the relationship between political integrity and technological advancement

The Relationship Between Political Integrity and Technological Advancement Earlier this week for my amusement I asked a very broad and opinionated question on the internet just to draw some feedback for my own self-benefit and brainstorming. Simply put, is  political integrity or technological advancement more important to modern day society? It’s a question that has went through my mind countless times in the past year as I constantly read news related to our current political situation and all the news and data on new technology and innovations being introduced at a rapid pace. I feel a need to make a connection between politics and technology, one that goes to define just how closely related these two completely different entities are. It seems the more technologically advanced we become; the more dependent the two are of each other. To fully grasp this idea one must really look to the core of technological advancement first. I have somewhat playfully dubbed such an intricately complex and overbearing system of countless types of hardware and software into one category of “advancement”. To take this argument and clearly understand it you must first realize that I have cornered technology somewhat, limiting its scope to something we can compare with as a single object merely being  judged u pon from an other obje ct as if we were in an econo mic classro om setting . So for our benefit remember to clearly understand that technological advancement in this case isn’t very specific, and can expand to include many things which makes this contrast between the two subjects that much more important to understand. Technology has mostly followed Moore’s law for the greater part of the last 5 decades. The idea behind Moore’s law, which came from Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965, is that we will double our processing power on a transistor chip every two years and be fairly inexpensive at doing it. Astoundingly, that law has held firm since then as we now find ourselves in some very dense technological breakthroughs. The fact that I am writing this paper on a laptop with a dual-core processor in it speaks for that. A processor within a processor, how wicked. Even more astounding is the fact that my laptop would be considered completely out of date and insignificant now even though it is barely a year old. We now find ourselves delving into the process of making processors with 8 cores in them, thanks to the fine folks at AMD. Ok, now before I lose everyone reading this that doesn’t have a degree in computer science, let’s take the fine point out of this. Technology is going to alwa ys advance in our modern society. Politics will have no power in stopping advancement and it will continue to play a huge and probably even more thorough role in our lives going forward. Knowing that technology will always continue to advance in any nation, any place, any time, most people are willing to bet their money that political integrity is what is most important to our society given that technology is always going to have constant advancement while integrity can falter at any given moment, at least in the broad terms and comparisons with technology. Instead of agreeing or making a counterstatement here, let’s tak e a look at the fine lines of political integrity first and what it means to be to have, keep, and trust in such integrity.

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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The Relationship Between Political Integrity and Technological Advancement 

Earlier this week for my amusement I asked a very broad and opinionated question on the

internet just to draw some feedback for my own self-benefit and brainstorming. Simply put, is

 political integrity or technological advancement more important to modern day society? It’s a

question that has went through my mind countless times in the past year as I constantly read

news related to our current political situation and all the news and data on new technology and

innovations being introduced at a rapid pace. I feel a need to make a connection between politics

and technology, one that goes to define just how closely related these two completely different

entities are. It seems the more technologically advanced we become; the more dependent the two

are of each other.

To fully grasp this idea one must really look to the core of technological advancement

first. I have somewhat playfully dubbed such an intricately complex and overbearing system of 

countless types of hardware and software into one category of “advancement”. To take this

argument and clearly understand it you must first realize that I have cornered technology

somewhat, limiting its scope to something we can compare with as a single object merely being

 judged upon from another object as if we were in an economic classroom setting. So for our

benefit remember to clearly understand that technological advancement in this case isn’t very

specific, and can expand to include many things which makes this contrast between the two

subjects that much more important to understand.

Technology has mostly followed Moore’s law for the greater part of the last 5 decades.

The idea behind Moore’s law, which came from Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965, is that

we will double our processing power on a transistor chip every two years and be fairly

inexpensive at doing it. Astoundingly, that law has held firm since then as we now find ourselves

in some very dense technological breakthroughs. The fact that I am writing this paper on a laptop

with a dual-core processor in it speaks for that. A processor within a processor, how wicked.

Even more astounding is the fact that my laptop would be considered completely out of date and

insignificant now even though it is barely a year old. We now find ourselves delving into the

process of making processors with 8 cores in them, thanks to the fine folks at AMD.

Ok, now before I lose everyone reading this that doesn’t have a degree in computer 

science, let’s take the fine point out of this. Technology is going to always advance in our 

modern society. Politics will have no power in stopping advancement and it will continue to play

a huge and probably even more thorough role in our lives going forward. Knowing that

technology will always continue to advance in any nation, any place, any time, most people are

willing to bet their money that political integrity is what is most important to our society given

that technology is always going to have constant advancement while integrity can falter at any

given moment, at least in the broad terms and comparisons with technology. Instead of agreeing

or making a counterstatement here, let’s tak e a look at the fine lines of political integrity first and

what it means to be to have, keep, and trust in such integrity.

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Political integrity was the basis of what our entire nation was founded on. The planning,

formation, and words that were written so carefully by James Madison to form our Constitution

provide the ultimate platform of such a government with the highest integrity. There is no greater

institution of integrity than one that is held in account by the people whom it provides

governance to. In distinguishing the legitimacy of a government with integrity, one must have

the power to question such integrity and the Constitution provides us of such powerful freedom.

It is truly an art of wonderful freedom to be able to hold in our hands the power to guide our own

government and leadership, and it really makes the people of the nation accountable as well since

they are who truly decides the leaders of the nation. To me there is no higher power or authority

in the world as we know it.

Knowing now what political integrity is we must look at what it means to have such

integrity. Having such integrity is the most powerful thing we can hold as a modern society. Not

only does it hold people in leadership accountable, but it holds the society as a whole

accountable as well. To keep such integrity the public must be willing to stay involved in

government and make decisions about leaders and finally, vote who they believe will listen best

to them and best lead our nation.

