the parish magazine for the parishes of st catherine and...

MAY 2016 The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

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Page 1: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and LINK 2016.pdf · A workshop exploring new repertoire for Evensong run by

MAY 2016

The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

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Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

The Ministry Team

Rev’d Hugh Wright 01983 853729

Email: [email protected]

David Tamcken Reader 506693

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Gill Smith Reader 856134

Morning Prayer Tuesday - Bonchurch Old Church - 8am

Wednesday - St Catherine's Church and Thursday Holy Trinity Church - 9am

Friday - Bonchurch Parish Church - 8.30am

All Welcome

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s John Holder 8525755852575

Steve Northern 856953

Holy Trinity Jo Nicholson Tony Morrish 840570

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508

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Can you remember an occasion when you felt very concerned, worried

even, for someone you cared about dearly? Perhaps, you felt helpless to do

anything to help them yourself, so you prayed earnestly to God for them.

Many people turn to prayer when they need God to help in some situation. In praying for someone, perhaps someone facing a serious illness, there is

always the temptation, even for seasoned prayers, to take the prayer back

again, as if God hasn’t ‘heard’ the first time, and then to pray it all over


But when you first prayed that prayer, God knew you cared enough to bring

your concerns and your love to him. Moreover, he knows the needs of the

person for whom you pray. He ‘hears’ you the first time! His love is

mysteriously engaged and released from that moment. The scriptures assure

us of that. Many of us can attest to that as fact in our own experience, and

give thanks for it. We may not know how prayer works, just that it does!

So surely it would be better, when we think again about that person who is

in need, and when we lift our hearts in prayer to God again, to then thank

him for answering our prayer, in whatever way He knows to be best. Our

love for the person and for God then grows, as does our faith and our

confidence, as we pray that prayer of thanks earnestly and powerfully. This

pushes back the clouds of worry, fear, and despondency, and we know that

His love and light can enter more fully into that person’s life. And in so

doing, we will find a sense of peace entering our hearts, as we rest in Him.

So when we pray to God about something, we should fight the temptation

to keep taking it back, as if God has not heard the first time, and instead

pray words of thanks, as our minds fill with love for the person in need.

Then we ourselves will rest in the Lord’s love, as we continue, day by day,

to lift them to God, thanking him for what he is doing in their life.

There is much for which most of us can pray prayers of thanks: the beautiful

world, the love of family and friends. But God is Father as well as Creator.

And so he wants us to come to him with prayers for his world and his

people, for the needs of those close to us and for our own needs, each day.

Prayer helps us to deepen our relationship with God.

Happy praying!

May God bless you. Jenny Hopkins-Holder

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One Down, Two to Go!

And as I write, it’s the A.P.C.M. season. Now (in mid-April) St Boniface

have had theirs and St Catherine’s and Holy Trinity’s are still in the

future. The Annual Vestry Meeting is the meeting at which Churchwardens

are elected, and this is usually followed by the Annual Parochial Church

Meeting where the past year is reviewed and the Welcome Team and

P.C.C. members are elected. All jolly fun (no doubt!) but one in which

there is a lot of hidden hard work by the Vicar, Churchwardens, Secretary

and Treasurer, the last two having particularly thankless tasks! I don’t know

as I write who will be this year’s six churchwardens (collective noun,

anybody? A Conclave of Churchwardens? A Cackle of Churchwardens? A

Chunter of Churchwardens?) But I know that we are all grateful to those

people who give both time and effort to ensure the smooth running of our three churches. To John and Steve, Jo and Tony, Jonny and Lyn (in no

particular order!)……..Thank you for the past year!

The P.C.C. are asked “to co-operate with the incumbent in “the whole

mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical”. This is

clearly the responsibility of all who allow their names to be put forward for

election to the P.C.C. and not simply for those who like that sort of

thing.” (Quotation from “An ABC for the P.C.C.: a Handbook for Church

Council Members.) I don’t know if this book still exists….I remember it

from the 1980’s…..or whether it has been superseded, but it did contain

some very common-sense observations!

So what is the A.P.C.M?

