blaze In the vicinity Tomorrow afternoon at the pub ¬ lie library the school children will have a talk by MH Mnymo Baynham tine librarian TIle childrens hour will lgln al 310 oclock au Kerry colored and KloMlo Moiloy colored were taken to tho reform whool this morning by De ¬ tective William Baker Tho Kerry lad was caught by Patrolman Aaron Jlurloy with some skates and articles ho had stolen from residences The I couII111I0t stay In the reform idiool would t he of benefit NAT CiOOMVIV Joint the MiiltlMlllloimliv I l DIIM In Nevada New York March 12 Telegraphic advlcfw jitKt received here by Nat Co Goodwin the comedian upon tho bonanza character of his gold mining properties In the Rawhide Nov min ¬ lag district have persuaded him to abandon the stage temporarily at toast disband Ills theatrical company with which he Ii now playing in The Easterner at the Garrick theater and proceed ne quickly I an povdlilo to the mines where he Intends to take porsonal supervision of operations Fifteen Incites of 2000 per ton ore opened upon the Holllgan claim of your Rawhide Coalition company All Rawhide has gone wild over the discovery Your Rawhldo Coalition Balloon 11111 Mining company Gray 1 Eagle Fraction Mining looming company and Nat C Goodwin lease ndJoHiing Koarns No 2 on Balloon Hill now have a market value of moro than 1000000 ALL sritAV IHMS MUST Mi I KILKIU SAYS hliEF All tho utray dogs In the city must go and Chief Collins will start war on time homuloBH curs In a short time limo chief Intended to start out after them this week but tho river has risen and lime chief has no convenient place to build the pound Although the high water Is prolonging time life of the dogs It will be for only a short hCtI night ranch to the discomfort of the neighbor Recently many owners of dogs have boon paying time tax and making the lIfo of their dugs safe but no Insurance companies arc willing to take a risk on tho dugs when time crusade begins MAYOR CJIVKS OIMIKIIK SOT- TO l BUY KROM HIS STORE No tine firm In the city gets all of the pro from time supplies purchased by the clly departments With the policy of fairness to nil that marked its campaign Mayor James P Smith sees that every linn In the city Is treated fairly In the citys trade City Jailer Brown has been cautioned not In hey an article from tho mayors store In the purchasing no party lines arc drawn and the little dealer stands un equal show with the big dealer when It comes to supplying the needs of tho departments of the cityt Delegates fio Home About all of the delegates to tho Republican convention loft tho city this morning time Lyon county dole gallon which returned homo at 9 oclock being among time last to leave rho delegations from tho Purchase counties left on tho late trains ester day afternoon A large majority of the delegates wore genial fellows and thoroughly I I enjoyed their visit to time city I The Evening SunIOc n Week jiiCIiiRCLES j JiWnl Committees nud Chairmen for IYdenilJon Ktitcrlulniiient I The local Federation council met yesterday afternoon at tho Woman somelof federation meeting here In June The chairmen of the various committees were appointed these will select their assistants and announce them at the next meeting when tho program alsd will bo arranged In full This meet Ing will bo held some tlmo before the session of the I Federation Executive Board at Itarrodsburg on March 20 The local committee which will hay entire charge of the federations en- tertainment and their chairmen arc Credentials and Hadges Miss Eliza both Sinnott chairman Place of MeetingMrs Robert Becker Phillips chairman Program Mrs Louis M Ricke chairman deception and Entertainment Mrs Mildred I F Davis chairman Homeg Miss lichen lx > wry chair ¬ manDepot Reception Mrs Eli G Boone chairma- nDecoratlonllrjl James Campbell Flournoy chairman Press Mrs Edmund II Post vhalnnanMuilc Mrs Hubbard S Wells chnlrlllanI Mnll and Informaltoc Mrs Edwin Rivers chairman Ushers and Pages Miss Marjorie Scott chairman The ofllcors of the local federation council which Is composed of all the ofllcors of the six federated clubs Womans dub Delphic Magazine Matlnoo Musical Kalosoplilc and Alumni association nro Mrs James A Hud chairman Mrs Elbrldgo Palmer assistant chairman Mrs A It Moyrrs secretary Miss Minnie Hatcllffc treasurer MKslonary Tea Fridiiy Afternoon The Womans auxiliary of Grace Episcopal church will have Its rogu ¬ lar Missionary Tea for March tomor ¬ row aftcrnon nt 3 oclock at the par Ifh house Mrs Richard 0 Terrell Is flic hostess Tho program will In ¬ elude biographical sketches of laborers In tho mission Holds as follows 1 Dr Muhlonberg Mr W W Powell Irkiaud 2 Current I Events 4 IIIIIIIFor All Thy Saints i liimnl SMi4jiloii Ikslre Hooks for a Traveling Library nieettFriday the High school auditorium An In ¬ teresting program will bo presented under the auspices of tho Literature committee Ms John J Dorian Mrs W W Powell Mrs I E 0 Boone It Is especially desired that all the members should be present as It is the annual election of officers and an Important meeting The present off- icers are Mrs Louis II Illcko presi ¬ dent Miss Adah Brazolton vice president Mrs Hal Corbctt second vice president Mrs J J Dorian ro wording secretary Miss Elizabeth Slnnott corresponding secretary Mr tllrhnrd Scott treasurer Mrs Hleko has been serving only since October Illling out tho unexplred term of Mrs A It Meyers resigned and her work has been of high order along nil lines for tho Alumnis advancement and with limo cordial cooperation and ser vice of tho other officers who had served time previous year Tho Alumni association decided at Its last meeting to send a box of books as a traveling library into thb Kentucky mountains where there Is an especial call for reading mattet All the members are requested to contribute to this and to send tho hooks In to Mrs Louis Hleke 703 Jefferson street as soon ng possible March it the month when a new pair of waterproof shoo may be the very thing to save you from the doctor A pound of preven ¬ tion is wortha ton of medicine Spring styles ready for your inspection 405 4l5 aYoA8NAZ 1 Any work of good lltprature either for children or grown people Is de sired Tho Rev S B Moore pastor of tho First Christian church was called to Jacksonville 111 yesterday to hold funeral services over the body of Mr S D Gray a well known merchant and a fast friend of the minister Mr J U Lane went to Renton and Murray today on a short business tripMr J F Luft of Broadway has returned from Columbus 0 where he was called several weeks ago by the serious Illness of his mother Mrs Josephine Young and grand son Augustus Rudolph of Mayfleld