Keeping this integrity needs to be the prime interest of our public when functioning

together as one unit. The public must be willing to stay informed and possibly even research

about people in office to learn about their involvements to seriously decide if they are doing their

 job and deserve their position. This is how you distinguish integrity within government and

 politics. If one person isn’t holding their side of the bargain then it brings down the whole chain

with it and our integrity as a nation suffers. The only way our government can be accountable is

from our society being informed and caring about what happens in Washington.

If the people are willing to actively participate in government and hold our leaders

accountable then they must be willing to trust in integrity. If the people have done their job

staying informed and made decisions necessary to keep government functioning at the highest

level that our Constitution provides then they have trusted in integrity. It is the glue that holds

together our government and the trust that people have in our government. Trust in integrity of 

our government is the ultimate trust and power that our nation can provide as one unified voice.

Now that we have been able to look at the generalizations of technological advancement

and its ever growing presence in our lives and the fulfillment of trust that integrity provides us,

there is one undeniable question left to answer. Which is more important to our modern and evergrowing society? Most people I have asked have argued that political integrity is most important

given that technological advancement is a given conclusion as we continue to grow as a species.

A select few have argued that in lack of a care in politics that advancement is more important to

continue to develop cures for diseases and cancer, and things of that sort. Both are extremely

great answers which can be argued for countless hours on what is really more important but I

have an interesting answer to the question. What if they are both dependent upon each other? I

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think that we cannot have one without the other and that they both help the other grow. Could it

be possible to group these two drastically different subjects together and say that one will not

succeed without the other? I don’t think it is outside the realm of possibility and I will now try

and show my side of the argument to further explain such a radical idea.

I look at political integrity and see so many avenues of comparison in whichtechnological advancement has an influence in what is heard, seen, and ultimately done within

our political spectrum. Technological advancement may indeed be our greatest tool into

improving the integrity of our government. We now have an endless stream of news on our

televisions and the ability to research countless pages on the web about information involving

not only the people we have appointed to our government but also what the government as a unit

is doing. It is a way to hold our government accountable for what is being done.

Of course, everything I just said is true but can be extremely vague and hard to prove.

Everything positive that advancement has provided is also counter-balanced by the evils of 

multiple reporting and falsified information floating about on our news networks and internet.This means that one must be extremely delicate in their information processing to make sure they

stay informed only on what is true and valid. I know this is quite difficult and causes more work 

on the part of the general public, but I like to look at it as a way of keeping the public

accountable. It’s a joint partnership that government and the people hold with technological


Now that we can conclude that technological advancement has some obvious

improvements to bring to the integrity of our government as long as people are willing to be

vigilant enough of the rumors that rapidly spread, then we must find the value political integrity

gives to advancement. To begin this comparison one must look all the way back to thebeginning of our country.

In the beginning, the Constitution was founded upon the idea of interpretation. This

interpretation is extremely valuable and varies greatly from time to time. I see a connection in

the interpretation and the advancement of technology. The value of a free society and in more

specific terms, free creation of ideas, led to an enormous technological advancement. That was in

my mind the integrity and flexibility of our political system doing a great justice to our

advancement. It was the ultimate pool of creative minds to be a participant, in order to help start

the leaps and bounds of advancement we now take advantage of every day. Without that integrity

one could argue that although advancement would have taken place, it most certainly would nothave occurred at such a rapid pace.

Now that can be considered a weak argument for the connection of integrity and

advancement, however, they are bound together by more than just the foundations of our society.

Today advancement is occurring in many places other than the United States. So to try and

reduce the scope of advancement to just the States is an entirely unfair assumption to impress

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upon advancement in this comparison. I do though see a distinct relationship with integrity and

advancement across the entire world. It is just a matter of looking at it economically as we did


Integrity has the power to bring upon great societies, freedom, and power to all that

desire to have it. With that though comes the opposite effect to end such societies absolutely andswiftly if such integrity comes into question. I feel that advancement can be severely hindered if 

the political spectrum wishes to restrict the creativeness needed to allow such advancement. In

the same way that advancement aids integrity, integrity aids advancement in the statutes and acts

taken place to allow such forward thinking. The more advanced we become as a society, the

more integrity gets accounted for and thus it is utmost important that such integrity is held so that

creativity can continue to flourish. It is a very basic argument but one that should reel in major

consideration given that some places in the world clearly don’t allow such openly creative


It may sound like a weak argument, but truly there is no other argument needed to link the success of each together. Without a strong foundation in the integrity and clout of the

political spectrum advancement cannot succeed, and would wither and die in a restricted

platform. When integrity is at its highest and held accounted for however, advancement can be

allowed to flourish and in return lead to an even higher level of integrity with the great advances

and conveniences that it brings to the table. The more advanced we become as a society; the

more integrity gets held accounted for. Thus, the more intertwined these two subjects become.

They bounce back and forth, providing not only balance, but importance within each other as

they continue mature and develop in our modern society.

Political integrity and technological advancement are some seriously intricate andcomplex subjects that can be discussed for hours without fully ever grasping the scope of their

enormous entities, yet they can be bound by such simple ties in a complex world and society.

That is the beautiful thing in our world, the ability to be so simplistic that people almost always

try and find a more mystifying and complex way of dealing with things. In turn it leads to more

creative thinking and thus the development of more great ideas, invention, and simply put,

advancement. Thanks to this simple connection that binds together these two completely

different entities, we are able to live in an extremely fruitful modern society, one that I am

extremely grateful for.