the pennsylvanian - penn libraries pennsylvanian the pennsylvania^ entered hi philadelphia post...

-has, THE PENNSYLVANIAN VOLUME XXIII. No. 60 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1907 PRICE, TWO CENTS DEGREESTO FORMER STUDENTS LECTURE BY RAYMOND ROBBINS I JUNIORS WIN FOOTBALL GAME TRIANGULAR DEBATERS REPORT MEN FROM CLASSES OF 1873 TO 1907 REWARDED FOR WORK. Formal Presentment Will Be Made on Friday the Thirteenth "Twenty- three" Will Be Awarded Sheepikim. In pursuance <>f a custom Inaugur- al, cl last yi'iir. Ihf Hoard of Tin of i!i. riu\iisity win bestow dcgreos mi a number of torOMr ItUdl III;- on Friday, I).'.' r 18th, twenty- three degrees will i" bi itowad on the candidates in III.' College Hall Chapel. I'll.' . \erctscs. which will bt similar to iiiosi' of lui roar, win oommenee In mc.liat. I> alter ih.- n-milur chapel SX- . rclass. iioih Provosl Harrison ud Di HI I', uuimaii will .lellver addresses anil the cainiiiiati is tin dcgreei will then be presented bj the Deui of their various depal lln. Ills \ll Of the men receiving degrees were for Ij Stu- dent! nl Ihe University, hnl fur one reason or another thej wen deprived of the privilege of graduating with iii-: classes In accordance with lust year's pinna tin Ben will ba gradn ale.l as of ill.' class or ." thus being restored to their old i ranka, 11, 1', imnaai. will present the fol- lowing candidates tot 'he degree ol \ ii i,.IMI Borland Thayer 12 C . Ballon Cooke Hi' I ' ' Charles i.onis Mori.', .ii . VI C : Oscar Charles 1.1.'inner Carter, ' C Louis Rodman Pag*, 'H'i (' ; Thomas Harris I'oweis .1 B II. will likewise present the following, on whom will he bestowed William Henry N.n ris, 'T-s C Chart) s Alfred Rutti r, 78 C ; Thomas Harvej Dougherty, ". '• C; i.iiniiey Johnson, " 'C ; Brwln Clark- Qarn tt, 'M C. B. s. i" CM1 On- glneerlng win be pinned after He mini.' of John Francis I '01 The other mi u that !>• .in I' 1 nniman will Introduce are Horace Und n ich for Ph l). an.i Dieran Hodge Kabak- jlan for M S Dean Lewlt of the Law School, will |.l, sent the fOllOWing for Ihe I.I. H degree: Bdwiu Forea! Pox, '07 U; Hani. 1 Bdwln Sl.el.el. n7 I. Dean Frnzier, of Die Medical School. win reoommend the following for the \l IV degree Harold Nathan Wait •07 II.: frank Patrick McOluty, '01 II.; Pan] He Long, "07 M. " 0. B Is awarded to Frank Albertson. '07. Two men will be the recipients of the honorary degree Of M. A They are Albert Joseph Edmunds, librarian of the Pennsylvania Historical Asso elation, and Thomas Watson Sldwell. president of the Friends' School of Washington. ••• To Consider Honor Elections. A meeting of the Freshman Class was held yesterday afternoon when R. M. Phlller, Senior Class president, spoke on the of honor elections. There will be another meeting to-day to decide whether the class will adopt or reject the plan. Speaks Before Wharton School Men on Ward Politics in Chicago. OEFEAT SENIOR ELEVEN BY THE SCORE OF 10 TO 0. in. of ihe must Interesting lectures of Me' collage year was given in Logan hail yesterday b] Mr, Raymond Rob- bins, of Chicago, in. The speaker's remarks were confined to Incidents which he had observed In the Seven leenili Ward of Chicago, woven to-, gethei in such a manner as to hold in attention of ins audience. .i . being Introduced by Or. Carl Kelsey, Mi Robbins began by explain- ing the conditions existing In the Sev- li Ward, one of the tenement districts of Chicago, al the time he w.-ni then ten or fifteen rears ago. Al lliar liine the ward, into which man) thoosand people of eighteen na- tionalities are crowded, was under tile complete control of Morris O'Connor. The conditions were appalling. The a ere n it cleaned, an attention was paid to sewerage and sanitation, ail Ihe n.IJ for this purpose going into his pod 61 Mi. Robblna saw the meat need of assistance, nnd soon «.is with the people ol the waul as one of their numbei facts were collect.-.!, and II -nnd thai many children WON dying from milk doctored by formal- dehyde, and tainted meats were sold to the people, while O'Connor and ilie police n winked Iheir eyes He show .i the people boa the poisoned milk was killing the children, rinding thai the only remedj could I,,- fonnd In politics. Mr Robbins set mil on this course Mm to gel the people to vote againsl O'Connor, al- though bis ring methods were going , II an the time, was Indeed hard natter, for when there was s funeral he was the chief mourner and when there was s wedding he always dan.. a with the bride : hi less .it", r shoe ing the evils golni on, Mr. Robbins had i MI iii\ the promisi ol cairjIng the : with fifteen hundred majority, imi al out tin lay" before the elec- tion O'Connor came al >ng with 132, I ami bought up enough voters to change the odmplexlon of things, The people wore receiving bt neBI from practically none of the money had been taken a«ay from them This »M shown to them, as were the methods used by O'Connor, ; , n ,| f |„-n the time for the next elec- ii.iu came they were for Kobbins and no monej COUld change them Need- less to say Bobbins was elected, and tor Bve years the ward has been on a sound basis with conditions entirely changed. •* Interclass Bowling Matches. The first games of the interclass and interdepartment bowling cham- pionship were played yesterday after- noon between '08 C. and the Dental Department. After an interesting con- test the college class came out vic- torious. Score: '08 C, 2.118; Dental Department, 1.834. Dickscn Runs for Touchdown—Frank- lltl Field Covered with Snow—Ther- mometer