are visiting Mrs J E Thomas Mr D W Layton general man nger of the 11 III man Furnaco com- pany of St iLouls is In tho city on a business trip Mrs E Rehkopf and Mrs Earl Walters have returned from a visit to Mr Henry Rchkopf of New Orleans Mr P I E Stutz has returned from Danville Va where he was called by the Illness of his brother Mr Charles Stutz lion Jako Corbctt of WIckllffe left early this morning for Frankfort on a business trip Mr W I Frey has returned from a visit to his brother Mr Edward Prey Mrs of InneldI has returned home after a visit to Mrs Richard Clements of Clay street Detective William Baker left this morning for Lexington on a business tripMr William McCullom marshal of Kuttawa returned homo this morn lag after attending the convention yesterday Mrs Wilbur Hefiln Is visiting her father James Bync of Grahamvlllo Mr Toll Cornell of Grahamvllle has returned from Hopkinsvllle when he accompanied Mrs Cornell and daughter who are visiting friends Miss Mary Stauffcr will arrive to ¬ night from Ml Vernon 0to be tho guest of Mrs Edward J Pcttlt 1201 Trimble street Mr JP Travis C23 South Fifth attackof Mr Alex Dunialne Tenth and Ter ¬ rell streets was taken ill this morning with malaria Mrs Charles Frederick and daugh ¬ ter May have returned from a visit with relatives in Princeton Mr C C GrafBham left last night andilallshter home with them the first of April Mrs Luke Russell and Miss Anno Shcrrlll Ralrd of Jefferson boulevard have gone to Dawson Springs for a several weeks stay TIIU HKV ft C WRiqilJL- lfCTURKS Af MiiVlilllS The Rev David Cady Wright rec- tor ¬ of Grace Episcopal church Padu cah Is one of the speakers announcer for the mens Lenten services to be held In Memphis Tenn under the auspices of time Brotherhood of St Andrew Dr Wrights series of talks will bo given March 2328 These services are attended by from 400 to 500 men and the foremost ministers of the denomination are asked to ad ¬ dress them The fact that Mr Wright spoko last year at tho services Is n distinct recognition of the Impression ho made the- nS1lilGE DISEASE 11LIJi Skill of town Woman Ouzcd Blood at I the SllglilrH Touch Waterloo la March 12Mrs Samuel Potter aged twentyfive died of a strange disease at her home near Littleton She was 111 only a short time Her skin oozed blood at the slightest touch Nothing like It has been seen In this part of tho country The board of health Insisted that those who took part In the Interment should have their clothing fumigated In several respects the disease ap ¬ Reared like scarlet fever but hemor ¬ rhage following time slightest touch upon the skin was a complication that medical men could pot under- stand ¬ 1iirdoii Only Con Save Washington March 1A certified copy of order issued In the case of lunches M Smith Sr anti others of Cairo 1 Irani can county Mo by tho United States supreme court has been sent to time federal court at St Louis where the men were convicted on charges of peonage There Is no fur ¬ timer step that can be taken to save the Smiths and the others convicted with hem from serving out their Jail sen ¬ tences and paying their flues except by pardon Louisiana Iollljclaii Killed Amlte City La March 12Dunc- an ¬ S Kemp former district attorney for this district and recently nominat ¬ ed to the state senate In the Demo ¬ cratic primary was shot and killed by C F Hyde a brother Inlaw of E B Watson of 5t Helena parish and nominated for the senate oh tho same ticket with Kemp Hydo Is under arrest MiirNlmll Kniilly Docket Attorney iMIko Oliver went to Ben ton this morning to look after some equity cases that are to como before the circuit court next week About two days will be required to dispose of tho unfinished business now bofor c the court Judge Reed adjourned court this week on account of the criminal and ordinary docket beln finished i TIre Evening SunlOc a Week r yitsl CHILIAN TROOPS KILL THOUSANDS TO QUELL STRIKE San Francisco March 12Accord Ing to officers of the steamer Chris- tina Horse tho loss of life In the Jan- uary conflict between troops and strikers at the nitrate beds at Iqulque Chill was purposely misrepresented by the Chilian government They do claro that Instead of a hundred being killed 2500 lost their lives the troops using machine pins The bar tie continued for a week Bodies were strewn over the streets A thousand were burled In one grave In order to prevent a pestilence Tin strike was broken Icy troops Work ers are now declared to be on tin vergo of staratlonI NEWS OF COURTS t uuuuuuu In Circuit Omit Thomas D Wright filed suit In clr cult court yesterday against the Leon ardMartln Construction company for J2VOOO damages sustained by getting his hand mashed In handling a chain belt wlill <jass1stlng In tho construction of tho coal chute In tie I C yards Tho Illedcrman Distilling company filed suit against D M 1 Iotts and II II Hufllne for 9d alleged to be duo on a note A suit was brought In circuit court by the heirs of Mrs Mary C WII ¬ liams for a settlement of the estate and division of property In Police Court Only one case was before Judge Cross this morning J M 1 Dunlap and Jennie Dunlap who reside on Jefferson street near Twentyfourth street were charged with conducting a nuisance but after hearing tho evidence tho warrant was dismissed The defendants own n lot and tho wa ¬ ter from the street has been passing over the lot Tho street department placed a pipe across the street so that the water ran across the lot In one stream It Is saId that Dunlap stopped the pipe and the drainage was stop ¬ led IKeils Kited S R Simmons to Eugene Fooks onehalf undivided Interest In 110 acres Jl ManInge Lieenws Howard W Sweeten and Rena L LlvcsayRF Fondaw and Lottlo Wyalt- In bankruptcy A settlement and distribution of tho bankrupt estate of John T Wat ¬ son Is being made by Referee Bagby this afternoon SUES FOR BROKEN FAITH Ui Sidle Jlrl Asks 10000 From James G Doyle La Salle 111 March nJames G Doyle editor of the La Salle Dally Post and n member of the Democratic state central committee was made defendant In a 10000 suit for breach of promise of marriage filed by Miss Marie Goskusky of this city Mr Doyle was married in New York February 29 to Miss Eva Bowater of Chicago daughter of Mrs William Bowater They are now on tho ocean en route to Panama where theyvvfl spend their honeymoon and are ex ¬ pected in LaSalle April L Mr P1lo was one of William Randolph Hearsts personal representatives In La Sallo county during his campaign for the Democratic nomination for i president In 1904 IiOOKS BAD FOR RACING BILLS Poll of the Semite Shows 18 Apilus and 1SJ i for Them Albany N Y March 12 Even friends Of Governor Hughes and