the real leadership of the green mountain boys

The Real Leadership of the Green Mountain Boys By Nicky K.D Chaleunphone

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Page 1: The real leadership of the green mountain boys

The Real Leadership of the Green Mountain BoysBy Nicky K.D Chaleunphone

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Who are the Green Mountain Boys

The Green Mountain Boys are an organized Militia under the command of Ethan Allen and Seth Warner. They were set up to fight against New York over the New Hampshire Land Grants in what is now the State of Vermont. The Green Mountain Boys were instrumental in the creation of the state of Vermont and has fought from the early days terrorist days against New York to the American Revolutionary War.

The Green Mountain boys were best known for their early terrorist days against New York such as the James Breakenridge Farm stand off, the rescue of Remember Baker and the Panton Vermont operation. Both these actions that the Green Mountain boys did constitute as terrorist because they were fighting for their lands they felt were under siege from New York.,. The Green Mountain Boys. Image, 2015. Accessed December 7, 2015.

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Thesis Statement

It is why when it comes to the leaders of Green Mountain Boys, the true leader of the terrorist organization is none other than Seth Warner. That is because unlike his cousin Ethan Allen, Seth Warner is the kind of leader that is not going to be flamboyant, outspoken and brash. Seth Warner is the kind of terrorist leader who is known for intimidating their opponents with an overwhelming number of people and is the kind of leader who is not going to be brash, flamboyant and outspoken like his cousin. During the 1750s and 1760s, Seth Warner led the Green Mountain Boys on terrorist missions. Seth Warner used violence, intimidation and propaganda to promote their cause. Seth Warner had overwhelming support by his comrades to conduct these actions. The lower ranking members of the Green Mountain Boys assisted Seth Warner in carrying out these attacks. That is why the Green Mountain Boys use intimidation, as one of the known terrorist tactics; they were politically motivated because their land was under siege by New York leaders.

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Procknow, Gene. 'Seth Warner Or Ethan Allen: Who Led The Green Mountain Boys? | Journal Of The American Revolution'. Journal Of The American Revolution. Last modified 2014. Accessed November 9, 2015.

Procknow, Gene. 'Ethan Allen: Patriot, Land Promoter Or Turncoat? | Journal Of The American Revolution'. Journal Of The American Revolution. Last modified 2013. Accessed November 9, 2015.

Schellhammer, Michael. 'The Legacy Of Ethan Allen | Journal Of The American Revolution'. Journal Of The American Revolution. Last modified 2013. Accessed December 3, 2015.

Greene, James M. 2013. "Ethan Allen and Daniel Shays: Contrasting Models of Political Representation in the Early Republic." Early American Literature 48, no. 1: 125-151. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 12, 2015).

Kumamoto, Robert D. The Historical Origins Of Terrorism In America 1664 - 1880. New York: Routhledge, n.d.

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Why the Memoirs matter

The one thing you get from reading both Seth Warner’s Memoirs and Ethan Allen Memoirs is the fact that one of them is trying to paint him self as an American War hero who helped create the military/ terrorist group, the Green Mountain Boys. While the other, was nothing more than a military leader who had the confidence from the Green Mountain boys to lead them all the way from the early terrorist days to the American Revolutionary War days. That is why in Ethan Allen’s Memoir’s, you see him trying to promote himself and the Green Mountain boys. You see in his writings where all he talks about is trying to create the political force out of the Green Mountain Boys. As oppose to Seth Warner, in all of his memoirs, you see none of the flamboyancy, the brashness and self-promotion. Seth Warner is not the type who is going to try to create an image for himself. Seth Warner is the type who is going to do what ever it takes to get the job done and he is not going to be like his cousin. Seth warner is going to be the one who lead is from the front and is willing to take calculated risk and make snap decisions for his unit. That is why you see a contrast between Ethan Allen and Seth Warner’s Memoir’s

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The Difference between Seth Warner and Ethan Allen in their Memoir’s

Ethan Allen He had No Military experience Was seen as being flamboyant, brash and

Attention seeking. Had political motives more than Military

motives He was seen promoting himself than leading

the group He was known to write many letters articles. In one example of Ethan Allen’s letters, he

writes about wanting to go on a mission to Canada and bring some men with him.