Below the Freezing Point. On a Said Covered by two inches of snow and the thermometer below In /.ing point tin' Junior Class won the annual football game from the Seniors by the so ire of i"-" Prom I" ginning to end the Class of 1909 had the best of the argument The s. niors never threatened their opponent's goal line, and when they had the ball could do little with It. I In it cond half was played in dark- ness and it was hard to distinguish the players. There was much hold- ing and slugging'' during this half. Which the officials seemingly failed to notice. The Mist score came early In the gS wh.n the Juniors got the ball on the ihirty-livc-ynrd line on a fum- ble From there the ball was carried over the goal on rushes bj Townsend, We SBC DDurg and Kern. In the second half Dlokson inter- cept. i| i toiward pass of the Seniors an.I ran forty >ntds tor a louchdown. in- « i raili .1 to kick the goals after , i'h,'! to ichdown. The line up: Seniors. Juniors. in- Uamll left end Rogers maker ..left tackle. . Breitinger r> ,n left guard Ochs i Freeman.) K. Icy centre March right guard. . Hoffecker (Smith.) willcox right Brown mi right end Dlokson i i [endorph.) K, ann - .quarter-bach Bheble Waite right half-lick Wss.-nburg Ii ft balf-bach Kern Fulweller full-back— Towns nd (Captain, Refer* Dwyer, Umpire —Bom- ii" r Linesman MacMilian. Touch- down Kern, Dlckson. Oolan, Paul, Alexander, Parke, Melvin a Strong Nucleus for 1908 Teams. If the number of candidates for the 'Varsity debating teams who regis- tered yesterday may be taken as an Indication, the intercollegiate teams of l'.inT-'iiS will be every bit as strong as the two well-balanced teams which last year defeated Cornell and Colum- bia and won for Pennsylvania another championship. Over twenty-five men registered with the debate committee on the urai day, and bj December nuh it is altogether likely Hiut the number win i, considerably In excess of one hun- dred. Seventy men competed last year, when Lite preliminaries were held In January. The hardest places to fill on the I'.I.IS teams will be those of Milner, of the 1904 and I'.eit; teams, who U Inellgibl because of teaching in the Wharton School, and Shick. of the 1006 and 1007 teams, Frailer prize winner, who has graduated. Oner- mayor and Helton, of the lUn.'. 'Var- sity, are still in college, but will not compete for places because of the sure of work. Oilkyson, of last year's victorious four agaiust Colum- bia, will likewise be too busy to de- bale. This leaves but a small nucleus of ,. . ran.-. Parke, captain of the 1907 ti am against Colombia, and Paul, cap- tain of the 190G and 1907 teams against Cornell, are back In college and eligible, as are Dolan, of the 1907 i. am, which met Cornell, and Melvin, alt. nine on the 1906 team which de- :,..',,I Columbia, Alexander, alternate last who was one of the stars at Utah before entering our Law School, is another man Who will make a strong bid for a place on the 1008 team. With these Bve ri terans as a nucleus, it is hoped that two more teams of championship calibre will be develop" 1 All Students desiring to compel., are requeati i to dm p a postal card to the secretary of the University debate committee, 101 College Hall, slating their name, class and department, Freshman Basketball Practice. The following Freshmen must re- port for basketball practice to-morrow night: Abbott, Bulby, Beatty, Colder, Crowell, Hough. Hess, Kennedy, Saxe, l.eav.i son, ToUey, Taite. Williams. Watts. Weinberger, Brunswick, Mac- Inlyte. Kuapp. Furrell. Signed: J. K. Lee. manager. Junior Class Masting To-morrow. To-morrow afternoon at 1.15 o'clock an Important meeting of the Junior Class will be held In Room 205, Col- lege Hs 11 Signed: VV. Sheble, presi- dent. Dr. Cheynsy to Prssids. Dr. Edward P. Cheynsy, of the De- partment of History, will preside at the first annual Phllomathean-Phtlo- lexian debate, held In Price Hall to- morrow evening. Dr. F. B. Brandt and Professor J. H. Rohrback are the only two Judges who have ao far accepted. Students in the Hospital. The following are In the students' ward of the University Hospital: Thomas McCracken, Lethar Nietsch, Y. Yamasakl. All are progressing favorably and will soon be convales- cent. Freshman Football Picture. The following nieti report dressed ai the gymnasium to-day at 1.25 o'clock, sharp, for football picture. All men on hand sure: Marks, Bur- dick, Irwin, Cozens, Ferrler, Haw-ley. Lindsay, Johnson, Mauler, Mclntire, Bennlon, l'avoriie, Keplinger, Large, Marx, Murphy, and Coach Metzger. Signed: R. K. Merriek. Freshman manager. ••» Architectural Society to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Architectural Society .will be held this evening In College Hall. Sophomore Football Candidates. All candidates for the Sophomore- Freshman football team report at three o'clock to-day with their suits In the "Varsity dressing room. Blgned: H. P. Braddock, captain. Freshman Football Notlcs. The Freshman football team will re- port at the gymnasium this afternoon at three o'clock. Signed: Alfred Bennlon, captain. Ths polls for board of directors of the Athletic Association close at noon Saturday, so that sll ballots should bs mailed by Friday night. It Is very urgent that a large undergraduate vots bs registered. Ballots can be ob- tained st The Pennsylvsnlsn office, and the Instructions on ths back Should be read-carefully. Don't fail to vote. Address ballots, "Judges ef Election, cars of ths Athletic Associa- tion, Franklin Field, University of Psnnsylvsnia."