All People Come and Moan? Or

Any Person Can Muck-in?

And who are the P.C.C.?

A few ideas spring to mind. How about the Pleasantly Collaborative

Company? Not a bad thought, as we all OUGHT to be able to work

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together happily. NOT the Privately Chosen Clique, I hope! ANYONE

on the Electoral Roll is entitled to go forward for nomination, and some

of you may have it in mind for the future. How about People Creating

Change? Now there’s a challenge for us all to think about!

Yours, in P.C.C. mode,



I heard at St Catherine’s on April 10th that Anita Young (Mick and Nava’s

daughter) is going out to Tamale in Ghana soon for some weeks to assist

Solo with the new project, the Special School. David also tells me that

another crate is in preparation for Ghana and will be sent in the

near future. If you wish to know any more or to support these two

projects, please contact David Tamcken.

And following the first article, an acrostic poem about a


Come and have a go at it, to see what you could do!

Have a little think about the fact it could be YOU!

Unknown talents, gifts and deeds can be a breath of air,

Reaching out to others, show the Church can really care!

Carrying the can, can prove a costly way of life,

Having oil to pour upon the waters of church strife!

When it’s difficult to cope, you’re never on your own,

All Churchwardens meet in groups and have a little moan!

Rectors, vicars, come and go, churchwardens need to stay

Doing all the mundane jobs that crop up every day.

Even if it seems that no-one sees just what you’ve done,

Never fear! The work you do’s admired by everyone!

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Tuesday, May 3rd St Boniface Coffee Morning

Thursday, May 5th Ascension Day

Saturday, May 7th Wedding, Holy Trinity, 3 p.m.

Wednesday, May 11th Deanery Synod


Sunday, May 15th Pentecost/Whitsunday

Wednesday, May 18th Holy Trinity P.C.C.

Sunday, May 22nd Trinity Sunday

Holy Trinity Church

Wednesday 29 June 7.30pm TRUMPET AND ORGAN


• Handel • Clark• Morricone • Telemann • Bach



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St Catherine’S newS

Christian Aid Week

15th - 21st MAY This year Christian Aid is focussing on two women, Morsheda and Feroza.

Jesus calls us to love our neighbour, and he doesn't just mean the people

who live next door.

Take Morsheda, a young mother of four living in Bangladesh. She has little

land, few assets and no savings. The only work she can get is doing hard

manual labour for as little as 74pence a day. No matter how hard she works

she can't escape the floods that constantly threaten to sweep away her

home and her humble belongings. Right now, her future looks bleak. With a

£250 grant from Christian Aid, Morsheda would be able to build a large

earth plinth to live on and grow food, safely out of reach of the raging

waters. It would also pay for seeds, livestock and a wormery so she would

have independence and a long-term income.

Four years ago Feroza lost everything in a flood that washed away her

home. Before the flood she and her husband and their three children were

struggling to feed themselves. Now thanks to her neighbours from the other

side of the world (us), and through Christian Aid she was given a fresh start

and the chance to build a better life.

I pray that we can help Morsheda in a similar way and help her to start a

better life.

At St Catherine's on Sunday the 15th May we will be showing a short DVD during the service, featuring both Morsheda and Feroza, telling their own

stories. Please support Christian Aid this year. The usual red envelopes will

be available from your church as will notices an posters.

St Catherine's will be hosting, in the Hub, again this year our magnificent

Soup Lunch from 1pm on Wednesday 18th May. We would appreciate you

supporting this and the work of Christian Aid.

We believe in life before death.

Thank you. Roger Glover

Christian Aid Co-ordinator.

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WANTED - USED POSTAGE STAMPS Please save all your used postage stamps. They can be ordinary or picture

ones. British or Foreign. Leave enough of the envelope around them to

prevent the stamp being damaged.

Bring them to the HUB at St Catherine's church.

Thank you. Ann R and Kizzie B. Ventnor Inner Wheel

RSCM workshop to be held at Holy Trinity on

Saturday 9th July

‘O Lord Open Thou Our Lips’

A workshop exploring new repertoire for Evensong run by composer and

former cathedral organist, Malcolm Archer, now Director of Chapel Music

at Winchester College.