tho men who stand with him in his anti taco track betting fight have reached tho conclusion that the outlook for time HartAgnew bills now In the codes committees of the two houses Is a dark one They gave out the result of a volt of the senate which they had Just completed It showed 28 against the bills and 23 for Dr J T Gilbert was In Princeton yesterday on professional business When your food does out setill to Rive you MiriiRtli btnp eating pronilsciioiiMy for H few days Juke n dish of iiiipeNuts ii nd cream for breakfast emit slowly and cote the way you eau work nil the fortnoon without that faint feeling- GrnpcNiit9 mado front wheat and Iwrley contains the pliosplwten which tlm miller of white Hour thrown out for that part makes thick Hour but these phosphates mi necessary to the rebuild rug of brain and nerve cells nutg drug In irnpeNuts Theres a Hcasoii 12 CENTS SATURDAY MARCH 14 How little for such big articles so usefulso exceedingly cheap the people say and great numbers avail themselve of these very attractive bargains Notice the goodies below G qt Tin Sauce Pans Work Baskets 3 rolls Toilet Paper Dutch Butter Buckets 12 qt tin Dish Pans 8 qt Galv Pails G qt tin Pudding Pans 8 qt tin Pudding Pans Long handle Fire Shovel Square tin Bread Pans Never Burn Drip Pans Wire Clothes Lines Syrup Pitchers Granito Wash Pans GEO O HART SONS CO Incorporated l J tt I WANT ADS Subscribe Inserting want ads In Tho Sun will kindly remember that all such penis are to ho pjdd for when Uio ad Is Inserted the rulo applying to every ono without exception FOR dry wood old phone 23G1 FOR beating and stovowood ring 437 F Levin- 1VANTEDBoarders at 203 North TwetrthI I BUY your Torc M Caglo Best lump lIe at yards New phono 975 HORSES and maro for sale Two each 917 North Sixth street FOR SALE CHEAP Gasoline launch good as new speed 10 miles easy terms Address B care Sun FOR RENTTwo or three rooms for light housekeeping 409 South Fourth Old phone SC2 JOlt IIENTOno nice room with board bath etc C2G Kentucky avenue I COTTAGE FOR ILENT8 per month three blocks from P O Apply at 441 South Slxl- b1UnSI1lJImiHcUlrholstcred I re¬ paired ant bought at 205 South Third Now Phcte aOla I WANTED Boys easy work J500 2871Louisvlilo Von SALE Automobile will sell cheap for cash account leaving city Broadstreet I J U MOKUAN horse snowing general repairing rubber tires 48 South Third- WASTEDTo I buy Iron fencing for yard purposes Call Chas Parker new phone 114 WHEN you want cab ring 100 Longs cab line LOST Ono black mare pony built Return to Haynes DIsmukcs at UiBolIc park forroward ALLKINDS of painting and deco- rating ¬ George Ovorstreet Old phono- orKn MtU IYAtiTEDTo buy ck1 dck1l turkeys and guineas Address Box 136a It F D No 1 city I I LOST Gold locket containing I boys photo and built dime Finder please return to this office and receive reward FOR RENT Five room cottagf 127 N Fifth Apply to Mrs AS Dabncy FOR SALTCart flratogood fol fSu on purchase of Baldwin piano or pianola Address J L R caro Sun stating what you will give for It HOME easy four Mctracked l New phono C2 old 765 I HAVE employed a ilrstclass dressmaker and am prepared to do all kinds of neat sewing at 1C01 Madi- son ¬ FOR SALE One Jack flvo years old Well developed 14 If hands high Flno breeder black For fur thor Information cal p L n Acree Melbor Ky LAST SEASONS White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock roosters and B P Rock unit White Leghorn eggs for sittings for sale Ring 053 old phone STOLEN An ISfoot Leaven worth skiff 10 will be paid for Its return to Dr E R Goodloo Little Cypress Ky w Screw Drivers G in Butcher Knives 8 qt Flaring Pail Towel Rollers Butter Moulds Granite Dippers 1 gal Coal Oil Cans I qt tin Milk Cans Loose Bottom Jelly Tins Muflln Rings 2 qt Grnnito Sauce Pans Granite Cake Pans 6 qt Tin Buckets COOK WANTEDAt 1118 Jeffer- son ¬ Middle aged woman preferred FOR SALEGood secondhand mantle and grato fixtures Apply 428 South Fourth street LOSTA good ride if you dont buy your buggy phaeton or surrey from Powell Rogers d Co Incorpor ated 131 North Third street GET OUT tmttrold suit of last year and have it cleaned and pressed by James Duffy South Ninth near Broad way and it will look like new FOR RENT March 1C dwelling 1C27 Jefferson street 8 rooms all modern conveniences Hot water fur ¬ nace Apply to Wm Hughes at Pa- ducah Banking Co WANTED Men and woraentadls tribute samples for wholesale house salary 18 weekly work full or part time Capital or experience unnece- ssary ¬ Northwestern Co A20 Conic Block Chicago SPEECHES club papers mono ¬ logues on any subject or for any sort of an occasion prepared or rewritten on short notkce Absolute secrecj guaranteed Address I Kan Dotighltt care Evening Sun office Write ma and I will answer by mall or In per son as requeste- dWANTEDFor U S army Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35 citizens of the United States of good charactc and temper- ate habits who can speak read and writo English Men wanted for service In Cuba and tho Philippines For Information apply to Recruiting Officer New Richmond House Pa ducah Ky FOR R1lE CHANGE The Scott Hannon farm six miles nqjth and two miles east of upper ferry landing I 111 illinois fencea and cross fenced 1GO acres sixroom house smoke house large barn ant granaries six acres rye about ten acres meadow some pasture good orchard and nice flowers See T Warren Sharp at Hogan grocery 122 Kentucky avenue Finished But Not Ended Time selfmade millionaire who had endowed the school had been Invited Ito make tho opening speech at the commencement exercises He had not often had a chance of speaking be ¬ fore the public and ho was resolved to make tho most of It He dragged his address out most tiresomely re- peating ¬ the same thought over anti over Unable to stand It any longer a couple of boys Iir tho rear of tho room sllppcd out A coachman who was waiting outside asked them If tho millionaire had finished his speech Gee yes replied the boys but he wont stop Everybodys Maga- zine ¬ IJceuseBedford J 1 Hjotcman prominent physician of Blboihlngton was arrested at the l In ¬ stigation of a local physician last night charging him with practicing without a license Ho has a state 11 ¬ tense and will fight tho case In tho courts Ho came here where ho Is at- tending ¬ a patient who has cancer Revolutionize Mining LIUVH Cruthrlu March nTho governor signed tho bill which royolutlonlzej tho states mining laws placing the state mine Inspector In absolute con ¬ trol Tho bill prevents boys working underground and requires the latest safety devices A bargalnlovlng wife is a great drawback to her husbands bank ac- count ¬ Fa k