Sparks, Jared, and Daniel Chipman. The Life Of Col. Ethan Allen. Burlington [Vt.]: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858., 147-151.


Seth Warner Had Military experience

Was never flamboyant, brash or seeking attention

Was more concerned about the Troops under his command

Never wrote letters for the public eye or promoted himself

Seth Warner was very well respected by the Green Mountain Boys

In Seth Warner, you can see why Seth Warner was chosen as the leader of the Green Mountain Boys and why the Green Mountain Boys stuck with Seth Warner over Ethan Allen


Chipman, Daniel. The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775. Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858, 41-42

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How I define what is a terrorist

My definition of what a terrorist group is taken from what Roberto Kumamoto’s book defines a terrorist group as “Consequently, terrorism constitutes a form of violent propaganda and the most effective terrorist are often those who are able to manipulate publicity and public opinion in their favor”. I am asserting that in the early days of the Green mountain Boys, prior to them becoming American patriots in the American Revolutionary war. The Green Mountain Boys were a terrorist group who were fighting against New York over the New Hampshire Land Grants dispute. Their tactics often involved intimidation and intimidating their opponents with overwhelming numbers to send their opponents packing. Even though New Hampshire considered them and legally listed them as settlers. New York still called them illegal, branded them as terrorist group, and tried to kick them out and invalidate their Land grants that they legally had gotten from New Hampshire and Governor Benning Wentworth.


Robert D Kumamoto, The Historical Origins Of Terrorism In America 1664 - 1880 (New York: Routhledge, n.d.), 4.

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The Key Leader of the Green Mountain Boys

So now, we have the definition of what constitutes a terrorist group out of the way. Let us now delve into one of the key leader of the Green Mountain Boys, which is Seth Warner and which is the real leader of the Green Mountain Boys. Therefore, who was Seth Warner and why was he so important to the Green mountain boys. Why is Seth Warner so important to the Green Mountain boys and why Seth Warner is the true Military /terrorist leader of the Green Mountain Boys and not Ethan Allen. That is because Seth Warner unlike his cousin, he is not going to be brash, flamboyant and promoting himself. Seth Warner is the kind of leader that is going to get the job done. With Seth Warner’s early experience as a skilled hunter, surveyor and a captain of the town Militia. It is going to play a key role in Seth Warner leading the Green Mountain Boys from the Terrorist period to the American Revolutionary War.

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Who is Seth WarnerThe history of Seth Warner is that Seth Warner was born in the same state that Ethan Allen and Ira Allen was in. All though Seth Warner was not related to Ethan Allen, they were cousins to Remember Baker. Ethan Allen’s mother Mary Baker is related to Remember Baker. Seth Warner was born in Roxbury, Connecticut in 1743. Which is not far from Litchfield, Connecticut where Ethan Allen was born. Seth Warner was born to the parents of Dr. Benjamin Warner and Silence Hurd Warner. He was the forth child in the Warner Family. He grew up in Roxbury and was a very well skilled hunter. Seth Warner had a very common education and learned medicine from his father, Dr. Benjamin Warner.

ReferenceHistoric Sites State of Vermont,. Image, 2015. Accessed December 7, 2015.

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Seth Warner’s Job experience

Seth Warner started out as a Highway Surveyor. In which Seth Warner helped the town of Bennington survey all the land that was brought under the New Hampshire Land grants. Which is why Seth Warner’s Common education and his hunting skills helped him out with his first job.

Another job that Seth Warner was given was the job of Captain of the Town Militia. That job Captain of the Town Militia was a prelude for Seth Warner down the road, when he became Captain of the Green Mountain Boys. That is because; the job of the Captain of the Town Militia is a leadership position. It is Seth Warner’s first taste of Military leadership, which is going to help Seth Warner later down the road, when Seth Warner is leading the Green Mountain Boys in the Terrorist period to the American Revolutionary war. By having Seth Warner worked as Captain of the Town Militia, it gave Seth Warner the needed Military experience he will needed when he is leading the Green Mountain Boys in its terrorist period and in the American Revolutionary War period.