Cost to members of the RSCM and affiliates: £8.00

Cost to non-members: £10.00

The event will start at 2.30 pm and will conclude with a celebration of

Evensong at 6.00 pm. Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult.

Contact Helen Slade ([email protected]) or (07813 139434)

(01983 853504) for more information.


Never miss an

opportunity to make

others happy, even if you

have to leave them alone

in order to do it.

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Ventnor Townswomen's Guild May 18th.

Jane Pelham. Orchestras & amateur operatic societies

3rd Wednesday of the Month

2.15pm - In the Common Room at Knights Court, Ventnor


St Catherine's Church will be

hosting a

SUPER SOUP LUNCH on Wednesday 18th MAY

at 1pm in the HUB

Please come along and please give generously to the

work of Christian Aid this year.

Thank you. Roger Glover.

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I pause and often wonder as I watch our Cherub grow,

Of his divinity and knowledge, of how much he must know.

To be a Holy Angel as one day He will be

The answer for both you and I is just to wait and see.

An Angel is a messenger from God the Holy one,

Read about them in the Bible, they heralded God's Son.

Those lovely Bible stories are wonderful to read,

Billy often reads them, a story book indeed.

Our Angels are beside us, yes, Billy is here too,

We mortals may not see them, they are here for Me and You.

Our faith must not be shattered by insecurity or hate

Love is the key that always opens up the gate.

Cherub Billy is so wonderful, He will help us in our sorrow,

He will help us and support us to that bright tomorrow.

His antics will continue to amuse and not to doubt,

Read on dear reader and you will soon find out.

You will probably remember the geese and farmer Bell,

How they taught Billy how to fly, so good for me to tell.

They will all meet up again to reunite and fly,

You can read of Billy then to find the reason why.

God bless you all with lots of love, be kind, be good, be true,

Even if you feel unsure of what you are to do.

Talk to Jesus, He is here to answer you: TAKE HEED.

His Angels will support you in your hour of need.

Lovingly yours..........Ted.


Seen in a parish magazine:

Next Sunday the choir will give a recital, after

which the church will be closed for repairs.

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Not far from Ventnor town live a family of wild goats. Who graze their large

wilderness of downland happily along with their kids, they are supervised by a

dedicated group of local people. Their habitat consists of lots of gorse and rough,

sloping land, ideal for their needs. Not many people know of their existence,

which is just as well because they are rather shy and prefer to live in their own

beautiful, sheltered part of the world well away from human involvement.

To live in Ventnor or it's surrounding villages is a remarkable experience, there

are so many unique features to be found on the southern side of St Boniface.

We have several families of large Lizards that live secretly within the area.

It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure to live among it all.

Several years ago one of my daughters discovered a tiny plant growing from a

crevice In the brickwork of her house, She carefully extracted it and with lots of

personal love eventually transplanted it further down her garden. It is now a

glorious palm tree of about twenty feet tall.

There are many secret places in and around Ventnor where various wild plants

can be found such as Bee Orchids etc.

Secret is the word and secret they must remain for their protection and safety.

Our Botanic garden is a wonderful place where highly skilled gardeners cultivate

The most amazing plant life.

The sea also has a great deal to offer with the creation of rock pools and their

Inhabitants every low tide, a great attraction for people or all ages.

Dolphins can be seen playing just off shore. Yes, they are back again let us hope

they stay. As the weather improves sea life will become more and more


We live in a paradise. May I quote our town motto: "All this beauty is of God".

We are truly blessed. Enjoy but do not interfere.


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This lovely story has been around for some time, but if your readers have not seen it, it

is well worth sharing…especially in the month of Pentecost, when we recall the

importance of the unity of the Church…

A member of a certain church, who had previously attended services regularly,

stopped going. After a few weeks, the minister decided to visit him. He found the

man at home all alone, sitting by a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his

minister's visit, the man welcomed him awkwardly, and led him to a comfortable

chair near the fireplace and waited.