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-03-12 [p 5] · THURSDAY MAIlCIl raTITE > F1VB PADUOAH EVENBSo SUNPnG AJI u Ideal Meat Market



Red Snapper per ib15oSp-anish Mackerel1b25eN-ative Mackerel Ih200Sil-leltll per II 150

Herring tier lb l2KcFancy Celery-

Cranberries per ijt 15c

Tomatoes per hasket750O-Illlla Flour per tsack 85cJ Ib Can Tomatoes per can 5olilack Mass per lb200

I Saturdays Ad I


Dr Gilbert osteopath 400 > 4IJroadway Phono 19C

Form for real estate agents forMO at this onico

Mr H O Holllns has left thecity for a few months and 1 have ac ¬

quired an intercut In his business andhall look after It for him Any In ¬

formation with reference to anybranch of It will receive prompt at ¬

tendon If you will call up The Sunoffice Doth phones 358 U J Pazton

Dr Warner veterinarian Treat ¬

ment of domestic animals Bothphones 131

carIrlallllnnd theater ell Our prices are lower than thoto rhargid for like sorvleoIn any city In America Our serviceIn second to none and the beat in thiscity Palmer Transfer Company

Carriage work of all kindsPainting repairing rubber tires etcSpring wagons nmila to order Weare offering special Inducements forearly orders Soxton Sign WorksPhono 401

For house numbers door platsbratty Htoncilt bnws anti alumnlumcheeks of all kinds rubber typo tlgnsmarkers Sto The Diamond fltannWorks 115 South Third Phono SRS

City subscribers to tho DallySun who wUh the delivery of theirpapers stopped must notify our col ¬

lectors ur make the requests directto The Sun office No attention willbo paid to such orders when givento carrier Sun Publishing Co-

If you want n nlco lawn sow

Brnntoni Mwn gram seed FlowerMed that grow Brunsons FlowerShop 629 Broadway

It ID Clonwnu k Co offer forthe wok the following books at GOc

Ir copy Port of Missing ManHalf a Rogue Garden of AllahTho Gambler Pam Lion and

tho Mono Ilea BlairPlace your orders for wedding

invitations at home The Sun Is

thawing as great an assortment Myou will nnd anywhere at pricesmuch lower than you will liavo topay olfowhorc