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Formal Presentment Will Be Made on

Friday the Thirteenth — "Twenty-

three" Will Be Awarded Sheepikim.

In pursuance <>f a custom Inaugur- al, cl last yi'iir. Ihf Hoard of Tin of i!i. riu\iisity win bestow dcgreos mi a number of torOMr ItUdl III;-

on Friday, I).'.' r 18th, twenty- three degrees will i" bi itowad on the candidates in III.' College Hall Chapel. I'll.' . \erctscs. which will bt similar to iiiosi' of lui roar, win oommenee In mc.liat. I> alter ih.- n-milur chapel SX- . rclass.

iioih Provosl Harrison ud Di HI

I', uuimaii will .lellver addresses anil the cainiiiiati is tin dcgreei will then be presented bj the Deui of their various depal lln. Ills \ll Of the men receiving degrees were for Ij Stu- dent! nl Ihe University, hnl fur one reason or another thej wen deprived of the privilege of graduating with iii-:■ classes In accordance with lust year's pinna tin Ben will ba gradn ale.l as of ill.' class or ." thus being restored to their old i ranka,

11, 1', imnaai. will present the fol- lowing candidates tot 'he degree ol \ ii i,.IMI Borland Thayer 12 C . Ballon Cooke Hi' I ' ' Charles i.onis Mori.', .ii . VI C : Oscar Charles 1.1.'inner Carter, •■' C Louis Rodman Pag*, 'H'i (' ; Thomas Harris I'oweis

.1 B II. will likewise present the following, on whom will he bestowed

William Henry N.n ris, 'T-s C Chart) s Alfred Rutti r, 78 C ; Thomas Harvej Dougherty, ". ■'• C; i.iiniiey Johnson, "■'• C ; Brwln Clark-

Qarn tt, 'M C. B. s. i" CM1 On- glneerlng win be pinned after He mini.' of John Francis I '01 The other mi u that !>• .in I'1 nniman will Introduce are Horace Und n ich for Ph l). an.i Dieran Hodge Kabak- jlan for M S

Dean Lewlt of the Law School, will |.l, sent the fOllOWing for Ihe I.I. H degree: Bdwiu Forea! Pox, '07 U; Hani. 1 Bdwln Sl.el.el. n7 I.

Dean Frnzier, of Die Medical School. win reoommend the following for the \l IV degree Harold Nathan Wait •07 II.: frank Patrick McOluty, '01 II.; Pan] He Long, "07 M. "■ 0. B Is awarded to Frank Albertson. '07.

Two men will be the recipients of the honorary degree Of M. A They are Albert Joseph Edmunds, librarian of the Pennsylvania Historical Asso elation, and Thomas Watson Sldwell. president of the Friends' School of Washington.

— ••• To Consider Honor Elections.

A meeting of the Freshman Class was held yesterday afternoon when R. M. Phlller, Senior Class president, spoke on the of honor elections. There will be another meeting to-day to decide whether the class will adopt or reject the plan.

Speaks Before Wharton School Men on Ward Politics in Chicago. OEFEAT SENIOR ELEVEN BY


• in. of ihe must Interesting lectures of Me' collage year was given in Logan hail yesterday b] Mr, Raymond Rob- bins, of Chicago, in. The speaker's remarks were confined to Incidents which he had observed In the Seven leenili Ward of Chicago, woven to-, gethei in such a manner as to hold in attention of ins audience.