The minister made himself at home, but said nothing. In the grave silence, he

contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some

minutes, he took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and

placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still


The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame

flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and

Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. But now the minister

chose this time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead bit of coal

and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow once

more, with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. With that, the

minister smiled at his host, and quietly let himself out.

Red Squirrels on the Isle of Wight

A sunbeam, in the woods of Wight

Illumines a magenta coat

And, sat within that beam of light.

A squirrel – red! And how we gloat!

Though squirrels are a common sight

We see them nearly ev’ry day

Aloft within the treetops height

But these are never red – just grey.

But there, upon the Isle of Wight

No greys have ever set a paw

So go! You never know, you might

See squirrels you’ve not seen before.

A lovely island’s best delight –

Red squirrels on the Isle of Wight.

By Nigel Beeton

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St Francis Primary School Presents....

OLIVER! 25th, 26th, 27th MAY - 6pm.

Tickets £3

Available at School office.

Call 857449

SPRING QUIZ in aid of

The Friends of St Catherine's Church, Ventnor

At St Catherine's Church

Thursday 19th May 7.30pm

Teams of four, ALL WELCOME. Entry fee £10

per team (includes wine and light refreshments)

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Messy Church will be at

St Francis School on 21st MAY

Don’t forget to pick up your free copy of

The Pompey Chimes

St Catherine’s Church



Friday 3rd JUNE - 1pm - 5.30pm Saturday 4th JUNE - 10am - 4.30pm

Raffle, Sales Tables. Refreshments


Adults £1. Children Free

Competitors and Exhibitors 50p

Schedules available from St Catherine’s Church

and Rainbows, Pier Street, Ventnor

or call Sandy on 857383

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Sunday 8th MAY 9.30am. Solemn Sung Mass for

the Ascension of the Lord. Anthem:"Hail the day!"

- music by Sydney Nicholson (1875 - 1947)

Sunday 15th May 9.30am Solemn Sung Mass for Whit-Sunday.

Anthem: "God is a Spirit" to celebrate the bicentenary

of W. Sterndale Bennett's birth.

Sunday 22nd May 9.30am Solemn Sung Mass

for the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Anthem:

"Father, we praise Thee" by Eric M Thiman

Looking ahead ( for your diary!)

Saturday 11th JUNE 7.30pm

Concert of English Music "A Garland for the Queen"


Saturday 7th MAY 2.30pm " A Celebration of Praise"

for Ascension tide; led by Rev. Dr Robert Urqhart.

Sunday 15th May 3pm. Evening Prayer (BCP) for Pentecost.

Tea follows both services. Cordial welcome to all!

Ventnor Townswomen's Guild Afternoon Social Studies Group.


Speaker Ann Evans

Group Leader: Mrs B Joyner - 857567

2.15pm - Held at The Residents' lounge, Byrnhill Grove.

Park Avenue. Ventnor. £1 per meeting including tea/coffee and biscuits.

St Albans the Martyr Church - Upper Ventnor

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Carisbrooke Priory Open Door Speakers for May 2016

5th May Bob White (Communion)

12th May Charles J Andrew

19th May Ian and Pat Attrill

26th May Brian Harley

Open Door Meeting every Thursday at 12 noon followed by lunch in the Dining Room at

approximately 1.00 pm

Activities @ The Priory:

Art for Beginners Wednesdays – 4th May, 18th May & 1st June – 10.00 a.m. –

12 Noon Very limited number of places – booking essential

Contact George Goddard on 07999 726998.

Make A Posy with Chris Tuesday 10th May 2016 - 2.00 – 4.00 p.m.

Contact the Priory for further details

Poetry, Past & Present Friday 13th May – 11.15 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Poetry Appreciation – Bring along a poem or two to share.