W 1F Perry pnmier nnd deco ¬

ruler Htlmate furnlilied price seawmnbla Old pJion 16G Shop andnldoncu 82C Clark

Tlito morulng the theft of sovoral pieces of meat from time ltoj n

ttml shopI on I101evantlil street nearBroadway was retortedI to PatrolmenPrtiiro and Wood The mont wasstored In tho shop and tho door wasprized open and Will taken Tlne meatwns not cooked but the thief washungry enough to take It nnd notleave any trace as to his Identity

S llartlett Kerr general mlll-

lApr of the Illlnolt surety company ofChicago wrote Maurice Mel ntyrjrycitydeCk this morning that he would IM <



StationeryFor ono week only1wc nrogoing to hnvti n bin special

coin of Lima fatuous WhitingsSocUty Statoncry in orderto reduce our largo stockWo have the oompleto lino of

box papers soiling ordinarilyfrom °5c to 300 a box butduring this solo the priceswill bo only

15ctol50A Box

Gilberts Drug Store4th and Broadway

her Phone lie 77

Crop tcs No 1 per lb 20c-

Croppies No2 perlb12cSh-rimp per qt40cOys-ters per can 30c and 50c

Smoked FishSmoked Whltq Fish per lb20oSmoked White Fish Chubs20cSmoked Salmon per Ib12 >iiO

Smoked Hloaters per doz 30oSmoked Haddlc per Ib IfioSmoked Herring perlb 12J4C

Watch Our

here tomorrow afternoon to sign thebonds of the saloonkeepers

Ue Soot Destroyer and yourchimneys wont smoke Ask yourdealer for It

Tho W C T U will meet thisafternoon at the First Baptist churchThe flower mission department willho In charge of the meeting

The Ladles title society of theFlrtit Baptist church will meet Fridayafternoon at 3 oclock with Mrs WIE Cwvlngton 717 Jefferson street

Use our lawn grass seed and getn nice stand of grass Sow Is thotine Ito use It At Bledermans

Flro companies Nos 2 and Jwore called to Seventh and Caldwellstreets this morning about 10 oclockby an alarm of flro When tho liremen arrived there was no traco of ablaze In the vicinity

Tomorrow afternoon at the pub ¬

lie library the school children willhave a talk by MH Mnymo Baynhamtine librarian TIle childrens hour willlgln al 310 oclockau Kerry colored and KloMloMoiloy colored were taken to thoreform whool this morning by De ¬

tective William Baker Tho Kerrylad was caught by Patrolman AaronJlurloy with some skates and articlesho had stolen from residences The I

couII111I0tstay In the reform idiool would the ofbenefit


Joint the MiiltlMlllloimlivI l DIIM InNevada

New York March 12 Telegraphicadvlcfw jitKt received here by Nat Co

Goodwin the comedian upon thobonanza character of his gold miningproperties In the Rawhide Nov min ¬

lag district have persuaded him toabandon the stage temporarily attoast disband Ills theatrical companywith which he Ii now playing in TheEasterner at the Garrick theaterand proceed ne quicklyI an povdlilo tothe mines where he Intends to takeporsonal supervision of operationsFifteen Incites of 2000 per tonore opened upon the Holllgan claimof your Rawhide Coalition companyAll Rawhide has gone wild over thediscovery Your Rawhldo CoalitionBalloon 11111 Mining company Gray1Eagle Fraction Mining loomingcompany and Nat C Goodwin leasendJoHiing Koarns No 2 on BalloonHill now have a market value ofmoro than 1000000


All tho utray dogs In the city mustgo and Chief Collins will start war ontime homuloBH curs In a short timelimo chief Intended to start out afterthem this week but tho river hasrisen and lime chief has no convenientplace to build the pound Althoughthe high water Is prolonging time lifeof the dogs It will be for only a shorthCtInight ranch to the discomfort of theneighbor Recently many owners ofdogs have boon paying time tax andmaking the lIfo of their dugs safe butno Insurance companies arc willing totake a risk on tho dugs when time

crusade begins



No tine firm In the city gets all ofthe pro from time supplies purchasedby the clly departments With thepolicy of fairness to nil that markedits campaign Mayor James P Smithsees that every linn In the city Is

treated fairly In the citys trade CityJailer Brown has been cautioned notIn hey an article from tho mayorsstore In the purchasing no partylines arc drawn and the little dealerstands un equal show with the bigdealer when It comes to supplyingthe needs of tho departments of the

citytDelegates fio Home

About all of the delegates to thoRepublican convention loft tho citythis morning time Lyon county dolegallon which returned homo at 9

oclock being among time last to leaverho delegations from tho Purchasecounties left on tho late trains esterday afternoon

A large majority of the delegateswore genial fellows and thoroughlyI


enjoyed their visit to time city


The Evening SunIOc n Week

jiiCIiiRCLES j

JiWnl Committees nud Chairmen forIYdenilJon Ktitcrlulniiient

I The local Federation council metyesterday afternoon at tho Woman

someloffederation meeting here In June Thechairmen of the various committeeswere appointed these will select theirassistants and announce them at thenext meeting when tho program alsdwill bo arranged In full This meetIng will bo held some tlmo before thesession of the IFederation ExecutiveBoard at Itarrodsburg on March 20The local committee which will hayentire charge of the federations en-

tertainment and their chairmen arcCredentials and Hadges Miss Eliza

both Sinnott chairmanPlace of MeetingMrs Robert

Becker Phillips chairmanProgram Mrs Louis M Ricke

chairmandeception and Entertainment

Mrs Mildred IF Davis chairmanHomeg Miss lichen lx > wry chair ¬

manDepot Reception Mrs Eli G

Boone chairma-nDecoratlonllrjl James Campbell

Flournoy chairmanPress Mrs Edmund II Post

vhalnnanMuilcMrs Hubbard S Wells

chnlrlllanIMnll and Informaltoc Mrs Edwin

Rivers chairmanUshers and Pages Miss Marjorie

Scott chairmanThe ofllcors of the local federation

council which Is composed of all theofllcors of the six federated clubsWomans dub Delphic MagazineMatlnoo Musical Kalosoplilc andAlumni association nro Mrs JamesA Hud chairman Mrs ElbrldgoPalmer assistant chairman Mrs A