.i . being Introduced by Or. Carl Kelsey, Mi Robbins began by explain- ing the conditions existing In the Sev-

li Ward, one of the tenement districts of Chicago, al the time he w.-ni then ten or fifteen rears ago. Al lliar liine the ward, into which man) thoosand people of eighteen na- tionalities are crowded, was under tile complete control of Morris O'Connor. The conditions were appalling. The

a ere n it cleaned, an attention was paid to sewerage and sanitation, ail Ihe n.IJ for this purpose going into his pod 61

Mi. Robblna saw the meat need of assistance, nnd soon «.is with the people ol the waul as one of their numbei facts were collect.-.!, and II

-nnd thai many children WON dying from milk doctored by formal- dehyde, and tainted meats were sold to the people, while O'Connor and ilie police n winked Iheir eyes He show .i the people boa the poisoned milk was killing the children,

rinding thai the only remedj could I,,- fonnd In politics. Mr Robbins set mil on this course Mm to gel the people to vote againsl O'Connor, al- though bis ring methods were going , II an the time, was Indeed ■ hard natter, for when there was s funeral he was the chief mourner and when there was s wedding he always dan.. a with the bride

: hi less .it", • r shoe ing the evils golni on, Mr. Robbins had i MI iii\ the promisi ol cairjIng the

: with fifteen hundred majority, imi al out tin lay" before the elec- tion O'Connor came al >ng with 132, I ami bought up enough voters to change the odmplexlon of things,

The people wore receiving bt neBI from practically none of the money

had been taken a«ay from them This »M shown to them, as were the methods used by O'Connor, ;,n,| f |„-n the time for the next elec- ii.iu came they were for Kobbins and no monej COUld change them Need- less to say Bobbins was elected, and tor Bve years the ward has been on a sound basis with conditions entirely

changed. ♦•*

Interclass Bowling Matches. The first games of the interclass

and interdepartment bowling cham- pionship were played yesterday after- noon between '08 C. and the Dental Department. After an interesting con- test the college class came out vic- torious. Score: '08 C, 2.118; Dental Department, 1.834.

Dickscn Runs for Touchdown—Frank-

lltl Field Covered with Snow—Ther-

mometer Below the Freezing Point.

On a Said Covered by two inches of snow and the thermometer below In /.ing point tin' Junior Class won the annual football game from the Seniors by the so ire of i"-"

Prom I" ginning to end the Class of 1909 had the best of the argument The s. niors never threatened their opponent's goal line, and when they had the ball could do little with It.

I In it cond half was played in dark- ness and it was hard to distinguish the players. There was much hold- ing and slugging'' during this half. Which the officials seemingly failed to notice.

The Mist score came early In the gS wh.n the Juniors got the ball on the ihirty-livc-ynrd line on a fum- ble From there the ball was carried over the goal on rushes bj Townsend, We SBC DDurg and Kern.

In the second half Dlokson inter- cept. i| i toiward pass of the Seniors an.I ran forty >ntds tor a louchdown. in- « i raili .1 to kick the goals after , i'h,'! to ichdown. The line up:

Seniors. Juniors. in- Uamll left end Rogers

maker ..left tackle. . Breitinger r> ,n left guard Ochs

i Freeman.) K. Icy centre March right guard. . • Hoffecker

(Smith.) willcox right Brown

mi right end Dlokson i i [endorph.)

K, ann - .quarter-bach Bheble Waite right half-lick Wss.-nburg

Ii ft balf-bach Kern Fulweller full-back— Towns nd


Refer* Dwyer, Umpire —Bom- ii" r Linesman MacMilian. Touch- down Kern, Dlckson.

Oolan, Paul, Alexander, Parke, Melvin a Strong Nucleus for 1908 Teams.

If the number of candidates for the 'Varsity debating teams who regis- tered yesterday may be taken as an Indication, the intercollegiate teams of l'.inT-'iiS will be every bit as strong as the two well-balanced teams which last year defeated Cornell and Colum- bia and won for Pennsylvania another championship.

Over twenty-five men registered with the debate committee on the urai day, and bj December nuh it is

altogether likely Hiut the number win i, considerably In excess of one hun-

dred. Seventy men competed last year, when Lite preliminaries were held In January.

The hardest places to fill on the I'.I.IS teams will be those of Milner, of the 1904 and I'.eit; teams, who U Inellgibl because of teaching in the Wharton School, and Shick. of the 1006 and 1007 teams, ■ Frailer prize winner, who has graduated. Oner- mayor and Helton, of the lUn.'. 'Var- sity, are still in college, but will not compete for places because of the

sure of work. Oilkyson, of last year's victorious four agaiust Colum- bia, will likewise be too busy to de- bale.