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Role of the Green Mountain Boys

The role the Green mountain Boys was that they were the only form of Militia in the region that controlled much of what is today Vermont. They became a military force, which started out as a terrorist group that was to counter whatever New York tried to do. Even though the Green Mountain Boys were known as a standing Militia and a terrorist group. New York considered them as terrorist and rioters because of the fact New York held claims to the territory that the Green Mountain Boys were on. Even though the Green Mountain Boys held, their land claims were legally brought from New Hampshire. On top of all that, the Green Mountain Boys under Ethan Allen were the first known de facto governments that were being formed. They laid the foundations for the creation of the State of Vermont. For much of that time prior to the creation of Vermont, the Green Mountain boys were the de facto government and were the first known form of government. They often dispense justice and prevented New York from exercising authority over them. It is why the Green Mountain Boys have done a lot during their early terrorist period before becoming patriots in the American Revolutionary War.

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The Birthplace of the Green Mountain Boys

The Catamount Tavern is the birthplace of the Green Mountain Boys. This is also the birthplace and the site of the founding of the state of Vermont. This place is important because this is where the base of operations for the Green Mountain boys and this is where they met to plan terrorist attacks and defend against New York. The Catamount tavern is where the Green Mountain Boys set up their de facto Government. It was also where they dispense justice and punishment.


Vermont Historical Society,. The Catamount Tavern. Image, 2015. Accessed December 9, 2015.

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Ethan Allen meeting with the Green Mountain Boys

ReferenceLibrary of Congress,. Ethan Allen, 1738-1789, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Before "The Green Mountain Boays In Council", Examining Map. Image, 1858. Accessed December 13, 2015.

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Organization of the Green Mountain Boys

The organization of the Green Mountain Boys. This shows who was really running the Green Mountain Boys and that the Field officers were Ethan Allen and Seth Warner. In which at the Catamount Tavern is where Ethan Allen was elected to lead the Green Mountain Boys. This also showed the chain of command in the Green Mountain Boys.


Goodrich, John E, and Chauncey L Knapp. Rolls Of The Soldiers In The Revolutionary War, 1775 To 1783. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Company, 1904, 814

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Why people joined the Green Mountain Boys Many of them were settlers and farmers Many of the settlers brought their Land Claims from New Hampshire that were

being sold by Governor Benning Wentworth Many of the settlers were threatened by what Albany New York was doing to them Many of the settlers didn’t like having to pay double for their land claims to New

York. The settlers felt their lands were under siege Many settlers felt angry that New York was trying to take their lands away from

them Many of the settlers built up their land and were not about to have their land taken

away from them Many of the settlers were sold on what Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys

offered them in fighting against New York for their lands

ReferenceA. Smith, Donald. 'Green Mountain Insurgency: Transformation Of New York's Forty-Year Land War'. Vermont History vol. 64, no. 4 (Fall 1996), 198

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The James Breckenridge StandoffIn the first incident that made the Green Mountain Boys a terrorist was when a New York Sherriff Mr. Ten Eyck with orders from Albany, tried to evict James Breckenridge from his settlement. New York attempted to evict James Breckenridge because they claimed that James Breckenridge’s settlement was illegal, even though James Breckenridge claimed that he legally brought his land from New Hampshire. When James Breckenridge knew the sheriff Ten Eyck was coming to evict him, he had ample time to gather up the Green Mountain Boys. When the Sherriff Ten Eyck knocked on the door demanding that the owner, James Breckenridge come out. James Breckenridge replied back “Attempt it and you are a dead man”.