It Moyrrs secretary Miss MinnieHatcllffc treasurer

MKslonary Tea Fridiiy AfternoonThe Womans auxiliary of Grace

Episcopal church will have Its rogu ¬

lar Missionary Tea for March tomor ¬

row aftcrnon nt 3 oclock at the parIfh house Mrs Richard 0 TerrellIs flic hostess Tho program will In ¬

elude biographical sketches of laborersIn tho mission Holds as follows

1 Dr Muhlonberg Mr W WPowellIrkiaud2 Current IEvents

4 IIIIIIIFor All Thy Saintsi

liimnl SMi4jiloii Ikslre Hooks fora Traveling Library

nieettFridaythe High school auditorium An In ¬

teresting program will bo presentedunder the auspices of tho Literaturecommittee Ms John J DorianMrs W W Powell Mrs IE 0 BooneIt Is especially desired that all themembers should be present as It isthe annual election of officers and anImportant meeting The present off-

icers are Mrs Louis II Illcko presi¬

dent Miss Adah Brazolton vicepresident Mrs Hal Corbctt secondvice president Mrs J J Dorian rowording secretary Miss ElizabethSlnnott corresponding secretary Mrtllrhnrd Scott treasurer Mrs Hlekohas been serving only since OctoberIllling out tho unexplred term of MrsA It Meyers resigned and her workhas been of high order along nil linesfor tho Alumnis advancement andwith limo cordial cooperation and service of tho other officers who hadserved time previous year

Tho Alumni association decided atIts last meeting to send a box ofbooks as a traveling library into thbKentucky mountains where there Isan especial call for reading mattetAll the members are requested tocontribute to this and to send thohooks In to Mrs Louis Hleke 703Jefferson street as soon ng possible

March it the monthwhen a new pair of

waterproof shoo maybe the very thing tosave you from thedoctor

A pound of preven ¬

tion is wortha ton ofmedicine

Spring styles readyfor your inspection

405 4l5 aYoA8NAZ1

Any work of good lltprature eitherfor children or grown people Is desired

Tho Rev S B Moore pastor oftho First Christian church was calledto Jacksonville 111 yesterday to holdfuneral services over the body of MrS D Gray a well known merchantand a fast friend of the minister

Mr J U Lane went to Rentonand Murray today on a short business

tripMrJ F Luft of Broadway has

returned from Columbus 0 wherehe was called several weeks ago bythe serious Illness of his mother

Mrs Josephine Young and grandson Augustus Rudolph of Mayfleldare visiting Mrs J E Thomas

Mr D W Layton general mannger of the 11 III man Furnaco com-pany of St iLouls is In tho city on abusiness trip

Mrs E Rehkopf and Mrs EarlWalters have returned from a visit toMr Henry Rchkopf of New Orleans

Mr P IE Stutz has returned fromDanville Va where he was calledby the Illness of his brother MrCharles Stutz

lion Jako Corbctt of WIckllffeleft early this morning for Frankforton a business trip

Mr W I Frey has returned froma visit to his brother Mr EdwardPrey

Mrsof InneldIhas returned home after a visit to

Mrs Richard Clements of Clay streetDetective William Baker left this

morning for Lexington on a businesstripMr

William McCullom marshal ofKuttawa returned homo this mornlag after attending the conventionyesterday

Mrs Wilbur Hefiln Is visiting herfather James Bync of Grahamvlllo

Mr Toll Cornell of Grahamvlllehas returned from Hopkinsvllle whenhe accompanied Mrs Cornell anddaughter who are visiting friends

Miss Mary Stauffcr will arrive to ¬

night from Ml Vernon 0to be thoguest of Mrs Edward J Pcttlt 1201Trimble street

Mr JP Travis C23 South FifthattackofMr Alex Dunialne Tenth and Ter ¬

rell streets was taken ill this morningwith malaria

Mrs Charles Frederick and daugh ¬

ter May have returned from a visitwith relatives in Princeton

Mr C C GrafBham left last night

andilallshterhome with them the first of April

Mrs Luke Russell and Miss AnnoShcrrlll Ralrd of Jefferson boulevardhave gone to Dawson Springs for aseveral weeks stay

TIIU HKV ft C WRiqilJL-lfCTURKS Af MiiVlilllS

The Rev David Cady Wright rec-tor


of Grace Episcopal church Paducah Is one of the speakers announcerfor the mens Lenten services to beheld In Memphis Tenn under theauspices of time Brotherhood of StAndrew Dr Wrights series of talkswill bo given March 2328 Theseservices are attended by from 400 to500 men and the foremost ministersof the denomination are asked to ad ¬

dress them The fact that Mr Wrightspoko last year at tho services Is ndistinct recognition of the Impressionho made the-


Skill of town Woman Ouzcd Blood atIthe SllglilrH Touch

Waterloo la March 12MrsSamuel Potter aged twentyfive diedof a strange disease at her home nearLittleton She was 111 only a shorttime Her skin oozed blood at theslightest touch Nothing like It hasbeen seen In this part of tho country