This leaves but a small nucleus of ,. . ran.-. Parke, captain of the 1907 ti am against Colombia, and Paul, cap- tain of the 190G and 1907 teams against Cornell, are back In college and eligible, as are Dolan, of the 1907 i. am, which met Cornell, and Melvin, alt. nine on the 1906 team which de- :,..',,I Columbia, Alexander, alternate last who was one of the stars at Utah before entering our Law School, is another man Who will make a strong bid for a place on the 1008 team. With these Bve ri terans as a nucleus, it is hoped that two more teams of championship calibre will be develop" 1

All Students desiring to compel., are requeati i to dm p a postal card to the secretary of the University debate committee, 101 College Hall, slating their name, class and department,

Freshman Basketball Practice. The following Freshmen must re-

port for basketball practice to-morrow night: Abbott, Bulby, Beatty, Colder, Crowell, Hough. Hess, Kennedy, Saxe, l.eav.i son, ToUey, Taite. Williams. Watts. Weinberger, Brunswick, Mac- Inlyte. Kuapp. Furrell. Signed: J. K. Lee. manager.

Junior Class Masting To-morrow. To-morrow afternoon at 1.15 o'clock

an Important meeting of the Junior Class will be held In Room 205, Col- lege Hs 11 Signed: VV. Sheble, presi-


Dr. Cheynsy to Prssids. Dr. Edward P. Cheynsy, of the De-

partment of History, will preside at the first annual Phllomathean-Phtlo- lexian debate, held In Price Hall to- morrow evening. Dr. F. B. Brandt and Professor J. H. Rohrback are the only two Judges who have ao far accepted.

Students in the Hospital. The following are In the students'

ward of the University Hospital: Thomas McCracken, Lethar Nietsch, Y. Yamasakl. All are progressing favorably and will soon be convales- cent.

Freshman Football Picture. The following nieti report dressed

ai the gymnasium to-day at 1.25 o'clock, sharp, for football picture. All men on hand sure: Marks, Bur- dick, Irwin, Cozens, Ferrler, Haw-ley. Lindsay, Johnson, Mauler, Mclntire, Bennlon, l'avoriie, Keplinger, Large, Marx, Murphy, and Coach Metzger. Signed: R. K. Merriek. Freshman manager. ••»

Architectural Society to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the

Architectural Society .will be held this evening In College Hall.

Sophomore Football Candidates. All candidates for the Sophomore-

Freshman football team report at three o'clock to-day with their suits In the "Varsity dressing room. Blgned: H. P. Braddock, captain.

Freshman Football Notlcs. The Freshman football team will re-

port at the gymnasium this afternoon at three o'clock. Signed: Alfred Bennlon, captain.

Ths polls for board of directors of the Athletic Association close at noon Saturday, so that sll ballots should bs mailed by Friday night. It Is very urgent that a large undergraduate vots bs registered. Ballots can be ob- tained st The Pennsylvsnlsn office, and the Instructions on ths back Should be read-carefully. Don't fail to vote. Address ballots, "Judges ef Election, cars of ths Athletic Associa- tion, Franklin Field, University of Psnnsylvsnia."


THE PENNSYLVANIA^ Entered HI Philadelphia Post Office as

second-clans matter.

the University year In the Interest of The Students of the University of





EDITORS. I. 8. Dlson, 'OH. n. Mnrrartnn, "01. r. A. Paul. "08. 8. R. Martin. '08.

w. K .1 "on, '08.

ASSOCIATE FOITORS. J. A. Al.rams, '07. J. F. Harbeson, "10. T. I.. I>ntly. '10. I) K H:irri». '10. 8. Roaenbaum, '10. H. C v\ i Ids, 'in.

BUSINESS MANAGER. j. c.\!;i: M.I. \IAI.O\>:V. ■,...

Roth Phllo and Zslo have begun the year auspiciously by winning their initial contests, and it Is to be hoped

Published daily (Sunday excepted) during that In the second pair—the Phllo-1 mathean-Philolexinn and the Zelo- ■Ophic-Baraard debate IViiiisylvmiki

will be equally fortunate. •••

Ten men reported for basketball practice yesterday. Such is the pres- ent deplorable condition of that im- portant sport at Pennsylvania

Two hours were held "|" Q yi

day afternoon so thai it would i»' pos- sible for anj numb r of men to Dnd

opportunity during thai time to report at the gymnasium tor work. Ten men were the It SUlt

This is certalnl) a dlsoouragi men!

to those who realln the Importance of basketball and are trying to develop

;i winning team tor the University. ii is ■ crying shame that oul of more

than four thousand undergraduates not more than ten can Dnd time tor prai tin- three times a wet i.

UMking at the situation calmlj and

dispassionately we are brought lace to face with the fact that basketball has reached a crisis at Pennsylvania. Blither we will produce ■ champion- ship team whose position in the league win be a source of pride to the

In voting tor directors of the AMI- University, or it will be found n< 1(,i' association lei ui show apprecla- 8ary to relegate this sport to sndenl tion where it is due and remind those \ history. The football season is over. I for whom we vote that they represent \\(. „lllst Ilow consider seriously the i

lean; that for a number of weeks will represent us In the most important Intercollegiate sport during that time. There may have been complaints that football receives a monopoly of the I interest accorded U) athletics. We do not believe this is true normally. I





On Friday, December 18th, twenty- three legreei »iii be conferred upon graduates by the Academic Council of the University. What a chance for the superstitious to prophesy dire calamity!

all the undergraduates and not a chosen few. Ballots may he obtained at this office today by all members

of the Association who have not yet voted.