At the same time, Captain Seth Warner had two divisions of Green Mountain Boys with guns at the ready. When the New York Sherriff saw this situation becoming more dangerous, he backed down from Seth Warner’s intimidation. This incident with the New York sheriff was the first time; the Green Mountain Boys was able to intimidate New York and stopped New York from evicting someone from his or her lands. All without ever firing a single shot at someone. It even showed that the Green Mountain boys were able to intimidate New York without having to resort to violence or firing a shot. Not only that, this was the first time that you see Seth Warner at the James Breckenridge stand off and he personally was present and leading the stand off with the Albany Sheriff. It also showed that Seth Warner as not only a commander but also a reliable leader that the settlers can look to. It was the first time the Green Mountain boys used intimidation as a terrorist tactic to intimidate their enemies from doing their job.


Daniel Chipman, The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775 (Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858),19.

Daniel Chipman, The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775 (Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858), 20

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Rescuing of Remember BakerAnother incident that made the Green Mountain boys a terrorist group was New York’s embolden attempt to try and arrest the Bennigton rioters that New York called them. John Munro, who was embolden by New York’s offer to bring the Bennigton rioters to trial. Tried to capture Remember Baker on March 22 1772 and bring him to Albany for trial because Governor of New York offered a reward for the capture of the rioters. When news of this incident was learned in Bennington, Seth Warner and ten of his men rushed to Albany to intercept John Munro before he could drag Baker across the Hudson River. When they caught up to John Munro in Troy. John Munro dropped Remember Baker and fled back to Albany without his prisoner. In a way, this was the Green Mountain boys first rescue riots because they were trying to free one of their boys from New York and were very successful in stopping New York from capturing Remember Baker and taking him back to Albany. What it did for the Green Mountain Boys was that it solidifies their willingness to fight New York and fight them on their own terms. It even showed that Ethan Allen and his family members were very much capable of not only arguing for their cause but also fighting for them as well. Rescuing Remember Baker was the first time the Green Mountain Boys were used in any kind of action. Reference

Daniel Chipman, The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775 (Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858), 22

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The Attempt to Capture Seth Warner

In the final blow to New York’s attempt to capture the Green Mountain Boys, James Munro tried to go after Captain Seth Warner himself. The following day after the successful rescue of Remember Baker by Captain Seth Warner. Captain Seth Warner was seen riding near John Munro’s residence. John Munro, seeing Captain Seth Warner in the vicinity, attempted to arrest Captain Seth Warner. John Munro started to call for his party to help arrest Captain Seth Warner. In the ensuing battle, Captain Seth Warner was able to cut John Munro to the ground and knocking him completely out. He was not very successful because Captain Seth Warner was able to free himself and cut down James Munro. This was the first time that Captain Seth Warner made a snap decision, did not hesitate, and used the Green Mountain Boys to rescue one of their own from being taken to Albany, New York. It showed that Captain Seth Warner had what it takes to lead the Green Mountain Boys and later on, this will become apparent as to why Captain Seth Warner is really the workhorse of the Green Mountain Boys and the battlefield leader.Reference

Daniel Chipman, The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775 (Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858), 23.

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The Panton Vermont Operation

The operation was ordered by Ethan Allen It was lead by Seth Warner and his cousin Remember Baker. The operation’s main goals in Panton, Vermont was to remove the New York

Settlers from that town and arrest a New York Surveyor by the name of Will Cockburn

As a result of this operation, the Green Mountain boys under Ethan Allen, took over the entire organization and infuriated Governor William Tyron.

It set the foundation for the creation of the state of Vermont and the de facto government of Vermont.


A. Smith, Donald. 'Green Mountain Insurgency: Transformation Of New York's Forty-Year Land War'. Vermont History vol. 64, no. 4 (Fall 1996), 220

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Why does it all matters to the Green Mountain Boys

This was the first time that the Green Mountain Boys use intimidation as a form of terrorism.

This was the first time that Seth Warner was seen leading the Green Mountain Boys on a terrorist attack.

The Green Mountain Boys had an overwhelming numbers of members to Intimidate The New York Sherriff and the New York Government.

This was the first time that the Green Mountain boys conducted their first terrorist attack. It also showed that Seth Warner was the real Military/Terrorist leader and not Ethan

Allen. It was the first time that Seth Warner made a snap decision that was independent of

Ethan Allen Because of the James Breckenridge standoff, people looked up to Seth Warner over

Ethan Allen.