The board of health Insisted thatthose who took part In the Intermentshould have their clothing fumigated

In several respects the disease ap¬

Reared like scarlet fever but hemor ¬

rhage following time slightest touchupon the skin was a complicationthat medical men could pot under-stand


1iirdoii Only Con SaveWashington March 1A certified

copy of order issued In the case oflunches M Smith Sr anti others ofCairo 1 Irani can county Mo by thoUnited States supreme court has beensent to time federal court at St Louiswhere the men were convicted oncharges of peonage There Is no fur ¬

timer step that can be taken to save theSmiths and the others convicted withhem from serving out their Jail sen ¬

tences and paying their flues exceptby pardon

Louisiana Iollljclaii KilledAmlte City La March 12Dunc-


S Kemp former district attorneyfor this district and recently nominat ¬

ed to the state senate In the Demo ¬

cratic primary was shot and killedby C F Hyde a brother Inlaw of EB Watson of 5t Helena parish andnominated for the senate oh tho sameticket with Kemp Hydo Is underarrest

MiirNlmll Kniilly DocketAttorney iMIko Oliver went to Ben

ton this morning to look after someequity cases that are to como beforethe circuit court next week Abouttwo days will be required to disposeof tho unfinished business now boforcthe court Judge Reed adjournedcourt this week on account of thecriminal and ordinary docket belnfinishedi

TIre Evening SunlOc a Week

r yitsl




San Francisco March 12AccordIng to officers of the steamer Chris-

tina Horse tho loss of life In the Jan-uary conflict between troops andstrikers at the nitrate beds at IqulqueChill was purposely misrepresentedby the Chilian government They doclaro that Instead of a hundred beingkilled 2500 lost their lives thetroops using machine pins The bartie continued for a week Bodieswere strewn over the streets A

thousand were burled In one grave In

order to prevent a pestilence Tinstrike was broken Icy troops Workers are now declared to be on tinvergo of staratlonI


In Circuit OmitThomas D Wright filed suit In clr

cult court yesterday against the LeonardMartln Construction company forJ2VOOO damages sustained by gettinghis hand mashed In handling a chainbelt wlill<jass1stlng In tho constructionof tho coal chute In tie I C yards

Tho Illedcrman Distilling companyfiled suit against D M1 Iotts and IIII Hufllne for 9d alleged to be duoon a note

A suit was brought In circuit courtby the heirs of Mrs Mary C WII¬

liams for a settlement of the estateand division of property

In Police CourtOnly one case was before Judge

Cross this morning J M1 Dunlapand Jennie Dunlap who reside onJefferson street near Twentyfourthstreet were charged with conductinga nuisance but after hearing thoevidence tho warrant was dismissedThe defendants own n lot and tho wa ¬

ter from the street has been passingover the lot Tho street departmentplaced a pipe across the street so thatthe water ran across the lot In one

stream It Is saId that Dunlap stoppedthe pipe and the drainage was stop ¬


IKeils KitedS R Simmons to Eugene Fooks

onehalf undivided Interest In 110acres Jl

ManInge LieenwsHoward W Sweeten and Rena L

LlvcsayRFFondaw and Lottlo Wyalt-

In bankruptcyA settlement and distribution of

tho bankrupt estate of John T Wat ¬

son Is being made by Referee Bagbythis afternoon


Ui Sidle Jlrl Asks 10000 FromJames G Doyle

La Salle 111 March nJames G

Doyle editor of the La Salle DallyPost and n member of the Democraticstate central committee was madedefendant In a 10000 suit forbreach of promise of marriage filedby Miss Marie Goskusky of this city

Mr Doyle was married in New YorkFebruary 29 to Miss Eva Bowater ofChicago daughter of Mrs WilliamBowater They are now on tho ocean

en route to Panama where theyvvflspend their honeymoon and are ex ¬

pected in LaSalle April L Mr P1lowas one of William Randolph Hearstspersonal representatives In La Sallocounty during his campaign for theDemocratic nomination for ipresidentIn 1904


Poll of the Semite Shows 18 Apilusand 1SJi for Them

Albany N Y March 12 Even

friends Of Governor Hughes and thomen who stand with him in his antitaco track betting fight have reachedtho conclusion that the outlook fortime HartAgnew bills now In thecodes committees of the two housesIs a dark one They gave out theresult of a volt of the senate whichthey had Just completed It showed28 against the bills and 23 for

Dr J T Gilbert was In Princetonyesterday on professional business

When your food does out

setill to Rive you MiriiRtli

btnp eating pronilsciioiiMy

for H few days Juke n dishof iiiipeNuts ii nd cream forbreakfast emit slowly andcote the way you eau worknil the fortnoon withoutthat faint feeling-

GrnpcNiit9 mado frontwheat and Iwrley containsthe pliosplwten which tlm

miller of white Hour thrownout for that part makes thickHour but these phosphates

mi necessary to the rebuildrug of brain and nerve cellsnutgdrug In irnpeNuts

Theres a Hcasoii


How little for such big articles sousefulso exceedingly cheap thepeople say and great numbers availthemselve of these very attractivebargains Notice the goodies below

G qt Tin Sauce PansWork Baskets3 rolls Toilet PaperDutch Butter Buckets12 qt tin Dish Pans8 qt Galv PailsG qt tin Pudding Pans8 qt tin Pudding PansLong handle Fire Shovel

Square tin Bread PansNever Burn Drip PansWire Clothes LinesSyrup PitchersGranito Wash Pans