• •• — When the PbUomathean Society

i its 'i i Phllolexlan team of Colum- bia In Price Hall to-morrow evening, There "'"■-' be s ""'' °"'"r ",|S0" tor it will be the second time within a BUch !'" ■-,1" Indifference

month thai one of the Pennsylvania '"l|; Wa """'"' Uk< "' k""w w'hllt

les Will have had its first debate "' " " '""" '-■ We wouW

with an organlaaUon outside the Unfr ■omeoM '""'" torward to i splaln whj

. The Phllomathean-Nortb Car- "":> "" """ '"i""'"! tor P«< Ves • ! la


oiina, which was held on November 15th, »as ii. ewlse a Brsl an affair.

In!' re Pi nnsyl-

vanla dates back to 1894 but no con- tests were arranged with outside so-

: iii'o took on Havi In IS i ii as late as this there wt re aeldom in four or five Inti i

ty debati s i hn atlre year i t 1908, when Pr< men. • class to meet the

llrs'-. i of an o itslde on slty, i!i addition to meeting the Eh

mores, and both Phllo and Zelo, who

Pour in practices «iii be held

re the li'si game i ason, en Deo mbei i Ith. Those « ho do I report tor work regularly Will not be

candidates tor the team «hen the schi DS. The pro-

this year Ini ludi ■ s Western

in John- tow n and Detroit. There ma] ala

• played . . Purdue and Wabaih Cm'. on their own Boors.

i.. t ui take this matter of our bask- stball team carefully to heart and consider whether each one of us is

met annually since 1805, have (l"i,r-" l,is dut* toward Pennsylvania now :ies as to l,v D ' Indifference lo one

provide tor no . live doubles ot l!l" 1""'~' ''••>>•»•■ 11> popular of all in addition to their own mutual con- rollpec s; tegt. ent squad and every other man

\ a i. iltfthe college year of "'"' nM ovt'r ',: .cthaii is 1907-'O8 will « I numbi ri l to :. port at the

of d< -:id small, than have ever bun given hitherto. No less than clev Q di bati B "ill be contested

this year ns against six in lOOo-'OG and tour lu 1899-'u0. Each of these con- tests, interclass and lntersoclety as well as Intercollegiate, contribute di- rectly to the general Interest In debat- ing, and it is conservatively estimated that more than one hundred and fifty candidates will have competed this year before all of the eleven debates have been supplied with speakers.

gymnasium at 7.80 o'clock to morrow I

We have decided to cut down the

list of candidates who are trjlng for I'" -I'ions on I he editorial board of The Pennsylvanian. Hereafter only the following men are requested to report daily at 1.15 o'clock: It. Hunter, Wlcdcrshelm, Melvin, E. Brown, C. Brown, A. Hunter, Sartor!, Lox, Bamford, Wood, James, Breit- inger, W. Irish, Fisher, Flury, I.leber and Miller.


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COLLEGE MEN Solid, waterproof leather thatwill stand hard knocka. Come in and let ua explain its good points.

We will show you the smart lasts in every

good leather.

&50 $4. $5. UFIS/IMFR'^. 5 and " South Thirteenth Street


Woolen Shirts and Sweaters at

Taxis' 3653 WOODLAND AVKMi:

W • have moved next door bo our oli in »verj much largt r quarters.

ar i peat, and


Mill W III

it. We ,i'il ■.' • . meii ■

I n't the slightest doubl thai we "ii.

rth ,' work v. do, oui the

Suits, $25 to 540. Overcoats, $25 to $50. Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits, $35 to $60.

Pjie, Inncs & Barhieri -COLLEGE TAILORS

1115 Walnut Street, Philadelphia









■»i ■SB?3 id*


' _ .MPO«Tt0

SAUCE Excellent with FISH SOUPS and GAKE. No




Bemro of Imitations. LOOK AT THE BOTTLE



Z .% «> Mint A r C a <1 •

COLLEGE clothes for COL- LEGE boyi »l COLLEGE prices tBd TAILORING l>y a COL- LEGE mail who known what COLLEGE boyi want Write to voiir friends at other COL- LEGES ami ask who I am— they know

PrlOM start at $20.00 for suits and o\i n•"

Students' discount.


10. right glovrt - to bnjf I II MM «nd live

' I




University Laundry 3607 WOODLAND AVENUE.

State, County and School Clubs. A meeting of the Utah State Club

win b« held this arming, at eight O'clock, In tha Houston Club. Dr. Kirk will be present Signed: C. W. Richards, Jr., president.

All Wyoming Seminary men are re- quested to come to 35 South Nine- teenth si reel tomorrow evening, at eight o'clock, to form a Wyoming Club Signed: .1. M. Wills, R. T. Wall

A meeting of men from Vermont win be held this evening, at eight o'clock, on the third floor of Houston II,ill, for the purpose of organizing the Vermont State Club of the University. Signed: it n Jeaaey, secretary pro tarn,

Tin re aIII be a mealIni of men from Illinois this evening, at eight O'clock, lie third floor of Houston Hail, for thi purpose of organising the Illinois State t-'iub of tha University, signed Raymond i. Weschler, sec- ratai > pro tern.