Melodies & Memories Monday 23rd May 2016 – 2.00 – 3.30 p.m. in the Priory

Chapel. Come along and share some musical memories

All enquiries to Carisbrooke Priory Trust Phone: 01983 523354



On May 17th at 5pm at Bonchurch parish

Church the St Lioba Choir from

Wurzburg in Germany will visit Bonchurch

Parish church. This is not a formal date in their tour- they are visiting

Bonchurch because of the St Boniface connection. (He is the Patron Saint

of Germany). There will be tea and cake and a few words, followed by

some songs. It would be lovely if as many as possible were there to

welcome them! No charge.

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Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information.


St Catherine’s Church

The HUB Coffee Shop 10.30 - 12.30 Monday - Saturday


Rainfall of 65.7mm (2.59) was 125% of the average of 52.55mm

(2.07ins). Rain fell on 12 days at the beginning and end of the

month. No rain fell from the 10th to the 24th. The wettest day

was the 27th with 12.8mm (0.50ins).

The mean temperature of 7.3C (45F) was just below the average

of 7.3C (45F) was just below the average of 7.5C (46F). The

warmest day was the 25th with 15.3C (59F). The coldest night

was the 5th with 0C (32F)





INNER WHEEL District 11

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Thy kingdom Come, thy will be done ...

A Call to Prayer in the week leading up to Pentecost 2016

As we travel around the country, we are continuously encouraged

by the faithfulness, commitment and courage of all our Partners in

the Gospel. Your ministry in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ,

often in testing circumstances, is an inspiring testimony to the transforming work

of our Lord. We thank God for our partnership in the Gospel.

Like us, you will know that ministry is empty and barren without prayer. That is

why we are taking the unprecedented step of writing to every serving parish

priest in the Church of England inviting you and your people to join us in a week

of prayer for the evangelisation of our nation. In the week leading up to Pentecost

(May 8th - 15th, 2016) we long to see a great wave of prayer across our land,

throughout the Church of England and many other Churches.

Our hope is

for all Christians to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ

for all of us to have confidence to share the Gospel

for all to respond to the call of Jesus Christ to follow Him as disciples, to live out

the Gospel and to seek God’s Kingdom from day to day

At the heart of our prayers will be the words that Jesus Christ himself taught us -

‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.’ It is impossible to overstate the life-

transforming power of the Lord’s Prayer. It is a prayer that is reassuring enough

to be on the lips of the dying and yet dangerous enough to be banned in cinemas.

It is famous enough to be spoken each day by billions in hundreds of languages and

yet intimate enough to draw us ever closer into friendship with Jesus Christ. It is

simple enough to be memorised by small children and yet profound enough to

sustain a whole lifetime of prayer. When we pray it with sincerity and with joy,

there is no imagining the new ways in which God can use us to his glory.

But how? We are aware that many dioceses, cathedrals, parishes, and chaplaincies

will already be preparing to engage in special times of prayer and witness at that

time. If this applies to you, please do not see this letter as an additional burden;

we simply ask that your own prayers, as you engage in your Diocesan or parish

plans, should include your longing that more should come to know Christ.

Only you know the context in which you minister and the opportunities and

challenges you face, so the precise way in which this time of prayer is realised

locally will be up to you and the people you serve. If you go to the website: you will find many ideas and resources to inspire you.

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Amongst them are the following suggestions;

As a parish, team, or deanery commit to a week of 24/7 prayer

‘Help my church to pray’ guide

Special prayers in Sunday worship

Prayer walking

An hour of prayer before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

A novena prayer card handed out to every member of your congregation

A parish retreat or quiet day or a school of prayer

In addition there will be Beacon events in Cathedrals across the country over

Pentecost weekend (Canterbury, Durham, Winchester, Coventry and St Paul’s),

also at St Michael le Belfrey, York. The dream is this: imagine every Anglican,

perhaps even every Christian, in this nation praying that prayer together with the

specific intention that all may come to know Jesus as Lord. We profoundly hope

that you and those you serve will want to be part of this great movement of

prayer. Evangelism is the work of God, and it begins as we seek him in prayer. It is

always good for the Church to pray.

May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

+Justin Cantuar +Sentamu Eborac

Milk bottle tops I write on behalf of the local charity "Ability Dogs 4 Young People I.O.W.