GEO O HART SONS COIncorporated

l J tt I


Subscribe Inserting want ads InTho Sun will kindly remember thatall such penis are to ho pjdd for whenUio ad Is Inserted the rulo applyingto every ono without exception

FOR dry wood old phone 23G1

FOR beating and stovowood ring437 F Levin-

1VANTEDBoarders at 203 NorthTwetrthII

BUY your Torc M Caglo Bestlump lIe at yards New phono 975

HORSES andmaro for sale Twoeach 917 North Sixth street

FOR SALE CHEAP Gasolinelaunch good as new speed 10 mileseasy terms Address B care Sun

FOR RENTTwo or three roomsfor light housekeeping 409 SouthFourth Old phone SC2

JOlt IIENTOno nice roomwith board bath etc C2G Kentuckyavenue I

COTTAGE FOR ILENT8 permonth three blocks from P O Applyat 441 South Slxl-




paired ant bought at 205 South ThirdNow Phcte aOla I

WANTED Boys easy work J500

2871LouisvliloVon SALE Automobile will sellcheap for cash account leaving city

Broadstreet I

J U MOKUAN horse snowinggeneral repairing rubber tires 48South Third-



buy Iron fencingfor yard purposes Call Chas Parkernew phone 114

WHEN you want cab ring 100Longs cab line

LOST Ono black mare ponybuilt Return to HaynesDIsmukcs at UiBolIc park forrowardALLKINDS of painting and deco-rating


George Ovorstreet Old phono-orKnMtU

IYAtiTEDTo buy ck1dck1lturkeys and guineas Address Box136a It F D No 1 city

I ILOST Gold locket containingI boys photo and built dime Finderplease return to this office and receivereward

FOR RENT Five room cottagf127 N Fifth Apply to Mrs AS


FOR SALTCart flratogood folfSu on purchase of Baldwin piano orpianola Address J L R caro Sunstating what you will give for It

HOMEeasy four


New phono C2 old 765I HAVE employed a ilrstclass

dressmaker and am prepared to do allkinds of neat sewing at 1C01 Madi-son


FOR SALE One Jack flvo yearsold Well developed 14 If handshigh Flno breeder black For furthor Information cal p L n AcreeMelbor Ky

LAST SEASONS White Leghornand Barred Plymouth Rock roostersand B P Rock unit White Leghorneggs for sittings for sale Ring 053old phone

STOLEN An ISfoot Leavenworth skiff 10 will be paid for Itsreturn to Dr E R Goodloo LittleCypress Ky


Screw DriversG in Butcher Knives

8 qt Flaring Pail

Towel Rollers

Butter Moulds

Granite Dippers

1 gal Coal Oil CansI qt tin Milk CansLoose Bottom Jelly TinsMuflln Rings2 qt Grnnito Sauce PansGranite Cake Pans6 qt Tin Buckets

COOK WANTEDAt 1118 Jeffer-son


Middle aged woman preferredFOR SALEGood secondhand

mantle and grato fixtures Apply 428South Fourth street

LOSTA good ride if you dontbuy your buggy phaeton or surreyfrom Powell Rogers d Co Incorporated 131 North Third street

GET OUT tmttrold suit of last yearand have it cleaned and pressed byJames Duffy South Ninth near Broadway and it will look like new

FOR RENT March 1C dwelling1C27 Jefferson street 8 rooms allmodern conveniences Hot water fur ¬

nace Apply to Wm Hughes at Pa-

ducah Banking CoWANTED Men and woraentadls

tribute samples for wholesale housesalary 18 weekly work full or parttime Capital or experience unnece-ssary


Northwestern Co A20 ConicBlock Chicago

SPEECHES club papers mono ¬

logues on any subject or for any sortof an occasion prepared or rewrittenon short notkce Absolute secrecjguaranteed Address I Kan Dotighlttcare Evening Sun office Write maand I will answer by mall or In person as requeste-

dWANTEDFor U S army Ablebodied unmarried men between agesof 18 and 35 citizens of the UnitedStates of good charactc and temper-ate habits who can speak read andwrito English Men wanted forservice In Cuba and tho PhilippinesFor Information apply to RecruitingOfficer New Richmond House Paducah Ky

FOR R1lECHANGE The Scott Hannon farmsix miles nqjth and two miles east ofupper ferry landing I111 illinois fenceaand cross fenced 1GO acres sixroomhouse smoke house large barn antgranaries six acres rye about tenacres meadow some pasture goodorchard and nice flowers See TWarren Sharp at Hogan grocery 122Kentucky avenue

Finished But Not EndedTime selfmade millionaire who had

endowed the school had been InvitedIto make tho opening speech at thecommencement exercises He had notoften had a chance of speaking be¬

fore the public and ho was resolvedto make tho most of It He draggedhis address out most tiresomely re-


the same thought over antiover Unable to stand It any longera couple of boys Iir tho rear of thoroom sllppcd out A coachman whowas waiting outside asked them If thomillionaire had finished his speech

Gee yes replied the boys buthe wont stop Everybodys Maga-zine


IJceuseBedford J1Hjotcman prominent physician ofBlboihlngton was arrested at the lIn ¬

stigation of a local physician lastnight charging him with practicingwithout a license Ho has a state 11 ¬

tense and will fight tho case In thocourts Ho came here where ho Is at-


a patient who has cancer

Revolutionize Mining LIUVH

Cruthrlu March nTho governorsigned tho bill which royolutlonlzejtho states mining laws placing thestate mine Inspector In absolute con ¬

trol Tho bill prevents boys workingunderground and requires the latestsafety devices

A bargalnlovlng wife is a greatdrawback to her husbands bank ac-


Fa k