the philosophy of exotischism listening to your heart 121 while people such as the spiritually and...

The Philosophy of Exotischism Listening To Your Heart 1 While people such as the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man described above like to try to develop relationships with other people, they tend to only

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The Philosophy of Exotischism Listening To Your Heart 1

While people such as the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man described above like to try to develop relationships with other people, they tend to only

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form weak relationships with the people who they meet.  But from time to time they will meet people who they feel they are developing a genuine relationship with.

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There is something special that happens when a woman with normal spiritual abilities makes an effort to get to know a man who is spiritually and psychologically

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vulnerable.  When they are together, she is allowing him to "pick up" her subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings.  Even though it does not develop into what most people would call a serious relationship,

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the positive spiritual energy that he picks up from her during the short periods of time when they are together "overrides" his own damaged spiritual structure with her spiritual structure

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(he merges with her spiritually [but only in a weak sort a manner]).  For a few hours after they are together, life will seem to him to be easier than it usually is.  He will feel that the people he encounters are now

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accepting him and that they now seem to understand his point of view without him having to explain it to them (he will feel that the presence of this woman in his soul is making it easier for him to

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communicate with other people).  He will believe that he is experiencing what most people feel all of the time (dynamic, real-time spiritual links with other people).  But in reality he will only be getting a small taste of the

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spirituality that most people experience all of the time.  While the woman will be having a strong effect on his thoughts and feelings, she would probably be able to have "relationships" with three or four men like him

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simultaneously.  Each of the men would, like him, feel that this woman was having a strong effect on them.  She might enjoy the company of these men, but she would not be overwhelmed emotionally by any of them.  If she did

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have "relationships" of the type described above with four spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men simultaneously and was asked to compare the feelings that she picked up from these men, she might

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comment that she noticed that even though all of the men sought out her company, she sensed negative spiritual energy coming into her from them.  She might say that one or two of them seemed

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to be exchanging more negative spiritual energy with her than the others were, but that the percentage of negative spiritual energy that each of them was exchanging with her was much higher than the percentage of

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positive spiritual energy that each of them was exchanging with her.

It is hard to understand why there are so many spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people who have

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more negative exchanges of spiritual energy with other people than positive exchanges of spiritual energy with other people.  It is true that there are bad things that happen in the world and that people are not always kind to

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each other, but how could people get involved in such negative exchanges of spiritual energy?  Below is one example of how a person might get into a pattern of developing negative

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exchanges of spiritual energy with other people.

Most of us have been in situations where we were going through a hard time and then we were very disappointed when the

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people around us (who we hoped would encourage us during our time of trouble) actually seemed to be happy about our misfortune (thereby making our pain even worse).  When a family is going through a hard  

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time (such as a death in the family or a financial set back) and a new family member comes along, there is a danger that some of the more aggressive and unkind members of the community that the family is involved in  

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will start to put increased amounts of pressure on the family in an effort to hurt the family at a time when they are down and vulnerable.  Some families can handle this type of pressure and humiliation better than others, but it is

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not easy for anyone to feel negative spiritual energy coming into them from members of their community when they feel that these people should be trying to help them in their time of difficulty.  When a family is

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pressured in this sort of a way and a new member is born into the family, there is a danger that the family will transfer the negative spiritual energy that is coming into them from the members of their community that are

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pressuring the family to the new family member.  The other family members are able to keep their equilibrium because they do not have to absorb the negative spiritual energy

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that was previously coming into them.

When the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person described above absorbs the negative spiritual energy that was  

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forced on his or her family at the time they were born, this negative spiritual energy becomes a part of their emotional structure.  Some families might absorb more of the type of pressure described above than others

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(and thereby force less of the negative spiritual energy onto the new member).  That is why some spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have a lower percentage of negative spiritual exchanges with

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other people than do other spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people.  But all of them seem to have a higher level of negative exchanges of spiritual energy with other people than most other

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people do.  When the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person forms relationships with other people as they are growing up, those relationships will be based on a combination of the

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positive spiritual energy they felt coming into them early in life and the negative spiritual energy that they felt coming into them early in life.  If the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person has an emotional

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structure that is 20 percent positive and 80 percent negative they will be sending a lot more negative spiritual energy to the people they meet than positive spiritual energy.  No matter how hard they try, they will have

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trouble getting genuinely close to other people emotionally because the other person will generally be more attracted to people who have large percentages of positive spiritual energy than they are to people who

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have large percentages of negative spiritual energy.  On the other hand, if a person who has the ability to form genuine (and positive) exchanges of spiritual information with other people has an

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emotional structure that is 80 percent positive and 20 percent negative, they will probably be able to form genuine (and positive) emotional relationships with other people without too much effort.