\ meeting will be held on Thursday evening, December 18th, at eight o'clock, on tha third floor of Hou II.ill. tor the purpose of organising the Lawrence County Club of the t'nl- rei It; Sigm d: .1 P Rb * ratal) pro tern.

The Central Hlgb BehOOl Club will hold ii meeting In the Houston club ibis evening ai eight o'elook. Ad-

- i. \ prominent alumni will be delivered, covering tha different phases of activity of the High Bohool men iii Pannsj uanla,

You are requested to attend an Im- portant meeting of the i.echa Club at Room -" B 1" Smith House, dormi-

ai eight o'clock to-morrow evening, The second annual dance win be held al Leblgb Vallej Hall, Al- lentown, on December Mth, signed: n maid Rune, secretai |

There will be a n ting of the ils" of the District of

Columbia al T.SO o'clock 'ins evening in ROOD! II Of the Houston Club. H

II should be there, [here will be a dlscu talon of the

plans tor the Christmas dance, ;: N w KI pfi r, pri ildent


Committee Meetings To-day. Unlveralt] debate committee win

, rnoon, at i 16 o'clock, in Room Ml, College Hall.

Mi, ing of Pri shman debate com- nhii, e to day, al i 15, In tha trophy ro mi of the 1 Haupt, chalrmi

III be a ii"' ■ I ol the in ■'!


' i

a committee tod i

: i u iton Club

if the Soph- ommltti i" Id

.1 1 IS d: Fran \

BOND COMPANY 8tatloners, Engraver* and Maker* of

Programmea and Menus


Sketchee and Eatlmatea Submitted

French ~..-ivers.iiion Class. The O role Prancala will hold Its

,; conversation t laaa at C.30 lock ibis evening under the

direction of Dr. La RooheUe. This win be tollowi a by a soiree and meet- ing of the (Tub in Houston Hall at eight n'ei". i..

••• Sophomore Cla»» Meeting Today. There will be ■ meeting of the

, Sophomore Class today, at 1.15 o'clock, in Room 206, college Hall. Slectlon of bowl custodian. Signed: .i. pierce Ferguson, president


College Shoes for College Men. If you are looking; for a real pair

of college shoes, call at Beaston's, op- posite the dormitories, and see the samples displayed by Coe & Young, Bootmakers, Boston, Mass.

JACOB REED'S SONS Young Men's taates and Young Men's flgurea are

studied in the building, of our Clothea for Young

Men. That's why they suit.


RAINCOATS $15 t0 $35

Clothim.HabeTda.lnri. JACOB REED'S SONS Halters 1424-1426 Chestnut St.

COLLEGE MEN Order your Suit or Overcoat and

have it for your holiday vacation.

Sack Suits. $25.00 to $50.00.

Overcoats, $25.00 to $60.00.



66 Ye Booterye"-ShoeStylle§ For well groomed men who

desire newest and latest effects without being freakish.

Jtmmpr man's 916 Chestnut 1 & 3 Mint Arcade

Optn Saturday Evenings


Broad and NejTOW-Gauge^Locomotives, Ulna and Furnace locomotives. Com pressed Air Locomotives, Tramway Locomotives, Plantation Locomotives. Oil-Burning Locomotives, Electric locomotives With*Westlngh lUBe Motors, Electric Car Tracks with or Without Motors.

Burnham, Williams & Co. Philadelphia. Pa.



10 Per Cent. Discount for All New Work


3713 SPRUCE STREET Established 1899. Opp. Dorms

University Texl=Books Both uew and second- hand, for all depart

1 raents, to be bad at


Browninfl, King & Co., 15241526 Chestnut St., Philada. Overcoats, Sulti, Dress Suits and

everything In clothing, In the newest styles from our own workrooms. Fur- nishings and Hati from best makers.


The Students' Photographer

Special rate* for Indi- vidual and group work


Central Roller Rink Eleventh and Arch Slretts







FREE Tickets will be given to you ni The Pennsylvania!!

office ar 1 in today

The Roosevelt 2037 Chestnut Street



CHARLES RILEY Caterer to all University


Win. H. Begley PROVISION

MARKET Special wholesale prices to

fraternity and boarding houses. You can do all your buying for table at our store—


3337 Woodland \\<mn

John Middle ton Importer.-' Mounter

219 WALNUT! rui



Pipes Repaired


The Dormitory Drug Shop OPPOSITE THE DORMI-


For Your Wtnta In That Una



Forrest Theatre—Vaudeville. First appearance of Mine. Suzanne Adams, American operatic sinner.

Chestnut Street Theatre—Orphcum Dramatic Stock Company, "Zaza."