(Registered No 1154896) and would like to record their appreciation of your

continuing help in recycling the plastic milk bottle tops (with the 2 logo on the

inside) tops with a '4' are also acceptable.

I regularly have to empty the boxes at St Boniface Parish Church and especially at

St Catherine's Church, which is full to overflowing nearly every week.

I am very pleased to continue to transport the bottle tops but would ask you to

make sure that they have been washed, the cheesy smell is a little unpleasant,

and remove the foil seals. Having said this, I would ask you to continue in your

good work and encourage your friends and neighbours to recycle tops as well.

Andy Chilton, St Boniface.

At South Court, Newport Road, Niton, I.W. PO38 2DQ

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HOME GROUPS Monday Evening 7.45pm

Contact Jenny Holder 852575 -

Tuesday Evening 8.00pm - At Mick and Nava

Young’s St Andrews, Belgrave Road.

Thursday Afternoon 4.30pm

At 28 North Street. Contact Hilary Davis 855797

The Hub Shop Please support your shop by buying or ordering

from the catalogues or enquiring whether we can

obtain anything you want or need.

Come and have a coffee and a browse.

Who is he? A musical concert was about to be performed in a prison. The Governor

was talking to a titled lady guest, explaining that the orchestra was made up

of murderers, embezzlers and other hardened criminals. The lady then

pointed to a man in the corner, holding a trombone. ‘He looks a tough

customer,’ she whispered. “Whatever has HE done?’

The Governor paused and smiled. ‘Ah, actually, he is the chaplain.’

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St Boniface and Bonchurch

Tuesday May 3rd Coffee

Morning 10am – noon.


Saturday May 8th

Scottish Fiddlers 3pm With a cuppa and cake.

Retiring collection.

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All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of

people who have been bereaved and might

like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 857795 (outside Hub hours you can

leave a message) or visit the Hub at St Catherine’s any morning

between 10.30 and 12.30. If you’d rather leave a note, there’s a

box in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss will be

treated with absolute confidentiality.

Is something worrying you?

Want someone to listen to you? Why don't you book an appointment

at The Living Room

82-83 High Street, Newport PO30 1BH

On the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 11am - 2pm.

We have trained Acorn Christian Listeners

you can talk to.

Contact Nava Young for an appointment on

01983 852680 or [email protected]

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We pray for those

recently married.

And we pray for those in hospital.

We remember with love and affection those

who have died recently, especially we pray

for their families.

We pray for those who live on their own.

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Bible Readings for MAY

May 1st The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 16: 9-15

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5

St John 14:23-29

May 8th The Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 16:16-34

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-18, 20-end

St John 17:20-end


Acts 2:1-21

Romans 8:14-17

St John 14:8-17(25-27)


Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

Romans 5:1-5

St John 16:12-15

May 29th First Sunday after Trinity

1 Kings 8:22-23, 41-43

Galatians 1:1-12

St Luke 7:1-10

Page 27: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and LINK 2016.pdf · A workshop exploring new repertoire for Evensong run by


May 1st The Sixth Sunday of Easter

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

May 8th The Seventh Sunday of Easter.

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church


9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Family and All-age Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30pm Pentecost Praise St Catherine's Church



10a.m. Holy Trinity Church, please note time of service.

6.30pm Festal Evensong - Holy Trinity Church

May 29th First Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

Worship for MAY

Page 28: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and LINK 2016.pdf · A workshop exploring new repertoire for Evensong run by


Articles for the JUNE Magazine should be handed in by

MAY 12th please.

You can hand it in at the Hub or email it to Joan Garlick

at [email protected]

Size format for Link pages A5 - GILL Sans MT - font size 11

Hand written reports/articles are accepted

if you do not have access to a computer.

The Julian Group Meet at The Hub

in St Catherine’s Church

20th MAY - 2pm (Please note change of date)

Encouraging people to practise contemplative prayer in

their daily lives.

For further information contact:

Hilary Davis - 855797.

All welcome.

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church - Gill St Catherine's Church - Steve

St Boniface Church - Sally

The production cost of The LINK is subsidised by

The HUB. Please give it your support.