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The Dorset Meeting

The Dorset meeting is where the Green Mountain Boys and the Committees of several towns who had a change of heart with Ethan Allen and went with Seth Warner as their leader of the Green Mountain Boys.

The Vote for Seth Warner vs Ethan Allen was overwhelming and it was 41 to 5. It showed that at the Dorset Meeting that Ethan Allen was a major let down and that Seth Warner was their chosen Leader.


Goodrich, John E, and Chauncey L Knapp. Rolls Of The Soldiers In The Revolutionary War, 1775 To 1783. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Company, 1904, 815

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Why the Vote mattered for the Green Mountain Boys

The vote between Ethan Allen and Seth Warner was overwhelming by a 41 to 5. That is because the Green Mountain Boys voted for a leader who was willing to lead in the front and was not going to be very brash and very flamboyant. What was ironic in all of this is that Ethan Allen tried claim in his letter to Governor Trumbull, that the Green Mountain Boys voted to not to go to war. When in reality and in Seth Warner’s Memoirs, the Green Mountain Boys voted for a leader who was modest and unassuming. It is why with that vote in Dorset that the Green Mountain Boys signaled that they had high confidence in Seth Warner leading the Green Mountain Boys over Ethan Allen. This was a major blow to Ethan Allen’s ego because he knew the Green Mountain boys had more faith and trust in Seth Warner. Reference

Chipman, Daniel. The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775. Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858, 35-36


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Comparison of Catamount Tavern vs Dorset Meeting

Catamount Tavern

Ethan Allen was elected to Lead the Green Mountain Boys

Ethan Allen was voted and elected by the Committee of Safety at the Catamount Tavern

The Committee of Safety was confident in Ethan Allen leading the Green Mountain Boys

Ethan Allen was given the Rank of Colonel - Commandant

Dorset Meeting

Seth Warner was elected by people in the Dorset meeting

Seth Warner was voted and elected by the Committee of several towns

The Committee of Several towns and the Green Mountain Boys were confident in Seth Warner

The Vote was 41 to 5 in favor of Seth Warner

Seth Warner started out as a Captain in the Green Mountain Boys and rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel

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Why Seth Warner was their chosen Leader Seth Warner’s performance at the James Breckenridge Farm Standoff, Rescuing

Remember Baker from New York, Panton Vermont and his performance against John Munro.

He was well liked and well respected by the Green Mountain boys He was very confident, Vigilant and had unwavering courage The Green Mountain Boys liked Seth Warner for his Moral and social qualities in a

leader He Sympathized with everyone and those for and against him in all classes He was never selfish like his cousin Ethan Allen He care about the welfare and interest of the Men under his command Seth Warner even had self respect and dignity for himself.Reference

Chipman, Daniel. The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775. (Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858), 41-42

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Why the Green Mountain Boys went with Seth Warner over Ethan Allen

Ethan Allen was seen a major liability to the Green Mountain boys because Ethan Allen often times was seen promoting himself and publishing many articles.

Ethan Allen was seen as being too flamboyant, too political and attracted too much attention from people.

Ethan Allen was seen as being too risky, very brash and imprudent The way Ethan Allen did things, it didn’t set well with the Green Mountain Boys. On the other hand, Seth Warner never promoted himself and never wrote anything for public view. Seth Warner was the kind of leader that never attracted attention like his cousin. Seth Warner was the kind of leader the Green Mountain boys liked in him Seth Warner was always seen as being very confident and unassuming. Seth Warner was the kind of leader who always looked out for the men under him.Reference

Chipman, Daniel. The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775. Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858, 33 - 35

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Why History has it all wrong on the Green Mountain Boys

History tries to paint Ethan Allen as leader of the Green Mountain Boys and glosses over the hard work that was done by Seth Warner

What History books don’t show you is the fact that Seth Warner is the real leader of the Green Mountain Boys and Ethan Allen is just a political figurehead.