The Walnut Aaron's Musical Play, "Yama"

Simply the Best. Unseasonable "bargain sales" are

symptoms of distress when toe pub- Hi I- begged to bay merchandise thai in the ordinary course of health) busi- ness should make Its own market,

nun- is nothing the matter with our olothlng.

it is »oiiii ever) » nl thai are ask for It.

We plead m, business Incapaelt) as S reason why you should be aide in gel ii tor less than it i~ trorth,

We offer it simpl] aa the best cloth Ing thai we knuw how to make.

II is Stylish and il is well made Suits 115 to $40, Overcoats *is to

too. o

College Men Wanted at Once! To sell our College Steins, Bhaving

Mays, eti Qo 'i commission paid Ear little work. I'i inea for U. of P. Sell on .liclu Write nt mice for full particulars. University China Co., Easi Liverpool, Ohio. o

Florida Men to Organize. This evening, ai eight o'clock,

on toe third floor of I Illusion Hall, a meeting will be held for the purpose of organising the Florida state Club of the University. Signed: .1, secretary pro tern.

"The Honest Barber." ■I.lies ai the Nonnandle has a flrst-

class sanitary shop. Beat tonsorlal artists in the city are

employed. Electric tn ISM je Thirty- sixth and Chestnul si i

"1907 Athletic News." Gray's Athletic Shop to the from

I again with all the new and up-to-dui. Bpaldlng Athletic Toggery. Reco* nlsed a the best. .1. F. Gray, 2V

i South Eleventh sir- • i

Personal Notice. From now on we press four suits

' and one pair of pants for one ($1.00) only. Special attention will be given to students. E. Welnstock.

Lost—Check and Money. Lost, sum of money and check on

Commercial Trust Company. R. W. Child, Law School, University of Pennsylvania.

Senior Football Practice To-day. Important practice this afternoon,

at four o'clock, on Franklin Field. All out. Signed: Howard \V. Fulweiler, captain. o

Found—Pearl-Handled Knife. Found, a small pearl-handled knife.

Owner can have same by calling at I Dr. Quinn's office, College Hall. o

Third-Story Room for Rent. Small family will rent front third-

story room, southern exposure; tele- phone. 4731 Hazel avenue. o Furnlshsd Rooms.

Fine furnished rooms for students; all conveniences; $1.00 np. Mrs C Blaw, 3338 Chestnut street

Class Fin Lost. Lost, a class pin, marked "A. H. 8.,

'06." Finder please return to Penn- sylvanlan office.

Furnished Rooms. Furnished rooms to let, with er

without hoard. Mrs. Stein, 8714 Lo- cust street

WE LIKE TO WORK For the man who cares for appear- ances.

Laundering the evening dress shirt is our specialty.

Neptune Laundry 15TH AND COLUMBIA AVE.

Both 'Phones.

No. I

For Hanging Up th-"Little Things"

s&NM. •»•«« Tour room

Moore Push-Pins


HARROW Clniwio Shrunk Quarter Si70 Collar




Tor Small Picture*, Flags. Fosters. College nick-nacks Tin- IIN.I i. ., n | polm will not illKMifiir,- wood or pi iat»i will- I Iii tacks

Strong and Ornamental Either sue 10c a Pat Met

Stationer?, MmnN-runiNtihig, , N..T..M, Hiii*t NO


Suits Made to Order. Repair- ^ ing, Altering, Pressing at

Very Low I'rices. 247 S. THiRTY SEVENTH ST. ..

C. Williams & Sons Awnings and Canopies

235 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Philadelphia


i ephone: Filbert 4160 A

W. H. Emblck A Sons. The 10 per cent, student reduction

announced In your Houston Club Book on Kmblck tailoring is a reduction on prices $5 to $10 less per suit than their nearest competitors' prices. Es- tablish this fact for yourself. Suit- ings, $25 to $50. VV. H. Embick & Sum, 1C28 Chestnut street.

Cleaning, Pressing. For cleaning, pressing and all re

pairing come to us. We have given satisfaction for eight years and will continue to please you and cater to your wants. E. Welnstock, 3711 Spruce street.

••• See "Frldey."

We all know Douglas, the man who shines shoes to perfection. Period teals, dally and Sunday newspapers delivered at your rooms; also up-to date shoe findings. 3659 Woodland avenue.

Suits. $16 00 Up Before you have

any Repairing Of Tailoring done, try us. Clothes called for and delivered.



Preston 5662 D

U. of P. *•« Girls In Water Colors.

U. of P. girls in water colors, by Christy, on sale st University l.aun- dry, S607 Woodland a venue.


Fourth and chestnut streets!


The Pennsylvanian Printing Company 3451 Woodland Avenue Makes a specialty of UalvsrsRy Printing of all kinds.

Class Placards, Pamphlets, Let- t.-r Heads, Posters, Programs, Menus, Engraving anil Jo* Work of Every Description.

This plsnt Is owned by Univer- sity Alumni and operated la the Interests of Pennsylvanians.

Best of wages paid, thereby insuring first-class work.

Wa solicit your patronage.