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Spiritual Comparison of Two Individuals

(Comparing the Percentage of Each Individual’s Positive Exchanges of Spiritual Energy with other People

to their Negative Exchanges of Spiritual Energy with Other People)

Individual #1 Positive = 80% Negative = 20%

Individual #2 Positive = 20% Negative = 80%

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It might be good if spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people could become aware that, while they may exchange spiritual energy with other people, the spiritual energy that they exchange with other people

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may be in large part negative.  They should realize that the only way they are going to be able to develop genuine (and positive) exchanges of spiritual information with other people is if they can,

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with insight, learn to understand how they might have been (if the "Theory of Negative Spiritual Exchanges" presented above is true) forced to develop negative exchanges of spiritual energy with

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overly aggressive and unkind members of their community who put pressure on their family at the time that they were born (or how they might have been forced into other types of negative spiritual energy exchanges

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with other people early in life).  It might also be good if they could realize how those negative exchanges of spiritual energy might have possibly become the basis for a lot of other negative exchanges of spiritual energy

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that they have developed with other people throughout their lives.

Situations like the one described above where a woman with normal  

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spiritual abilities develops a "relationship" with a man (or as in the example above relationships with three or four men simultaneously) who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable are not uncommon.  This

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sometimes happens in business situations where a salesperson, for example, might feel that it is important for them to form a temporary spiritual bond with their client so that they will be able to influence this person

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when they need the client to do something that they want them to do (for example, signing the contract).  The salesperson knows how to use spiritual links to influence and guide the other person's thinking. 

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Usually, the client does not believe deep down in his or her soul that they could have any sort of a real relationship with a salesperson who uses this type of low level spiritual connection to help make their day to day activities go

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more smoothly.  But people who are only capable of low level (and largely negative) exchanges of spiritual energy with other people (people like the spiritually and psychologically

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vulnerable man described above) will more or less bring the salesperson into their soul and will subconsciously "introduce" them to all of the other people who they have met

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during their lives in these types of situations.

You may have heard people who have normal spiritual abilities (and who have positive exchanges of spiritual energy with other

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people) talk about how their current lover was able to tie up their emotional loose ends and was able to help to bring their life into perspective.  It is almost as if the spiritual energy that the individual had been

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exchanging with their previous lovers (who were no longer physically present) was transferred to their new lover (who was physically present).  Individuals such as the spiritually and

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psychologically vulnerable man described above also have a tendency to transfer their exchanges of spiritual energy from women who they liked in the past (women who were willing to exchange spiritual energy

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with them in the past) to women who they like now (women they know in the present who are willing to exchange spiritual energy with them).  The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man in the

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example above might find the spiritual energy he receives from the new woman to be better and stronger than the spiritual energy that he received from any of the other women such as her who he knew in the

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past (and she might find the spiritual energy that she feels coming into her from him to be stronger and more intense than any of the other low level [and largely negative] exchanges of spiritual energy that she has

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experienced from other men like him in the past).  But when this man comes to understand that this woman does not believe that there is any basis for them to have a serious relationship, he will realize that he has been

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believing that this woman is giving him very strong (and very deep) spiritual and emotional guidance while she on the other hand believes that there is not really very much going on between him and her.  

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After having an experience like this, he might start to wonder just what has been going on in his spiritual and emotional life that could lead to such an strange situation.

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Everyone on earth begins the process of exchanging their subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people shortly after they are born.  When people such as the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

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man described above begin life they also begin to exchange spiritual information with other people.  But the spiritual thoughts and feelings that they exchange with other people might be

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composed of a much higher percentage of negative spiritual energy than of positive spiritual energy.  The negative exchanges of spiritual energy that they receive from other people might  

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seem magical to them (even though it is negative spiritual energy) because that spiritual energy comes into them in a magical way (though the automatic exchange of spiritual

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information with other people).  That is probably the reason why spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have trouble keeping themselves from getting " involved" with people who are not really involved with

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them.  They truly believe that something magical is taking place between themselves and the other person.

The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might imagine that

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the other person must care deeply about them (or is possibly guiding them subconsciously) because they can sense that they are exchanging quite a bit of spiritual energy with that person (possibly more

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spiritual energy than they have ever exchanged with anyone else).  But the fact that someone exchanges spiritual energy with you (even if it is more spiritual energy than you have ever exchanged with another

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person before) does not mean that they care about you deeply or that they are somehow intentionally guiding you subconsciously (and it does not mean that they want to increase the amount of spiritual energy

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that they are exchanging with you).  In fact, sometimes in these situations a person who is accustomed to having positive exchanges of spiritual energy with other people might get nervous when they sense that they

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are starting to have strong exchanges of spiritual energy with a person who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable (and they might want to cut back on [rather than increase] the amounts of

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spiritual energy that are being exchanged).  It is hard for the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person to understand what is going on unless they can possibly learn to understand that most people are

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constantly exchanging positive spiritual energy with other people (and most people receive very strong and very deep spiritual and emotional guidance from the people who they exchange spiritual energy with). 

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Most people do not get excited by the fact that they are exchanging spiritual energy with another person.  Exchanges of spiritual energy are for most people just a normal part of life.