History books don’t show you all the behind the scene’s hard work that Seth Warner did and what he did as a leader of the Green Mountain Boys

History also doesn't want to show you that the Green Mountain Boys had a Terrorist period before they became Revolutionary War patriots.

The reason why History has it all wrong is because history doesn’t want to tell the whole story of the Green Mountain Boys. They only want to tell the good things they have done and not the dark and ugly things they did.

History doesn’t give credit, where credit is due. In this case it doesn’t give credit to Seth Warner and what he has done with the Green Mountain Boys.

When it came to Military experience, Ethan Allen never had the Military experience that Seth Warner had.

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Legacy of the Green Mountain Boys

The legacy of the Green Mountain Boys is that Seth Warner is largely hidden from history because of the fact that Ethan Allen is the face that many people recognize and see. What many people do not know is that all the hard work and behind the scenes was done by Ethan Allen’s cousin, Seth Warner. Seth Warner in large part is the true face of the Green Mountain Boys and the military/terrorist leader of the Green Mountain Boys. Even though Ethan Allen for his part is purely the political force and the front man for the Green Mountain Boys. He is more seen as trying to promote himself and the group than leading the group in many terrorist attacks. It’s why history is always ugly when it comes to the truth and in the Green Mountain Boys, it’s very clear they had a dark and ugly side before they became very well famous and an American patriots.

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Therefore, in the end, when it comes to who lead the Green Mountain Boys, the fact is that it is really Seth Warner and not Ethan Allen. It is very clear that, even though people and the history books say that Ethan Allen is the leader of the Green Mountain Boys. In reality, it is Ethan Allen’s cousin, Seth Warner was really the one who led the Green Mountain Boys and provided the military muscle and the military leadership to lead a group. The only reason why Seth Warner led the Green Mountain Boys is that they boys respected Seth Warner for his military skills and his leadership experience. Even though the Green Mountain Boys deeply respected Ethan Allen for what he did in the beginning. They simply saw Ethan Allen as being too flamboyant, promoting himself more than the group and very much putting himself out their. Even though Ethan Allen was voted in as commander of the Green Mountain Boys at the Catamount Tavern. The real heart and soul military/terrorist leadership of the Green Mountain Boys fell onto Seth Warner.

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Primary Sources Allen, Ethan. A Narrative Of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity. 4th ed. Burlington [Vt.]: C. Goodrich,

1846. Allen, Ethan. A Narrative Of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity. Walpole, N.H.: Thomas & Thomas, 1807. Allen, Ethan. Ethan Allen's Narrative Of The Capture Of Ticonderoga, And Of His Captivity And

Treatment By The British. Burlington [Vt.]: C. Goodrich and S.B. Nichols, 1849. Allen, Ethan, and John J Duffy. Ethan Allen And His Kin. Hanover, NH: University Press of New

England, 1998. Allen, Ethan. Allen's Captivity, Being A Narrative Of Colonel Ethan Allen, Containing His Voyages,

Travels, &C., Interspersed With Political Observations. Boston: O.L. Perkins, 1845. Coburn, Frank Warren, and Seth Warner. The Centennial History Of The Battle Of Bennington.

Boston: G.E. Littlefield, 1877. Chipman, Daniel. Memoir Of Colonel Seth Warner. Middlebury [Vt.]: L.W. Clark, 1848. Chipman, Daniel. The Life Of Col. Seth Warner, With An Account Of The Controversy Between

New York And Vermont, From 1763 To 1775. Burlington: C. Goodrich & Co., 1858. Goodrich, John E, and Chauncey L Knapp. Rolls Of The Soldiers In The Revolutionary War, 1775

To 1783. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Company, 1904. Moore, Hugh, and Ethan Allen. Memoir Of Col. Ethan Allen ... Plattsburg, N.Y.: O.R. Cook, 1834. Sparks, Jared, and Daniel Chipman. The Life Of Col. Ethan Allen. Burlington [Vt.]: C. Goodrich &

Co., 1858.

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Secondary sources

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